HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-6-12, Page 8MillsIOOPOO011iprottosts r to on ut THF; PEOPLE'S WANTS A NEW. DEPARTURE IN SMALL AD- VERTISEMENTS. • tyle asset " atm seem a ter) rlrap and eer.itte Ila* Is adterll./aa 1.11 per *lilts otter mor Ib. •• Loos Yell Naar a rr*wer for es yrs ea. le ern ads resists, al Ion rote. aald In amid p..*lb.. • VW some tiler noun oe hate been of opinion ll:al • cheap tot rfto*I,*e metl.ul .f uaktns tptblie an ou^cemenl..n the columns of Al Btu%at. would he a lyes to our ad.'•rt;wrs, sed we bare dectd.41 toadupt sued. • method , s• and atter )1** I. Our m.tentim is to estate Halt a " waist " bare*, ant register. ate le ad- vertisements ents will he taken and • record lap of 'yea/ wast that ad...tisers wish to la) he : lis ! fore ,he public. The set. ertisertiesat ie.:. p. at 4. a tsar drama' torn. ori aur :it.t not,ge and ep.rial loo rates o,U beefts ore 1. 44' 11(01' n'. ANT 'A I+1.ItC}XT TO kit 1 A tIoUSF;, T.. A141.1.4,1 1101'141,- To u1'llyTo ilt'f A Y.tlt)t. To ishi-L AIAl:11. 1'O AliValt $E A LOOT AItTI( Lk, 1 u A Ii' 1:ltTI-I:.1 FOUND AItTI('LE. To tliVaItTirKo'll:.t\-K1rA\I)IALS Tc! :•Y.LI. AN KIND OF •tltT14 L.:. T11 111.1 AX.41:114'LI:OFp\' KI\Io TO FAQ Putt A I:EL•%TIvt.. Tel F:Nu.1up .t TIC-1111KR. l' ...,.VI'.ItTl:il' F1.It•4b:\IIEii"a or s:.)- other Oita thou -laud and Mr mutts whi.h talon up in the .onsa.uril) week b)' week ' fa so) we can ',sons the lett service psm.it I.• In thocatoi.iw.-of Tut !t:.tat. *1 timer IOtiowiag !ow rate. Forty word• tor AI: •dvelltsemeats u^d.•1' trrnq n e words. one .root per went. Ten oval. *17 :-rte-:. barged tor. w i,. he in:,- r. 4 at .stn.' ra'v for r period of u1' • ..unit . 1,3 beret •Luc„unit fur ions" pen oat. Tons :: ••. t:. in odyn ttctfy the bee adverb meas m.yli':m in ti::. •1.•tion d 11't.a1hern Ont •r, •.• 4'est:,n.u..t rerontlwn) all iranef:at,.d%es• Addles- 11'1 comnpinit*Co., to • Tett: k l.4N *t'. uoderirh. 4 )nt. , 42/ .a us. en • 11. '.h THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 1891. HAYFIELD. leo/tit it 1...w • t .ltltt:.W.ank.T. j .lode 4 .. wrwlwnl, of 1 .,Iarville. in Mime tx hdl.lay.• 4.. W K.ob11....u, Il A., of Bradford. a s Ming leo smote, , Mrs. F. 1.. N.wtoit. Krl. .1. N 110.1glin. and la. %V. H. %fright. .4 ...,tont., were in toot last r eek. Ile%..1. H. alu.ihome, maw Ingersoll, Rao. 11 . Woo to serinap mina Mr... Scream. ..4 Hrnarll, wei.• Clue gursl► of K., b. I•. Newton last ...L. •bled Fames, ••f boohoo. Isar Imam rpr•u.lttig !Ile w -wk here. 'I'br agitation .%,my compiler nog :u the orchard at not of the laurwcks opened on Sawnlay night. (hi Sundry three meet lugs were hold tool writ. largely- attended, as also these held each et ruing. 'Ilene An - a rea large nand*•* sot ,.Ibvees a,•i midterm 11. .114.4. tM hollowing lint" prrwrut . Brig MIN-. I1ulp.dt, Mrs l'hrlpott, lirw.-w and - Ruth Pitapat, I)• l/. Swrettnan, secretary, 4t -4.4114r% and Welty, .t Loodon : 1'apt. nein-- HI'I)4 T FROM BRUSSELS. LIVE NOTES FROM A LIVE TOWN. metiers M pesmial hNerrd are all elves. bled beer oar wart r.esrw/t.M•1 M. 0ls err. elms 011 taw taw. Mise .1 r1. p*rk ties a S110 Mesad. [rit.•u .t tow'. .iak44lm'.ns.T.; A top top tune was 11x.1 at %%eines hamar Iwo T.ite.lay %Voltro Iturgeae spout a leo .lay * iu Sets forth *ht. week. .In... M.t'rackrn. jr., awl rater, of Blur tale, .unlayei iu to it. Res. Mr. Haul o.xmp„ •d the pulpit to the Mrth'aliat church Suuday loot. Out Preainer's (Leath .-rats w p'own over uta t.wu All asap. wrt'e et half toast. .Mr.4 r. Hartley, 'Unto ale, ,scapha the pulpit in Melt ill,- .lulreb Inst Sunday even - Thou -Leo. Mil.11:clt : 1'ap t..aaer,l:.wkre. 4 apt. ftratwlkau, Seaton•tit: /'apt. 0014ir, Ir., Walter Smith had the u.isfurtute t'he..fly 4'apt. Hust.d, l nhnerstois : Rapt: to rum a rusty nail into her fa,t recently. 4,awe, \1 inghate : 4 Apt. Hai es and 1.leut.- Itl•..I p.N aslulg to honed. llnrrtsos. 4 Raton : Y *pt. l''°111.11. I:xetrr. clan. Hewitt i. now 111 h1t urw barber 4)u Sat Imlay night thviv i* u,' be a growl situp. It is a little daisy. Brussels ha. two .f the prettiest shaving **,Tori 1l1 the .tasty. A returk , pastel I.y. at stronger was : '•1'on have .se of the pacttnewt little too wain the Prprlsve. \ onr tree* .4,0 sonweliisg ggrmao, and you al..,..bt be proud of your Macre." Atwl lie a not far artt•ay. 11'e pride aural% es on hating a treat. closet and lively torn. A W.tai, r-' Tin. WI4t: ti !fl era It:.T. Boys, lust as snow, you real your kine letters burn 'eet for if you don't wander will out.