The Signal, 1891-6-19, Page 7THE SIGNAL : CODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 1$91. t
-*graft VAL 'M
Best American Bheetings in all widths.
New Pillow Casings, all widths to 48 inches wide.
42 -inch commences at 14 cents a yard.
Handsome designs, all widths.
Drawn Tea Cloths, Table Runners,
Tray Covers, Napkins and Towels.
'ft a Der
'.nom' �•�
�v; AP.AIISrr�Ass7G,`.. 3.3E
'-- rums -manna
Try a *ample packag..
Plumbing, Heating and Sheet Metal Work.
The manufacturers have refused to send any more Granite IronW tbthiltda at
iormer prices, but I have secured a large stock at low figures.
Teff phone Connection.
(1 ).ill.)N' Es,
1 WAVE JUST fits% i:lvKI) A i.•':
\Tolls. •
Ne.1 11•aVv.l, vl l..,tb,
Oats rata:
Data %m..- F a rut sad
r'� l+ptlelse+l frawt ,.1.•j.r
- ra It+r wens{ t.YUM:, 41.1x*..
I.vlad 01f'umbra ha Sat rower
. :to pnepo.e I waa iv r• 1.441 d
frispds to tri Y 7114 ov
1 dal. 84.1 *torr wing '• t..Ittw
1 we- .ra„ 3o:rtc:y rat•wt.
:gess "COIL }'IP• -1 T: ON
a*rdi =career.
DRAM Som. -I : , .
voar K`' : . a.w
(•a 11111.4t140411`41.1 a1. 1 31..11 la
toy ke•1. 7'15. romp. ,4s.,
ode 1.10144.1 ,0 /*Mae Let •..'r
.Flt boael. 1.m•11 a.+oe. fn. I,
s:u3 rhoo 151 `..r beat be,
left 1,,e. tr to e%cr% body mill
tl,e wao 4i4e41. 1 r,. ors. mend
14 u. e.
Mrs F. a•T: t ' a'ts
iiia l+:o . at . T: cwt.).
Curcs BIL/OG'S "lE$S.
C; ; ." e s 61 L I0 C!ShiESS.
Direst IPswaL
tE6ULATES Eras. i was,X(.altle..l fork.*
%earls Ili .T Lina Co..,plant
-Louse ai: w:.inal cl 4.11,3:, ne
Tstings •,.d one :40 kraal n„,I 1
THEwa .t,e•.ta�tg worst 814 1k. lime
1 moil 1 trial $ut:ork ":loo.$
N:flee+., d!!er taking toe'
LIVER. a-1 "°;a -f-91. 4lt I. 1
tis0 ren.. 11 .,....t It or Malaita*
Of Dv *1'•tt'*ia. -
11LrY A.F.! ••�t•t'rte.Ctt.
CHILDREN AND MA11MAl0E• !, arty fowl, •way from home.
- - "�'l. 1)iti you Mei& )•our e,t:teat ian in 1
ars flrrr Little T. Proved 11111MOreelses tows or Hs the country
y l' -Ii t., oral work
.1 are 0..• w
• ka•t st orervers and. 'haft' ' .lhfer.sI 4 atl)
r. Mc ti al ctedu.rn : in.kesl, their ,. .: 1h. trot at triiwte a favorahl.• rat
1 of living health i a irhab uw isop,' 1r, F��yl
... '-:..las are often mare astonishing %item Of living ` Moderation in all Ilaiattr . um LLidj� i ii
.'.1.• t,. theired.ler.. Though we laugh, i.lour exercisers in all wea:her,: no day entire -
u:•: always enjoy ha%tng our weak ly ..pent In.loon. %'.t, -
soled to sus by the hahblings ..f l 1 • �{M,ut
10. Huls .ng . 1 i. you lslea
,egbt Moro too the ave -:-Age. EE 1In9ZiGd. Tare.
kilae•. •• •11. What changer in )our .lady hal.its. .e
%sitar tittle children were at inlay, vas The t'ou make u, the approach of a ape agar
han:t•at15y Star, awl ahether it was tat, \i,ur.
