HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-6-12, Page 44 The ?Signal, THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, J UNE 12; 1891 0O1DItlt11'H. /ta1Rtli, JINN 11, 11111. • !NI 11141) PREMI1k. Thr doth 01 Str .IoH\ Ms. 11... u.i lc Nilo%ea a prurnuleut figure from Ihreuut,M pohtl.e. For nrrr forty years.J- upted ail mip..rtrnt wanton in the councils .d the ratlou, and succeelled during that pwn.*l in get tang 41 larger personal following than any other polticlain ,u 1'anala. 11 r d.. not ielie. the tedicy a luuh hr pursued, and taarteularly airier 1678. ave. ail Ihr I ter...II of the country, but hr had a pcsubar faculty ..1 int mg a helium: sh'a tug t.. et erv. 11.14%01.- hr Irooght terwai.1 wlie h caught the Mamma and 4atIe.1 hs point In 1d73 h4 met his 'nest .Ig,ul deli at, After the ,Ita•kaiures of the Paretic Scandal, and w1.111 •.*1111 111 the estimate.... toot only of opp.lrnle, but tot fr rends for a tune. •11. nmch o. Was this the ' ase that many of hl. ,tal.nchrat salpiprteia l...Iit. •L .,t the lone that his ua•fulure., as a party leader w*a goon. and efli,rts nrre wade to deio,ae o Ann. Thew efforts would luau been sen• .'t•4afu1 hal 11 not Farren that the sate Him. lo..11 v. W MITI • thin editor •. The Mo: ureal Gazette. iota Mr. T. 1'. 1'arrr•..., Willi :at the: tau,• "it•uctcif Thr \tall, ,.t,/011 by the 111.11'htrt .ill frustrated the c..1wl ' that ...metered .r_antst I ' Atter that he had plant sailing, se far .as the leadership of his party awl •-Dnrerul.1. .and who.., in 1878, the country wae card on ;he- .po •, 'u1 plea ..f the N. P. he halted upon it as living a reNd'natl,o wf 1st.. Dtproee .4 1872. and educated his following to Ioa.k also. It 1n a similar light. In 1882 he ubtatned a snatch verdict from the country by ahortentn4 the life of Par hanw•nt on the pretence that 11illtots of Po ii eh capital were awaiting intea11teut u1 4 apathy and w.aild not 1a• I000ght in 'entree a guarantee were given,' in the election of rhe 5'.o'.rrtativc party, that the pokey was :awsured for another lite years: and the wieder le gerrymau.kring of Ihitarie a lileil Ilio• cit 111 carrying the country. L1 1887 the wining power of the N. 1'. was "heel -table by alt.and the Franchise .\et was_ arab l asafurthecleter til c•rirrale the 4rppwr.ulion. ' l'Itr eler:tinas of Marclt last are 01 t.o t.. fat date for onr txwekn to forget the unworthy tactics that were resale! to in derider to carry the- teo.try. The cry w:s raise.( that hall the plpulat .1 4 meek tram dirbyal, aad Sir Cu ut.1.. Ti rr1 e, the High\l'omninsitner In F:ngfatt1. watt imported to emphasize the ana'rilon 111 the po itiel stump. The aged i'remier strain' ell teary nervy and overwrought his franc to give aktitirlal weight to the a.*crtloms of his more tobnut he.tenant, and the result was that a snap ornlict lint a maty l'hyr- tic victory waaobtainer at the p'11.. But the work dont• by the old \fat. had overtaxed the feeble frame, and *bluing the .ampaign hr succumbed at Kolgetcm. 1'btckily. however. he res 1 hu place as leader, au.l when earthmen met he en dells "red to Ito hie "Id silt. It waa all in vain. ,'rhe' lamp of life wadi Taal hurtling out thedark.(u low of the -angle of !heath sea close at hand. 1►uring the earlier ,lays ..t the er..1111 he rn,leatorrd to heal up. sal the • tt pire ht+ decimatedfulluw.ng with w la of. cheer and of •tinsel, but ,Lark ,pays w before the .\dnnnistratnm. Sir Htt'nyt I.'\ •a:vsi,hi. tiro Itrutesant in the Hnu,wa. nn trial for hi. political fife. while the t H,1 I'hret aao .ick unto death. -Thr overwork that hail been dole during the campaign. and the u.'rry incident to carry -ng on the work of the House aith a greatly reduced 14.tMwing ..tel with Chace. charges le ought home t,. the .\.buitustraton wan too d, for his agr.l and enfeebled franca, and two Creek% ..h, Iv.: ..ui,u..:u...er; •own outer to rase again. The .story of his it The great will that had parent defeat to 41rt.. tattle with death. Time 'Rurality* seem,' to fat, to Ito blighted ly a reaction patient weaker that 1 11 .oat 1 . t I 11 1 dtl day, .bine bib. when Ilk 4'anatllan Prentice took What result the death ie.. 41.11 will have upon t hhe.A t• moa hatora so often tin 1101 •'P ry, began t• 1111111 u,.1 agent dip .r a recto cry. "illy on a hl, h !eft the ,fore. The Litter cont. er et et.tlg 'd •4t!.r .pint of the gnat Is flight. sir .1.411. \I a. hruhunatr destiny ..f the countrx Tot Sl, s u is mol prepared 4. say, lint yr are not of those who Iwli've that ferret injury will follow Thr country 1* too, grail a lama sol of too progressive a turn to Ito insert e l ether to the tight or left by the death of any one ratan. high though hie manioc. nay late leen %'e are willing to c.n.'esk the eighth' area remarkable powers for leader -deli ,diel the management of treat prmaera.