The Signal, 1891-6-12, Page 7+:':roes .. �,. A•_t'`•.:4:'l.l'Mi sy..'$t?t tte'tb 1'v.M& :rt4:• '.w •:.f9
THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 141. :erii`,u4!`
41.24 V w.C'Z'II lttICR OF ► ; T
• 4
$est American Sheetings in all widths.
New Pillow Casings, all widths to 48 inches wide.
42 inch commences at 14 cents a yard.
Handsome designs, all widths.
Drawn Tea Cloths, Table Runners,
Tray Covers, Napkins and Towels.
La l's
;1 Wr AB41,111trRefIE
LOIMIwrAcr; a Tl1E
Try a sataplc Jttckagr.
CHAS. A. NAIRN, Grocer.
t are Oar basad nalMK 1
betaThe lawyer n ithout Answer • an:trued :
Ft..un.l shoulders .ore almost unavoidably! '• And seeing the barn nn tire. the farmer
Garai led by weak lungs, but may be . accred a pall ..t water :mil ran to put it
.and by the simple anal .wily performedi out.
rcer.•:.euf nosing one's self upon the toes, '• 1144 1n.. put it out •' said another.
leisurely. to a perpendicular laaatioo, several I •• As he pawed insole the door shut t..
uses Aids . okeaperfeetlyaprightposttion,Iawhile !ore was soon in flames. When
nth the er, and the toes at as the hued girl rushed out with more rat
sank. ,•f forty •n degrees. loop the arms er
lifelesalj by the sedge., auillatingand raising " 1)1 they all lnrn up' said another
the chest to its hill .aparity muscularly, hoe.
use dun well .biuww in. slowly raise up nn Irk, Low ycr went es' a it how imam et -
the 1.11..4 the. feet to the greetewt possible "'.'hen the oh! holy .atoe ort. an.l all was
height. thenb.y eaeretstng .11 the muscles nose and confusion. and eterylnxly wail
of the legs and the body : lose &gam I11t0 , trying to put out the tire.'
stealing penton without swaying the body "114d moose Mini up" said an..ther.
backward oat of the prrfeet line. Repeat " The lawyer said " There, that will .11.:
thisr,ereise tint on nue foot, then on the you love all shown great interest in the
other. storv... 110' deeming o1 • little In -i 1d-
ey-r.l fellow in dee,. silence, he and : '\nw,
n. I:ttle man. what have you to say •..
The little fellow blimited, grew uneasy,
and stammered out .
" 1 want to know what Ie.aoe et that
squirrel : theta what i want to know...
'• 1 roll do," W M the lawyer : •' of are
1 Tore sect and tirades -be.
Ie. sola. Lair. w hide in the Rocky Ninon
tams. 'lia.n'ereo' a root that when combo'
.d with other heria, makes en easy and
cerium cure for sonetipatioo. It is in the 77
frts. .d dry. rota and leaves, and is known teen man nnyou int r not swit.•ed off
asoLauri Family Medicine. It will core tr ..
• a rifnsoon. and a Darn burning. and the
+�rk hry he and I. the hent kprltng )fele him' girls soul water pink. Von have kept
nae •
the thecal, liver and ki.laeys, shim' }oxer eye .s', the squirrel.- Fact in t curte
ter clearing up the complexion it doe. won•
.len. 1►reggi Ia sell it at 5Oc. att.i rel • The threat Ilsr,.m.rr bread.
pelage. 1 -cow' Nin YO i , 'i.e 28. The Imported
atallsor Morteener, ley 1 o.nps rne, out of
Indianapolis Journal "This might leo l'ornters.•, b Th. Hanot. or the
ABM• leering the 'leek for action.' nuassJ pruprrta- of Mr. David Ihtnham"others, of
the i..k.•r player, as he ......sired all the. Itro.k.ale •.tud,\cer Jet se)... was deetmyed
the fain • few days agp he•aure of in
flneity. the .eleb need race hoe,e and fain -
else kr) ,sane. 00a sire heinI to hie 2bth year \lortrtner•s
Key;.sier :.tine of the lowers is the key• career revile like a romans.•. He was foaled
stone of health. The use of R.11 H. insures the pr.te•'ris .d Count* taMrange and
it sail cures constipation, dyspepsia. rte., and was the champion of the tom
Mies F. Williams, 445Itha.r street. Ter- tinent. winntal; at all %eightsand distaners.
onto. 'ream. -Have used your Kuninck When the Frame Pnus:an war broke nut
IM.nti Bitters for constipation ..rid pain in the Prussians. desmons of obtaining Moerte-
tie head with gnat auccees. 1 improved mer for the royal stud. sent a etre after
from the sec■md ,bar.- 2 hen, for they hal seen hit. race, at (laden
and knew his worth.
