HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-6-19, Page 2THE SIGNAL: GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 1891. CIEs ,t.. w Imam rtr . PR e asst,! • +»A tad no ,b. .t bite • Bae Saki 112(3 711)-4 Eaalle rid I, in ft Sorrel wY t. dlv, jthe fetal me Ue �1 1 MRS. R. B. SMITH NOVELTIES AND LATEST STYLES A Cordial Invitation Ta the ladies of Gaderich and Prices right vicinity to examine her stock. MRS. R. B. SMITH. 1.0 mepartitg to ...ail front laverpwl le: New 1 ork, was wartied t.. take pm -autumn Mary 1 ,,,,, who, elute nursing het 164 pommel' him to death. laia kola of all t lie !motley 111141 /JO. • ii111.1 get. ;ilia then llia!le WS* thought that ehe would try toileat Eaglwail .01 ',mar 130. star.' 6 .1 ship most likely f.a Anieriet, whey.; she friends awl theislore I sharply sive-unmated the pswengent. eight its lllll Ober, Who W•13. relic% ea tt.perecive that none .0 thee. talliol ti% e feet ri% inches in height, Wel oar.). pith. der. u h Inoue hair, aark eye...iscel a clear eil alineul. but her father lawl been an Eng- lishman. aria all tioir tone whom she inherit...I a remarkable capacity Teo of. the female passenger. who now. isaaw Omani were married 'saw... :mil of .lark ple•ien ; there were idea, t WO Miss Lorton, ;dam aria atom ; the Otheit Mies Merwitt, Ampler and tall, apparently not low• than ti• e ft•et nine inches, with the mow • !littlish. intineent Imakiss face, tor out. hair ana eyes, entail baby- like fentures,wel latently dimple.' with etudes.. .1s. elseolight ly her long skirt Are saw that in. stead of shoes or 6...ts she won- ormunentel Imiakiti. some kin.' .4 soft leather, whirl. made no noise when she walked .1fter- waras heard thet wore t hem because why had' letely sprained her feel, awl iota,' not yet hear harder leather. From the first I coula see that my mai Toni. a young man of about ...twenty tive,suiti ehief °Nina. was greatly ihypressed by this lie hal always liked tall wouncti.atiol tiny • thing thea look* ..r ;manners particidarl • 'draws! hint. Still, I was sur - woad at t e one short week after we *silts! to learn that fie had actually propos. ed to her and been accented. ••Site is ....artless. me ingenuous, so free __from guile .4 suy- kiwi.- maul "tliat yes can read her heart at mice • We art- to lie marries' on coming lack to 11.13eIllsall, at the house a her aunt,• who is expeeting her. -With her usual childish franlinees she formed ne. that. although having a 1511141 fortune in three per eentaleft by her hither, Whit Win. a merchant. she is at Present short of cash, which won't' hinder her from put chasing,on landing, certain little artit.les to. wank a wedding outfit. I was art touched by her shy infantile way. Mended stith timid .listres. at Itayinig to tell me this, that I at onee went to my room ana pro- cured the five hundred dollar United States. bond which you know I lately bought with my 'eying., awl gine it to her. telling her where she could' get it cashed, and bask her then take out of it whatever she need• "Why, Tom, yon tituti say au ':•-• I cried, rather startled. We are engaged, sad it ought to lie the mane about money matters as if we were lle went below, and I set long in the eleer moonlightnoinking it 10 rr aa Imlay, foolish piece of loisittelia. when anadenly I was startled by the ery of the lookout for• ma/sly gh ; but, she Was going by, her helmsman ranting his u heel 1.., boom her bow muting off. iota her ji1.1..en eaught tin- der my 'spanker elteet. lifting the apar and vrorkYoll Mokl% to Iterfithi. two vessel., apart and prevent fit. thee ilainage, in the/m.11st of whirl% set era! of the lasseengers same imi ning up. montreltst frightened. to tin.' out what was the wait... "11 ;• lathing 1 are rill right nom" I ,-rmst, hr. remoire theca. AS the other ship swung deaf 011151. ed tow 1.1.6 he1 form, .listiortly revealed liy the nos and .41e ot the hifitenoi, I sto31. .1 111 an lomat asmornel. • meet, h... as true FM 1 AM 3 'stung man. her stature 511/0 oweine•I at least three imehes Ovate'. 