HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-6-19, Page 8THL PEOPLE' WAN I's 1 NEW DEPARTURE IN SMALL AD- VERTIEEMENTS. *VW Mood ` new slava a sant elbelle wed refertlir lhar witerell•riag Pali pro. *Wen mama. for •• Lowe 1,11 Mama A flamer* for a1 low rad., awl In gem! awn111.40. THE SIGNAL: GODERICH ONT., FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 1891. I1110111tlaga ANTED. - A COM PICTS= 11112I• wet servaat. April le Mil r AEI, SHORE 114J- AT HOU aresitarea. os riesie gartiee mike especial areisnomoseye rae ass oe helve large building so the home In * . err terms. •wwwlve sail - . . med a &ways too head. • ,. be . WP. VAMP. LA demise. Illtif ITV W1114114. 1St . WANTED. - A C APS BLE SIN - east 'ode tiegiuseral seek ter taw* Of U1110A -Toe taaasiss. 1141 Vf I SIC LESSONS. -- MINS A0015 1.v1 Tfit sox is prepared lo give au& komas Ote Piano or Upestaaarit Mars Me titre at Gem W. 's age Pur SCOW time past ee lave been or opfhion S,ere 311•11. Oat • cheap arm etto toe issothed of studs mg pulite thinou la the colun....4 of I .• 111111/X•t. wo..1.1 br a 0 10 tour oh.: pier*. Mal Ira 1444 4. der:111441 lo a loto au •:. a Mel land NI WWI after Ma 1. oar Immo' Oa 14 fu estate, Ildi a " want •es•tr1Ir eroter. woe se ad vertiaanieutt• will he teem. sue • magi king of every want that ad )ertawra sal leo lay be tore the public.. l'he e .1 w ertlasanents appgair la a elm deaand term oa our At asp% foal lob% rate. win be charm' 1. Do Tor W. el& foe Sat 14. 04 A Atka! VAN 1./ HI' •t 11 TO NELL A IIOUSE TO 1W A FAItSt. Property for Sale or for Rent. E 4)0 .T1VI/ ft fMtl 1".) so_r ,„ iist 4401-.1 Awl. at this 13 It 14'4 Pit sALE 1.1 1: nT CLAW; FARM I3 ',oh* 11401 44' 1.10dero 1. Good se. 14; 4 10 a' fac•tot7 rer creamery . %Vat/v..1 by r truut torrent. For further ordure. eine aped) to iindereigned box .1.0. 0041. .1.. ..tot. IlintItleti. II hit 1_1 lit E FOlt IlEN'T. -A Ct Osfrolti tati:e Toupee.. with hood au.1 .ort water. etatee and gardem Caledeum l'emsee. Tetant may hale paamaion al olive. lien; roseonalue. Appi) tut Ill tilt 31, GRATTAN. Britannia It.la 1. 11 3t To alai, .s. rAlltit. • I )1:01'ELTI 14111 ENCHANOE - To ADVIeRTISE A LOST A ItTICLE, a Perron* utabing to rt.:bang.. Ooderieh 10 ADVKINTISE A POI 'Nlis ARTICLE. ptoperty. ur *Arm land. adjoin 'e.g. fur Turmas, houses or lois cast hoot ftill particulars by l'o 11.) VER.*" Sh STR A V ED A N I NI .4 ler TO SELL ANY KIND OP ARTICLE. fee aptrying to •L14.1.4( SA l N Olen* siaudt4reh. 10 RC lf AN A It LI.C1../..0 V AN 1' lia 1N11_ -----•`- . To Eslial'ii::: You A ItELAT I V E. irltili RENT. -A NEAT AND t7t1S1- To ENG:1W. A l'EACHEIt. J_ fortatee uottage on Ilona -its -et.. with half au am.. of lead : aped beariug orchard of al To A 111VERTI•te: Volt TEN1,1414. ph-. plum nuu tear tree*, tind email fruit or 607 'other of the thuusand nod oste ere,,,„ %ina-.. ltn'• at tom• trout Court flour... Terms which (rup up in the comminute week b) re"en4INc- ADO). 42 "I i'llk-e- 0741 week! If so you ri.ri seet:re beit sem ire point h o. 11114.e t„..lion Its of •. A 1. at the fallow ing nor • Vert, worn. e •25.. All atheciesmt•uto under twenty-11re Wordr;one rent per wool. Ten stools the leaved charged for. ,41. CA It IN will I.. inserted n: toltioe•Istre for a period of oto• lettei .2.o...route • so. lonife• pert - /xi.. Tut Slut ihnlin.ne4Ey th. he 4! sert ing metIon of NVestern On: • ‘4) RENT ---1'11E STORE. 11%1 ELL 914 4.14 garden eit Liam' at efaillh.4 Ifill on the Hogan property . It is suitable either I'm a moot- detente( or for • business. • A fraOlf garden tote. to -1 wit 11 plenty or tem, ferule 'ore • AlOee to NI. littNAG41. tr. '-'01 V1MI sALL Al' A IlAICCIAIN --THAT .1- coninsoidams Ira111104 011 wide •t warm °tweeted a* Painh-shop by W"...Settit . is on aal••. Terms rosy. otteiy to s. st tire. Rooted* P. 0. lit)! Tt ItEN T -A TWo-STO1tl- door house. *floated on Gloucester Ter- i moo tiee9nn../1•4 a:. I rateihnit Wile: rate. (44411111111141ar ae% 4'11 roam*, eellirr and clos- ..1-, eta. Good sc..1.1.11 and omhard On pr41014440. APPlY • Ell. .1.3114AION te. tioderi (1,-t4 4,911.1MihAtion, tO Tit': •111,:n . 1_1111.SE 114 LEI'. -ON l'AI:K eight rooms, excellent ....Oar and wader With garect, mei water. Cheap to a desirable ten Public Notices. al.'• APO,* al stION AL 04:PICE. tedt 14.4.111 SALL -THE 144.1.44W1S4: fiodertet. Oat street. lately °mut. Jed by Mr.. Tittetnan; N • _ .4, N i *SSri.t. THE Vicomte' etstril will read toe ley • .. of- ti aria :etre" ebe- - Igneare ti -x▪ ; sm. de. aft, r000n a, 3 o clot -1. A salter t•olleettot. taken tu warisaalre tor a • trate. 13-1* 1)1 IILIC NOTICE -ALI. PEItsONS an. hereby tesdflielrio settee. te diecouto a roar Omen h) Joh:, Wailes.. of Varna. In Mui' of the umiersignest Any permi. I/C- O/111'1 ff in moo .4.12 nt the ante will be *mealy rewar ten on leas Mg it at Till. SIG - 1.1•1 ottlre. 4.4'. J. J ON. 131* X'(MICE T1)-1/ElITOIIS -CA L4 /W. 18 April •• 1.'91 As list .• no. lent - /Wm Pt all 144•1110/414 ho owe 11.4. ate brreor latIf▪ ired *ha' al! account- mumt s.