The Scotch love a pouverb conundrum Tom •Jennings, ilio. train••d fur 1'ouat La
'titch rens the ••What never was, whet grange at the time, smuggled \lortealrr
nese will he, and it's no enu•h matter if it mares the English channel aml kept him in
serer is1- .tnswer--•• A rimose-. nest i. a England until the conclusion of the war.
met leg." I \t'hile in England Mortemerw.11 the Ascot
,t;ol.l Cup. the great triol test of a great
Walt Whitman. obs pogo reklwair.l kis lter ies merit. and Admiral Rens, the turf
:81d birthday anniraveary at I .an,les.N.J., 'Auk. prinounced him the hest horse on 'the continent by at least seven pounds.
■e.Itb he Serbs.
Health goring herb., barks, rotes. and
berries art. . -awfully cun.binsei in Burdock
Rias! Norte which regulate the.srrretioss.
purify the blond aid renovate and streagth-
• s the entire system. Prise 11 a bottle, six
'or AS. less than 1 resat a dose. 2
Sae Wen the nowt.
There is a young lad in this city who
has a ,ions) place. and attends faithfully to
hit duties. He had one lead habit. and that
was chewing tobe•dw,,, iu which be indulged
more freely than men who had (-hewed for
fifty years.
'Me s•ttrday • geatlentee offer,.' the hay
1i•e .lnllars if he would quit chewing far a
s'ewr. .tnnther followed unit, and a thiol
all signing their nates to a paper agreeing
�ve the sane.
e. sum.
Iw.y sail he would win the money,
sash his month, cul begin right away.
`ned4y he felt badly, and Mondry he was
e'oee. Tieslay be shook and tremhle.d
like a nun with delirium tremens, and on
Wednesday he was cuilined to his bed,
which he .lid not leave for some tithe, and
took some 'maths before the effeeda of
:he poison In his system could he worked
'int EN. harp.
t flora SanyR,
4 lawyer advertised for • elerk. The
'toit nxr„j„s the relies was .•row.fed with
t.ppleanta all height, and many .oitalde.
He hole then. wait until all 'Medd arrive
unl then errant/el them in a row and said
Ir would tell then. • story. note their row-
'nerti•. and jndge from that whom he would
1 certain fanner,- logon the lawyer•
ear tr.mblesl with • rad moirrel that got
I, through a hole in the barn and aloe Iib
teed 'sen. He resolved to kill the s ueeeI
.' 'he first ohepertimity. Seeing him go tea
t rho heti, non, .leve, he took his abnt•gnn
nal fired away : the first shed .et the Darn
0! tins
'• 14.1 the tarn burn mid ells or iRi
Plumbing, Heating and Sheet Metal Work.
The manufacturers have refused to send any more Granite Ironware to Canada at
former prices, but I have secured a large stock at low figures.
•tl'.q' i:El'lat'i: i A•14/? ti;
(4).‘1, 4111. STI ►1.1;s,
1-11:1''1; I(; E1;-1ToR:4.
1.010N sQUEL-ZEIL,.
On his return to France Mortemer won
'at all distances and weights frau six fur
Icings up to two 'mks and a half. earrying
150 pounds in the last named stmt. and
when he was returned to the stud the
cboicent mares were bred by him. He sired
Verneuil, winner of the Ascot 1;old t' up:
Se. li.ristophr winner of the kraal Prix ;
llementine, • famous filly. ami other flyers. -
The queen of 1'nglaed was 011111101111 10
secure Mortemer he her stud, he was price
I. This was before epee of his feet became
blemished (men the effect. of a rail sticking
into the Mane and as the French government
do not like . of any nature m
their ata' horses Vortemeer was plrr•.1 an
the market. .t dorm purchasers were in the
field. but that enterprising .1merinn turf
man and all-arwmd .prlinuut, Mr. Pierre
Lorillard. was .muartest and secured the re-
gal chestnut for the conn of 825.000.