'Win I 1.a.I hitherto seen 1 hat. the only one 5.1e. not icesi liar at tinnt.anol oil meeting 111, stare sloe men hack as ietWIL ow Ilash.oiel ,snishe.1 In the tor a liement *finest took easy my breath My whole n foal was ti%ell this ma. thing, and when my wen ram.. tip. a few the *molar change I had remised nit Wm Ms Oared at one at first as if he themight • 'auto laugh, slaying that my ' eyes ot. the imps nee!, light 11.0at /111Ve lleeltiVell I knew better, however : hut. nailing I could uot ...unser him, I told Itint to wait last isi the niornini:, w heu he might see for Tu. houralat..r the stwond Mate tame up to relieve Tom. alio then weut below. 'the this ..martet deck, %%pike.' amid ship., .111 at once. pulse of my surprise. when , on raising my hetet. I beheld, leaning 011 the ; rail near mi., a penion i hat' never seen -be I hire a ;lender. mithllereiget1 IOWA, of rather ' low stature. with hair emeriti:I nearly e•ery I whieb glittered like tire Isollsis thg maws. • in the harbor through the .4sinivative of out ' of your tare I ;wit tiot g g to tell you which mac voles *leo supplies tie. wit li heel. I have been all along in the +Katt-room next you honked in the mom yon ir.m1.1 have men me, bet you probably mimed the key. 411- t11111511.4ht 1. Nile 11/04... •• Iles e is my warrant,- he Interrupted, !handing tire a paper. which, on reashing it signed olowitnient, apparently films theprop- 1 er authorities, instructing John (lens. the I hie rear:Ivor to artect the murderess., Mrs. Neungson, who. it was .suweetesl, was a paissenger in disguise. aboat:d that "She is here,- was his confident reply, when P retwirkcol that there must he sonw mistake. ••I liavt• not .watehed through the hole ! lotto' to the Ilan it' for ;iota. outtiot be the guilty one. she 6 innocence !wive berti tt.I.1 that the murderess wits , mull shorter, awl nearly twee as 1 old. He laughed iii a way which I... me nos very disagreeable. "It is not Mut, Mianin I allude to,- he sahl. ••11•41 will relierlimber that the state- room .if• .NI lea Lorton is also next UP surmised as before; "eras filispeet that stout . ' • • I don't suspect.- ite interrupted: • • I know ••Itut slte is young. plain, and sitnet_j_tite accused u.sistan P144 slentler---------- That will e‘ in all. It is easy for a WIli wan of that ilia to make herself look young- er am! stostAer than she really is. Should we fall in with a 1,soo.1 Liverwort' bound 'ship, I shall arrest this Wotnali, lund take her OA beard of it with me. I will go hack to niv roman now. Vogl May or may not am me again before we sight • home hound 1Vith that Ise glided like • shash,w into the sleben. • 'New. then, I had monwthing to keep tile awake tis drive all thoughts of turning in from my mind. So, after all, that u-onian that terrible murderess, WAS &boar.' niy ship ! I commences' to walk thuileck in no pleasant frame of mina, aria tlw morning fight 'stole Armin.' me before I wait aware that tht• hour Was PO late. When breakfast was toosay in the eatme. Mime Merwin wa. absent from her aectio. toottol