•d 1oy the late Premier. bot we believe that Canada has a* true ens t.at*y. and a. andr *o...e* them' that hare llaw•1 Lanaanti that ere long it Wali he• hien,' that, like Tennyam'4 freak, •• oven may rotate, Alla 10(11 toy Ko, 1111 t shish* will go .*I demote then departure. \\'bile ae a•knowlclg.• that a promment point. s+1 ha. Iae•n taken from the Dot an Ivy the hand .d death, not la•hett. that Ire pleceiu hi. party will not he neatly filled, we canted lett ol.Ieea to the ,.'Pala of grate yard gnah that is being poral out by The Empire and It. satellites over the dewed Premier ``It .pin% k14M•Iwnral,. diel full of year. and cot peed with the highest ptolt- wa1 honors. He had 1 thework hoe party eerie -tot (rim him 11 hat herr ,onld 1st eapse•tedoininr that he should live fere %er cur .toes died, ami he lived. a politician Newt, haat aod.alway.. He .heel in harness, as nano anther ran has diel. and *e many more sdbd,e. 11e het nothing in polities, tet .o the contrary teamed an lstoncnalne. eaaa.la did aril lin hire for the mut n Mk that he l ender.•.Lead t he (Monroe plat it odes aml the pumped up extreme which we tint .n .ane odes are too *cagey ly half. Brethren, h• who wan your leader has go.', hitt there are other trail in yon•, rank. anxious to fill he. place. Rory the land thea dry your ,weeping eoyes and tore to the living primmest. e tams& tow wants week, .ot team to lift her out of the •lough ..f Ilesplrnl in which glee at primmest is abetted submerged SIGNAL SNAP SHOTS. Sia Ile. Toe 1.ae..tt1% dipper" to have let some of the public aurks on private terms. I do admit, • remarked the fury lu au apologrtic torte. "that the I..e.,.gt n ewfulry threatens to he a gee%lona matter. • .1 gret mu* natter ' ' Tertrly" replies the brit. "1 tell you Ws•moot Met ;ret',. s Is 14..1ville,- pithily remarks The lie ,cooler eta. dollar will porhaer twrl.e an.1 :1 half piitt.'.1graiulateot eugar.ve ile"ter au \i.rrietuwu 4,1 .11ar toys ',twenty pe le. .\ tee object lemon* of the ort ought to rent ince et est the ;wet p-ejrellt.el prrotra'- *hetet that hre tllr.ries arc all ai..ng.. The lig urxw .11 Itufrale and 1letnat einlat ala, contrast strangely Milt those .4 4:,.Tench. 11, !Notot1141. ilow many .',Imes hate brei. e.sumuttr.I in Ilia name '.. W t regret to learn than *Ye chitin of The Mem .lint. Kerte%'a c•t'ian.I, ' the Prince of 11' Uxs, had earned at amendable repetat11.41 w thereto -in baccarat scandal. It now turn. .mit that AI.IKKT Elea Mt. Wail the °artier .4 the " lay -tut for gaming of the ......1.01.111 1.1 the *candid, and was in the habit .4 carr) nag it with hint when slatting Me friend. in the country. Thr Prince s friend in Kut.ardtrw w dl hare to watch 1114 •• ',motet* or his pocket hook will lie en lingerd. 1'11.o .1 tat., of the 4 Agrieult lira' 4..liege, has town appoaterl Deputy Alien ter of ,\grt•ulturr and Secretary of the On - tart.. Itureau of industries. in rlom, of Mr. \. Ru 1:. %Ir..1 tut• is young and clever, and with the well trained stet1 already *waling hint will, we feel assured. keep his Ilepaartnwnt well to the fore. Mr. W. 1). 4, aLi..44 at, 1 lief Clerk of the itureau of 111.l1tatrie•., 1e anther excellent pulite: ofti- cP,. aol t. regarded as Dig of the first eat ln•rlaticlale' of the conntr% 1111: Toronto 1\ ,old'. i Ittawa correspond- ent says slat I)'.11.To•. 4.4'411 ria had as iilneei the role of as %'.414111' k end mini• nate. V4 11.1.1 s so K.%1.1'11 V LItknITII Iver Iktuinion Premier. Persoally MI:Kl:1.1T11 is an excellent mall, lout politically he leu leen a howling failure. and ver would Wit- ty-. krtD vee. how the Bleu* would take to hon after his French crusade ..1 a year alt.•. ;lar Su:. u. has 0" o40er1511,1 15' the 4'en4er%aUve,. taking Mrut:i net'f.r a nom i - Mott levier. 'l'hry night go to \'irnna, and fare worse. (Os 1: lay one (aeteervative chickens are cooling hawse to roast. A 'strong effort was rade it. many Onlariu e.mt*tituencies to turn totes.ep,iut the I.ilvetal party on the gr.otil that Mr. 1.%111lE1 was a Roman lathole,. Now" 111e 4 11senalive party is fa•ung the iroseibtlity ..f having as teeter Sir .tonin I u.'ur S. who i* a Catholic m( the strongest type. 'fhe reltgous cry a. aedukosly •t.prend during the last two air three elections will injury Sir ,I..t\ .1l1o'1".\ prlspeeta greatly In I ►ntanu, and the 4'..hae•reatives can now lase tjhe Meannr.w ant the sin of dragging a titan's re-ligious view -s int.. party Alit ie'. 4 ts onr tint and weird image. this week will I.• fiNml in ext. -tem the speech e.N- delnn,,.g '1K 4'11 tlal.l:•• 1', 1'e'1.11'. cermhiet rtseuth' mace by the mender for West Huron,. \Ir. 4- vat nos .il.l tire i. %toddle i11 et ery welt clle.