- liar of our young nada haat the random ane to drop a letter w-ftich was found by another peewit*. Iwovan in *1* ane town should nit c0rrespaoud. Th.. pea M a slwrip *wool which ppl1onks like a dart. ••Baru rill in future, .4d icy. azul all wall tae well leans• 4y .4 ;•.ot.huta1t . t4uhie.j Thr cause of the fuli .f a woman our ertil dry" .lack th.• 11ilga'1 at 1\'hit..hapet, Enigla1N . IAC amide> thee.- rill lir meetings at t 1. 4., 10 c. u., 2.30 r. sac anal 44.30 ate Splendid anuric : grwt.'4•eul,ing't "nue awl hear The Nighllnjal.. KIN• • awarbler and ha* a swar't„pow cif ul t,N,•r. auvrr e41e,•O.n at the gat... On Sulky night Lieut. Mc - 1 •allo,;.•ls .4111 farewell. Who her a*tc.Naax will he hl.21 ni,: yet bow 1pr:le known. Re%., .1. 11-. H,,.lgins, .of ' 10J(n *h. tad I'. t.` Xrwt.wa. of Hayfield, Lary shat the tool of •pun. of 4. trip ti the Old ('euutry. Mau. Ih. .tawlury recently received tion. Neu horn a 'tc..huteon, which will 44444'.• ,1 valuate *.*i,1411.'. to her ' ,*ii.," pupil.. It it tri::y a Ntinlrrful int cation toed it calcu4te.1 to ex, *.Ise mud develetp the uno...le..f the fingers, h..nd• awl wrist, and it alike lo-uett:MI to player* of the !moo.. organ retia , Ilei motive' motrummnts, gin in;; a treeslom of toned that can never he w•pured,l.y practice. W. S. B. Mathews. . f l lac:►{., tar.- •• For neat time past 1 Irate hewn ..perameutin' with the 1t.:hni con, ls,tli upon toy own Iwnb awl those of my pupa... Tice tr.n,It, have trot "WV jrtstiM-.1 all the chino* you 'hake for it bet la'.,' 411*21 led me 10 the .4uention whether tfi1- :. ..' n 1101 tier to a two drporture in OV I.R.Ti1 b H 1 i;i P TI1:t1'T, parr'. tcaching..for 1 ani clearly .4 the cow . fiction that you hn•e rendered the ptuwi playing pithily o Very great 4wltetit by .your ,n.enn01). '' I find that the turisimlar 41.111 .f this proceeding cart he .1410. upon Il.' Technic,h letter titan at the pu0no. 11*" fifteen minute/a' Te hni.•ottexereine will hive reauIts equal to at least an hour's practice at the piano • of with economy of serve." It is employed in the learning atseen'a• tun... awl musical institutions of Canada and the Umted States awl is a most relivable er.i*tant. Mrs.:Staninir will Ice pintos! to show ..n.1 explain the 6etw•tits .4 the Tecllnm7N1 to any who wislk t. Call. Thuot• interested m anuli.• *booth! see it. 1 hr l.o.lugt musician of the oro rld spnr•k very highly- of it. At eusiderabb• bre ieeen mid in the papers about some e'.tra tine omit* in Tuck • erwmith the sttentIot, .4 admirer* of hors. flesh :is directed to a 041 in Sankt Irwn the c.kI.rsterl trotting horse Amber F., beltway owned Ly T. Murdock. of Benoist'. He made bit • and was greeted. ,u Chert Irwnuon i* the d taws*,* of PPearaag ITEMS OF INTEREST FOR READERS. w,•ri1*Shiest .rimed) %.w.•'r..dap to anent L* eel red) nth and roast t'IIt ped std 4 onde•wd Pram torr) wrrllu T1s a ream *rib, 4.unit \. o. h neer. • ►,:o w gent EV 4t ‘1,1:11,.. 1 .t.rtr'41i. Smith. /..nr,.'h,'hai ret ur:wd INnnc from.% t: tp •. Kerne. Michigan. , He likes the - ,',uitn well. Ret. 4:. H.'.ig.u.. .n-untent ,.f St. risme!' .he:;, h, leaves aeaf.rth shortly on a t:'t' t. Ih.• /11.4 4',unit Sonne mean .peak thee: ente're.l the stable of .1.1' 'trite psi Horpurhey one day r.tewtly night and earned off a sot of buggy Intim -,• 4'. 4.. ',dairy, fon maw.- lin* an employee' .d The 1%'inghan, Time* Mite, left .0 Moo .iay..lullr1."gx..pt*p..ition at Ito rk'is Fells. Mu..ok.. It.et-iei 4c11on*W, Seafnrth, 1u4o returned hold'.• from Stratford, baying ewnpleted a rely *u..r.eful .,a't0.• at for .rwuueecial v.11ag• m tins; city. Th.ri• was not one appeal against the alliersattleut silt 'l *.forth this year. which speak,. well for the cur an10604•11(7 of the eissesw.,. 11'n, 1tallanty-u.. .. I)r. Scott lat entente.' the deer perk nn his farm. ml Harpurley and now passer.. by ot, the road .an get a glimpse of the besot' foil animal. disport mg therein. The woolen mild. oatmeal mill. flour trill aNl other valuable property 1ro11vi1g to the rotate of .1. 1.. 4:iilatn, 1I'm'.eter, Mtn he sold by pul.i,• auction on .lone 17. %lit, Elliott, .on of R. 43liott, of The Times, \1'Ingham, accidentally tumbled : througl. • pate of gloss in Ms4'.nnack's Mow store on Sunday evening host week. Re.. J. S. look, of'Henirll. hat recently ggrrasl.. tel as a I'h. K. '4 Illinois 11'eaky.n University, after a course of five years in that ,ollege, whirl, is very crelital.lc to him. 1J*v,I.Khchanan, ono n0 11'li 41..•Ila,*:us, of the .township of Hal. Ila kind pass sal his tll!ird *nil last saamln.rion at the Ag ritnhtiral College at liuelph, and that very ererlit aids . The Brussels band norther* twrntynine players. and The Port is under the imprea awl that the eitiress oil that burg have tea sten to le proal of the haul. ('apt. Albert son to the new testier. 