•1•In tee den or cosi,. tete 1,..;.„.nria.o. .4.1*. 111.-iloltiot Olt ; f 11L.44.K$MITII's 4H441 lyE. 1 1 pened.--1 beg to stide that I , have ecumenic -ea eork in Leo 1.• Ellattes old ward. sejoiuire: Swertes hot, *. and that le ill be lumpy to serve all %ems net. favour me wolia Call, • !forte eheetter it tatty. 414"11. oANIte• Guttered) 3.t. Artic;eo for Salo 01: .4.1.4. -- A NEli .11 arlarl older 1110ralf With foto drawer. and li.11: coo will aril tor etS. Addrese 11.7*. e. Ill 11 )12 SALE ClIE.%P.-- A FIRST- S' ea • refrige :Ater. in good einulftion. A ply at to., 5111,... Lea §atiiN4i1.Es, XX . l'INE.--A SPLEN - 43 d .1 thi,•k stireCe. le Inch, at Si pee 'square. .14e44 It I life I:, if WA sl E WATER PIPE 000 FEET of inch pipe seemed Ion& 11 too, length.. I 4'4.1114 n root. .fide. 13-t1 t"illEAPs111Not.1.2$. WADS X-, of the hew theorgiai, Nay ehteeles. war- ranted XXX. for 'La) per emigre at .1.4311:s TWITt 111E1.1:e. Clieton. 11-3t INE FOR '.,ALE. -(.414'D FlyEsH 1_41 line. kept constantly on 114,1.1 to the POI: Reserve ;One ken. X. NAPO 114E14. Ortetia 1E1/.11: SIIINfiLLS I HAVE ou Itsnd a .poetity of .t I elittnalee Which I Wil! 4,11 At at milt. W. -r. Low. pot, A o'er.. 07-1f 4p4)0 SALE •-•T*(), 1$ IN. CAST .111: taeleye 141,,. WV. 11-15 in. bore. or can be hor.•,1 to rit 'Amer shaft. Geed as new. Will le sold at a testionable Moto% APP1Y lite le 14iN Al. Steen. l•rIntitile 11.0i4e. North Modern+. WU. . ItELTINI: P4111 SALE :I:, FEET A., of in. h..at oak tante .1 leather belting --better then new. In use only *shoo time. Apply to J. %V. VAXA 7' MR. lloderich. (Mtg. , 114101{ SALE -- 4 SSIXI.L SQUARE piano. math. by Ininhaen. of Ne -e Vork. Box 11 towlerleh. 03 if Specific Articles. 141ItRsH MILK.- HAVING REI'LAC ed my dairy with &choice lot of COOP. ▪ m in a mottoes to %imply all orders intrusted 10 me with 91Ire fr.n.i, milk. and will guarantee onente, quantity stel reitelarli) of &revery. Orders ht µoat atten.1...1 to at °Orr. Address AMIN tiltAR %M. lairy•man. south *tree:. Ooderteli. 074 f / ODERICH MARBLE 14.110014. Parte, wanting anything in our Tito tentild An well to oall at *be works. flantiltun etneet. 11.-41 door *0 Adhesions harnee, shop. or e rite for price* An Luis of marhic. at. ern a • reastior, Pmech and other (1514 4' mentimenes, stipple -id la towel* priees. JoIlIN A. It0111.1t7SON If anse••r. 1 11roder...h. June th. 1411. 11 P F'or Sale. .. . _ , 16-100 sALF: --A 6111111) l)R, 4 • o; , ; .2: mare, bright ha, . rosin.' et x. *mind, can he seen et any Ilene en pre/hems of Jeepte% y • r;( P. 1,0*. 9, 401410*',,' MOM Ile 001411. 10 OWINT no trie "...it it. Apply on premiers MRS. 1.. El.1.111T1". 13 It For florvfoe. 7 7-7 I 1;44 'I 'd4L !.‘.; .•r le4P 14I the in.prorennent Mort Term. IA tied, JOHN IlltANAM, limey nate Swot, street„ tf 1.111110 /rill'. FINE JERSEI 111 r • bree 14 Alr. Plath brayten. woo /1=11204 and Weird hi 01101+14 John Null. lel, 21re. 10k. hy Drayton re. ices. A. J 1 14 11011. ter wr. on tee presatem. 01 the 1mi...dike ha. mg teen per elsosed ro ton. I' Montronery, former- ly chief herdsman el Intostevosed Vara. A spdvssiod emernmaity as tioo 0111.14-.1 to an wen desire to Ms a gond erase with I smollim ttlimerAttrufgfeZ , =r ow valuable limperties : Part ot lots 7 ond 8. coriceteisou 1 K.1.1. Ash- er .1 1-... . _ _ Tbe North 01 lot . 20.1 10.11111C011.17151111t Matwatonh. 100 acrea. ' Par. of book C. Colboinite, acree known . 1 14.' Arthur II steelier.' farm. 'no .ve promo thsa will le. sold on terno fle sue ore hte•rs. Atode to Itool• CAMERON. Melt Gotta -stet,. IPIRST-CLASS BRICK HOUSE AND V LOT FOR. SALE UN PATIKICIL $T. -About two mintittOi stalk trent the Orman% Two *toren. hieb, Irri, k additien it, the rear 44 tdorit88 high. building covered wito Mate. M5... 'moldier has 3 lame rooms on Met note upetains thore are .', 1,4M14. In :lie mar addition there are hitetwe. ham: e. waahroom. torar. Apply to the undereigned, who will Kit .• all eectosary intortuattosu DANIEL GOIZLIGN. Set Itll ND .FOR SALE TENDIelg I tette girl's room anti wont -vein. .tleo µbud Tender f 1r the purchased the south quarte: .0 lid number one in the fit, It communist ut the township of 4.*,111...ieue. 4 25 acre*. .013.1 the Milt It half of flee stere -s being port et lee moil% belt of lot Woollier five in the hours!, coorersion el the *aid township of Umborue. wet "thick said Ilve• actin desevibed 1011 00 the eitteline tot the on mid s A tette ha% me a frontage- of It; rols heiweee Ag ling II%r in the 1111I. von.444, Ion and extend ingt he fall width of said lot 10 the imid ...en aid let dee atel lot four m -aid titth C7.11171.4.141114 OM be receive,: t, lb,. efe.eipted up to lerid.tv. tele 1441 day O Jo!) 14 .1. at 1 0 :lurk in the atternoun. 411, the nod mentionol premiers teem are fratne 1, ,,4 beurtug beettard. toed etc. The tarot it te ott clay loan,. ail und INNERAL IsitliVANT WA NTILD - •-A Was Pea mown It emitting Is oleo dose 111 Ng lagath. Must as exparkweed. Yeallido Apple at =AIRS. W. A. 1,ACMS kila. L. & Dentistry. _ NICH(LSON, LD.8.