HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-6-12, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GODERIQH, ONT., FRIDAY, JUST$ It, 4891. 1 11111 III ION THIE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE BA 1 - Q BEESLEY krlA.LlaNtD INT. /LEAD OFF ICE, TORONTO. eilparais MAN Mini NtWON DOLLARS R t. WALKtR, QEIStiAL MANAMA. S•.000.000. SI 00.000. GODERICH BRANCH. 411111Mat BANKIND Bu$n.(U TIFtNsACTED. FANNER.' NOTES C MAFIA IO.UEO PAYABLE AT AL- P0411Th IN (CANADA AND TME PNINC P cert(. 1N f1411. UNITED GREAT STATUE Bin taint, FRANCE, BLNtAU0A1`t SAV$Ns$ SANE DEPARTMENT. De POO 111 OF 11/.00 ANO UPWARD. RECEIVED, AND CURRENT RATER OF INTENE1T ALLOWED. INT*R/EST ADOCD TO ma PR,NtplpAL AT TNt IND OP MAY AND . IN SAON YtAR. &peel& Af .adieu gives, is the Oelfaotl.ts s' ' 1 °aper. R. S. WILLIAMS, Manager. awd Partners' Salsa Notes. TO ADVERTISERS. Netter of rhangesi Inuit be left at till i *hit not later than 3,101141a noon. The r eluinge must be ft notlit, litter that. Tu, fay !toxin.('55..x4 Adtertiartnent :,.'..•ptwl up to 110011 Thursday of ,144.11 wLek. y is a TH i'c i$ WORTH TO >i ol.' (ol'.NTS' BUT FIRST NOTE THESE POINTS 1 F'L.'IT It is being stated about town that I repair only my own goods. This its a malicious falsehood as 1 repair any goods brought to me for that purpose, no matter where made Mine is the only establishment west of Toronto where you can get lidcK goods half -soled by hav- ing the soles.. _ stitched on, which is far better than beirg roughly nailed, as is done else- tbr...wt d ni on bel charge WANT TO CALL Special attention to my stook of ladles' kid • high shoes and Os fords, which are not wet of Toronto Call and see for yOUreelt Now for that quarter I WV 1:1'K 25 CiEN" M On the purchase of one pair of shoes at my store of $2 25 or upwards .1. 'Latton, of B1vth. Suatlayed in town. Jac 1 lark return..) 0. It'earts,n ..o Mon ,lay. 11... hetulnek,uf l.alt,e. viathug lis tale• rich. Harty /Hack returned frena Redgetoten on Monday. Itegnlar ure..Uugg 1.f KnoN ceInto•h Miaau,n Hen.! he....emu afternoon. %1'. R. Dickson, harrist .r, of Rommel. was m torn this week. After %hada) all kuels of li.h way I legally caught try rod and line or trolling. Win. 1 uwng. .'unease, .+.n lu •t t serve: ,m 1'u'tewis street rhumb un .uenley won i //4.. H. I..At. 58,1 Ihltlky Holmes were in sesforth on Teasley to witness the foot hull tuatc•h, 1\'m. Anwtrang, of town. i,rracha} en the Nortlr slttet Mrt h..hst church. nit Sum day ex ening. Thousands of t,er.•1. and ilinte . Ler of herring hoer been I.s,ke.l by our local Angler. the past w.•e•k. .l. 1. style.. High 4}und student. r.•. copied the pulpit of the h tenet es street fund, on Suaay rt•intig. Mesar. .1•r.!* and l.ashani, of saliford, were fishing ,n the lake on Tuesday sant Masi retrsurditwry sueee55. Now, %Cilki nsn rt•turned nn 'ruesbty fIlene 511 eight !month. visit to relatives m1 Indianapolis and 1 "hlcagv. Dias Nisbet M.+germ left for Iter Mane, 'Settle, .a. ttr.lues.la}} ruing per the t nose r.n.ptre Sant .- 1Ur .%ehley, Hayfield goad. .•er.lucteel the servile en the North street Meth ahst church on Sun.4y morning. Tl.