This w•as 111 1880, and Mortemer was
brought to Mr. Lorillard's !telecoms facto,
near .1°lotusn, N. .1., and placed at rite
head of the stud there. 111. success was
yherwritomtal, althonugh he was then an old
here.., aong his nowt famous progeny sired
l this sick of the Atlantic lowing Waoda,
Fate, liatnne, 1'holuhe Privet, Cyclops
and Hercules.
At the Freak up 04 Mr. Lrillanra geed a
few rears ago Slnrtmnier passel to Mr.
Withers for les than nom•ilfth of what, Mr.
Lorillard paid for him in Frasier He served
bat few mares at Rnxok.lak. tot the crack
2 -year -oil to the Rrn.k,lale rtring the year
O • digestant filly by hit. net 01 AiIage.
Motenxr was • maker' tf J
standing fully 17 hand. high.. In cole he
was a tel. chestnut, with • star and atreek
in the hue and one hied font white. 111 01
his get were hig and growths., aid nn the op
min' of mod Osiers they would hare ,lore
Netter had they not been navel as 2 year
411s 11nrtemer was the highest tried ore
ever imported to America. 'hiring his
career net the t orf he won 91, renew nit of 48
Mnrtemmr was the sere of /Amor. the
heed mind hy Aikssbeal A t:ttn-
1�, n t:•x{!t'Icll •
Copper, Tin
Enamelled Ware.
Every housekeeper should see our novelties.
Naos for newtna.
It .aces a great deal of time to lose all
the tool', and material for mewing at hood
hefoav :.egiuuii4. Keep an ahuolanae of
uetnika iia ,lilfetent lengths and sue. and
threads of all kinds. It pays to buy' the!
cheap. tine .wring ...ett.n that comes in
,,cools of a thousand yards each for five
scuta. This lasting--eotteo is not only
cheaper. but it is tine sal not as tightly. I
woven. and therefore Letter ataptel to its
hon thread .Jut a better niaok
nal coats five cents a spool of 200 yams.
It is not lit for any other purpose, how- :
ever. Never use any colored thread for
bastutg, as it often leaves a stain. A long.
slender needle is the heat for healing. No
permit .au learn tor. tit well until mbe
hearts to baste well, using moderately short.
even stitchea. In retnot ing hafting threats,
always clap the threads. as pulling them
stretches the garment out o, shape and
wrinkles it, and on velvet fro. uently leaves
a nark. The finishing of a Ores is the
most important part. Nothing is store un
satisfacten• than a deem only half put to-
gether. There are no linings in market that
stretch so Tittle that a well -tittle dress stays
in place and does not get out of shape with
wear. The hest hooks for crowns and wrap.
are ,,.ads' with the tip bent in slightly, so
that they do not become unfastened. The
patent hooks and eyes are 'somewhat 'morgue
fortable to nose and clumsy. In plate of them
some of the hest dressmakers use ordinary
hlak honks and eyes. of small size, alter-
nating thein, petting on first • hook and
then an eye on either sick, and thus obvi-
ating the tendency to unhook.
it is said to be • gond plan to..ak whale -
honer a few momenta in warn, water, in
order to snake them flexible and mentor'', to
the figure when put in the casings. Nothing
that has ever been pr•o:lutral to take the
place of whalebones is a perfect *enema.
Re careful to nee a thin, flexible whalebone.
Remember if yon are a short w•esaa that
you nest not insist on having your waist
node as long as if you were taller. Nothing
is .nare awkward than a long saes. on •
short woman. it is easy to remedy such a
defect in your figure by raising the waistline
in the dress.
I)nrirsg she heated tern • writer in The
Nee York 1 I.. /:. t eotsidets a "gen
erwl coolie" el Aft system as more nninornt-
,al amd more healthful. tun, than nh•
ed draughts el kr-water. and
the two following. drinks ss blab &BleleOm
and wbodeenene. which serve to, mtisfy thirst
and are ndreshin g and : • es well.
