The Signal, 1891-6-26, Page 2b MKS be Isaf 1 R,hp at is w a, If'Le Ex old 4 1111 FK Mit 111 hd Ilii, 11 iI-,LINHY THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 1891. . MILLIE6Y MRS. R. B. SMITH IIA- .111- 111f. NOVELTIES AND LATEST STYLES ASI) is: \TiMM; A Cordial Invitation " II..w • I Wby, by simply images up your mtthdl j MIM aid owning into dee paring ittltf loon' we bars w,mflatty." Humph ' said Jared. and remind rtaaltnof kis paler. Martha maid 1 wsrdiy. . o massy of bar plus were Uswaejed 9 To the ladies of Goderich and vicinity to examine her stock. Prices right. MRS. R. B. SMITH. _:1f.1-tf MARTHA DREWE'S PARLOR. his e..-ry air,veutentseeming to•tcceituate hie 1 resolve. Mr.. IL•iwe did not refer to the Mauer again; brit a week trust" that .lay. when lir. A pretty little (arra-house, 'Hunted a' Irewe returtte.l horns atter a .lay *petit in snowy white, with limbs of vivid groan, the city five utile., dist.tnt, hr wet John suss' loot •outside the small New Englaie(' ays, tbt u1hg. paper h.tuger,..uning f'' the ltoisae with :ail empty pasty -Lushes and village of W.tterfonl. The house wan quite a roil or two of paper under his Arl. new'. The shing.ee en its roof were, still' tiIeppnlg int,, the little front eutl•y, he yellow and resig.us. It Mot a tram, smart Oeuvre toward toe parlor a' the right:, look pleasing to the eye. A smell, old IIx dee. wear "Pitt. 0401 he saw hi+ wife horn.••, Paiute,' a elark-hruwn, et.." hick a with Pfennig''ling ui the eeutre thoat f for nnuu, a d eyes at four walls streusel' used eue few yards (rem the pretty white house. her cotece.l with gorgeous gilt paler of the Mr. and Mrs. Jared I)rew'e hail nerve' . most pronouuce,l pattern_ front the old 11011.1e into the sew ,.ac. They , h114. aasuuucd an air of ign.,1 I1te of :any had Iegun houaekee.pin. Asa young M trrir.l Fret atm* dw_'ueana..t theaubje t, sudrs:ad, couple in the old house, and they had heed ±..hveriiv N'ea..IILvJ. how• ao you lute u' Lost in it twenty-five ye.tre. The new house tenni it lovely ` 1 thud( it's jtwst beautiful. the cnhninatien of the hopes and plana of " Vou remember what 1 said, Marthy many years. True, 3Trs. Timor liar -never ierewe -liked the (ddou Mame. It heel ter •• f•ut uem-_ " Well•" Wena new Mose h1ad a well ,right • tt�1 Win' to stick to it." in the kit,•hen. a leig pantry, plenty of " aaow, .lat•rtl, 1 •' closet* anal a parlor. The old Ls tune duel none •' 111 never -sat --foot in that r•o,10 of threw• thin.;,. • long as 1 lire• --and breathe am! •• 1 Iw_i,•tn t.. feel as though i uses t, keep my-se•nsts: Neter'" lolly. "Mrs. Herter toed et the breakfast- lie pr"ntrintxd each word slowly- and table on the,morniug the fifth .lay lifter with marked emphasis. Then he turned they had mooed unto the slew house.and remit out f, the learn. " IA,, eh replied Mr Ihrwr, }'„u lie'h get over it, \Iia. 1ireset. said, ' whinnies*. errg,goat f..r puttin' on style. f hopefully. to herself ; but i n her secret soul ain't neser felt unl.artie'Iar tical of a parlor. 'she (curd he would unt- A eon wun lettis'•n,ouI I good enough Ice ile made refen•nce 10 the mailer at I rte, or even the kitchen." I Cie supper -table. He .vert talked curer _ •• d.al't mind' ..ettin' in a nitre dew. • (illy And pleasantly of the events of. his visit kitchen, myself," replies! his wife, •• but I t" thu eltp• t don't want all toy comp - ivy to have to act The Itrmsaeis carpet, the plush sofa. the there 'apxai.ly rite n ter :w,1 his wife.lace curtains and rite merbk tip sonde of I I've felt the needof a parlor :, many a time, I Martha 5liewe.