1 hwglsr Mclbs•hl, 1'm of Ke.. .4. 10. Melhalskr, who had Trees in Seafnnt, out nag his parents for some tine. returned t. Ainnipeg on Wednesday Incl week. ff. has fully reentered fmm times recent i111w... 11. ly 4'. Meyer. M. 1;.. %%Ingham, haw **turned homer after spending a aloe l time at Iktso a :1rw1 two, .1 then• week. an and around 4.oripit. He appear* much onpovel in health sifter hi, north'. bobby% F. 1I..,pq.rell, of't..l'111,, New Ileum wick. us, in Comfort's last week, the gum, of los brother in-law, Rolwrt Logan. Mr. '.yap ell is manager of t6r Ontario Mutual Life iu ,uraner Company ,n the thous** Province.. The gun club ..f )°aforth paid the /kW - ark club a visit loot week. defewtlng the club of the latter town Ly ret bin's. They enjoyed their outing great!), and dealt very- highly of the way th.•v were treated by the "trussyl clul. hada.- Wllnrmm,teamster for NIear..4cLeon • Sem, \%Ingham, drew in one ha.' from their mill, one .lay recently the tntrnroi. gs•ratity .4 3,5.0 feet ..f lumlw•r .Ing one who can draw *larger quantity at new La.{ will Ire xla.ily bond from TM- Irwin, 111ngham, hat tern appoint ed night watchman hr that town. He Ina, oleo* teen appointed a county ,rnuraW., lute{ he, with the fourteen tithe, county otwrtehler m town. *Mw.l.l be able to renter, the Ino, and pr„perry- of the cit rani. IR .la 11 ,Lam, of i.aktkt, Is .undying ,,nder Ik 4lm'h.1111, %1- 1110(1141111. •ilk the dote. of ',rooting an M I) Hating all protn„nsrt eta wit'n., IM Ito oily to remain w.tl. la Chisholm one y -ear When he will 1*• n felt tle4lgm.l phy.ueian and norgeo'n A e atfnld, a 1',e w hich three *men sere working, at dohs. lmller's new hock home r• M .Cohn street, 11 Ingham, gate way. Ire aim tat the w„rkmen to the ton Mr AmM*' ha.l h,* far godly rut about one eye, m.'4 Ins. id Ha1ri«I h.4 hi. right aro: broken at the *11.4: the "'Ir Ihsru, .s+peel with .light ,n BELFAST. [Ilene .1'R uw s • out►.*.slot'.T 1 The Sprung craps anwal herr need now Ihei puplb awl teacher arc *,.lung the 41N.,4 ltospar•t.r oonW toll around. Neo Glary Crosby wan on the sick that last week. hilt u able to be around aims. The Ream( 4)ras a I.alet will hold a picnic u. Mr. Uwald'a Irk us 1611i inst. ASHFIELD. lours I'. t 4. has s to weekly moil srrt ice naw. Th. aumcuml'aWrtt ..•shed you%entiom of Aahti.W eir.•utt, Methodist church, *111 Lr hell ,.t Howlett* appointment on Friday, lath ,lune A gue*l bent. is eti.ectel. Om Friday Ia..t, while 1fn1. ,1. Trelesteu, of 8th 10*4 . Wan hanlwer:ug 41 hall 11110 it poet, the nail Lor ate Atka 1 piece clew up. ggpuNtog rsgin into hit ey, about half an. inch. 11e had :t ire sed by .1 1•••:tor, who segs that the sight is goon,. that the eye *Muth! ln• reu..vtal. HOLMESVIU•.k. [Ta. I..'TY rim I. ter *044*. ] W. S. Laurence, tache•, is shortly to hold his annual pienie. Fret Elford has ,+w u,rnl an Moony from a book firm in Toronto. H. IL Evan*, who bar helm/other attack of erysiprlw., is slowly iwplt,viug. Rev. 1f..1yera left ,Ni Tuesday butt fo: Berlin, where he is atte*Jiing co4ferenet. • t'ewtledl.r (Chip l.y- hat been letting a nutlwber of road eestr•ets neer our t dinar duelsg the 11st week - 111. Klfuni, who left ►sat week fora I jolt in Wellesley: is not 1''.p eet,'I to retortt foe sonde days. It is moot..' lis may visit the Metlahiist .muferere in Kerlin. J. McCartney, Albert anon ,John Hal.*toad. tieorgc Holland :1w.1 Janne* Phipps lett .m Tweis.4y tut f..r Manitoba. 'We belie%% it is the,intention of J, Helot oat 'mut Jas. ['hippo Friday night quite a crowd .ssem14e,I on to *pond the swot:te' t here. the park ar4wt 8..or famous bars,) *pgsser- 1 . ed of the *titer. They gave Mow title i CLINTON. music. The people are delighted. The park wakes a pretty promeuaele. The (real tart; out • iRSl.+ri'.n1:.T.j *'414,1111.4 demo not ,1,. things Ly halves : be is I:1'.,. Ir. 11.'1'agtatt has sem his beak bound to wake the boys -get 411ar." They opened. played qu4'ksteps.%alttes. nI.rebes.etc. Awl Hob Agnew, of Parkhill. spent a few' days the uvea w•cro.very app*'o-intite. Concerts in town. perk. will lie held every Fn.iay evrpmg 0a the . Mr. and Mrs. Mel:arra prtd Suaiay iu :Wench. - .Luce.'. IG•1•. Friday ntiyyht one of Will. 4eTaagsrt, of Toronto.. is home irk oar young bestows men went Ioi a droll short• :done nine o'clock, and the* tome, forget- \1'1' am to 'learn slut 11' ting to beck his door. Sot(/ of his chars. "'rrY M M'liry t*41110 n,; Myo.