th.) •a tire." of familiar Vainest or that the) .. •12. What were your recreation.' Ilia -
:mo.:te prisiciple, ••1t w -as not gswn1 for nail ingf ..n horseback up to the 'age of 8b.
to I.. 8.441'. t'raceot expression. they deter •• •13. How- long do you steep' Eight
rt,. r4 to have -a wesbling. John, aged eight, h.,nn still.
shoohl marry Ratty. aged five, and brother •• •11, What are your habits with regard
h 1 to 1
er heard a n tr concentrate." nourishment.
i'erem ouy awl was ent.rrly iills'rwi'L of the ! •• '15. To what reason dp you pprriutanly
4.4l4.k•1H' ,ladgas. lout was he at a 10111 `.•i a criis your healthy tool age` On which stay.
Not he. 11.• knew what paps an4 mummer , t:,.l long I,re.ery a you ' I To t:.M1'.. grace
,anlhit„I .4 para0ount till UT, and sorrel) . a,I ,,.okra% habit..
hat eso-h w eagerly d.sired must I
ttu'e the requisite 08 a lueppy n+arriea knew Thy.elf.
life. The .v era, number .4 tt'etlt 13 32.
1Te. .iul4tea for wollonk were request- 'l'ite wng!\tt of the cir.'ulating Mold u 28
of t.. stat. ,genie 1.y sole, and gravely ..bey' ' jenlwl/.� .
ea. The avenge weight of an ultlt is ISO
. Natty. will yet ret np in the morning I p.un.i and b ounces.
Harry would . t e wools that an.. . u, taken); lou." ' I cat ver, int
Now llama speak
t auhstttu
:tri are that John bas his Lleakfast au time
as i that lie has Forst thinks t., eat and net-er
The brain ..f a man expends twice than of
Iwo to wait for bis meals '•.. ! ars% other ain ital.
it,bn, will you sive her all the money .\ man breathes about twenty titres a
wale minute and twehe hundred times in an
That sae 811. lot does it not contain the hour.
utt..r... o of married felicity : A Watt homilies about eighteen pinta 0f
air in a minute, or of seen hangs
heads in a day
1irse a weilt of i he rat
brain of a an
tt sl1(l•Ote 11811 1Mis MIm; of a w0tuan
retinas and eleven oun•s.
Fiftl,hutt.lre.l and forty p• tiols, or ort(•
hoogph/lad and one and one-fourth pints.
of l'ko,l par through the heart in one
The average height of an EI.glishntan is
five feet nue inches : of a Frenchntul fire
feet from inches ; of • ilelgian line feet six
and three-fourths inches.
The heart sends nearly ten noun.1) of
blood through the Peine stool arterioa each
heat. and makes four heats while we breathe
One hundred and seventy•tive million
cells are in the lungs, which would cover a
thin times greater than the human
1.• Soo (.u$b!
ttem=t--debry. -Take Kemple Ralsavu„-the Hough cure. it will (ere ..roughs •art.
.des. It will cure more throat ora tinkling
• i,r thawjtt�ar• It will cure pains to the
It wJi*w�f!
influenza and bronchitis
Il iliptaars pertaining to the lungs, be
it he • pure balsam. Hold it to the
..rad we how clear and thick it is. You
-• the excellent effect after taking the first
L..• large bottles 50e. and $1. 12-eow,
o ..*aarkabIr Letter ea %mins.-tales of
, ,.,.,1 1 n t. x 411. w vi.I. ..
. ry little is known of Count )Ioltkes
_ "os do41:trines, except that he shared
.,mple faith in which his okl noisier,
'4 ilium 1., lived and died. There is, how -
"ver. • lam« in one of his books which
gives a claw to Moltke'. conception of the
central figure of the C'hristian's faith. Re-
ferring to ('hrist's life .n earth he .aid :
'His lite was hum ble : he wall the descend'
\ a11 of • people in 'itemiser, awl he had not
Saab where to lay hi. head. To this fish
en he talked in parables alma God :
he .al.,l the sick, ad died the death of an
,tiller. And yet there has never been
thries on
is earth
1mar ele atedkanti also that
mem from h
solidly paint of view more .sjeeessfulthan
t/tns connect, this tc;.ching and this
-ten h oecalion of ('Dunt Moltke'* nine
Hath birthday • Viennese edneationaI
.dr arty wk.r1 a n.tinher of eminent men who
hw.l attained a old age w to the hest
Every housekeeper should see our novelties.
h Arno• Ike D,.trnrtlow et the Irradiate
Trade I. Lambs.