• well-known goal keeper of the Junior Hurons. (gm Allan, cause (non. 11'oa.blto,ck haat Friday to play settle his ckb. \Drs. Reid and roe left en Welnee dry for Kingston their future home. The Mit w ishe. of their many 1rieruls follow them. II ,\hurray left .n Wednesday, per or. City of tt'in.lxm, for Black River, where he has secured a .Ituatiowl in H. «evor,I, saw OFFER EXCELLENT VALUra 1,4 TRIMMED MILLINERY THI8 WEEK. We would be pleased to have our lady friends call and examine our stock, as we are sure we can please you both in quality and price. We wuuid also call ■ttrnt.oa CO Our 4r0 -v and ruled stork of UNTRIMMED HATS FOH LADIES, MISSES & CHILDREN. LATEST SHAPES. LOWEST PRICES. BEESLEY'S GREAT MILLINERY EMPORIUM, The Ladies' Favorite Lstablltihu:ent, - BEAVER BLOCK - - CLINTON JOHNtJTONCABBY. nn11s. Robert Kreckenn.lge left Tuesday 118/111. Cut this out and bring it to me Ing for I nntlecticnt. He is a steaky young and you will make 25 cents on man and no doubt win wu,rer+l in his new your purchass 111anr. N.$ These points are all ori- James l:tw►lane returned lest eek from ginal with myself, but as they are a° extensive tour of the Mates. and es at al copyrighted y pwrsent at the family residence, I'ark notPyrighted others may try street to imitate them The • yc$nt olt JOHNSTON CAREY, Tee Isadise boot and shoe mean THE T.%I.ti (W THE TOWN. a wo ap pr. terra' ween. Ari faith kilt prei,1 it. June 's the finest month of the year for tak totuu,si.te a iews. and ;tau. Stewart snakes a me. Why of that kited of work. A Gumn PRi11tr?. • The most useful lift son eau .wake is to give a win lbs. Appty Ilc(tdac odd,. arrest. Ooderich. tf Tne Woman's Christian 'lempersmce 1 Mon meets in the Ten persaee (tall, North street. eters 1 I *dry ahernoon. Prayer meetlag at I T , business meeting at 3 ((clock. -•tntertimrs when s man is put an his .nettle 'n, matrraf to brass, but 1f yon omit the latest .end tuutiest n..lerial for $asimer sorb doer '1:I 1,,511 upon F. J. Pridham. the people'. . Mrr. The worst '•lover'* keel- Is to find her not at :wee ea loc. but K. K. Sallow" am Coors be found at his studio ray Owe-ne t who wont nor :as.photos or cabinets, or who want fine pie tore ((rwmine. , .e... Perkins. of Blyth. was in town on `uudsy. Piardon,, Newth Fells, wax Iu t.alero n 'M. wreak. Mre. Turner, of St. Louw, has come to lend the summer in town. 1N•. T. Whitely, of Thr Huron News- Re - 111W1 in I:akrich on Friday. 41-111. Stitt, • former merchant o.t this t••w n, wast among odd friends last week. .1 large mmuher of our young people huh 1 t.I.n.urable sail on the lake . ow.lay even •las. Mcluta..h left on the United Empire. NI. 1'., is in town ti. work. ".Nita' Hattie ..moth returned eat IN.:..es ,lay (Lott. 5 jolt 10 Nlanitelea x44.1 British 1 olwnbo Is '1 h.- ,.cry. S.•uu} .. r1.tn t'ntofa si r.'eutly preacntr.l t1:, .,. • u( ti Wtt n rile•)uX5 r for 0 1,•t the tire cm. ,..iv of tlaL axes token It. Mrs. Iknald McLeod. of fort Huron. venting her .laughter, 1111. I'apt..1. I...31e Iran. Nfr.. Koieert sohratree returned to 4115 Saturday' hist, hoe tog spent s wet•L wltl relative. 1n t }intoe. I►4e e I hraal.lsen, 4 former resident , was in town \1'alnediay, being a p•5s•ugur on ii,.• Centel Empire. h. straclwi has en improve.) IrmaI.I0I roller 1n front 1 i M. shop. Victoria -la p llg6 ken of aper, ..at n et t1e services result. es1 in saving them 1... i• arty frau drstt to 11i 11 6y fire last SIIb141 week. \11.ino,,,.T1'tet I:1'.1 AI•Ire'.T':rvt.. . 