* ri..sor,. and dream. Isovue h s mild realities' dura:; the nett wink. I if you 'inti" " Well, yawner got sew n.w. " Jared's ••atdiehaaes.' she hid tie .iseetvp.I reputation of bei a very " asaiaMi " *0.,tro, awl she I plagued to have "a sight of cuu.l'u) the new hinter. She h.ol often pictured hermit the teseparuee red the dinner part she woul4 Kitt. She had even planned grand house warimug, with a supper t should surpass aeytluug of the kiwi ct gitels 1u that iwtlgtslt,orh•sed. 1t wan ha to leve all these lair drums coming naught. For 1 cats 6iuttto comp.:1y with .lare.l actio' so. lle'J tete to l.. 10 the par wuue," she arid t.. herself, often with h tiara to iter l'he �lmuuar .la), w,a.,r.. into Nidus• \uLttutu,ael the .lut.mm 4w)• gate place the w,..a* ALAI .A110we of fosse November . ,Uhl the fret tit J,ttv,t Drew, loin iw erora.d the thn•.iwid ..i LI.. own parlor at Martha haul stuttered uutohl nsurt5Acatio on this acc•uuut. Tlcy were sluing alai* in rather yeoney silence at the clime • of u Ltrk and starts diy in late November. Martha had loran well fur severe! days. She had not ewe .1 connect! ;.. her lied a shay it, her 1, and A ah;ht iuthispai120n us:ally uia.it• 1: irritable. ,he tett that t: is 4.1.1o1 iw In sun degree a dirpie t: ler her to be silo It w *1111 a, Lunen wile as gret:t tide that aIle r.menal.ere.l that neither she nor Jared had ever t.cr.;td the N'1 aetal Of a pbys .•inti. hut ah.' looked ill rw.u,k tot ttes..i un now. 'There were greet blare Lae 1.,wa Mewl her du!' eyes, he. dleeks wen: thmhtrl, I. lii.a illy, mud she crept about slowly uta languidly. •• Ilet ter let me go for the doctor, Marthy. Jamil had said aeveral times. ,. 1 bhev you're sicker 'n you sevkou you air." •' 1'ee au ilei• 111 is Letter to the morn lug. l'ut goin'to Like s dose of Lite::,, 1,15 ter. that helped Ilse .0 *'tau 1 kind 11 raw down in list titMtuor. %Vt.; you'd set t ar nor Pte.. •• \Wer.' are they '.•• he asked, rising from hu cisir, 5t$» prier l .- had Imes totaling ,till in k.. fiend. •• Ua, they.•re in the-th., set clown .tared, I'll get, ail. and get cin' t:sy self. " She was :y gig 044 the Lounge at the tint. ase! AL' Wt up painfully aid slow.. , %title ley hate.:.td IV nay' •• No, no, Marthy: lay still 1 111 get 'tun. 11'berr arc tiley "� 'lYtt•) rem dist LI theasarl..r.,lsri,L" He stared blaikty at her for a moment,lrs face cn:dealing he t.a,lk a step f,twartl and then dropped l., -it heavily. tmu,li.. chair and held the toper cp Is tors- Isis face w a-nce, Ills wife an, e w ithout a wool laid feel,I- walked aeries the i',,.r, hr.athing lotavtly enol herinug herself Trow talh:,g Ly lraumlg ,u tables awl chairs. .1..5-aal watched her furtively while pwetewiin,: to reed. There wry A t isthle meas.:.ung of the csrut•rs ot his trout 1i reit e, anti Its teeth. *et clue to - showed l.1*een his pirtr.l lips. 'he hand that luti.1 the l.gxr trembled, lout to sat tti;l. filo, grated wilt ,Newly grat d Iter way across the tall. He :.cant tihe µcalor. .poor open. He carol the .lo..r .•f the little closet swing sick, creaking siigl.tly on i:, hinges. Then e hear.' \lards tall. • He r.ln to the open dn.w of the parlor. he w.s lying at lull length, face dow•uwanl, u the doer. " M erthy : 'lartlsy :" he cried: but he topped short, filth hs its•, on the parlor .r. -*bola, his atublwtru, iutletil,le *ti. lu:h to 1,411,1 air hrtak even to give aid to the wife iA• truly loved. ,. Marthy : 0. 