-DENTAL 44,1. rtWnwl 6000•1 e the new Pest OtKos. Westae. Oudericts ,M6-ly pit. E. RICHARDSON, L. D. S., e *untrue dentist. Om. and vitalism alr for painters eztroettag of teeth. !ye, al at teneot. go en to las presairetirs the DA, inn) teeth. 01111e•- p 1Jrund Opera House Inure. manumit esi rat.. Guderich. Slable A uotIOneer11222. I ollN KNoN, L'NElt 4L AM- U ta .... r Laud V el mu or. Oodertok„ Vat. Het ing had coaelderable to:proem* Ip theistic no Is puation to d ischatge willi Musette* woof., lion all can leilmome entrusted to hum Ostlers left at Martina litecl. at by 11.411 to his addrees. tiodersett 4'. 4./.. farm ulty *.t.4141/41 to. JOHN KNOX. Count Au. t onneer. Mat Hotel A000mmociatIon. THE IlUltON - -IL well-known auil peyote.. beet bas been reit i .el eulareed WWI 111111PrOal rreently red noo eecund to name ou quality of ate Maillood &Lou fur t l'e ra et: mg public. time1 beconomeisatoa tor Inittelen. gueite. W31. Cla.tle., Proem -I t he se oa e• nutter*. Oat. 1 IRS. SlIASNON slIANNON, Physiriaos. Surgeons. Aceoirchers, Sec. Odhe 1/1, slinninnee reenter/4% near the antel. floderIch. 0. C. S.11.49,41r.N. .I. It. LeigaL 1,;1. N. LEii 1S. 11AltiLISI El:, l'HOC i_J• tor in Maritime in einteric. Ont. p Soo 171(.4.4bl/fa., SU" \I f. JOHN:, TON. IIARRISTER, • • mileitor, &e. .'4114-, ions anginal el.tale t ranee. lion1 crire• e t. Ateletoe'sod.. tketer. h. Ont. fully attended to. Oaf Coe llantiltoo and troi N DAVISON, BA it ULSTER, letet. .4.0dlee.over Pot:: -Odle.... tioderi.11. CAMP1ON BAR0IsTElt. .N.4.444:ry e c. • .1.1e. Jordan s tote; :More, the mono 44, formerly tea uped by Judge Ito) Ie. It • orr ..ainer of Mi.iare end West C. II St PLICITtY1Z, A:c street. teem-U.:b. °tor telegraph udice. Pri• at. Futets to lend at per rent. CIAIIROW & I'1lt14 11,00T, LA K- risten'. Aeorney Solienors. ge., Codc• rich. .1. 'I'. Gamma. %V. Vroudfout. IA MElt "HoLT CAMEI:oN, • ilairisters. Soli:aura in Cheinemy . Sze. 31. C. Camerae, Q.C. ; P. tio.: : thelley Rehm', • Loans and Insurance. ;N EY '10 LEND. -A L ittiE alitOcn: 01 me...le-and other 1.41.fla ei Waco rate* on Or4414cfore :.•44 a anti 4441,, pruperty. stpt..is, taring et a laymen: loo., • the lecrower.- No t -Coll or *. .44.0. J N Goner or b. 01-11 ROBER7 St P.N. ACCOI NT- , . Po.. Late 41 .1.e.:-.144.1. bone *nee Ageat. (Moe uposieote Sag- Nor,Lot.. 0...len, h. • . Or.. anticomonestorste Mr taking an.1 r. . WAHL), ettNVEYANCE11. rya% ing rteoltlianlier• 4.4 .114.4*. 41* 411 allirissaiWus. deposaiew. or Goleta* dc4 awe - nous in or eoncereinst any melees. mil tor pru . 1' • TINIVOULtif CI111d0. residua due* their May Caeadreegui - - - Agfa heat. 4411AND TRUNK RAILWAY. /AssnSwann". Rev. It I.. Halals Tiata un.re aind demo. tiudort. . • M. doh% yr his farewell serums' in Viteurie- - 1 recent peavey. rubbakin the 6oaaad :gs Portage. A few weals se ameiside P. IL Helmer 4.1 Lowel, we : ale elierch to Sunday e. ening mat. lb annow Malt mid II:press 1-50 ma" has dupe good work Vfielloe. ... • • • •• •• • • • • ituPP.1116-46if eh dories the past two years, mid esti- rura ........ • • • • • ....... • •• •• • • • • • • • • Ws" d. u4 hi. own eburcl has proved biewaiii a. geed and week' Masai. The good Whim reggagtf. Mall . ......... ?Sao. uway frame& here n acomegimp Mali anil iliarese ................ bles his imitable wife internale. Mixg1 ............ •••• •• • - •••• ...... •• •• irs gledly to their future Milne at K A .torint‘T. While Wdbern NEW ADVERTISEMENT& Weller, .1 this %town, was wasstiug Cloryatal Public NOW -W. J. Jaaksaa Bleck yummy bother at 11 Usighan. os .Wontserwit Jakte•--11. &mina. ..... 1 lit'ednea‘y last, • piece of steel chipping star aist WOM1114-Mrs. Ls wie • •"• famed toselt into bts e)ir, isecesettatlug Mare fur 1111,1*- Alm Them. Milnitt. • • • ..... uninediate ess./Alun of work f • as he was ...gacerned Ile sutirred ex . eructating a.gony, and could get mu re =' lirt mail Ms return to tiOdiseich 0 " • If_ Thunclay, heu he lionsediarely calla •7 ill 10-. .11. R. Ohanneu, soh° sorwailed in . _ tillinWered to arrest Clumsier, is • Chasm WWI am a diary 4 Wag enneenisti ta a&, rehhery 4 the Brussels posteNee. Chia. • - memitimml amps from the Alters ai 41/111 lime is limmiliar. After • Naiads -Ares* Nis hies• deur hawses Rohs* mid Chmalion emerged wIth teh, Media revolvers is Ita heads. &Maw -4=1 lodged • bultiaarigo th, to Mr his •, wad ofiicer's brown, and then molly ii,retted downstairs anti out iate oar street, has firearms Germ% Se keep the Masao els had Lem .rouged by the Meg at • Weds lance. hamburg reached MIMI woods maw lowed aad essapexi•_. Amongst those aka ,,, took • decided interest in Chambers frank i that day to tins was our townessan Tugs Gundry, the well knewu sheriff's haglig minarets" tar ade-This Wks Pare is/tingles-Jaw Kidd N'aet r water Plps-4161. EMS\ Card- K. N. Lima Nut fee Jobs ilkareal be w ng Ilergballe ke Sok- Thls 01110e itim's" tat -Thim ti. the body ot toe s.e,r.is.1 thereby Notscab;iwou t'redittore blinhass. Menai, a ▪ relieving him. %V hether the sight will he Servant wanted --Mrs. W. T. Welsh. .10%....1 is • question which will mil, I ordeal by tines, but Mr. 1%. eller feels grste ftil t.. the surgical operation which relic% en T HF TALK oF THF Tolv Iiim front the tor*,,. which he had stiffen% IO' the pre% lone t %eke holing. 