1.1 n f'.IIow'111g appointments for the . au.atg year , Weil' 1114411 In this eectien h\', the atatiotung eeme t.tttee of the 1.uelpit conference - 1:ate. !ti.!1 district -4 :alerted' tN.rth-.t.,, .1. E. Howell, M. A.: (:oderich 1 Victoria•st, o, W. A. 'tr:ogntan. Ph. It., I.L. It.; Clinton , (RSrtrubury.st.4. .1. K'. sheltie*. 11. .1.: it -linter.* .4iutario-ntte..t . Joseph t:alluway ; •:.fisaforth, N'raky ('aero, se.. of tooter- ' astie : Holtneetille, \Vatter Ayres : ILaL•teet.l, Alex. Maddest; : \'arta, Jetties Welker : • Heu:.oll, H .1. Fair, H. S. Magee : Kippru, Henry Irvine: i)ntigannott, .4.11ett11 Potter : Nile. Ezra Fear, Lather 1►. Rice. super tauutatetl, permitted to reside at Mnlart ' Lake, Intl_, 1'. S„ 1lenmelier, 11'. JI. lii,•l I by; 4:et.. JlcKinky, !Wesleyan 'Flee... t'..1. i, lege, Montreal ; .1. E. Howell. M. A., chair man; .sea, 1:allowav, tin. sec. WIngham distract Wingh•m, $. wellery. 11. .1., , K. IR: Matthew Swann, .Str•throy; sutler animated : Teaa.wuter, .1. .1. \1 I,nrhlan NI. .1.: Wroxeter, Edward A. Shaw ; Rm. i see., t.. F. Salton, .lohn 1.. Kerr. Richard ,.t'1<ul, superannuated : tt alt.ni, %VIII. 1►tta well : lemde.b,n,'. .las. F'er uswi : Itiyth 'N•, F. 4'anlphell, arm. hills e'ron.uto. we'd : auburn, F'rantIS swami : i..lgrave Jahr/. H. !tyke; Klttetak, 1. It 11'alt , win : .... sentry. M. .t.. R. 1) . chair man : %V. F. 4'amphell, financial .e,' - witch Is creating a tv..l deal of iuteNlit 5euult� the fanners who laws. that way. NI t. S, ',Mock, !•ten .t.,left .mWed mn.r,ul..y last for Dakota. w het c she will spend --the-summer. She will caret with leer the g... l w'isltra of her malty t. Benda in 4:451e - ,Li,. Ree. •1a.. .1. Anderson, R. A., of Kuoni church, la' gone t.. attend the sleeting of the 4.enerai .tsaemlbly of the Presbyterian church, now Bolding its sessions in King stem. Mrs. and slits Ka.leliffe left on Tuesday. via New fork, fnr the motherland The ladies will visit portions of the F•uropeau continent and return some three months hence. The ser iexs in Knot .-hun•h will be .wn• ducted nett Lord's Itay le z• Mr. Andrew Reilly, student of King t allege, Threats, mud now in charge of Leehunl and 1'nino churches. The watering .:art should he ovule to triter/ the full length of Fist and %Vest strreta, These two streets are the most travelled thoroughfares 10 town, and room, yuently the most in seal of the watering cart. 1m Wednesday for !'ort Arthur and West England the Tuesday Inst the New ouprnnr. Mr. Nf [nosh will be absentfor England Football League met the tltestern Ontario Aseo.ciatio n League at Se,f.rth, and alms[ a u.omth' rngagt.l in a friendl • gauge. The match .fames •itesehan left Last Friday for Ite. resulted in a .e -ore of 4 goals to 1 in favor of trim. He u a good cttieen and a clever the New England league The Western n.ecftauie. We wish hum the success that League was composed of 'eaforth sten with his stelity deserves, the exception of two mete, who were front 1t'ots .'i, FI.uw KM,. A sale of Ilerltn• work and flowers and promenade. ,Yntert The Wiarten F:chonay's: „.lant.•e Mc('ar- under the •uspeos of the ladies of Knox thy heel the honor last Fri.lay rat laving' church s ill he held to the Palace hulk on the int raft brought here by the A. 1 . Thuralay, .lune 25th. *I lie 'sleet work and Creels -ford. The raft - contained 8.600 tis flowers will open at 3 . w. 4'.meen will and w•aa brought from Harrow Hay, nudging - begot at 8 11.11. A.imireon 1., 1Nu•ert, 10c. the einem distance in nine :1114 a half hours, flefreshments extra. 