1 Marthy :" he called. m'eLung his antis far into the own. te- ar! her. " [only, Marthy, conic here and 11 do everything 1 kin for „-on. 11011 over, inn cant walk, 'tarthy Ile dr.gq.ed t0 lila knees. hent his great sit forward and trial to reach her, lout ht oeveral feat. There was • ludicrous le :o tt all. Marthy :-. he fairly shrieked. She neither 'noted nor spoke, but aid. ,lily she gate a pitiful groan. ••l:eoAl lased! 1Vhatat. old tad 1 I,e' HR effect produced by ueClrwp .;Lar r i ag a Maker and B l a cks mit the I'setoraL Colab, Goodie Ctiessw by sad &we Throat are, In meat massa, fes. 1 wealiateiy relict ed "Lite Magic, T J_ P_ BRO w .LV tie 1x01 lu 10 iw a hat •er rl to lir ot "1 have need Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in my (gamily for thirty years and hers by the use of this wonderful remedy. It strengthens the vocal organs, allays Irr►tatioa, and pre- vents the Inroads of Consumption; in every stage of that dread df , Ayer's Cherry Pee Loral reliever cough- ing .' hs ung and in.uce$ refreshing rest. i always fomul it the best remelt' for croup, to s Melt complaint my children tn•i teat,.het•[ .n11ect.'•-Capt. U. Carley. tc, hr•e.ktyu, \. 1. ail "From an experience of neer thirty u.• ”-an. to the sale ..f pn:prirtary toed'- . oed .airs, I feel justified in retv.mmending \rer's Cherry l'e,'i prat One of the hest reronumendations of the Po'*oral U y'- the andnring quality of iia popularity, 1t Ant being n.or.• s.aab►r uuw than ft will twenty-five wars ago, when its great sn^0eas WAS considered m.arvelous.••- 1: S. hrakr, )I D., Bettie, Kant. te "My little stater, fur }ears o1 ISM as w:.'. so Ill frum brt.n,bstis that we almost given up here of her recovery. tair faintly phyai.•i•n, a skilful man and i- of larte exlwriew'e. pronossrwed it use- 144410 se ht,.. 10 give her any more tuedicine; saying that he had dune all it was taw slide to do, and we must prepare for the worst. A. a last resort, we determined t,. try Aye•r's 1•herry l'e.•toraI, and 1 can er tt er t end, -r d truly say, with the meat happy results. After taking a few d.w•s she 'teeniest to -• breathe easier. nod, within a work, was out .d danger. 11'r • ontinued besting the c I Pectoral until eat leftist she was entire) well. This has girentne unln.un.lydfaith ib the•',reparatia,n, and I recommend it e•nthdontly t" my aust,'nlers." - C. O. L.plwr. Druggist, Fort Wayne, 1101. L F'e5 Cold. tan' /'[ugh•, take Is Ayer's Chem Pectoral, r1EPAOEI,• ET + Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. • ars e$ t sir bottle*, $.5, Wirth $,, a lsrttla ' She called her husband to note the general h " his, when 1 git It furnished." 1 e:fart when everything was in place. H•• Oh, l reckon u'1l want to till it full i came Ln the .l'en •I""e an•i looked in. s yet •' I'Obit. 111 an set down in this mer. t of all aprts of ff tib-dublocry wonwlc � pat- ' like." ,ent re::erand are how easy it rocks,- the i'tn going to have things niter, :any sold. e how. hare) hones. I't r waited hog enough for thank ye," he said, curtly. " 1 t! for 'rm.- I bev.•r exp et to set in it... " %Vita: you tall • nit, ,"' She triol L. lough' lightly, AS she Keil, I'm eating to have a real !iron/iris ; said : carpet. 'for thiun, and a m:.rble-top tab"le I, i'"baa, dared : Don't IIA, 0, 4411) "' and • ',lush sof), ..:s ace curtans and nice 1 lace j He turned and "1"1"`I away to 5i1- chairs '. {,snare. ,. Shucks 17 Mr. I)rcwe said, ••11•,, t. p.. The minister and his wife came out front uortslt, but he did not oli.