•e, anal a, ,..rlme•nd th,' le•rusal .t taw aperh to our reveler.. The .a1.• ,lgatn.t the 4'4,1114,1140.444ewr 10 England to well .mid .smugly pet, and there is nn twitting al■.tot the hush la the .matter. .\ riptide is calle.l a %pule, and not at agri- 1•.tlttiro' noplent.it . toy Nr. 1 writ.,,\, anti the'• highIre-wet of plunder ."4144. 111 for it well•deserved aerri;g 1h.rni_ isdr11very, the adrIrese woe ponetu*tel eitil cont tuned :.irpitobistnel 411.1 applause by the 1..la•raIs, awl o.,.liy (*.onset tate eft endorsed the .en- ttn,citr .tttere l by tit• al.le representative fro; West • Hisryn. Trrrvic inu.t go. • Tem IOttax % Ince Preis states that there• 1. a 'strong ng aping 1 Marie hien agafuat Sir Co. .a. Tt reek. bemuse it is believed t o . h.l !Mr 1 n Ma. nos. aim's • 1 Ill teas 14 cur to the w-•rry and work of the resent eie,'tion c.mtest. .4 r ('ll4141.6. tweed the da*.dut oto knowing the weak state of the !'re •r. health and fearing that delay would deprive the party of hi. abs in the election H 1t wean postponed. Hence the eler lieu was lrught on through the .elfish now and at-Iktto,. of the High 4'on.ntau,ner. .and many 1'onservatt4en recognize that it would hat.• Item much easter to form a new almni.tration hal they their nW empties of filly instead of the twenty-five majority left then by the etc.tons. 11r. se tar %., a Trading ('lnstratixe Senator, who attended Sir .Ion% N v. 10. 41.11.nruig the campaign, when iuter.lewell in Kingston .and : "Sir dolt .'4 echoes ongilated herr during the election campaign. The labor of etteading meetings at night and %tainnic pnhhc works and canvassing was trio great for him in hue old age. He was not motel enough, and work which used to be an ettjoyreenl wa• dtrgrr•lde n. him.' The 4,nn..•e.sary .le, -tion campaign, fa.-rsI upon the Premier and the mutiny by the ihpep•rit.s, relined Sir .Ions'% health AFTER TWENTY-FIVE YEARS lib. 4 snail) t•ss.rll• .4 Navas cod arse, restorable. Twenty five years ago the tinned ,,,in new of Hurd and Hru.'. which lip to that time had leen wp•r%teed by a omit county commit, eeprretel 1.,r -.minty p/rprea maul since that time no opportunity bed ...• eterred 1.. .n.A1le the repremot*t1vell of the two co.nnes to meet and ex. hang,. ..wlrtestra. The year the (smalt .vein ail of holes h.1.1 Its .lane meeting in the Ihr torn of lw•know. amt mere !tryout 11 that town, eon., eat the idea of hating the repesa..na. tit en from the norther, otntr pry' a frs tern*! 4 tat to the 41111111. 11 '1 Hnnn, w hch met *1 Coders. h the Mame week. .1 1'010 1fr revilers and conned of Hoorn on the snbje•t wan 1 1 HURON last we tk. ta, and a Thuwsla of last week the roan ,vont timer, hwia.l Ly . brans hard, drove to Hunm's roust) seat. Herr they were met by *anise Berk and councillors of Haran, and • funnel eremitism iSns hell in the costal chamber, where Ili Hollins, reeve of Koster, introduced the two councils to esedo ether, en bloc Warden Heck in a newt addle's' welcomes the visitors front itestes to Huron, an.l sol it was pM'asnt, to sea the crave -nig fano the north curate lack at the end of twenty live years to visit the permit organ leation. %Verden J. S. k&ClJostalj, of Bruce, re 'wooded must s and paid a high tribute to the prwwrees that had herrn orale during the past tw.uty-lire yen 1a the section through which they had permed est the way to l i .deneh front Lucknow. He would ever remember the hearty and court ems receipt ens sxtendai by the Hiiron ceuucil stn the' imeauwt. Mayor huller wekuiuetl the •esitora to I:tolry-t it, and estendei to then) "the free dotal of the town. 4'herrs, lad by In: Rollos, front the Huron emoted were lustily given for the wist4os, and counter cheers were returual by the Bruce elsltiugent, after which • t eat to the harlmr, waterworks mud other pinta u! in tercet was In order. THL a1\yl•T at the Albion Hotel in the evening was a crowded gathrriug and • most eu juyable time wits spent. %Vara,n Beek ue•upird the chair anti 1)r. Rollins tilled the vice chair. Zhu the right of warden) Heck war warden Mclbuald of Bruce, awl Mayer Butler acted as lett-braid supporter. Our space this week d.qa not allow Is to give the full report of the addrrsas which we ha.l intended : ,unite to say that the ••feast of rran,n mut moat complete and the exhibi- tion's of'ratory proved conelusiyely that the arena of county politics is en admirable: training *Auto! for public spleaking. I'm- optcuuw, . hoarser, anong•t those who aldrvesed the gatliering were registrar Ihck.on, H tin Wm a former .nun cillor of the united confines, and count clerk 4:ould. .1 Kruse, for the part twenty five years an ta•cupatt of that position and for nor years Kea -louts to that time proves itual clerk of the united ..ont.ea. .1 feature of the eve g was to hear these Nesters talk of the "sweet long ago.