lake. at the talde. I taring Ow prog- ress of I he meal I Ismolool more then once at Mis. Lorton the stout young hely who the detective had positively amerted was Mary Voting/0m the pouniner. The quiet dignity and composure of her manner, the frank, horiseit e•preseuei of her to me te. natural, ei. real. that I marvelled how the .lettative ...mimed to penetrate through so perfect a aiegiiiw. Feeling oat after breakfast. I slept until near moon. %Then I went nu deck. Too. WAS superin- tending the rnpairing of the spanker Immo. "It is very strange,•• he *Rol te 1lDe 011 easily. •• M tea 11er In luta ti.0 yet siu.wn The ilay wore on at itlimit our wring her. F:ven at supper time she .61 not make her - Toni looketi pale and ....neenotol. ritually Ite unit and knocked at her door. calling her name. l'here wow no responee. mid to me im anat. ••01' htt her he willed artily flied t amponie,1 to Iwo In gown' health on4 then thought to litmeelf. ••1Vere it 100 that , are where we are. and she a oliltertat .41 of person. might oismei•t that ohe had al, si till %ow nooses %. night appirow-hea, her non appearanor. 15. 1.1,411, 51111511 the •Ione. whkh wee lockea. I del spd we amid heir nese etmity Iler freak r as still them hist site was gorse. NI) WW1 lookal at me se pais Ai desalis • "My Ned ! what ens have lasoome of hie" lie AllatiNt. its (mt. it oertstinly was a very mogular wee aad, coupled with my previous "beer - &time of the *trance shortening of the TOWNSHIP OCIUNOLIL The wort of revision for the township al l'ollburse me: iu the toniohip hall ma May *01****6 otostorti. .1 WWWW4 WSW te1 Zith. 'rho awns hors It• • LLif stgiirdt he rimi lured ••May she nut have yew on deck last *adored, let, for being aaamacol for too Main fuel fallen overbuara ' inetured une much acreage, tor bring *maternal too of the pamengers. high. A. Malloy 11115Ve111, second/el hy .1. A. -Impossible ' I amswered. "It was ming, that luta 4 and 3, 1st LIM. K. B., sleek .11 M be koreree'l to 984 wed, beware, 1 hod good lookouts 11.311teil ai Ira, that pt. 8 .as M. t. be lonered to about the ship. The thing could not lune ' 44) &erne, aud lots pt. 8, Mend 10 on M. C. happet.e.1 unkIHM 11 lo ug. he IOW emit to 934 acres, the 1111441 amounts Wt. lgolts1 to ere tt Might 140t 13111l a colt 43111.111114111g Le the acreage 111 'Ile,. I ortlerial a thorough search to 6 eu the 2nd appeal. The court atlieurueti to 'mat. throughout the ship. nits was ; off Saturday sit 2 o'clock. rhe court but ie.. she eras net to be Jewel, though 11151 ..e pursuant to aajourunient, ait.1 after e%ery 0001, 404 Cileare W1011011/4.011 WA/. liu.kiatg • few alterations .1. Malloy Then it oceurrea ni nue to speak to the iraesieled by Jas. Taylor, that the deteeto e about is : oast es 1140511 lie 1 .:0111111 wise 1..11 Lc worpted as eto teal. tat - MASSEY MANUFACTURINIG CO' Low olaervall I knocked at his door. tied. isnot homed ...tined fur the ity..tutiourly opened it, but on seeing who des atch of n u ar linsinew 'I he reeve 111 WW1 their he III. the chair 'manlier* all present. 