•r any objection s the slung" 1.. call, the mctt ,day. Mrs. to this extravagant outlay of long and ann.,- IM•wc where.'m, l theinto the gorgeous "sir - fully ho*rleel tuna., 11.' kn.•w, mot-e.svtr, I Lor, her heart AAeling with pride. Jared that moat of this splendor would be ((Aird,- 04011" 10 1114 dike- with au odd wooden ,•hair said out of his wife's own.stusga. shewa. from the kitthca, Plumped it down Nat and a wipe woman and haul a pare of her I land on the etil-el.th of the entry tl.,,r, and 4.011. eat thcr,--duan; the mite -4...411. " Ketch t,,.• having t., run to .Eared or to 1 ,. N'''n v [.ver l•t•ell enllle ms L. shake an • other mai' et' ry timehoists with 'env," y I want a Gttlr 5 Martlta .aid, :after. ward. " I know t:." "%Vhat do you e'px.e they'll think " plana,, what.- " If tfut's the way you're 'goin' t.. net ev'ry time Anybody into' here, 1'd thath yule to keep out o' sight altogether. ' " 1 reckon 1 *.telt to 'see folk' .01 tnucll as 'tut has wife'. second prop.eeui.n .,ronm.I y"u d0... a apint of decided anta..oi.rn 111 dared "rte a notion eo 0. en -1 hove et'' y ltrew,• : noon in the !muse papered -she said, " 1 want to have W..' parl••r Impend ,01114. hot'}•. time nett week.- "Thor, 111 take up rnyalasie in the tavern," •• 5'..pwre.l,•' he r,-phrd. calmly. Mr. Ikew•e looked up •Iwe•tly. surprise "'1 he Ilrcwe, a11° -0y8 was a stuhk,r n sei, and oppmeti.0* .1e0c4e5 on .eery lino of hi. lout 1 veto 1 delta t a Ener Jared sold 1.e s1 face. pig he'aae1," she sal.i when he had left the •• hes, papered." replied Mrs. Itrewe, 111°,111- " You s pee 1'm, ggo.ing to have bare white `111°,111- ":a• had many callers during the next few walhu when a'ry icily else has thein pa. weeks. 11,.- fame of herr gorgeous se'dor brought all her friends and .w.guaintat.ces to beheld Its epleudor•a. .tate) stat at the door on the old woolen elms during neatly ell of these calls. ile was earful not to let even the toe of his loot enter the Ile/pined noon,. The slurp eysn.4 some of 'Ira 1)rewe's canna asset notices,' Jared's ppeeettliar con - duet : their kern noses scented domestic dis,»rl. '•%that'. the natter of Jared'!" asked Serail 'slay. Mrs, Hirer's sister, a few weeks after the papering *oil furnishing of the parlor. " Nettling that 1 know of,' replied 'lartha. " What nsakes you ask `' •' Didn't he want yeti to Iny your parlor tit.; "•• •• 1 don't ire ally ..n earth you object N, to •' Fie didn't care. Whatever put that a little wall paper. Jared.- 'dee into your heal, Sally r " 1 de"pis'• wall P'1 -r. - he said. with "They say he won't eat• in one of the wstething like childish p•ncrarneea, patios cheer., nor i% -es. step into the " 11-hy . e. rem... " Realer 1 .1•. ' . "Who Pays so •" " That ain't any naso, • "Oh, )h, it's a emmon talk. i've been naked " It's unhealthy .for one thing." &le0,* it more'n'ne• " " F'oldk•faddl•' •' Mrt I►mwr went !•rote greatly distressed •• Any doctor 'II hell ye so, ' and humiliated. She wail a sensitive little '• I wouldn't b'lli,.' it if he did. K.ery. woman, notwithstanding her "grit,' and body b..* wall paler nowadays." she eo.1d not endure the thought of having •' 11 r haven't.' her domewtie affairs wade a subject 0f net •• %Ve're grain' to fee's In..n go.lp. She was rigidly Initldnl, tae, ..,, met.'