2t remarkably go..t time." The ('raw -ford is Ft•t.t.Sn.'.. Abner 30,000 fill heads ani the tug that was recently built by tt•m. statretent heath, 40,000 note heals, 25,000 place, of the. pla., and it nay IT seen letter heads, 70,000 envelopes.from pence that it is doing seise fast work already. le the largest sin. 10,000 shipping tails, 1. ( ('flr..iw Fersri% et.. Next Monday 25,000 emelt', Imitate a large stock of cm- evening. Jests Ideh, an ire cream festival cigar paper,, folder papers atld ..erdf.nanls, and entertainment will be given in the Tem - ticket • heear.ls, demi: atul cover papers, pas peraoce Hall under the auspie•es of the Roy ter papers elute and colored .in fat, the al Templar.. An excellent program of most complete m this stiction of lhItario. rustlings. Imitation..vtaw! arid mat rumeutal all fresh end of gaud quality,can lee found at muse,•, chub swinging. etc., will le rendered, THl �Id.. ti. sterm printing house, Where . and refre thmenta its cream and .eke will first class pnntiug is done at the most nes ler dispensed during the intervals of the sortable tate.. prop, m. Admisaio n. 15 cents; two for E 1.11. T1,.'. .,r Orel. I. vitaEureka ( 'reined. 25 cents.- !'hair taken at 8 ,'. w. No. 103, R.T. of T., held their rtetlu-annual 44.'xt.e. 1'xn.mae.. Ex. r*.lm. The election of °thews in the Royal 1►egrec rn tiro. excursion of the reason will anile in Monday evening last, the folluwttig being tow* this i Fridays morning. It will he com- ele'tel . S. ('., Bro. .1. F'. Tom 1'. A. 1.: posed of the school children of Stratton! C.C., Mrs T. tot; P, C., .I.W. N'anatter : and Sebringville, who will &ladles. be a. - chap., R. J. K.. nese : R. S., Mir! M. .•.nlpstiied by some of their elders. We un• ('ram ; F. td., J. A. Reid ; T. H. IMnlop: dentand that the pupils of l:oderich public H.. F. Weigh ; (i., Mea. N. Reid : 44., R'. .ehool will meet the visitors at the I..T.R. En.ertme : organists, Mrs. ('. Campbell and station, and that the latter will form and Mies Thomann. The R. S. and H. have not march in procession to the harbor perk, yet apiointedl their aseatanta. The instate- which will he their headquarters during the eon 1rrn1 ny will teke mace the last M.mday .:ay. n June. Fiwtwr.‘,. UBW.•.raeTtmx 1x s,aroavii. LA. Mewl. M M. x. The opening Dacron Sem} for particulars o1 the 4 ra.l iater nett+ of the season, between the Omierich nationel Firemen's Tournament to be held ami ('Ifht a clubs, at the Agricultural in Seaforth on .dune 16th and 17th, 1891. .ronn.ls on Friday drew a gond crowd and -111.000.00 111 nosh price* for hese reel races, 1111. H. Holton and children, of 1.uelpb. •-r.- this week visiting relatives in t:ode- 1 111s. Chilton, of 1%'ashmgt.n, is on a 11 sot to her parents at the .American Comm Audi/easel M r.. J ohnst on,of t he''Sno, " are ',ming at the residence of the Lady's par t • rat.. .1m•Ige Ikyk,who returned list week (min `suit lite Marie, rrpo,ta his mother much improve) in health. -"1. White, M. PP., of .Windsor was in :win this week attending the .lune resines ••1 the;minty of Huron was keenly contested. The hret grad was cap- hook an.l ladder races, coupling