- alront twelve o chick, ate i'atulty la t cry wide. the light, and being *ware that the pro. The watering -cart has once mote Matted 0 little spcM• so they went into the *hop s. Booth had his haul very lastly rut. awl turned thing*. tupsy•turr} then losing some .4 his finge> ; blew out' the light. locked the. `In" end Mr., .Immo Fair has returnai home from sought their downy couch. .Nest any a visit to her daughter titer in Itetr.t, I'ollj and E.1. got the Maine for it. Lorne 4'o oper, hook tole has the wucdo* mer was not in it this timet. The bo •: faces J' proclaini their utter imam -rata. but Johna'. dressed in m<wraing in4 Sir .Iden A. will not be convinced. His venlict u ha.1awbl. •`guilty- ' H'.wa.. 11n Friday ceasing about 8 r. n. Jra. River. took unto himself s wife -- MM. flat -het Syne.. They were married at the residence of the bride's uncle. -"\1'e wish the hatePY couple jot- and preprrity. `cion* id the boys congregated about ten o'clock aal after having ormetl.' a string pond. 'Wooled by a cow bell, they marched to the scene aria demanded 1.. sen the grant. It, Pe' Pt Rev. -1. .teo,.rt occupied the pulpit o Rattrnbury-*t. Methodist claire+ last Ssh- imth nw.ruing. r... t. us: rot: I. isT W*:.k. t Fred Watts has rental the Imo. of .1 'Knot .n Orange Street. Arthur •Iacl.t•a hat taken r position in Toronto drug .tor. on King .'trees. R..1. 4741...• hi* gone to the 411.14'.unt to further post 'unwell in his profession this tuft, aN1 when our month cid mot ifoh, with '•41,4y three dollars. John." He paid Nr. /titer haa 4.14ed a cigar deportment Mt the colt.) they 1'y •100 rah am. offered tl0 attention to their demand, but went back to his 'waitress. and will -supply the took. fur it and refused. No doubt Bol, will he to the house. Finally taking compassion on Hugh Rarryreulhe pie Wen appointer giving hi* lady friend. r.e,e fat driers. the townspeople he passed the boy* tw'o drill instructor at the Collegiate Institute. --- dollars. thereby i<ssuring tate people a little N. H. Hine has e,mrsemoerl the work of ETHEL. ' sleep. The boys here are rather ardent. pitting a *tine foundation under hi* 'muse. teams era Da • ei heti* n1' otvr. ,Junes Vonag 4 in Toronto this 'Seek M. Sinclair. of New Mexico. is looting, mr. whisehesd has decided emiceipouratEmslitig the niestiog of the High (Our! `a( his hrother. W. M. Sinclair.the building of his new Mork until nextForesters- • ' i., -.1.‘ -,.. Ales. Stradosahae4daced allele ''.1.•Ylor • , Sumner awl- totiki more extensively.The sae mill here had a erre farrow es. saleen the office of his store. ' Ir314,0 last steeli. The ore originate4 fomi a E.I. 4says.tases an tjoeerett.„ while his; year and it is his wee to extend the block*park from the smoke stack. chum •doeirlikewise on Turnherry. • over the& property *t present occupied hyRev. 11. ',Wan left lad Ttieslitv to attend 'Die queen's hatol harn is being atoll!! their.huilding.the annual aniferetice meeting orthe Aletb- larger by • %ring 1011 the west side. Parties who attended a funeral on Sun•whist church .4 thu distrim. Frol. Burger, left Tomalay for the West iray last expiate theniselvet as very much4 law. IlloWom. our popular V.. so iv rut • in compinv with a "warmth friend " diseatinied with the conduct of the Mertonling mote ii lob tilos week. He proettreff Montan. Met 'racken. wife mut child. :,,H.I.:iricsaudes ti:e. hicsivec.in*s:Itciiel .iitheie,HiPha't Maier.rev. gesstlensius left the funeral proceasionand drove house. They. claim that thesexton is generaily rather hosty in fillingthe iLniires lad pronounce him decideala- a -.lack- McNaughton. Hensel!. spent •late of Maiiigan, formerly of Dimaybimok. sondes, at home. Jaek looks tine. He is WINDHAM.pained through here for the cemetery atthat place last weeL. lemon Mit ow v yonarsrstv neer. jI.. F. 1' tingt.lut returnee' the village night Fred. Carr left for Woodstock on TA -attention this week It reads- -Shoe* NarkIowa Ile now sing. to the wailing young. :. .1,ty morning on a lonsinees trip.stet:. tt. tooth.. her too sleep. 1%e are, unalje earl pn tho• inside., Motors, 4 ;forge McKenrie and Henryt.. give the %ord... an it is in the stool old Roma Rios. lit el) stable it feet goon/iNerr were in 4 4alernit hot week attending.1m. amino,. while working at Mr. Mnn• f °flirt for the 12th of July . the county councilThew Irwine has horn tinted nighte..'• um% store tins week. mei with a rather 1 alio. Frank 0allotti, of Durango. 1 Oh. DOINGS I4 DUNGANNON. II►UNLOP. THE NEWS OF THE WEEK IS HERE. In 111. cottons M pet ea rererd swab lis.wted .0.0* ire trig JnsHlo■ Tow ■ N'. all Wire t Yeses bra. r le be). Rots 1.1% eh se Meier.. (Mon wilt 00. 