- and .h,• wait forced to *alit to her slater lin. (trews. sat park entity in her after, that she and her Moan,' hail hod a dim on LMrAule am] drti.nt. Her'da••k eye* show. agreement. She felt hotly reins -them toward Ung as else asul : Jared :...he enMrel the pretty little new h.v •• Th -r, '. no *me in vur actin' at. hotter 1n whu•h she hail expetel to he an bre Jared brew.'. 1'11, goo, to stave that panes 1.appy. Jared was hying on the lounge in retie imPrr"1 his shirt alert,. and .t„ekingel feet, 'nut 11'h 1,•u ale, Mel I II never .et front In it PA mg the weekly paper. fa. Heng M 1 Inc and breathe tin' breath .J I " Well," mid %fart hot, while untying her ktw lila !" hMtnet-strings, " it's pmt out." 'lad " Irkidte.tI,ka'" •' What'. wit( oat " i never will, \larthy." " IW.rwt you .syr' y011.41 newer art money, aloe had wool, M the beg uuung their pnigrinage as man and wife. •• No, air : my savings shell le• my stem.'. Adhering teuaci"usly to this read%,• :u1.1 ever keeping in wind :a time to touw' when she should have a new holds,, Mrs. I lrewc had mo'n'ey .enough t,. furnish the heti* as she Omen!. peel •" •• We'd all lam Malls in the old hotter... " I don't care if we did : we kept think in' and thinkin' we'd build es'ryy year,, and it didn't .,em worth while to.1., any papreriu' or titin' up : butif you reckon I'm gnu'' to live the rest o' my days in bare whiti walled morns you're mistaken." She sp .k.• de •invely, for els saw u•m'Aual deshs of epj1.aitiem in herr hio. and'. harg.', unheard.' face with eta a1 sr.• first jaw end Olin indicative of great firmness. of pompom.. m.. Iter own have Hun• a resolute, emphat se et prp4w14,41, 55.4. AAA a pha ky little %teas Her husband had A secret pride in what he milled her "grit,' although he would hate dies) before he world hate ,••e,fe,IM4l it cried .larwl, suddenly leaning hack an.! strik.ug hu breast with his clenched fists. A fool ail' a beast to Set the Joest wife any Ilio • ever haul sutTor • second, whets 1 'tight help her ' The Lord forgive ate Ne I.,ut,dei 1.. iter si.le as he aptke, and took her limp awl uncouactenIs form up in his arms, saying, as he did r. : " It'll he a judgment on one if site dies. The best wite in the world' Marthy Marthy. deir : What ado ye Y' Hie r,vI.Iten called her " doer." He did so now with great tenderness and gentle nes. " Marthy, can't ye open your eyes! see, dear: 1'11, in the parlor. 111 conte In it m lfiht along now.. The paperin' reely sets .1 opt. Fre thought 10 from the fast, but 1 was taw trussed stubborn to say so. Oh, Narthy : What is the natter!"For she did not even open her eyes. It was seven weeks before she left the bedroom to which he carried her. He had been one of the ten,ierest and most patient of nurses, but the aped •' parlor " hod never t passed either his hies or bets during all that • 1 She heel thought ,ouch alsut it, however, k tut not with pride tw pleasure, heceuse• she had no hope tha' .{and would ever enter it r now, and the wall-ptts'r could not he re- moved. k He tarried her out tenderly and gently the s tint time she left her r,o,n. •• Want nip to tarry yt• into the parlor, 'larthy he asked, after he hail her in hu arms. " It's sunny and bright in there. I've got a gtood tire in the store and the the wall paper •hint. beautifully. ' She looked up with shining eyes and the e first flush thin' had 'sen an her cheeks for 1' many weeks. 