'II he 1 told lean what happened, not vim gig:noses 41 last wetting %ere read and ap• ;wowing 1.. meadow the s:niolen chatilte I pro% col. Th.. foaming ila-'004111111 Uwe had met h.1I, 1y not icea 111 111e Intl) iffww31, . dean Ntugford, repairing height. As I pruceeded, 1 Widened culvert, Yd; das. NItteliell, prattler., $1&50; that los keen eves seemed t.. Huila.' Jewel, culvert, g12; lobe %Vilma, larger. while the thick hear' that niters -a grading and repaiirmg gravel pit. 04.90: the how of thussmitular kopt t witching, .1414w4.11 1111:Ewen, repairing culvert. OLSO: as if every hair west lust met with Ilfe. .laa. iepairuag nand, ,Y4.: Henry "1:ive 01e !UMW, he 441.1 .451e1111114. W hell Moe drawing thou. leads .4 gravel to hail finielted, "awl I wall solve this 'nye N,. bridge, t41-50: t.:. Hay., drawing teiy. le a few days 1 may be aide t.. ilo it deed, nieluding emptily lets. 114.30: clerk, I left 'inn end went sni deck. Toni wax e6. fin. salary op to date, there. letskiug so downers* and forlorn dust s344.10. A. Malloy moved, aucolitled by A. I tomb vet to amputint linuwith the meaner,' .1. 1 meg, that the 'lett reeeive 332.50 of the detective, and. tell him whiat lie had ; tor salary eft to the 31st, inst. Nloved soul, and so, perhapa, 'brignteu hiut up a !. amendment by Jas. faylor. Wounded toy •%. little. Vsitriy. that the elerk se:vitt. bid in 1 aid mu, hut uty words had an effect I painamit of salaay up to slate. The reeve erica: out : "lather. I believe the' man is • fullewing conimunieations vie seal, : bunion But whether he a oleicethe A letter trout Ilanning e hkott 61mM of ' - or hot, 1 uow suspect that 1.t. ia a thief and Stately. re arrears of tales on lot C; a Inunkrer : that he knee ef Miss Merwias but 110 actien was taken. Larroll' Prond having that tire hundred dollar lounti..auti ftwt, re riming.* taxes.,, A resaguation Irwin /Ells( I 4.rprivEN111 )N. that, us enter to waste.. himself of it. he ,I. H. lisehard., clerk, was read stool sie• • er.s..:11• her Agit torewu iser hotly over- cept ed. .1. Young 111A. seecittiva 11 Jim • Ilia' that his grief hal dist sirlsol rearm. elsewhere, the thanks of thie council Heti- wasi it pi &able, 01111.551 hi111, 111/111 OW Mee 1110.5 WWI Wri, hereby tendered WI for man eoula have got the lowly overboard the alde and efficient rummer -in which he The finest Perfumes, Soaps and Toilet Articler,. without our Lipman; t- Mut .1.....hargtol the aunt., uf his other and "He con a have chekeil her to death. oar- ter the manorial courtesy voLtanoleol toy 111111 rieil her te one of the open cabin windows, Iwili it. the utembere 01 this mantra and 1.1 earl stropped lier through. that.- lie replies'. Cm ratepayers in general. We Mae liereb) Carriage Maker and. Blacksmit Fitog TOPIC T() TOPIC. 'El nazi.'Irat.711:1141311 OW Waggoos, Cos cFSAND OBSERVATIONS ABOUT MEN 11 ANO AFFAIRS- Mu the Right Woo. Mr Job. Mee - fere., -tuner Matters of ialsoroal. the 11„.,,,dieucy the Governer-timeral on .1 Saturday failed upon ‘10. Um Hun Mr. Alrbott and .be undertook Ale fig work. The :saw La eish Cabinet! Alb - the late Rey Joseph 5.51 Abb drat Auglicaa d., .4 incumbent of St. An- ;‘, dnie's,Argentamil. awl in bone Suisun.' wise born at that tel „wee Montt Ill. Nil In due lime .nktuatol I-. lital ilk October, queen's enamel in 1St!. aid life Pei, being elerteil f Ai - ...Wren at the geheral election. that year for %timbal' Amembly. and mat mufti to be memo PROW= ATTIWSZD Bindero, Mowers, NORSERANES, DRILLS, MRIGULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. nisehltiral .4.110.15,5 I) 011 $.41411. Binding Twine. •croun," man '7011 reit, Cenapapeite" brand. elwai a to stock at the rawest 11 PRESCRIPTION WORK. 1'1 HEST DRUIN, LOWEST (11 PARIS GREEN, FIELLEBORE, INSECT POWDER, si•lash being overlienri! the man at the /itm.le• awl trust thet tines -time n diameter All of the best quality. debut if he natl.' have-semeestol the lowly as pooh for him in the ttiture as in the thivugh either of Om cabin isitelon s. shit+. past. 