11..114.1..• 11%1 i• 4:00130.11. The 141 .4 chiers .inausomic. train' isotrs, duly u be celebrated in t:.‘,Iersii thi .4..• /oda 4.11 petal if. ear by a rents of athlete ganws and ot he event• which will beyond doubt draw a large hat bering 11volerivii. 4 'oat eery tt ▪ extracting the chip of Merl. WWI NO . _ Toni went 410% II fO Chntou to take a heed m the bunt for Chambers, but hided to 4:011 00e4 With hlUi. However.ou his return how is Judge Item was 1144111404a1 With the voieh j of tertudy constables. since then Tme has . done by him that he eut th, ountin. nest to have Chambers in his thoughts • diecovvring that there Wail f photqgmplo Oat lively goallevomi he distributed whyrc he &bought they ("thy pis."-Itlarvi•ne4s istrin'•ik '11,...eha4 r a A Clout. I*1111.alttir. -The atm( woeful glt you ear inate tu ottie a Wirt Peu. any', Prr,„","" t,be Pr, Ps. for *h. Win" WCOD.Iw4iktabrallietkl:hUedal:1."..teJail;lyti°*' by!' tr•alclIA.111e at tiVO4 111•04tO41101111111/4 will too itebserni from tal..ing tr - %%All he easionitat to Weal contpet item, an. eievearee .tudio. met getttog a Ilre.•eless !he joi.• of the nesutor,as is "usually the ease °ablate ut be 10)5.4that woe,. w heti opeu gnaws are .k full series o usLatea 14a1;unatuarwia,,lobpenumristaiatio esupenkagenoeh amt. ansi.oin. ,,. mid girl.. ewes le elite en the pettgrcue every Tuesday ant-. oar. Weser nice:ion at awl a quoiting tourisament has I.een ar•rang 2. bumwer meetings' 3 D'oloth. ed f.w. A chempioineship !renew match lkos kismet men are fre.piently meet. the I...net-en the H111.0814, of lloglerieli, awl the tame ut strati remark*. but the awn vele. red . e.0.1 liege. et 230 their peter matte at V. J !Oldham*. are at - the day a series of elellrelolle on lb. nay **Orr to lar toy. *Wm 0.1..4r OW lel:- Apples always louk new in the end...J.1 that Lake will Ire held, mid a large number .4 Iss. a hal, fet,...• steeled .4. aad 11 tut. get 4kitle can also he,' for boating isui• }bur e.ctuoto Inmost 6) ig• 4.• eallows )vu ism*. III the el excellent diaplay tainii!ri.b.sie something to si:ease the rye ever) a iiri..riorks will 4. invalid...1. Arnow, Thr *eel Ler *lel keep, warm aud to ovoid n•elit, haV0111111111040ie 0 211i *Le I:. T. R. by the heat :Lod die* call ou '1... k Smoothies Wert which a special train vi III be run f., Stratford street. am! see hut stew stow% of **r. dem* en 1 and ihienhedhar got too. thioolo.),hog wtedow ..-mords. ready go put oa. Owl mi eod hem., 51 „el yptsuline ttoves. all w.lana. Novell se. tor me 111„.e.„ aerieinif daily. Studio'. lo' of enme. vcnieS1 ;1 Yon ant initilaY vied porter% kettn brle p.444• ;- •• t01:04terielt. ..• 1.1. P44. hat him.: 'estniiiishuient 11 ) % I If. -The - at tht sulphur spring*, the oislibsoley well, leg: Irmo The Torten/. AN'ortii, refers to a • loe it paying Intsines. eis guts' man. Critter Mildew .4 tCulatie).. well- know A ••••••.i• 4. tar.. 'lie junior H unto.* twit personally impalas- : Th- friends of Ur. plavini .1 pretty good value :14 eottortli on J. F. Foote. iow ,•Wrk tii the le; al tine of 1w:islet . Met were not ,trottg enough to Miller at Du/m=4 ale grintly••ercieed master.: he powerful team ronsforth puts ni over hia inysteriinft (In 11te t field. e.eiting of last VI ethitstfay Mr. 'hale left t • Rk.sev von ti..totutiritievi 1, c‘' lb" '41-c ' skiirmiii, hes the brick ma the tor the work of the iellowiag dry. He %lotted his boaeling hwuse ma usual, :skid a* tteitituut for building a resideuce ekes the - •- . 1,-, 11Litre-sof- attee.atal elle:- supper Weal out for .., *ask. ",1141.k n'E•It:1"r. • M. 'arrs reaidenc. .1_ .• o Suier then he mans haee oliaspisarea. it la true a gen...man v te tones% rent utei bridt storelitelse ou 4Vest aimed dire awe thoi me+ him on Thursday 111 rooted in mark reoly ....cup/tent jhe pAphimeje. , roe turn appeared to imo tinililings will he an improvement eirellieg enisiyiud the breeze front to .W.e.it reef. • old., hike. Mr. l'oote has not up to date 11' r ro SE14114.P.Tii. !mt. a number of tnnaist up at his office .1r at his hoarding , cttengini the fin men's tounw, house. Mr..NI incr, one td 1:..e firm, said f h,tt vow vt 4•••,..forth on 1-newt:ay. The Ittele- .weild not imagiiie trh.gt was the mallet reel ,•,,,it atigent iuchttled *het oartr. their with Foie. it 141* as first Ctue iu looking awl splentlul• vearti that he hal "wen alieent fnmi duty-. 1%. He was mot too. limbos' in his helots, awl 1.‘, H ..41: Mr Miller ••mild •zive reasou for hr. ale -4110 eslutiot. every corner junior lacrosse senee. Mr. Foote 14 an secompliali,1 11111, • 10,01011 titaills may ime town battlatig azei for yetrs had been a member of fer suprehtavy. It ti only (Air to these jun- 1he *4. it. hand. ior• to ay that they int.triatoly- 11 1-• As s to I. •.F. lMriteg the/mite-0 .124.2 act., ,ty and wonderful latn, pomer. alys aitt. number of men froth nit mentoral attrvice in mem- 1W -wherry sod 'illgoors might hate been or:. of the late l'reioner WA§ 114.