1. •• If you 0011111 early me 111 and lay me on k the mutt- Awhile, .fared. •• Why 1 1 tilt, .lard: %Vliat flees it mean' 1 thought you Oh, dared ' ' tor as he-or,.eI her ort into the dining -room gr and through the srtting.I.a•m to the 9 hall she sew that ail the one, bare and cold and sharing whit,• walla were entered w with more I'llienalvr mid beautiful paper k than she herself would have 1 ht. Three 0444 a were, reel *1141 Is 'k carpet the hall ll,,,r, a new carpet for the eit- -nsm,, new anti pretty chain anal table's 1, and there. and a mirror in a gut frame we..,. the two front parks wmdowa that had nearly (nen the floor to the veiling. 1, en she .aught a regkcti,m eel their 'es in the shineig glass, Alm aaw in leoth • ler, gentler, tenderer link then. either A worts fee years New York '.edger. CARE OF THE EYES., 1 res k 1 se...p.TbK Sky. leave M A skilled optician furnisher the ting:owing bite of infornetinn :e to the care of the Lyes : Kett, a shade en }cur lamp cr pis 1 Mn 0r. inroad all sudden changes bctwenn light a'n.I darkness. Never begin to real, write or sew for .evenil 0,u.utes atter conning frotn derkists into-Iig:t.r \everlail by twilight. nuonlie ht or any light AU Scant that it requires an effort to dlserinimate. Never retail or ww direc:ly m (rat of the light, window or glom.. it is best to let the light fall from above, o blient•ly over the left shedder. • B est brandsd ' Neter skrp so that eta first awakening and prices. AUBURN, - C NT. • Al+.e t•t4.11%1'1.44 r,1► W t Teasers aua iv Boo'ri ,Alwoos, ICCad, T('., KT1'. /01131X0 P2o3aTL: Arrsxnm xoaezaxoarra A ancLeamt MASSEY MANUFACTURING CO.'S Binders, Mowers, HORSERAKES. DRILLS, ANI. AIL 1.1\1r• .�►' AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. .10.`kI•M• et'k of rene:ni fur the abot,• mac:ones.ut..lan.l) 0u 1441101.1. Binding Twine. "Mas.ey W arid," •'Ktea Oar,'"('gown,"and'14lltcr t'ompus .•ltr'• branit• alas). to .u. k at the Konen prier J. P. BROWN', Bub xi 2. O. PRESCRIPTION WORK. I'I'J s() .1 I. ATTENTION. PUREST DRt't:,:, LOWE$T CH.1 Nl ;IX The finest Perfumes, Soaps and Toilet Articles. PARIS GREEN, HELLEBORE, INSECT POWD3R, All of the best quality. W. C. GOODE, --- t'herwist sad ihogpriet, Alt LAWN-- Mowr�Rs Latest patterns and most improved styles. Prices right. GARDEN TOOLS, Just what you want. HOS=E_ the e)'caa 1 :that open en the light ,.f a war slow. The moment you a: e instinct:v:1y promp tell to rub your eyea, that moment sept ter ung theist. • vetho r. %L,110*. Tire symptoms of failing vision are tie forth in this way : 1. Spots or 'parka of light floating before the eyes. 2. l.nireriag of the 1i.1% or sensation of sand in the eye. 3. Perceptible fatigue or the r.1uiren en of strong light in reading. 4. The holding; of object, at arm a Iengt or close to the eye. & Setunting ono eye or seeing object double. 6. i)trainess or darting pains in the eye- balls, or aver the temple. 7. Perceiving a col era! tirele around the lamp. 8. Sensitiveness of the.}riutllsor contrac- tion of the visual fish. 9. Burring of the vision or Nine unable to see oldeets distinctly at a ,lut:tner- 10. \I'atering or redness of the eyes or lith, running together of the letters arisen reatliug. or seeing the vertical better than the horizontal liana h , The most arxoling nod healthful of all SaIDn.er •irink,. R. P, WILKINSON & Co. t_ - NOW 1\-ix.&T THE WARM WE/1711 ER IS HERE rtsraF:+u VOCHr+Y.LF BY DRINKING MONTSERRAT LIME JUICE Rhe Nrsggle. Why struggle with e'hansting thanes** when you may be promptly -mail by the use of nature's remelt' Iturde,•k iglrn"1 Bitters the perfect cure for dyspepsia, bilousxs•ss, ctmatippaation, sick heaelache and all fern's of Intl hk.o,l from a avmnron pru)- ple to the worst scrofulous sore. 1 • erebe. 