- Following is TILE T"A•T 1.00 The queen ,. I:.ml Save the queen... The I:overw.rGrnrral and I teutenant I:.nerwo►ay Mr. Md:arry, •' The Bowery lasers. lens. The Parliaments of S cants J. T.t:arrow, M.1'1'. 1':arla.la. (hot t',untrnt- Seng by ,erre Mckintosh. of Arlan, • the Maple Leaf." entr 1.ucets iron. nruc'-11tirden--ifc- IMttald, Ripley, and reeve Bryan. Luck, now. The Health of the Hurn& Men wee pro posed by reeve Itryan 114 clewing his re nark*, and was heartily responded t... I'he Agricultural Interests Mean. Tor naive. Kruilley anti t:aunt Song, .• nal ye eel I orae I!a'k Again' by deputy reeve Hawthont, of 4:rrru . k. The 'Ivey and Nat. Major Stott and t'apt. Henderson. Th.. Veterans of 1866 Kegititntr Ibek ' .on, of Huron, and county clerk 1:Dull, o1 Bruer. Sng by Mr. Kidd. of t'shorue. Mercantile Interests. \Iwo. McKenzie, of %'mglam : Jernern, of Wcarton : and Hamilton, of Myth. Learned I'role'aat.ns .lu.tge Toms. lir. Bradley. 1). Meltonald. 1'ounty 4)tticial, Trssurer Robertson, 11 Bruer, and treasurer Holmes. of Huron. LONDESSOROUGH. [snow 'Olt ou••'eat•rostL\T.? I It'll .l l:aham now have .. hands. • hs ' of cattle oto the ,..rote r farm. The. u, for the hest every time. 11 a ...it espct t.. err H. 11'14i.. i,, our 11u.1•. to .aln11nate•r the 4..opt-i to the people .n the delence of Ite•t. .las. Fergu 41111. I:eo. .1. Newton, the .14 legate t..r the Forester's 4 Dirt of the place. i. In Toronto this Meek attending the High 4',.nrt meertltg 1.1 1 "anaela. \Ir. 4 tKneo, our tailor and lather. is dD. nag well for a newcomer, for y. 11 1ow- ,ace the !oy. heating In dmt-ea for lila abr.' to get a nor death ..have fit 'u;lax-. HDU ala.nt our Iaaarl,all viols •.• Some say 111 a failure. 1f..w .s this, boye•all owed up on the ojuden s lnr1h.bat, or ashy not godhead `. htoys,try aril try again. and yrs, will .wordy some of the hoye may .him brought homes' load .4 honwrhold furnit,,r•. Some say, • \\'lust .lint ` %ivy..ltn, wine fr.elueiitly 1.. 411 n 1 the corner. \fell. well 11101'1 that look like hu.inees' Last week .goo. lrunalotl, of the• 1'h•ynix" Carriage )forks, revised orders for tour new waggIhoe besides seventh luggtee. N,. lirutteslte leas got his reputation widely eprra41 for good wlrk. and thus the er+ult, for his motto is : •• It j.tys to .10 goods work. - Wm. lirunalon . e.tt *el the pulpit of the Methodist church in this p1a.-. Iwet'tablwth rewoundd nl the •here*• of Bet. .vas. I",•rgn- aM at the conference. 11"m. "learn. took the sera me 111 the evening and gas,• All excellent die ourse. as also did Mr. !trims - don to the morning. A very ualereatfng .'vent might have been seen happening the. week when mete ladles. fiat. in number, with .lnldren to double their number, arn,d to the teeth with air*, pokrn, shovel., .tones and other erode, wmnewhat niunernu..umler'•nmmantl 1 of 4'aptant •tephen.rut, were seen to make a gallant charge uplei the tern cions little animal 4-411.0! the aon.i- rhuek tinder the small - elven on the read. The hedge was totally destroyed, and al- though none of the Irttggale of the gallant at tacking putty were killed. +till they were placed in rather a dangerous position (►n ward they went, children all around them, and the w'o.lrhuck in '..rot of them. NAVIGATION NOTES. *K a\1► DAl TttVWnikik . Thurada)'a .satuu o,psNe% m$ / a.11. 1'b warden In the chair The minden of pre stoma utsuug were c.v.fkrtnd Ilaxil Manan end other% d Tuckernsntth petteuaal for separation from seboul se. rums No. 2. The Satter was referred to .cbuul w,utnuttee. The mese of Turulerry applied to have Eduard awl Isabella ArnastnMK nestle oar& of the county, awl the reeve of Myth made a like application on iehalt 111 \nary Bl.nit. Referred to Nuaiur •,;:lout tee. Mosel by Mr. Hews, sreowlal ivy Mr. Rats, that ,,rel V4411141e Itlaek ('reek bridge, ons boundary between !lay tool Stephen, to rebuild If ua•as+ary" Road awl bridge cuwmittee. Moved by \!r. M1boe, seconded Ly Mr. Either, that comity commit ...online bylaw No. 4 of 1891 of grey township, for clue utg up and selling the original toad allow ancr between lot■ 20 and 21, 8th and 9th omrssiufes. Referred to rata 411.1 bridge committer. \lural b \Ir. 4.rahan, .econtlal by \!r. 1414nmtey, that real Ispat anthem abutment of Hrus.els bridge, and if necawry rebuild wing walls. Same Muval by Mr. N1el.easgse esdetl by Ur. 11'018trr, that road ., confer with ,••.unty .1 Perth . regard In; ,mage on 911. ,**stn s err bet were Tugk er...uth and H,hhert, and rolutd of neer Hire. Same couiuittee. Moves! by Ili-. Rollins, seconded by Mr. 4 . rirhn, that the matter tot Inlpusit twin of tees for county high school pupils through re- cent changes In the law and preact.t duty of the council be referral to school and taint w • c.wtuntter to report oto. Tarred. Nlotnt by 1k. Rollins, seconded by Mr. \lanning, that In the opinion of this c.un el power to impose entrance and exauutautn fees by the county al Id be (.n:iunal. utd that the clerk -end a copy of thts cutin to the Munster of Education before the 9th out. Referred t.. school committee. Special .ommuter to repot on the .ant tory coedit 14•11 of ..mart house reporter, with three tenders for said work. Re ferry to jail and •-ours hi Mee committee. 