-1./ in the Initia4 00 and Around 410,' •-ourt house Nerthot. Nlethodiet chureit on Sunday steps. The caw. originally came ou for trial et -ening. Rev. troth Richardson befot••••. Mr. .litet Me ItMlertnai al the ism • P.ey. W. A. l'intug an eloquetii ern militigoos on the 141.11 0: Ma), and 44114•00 on Snottily eventug last. rt was la SUL/Wial thus. : e...r7:e Rey. e : :111141,..111 44it rtietTIOriant of Sir John A. Mantonat.l. 'pianos John Lo;:tit and tit It•waeltipe .4 Hr. 1.t..1.% TIIE Anioug4t til.,11raheber,utryti•ui7...4 11;:rhwishaw; the/am:* /*moist at the doting exercises '4 w,„„,,,,4„ag 4 Airy. We.41„,.‘„1„y 4. the 1.3011inlet itm of* drisimand omits ink. that T. Garrou•, 3L1'1'.. ithleil,!h• who h , t h., the drib.. se .-onstnwtoil ist the. testae, •• otteseling that ir.stititt not. The ib•ft....attractswatei to his felts, an•I the'rell its report says Mr. (arrow Cleft male 20.440" " H'"ellex; • :rester Om"' .piesuiant speech. etatine his great ttlisfac. 41 111,C unit outlet. were iosel. didts. ion with the ...Dark", course awl deter- 41414O. !hi 4""titt'olitto and O4int that ihe &slit the leot possible under tlw eondi- thine eow.ent of 4:Ault/el the issues and fa,•t • ene fro.n the owe. were referral to Tone., who will report his 1,.. • , • • :lie Iligh 'dm t of Justice. awl . ielinoys the Judge ef the High Comet will • , :ermine %%hit Oolgment shall be en - 1:7.11...;:.• .1 iTt•hige' ""*Tocusi7 7..a"*OtiliNging tetion June In. .1 Itr.t.• ainount of evidence is being taken, ?minding theexywrt leeititimny 4.1 surveyors. The twee is prooreding as we p.m to prow. atel is likely to be an expena4%-e suit for the party who loss to foot the Lill. - Av crti.P %Paoli Thefollowing, which vie Like from The 4Vaterko (itron. tele. sletwo the high eastern in which a for. met peetorof Victoria -se, Meth/idiot chuteh, loderich. is held : "At the last meeting of the iiiisrterk 'yard of the VVaterloo Met Iv ehurch the following rewolution ex - formative of the appreetat tun of the labors of tile Rev. 4, 1'. galton hy the passed : 1.M.n eel Ihivid Beam 'tenanted hy I). 11 h • That • *hie quarterly hoard, at the close of the-, three year. of flee. F. Salton'e ministry aniongat nth desires to place on record it's'. jornfoend sena. of gratitude Le Almighty trod for the remarkable meaeure of pros- perity that has at tended hia labor, and the I happy and hopeful condition .4 all depart - malts of our church work at this time. We I thankfully recognize that under the 'Leine blessing much of this prosperity is thie . the splendid abilities and whole-mmled erm• aren't ion of our pastor, whets.. pulpit minis.: t rat :one have heen marked I.y uneoninotti soundness' and lireadth of learning. applied to blithest' exegesis, addel to powers of ' word -painting. Mast :at end keenness of kiviesianolyns sires-11mo toned nnit- . . 0,{ in the name man, boo le whieh must. in his ease. be waded the invaluable fat•ulty of oririniring and directing our. young_ people into tile various tteportinenle of Illeighan growth and netivity in the church upon which the future prosperity of rhrietian rOtillirilinitien ovine newt to depend We Ian from our osteemel piano. and hia wife srithout the .....-,.II,..-, .......4 .a moment.% 'an - i Winnipeg. and formerly tMeleriels, jg:41404I., tand.orais.lenejr, • tk.114:1;11W1...1140fVe%ViihnIlle ;peg. who Isaagsd chow . lwra, In, is now .loing limo at Rat age tor wockIng the thiniblir riggin.• , ' Ilranden. fioven aloe ba, •.. keen duly !milled. mut as s Chambers' preeent tern, of imprison...en inter h.• will be brought to . st.uel his rtal fee ehootanot etetistable 1. n ee etth intent to kill. 11.• M.. It 1r4'.n'.1. :toss .1 h.. . as a dvieetit•e. BREVITle.S. Do you Irian 1 r.. 1 t.1 Tel IMO 09 BCIIT. NEWSPAPER oea Pt' r"A"! uelt THE SIGNAL, DODERIGH, ONT. • petits A "Alt .1.% ts, Fs . )1. \Lill. !l4). 3t KEW ADVERTISEMENTS. eaysc , 11P0 . rr flnull•. • • ria0" . .... boet r rwer Jr Port et. • .. ...... t he -Garrett O. Proud's.° new. Geo. A. Year. . •• oessaer ko nies'er t'o ae k:ari h Mae. -- Wilmer , 1,-..*E.MUI01141 - A. J. Clareehni Dark Pain Killer A. J.4'beseli olanaeardi. 1. *eve k C . t.kril Victors! Itr..1 (. Ayer . ' . u *A. e . Court of Arptal for tentario, or in any . ',runty .. n or 1.e. isms, 10.irt. All trot:sect tuns 4 4 rotnlii ' IL nod peonisly egee.;:e41. Itm.edink.N. and P.11.11 t re . melee , 4 e ulfi vat ion. 4.1.. lumens (rum 20 town of Uode• - _-__ - - • • "Piel.,,o, Riven 1,. ,.,,,,, os pe...,.,,, !ma, a • Accident Inoue...me Ageht. Represent. , .. l'he all five acre, are Meth. . -I J. T. NA•FTEL. L1Fi.:, l'IllE AND eon. lig . 'orth Isnot, a Aerme.• •.•• ; le % repeal. Terms : Cpor meet -roe er f .t tender one- . 141urit'" 'IL. 6.40bc; _,Not, 'w',41,... twee; North foumh ut butelase none ) down i hailmet in l• An'''rlelin .."'' ; '142.1 ••'`.•1••"'euir lo.""