1•i,U1Rrrl.ua.T.) Statute 1111401' Y occupying the au/bijou (*1044 01'4 mw. o r.aaanr4,ug'.T,1 Sheep shearing and road labor sow ea, gage the attention id the people hero. Ftelm.t..s F..raa. Peeing t Lately wore I:axgs 1leuktau, a rate t of 18Ifb, "jail re,< KL*wl t S. A ,,,,w .t Hallett : A. A. WiIIiaw., ui -5t. Rte)r►e1 s l.udaride townrhip, sal ll,v04 (srbrtt, DOW of Be.miller. '116(1 ywart ate were all gux.l health sial a cheerful a lis Jac. „mein by of Ill.twcrlaa°I 4;est INrw. COREY. The dewire .l Sir John Macdonald was the maw 4 g1owa to •U sal sundry hare. For want of rain the c are not pro- gramming' . ate enduualy hoping and look - for it. 1 .. Monday lost Mr. 4.. Iii Watts left here on a trip to the States. We wish hum a pleasant journey. 11'1' regret to state that Mn. %%ilia, relict of for late Rich. \1,tUY, is very ill with dropsy. 11's hope to hear .A the tea - entitle lady's speedy recovery. Our school house has a different appear- ance tun the exterior. hat-Iug been pawned, w bio h , suss n to book more like a naw .trttru1r.•. 'flii.'emit .Mnsld I*. .1µs. Mack, our professional painter. .414 *lice wort.. !t t. pbiming to the nuelly friends through out the o. ty of I'. Manama erg11ut) clerk. to know flat he is improving w health. and all hope that he will m the near menhir. Is. able to i.•, kir Jat aes as .•.uuty .Ircl. Inn sabbath nett th.• pulpit in Erskine ehunh will, in the aiwr•ncv of Rev. J: Fair bairn, who is attending selsnu 4 Assembly at Kin,rTrtor, be occupied by Rev. A. Potter, w'ip, w-tll a nsluet sen -dee crwmoMw•utg at the tonal hour, 10.30 A. w. tanoitug is a favorite game Maulgad in lye t urn/lar u( our mat' co inner who have leisure to .lo syr. 11'e preemie that w•h.'1 the Iionic..nn,sh quoitingclub bawler th.ro nighty trained U. 1'., the- Huron .hauipiou. wall byte to take a lack seat. I. t +. S tit . The welt -known eradicate, cocaina mg of'4l**u s. B9rry, t'rawfoid awl Pr.udf.iu, have subdivided lot 13in the 5th ,-on. of West Wawanoslr, adj sung 1hw- Iptonon. unto *1)1age lot*, and have plical them .0 the market, and purpose lotion; a sale on Wednesday-. ,lune 17, at 10 .t w. Iota will be disponi of Ayirritate sale at any tune before that .late. For particular. see alsertIsrlmttit. A Neu E.'T.tu.trt(ui:'r 'Ie'a.n.. 11'. Varese anti S. Pentlaa4. of thus t illalt.. have opened a:t eetabliehn,wt on !oNumpton-street, opposite the pat office. in rhea tillage for the sale of farm- ing implements of all kinds needed Oh a fan'. of t lt. latest _ irpprotertlenta an+lit , _. ty, at a, low- prices as can b1' had any, Wray: They cordially out ate an napes^ tion before p ureha•ing elsewhere. tour 4*.lmlar ar.l omt•-rpri*nlg hanwns maker, 11. 'tickle.. has in .,N1rsc of rout *traction :. stately residence on Joseph stiret.nearly uppnite the aletho dirt church here, which waren ..,nlpletef will be a beau ( taut eslafi.r'. SII O*04 1. Ise. euterpris•. 4.. Kegley has the .contract. Our village is growing and improving rapidly. We want the tio,lerieh gentlemen t'. hurry no and fultill,th'•ir. railway 'woollier with the Ilan 1 (',,,111. ('sty -lin Saturday dal as a l'ha, prows WAS en •a.;r.l in patching the rotdof the horn on lir. 4'urwen. Ketone.. 1'y oft the 5th tow., Nest Unwanted', 14'•at *ha* village he had the misfortune k. fall fowl. .the roof some Inrteen feet into the waggon boa which was Leonie the torn. We are p pleased to state that the injury 'attained tea not as serious as 11 aught have been wailer the circumstances. He is pro•,•rs* hag favorably the tar. rein Lira 1.1.0 L.to'T uKit .l l'he Mh•ses.Jt:rain mol Ella (kpew, of Mrs. Whaley and .out, ..t .1t*'lod, Sna(ar • Rev. R. Paul pee0chel 01 Harriston lama Toronto, are th:• guests ..f Mrs. Fie.! Jack • ed in tins village. Sunday. . eon. A new miller arrived in town last Sou- Benumb cricket club talks rd playing 11* lieu. !dark Tnrnhnh, of Kincarltne, *lay: Set. berth notice. Sesforth soon. prra ked in Sr. IW 1 end's r+arrh nn Sen.(q The Sans .f Trmpenin..e uiswI hul.liag (', %illi*'. is impn.ving ani* hula! Ise a mw their garden party on Thurwlay.lfhll ist.0 p*hxwy tkpr w.ek. Ret, lar. Shoo.,. will prea•li ''a gtlxwl prr.gram..mrwistittg of music. Write p••lirtatinn b telephone threatens to le- aermcrl to the tiraagrtnen a liattett special Ii.itM, dialogues. etc„ u dreg prap•ronlana y st. Methaiist chutoJi .w Jwl 12th. ry an eajnyal.k tilr►eiaantfeip0tei . 'Ereryfw.ly me 1w epioleetir. y welcome. lhass 1►oig. 4•f (:crr,e, Y ulnas; mi.,, l i.. J- Frank .la k wa, of Knw.ss ('ity, sea of • ,• Late Wilson this week. .- onr t0wmman, •1..lprknoa. has bought out AUBURN. It. L Taybr's father. of 14111400. tea* n, the business of hu former empower at (ahoy .yea .0. i uttt:rart.xna •-I - ' town • fee. .Lys last week. Herne. 1'loFranis quite a hauler and .a doubt will do well. The het ify' 1.