4 .tt,cd then adjourned. 1.30 Council meet et 1.30, the warden in the chat'. The uu.liturs report on the .tcc.,nnt11of 1890. and 11154114/ by lir. Rollins mid \Ir. 51.ahen regarding county w-anl* and pro ribtag lee tre*surer'n suuchrrs were re ferret to finance committer. Motel by Mr. Milne. seconded It's Mr. Oliver, that t -.ad r-nstotwr SUI 00111 nnrimler for 1'rrth county 1'xatiline bridge on 4:rep and Elm* ho,i11dary. opposite ite 3rd CANE, and repair .o retool.( the swine as nay be hound necessary. How.( and Iwidge c.om mlttee. hl 111e emit of any mnuie•ipa{ity ap realm¢. the sinal e.piulvatin WA. left in the hcw,i.. of flu. .county judge. \lorr.l by Mt. Holt, •.,'oohed by Mr. Hamilton, that the flag *laf.M the coutat) ,.,r,• he examined, and if (ounil unsafe a new one Ire erected under the direction o1 the • •rent' engineer Council aljourned to meet at 1 1. %t. to receive the county .ouwil of Kriwe 4 i". w. The tousled resumed at 4 r.m., the war .len in the chair. .lt present excep.00ncit- lor Taylor. ('omr-iilr lir. Itolilit., chainlaan of re- ception .xnmlittee, introduced to the war dm and council the warden and council of the county of Brine, when the warden ell behalf of the..mtnt3- u( Huron, and payor Ritla•r, ens behalf of the town .d I:alerich. wr,eonmrl them to this coutty and t 1'..Irneh. 11'ardr11 31cl/ound replied for the county of here. [honking them for their kin.( Welcome. More.( by Mr. Either, seconded ht Mr. Rat/, that the council mow adjourn t.. meet at ten o'clock tunwrrrw morning. ('sr , test. THIRD 1).1l FKli .45. Friday at 10 v. w. the council 'net: pursuant ho adjournment, the warden n the club. The ultnuteeof Thursday were real and dip Morcel by Mr. Manning, owotoleei by Mr. Either, that the clerk telegraph the Minister of Etlueatioa s follows - tan the ..nutty txnt'wil in say way nupuse or collect fees for the entrants eaansiaatiesWill the IMP reguLtieesIII p e M, ani be iruea prior to c.mnl'Ng examination' (:arrisl. Moved hy \1r. Hotton, seconded by Mr. Scott. that Mr. An.kran, deputy reeve of Fist 1\ awamrh, be ailed to the etlealira tion committee to place of Mr. Taylor. tar- ried. ('oonitnitation from ,lantea Mullin re. banquet to runty c 4 of Rile*, war ordered to be tiled. Moved by Mr. McKenzie, aeinmled by \ . \ r e .Ir. p 1 h rs(in, that this council appmpri ate $400 00 to improve the I*10eilary tine (between the: .,node. of Hurts and lirlw•, 200 feet west of 11'ingpatn, and 200 feet west of Lie -know. providing Renee council grant ate espial amount, mom'y to Ito spei,t under instructions of piKefer reel to road and hedge ccmminittse. \Invert by Mr. Nay, seconded by 11r. John atom that the council adjourn till 3 r. a. to allow the to gut through their work. 4 'arrial. 3 1•. n. The ...mined resumed, the woolen in the -hair. Latter from wa•retart. of 4 )utario Rifle Association, asking for .grant, was referred to finance committee. Aocounta from Jonathan Miller and S! .at. were rrfrrreel to finance committer. ('omrtum,atnol from ('id. Willein, asking for the usual grantto Huron's volunteers, was referreel to mine committee. Mr. Hamilton move(, seern.tel by Mr. Holt, that this council grant the sum of tete thousand dollen for the porches,. o1 grenade and erection of a house of refuge. No art ins taken. Mowed by Nr. Hamilton, seconded by Mr. Anderson, that this council desire. to express its deep regret at the enntinne.l illness of Mr. Thaw Taylor, reel, of Fast Wawa - nosh, and express a hope for his recovery, and that a copy of this motion be went to hint by the .'ler k. l arrieel. Kepnrt of salaries committee reel tit male no alteration in pre..nt sklanest, and adopt. eel. Report of gaol and court house commit tete, reeo,rnnrending purchase of new wtnven for jail. that two yell window. be reputed, that gaoler's. rooms. be papoered, that a strong apron and scrubber sheet,1 be purchased for use of vagrant Mary BRady, Ilam tender of E.. Sharman for drains and other work h eacepl el.' hat mor •omlrntr,nne, tote :s drain pt In to cellar of gaol yard cottage, that a ,soli he hilt in c ontiecttM with Mr Melkenald'. ofbee, the same to Ire let by the wanlen, Mr Pmielf of and the , aa,i t.. he done forthwith, was adopted. The emoted a.Ijmurned till '7 30. amt at that hour again aamenhlel, the warden in the .heir. 7. nW r Repot of mad amt Fridge eell ln..4. ail I and odogted. 