*"NA, °I ' I . 0 Amtreir. Loewe's'. halve, Losses Set. 1 .A1 44y 4.„ Ai, 1.,,,b.,.. 4,, 1, 2':.,, 4* ,,,, ,j,„ 1,,,,o,j,, a , tied enissooptn. Stoney to Lour, un fartu awl thoir ...rah- , , ,,...,,•0.... " III 1.41V r 1,,r gam.- ; Tow* l'rotrette. l'Oli 4 e!.11/14:11.( dome. Pre. The Vt-1141.1 A IP O. lir,' ", WM314 fa aCtreir en). ; Pt*rj Taiwisi• ete• otber,--Coi • Nor: hot. sod ftlia14, I &MOO, heeler:el. 44. Addrtes 34 ANNING •S: OCOTT. Clifton.. Ont., ' i vikt-.00,01X) TO LOAN, A PI'LY TO fatal : ti Yds c. 1)91. Soli, Root for Vehlors. VP CA.MItIterN.Ii.J.I• i; till f r..ent.._NE -% t.0 ‘ TO LEND. -A L A R o 1 Assignee's li,01/100. ITS- amount of Pelt ete Fund. for investmest et lowest rides un 8este'reas Mortgage,. Apply Nit l'IrE TI • CREDI 11 IliS loft.% If. II011' g Plow fitter' , e In the matter RADCLIFFE, GENER 11•• ' K ESN:1.111% I . %trance, Heal •Estate Mai MOM., tio enmity of Igo.. Leaning Agent. Only th.414-11144 um:moles ron. merchant. • I ehrreented. Money to Lend on straigh Not t. .• o hereby gi eel 14*- titter,. nine,' loan., al le.. Mem' rate of interest goose. In 7 le kelitted.• has in.', oth a•signeneot • n •I.Y way atilt 114 norrower. tyke_ see. me. tem,. the pool -ed., .4 4 lonter 41. 1-- owl door front Square. West en reel. 110t111. ts.• La-, .• item 1•13ire. to 01 14 tea: tor r,-"- 1100.1f Mel:worth 4.1 •11 A Meeling of the 44,4,1•4 hi" 4h I elfoete ill herein emOrto.4.15...111-1 I he old a• 'the taw Mechanics' InstliAtta. • or ititisms. IleNa4 Mel.. en Lon Wednowist. Ore IL 43) or 4.4 •1 • 401/ERIC II 31 1.:11 I ocidei. in ow shenwen for (.1 TUTIX 1.11111tARV appoiatne to el inspections mei th.• goon; of ft,„0,1 , or east strict awl Stuote &aim. Open from to l2 p.m,, and from 7 to 10 p.m. AlloUT Imo VOL'S IN LII/RARY, Lech Hy hid,/ Weekly 01..1 111.4.110.,1 iffreetiOns with 1.frrelli...• *0 11,. glIagos .1 ot ti., mid estate. .411 creti:ore of t2 ,• tad: e4.141e liereie teq.a.Ord to their :4'109 eilh tr.) (41 bbons. Me Net. ft Iltel,eitt. e•- .1irectee I.) the alti stet glee en or begue. threed h Meeting. After 1.1111 July mod 1 S11•11 prO• 1.11,118'.04 al1.11. •We. rr•S• III* re.; .r.1 • nn to hese. es I %haft hat o f. .1144 I 4.14aII prof 4,4.poleflek• 'Int the tweets ef tbe mato -tete. or Pie t14.1.44.4 t.• any nerem ot P •• • 44* 14 ton.' rlaia111 net Lase n • It. A 1::.:STIRIONG. ?now, - GI Illb oN tr, Of, N.4 ft o le LK I; ILN, :••••1 fOr TflOrIoP, Loarlfr•a. !MOO the lith dee or the. .4 l) Auc14o41 Sa:e. k; VN s AN lup.•15811. Aso oEsIdmit• up • Mmetonee, en fele. MICSINERAHIP TICKET. ON LI' 1111.84, granting free Use Of Library and lteadtag- 1:00M. • Apple 'moon for nienthership receired Librarian in raplati EN. slIARNIAN. GEO. ST1V EN. to Prendeni. Secretary. gt intuattott to aend lin her dol hie tiley become .4 the proper age. /ito•H %NI. 111. ..k•-•it.11ATI..• till... -Following the wore of the rich t-:ub it: its [errant** on Welmsday atteriown . 20e 4 2/ yools, yards. g 2 esa leiern:ri..n.ul..m.' go. 11-.)g gi 17 :17 2 110 11 616911/.-11 %V. Potts I 7 G --3I 6 ; 5 -le -11. F. J. T. Natie1.1 10 14 7 33 10 0 I 2 7 -SS -•:12 It. Wet:intent. 1404 7 V 11 8 144- a -CA E. le. Newsome I I/ 1.1 • gli• 314 Iti 711 711 .% WW1' 4T7i t". . it hof 1* Well to littiit spriee sood time for barium: atter 7 - At preeent there are inimennes bo•iing porties tree!i evening, but the river. the most please/at row. is elorof-1 to ..rooet of -them. nearly evers' portite. 11 I/ordering On the town leing crowded by )0/mg men nod boys in nattier's bathing dress. Rath tag is a pout•rful health et, is -a row net the Niolthoi.l, awl if bathing after 7 .. 11. amass he °untitled to certain portimui of the river would it 1.0t be a /„....1 plari to allow it only wn cola:n.6)-4. the othris being free for batting lee- it% Foe. • 11.e 01/eerie froin The ltrampton Times that Pearen lino_ .4 that place, receetly weltered it In... hy A tire iti their fine large 'leering mill there. %V. Karen, une .4 Ho. menders of the lino, was a reai.I.•nt of I :tittered* for a number of vear. untill about terl years ago, 111 lien he reneit•el to Ileaftipton. Tld• fire WSW olWer- 211m-tly after midnight .d. Tueetley of AI tirelmg will, Ille WIC of Ir•rrAll oil. 14.' fire. tut week awl ea, started it isothought. by ten arid eit teem, turned out and soon exits) netted t lie flame., hut not WithOlit 1414ft aboat *41000 .41 the outside buildings ant' le 'noel: in them. which seem not coveren by insurance. Ten: STIL/Trogi. Ka4.074 The p111•11/ aCh00110 of Stratford picnicked in town on Fri flay, and, the weather IlleMg delightful, the ex..ursitin was a most enjoyable one. The first of the two train... which benight the ommitter, the land, *n.1 the children %rho Oodord-h. March 1111* of - tl 8E* MALT, 2.14. PER BOX. 04 ALI ,I:Er1101.1) PIU.N.V TV. Ceder sad he irtne of the paerev of nele etintained in a mortuage from !totem yahoo and Sersh kilion 10,4.,. ven.ho "the h will he proau..41 at 1hr Woe of sale, there %ill hoed for rale by pohliewisetio:I.on Sal anis% d he t wese.. 14. eso or June. WI. le I Uelock in the afternoon. at the colhorne hotel, in the *eon of 'Indere-h. hy John KIM/, atm floomer. the follow'. of valuable real east. in we parcels. name!, Par. el No. I. let le in oh *inn of the township to 1.1.elt•rich. runlalniag Pa serer. enure ilr teee, re•eriAller die acres 11.." "!;" h 7' ;WM. N.. 1 .. evince on . ship t.f hottert..h. voliO•111111W looreor Ire.. re.901,6 ing el it riermir off th.