There is no doubt in the mauls of the live
.tock dealers a: hist Ruffian as to the effect
secretary Rusk& order that sheep ant.
swine from t'au,cla shall be subjected to
fifteen days quarantine well ha%1. In brief,
it will actually .lest roy the important trade
in Lauth brttreen 1 &nada and the %•uteri
states, ar the delay of fifteen nays iia mark-
eting the lambs, the tare, the fowl, the loss
of Aesh in peas, will run up the cost so high
that the ouarantine will have the sante
• Meet as a prohibitory duty. The trade at
I:uttalo amounts to over half a Million
named in raid regulations, except cattle OD:.13 AND 1:NDS.
import...' from 4 shade. are subject to the
1. carne email toms and requura•aenta at if they 1 .,.„,„,,„7p..,: Apt..aratne. air, oft.,.
( Itrtaun the Utast Moat of ...,open ; __
`` The tollowi i.e.1 circull.r lot boon hued by : Lc,w'. Sulphur `.,ap is a elegant to,itet
Ithe }sat (tuff+l., Lite Stock Association : i arta*. and oleate.... and iuriale, the skin
in -.r.1cr tbs.: the sate may be re.a•incicl, ,fit e:kcttmliy. len.
we would ask that you 11tar4.1 yourself mit- __
fkiently to call upon your member of I'ar:u• Low. e11 , t'uurier : IN (oamrse a tisbervuu,
went and ask him to help procure such legis- knows whit hu net i•arotne is
dation int refers ec to the quarantine regular
tions ra.lul e.l b)- tn.: l fated •tater author- ! N1.aM'. shun.....% tar uhrnluatt.w.
itis as a ill warrant thein un allowing sheep
and same to lie imported into %Ina a..untry Pittsburg i'ress: 4lur gold a. ou'.c follow-
; the same as iieretodcne. I int the immune an going abroad.
Ibis 1., a nutter et vita! importance 1.4)11'
producer. of sheep and Iamb, m Cana"a,anil (kxasiowd 11.aw1 of a g,MMI cxithartic like
. 15151(:,,1 1l,.• people ui Canada. interest t'sem' Burdock 1'iiis are necessary to keep the
selves sniheiett"ty to induce the I •atia.liat: bl.MMl pore au.l the IMMiy 11e:.ltliy. ` 1n1.
t:overnm.ut to react such quarantine laws __
were imported into the United States from
1" .%. ..lust tie :dement mute.
dollars a year ; in all et amounts to over a as the United Staten authorities , «ggeat ua " ` ►,
lli0n, this sxxlar, lsr wall ►,e powerless to ... any bays 1.1"11" camarally .inks his I. . e) hl
The HuBakl `;tock Dealers' AroCiatnn thing in the nutter of Laving the quarantine theist.
1 our mat•1►iapatch: the own uIto
say- that the Canadian l'arlianiemt must act removed in this country.
at onto in the nstter rat establishing awear-
}Our prompt and earnest trrcp:ratiun is Spatial* Liniment Ix moves all
..none against European importations, so simerely' request.rt. wear -
English pa
that nn air etsity for /Mie in the mrnlntry ' In this t-ottneetiou we would' strongly urge tiara, soft or c*llousol 1 ps arse I+ie:nista*
against ('anstia should exist. The trade 1" farmers to take the ad% ice of dealers when true. herr*..*,, eurls,spiints, ring
('aa•ba lanais x41 sheep is just shut" °pen they say that all Inecks Should at 444(0, tsar b.nIa•, sweeney, edifies, sprain., Pore and
ulg oat, the mouths of .lune..Indy, August, un.*verte.l into *ethers. in order to secure SW:Alen throat, coughs. etc. Save 1150r
Reptenllwr, (ktober, Stoic -tuber and l),,em- the best results of feeling. use of one bottle. \\ arralte,l the most
her being [hare in which the bulk of the wonderful blemisl. cure ever known. Sok(
*sinter wparla.