-soat roche' 1 'o r , 'llf "rat/tlwy •Rosh' Beattie was in town a few- data last have ha.l tg call +p. i.l uleatiign to 1111- stook. He u doing well at N'inghant. tact*. Frank Strett011 • is making hi. father's The l.oly .4 the late Theo. Mrlaneblan, block lank sive by giving it a .011 of pint 1.•1 a.rnlr0'. Sl.pg,ing on 1......... pl+uk he rail.. ,o totting friend* hen. She pm -fuses watt taw or t .. non : e commenced 1044 hew.11y to the ground.11A Inn.(agol Winding the Sumner m 4'•na,fa. duty no N"eines4y night. S.•wfo,th gun club weer her. Tne.4*v Mr. end .14*...Inhn ('•11111 left on Wed- . trying 'yin' b1'.', and heat them T, to y(; needay morning to attend the funeral of thrum t4wmui*oinn.last well. As taesrlrrsnnii very gotta shooting on ioth *saes their nls e, Mrs Freeman. oil Nalkeltna. sweep) .lean, we ,'p..t t.. sec • general A number of the buys had awns a let. Thor Block and airs Wm. Iflaok haw overhaul'. 14 of our a.I. a ilk.. *hick air in .pits on the evening of the lat, at eleven , g"nm to Kinprillr, .rusty of 4..ex, to a hal state :a prw.nn . clock. Rather late, but goo: e'.ynisy, I *nonan where `Cm. Baa k is m hgai•ess. Ifni. Stn:.ly la'1 the ideaatoe -•f diop•r,. Ii,pnwen,.tt* are hems mail. at the' Th. Mwn hall a draped in nwmrn*ng for ing with his night bunt. this week. A .talion. The town it undergoing eon over 1 Hon. Sir ,john A. al*dnnal.l It is report - /woad wn11e illuminates h,. Ince sinew hat. hailing and loll he greatly improved by•11"1 that •Iamb** of our witiarro intend at dog the f.i,.wls- drgr.r of H. 1'. .1:appt .not, I tending the funeral. papa'ver{cartel apses him. idrumel. enck.tero lat el a friendly , Dame Ron,or says we are going to have 4ter .Iwtrtltnru have given over ali'n,in, notch at Seaton h Monday deet IL/1•1 heat pay two welding. in torn incudo of a week. themselves fro beeline. A tae entire. Is 40 rnn.. .ewe lw•tng 70 for l4ru..e1* teal 30 A11 cnstracting parties reside hare. We all the er'. No dyed., if tore ran be nhtsrn. for Staforth. The bo.t!, are starting of weft wish them long life and happiness. e1 • su6wription for* rook of .ands would Wm ( Onrush is now It resident to town. R.+a.a,.I ST. H►a.a't. c1'. Wi'..m%h. • follow, no w-1' could en)'.,) gemlling here an He morel to the honor ,lately *-•,*incl by Th. St Helens baseball club visited our well as in any other place. , 11'. I' Penotomy We ore gad to welcome town om S•tanlay last. N'hrn time tea him as a res,.Ient It will he •lode* convert railed At 4 o'clocll the hog% were all In *M•0ssa.M reins sent loo Welter hap*. and 111001learns olIM some eery fine Require no ,Ir.rnpt.n, once, with ran \ son n n 1 ewe •.t r• X,'.1'.- The ([il' a)'.ng• The some stood a folptwa 1 St, receipt/01a all 01 tone timrharectPenene m l writing , the new fencem,nhnt thelw•i.lgw Mo'leto 10. %%Ii.pkmn 27. their twinge*. Rlw.tootlem is not easily .houhl be stoniest Tit really- too. rad : an 4,11dish.lgel, ,wily the nowt (w.w.rfntly pony example pill l.• male of some of the boys 11'hy heir 7Mr Pam. 0rgwn n1' seismic tutting remedies reach to its very (min.% i1 a ,...ntuurel machine away from Aroma :rim strangers, ti.no. • Thr n.,,.t su..•esahrl treatment known, doer. and Albert Faspari. k lute par when von inn pnrehaas the heat in the mar and It 1's n..1' freslnnmtly reta,rtesl to by , Muted ..tw•k of goo' .14 1 'omfe4ttru . ket herr in your 0011 town at the lowest medical own, a the at,, Miami of that now erns in .'nIuw•.t..n w meth a haler In SM tier, anel support nonny trsde • ('an no futons rer4'0ty for pain *114 11'. \en dine wken• they will n ,ort awl d„ '.reeltier. W TMwn.n and lieenvined. k' It a raw to 1'y that nothing yet ducto th...i rel loam**, a. lath „pee .. ii . ahtie,l AnJonathan Hill, of I:orne, has hes afforded espial rhsfa•tton to the suffer 1' leased the Ing, AM Y. matter how kat the mor toe). Iw• their lemoned. frame{s wi.h them ou.rees in Rraa...la tannery from John Shanrwrw, oil Nee. dine u .ore to *nee it. Sold M .{nig then. net:. undertaking• l.nn4.on, and has *et to work to pot the gotta.ni country. dealer*. • Friday crewing las a po14,. meeting wait buildinganl It*apportenar.•ew in a wnrkalle held ,n di. tow, h.11, Lha- *h. pommy of i rywNbtion. Ile*ill push the hotness, and Rohe?, Foote), ebb., awl 4/ John Far appont.,int • en,mn4•e fm the &ment urs i do all km.ls of tanning There mew n..n. we hey, of a.•forth, left T,rw.lay, .lune 2, for tow ori I.nmini,n Day Shinto ren tip believe, on the localityfor witch an industry, 1 *rlebrrv, Manitoba, t. take ■ o,Irraw,n a pointed. A lincl t ay Om. *1'y he espe•t and there 1* very ittle doubt that Mr bookkeeper in a large general non there ed. for it sill he piwhed:frith rn.eg,\ ' Hall will .In 1 remunerative trade in the mer Nr motley J. a .t*aiy. , fere* *nil mien, 1.