• moth west ere ner •..1.1 to John !toner. Th.. 1 on said veep...ito enno1.1 of the following : panel I. a flame Loose. partly built bet am Peeked. and frame also • mod beadle, Orchard or awes: -otiosely .54•troot foneired anti forty T0111,e trees. Wi ittreel 2, • low hone.% a tram, barn. with a•one n•hlwit . an or. 1.ant are! a net er epring 7en per mail, of the morel aim room4 meet 110 pael at the thine of mile. at hi n easy term. for the halatere ran 1..* arrangart in rale Poe Nether particular. mot enswiltioss .1,4 :11{EKA CorNC1L, ICJ, 001). 1.4.neth Itat h 310 t. Yloricia %Vat.r. Eta fish Sosp. Se. per cake w ar l • 'ra I. Apple legroom anti NI ary Andemon I I Or/ Imo, in Mee. at see. per or. titt e,*'*,, take part in the a ing pheasatnt relations, Red we pray for them rivol at the st 104i at 1030 t.e The ' the rit•Iteet hietetings of the Father mkt* tile* the .:tr.itford pupils neat Out 'helm) their work Of I 'twist in then- stie• Atom, taking aront peen ion led O. the more. Vhe (eon pupil. were fon-torsi nu each side of the mete.. path to the emirt labors. undoubtedly. will he AP .111,11241111 end as the visitors entered the and *11potent for good op in hi. foreicr sta- t erten ile the 'mi.% sallItml them ley lifting tines their hate, and it lien all had pessiesi the Ito !hit ve.teni. y.si Irani. to know I ;otlerich 'baleen I, furele'l awl Ifytk up a the latest stylve in house dm -oration *ti *41-.' postilion in the rear. nie Strut ftwd children nee eon Ohms in cmehet :me knitting. were termed up under the engirt otficiad.. n.aking. Me. 1"nei find then. all, or rheatnnt. and welcomed by chair -item %lel many aunty no...Ittes in fruilonovhle etnilenn in a pithy epereth. the ehairman of wester.. in the .Inly 114.1ineatoi . It is • the Stratford hostel responding need heitolifid numher and well repay ita pi...petals-1y Twenty nitwit... were then rfiolf Noe is the time to auleterile, the devoted to singling and drill etentse, a part July being the first number of the thirty of the program thet /Mowed ereryhmly, se ight volume. Th' prier of The I lelineator it Mae remarkalsIt• nolevol per eingIe is IS ...ma, 41f the aitheerip well done fhe ••hildrei, then merehel to tine price of the ininfilhtlie 11 01") a year. the, mirk. led Ivy the lowl, awl spent the post pawl. Address., The lielineator 'Pub- hastlentin.; 7fiiitlieintkistey rtiewranilnu ThaiInnhingtnJo. 114.1.1, 33 it,..hmored ',teem Weel, Itel. Imre. Paris °even and Insect Powder at t1 11 ...t P111144 lateTION L `TIM& 900101111.11. meltng of labor.- Mr. Mellott hite been transferred to Itnivels, where hos rr:10/4"Acegirillrat; u. liat -alimkgr& measerr es Nerwery it ,•1, rote 1 "NT Wt. T'hoswee Haruas water*, ir . Lowelep. We. ' 11 .yeaderie Solicit -we. Twonto. Magic .earememseureeette lasaiseaffek41011•00,444killie the sweet approratwe of Mt rat Chasm ggf (Intl literti4 • vesiaas at ;21 in Tenspomines Hall, eel e 1" "n4 lf you haves/me lung. try NIr.. M. Llectiou oilic,•ra at r.• eller nito Huron Else impute'', on 14Ouslay serene . 11te law /veil meet Me of the High •.1 I.iterary Society, this *ill he 41.1.4 next Friday. Setu: ...moue' civet ion of Nimes at 01 likoron No. 62, I. t). Tiotieiny eveling.g. Th.• I:ode:telt Cadets niarelerd at the lowl of the Stratford public el, rd ezetsion Fri.lav. lir. NI. Nielodeon. the W. -et at. dentist. make* the preservation of the nallantl teeth 7V-speeinky. trarestik-a.ir for the mildew extraction of teak 7".,e Young 'Oriole', society If Sart lest kleticulLt church will giv.- • erriesii. • fertiral at Mr. 14e44. ../..11440ri'll reentet10 Tuee.lay, July it h. The stew pastor, Mr. Hoz•ell, will , present. NAVIGATION NOTES. BORN. itsis 7.. Ethei. .41 11 yard. t y I. toole•t. ut a tist.aLter. ell A X In 1 ueltenimit . en 'het. tie rine c.! 4:elentou. of a Lahr in thensele ost Ju e tote. Jew. A t4bre. of a sea ite. 1,, Peat Walk nitoeh. on me 44 Itubert Hoint tole -. Elt serforth. ire the ilth •,,d ;Om/ Miner. of a WIC e• 1, 1,, Cloroun on the Ink I : 1: , haol 11474 Psothf. 0f • ' TOrmliere,„ 1.11 Vrid • 1. satootol fidechiti. MARRIED. 141%.... or Wedgies l'atterr V e • .t.delver • Of i.•0 44.104tenee c James Ill db. IN • - I -41 IWO.. by v.. 4.4i Ito r r. Of the toe 3...• ,r) Khoo e h •10- ,..weship so oe. al -mete :on AN elittlefle *14> 241. et • rior 444 brat'sitsther. on W. tains, , Kea. a. Melooth ' ,oka son 02 veto. )2^e Jain% dffIliftfler of "a° 111110 P, h. VPMEN- 41 the madden. Meet Miner. !Keeler. On Ore i • • 21 t. ‚4,!. eiresel. %Vitt Jena* f oher. ettlese : tither, of heeler. ts: Itaillib.14. N Alum+ eso th.