To own pounds of light brown sugar add
owe half pint of molasses, two owners of
tartaric acid• and one. wart of boilingwater.
Stir till thoroughly dissolved, aol tstir
in one eine nt .worn.•. of , or
eaaaafraa, if pr•efenwl. When ,roll. honk
it : it sill till own quart hnttles. TO serve,
put iso spoonfuls in ■ tnmhlmr, till two
thirds up with toll water, stir in nne-
gasrter teespnnfnl ..f carhnnate of anis
and drink while efrerveseinngg. 1' ort materials
do not met freer thirty-llam amts : well
...eked, it will keep perfectly all Summer.
Croon mals is nether more deb. -ate. Mit
rejiires a few momenta' Meiling. The
materials required are one rupee of tartaric
so id, the jwiee of rm. leessn e, nee and on.
quarter ponds (pint•, orf lad augeo and
use and one half pinta of hnilhts water.
When cold stir in on. erase' .d nalli ee eel
end the whites of two ages ! untrue tea.1'eut4nrott.s.. She oasis.% yeti
beat.. 10 • 'tiff froth : ago one-quarter' so very eonefortable and holds yoa tar her
cap of flour, blended in a little .'old water. ' not so much by your heart as your hank
Kottk sal wee, eve spoonful of the f account. she doesn't ohs want new
syrup. three-gaartees .of a glees of .bld 1 bonnets : she is whet liable to ohject t..
water. iut.l ow -smarter teaspoonful of .ar-yourevrr having a Dew luit unt al the old toe
borate of soda. Drink while effervescing. (quite worn out. A seot.•h wife tan kee'',
her Mohan.' neat andtrim, and hermit and
OF F 1 \ TEREST TO WOMEN. w I her children as well ata smaller experr.e
tbany others. she doesn't want diarso i
----ear rings for her birthday. All you ha..
Venoms and .Mw•. to do is to show her your hank &ceout•t awl
l'ink is the favorite summer color. I kiss her and tell her you owe the balance to
The newest thing in note paper is of a her. and she is .suite stirfie.f. Thin young
delicate heliotrope. with a elver 0x+00. I fellow del not understand the scotch spin
gram. ;ter, an.l when he thought to please her
Mack leather, emFm,iolae.l with plants; he sent her :. lovely an.l expens:,e basket
selb, rml hrrtlrs' win�•s, t• new for .Ivy of flowers. He went up to revels', her
hnts thunk; and seniles, and he war .1111.• k:tnek
The frirest of the fair now wear )'.lbw, oil over when the tel.' him h.• .:n t r big
and look evert prettier in it than the bru- 'weigh salary to wase. in 'buying flowers
for her r.r anybody else, and she was sorry to
avant. it -aun- ..: her
The la est cut in skirts its six Is.'s 1 wise he w -as • e ' en' pieasin young 1,. . .
wbieh, slopta• sliarpily .cestui the belt, He 11..1 lion'.,). lack oto her gon.l graces
give the desired flare at the lottom. .1 cel- I by sating he got the flow -ere for nothing.
vet landing on the edge of this skirt. run and he thonght he could not make better
through with a reed. d•x•s away with heavy t use of them. She smiled graciously and
facing', and e. sure to give the required nut ,yi,i. -• rtecin' they dna cost yo'. anything,
it's • great compliment. • ' e was awn
Dun after all. Et:change.
iuettes.• see he ora. so a:tett'
ward aweep„orel finally a peculiar arrange-
ment of silk hello makes the delicious swish
and rustle dear to the feminine soul and
difficult t.. attain in any other way sari ba-
the wearing of many stiff u.derskirts. whe-
ts quite impossible with the crony 'dinging
Bennet. still continue to he studies in
natural history. one of the latest henng of
tine open Straw with a few- upstanding bops
of block velvet at the back, against which a
lobster sprawls its beg legs or whatever
you call them twined lovingly about the
crown. serpents with realistic heads twine
their .intdns length about bonnet emotes,
and toads, flashing with many jewels.