•a yw.r's oslehr'ati n 1'w* annxth{ns 1 (stone Ho tfM more his family Pyoung man whormone, t he elements grand, end this offs will be ahead. for our show*1 ily 11 IU** 4bwa • nodose a • se rd el semen too nutter where ho map !. , ..e1' kdhli cgs will ho esm tai I Bt,..h 114 y 411 * i e t, o 1 deme . ,wi, 1' : _ a ,..a- a ••a- ..' .. : ' "', ..iar .: : -sr-a.,rr. •.. ,..„a.•t?i- trey^'.:.. •ni"' tea r.4.Aiiinumi.ulf r,.... •►_. ,... s,,,...,.. w • .ti.r.•.,." •l -R1' -., ,....14 rt 4t:O.11411irorZkrie::..a'"- be•.1 it the r.+g11. some .f our .•ilk•.,e {lathnnassen reeuvel On sat urday afternoon the tine brick dwell- ing boort 04 4'h•s. Iowrnin,.r.,bthcon., West Wawanoh, was Lurne'1. Pause from a stark of fire which lit on the roof. 1\-e un deawumed that • quantity .4 the huu.rhold stud was saved• although somewhat injur ed. laeuranx on house 8530, on meteors 111300• total X800. Tht community here - *boats svmppithine with #r. 1). in his mu fortune. F.ktwaately it happened in day time, or it :night have been more serious. EAST WAWANOSI4. (mow 01" a own exstltrnf04DeaT.1 Mts. I)une.w, Belleville is vesting at her sister's, Mrs. H. Wightmaa. )IoM S. I. (lath woe-wt4Hlug IN 4 hnkwt last week. Mrs. R. 4:. Md:owwn presented her but hand with a 'minoring daughter on Sun .Ly. A. E. Swafheld Ill the uuofortune to Om his hand the other play while engaged in working at the foundation of Win. i.regg'• newt barn. .4 picnic in ovmnretion with the Westfield .•hur.h will be held is H. .I. Wightmas's woods on Fri.lay. A very enjoyable time is expected. Quite a number from this vicinity toot in the box social at Goo. Taylor's last Wed- nesday awl report having hal • very esjoy- .hk time. 1'. W. Scott's new barn was raised out Tuesday lost and at night the young people spent • very enjoyable time keeping step to violin music. An entertainment was held in No. 13 school on Friday night lost, when a long ppnmtggnnmm consisting of readings, recital Mao, dialogues, woad end' ..1 music, tableaux, etc., was rwwaerwA (0 the amuse- ment of all 1rlr ate lavert'eMMe1e/. e•nn'Mwa. .1. M. M.•L44on, t.oderich : Itssr Sir, -1 have joist finished your System Renovator last night. My on.. was chronic. Send me another bottle. The K.eov ator has done me w grist deal .f gloat: every person 1 meet renurks how mneh my enipk'ion has changed. and the express of my eyes is to different. 1 glint much in flesh. 1 cwrtn0t exproo how much butter 1 feel. in other respects I impmved also. Vows, etc., .1.1'IRT ('.11rnRl.l- Nov. 21, 1880. ...summon trios. Chicago. March 22nd, 1891. .1. 11 M.Lrnn ihar Sir, I finished th last Syst'nn Renovator a month ago, and I feel so mnrh benefrt..1 b)• it. My 'wnplex ion cleared : 1 .m real well and fat : 1 never felt better in ever say than i do the. waiter 1 am than flit yaw l to yfor what yna have done for me. hours. eta, .11'(CT 1'*wr.ra.l- Mclwwwd'a Syrtem Renovator nen he ilei Invert all the druggists in town, as wroth as fed= all1raggrrta between Owen !tonna sal Rwlsr4ln, Rrrn.reI., IMrhrm and Toronto. ,lank Hewitt ,Rrunerla,ks.sold his broncho ppeehnv. "Pete,- nail Intik t0 W. thug. of llo'ria. r l" t y' have a cough try Mot McL.n,i's Curs 4 (111.0 01.0 04 • ISNtR►llnAnR\T. ) Adam Foster left for Itetroit lest Tuna. .lay. Statute labor ttnM Y here warkulg mew nothing sal board yourself, a it were. S. Aakia and wile, front Harriette, one visiting fraud iu this section the la gtauinv of the week. Wilda' Comely 1'o mpany gate an talk/, tow In Dames' hall, ('raul.rue,k, last Frid*'. rveuing. The hall was well tilled. 4:trdsrlch u, no doubt, a IMAM dud Summer resort, Our reeves seem cert' much refrawh el after thclr neck• stay up there Peter McDonald, late of Berlin, moved into the Albion hotel. 1'renl.ro..k, last week Petri will make a X. 1 Iau'lor.L I'atn'. of Industry from this and new!, bowing toe Pelops to the number of abet 150 h,4.1 a took meeting in Ikussels last Monday aftet'u•.N1. There are moo wane fast horses owned) and enamel 4'nothesolls. 7'he young It►.Isl,.r horse coo lead thew, all as yet. M. by Because he receives more training. _. !ATE let: Etat *1004.. 4is% 4.104*', l.a. arrived. Stoop washing awl shearing this week. Some spend ton hour or so each nock naw, Suu,1*y-s included, learning a, swim. The I'atron, ..f Industry are ill higi. Spirit/6 otter the trade meeting to be held in t)rumels shortly. The mucl, wished for rain came .lawn in torrents last 'fueal'.y morning. 