1 at tee Aarwse anal .. Lake Mese MIN) 4rr.rded. tag \lyrto' hal a glad haul of stnrgNm oto &reital fr0ret the Moth on Mon da sow 4:rey, of fort Albert, brought • good haul of whitefish mai pickerel to this port on \lomlay. The .tewnt., 1'nitcd Empire war at lee's .lock on We,Ineeday morning, took on ein - eral iiumeng.rn for Port .1rthur and loaded a quantity of freight. The schooner SI. flair tirade this port nn •uolay afternoon ane) anchone( in the harbor till Monday ea'entng. It hen she rile Tight for the North fhe steamer Moner•h, .1 the Beatty line, made her rel alar call oma garor,lay and made freight for Port Arthur and ,.4 her lake The m homer t..dmal, amain .11ex11 la.w'mo n, from Thrwaalon with one hundred and thirty thousand fart of Inmher for X. Itynient, reached her .lock nn Tnes.lay utirn ing .lame. 11 tgttna hs given rscur.wtwu on the lake nearly .'eery day th.. part week. Mr. Waimea hem, Nowa, a .all tattler hi. Is always safe owl e•njl)ahle. Masan lay 1)e. Balker, aesendsd by M. \ McLean, that the 1)ewnber ia,aiiue be ditylsusr.( with. Carried, Moved by Mr. Sanders, msu,ad.d by Lr. Falter, that as sows as repairs are men pietas the erecter, tau the east aide erf ouuuty budding be talker down. ('aurid. Report of ntnalaatuo ciwuulttee was revel and, alter several aniendne.0 had Ire& %overt ,m, alopte.l. Mored by Mr. Stewart, sa•urdrd by Mr. Maur, slut three aaluato s he appointed by this ...uucrl u. salve the dttirreut tuwushifia for future guuianse of aetalimtion .,stout tee. last. Report *.t raked anal in Inting committee ravel and adupted. Mosel by \Ir. M./ening, ors -omits! by Mr. Mallet, that lease be graelel the uolrr to tutnminor a bylaw to impose eatraaer exanutlatiou fes of 75 ...Dnieper pupil. Tarn ext. Mosel by It. Mclean, as.oi,tlel 1. .1. Teseressce, that the withal grant of i1Yo l• female to the South Huron Fanners Institute. Referred to finance. M,tioue of the same unpurt, by graben ant Sauwkrs ter the F-ul, an 14:Irvin gnat1.4hrrs for the 13ral, were Sias sent 1.. finance. A motive to eglantine till Saturlay morn Mg was lost. 1Ioval b 131- eem R.dlita, tdal by} Mr. \tanning, tint the county olllll of Hurn - desires to express its deep regret at sir .1.1,, .3 Mae.loiald's alienating nitro., and ettewl Its cNdelewsa to lady Macdv&el• and family In their sex ere AB. 1in. That a ...Ivy of the lir telegraphal 10 Lad!, Ma.lut1al.1, be the aaelan. ('anted. Kepp,rt of finance cottlmittr read, when Ik. Rollos moved the commit into ceopn11t- ter, Mr. 4 b% nl the chair. Motel by \Ir. Kati, se*omkcl 1.y Mr. 4'nuke, that clause 36 of finance .orunuttee s report be emend eel, by rea.hng that no grant be mak to s .dunteer.. 1'aerie!. Mused by Mr. Iteae•orn, a eetnded Ivy \Ir. Keck, that ten .cents per man per .bent be granted our volunteers. Lint. The report ws then ad.ptcd 44 autewle•.l. A motion to adjourn was again let. .3 telegram f iku,r county council wag need ns follow• Rnt.'e conned appetite ommeittee .f three tee confer with sinitlal tNrt10ttee of your council re mint house of refuge. Committee will arrange ,oenfer• ruse after semio15 .3,1 ,... of your a•tl1fe. ,Ino. S. Mrlh.iald, Warden. Mosel by Mr. Prwdfoot..reotut d by Mr. Katy, that the invitati.rt of the council of Rowe to appoint a a.mmtittee to..ader a th their ...mime tteeontheyorationof honor of re- fuge for the 14111 counties be accepted. That the committee hat.' ISI alatberlly to Ina this county in any way before reporting to this conned. That said committee consist of the warden and psasrtp,., \ie I'hrrau and Miler. Tot. __ Mored by Mr I'rowU,ot, sea.%deal by Mr. Hamilton, that this council hereby tender. to Mr. Holnt"s Its ainemre thanks for the %cry etticieet ruiner to which he haw Irritate ed the duties of clerk during the aes.idoi oaf the council. t semi. 1:y1,.{w+: To Ingmar entrance examination fees. To borrow tummy. To contirnl toonabttp of 4:my bt-law. To asses the *recoil townships for en equivalent to legislative ',hoot grant. To equalise the respective aaseeaments of the several municipalities. To raise aseaefK'nt of *50,045.83 kr- 1891. Were duly read and passe. The council then adjourned. TOWN OOUNCIL. Tb. Latest Mtlllentn erase ta..lrlewl sats... The town teased held its regular meet ing on Friday evening last, the 11th loot. The Absent nnmhrn were reeve 1'mudf.ot, deputy) reeve Holt and councillors 'thonp- am,. 1'ri.lhani and Campion. The luuiutee of the bust regular aw.l ape eta' meetings were real, approved iin.l signed. ..'tn\1'. nit • 1:1.►.al ITI'' The following .00mnunicatiom was rra.l. 1:►" sen.