nestle am ng innocent masers of vowilip
blossoms. i`resently the festive lami. will
gambol on the tapote and the little pig go
to market and everywhere else on beauty's
The newest, most delicious fah, an ema-
nation front the fertile brain of the tumor
tel Worth, is to have the smart girl's serge
skirt held up Iry real ' j',allose." craned
over her silk shirt nr hknrse for summer
wear. Rut such galluse., idealised. 'lord
eel and feminine, for they are of gold braid
or rihbn, *toddled with flashing jewels or
jet .arho hos Hashing in the light. Any•
way, every girl knows how difficult it is to
keep the skirts up taut and trim to the kelt.
especially if she lays aside the discomforts
of .. . 1 life known as corsets, and
she will wmkcmne the new innneetien.
heating tresses of serge have skirts oar
rower and plainer than ever ware worn be-
fore ardl jaunty ja kers with cap pockets
and gauntlet cuffs- The shirt of silk or
linen .liaappears beneath • %wir belt, which
i■ • comfortable hit not reotri.•ting .apport
toe the waist. while shooting and mon ntain
drewm sne mase of Harris Idenmpun, with
elwie-breasted of 1111.•k.kin
or . .skin. Krone waistenat, are 'mooned
rip to the throat and finished with . plain.
round buckskin collar. The skirts in eith
j er oar have no sonirlat ,on and are finished
with ma.'kintoah easing around the edge
and worn over gaiters.
Now t. Weds • neaten taut.
1 know a young fellow who was very
sweet nsa sc oteh spinster. she wase wealthy
'tonteh epitome. haat if there is a kMd of
• who mint he l -n -ed economy -ally and
Mr bar.elf alone it is a .arch epinatev
Msotek spinsters ere warranted to male gond
Whoa all Om tines. It as awful. laird t.. be_ Bye Lawmuse is Ib. M.•
Lost year
Her eyes were rheumy and wear and rod.
aduass or
d ramabreath .ndianeft la her head
Ard the noose of 1t all was catarrh.
Her breath is as sweet as thrill's/1r meadow.
Her eyes are as bright as s star.
And the muss of the change. she is ready toss,.
Wee time 1)., nage f'ure fur titan*.
Ir. Sage's 4'atarrh Remedy will positive
ly eure catarrh in the head. no natter how
load or of how lone standing. Fifty cents
by all druggists.
or. ( t> -ler tells the story of • - little 1.1,
the situ of gond Pr,h1-terian parents, who,
was asked the •ueetion in the c techiges
"What is mans . lomb end and he an
swered it "Man's chief esti is tori. glorify
Clod and aan..y him forever." There are
ton many 111.111. says Ir. 4 i.yler, who act as
if that were their chief end.
1'. 1'. Hictt'wt.
For several years 1 'suffered PO .,sorely
frac Neuralgia that my hair mane out sal
left rite entirely hall. I noel >IINARiy.
LINIMENT freely on my heal, whieh m
tirely enrol any neuralgia. and to my atmos
ishment 1 found my hair growtag rapidly
and now i have as goal a heal nt hair as 1
ever had. W., I►k.tri•.
springh i hl. 1 m.
The meson -0 Dean rn 4 Mtmrlo is mrd to live
n groat -in ennnty He a'}.1 h:. ,.win 'seise
nne•half of a ''•I then refused t.. diri,le
the milk, maintaining that he gold only the
front kelt. The toyer was also reonire.1 to
provide the (earl the eow .onan+ne.l. coni
compelled 'n sorry water to ber three times
a .lay. Res -petty the yew hooked the old
non and neer lir ;• ruin' the set in•hew for
French the Moral by the nee of Milburn's
Rsnf, Iron and Wine, which supplies the
nw'eesary h1.e.1 bedding material. is
-11XTRA r.AL fl 111
- Fur .1.e west • Ira weeks Oh...
• or. 1lsstrehee.and :attars.
Te/.pion Connection.
B. B. B.
Burdock Blood Bitters
I. a purely vegetable compound. poasraing
perfect regulating powers over all the or sans
of the system, and controlling that snorer
tion.. 11 so purities the blood that it
All blood humors and duseases,from atame
mon pimple to the worst scrofulous sore. ani
: this combined with its unrivalled regulating.
cleansing and purifying influence on the
secretions of the liver, kidneys, bowel; and
I .kin. render it unequalled as a cure for all
diseases of the
From one t0 two bottles will etre
pimples, blotches, nettle rash, scurf, ..:ter,
and all the simple forms of skin disease.