1 site* file Ila11a. 1)f anuria•, gentle reader, you are not in• ereste,l in the results of some examinations lately made in Vienna, which show that it . more important that the tingrr•nails he apt clean than anyone would suppose, Seventy-eight examinations were made by a helai•t, and there were found 30 kinds of miert,-o-i, 18 different bacilli and three tnda of sateen.... bride# common ntolrl pore.' were present in many Instances V,aitblb a/e1llug. Some compositor, disgusted with the in• consistencies of English orthography, has been At the pain. tp construct the following laloorate travesty, whi.'h appears in the rinter's Album. The ingenious realer can ngthen 51 at his own pleasure. Know won need weight two hes tolled the weigh inn ell new : A write smite little buoy, t:,e son of a ate kernel, with A rough •rotund his neck, we up the rule Its quick as a tear. After thyme he stopped al • gun honor and rung the Vette. Hia tow hart l.ymn,and lie weeded wrest. He *AA tiro tired to nye to fare, part flier. .4 feint mown of pane owe (own his lips The made who hcr.l the belle mese about , pair a pare, bot she through 15 dose and ran with awl her mite, for fear her grossed end knot weight. But when she raw the ttle won, Ulu stem' in her ayes as the le 'Ewe pnr.r deer :'5Vht• .Lew you lye heart re law dyeing "Know'," he add, "i ant feint. ' remember dm dher r She'mar hyms inn her arma,assls aught, with medicinal note And to a rhewm where be mi Lt Ir quiet, ghee fee.. flee well we •' What sr.siaenee : mo the parlor.- at ". 1 never will :"' " 1 e'as't help if it hes,', he said, tearer H. settee frees the table an h•• '..k.•, htek 101 'eddy seem to her ' :tn.! yet, 0ne'sl title of Ayer a hs his pat from a Gall ht the small retry near " fan's help it !" she cruel hot Iy: " you 'Jmspartila wuwl4 .Int Mate np VIA than her t the kNshw-Steer and went ins to the lain, Duro hasp it ally unlash, Jared Iheerc ... able cones lien o(" tarda•_ p tai-, an fragrant hem lrr.l Gall esaet, heli a trot intik an,lgr heft.: lime old soul, hew AMM t knell's, ttbtitie his dieter. rapped hymn warm ova hint a suit. draes chn, flout a sol, till al lest he went fourth 1e hien a i 1 F. JORDAN, - MEDICAL HALL, PUBLIC NOTICE Another Targe consignment of Fresh Teas of superior qualit • y In order to counteract the dis•\, honest practices perpetrated on the public by peddlers and others, we are offering Special Inducements in Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat- ronage. REES PRICE dr, SON. Hay's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square. Orders by Telephone promptly attended to. -C‘,U B-&RRYa The Furniture Dealer, a selling all kinds of innitnre at the lowest possible prices• ft' wet!•k•owl. fact ,lime ne Sells Chca , For ra.h, 11e Is also the leading Undertaker of the town. KaiMlmlag Auld always herr beast. Ise aloe n akar • speetalty of 14, torr Y gamier. 011111hies a min before rerekada (Vomiters pier%here. and you will find net that hcdee a •• he r ya--aA1M await d'Or C'h. In o Onei da, one and sit for their oast, rse- _ M hopes bnlto receive • r/ Gyoung hearse. BARRY ,:serrast aslsa ypy TOPIC TO OFFHAND OBSERVATIONS& AND AFFAIRS A haw I1ssgartate• 5 Casi.b.-sl les „ay la Toronto -6s ,W..L..a.• sad Regard for 10••lllrlleas1 nights. teislraW fu au or'lgtual fun there ba' stout, oYK tb et the verbs rut root. al the N'. _ a..