compete ere' by 4 hst.m is 24 minutes, s neat, short tions, lirrl.ten'g foot-racaa, tied other sport*, shot, whew the gels} was almost utyrtankd, such as hicyk radar. drummers' ray. lona( the trick. The next goad Art -eloped football matches by Alcatel, light, and xcellent pay, both clubs tieing on their fsrneer'. loud 1, • r 910.00 to the mettle. the via•tary being won by the hoot. Iwr'evI local of plkflylk and 910.00 t.. the ram in 21 minute*, a .p)emhd side shot by loved of largest people. Thu will he the :rahant ;lout the soaring. No. 3 Was gt'watret sporting event ever held in the ,resided in favor of the I:olerx•h boys in 10 West. Ib not forget that the great than. nnunes, lett while the battle lasted keen pionship fordhall match between the play and gno4 shot. weer ma.lr by Lith )etrnita, of Detroit, and the Hurons, of ides. Many of the players, during this Naaftrth. takes place on the recreatme bon,. were the recipients of pretty severe grounds on the morning of the 17th. For blows. though whether any of then. were further particulars send to R. Haxhyy, nfairlyy bestowed we err not prepare.) to Secretary tlsaforth Fire Brigade, seafo-th. y. TM f1n11th pinal 05x nr. in 11 minutes, (Art. • 10-3t he Herons again being the rietore, the Holt. or Face:t.e.iv 1)a' Weelneselat•even hher bring sent between the sticks in a it.g l.tvtrpo nl mire, No. 140, Sons of F:ng neral acnmenage. The next goal was land Benevolent Society, wa. instituted. tempted many tines. but neither sok the erlemm.y takingpine in the lodge ...emend, as time was .alled in the midst of a neer. of the A. 11. 1'. t' Alderman Hen brilliant contest for the ball. 11'rll done. nock, Hamilton, Supreme .;rand Vier press . anior Huron.. The following were the 5s.ist.d hySupremel,rami se, ,►.%%('anter, players : Ihstrect 1 kpy A. Hirst„ Stra(foesd (hs I:odench, Clinton. &riot ; and Preselent T Jackson. ('lintow, nigher Hnlons. Itsuntlsaw - " . the ,nstallatiowt. The following . Allen (:cal. H. Raul. are the sleets,! ofrr.ers Ara' 1891 tV. pr w . N,.4.olatn. Point. V. Rnlwrt.rnm. dent, P Hent : ewe provident. H. W. Hall : secretary, leen Price: treasurer. Gen. R. ( 0'. ; peat pprre.wsident, W. .1. Ifnw.lisg; chaplain ('. Blarkstnse :.van,. . Jeo. Walters : inside giant, .1 i ' night: .nta.le quant, I:ost. Kean& I,nv..rp..,l Lodge will meet nmeethly ne the b).l and 4th Wednesday' !short 5pess•he. nn the oh. wets of the Medei by the installing oflkv,rw and put president F Rnh.nn, of ("lintels, and the VV. President's address bought the proceedings to • clam. Anions the visitors present Were flow. .1. Hewers and W. Swatheld, of 'he*.M Indge, 4lintnw ll Radcliffe left °In Tnestay for New ,•: k, tee witneee the dep•rtnre of his wife e ..nd daughter for Europe. 11. .1 (amemn, of ('hoago. •t our' time :...onager Rhynes' drug store. u among his u friends e• town. r Mist f:emrgt• Martin reten ed last 1 w•ek. fmm • two months visit til Niagara Tu Toronto and other cities. ft* Ihes !Attie 1'atsderhp, niece of Mrs...en. as i41..•k was martial •t Ridgetown, lest "n•k, to .'has. Kelly, of Montreal. Mayor Ratter and reeve Prmelfnnt left 011 'I 1'oselay for Ottawa as the town ennneil'a '•-priventativ.s at the state funet••l of 111* Jet, Sir John A Mae dos•Id. J itr. M..lichnlann. the West eel. dentist. A makes the preservation of the natural teeth erimialty. 