From two to four bottles will cure salt rheum
it eczema, shingles. erysipelas. ulcers, ab
masses. running sores,and all skin eruptions.
It is notioeable that sufferers from skin
are nearly always atgra%atedby intolerable
Aching, but this' quickly subsides on the
removal of the disease by B.B 11 Fascism
In to graver yet prevalent diseases, such as
icrbfulous swellings, humors and
We have undoubted proof that from tins
to six bottles used internally and by outward
s .cation (diluted if the skin is broken) be
affected porta, will effect e cure. The
Snot mission of B. B. B. is to regulate this
_Ter,kidneys, �otwT ado food; to coned
acidity and wrong action of the stomaeb,
sad to open the sluiceways of the system
.0 carry off all clogged and impure secre-
ione. allowing nature thus to aid ieco..ry
end remove without fail -
Liver oomplaint, Dilioueueso dy.pepaia,rieb
headache, dropsy, rheumatism, and every
irides of disease arising front disordered
liver, kidneys, stomach, bowels and Dismal.
We guarantee every bottle of B. B. B.
Should any person be dissatisfied after using
the tint bottle. we will refund the noney on
application personally of by letter. We will
also be glad to send testimonials and in-
formation proving the effects of B. B B. in
the above named diseases, on application
fll T. MILBURN & CO., Termite, 004
11.000 Acres Good Farm Lad
TITLE ri:RiotT.
se Itiebitus ( enema. MfvNl r llpeaa
rad lauds invite at.la5.4..
At p tee • r.n,riug from r2 :e d.1 par acre.
The•-1asabonreclose to Faberpriaiug Vet.
T..tvns,l'hure•:tee. rwhe l., etc., sad Will
he *told ma M.wt ravo:.lde Terms.
•rt•t.T rt
R M. P1K.l:l•E a•..i Hai city.
n- •.• ) Wv.. 1'i:T7.4 R••e.511 h
boar• ram roost's ICheau.a.
t' o::uncia.- 1.y n...iin: aloud. To olo the
well to itraif 1. worth .g goo.I .leaf of effort
and you need never be w;: hent an at:•lience.
Read the paler t.. father. in that half hour
just before tea •vile:, let nus "time home "all
tired out." Ko•4 to ....t her while she wows:
she will lm glad to hear scything gone' and
you will wilier' find in her what every
elorittinnist needs a ju.'.I ii kindly antic.
Rut while you real, think. Be sure
are bringing out the wit hoes rho ughta
redly. if not quit.. sat.idie.l with the way
you have real a passage. pit a mark on the
margin, an.l when yen. reach the earl go
bock anal try it again till you are sure of it.
In realm', the voice all..u1d he pitched
moderately low, Int every word mist he
enun-slated .islinctly. I, i11M yogi are en
your feet while rending sort well lack in
your .:hair. and keep the hack straight.
which will enable yo•t to breathe slowly and
deeply. in reading and elocution, as .n
suiging. it i.1 important to take breath in
such piece. and in such .,•tatltities that the
Yoh e will remain full aii.1 mend until the
thing is .otnplete. No ,'asps nowt emir in
the mslelk of a remotes., tool there should
' he no hnrryiag toward the end because she
breath is nearly ont. As to where one mho,,ld
take Meath while reading there is no nik
but the infallible ruk of common muse :
vor:r hearers shn,Il never know just when
you oto it. 5ltoosr for millic realmv or
speaking pieces .,ori. I to your yuier std
ability Many a yon.lg .l.n-ntioni.. has
emne to grief end !slut.• merely on .ev.'nnt
'.f enitaken ambition. It may he in yew
power to keep an mullein* rippling with
laughter, wl.en you wowbl he a anima: f•il-
:re as a portrayer of deep {orlon and iia 4h
tragorly. It u far loiter to do ample
' thing% well than to sow •I asppnintnrnt or
i yoleeelf by attempting,. .elections to which
you eannot do igen.. Ladies' Hoose
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