'Arnett ussanienously. IIr. Hicharsla you know. are very. email. • • roid.....1 in suitable terms and returued Toni, luseever. seemed to thmk it could amid,. tor the anupliiiieut. .1fter evashier- e slime. owing 1,, Mimi Mervrtii he- iug the allowing aentl‘alions.4ear Isfiliwte. I not entirely rill his mind s.# s. Willianie I. 1%. Ntelhargh. that ibir idea. .1. Malloy 1130Ved, fleetnelt.41 A..1, N',.neg, lkay. tamed, for we hail Itemlwin.l. which thia: F 5% . 6 appointed clerk kept tie ve our ..eurse, lett as yet the .lete: at the satire salary awl the %Mow contlitsour Lat LAWN MOWE.RS ae g t • , • • . a. a W most improved styles. Prices right. tin- 'tad nothing to.tell Inc. thione lie sum th rains •krk .su i 'II • . b .1.a I est pattenas and !eight be ahli. iii explain the 'slum whin. mdse.' to this effeto t Wino'. The leserd A strange jalLair enough. Neter before ^silent rod to meet on Saturday., July 4th. puzzled : it wes the talk el all alward t lie The \es Mane. ship. As 101' TIell, lie pew peter. thinner, ItsgeSar action of the loeels is the kty iota. write*: "Have iiimi your Ittordeek 1 h4h,wca him. %%,.. both won. light .1t100.1 lather* for constipation and pain In a co% tee. 0 hieli lw 16.1 et itient ly Houle in . sleep. the illItevtl%e, 01 Ole INA: apartment. kites l• %jug. hom to eleep; foe sleep in et* hest mg before Iti4 carpet •haig. troin which pos, „a„„t t„..„,„wai ia by as, , Memo a thiag that one which my emi had given to the ys,ung c‘nsinteall" "Mamba la thedalerenee between feeling pcneOt ly' and et lailarat:ngly hell, 'Am, we '... he,l'il'ioPere41- -Ww" I rie!, . full et that posit iYe energy that preoleter, right .: He lia. iiiiirlered and robbed her none.. achie•enient, and feeling in. a state 1.0w an the 11111111prt Was, the 01311 C-11' ilia: /111115 1,014-4 W -1104E only by sheer force of silently heard it. for hi peeked the Una. %ill ,,,I ,.... waiter ,,, eatim.a„,,,. 1 !acre kin., mol atter them the owl. hastily dent ii is ',lent of sibeussien through the geiwral into the big. *Inds he then ..-Iratal. prem. 01.1ailblaell Ity 111e1/11:411 1111,11, Le to .... Before I could hisider him, Toni nulled what , t i„, prev„,htts ati„,„t , a„, I , „„mi„,p. out mild threw butoelf aga"o't ihe 'le t'..' 'lion and %silents other t Image ate illiitalleell„ tire's door with IA hires! which ',risks. the i slut It Is now.. tluin an open .luestion AS to lock and admitted 1 l i lll wits. the ramen. He whether sleeplessness is, net at the root of dew at the inan.. clutched hin. and death every other illness sw deers:tem from perfect him, alien the fellow ,Irew a disk, lett nii 'loath. Imperfect sleep IS iunially f.dlowed his futik struggles to use it for ldield las by resort to ,tiniulants of mune knot tea Oe wrist and Isom' flisarmml hint ht. he•i'l fell coffee unduly sorting. if nothing worse. --and 'AL:shwa-Mg at Was a balm one, awl at the tin., habitually practised, throws the entire ahout the throat. Then 64:1 Fotit awl I perceiving that this pretend...I detective waa a woman ot thirty-five years of age or, iu other wor,ls, it was Miss Met1S111 ikprised tlw kill AM natural attire of het se:, trunk her look mt. much younger than she was. The whole truth broke upon nw at 011ce. 1 This woman, I &especial, was in reality Mary Youngam. the munieress. for her fate aria height now. answered to the de- seriptiou 1 hall of her : and we found, while looking 'fin my sonW liesed in hes. carpet lag. ossmie articles hearing her mune, and others marked with that ot her victim. fact, afterwards, while ill, she confessed to being