trade is hurdled, as the earlier named
by }'. Jordan. IY
months are particularly the Lest, because in The gay winter season exposes nsny to
the ('anality fat lambs are most attacks of coria, coughs, hoarsens,tight
t base mots
plentiful ad have teal competition from nese of the chest, asthma. bronchitis, ate.,
Michigan stock, which .rules late in the which requires a reliable remedy like Hat-
• year of good quality. Everybody concedes )•ard's )'ectoral Balsam for their relief and
rrc - • danger he 1 bei" cureKnown as reliable for over thirty
surface Y tltstth great Lan er oft tea a being
Iasi}• Beaton Journal of Commerce thattie%eWy ruined. year. 'rho Inst ...Nigh core. 2
THE EDITOR'S TASLE. The members of the live stock trate, at a
list romance.
meeting, thoroughly discussed the question,
a hard Nan P.MMrt1a•that
and al agreed that the wine quarantine A well-known horse,louppeer, alto was coat
base erre t. Yard.
proriaiors of this country could, without Mitered a respectable member of then reg*
sole .1i -i.%. t of the order, be evaded by tion. w•as frequently pressed y'
European ahl n sending to allow himself to be nonunated tor the vaulters statesman : Some fellows go to
('ty the character be read from the g1ea" p, ) the IIIOII'*taIIl to tote's speckied trout, and
1 racte assuredly it can. through 4'
After much lis varian it eldership. Ile always t h matter oft
Moatwax de •. led to have a circular prepared and with evasive a[awH7, Fut at length the Kn.0 go to the atael14Mr to catch the
sent to ('analias shippers, setting forth the minister amounted the reawrn for his re '• spero l beauties " there.
injury to the trate done by Owe qquarwntire, furl. Thus driven into a corner, the _
and urging the necessity otimntailateactiols worthy replies", "Man, 1 wonder to hear you, There are many indications of worths,
Ly tie Canadian Parliament. Mr. ,Nabs Hoo na a tato be an elder
Int Ile. Lor.'.. Worm Syrup meets then, in
The following is a copy of the order awned area sella horse!" every ease srae..sfnlly. Ln.
by Mr. Runk, Secretary of Agriculture of Nenhh I. grew...
the United States : I'hiltdel bin Ftexord : tiger
Whereas, Hader tie Act of Congress ap- Health giving herbs, larks, roots, and than l use's „ flea
-oana ..
lamed .•lugnst 30.1890,15 has been prr%ideal berries are catefnlly ao b,ned i. Burgo k cmc of a 01 sharp
y the Department 01 Agreultnre, In order Ill,MMl Hitters. which regulate the were
to protect the sheep and swine of the United corns. purity the MnoI anti renovate and \\' tun Iter This is a, a a.. rite
States from emet•g diseases now exist strengthen the tutire system. Price t a Um, Iir 1111 1',813 of is ales t� Iprr ,b •
ing in foreign countries. that all sheep ad bottle. six for gni _Leas ti►aw lc. 8 doer. 2 r baccarat Moroi i ,armor,,.
swine imported from great Britain and the - -. ---._
Continent of Europe must be held in q•sran Binghamton Aapaldiedt.:, After all, a I Ntaa.dy Ltntwse.t ewers %'std•, •: .
tine fur • peraat n( not Ins t:. ui.::ser, says: tuning -fork is Itteeriy .kin.. of pitch
Harrisburg Teleg.a111
hes in wait tea his catch,
weight of lint catch.
The angler tirst
and dorm he. In
*..std'. L1.ImrnI /s Na Sed.
Baltimore .\mericntt : rove seems to Ise
laughing tow' at lawsuits as aril Mat kook
}:veryone can remember hen,g in penmanship
favorably or unfavorably by tl imol ha•
of rime unknown penal,
astonished to find how true the conclusions
were ; ad Sane of the worlds foremost
thinkers have nsiutained that the Mena-
writing furnishes a more exact key to the
character than the head, face, or form.