►: w►: \, 4 t behalf of the I trNunh.n 1asy ,ekhratiol committee or would re epea•tfully ask you to make the usual grant. anti also to allow the committer the um of the Square to hold ouch ce•Irhatlon on. lteep.•tinily young, o•IjneiI F. RIs. n►.K. F.. trisieu. \1:. 1 ouailar'atiou .1 the yuesti. ei DI making a grant lir the celelw'at,n tem postponed nedl until the Next meeting of the council. The tI urer's statement for the meatlt .1 May, showing a Ialanee on hand of ,12, 615.22, was react. The cams of a nunllwr of indigent,. were refereed to the relief ofheer*. The tender of It K. Strachan, offering to head a wagon and tank for sprinkling the street. for the sunt of 4110, wise on nit Um rie etptael. .\ petition eking that a .eat of .ind.n 1r• put oro Wila..n-.t. wadi referred to the wadi,: works ..tnmitiee. 1 petition asking that the water main* he extended from the corner of Welleakyot. and Rritannta Read along Britannia Road to Wilson -at. thence along Wilmot .t. to Mrs. Bingham's property, was referred to the waterworks committee. A nervier of accounts were referral to the finance • ::nmittee. The accounts of .1. Kites.. 412, and 11 m. Elliott, 110, were or tiered to be paid. The report of the ;Kibbe works committee, that the tewlen of 1\'m. hell an.l James Hays for laying plank side walks around the Square, heing the lowest tenders teach beteg at 80 .ents per roll, be accepted. each to do half the work, and &len stating that the coat of putting in a dein on Pic4o-at. between %'aterloo, and Wel lingtom-sta. will be about (t70, wan read and • ■11011.1 Ten\ n► ♦1 west -FIN. Moves by Mr. Nicholson, aeon, el by Mr. MrK.nne, awl carried. that the following mye agy of sympathy 5.- meat eseat to Laely Mao/mall To Lim 114 Ito• 41.11, F:arna•Iife, Ottawa. '1111. town "Sundt, for itaelf and out behalf of the people of Ivo derich, offer you stn. -ere sympathy in this your hour of trial. and earnestly pray that your 11e1o,11 husband may he 'spared to you and this' llonlrnion whirl, 11e so well Ince.. The Council then adjrmrn..l. Spens/ Metall/a- .\ special meeting of the emoted waa hell nn kion ay evening, all the members being j present except councillor. f'autpion. .1 me•s+age ws real from tachy Mudon *W,eeknnwle,iging awl ebanking !he,entm•II for their mesaage of sympathy. i M motion of NI r. Nicholson, e.lerml.el by deputy reeve Holt, the council unanimously preweri the following rernlntion to Ir sent ! to Lady Macdonald : T.. I.tn. M1.14/4 41.n, K,ana.eln(k. The tonin •inxntil and 4 -ninnies of 1:fele rich .yntpathre and condole with you in the great Awa to yowled( and ilk Ilaiiwin .s the epmpielies et • sagiip of water eireulta, sod that parties, to use the electric lith* un !later lay awl nights before ma). frusta Judie !ja October 15 be granted sante at •chaff a .arta per night per light, war al,vpmagit 4)11 motion at was maul. ed that the m.4,arm! we of the neves be epperrutel • •%m view& 10 to tawa to ale' vaget council at the fun/keral u1 the late Nir A. Vauiunald. 111 purarlosse of settee of Moth* I'seconded re. - rowfeet inured, seconds l by Mr. \ki. nu, that the street electric light, foe until 12 o'clock at mash' from .lux Is ti) tk•toler 15. Parried. A grant of 11100 was passel to diel beating IkMuniuu Day, to he etp'J,., the pershaae o1 firrworks ued the moo lural Of a band . awl a eeorunutee ...eq.,. of the 1dHuwitg members was al'p"tuksi w"ark to awl uncl;ua-w u wrap the eit mil tee: Holt, rolls,., Huntie, \at. 1 ates, ('autrkmt and !nay or Rattier The public works'' tree 111.l. I11.44 Ca 11. repart on the matter ,d a "rus.aa the post oiler, and the *toot .uspeet„r Ish iu'tat 1.. &take ..rola i.• ,weary .e.p, at the harm* (Illi amt elm.% hese. T1tr council the,, adjotrue.1 JUNE SESSION. Ih•(ure His Honor Jje Torus. 1'hr •pn,,g sesat.,wlre of the omni) .1a;s.a ,N 1'uat.1ay at wa.n. Thr follow ng grtrtkttien were *own u1 • ,.ua.0 JI w.n.. 1' :\f.raham, F: 11'swanowh; .1 I:u1et.yyh. .aaforth: John 4'ntch, Sehrth; % 1 alts. Stephen: .lease 4:runlmett, .3.1144-1.1 ' e, 1.rern, 4:uderieh town•h.p: Jas 4:ouI4.4114.l, Hat .I 1:rrenleu. Hownck; 1Harris, 4 Koiwrt Hastlr, Ashfield; loom,: t' laambertw, :\statin•: A.htiekl; .Iwt McLrsu, Tuckerssnith: I4 ld. Nett, .lahfiekl: Jaa M.Rar.lt, t'ol4.rwr I( M,quarnr +foreman:, Blyth; .1s \t:hc.l, Turnherry: Jan Robb. B useels; Thm Kat. 1Vrx,teter: 5 Stirling, Stanky. Knight r. Swart* An action 1n • .else. time a th a lorae trete, ws before theC,,,.rt on Tuesday, and conclude.( on Weelnrwlay morning, the fur)) fringing in a aerdl.t for plaintiff and 165 damages. .1. T. 4arnm. tj.l for plaintiff : K. 1.'autlqum, iji , ter .lel. lephEaton v. lartmiurl T.:rf Asw•uuoe An acture regarding a trotting horse Logo. antler a false warranty. It um tried with out a jury, and after eanatderable ea Il -m. was given adjourtlet for one week for th1 production of a witness. .1. T. 4:arn.