Nlary Youngman. Her motive in disguising hereelf was ap. parent. She hod feared after 1 discoveres1 the strange shortening of her stature that I might suspect who she really was : and. besides. the row would. she theught. enable her the leiter to escape from Tom and get off with his live hundre.1.1.41sia. H.) stery of her having, sus Ile.. %Inuits, looked e t. much talkr than abr. was. founa explain ed by her 'sink ins. *hick pro% ed t hom worn to *eters on the stage. to be prov itled with very thhit cork stile.. t.. e an pearance of elevation to the stature. hi the night she en astonished me by the aifferenee in her height she heti an her hurry and alarm enure up h olippers, letting forgotten tr. put ...I her lookine. It et hardly tweemary te sing t s„. tective warrent she heti .lsown me um for • written by : 11.1 - lie nom' llllll that Toll. %AA 11054 egi W1141 the I% 011,01, 311.1 ntmely i•ured of imam oat ion. richly nwrinslar her "aeon .• % although there. were not W41111144 111114e Who stoutly tuailitoineel that the eharge hal by no paeans els 1141010(hi ho110- to her. However. after occupying the mildie mina for more than the pro etinal arty.. the • Yotingerio 1.5115e, SW 11 511111.11, Ras e Ileef, Imes and %Vow. which oupplies the necenutry Won.' Imtbling motet nil In. "N mi.' tie ehairnme. sadly. "mit tenspetaiwe meeting la.4 night would has • leen more siteeembil If the lecturer hails t -1 le tried to New the learn from st lona J..1 system as welM mil tea in undue strength or quantity has its special evils. It tbe sys- tem is thoroughly ratted fuel invigorated by sleep nattier restorer in vrry truth -there is infinitely lem denuuel for stimulente of any knish A large proportion of sleeplemeness comes from improper fool food ten rielt, or taken m too large quantities. The perfes-t sleep, 100, JP ObIWIlle11 5.nly 1111 entire and perfect and complete ilerknema. and in VA great a degree of quiet SS elY1 poseilay be olmoriel. To properly darken a rooni for sleeping re- quires the three-fol.1 barrier of .htek shades next the gime, made shutters closely arrinn, awl ..% er these heavy eurtains that may be of any quality, from the fineat plush or eaten damask to the cantata flannel manufactured tor upholstery, hut needs to Ire of 'material especially heavy aud thick. It may he olosoted as to where pure air is to come fermi with windows so barricaded. A sleeping•roons always should have an open fire place. whieh affords the hest of ventila thin. and if there is a transom above the .loor at may lw left open and time get air from other rooms in which the windows exaggeration te may that there is more ali, ',elute rest in tine Wnire sleep in aberant• total tlarknem then tn nine hours in a room where light ts ails/ono'. ice-cold water, rung sufficiently dry not to strip, hanflaged over the eyes with silk, is an almost sure reniedy foe ' . To drink tem gleams of hot hot, not warm water pat before retinns, and to then use the wet banaage over tbe eyes, with silk over it, hound es tightly as is agreeable, w almost invariably pre refreshing aleep, and with proper diet the perfection of eleep is likely to he set -well. mon, ilicnrsthiatining sl.Peloalp stthawl: trheefreah-mairring tYlin4t"1 reallY lawn" I The Furniture Dealer, is seining all kinds ot nothing about 9. It is the absoltite regen aeon -known fact that he ...ration of life, physically. anfl, Itk. all 1,hysieal benefits, resets upon the mind with meet favorable effects. A merles% ti 'tat v or wiiiinnkk. rink rm. hrina y For emit.. He a also the leading liadertaker of the Iowa. Itathalteinn PIMA alway• kers liend WW1 R aka. a orwrially rif Pieter* Premien. Oise him • roll Wens purehaal a hoolth ts, all who ism them r.