Character -reading from handwriting is •
faacinatiug study : and if you wish to l:sarn
all about it you must real the excellent ami
profusely illurtratea article, " How to Beal
('luracter by Hands riting,•• by Prof Nelms
Thorpe, published in the .duly number of
Ilem..reets Family M ne, and you will
he still more intercated In the subject. In
is a splendid article on
C:; res' HEADACHE.
it ?tempt Crse.
:MAW near Iona 'cry ha[ 1»adaese suit 1 u s sn)
l.sadt; to baud,. ar 1 fan
-etlotd w I coukt .1.. no walk
:•/y .titer-io-saw ad: .sed It
Ly N. H. It. \rail t:.a bar�w
1 felt ao witch better %bat•
got ono Mom 181.1 1x1,8 t
and eau et -mita. well a, ever.
Au= psiteiam.
Bad Hl.wwl utay ar.•w trona
wrmlltactaor of the Em,u,uek,
Ircor, k,due). ,cud Howes.
Ii. It. H . by regulating alae
t *11450 there orttwos..11..0.48
the mum awn wake. new
1,101414 removing all flag/
Lora*. frons • purple M•
rwfulou, wore.
12,000 Acres Good Fa ala Land
0m Ntrninx■ t rattail. ..enroll A terms
■ad 1... Lake Railroad..
Al pr.cea rataing from 41 to E. per acre,
There Lams are ck,ar to EnterprisingNew
Tonna, Churches, Schools, els., ansl will
lie Mold on Most Favorable Terns.
R. M. P1YR(11. West Bay city.
Or to J. W. CU1tTIH Whittemore. )1t A
A CIou11 1141 t:i r -
'1he cku.f On the
A T ITA N* 1 r'« Wally
tepee. ow, Ya+, •.••nyewp e...f4.*
reed rad Air es.e wM
ww..�t ....nee
Im(onnwti.m. "1.IM,k herr. I...w.awwan..u.r. ww+e.tarsa+•.t.m
bare the came num Tara
and Important
hl } Afield Plants era her rad
1 their boys \
Nay 4:: grow OI Fm, rt,etl men, w - at
omnLlrd ages marinate.' to 1.1(30 year. " (hili, which 11 {srtl,ukarly w111RM, the 4kmmian of ('arch► maks 14,,1'0 Hnrn Men smell Ir rr wise if i ta'•o'«r«
snswerrj the questimis, and of these a present : ore* Mat leer ..f loran d.esn•t coif ate. Its s.. aeM�•...•....
0th nO r.( quarantine for p • they ,•mini only learn as much na eir ry (ram lire tc.•Ii of the neck, rail a ustin ,,,r,w.i7s, pa .. ...» "..•....... .«s "...WI.
'saner the Mt notch ' to .poet M reasnable. 3Jaat . Int frNn think theycornett! teach them a."'" 4^0. •...i r•••••..r .aa ss••..a..a
1 Ire ••M to (.Nell' all .t1r .a. ......lsr.••rr**w«. sera n•ma
phe.l by ('sea
moat interesrtb were thaw sop- to the o' swine nm asl 150" rr, rY t ten c . Irian to a t.,rmat note . **Nita. g port
rat Motke. We give the Ines and everyone can .,,,{tore the plants front 4;rex3 1"riuin or the t .ntinetat Of Europe I'hilclelphw Times Instead of bean/ Sir .lot beef vat 1 sells s lack of dot neck. her with the the ..,genu ilhutrati0ns; um "Mummer t\ Illsm 4,orvl.n l mmol 15 Iw nr to Inr.k
Flalmin and ng R/ Iters van nrsblinq Inrt horn in front f
1 T
m /all : On15doa Ismer - awn eons, «'hereea, u. .rags of thane
1. M what did yotnr Ir. ton. ('Odors." they are so, clearly d rotor 11
t the veriest animals from 1'pernu into the l eited.tatee
like Sir William ('onion going. neck.