1:5s admimatered from 9'.11. '••1 the• penni.ss extraction of teeth. h'RI.TrR'a F.aRns*. Ism week thet5'prs ••a11r ns nay, when referring to ' 1 Nortetwer, the sire of Aiitenhe el R 1len try . %Meow% till', the animal .tonal seven •e.tt fe.et' high. instead of ''hands -' The printer agerwv•teed the offence by IKON( that "Morte1,,,r - the stet. °i Minor. she.} the wnnl amok' +e "siRr. ' And watpop/. * Ip . wonder why editors heroes* prer- grey. J. Hall (mer, point A. Mor•sh. 1A'. Rleckkwd. 1.t defence. R. Kerr Mrlatyre. 'shod „ W. Spalding. R. /'rat. 3rd " .1. Kennedy .1. Bain. Pentre. M. reentelon. 1:. Key worth 3111 home. A. Marge A. McV.sr. 2nd honer. N. Fair. 1\'. I:rahswm. 1.t home A. May. R. Rat Outsidenovae. N. W.Unw1.,a R Nelsen. laid* haw. B. nibbles*. ow. Pries. ('optaia. .1. Mode- ./, W. Nall. Umpire. T. tt. Jackson. ReMYr - Rd. l isapaigee. • C.4 PJT4L f 1 2,000,000. REST, - 6,000,000. A .Stn'ing Deftartment has be est ()Awed in con- nection with this branch. Interest allowed at current rates. GEO. DRU.LI_l!(�.VD, Manager (:odcrfi'h Branch. A. ORANGE OF BUSINESS I The I.Vso4ned Ian 4..,ujt.: eat the 1) a 4111 It1., M sit. P 8P1.0 .4,1 r 414 140011. blamer of ■a. CIO. t. Ra0E*IN44..'rabb. 411..•x, 511.4 111 order to anise rooms torgurw gouts has made n aweep,ng is -dm -111111111 5.4 I n• .. E•. arc .ix.. .1 btr...n d*). Several thousand rolls Wall Paper at 4'.c. a roll. Curtain Poles very cheap. Nessest st)ks .n window •fade+ in at.,, L. and nude up to ord.-'. h.-tua'r' on .oar shades rim nailed at appL.11111M. GREAT BARGAINS iN FURNITURE. ':.•pairing And uphulsterinll nest Ti door at reasonable rates_ linnet• set n.ngs 1114.11' and put ,. 11 011 .t. art turd,e at ten per a eat. kir Ii.au , 11) pro rr. Raring bad hong .- penes.* in the also. Mn..•;n the U. N. 1 am prep.seed •o ' rn out aro -r'ae. work, sod hope )•} ,,gars destiny( and prompt attention to bu.t.••... • u•.•...:., *herr •;,eobu,c pst;sn5a1. WIENER EMITI!. - l lege siiissln.$a Useeklag tlN pyla d 1' sola c' lS p.: ro.•a�. rad n +Wr ttittwxtmrad Sir ttauuiNEr. ur. 111 Duna , to tM pt>iBn, Os (bey wilt nod ti i en a hi ward harlansiesaa, a;. t'. 1R011rarasr. WHAT WE DON'T DO AND w w =0_ W,• 14(1N'T Mae.• every .lay PI .111•'1111 Itsryllin 11111, nor ,lo w.• .4.11 Tweed. at ,•a;1. Ism w'.• la 4 holt SATURDAYS AND MONDAYS A13 SPECIAL BARGAIN DAYS, \ltd aril for • Cash Goods less than some Merchants can buy them. • Kinear.htle district hitn:ardinc. W. C, Henderson. 1). 1►.: Tiverton, Henry .1. Newcombe : Hervie, John R. tear:. t:. W. Johnston, .lames t;edtka, y� ry Bethel, A. \cKibbin IPi ie River, Ripley, .JoseS 1'oo10 t Leeksow'. .h»eph N. 4 ollings ; John Walker, euper- annuate4 ; Ashfield, John Kenner (Luck• now, : %%'hitechurvh, F. W. Crowle, M. A.: salon, Alexander Scratch .4.reenock, : Harry .f. Millar Victoria t "nitrite, ('ol.mirg : W. C. Henderson, It. i1.. chairman ; .1. S. (:ollen(i, fin. sec. Mr. Richardson 'North -est.. I:odenchis transferred. to Bertin : Mr.