„. all the runitture et...where, and ioo .111 flatl out that he does as he sera sells (-hese ills that atliwt the ternale eysteini they are the nerves, and cower:mg pale and sallow • complexions infs. the may glow of health. . Try then. sold hy all .lealtra, or sent on ifsalin .4 prue FAS. per box, 1W lief, CARDEN TOOLS Just what you want. Best brands and lowest prices. THE WARM WEATHER IS HERE MICIPIZESH VOCItSKLF. RV DRINKING IVIONTSERRAT LIME JUICE ino‘t seeding and healthful sof all Summer drinks. F. JORDAN, - MEDICAL HALL, PUBLIC NOTICE! Another large consignment of Fresh Teas of superior quality. In order to counteract the dis- honest practices perpetrated on the public by peddlers and others, we are offering Special Inducements in Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat' ronage. Hay's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square. Orders by Telephone promptly attended to. reinalture et the ksweet avainta, prima It le Sells Cheap 51 ek,. se... ism the Jury leer tImeolidation s t; r hewer Canada, and the other an Act los Mee hien remised in whesquent legi.• • wow' has follows". At the general ;!i• IsTe Mr. AtMott was owes mom for ho seemly. sod in the follow - ).•41", .11155 legal adviser of the kb. sir thigh .tlien. be became a prow:anew azaiu at Atm general enetien Is:.. h. Mao unseated, awl lar. Citrate% the ru• nty th. eras amonawd with Sir Kerte,- is":".• He wee called tot the Kroate II. no. • ithout portion°. He WOW fur Maas' ▪ . . idler he eel i se 'unshed on being 3rni n• iiisorr Iwo.. He is a director Mi. Mary Helliture. danetter ot the Very wy of tar John Mataluoal.1 i• ft tribute which •1451 tot I,- leen dins honored. Prim, of Mahound Prinem, Louie,. milt Rrtain. in the i.ersons of the Speaker of the It :or- of t • 4111130.0%11113d mane 1.151$ If 41•11Inct- 'notary - 4 State Ca the •olonies wen. there f ir :am .4 her colonies ware preeebe thr John nem the Itritoh press of a kind seld• 411 I.e, .sioeial lender. There i• at octi a meant a real Mom of the ermines eadenv,d to the Entry" 11. er no longer merely l'ritne Minister of Canaria: be is Virzlish Metes:nen who. in his time, had bests on a beer ...tag,. gets equal to those save made great reputations. .4 mat horrible arenteet t weltered on the MoticheastAtt and Hato Railway in Miniver tram. The train was crowded with prop). way to attend a municipal fele. Hist, ...no. lava killed outright. whtle hundred. tine injured. Two engine. and the first est *Ingo& into the nver, metal' the pas ,enger. 101We mar were drowrad. TWO eari remain oimennle.1 from the bridge. MI the train nem sieve Thirteen ears were sav.a1 apparent rearm f..r the rollers.. 0 the 1,..aige ie thot the train left the nubs an, threw its entire weight on nue side tb The Wenn* *sandal has proved poet ?flatly for fer William thirsion-eummin already. and may. indoet proving 1111e5.11 "enable to tie. Pram a Wales Sir Willies jas.7.:;fry Th.• Inman lane steamer City of Ric '5.• from unmet/on hv fire on her ismsis 11:tr:1;41.1.4115,41:1:.1.7"L".:01teien4latanY auedttlymidues'btin:wentiintonAt thet the t cotton in her hokl was to The boating and swimmiag aseenti wes is Parnell's marriage with II erfiliass WWWWWWIC Ma, Ho name that beim vandals' smarty an Me ware t. eni,r, -ay ed Mrs 0111"eb hr adenoma' Moine water o Rroe Ont. Wifjj For Cacla... me- GEO. BARRY '• Hannito-n-st.