Flmira gazette : The baseball hm re
O dot
Aa aifi aim name Tloo/w was tomb.'
von and how many hoar 1 day ltd 015 sd and nllnatrated Lha without quarantine --mold be dagemes to
n•ly ' In 1808. when 1 3.x118 years Jou
he) Maid 44 .andel demote "We sre a odeJ behind a woodpile b Helmoreon Toes
ola1. I wjtbc can learn stow t0 "hen„ the stock intermits of the United States, ow- Itaan t mrcfi of •reputation M w diel 1st,
levered ten. nes • Any : lifter 1810 1 subset painter
metra rano : and t wmste y trig to h failure on the part of the cats- althuwgh he t• always calling men runt. strange people over to our church : it we, .lay 18.1 week. and ,.a0r preesl to fame hem
tell... ten hones every .br china --mg the may timal the 'ritiesorce C.lemhua Yost "H' •er'a .r safe a, like a thing we mare may w, but H the there situ.. Saturday. 1)r. Tuwkr..vruner,
rat oe nrig I w dof • tomb Of Matt Me (tweet t em4 given re "The 1's tAwl han would enable, mf orttershto Bride ion,
pias company, y 1
}x t mm aaiA t tramp, w the munr,the ptra,kinK or anything a'Isedrwn't -M telegraphed for arid went not au. ••s
nature. sx etr.wtg • I wM of •• Laugh Of Matt ('oke.. ,, er 90. there are stories quarantine 01 4 Ill* (1 `+tat.. porta, therelady brought mit the cohtente ..f the ,up suit no we gr. for It ml hot. ' Any orf mined the Imay, leer ,wsidered an oop.t
hoar&. When found he had an empty
•rad prrWa. sal over 900 il, £ French
, in, 1 %bent kmd of folks around this part ..t the P y
a French oro• two, it is lnttk m his pocket which ha.l cn emned
3 Were you borough' ,o., rap m town or iw eluding •superb Ih-d from
that all sheep or mime to Is Un- i ittatm (hroti.•1e : Fla Mees of tb., Y bottle 10 l The o's! nth 4,,. .tt 1r e
,,� ,� % 1ne aril ' ge
tM• arNnfttry! 141 the rnuntry.up to my 10th tame, stool)• male. the Fanoppl1re, oaf the ported (man 1'arla.4 into the l;tntell Stets in (*entre' ought to be ter risme 1111.114.1-011/1the twem..form. many.4. \1 ntlema. 8 ll la re
Ira. 11111114111114111 51w.4h
are hell t0'4y. *'r in l'ewtni and 504,414 :Interim than in the Ns.. 4,4.0/4. i his -rte stn.
err berch nwle .th}sct g eke !intoe few years ago he a.
"'0. How man) hrrn."wily did YOU oral Ing with illy ,ole ,natter Retell , this 7 0*n,. working thereat house painting ede,aat-
fe hours. • open air • i,rlgnlarly, sw.l On1ly w presto fully m•inir. Lha putty ..maga 0f the Ikpwr1wss.t 'l Agrienit.41 n( eau l mused reales. It m .land. rep
H* cure) • 1'rlli to . t
numberti o tieing the ma,' family (Mtaoloer 13, lJ�aw,i 1M stcrpte.w cMntain Somerville Journal 1f you wast a Thing lett and pt. mptnt ewes to all iron tr'W In at which they wee,. s.trpta. The sib
fewWive. athletic and other zine, and it is published for taper year M' «I in the Third and sixth rre�e�aalalinwsef said well clam, do it yourself gnrtrwlly : bet the simplest sprain to the racking tot -tore hR,l •.mor II"' a...
yrea No meth•/tsd alms- W. Jennings Diose ed, 16 KAMM�thst.. New .bila, a11 WI' tel 1 ahlbdi•n and masa it tomes to viewing a halloo of rheumatism 1 neves failing retool) for '
Physical aa•e•ii48 ' swifts, M tweir� 011. sad alt Y&N111k 'bad WNW lull Sie+kw-M11Fa
" Mrarvatto.s: Jwlaggrwth, fork.
sod pan in the chest. 2 **2ar 'e 1108484.' runs aspbtheela.