- Hut- ton tVictoria-st., to Kirkton : Mr. Harris (Iltnmillerl to Eranessa, and lir. Edgelin- tenl to Acton. Every day a bargain day for the next .Ix weeks t or from now until 1st July). Special price: aril great reductions for cash. Print, in lovely patterns and colorings great- ly reeluced in price. Alt our 15e. prints for laic. per vanl ; 1 a t•. prints for I lc., and 10c. prints for Mc. per yd. A special line of ,)re.., goods in checks -wide dated to 11c. per yd. Great alue in table linens., towels, Cott'PlingN, dtc. Tweeds and coatings at whole- sale prices, cut out free of charge. Remember ours is the only store in (totlerich where you can buy the genuine Ererfast Stainless black cotton hose. Women's size only 20e. per pair Insl.ection invited. J. A. REID & BRO. Jordan's Mort. Oenteri.•h. Mar .•1st, 11A1, gyt- DRINILLIAM INK ILLS P E PLE ASP. NOT a rue patiesa 'bey Ig lomat. Brrt.n.a, Tovic awd -roakas Itsohosi.. 5a'pet•y4o• enwdaaa•A tong the sobetsinissa ally needed teea- ttr. Blood. raring diseases awning Poos and W AT wr FiLoon, or fres, VITIATan Hrwou la' Rt000, and also 'finesse and Bot..*, Moe Ikr.00n .ad ferwwran, whets Drones s by overwork. Mental teams.ea Idneta s ► tion.- They have • R►v,-tr ,' Acrtme on h. Nair eat, gvarta of h roan and wesn•a. Loser noon and restoring all saart.ra.stortes and 1 +b p 1Et1e51 NU wb.. tl ho tae Wine of dell I...Meng. .. y power. Asgalne. should take these Pt i. They 0111 rw.m. he. lost .Leyte., both shyster) and mortal EVERYO A ahowld tale. t41a. tlr 'Web~tn.vvitabty pr•••lowla 5114 rrsg.i orf global airliner 05.11 ne.ea.W1. she y tills thaw Fyt t,a_ • oOla !'h They will ears Shesta Tulle voila .= •ysMta free sate tit as 41.yos or n peseta resets el was (re par ben by a nesiac Vin T3M DR. WILI.J/M. r MPh CO. Brockville, Owl Will ,lttote price- nett ur•ekk, alae .51h. 1S4. GEO. ACHESON & CO. k+; -4111 B. MacCQRMAC, FINE TAILORING, &c. 7 HE SQUARE. 1 =4 QLUEVALE. The people here are buoy repairing the Londa. Rev. 1. K. Wallwin went to content.., last week. Mrs. John Moser Was visiting friend. en Morris this week. John Mclntosh has returned to work in the Rluevak cheese factory. Th.•re must be some attraction. Mr. and Mr,.. Sewell, who lueve Leen visit- ing •t the mens' 'oi' some time past, have gone to their icon in W..,.l.tock. .1 ante -meal feeling of sorrow and regret was felt here noon hearing of the death of the 111.1 4'hieftain, Sir John \. '4.l► ,told. Prayer Yee bra. i.n. Tee. t:ntTom 11 THE -11:x 4I.1 it, if the want .1 rain continue* mne•h linger it will result en great and serious ire' to the whole community. It wool' he w ell if the clergy .,f our different ehwrchee Is.th en town and country would meite,lly ,lure prayer* to he offered to the .11mighty giver of all gond for the se muc1/-I,eedell showers. To take the place of the old-fashioned corded corset, try the B. & C. corset. This irjust what you can do. You can try it, and even wear it for two or three weeks, if you wish. Then, if you're not satisfied, you can return it, ani.. 'it LIU II1'11.1141 FOE SAL* IY W ACRS a WW1 1.11.41 .VI THE F.1,I 1.TLESS 11OT ¶ATER IIEAPER (:uarant.wi to do the 'awe amount of fleeting with 14-1.1 fuel than any other fumed..• yet mails.. NIsnetact•.nd by D. K. STRACHAN, Goderich, Ont. f )IH -tune furnaces ewtl !we taken out and tepla,vri by t.bie superior unru tion s-jthout A1terAtinns to the pipes and radiators throughout the building in w Mich it is pleeetl. Estimates furnished on application for placing this irnproveed furna,r. in Iiojl.itnga of any size metal fm cinrol•r•. %.1111e.. D. B. STRACHAN, Inventor and %test.,. (Silo)-tf.) (a111E1tI1'1 ONT., �eY Al 11.0 ta144