4'rop4 havr liven cuak,ng slow prug.ww for some taw n a..,umt .f the drought. but the memo rains and high temperature will crud&then. to snake up for hint tune. PORTER'S HILL. [room 411' R ••w. • ''Kkt.lm'.(*VAT.j The young men of tin. neighborhood .1e • sire to return thanks through your cmisw.a. to the erratic tramp who peseta' d..wri the ut Ithe a (lay .r so ago. lift ,dace two adient the yonn • larefuse to go out alone after dusk, and n you know they are {.mina to go out. He w.ulei likely rout with a .• :cabal welcome in a mouth font now. when the scare wail i... I.eglating t. be Torg otteu. A STtse.►. M1,rti.t.. ;Inco of .cur hornier. on the Crit line apolart to la not eery well up in the matter :of ,d,atetn,, as far as cat t kale txon,erned. He Imola cow which ton. Sisk (nt Saturday last, and many were the conjectures as to what .decd her VATIC/412 home remedies were triol U, 110 purism,. mita by the pou,d,pinteed'nl lay th • past, rpno nfuls of nitre, gunpowder, and oho: not. She kept on to all ,-, . „ getting won*•, a111 as the sou act on Satunlay night ;all (teases it had set .0 that tow for the last time on this sin -cursed earth 1'owr .•rreslru.lent made • call there ton the Sundoy to enquire as to the funeral cere- mony. and judge of his snrpri.e when he was u:f.rnc.l there w:uld he ,tone, but that the christening would take place an early in the following week as the health of moth e1' and offspring would permit LEEBUKN. 'fruity nr-R net c mu rosDENT.) So busy with farm improvements ha. the genial tall laird been that he h,al found it tmeeeman• to Wive a• foreman to wrist hm in his Labors. John 4irern will fill that position for him this Summer and has al rawly entered tripoli his duties. The laird has made a gond choice. Awl, 11t.n Srgwo .it4r... (her former resident. H. 4:. Horton, is up front the Queen ('sty for a few weeks' recreation .used rest Lown the :are. of 'oiliness, and has re• cetvrl from a large circleof friends here their hearty engr*tulat,ns nh hating peafowl his final cxannnation as a .lntygpist. `Ce hope he will sucered in the nolle profession of pharmacy the able colleague of the medi cal.eomnes,tn which It renders a, much help in easing the frail Itootie, of poor humanity when in pun. Htwt.'. Ro'.tet, Ih1 the 3rd Inst. wed lock's pleasant tics encircled two of the most prpnlar young people in our comment tyy, by John Chisholm. eldest son of Hugh Chisholm, toeing married to Mary. third slaughter of Tho.. censer The nuptial knot was tied in St. Peters 1R. C. i church. I:oderich, by the !'exist, priest, 1(e.•. Father West. in the presence of relatives .,f the °Detracting pretties, whet were supported by Miss M. Chisholm, as bridesmaid(, and It. Carney, as . After the ceremony relatives and frien'Iawere entertained with the bridal pair at the residence of the "ride'. father. A large number of friends extend to the happy couple their best wishet anal congratulations upon their entering own - :monied life. WAWANOSH. [Piton ova ow. ..,RRL.re.. DINT. The house of .john Rea, of the 12th con. .esnlun of East Wawansh. which was ream atell last Fall. now rejoices in • tine new coat of white paint. This is .suite an Improvement In the prentasea. The farm stock and implements helonging to the widow of the late •Inhn McQuillan were told on Thursday-, the 28th ,.It John Punic wielded the hammer and succeeded in getting good price for most of the art aches. A young gentleman of this neighlw,r{wow{. OM evening not long since the/ore the 26th ult.,. hal a devilry to see his lady ore, and as she live) some distance mrd his horse and buggy were brought into nee to brine him mem quickly to his destination. Whitt he ant she were deeply engaged in p hoaant e10IW00 x time .4114; very gtiekl•, a tl hao a habit of .doing on such nemajona. bur ,ng this elmo amu• mita himrrno persons arrived no the premises and finding the wrench in the buggy let loam one of the wheel* When our gentleman started the wheel Tann. oil, of ornate A lengthy search for the maiming article proved 1, so the neighboring hlarkemit h was shaken u p trrrl profound sleep to find that he rnwbi not benefit him in the leant. An old hid ' helowngmg to .n ar1u.ntan.e was then hnnt t.4 up *n.1 from it he oure.eo{ed in vetting the ad he ao notch wished for ant! once again got started for his own Mone. We world advirr such gentl.miem when they are unable to walk ta, far to leave the wrench I horror i. future. If you harasses lunge try Mr.. Mrlwwnl's Spe ific t Things are browning at the Ilederieh or gars f The organs nthewe t., hold the high plica e.they have wean in pwhli. h 1'M film* M to tole* one of those h.aunhnl piano two sax home , (des. '4 the kali sliest. and sapped Tansies., is t.