• Ist to ewe. .11 Nes/ %fork • t IL** Heles M. . o oleo. .'141111NTONe At the • 1.4•94i.s. Clint/M. I nee. A. titer. 'b* Toronto Iri .1n14, the mil; de Dttil Lee On ihe -• ; i• r ed lietuo. tete Carom. toad ea Lake Itnraa irle114 iteroeste4. Three trap bele have Leen pin off shore of townehip, The steamer I ',iv of %%. bedew was in port on her down trip 4;f1 Nlowley. • The City of Windsor wo, in port agsin on Wednesday 0.0 her upward trip. The lithatiter S‘ent:Isfilia ison.pieted her j.,!. 01 putting in Leap ft/a south a this port. Trap tiet fishie/ w.,. not /Med the past week awl that ft.ren gill nets as declining. Captain Rabb had the life boat oat ral Friday and put tier, crtetv through the tumid exercises. The selsoasetw Kolfaqe with a cargo of cos; for Messrs. Lee end MvEwess arrived in port - kat week. The w7booner '41tbItti Alex- Lem • son. light.m. Thursday for Thestrilou to lord bomber. Thesteander Canada arrived at the Rig hhill ea Sunday, and .41 Manday loaded • quamtity el dour for 1.1ke Superior. The soissimer Etilfage, 1 •-•pt. .1114.. Mo. Ihysield. sailed. light, on Saturday for Gore Flay, to bowl lember for Kincardine. The schnoner Smith and Not. with 409 tons of earl. for Ow Rig MCI front Toledo arrived in port mi Etteolay morning. The wlmoner tarter. aptain 1). Mc Erma, from Thedia1on eith 240,00 feet of lumber for N. I In•tnent. reached her .inek Thursday at neon. lite schooner Tolman. I 'apt. Al.'... Lew. non, with 137.000 feet of lumber front Them - salon for N. Ilyment, reached he, dock on Tuesday afternoon. The Rattly boat Mon:welt was in harbor on Wednesday morning and utter taking, on pearmangees and almett little carloads .4 freight left for Net Artlitir. On Monday and Toyalav the river was crowded with pickerel and shod. The find named fieli.however•coultI'vett be tempted to touch the anglere' heat. The new Iron% Wm. Wateon, built hy Wm. Nlarlont for •lames Clark, made her first trip on Thureday. She is under the eommand of Capt. Anvil NIcleor. The 1 'ety of Windsor called in 0t1 Friday on her remake trip north. Inning the day she hatie excursion tripe on the lake, which were freely patronised hy .stratford's citi- zens. On the piles mi the Lower lAurenti.les road 1Vednoolay three ears were thrown over a bridge and wrecked, and • 1,Mellec man names! I.evare was killed THE M A It K ETS. BREADSTUFF'S AND PROVISIONS. -- Co/retell rriee4. tioultni. U. Jute. le. Ifiri fl g Wheat ... ... . . 1 110 10 1 0 reirty w heat.. Flour III 110 to 1 IIC . 0 Atka 114 Shorts. /// 100 0 1011041 IS Pron. V ton Is *5015'� sereeniegs V toe.. . . ... .• Is SO MDI ell -hopped nee Wheat • t it Olio. le bilt a, 0, bona . ...... .. . .. . 0 10 AS . . 0 110 WO 0 etrie;. 41 kiseh . .. ...... nausea tLeste,111 teeth 5 remote 13 lilltele 4111 A Petra alma .. ... - *440 I fu Puttee, • 11. . 13 to 0 IS Ectre, iamb eispackal. 144... ... . se 0 it •:.esse -. gas it s•or.d owl le Wool to 0 • Hides . NMI IV oheerektas - lee to 1 II Deemed New V eot .-- SePteire pew ... • 1310110 g Ilatou thaallitiekla Flour Pall • lit. kW and old June INN. IIII see IS i m I M ZI: !mem_ .......... • o • • • • • • .... .90 LT: ilia ikaielmixesterk flev ............... .......... 5:1 1.11 ..... 411°45570 0 0.1".3 ut ell: 1:0 :II , • F 1 P. Emmet.. on • . lite of the to of Hutton. Itnissela Toessloy 1:. ker. la hei slot Fes% In Ettore, math 'net.. NI Omit aed Mary Val 9 months lied I deyr. ' . If ellett. futeelaT. • • . ..• 'meth. yousgeet e. enotth. arrea 3 menthe ar 1114.1: le .* ..14o 0.44 544-4/ 7.51 . :naps 1 In 10110.0i1. On tile 1:114 Wane, dnaghler of .4. lint 11s, Henri* on the 1411. it ••...: John aseod ) •. Hellen on 115 er riliftt WPM. lard "iS 7. WI NON Ati. 114 OW N. ownalOW021 t. IWOle. Of 00.1.eich,wee , -ar:, el the 111•111 of Hut • ,i 41'0M Stratford on 'Ines • m. I. of the 'society 49411e. '.an.1 la teeing organs/rain • •••„4.•:- of 1Vinglianntes .4 • ...nig Ili the Forestere on Illominein "toy. W ',gear • ,-.11 iiie late Mr. ra 1•• OM., Ile was lath. 1 of this town. Jr opened • loran . it steam dyeina and III this town. He en i•cole.1 ttMil Or OCk -.1-4 IfOyal Hotel us coin ,:e1 the next that will be oil' he line reel lorick .41 11* 1,.• 'lank of ' lin.w.n and !tea. Stnith, oter t.. Idieknou to open 4 the Batik of Ilemillon Young tfentit men will It teen PORTER'S HILL The olaret la “Reol !telt?) -.4 I.) l'rof Morgan • Jn• -• tio leMperance Hall 29(2 '1);•'.11:in"'1141r;.)..I.14.MIrai.'w:rtgiterPnt 17' Rtl 104.1 : worialttlati. Fred Lintiva granii:ituntadia. YN4:011r"...104. emit. Visa !deed Pickard Semi ehorite les' lens. Arco...paned, 1.4.1. The adult c`i Tied! ,ietiourac. .14310 ag • 9:15. 10113.ein Ira. as ,k • Ion glee to the tirat "'lore the 20th of septen No* Testament the el ord "the third. .09 1 the Ind P100.00 To 11 the fifth, $15.00. To he , next 25, 16 cwt. To 11 "fo the pereen wed& erect amstrer, we will give the tont Its the hat . 1%0, front *he Ara. tVith yn ILI afhiff, .r27 eta. t of 4)1', Cole* Need and *. Mood, /Mr, mil OM .1^. Sere eareiurehe nr.• Remember sherries tree, Wig away ti Mid N R Kindly she go 41 & grim whiSM.