• vu• ... ,f the eo n. tyea.rial b,Srlay • d with I.•e i40'esoel display • and to n -a.11 the event of 1 Tp t,• ,sere iu cn.ed•r; the lake r,. flea.• .•auitht au wegsr hlno•k's its •ttuairut; at the raw,. pato.•.unity wg_,•n"l b., 1111,4141 Vifrpia,n :' y• Ilac.nuo, w wahiat+1ax1UaIwtss& 1•balfhe kaJu. Ss11do beautiful it out t,..• Lille from Desist Wee nie,f havebe:. s webbol •ni.lt purr; , a1t.,:a•tber It •ran Ihatl *1 . e. er-gn1N rail, bit u ftatunla Tai, vrar th • change has o par be ,-.Mail tie nlsatht ,S tp_.- 1'nwhone, ad f' that the spirit of tbs pea* eh esti lh•aliFtiets. 5 1 tiaote, 'iya. tbtn nay be best Lk. d all, attrn'ul.g tb. wlkm 1 flit.,,,; to outly log tarts and in imp rant infiuenee. will Lr tl oleo, ..•• rat Om Ilatis.•ruut • gr .,,.. slag lu1 ln•u and stele s;,1 •.. • eoutery and all elm , •ru:: V a'ri•etit• /'ssa,lian p t,.jn:'• tLra1. Rads wit vas Ilia: •h•'l4 -the Ouse. nti: 0045' *101 critter. M'coa r+...•kektn•u 11411 Iw4se their , .,, g, and tartan of these ala will e4' at•.•r orations tot pate. 141.*amt ant future. I smite earl insitirsti.0 in Cc. n will fusion. birth. pa_r•ol:.m asd dit..•t liar ftmnlg tuwatda a great h►ad g,A41 one. 11+,• •4av marks e(antek-it+l sa ration she edunatiocial, a Abet )la AW tt•�r (new Ker k tb• .an•bbsiL..p of l'aot' da :i•s:• 1 un ebe hilts Ch si 11011, 1.i;I 01 years rgn. plan «I-. in recent year+. that ttA' t. . tackle et, but that sd.e i •.t :1 constitutional 1001 tomtit. ,t}pardto Mr. (stat 4h..stabli'b the Irisi, Chu' else wet tar-•aeing when sl t. tib•,.,..i u'bte4bup: ' Conan •I.o4 • ea under whir.: the uw I• ,, ,4 Leif. • tc lbs grwst at diners of its wrist to reject 1 1•!4'•t iL it h*' bmMi Lo at -1 .' •a.ty majority tin i auw w eh•wen m eapwll .:y; of the country on t •.5'11).1*) meso to M'lieve r.'-u.t 'I'hr r,.jactks* of w''9d .'01v serve 5" Itf e•:luA4 and ro pr 2 it*tIeU c 1 tbd sus jrt•t. t , : pallsllsiid, le t*k,s1 h l•. aierrsrk,aa1•.l'iear0i' pitman itman l ei s In,.s')$ty(iraau4ust' R1;egs Oopoind*00i(4tigti1la1tttotth•e e et Situr•.iay. Mr. Part .471' 1A. twle.•ilt A' tri :i7711115011 .a,•bing inar'rie4e. • viol* a' the c i rowla sae: swur.+i bh. 4tx ti note," He d4dviMottwisp ter am (uribar than tot 1411 :ria-lt that be wan tc 0 M concerned it was ' -;:1•latxo. To the inti mate* astohis ref u Sir. fogies um•M mny .�wrleotq .tauati•'llnt riandx 0001.5 0f ea, confident of iguana Ill 1':niaty /iolway t., filo In' the' .►eat* of '1'h.' 11 flet cls• I:„Herat ..uthool !rot et int; in every napes 6 ' l •ltarnnge *a» 0•,m' et `•!r. W. Tb,xnttn. ..aero 151.1 hes e'dU• n ' 16 T recto i4. limy I, -t fan he t..ltytm' a•1 'I-h•orut u, wt,. i.0f n' uellsl, mel visiting at enpttain .5"wwcax4e1a.ua4Arr4gDs'aahlukytdc, aine,arimrtioed*eewsa4li5w0rlfb51.»yie ts b lo 445ay..I te *b1 •-sen it.gp .5W x'. A telegram from rnm red in p,olltu0l . 71.4,07 1* to br lnaele • h. ns*.gnitbn •g Air •eery geese too the em nil *sites that afte J ,bel S1s.4.'auId, ao rfq g51 t•' England to Her Majesty Sir J. amide,orrttl.m., with ;,t1, and :, JObn l 4be Q'so . o the to Lard e( H righted by • • • rhe r*,,eren of 1 u an at kin ilk+; • t;nrko" Lydon U et omen -tee, by Ida • rale by hang1wg: against a (trend Tri ale 1' tt ('overeat 1 Stan macaw the In whirls Mrs Min tn. .'hikdieosad b lessee, ertasttInM n cent hoover' Weil • • • is reply tie a testi Ly the camoriatia ami outal1-1sb do liaetherabl very M het rebore le an Otltletsissu epi sbeeYm,lr