% .! for plaintiff; Sal. White f.rdefendant.. The grand jury bratt;ht :it a true hull to, arson Against leery lake, of .1.htteld, w that mrnicipnhty. Hicks %. Jones. This was an apppai against a conviction for trespass Ly 4'. enc .1. P. 1t was hell by the Judge that appeal was not properly before the 4onr• narrow end F:thou for appellant ; Holt .I. Ihckot, for respruleht. vKUre\ Ta 4. T. The juror.. e.4 our Lady 11ot.re1g11 • atueeel beg leave to present that they Is. examined the jad and foal seven prmonet• five nudes and two females, of whom tee. are Insane and four are ragtanta, lasso, only one prisoner er vol for crime. W. area l ra.Mln.en.l the erection of a home of r. fuge. where such pettts as the above we.lL• tical a more nutabk honer, as ver eon5ol. the jail ort a tit place for such poor unit; tenter who have committed nocnme. XV. tical everything clean and all portly. sati- tial with their keep. Q'e are pleased t, find a, small an amount of loonies 4, tone before us. We leg it. offer our heartfelt sympathy to lewdly Macdonald and faintly in their great lwr'ewvrmeut, w the Into of a husband and rather, the Right Hen. Sir .huhu A. \Iarirral.1. AU ..f which is re spot fully submitted. HI it Male taatc, Forenra. 4 ourt war still sitting s we prepares kw prem. ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS. T. .0 1'Lra .\+wa 14TIox,- A meetuc• ,. the Turf (club Asuoatiation will be held a: for .4ibsnn Hotel this IFriday l ewtnin: to .kc1.1r upon looking the Aseortation a loo.' stock concern. The annual rate meeting is ill he Feld .N .311g. 251h, at which 9600 will be offered in pruea. The l dole of Wednesday-, .lune 3,hat tlo following Trferen. e too farmer SI.... .41. man. tot uta report of the . 1 of the anuual meeting of the Ripuet •on.isr ocean! Towhees' Association: "A11 the new etlicer were in tore oiliest 4, the platform and reale a few remarks, the tiro viee•preee dent ,Mr. Ther. M.r:illicudsiv deleg(btiti: the audience beyond measure by hie happ. and pointed illuetratirua" 4 niter .5.. There diet! In( materiel torn dap on Thursday, June 4th, Mie. Ik.lge• Duggan, an old and respected resident et the township, at the age of 56 years. Th. de.•esaaed at the time of her death ag. Ii.ing upon the same farm owl which she as- tern. having resided there throughout he, whole life. Another remarkable cire.m, o unce in this connection is that Mrs. Cheat Walters, a nesghlor of the dowsef, seh•' washed and dressed the hely after death. pw'rfnrnteed the mow offices at the birth o the deeeseeL SIALTFORO. ,now ora own 'e,aaLwrowiltt•IT.) The annual tonic of Saltine! plot: mimed will he held .m the grounds of T Jarvis on the afternoon of 1.rilsy. the 19th ins(. SetiuMe games football, ba.rhall. .molts, etc., will he. prlvidel. Mr. 11 Simnewila will he on the grounds and sill he prelate.' to meeet aay.Mw who think. lir can pitch .polis none b.hed. T. M. Higgins has poured a brilliant final examination `mine the Ontario law`oa'irty at Toronto, and is now entitle) to practise as a barrister and 'licit,,. Mr Higgin. ;* a native of this county awl a graduate the .eeaf.rth ('olkgiate Institute, awl 1• URA her of our young men who, is doing eyelet to hu native heath awl hie early training. .lame, I. , pan .,f .panes iAndi. borough. of Tuckerwnnith, left recently foe .4ldhiry, ire which district he has been sap :pointed a missionary un.ler the ausp err. nt the missionary 'n int y of K not ( Vol lege, and when he wiN labor fee the Sum ever menthe. Mr. L is an ears est f'hnwtian worker and will give vehialk service in the milrion field. Limit lel Weer, of !,e Salvation Arno. who hew been .tatermed in Sewferth for Al little neer six sneer ha, farewritedto Sestorth in the !arrack. ,in Sunday evening, May 31. There warn a large crowd present_ Old!" eine ("Sheer in the history ei !teaforth rnrpa remained there longer than lrwutt. li,llrrw. that coy being ('apt I:age, the first officer wtati.ww.l there. Limit IRIMew is an earnest Christian work.,, and we hare no doubt he, ramie in this .Hretiee will he prslieti%ec•1 mach good wherever she may hr. She wen w genera) favorite with all who1w1 the plea• tare rd her She left net Mrn• Km n the death of oar beloved Premier. 1 .lay tnewwi.R'a cram (est Trwwwto. why,' An ae.'.mnt of D 4' 5traehan, W+. waw she will rwrnan with h.r forests for • referred to the Nnane, committee. short time before going into the fiel'l The report of the eee.mittaa, (spin. ffsma CANT SAinTA egsT. Gamut DatF C1T11 DE PONT i µLOWED. .OVIMnal sad /41rw TO Notice of 1 Mite' ntLt lomat b •ey not Acceptor :a'h ver 1c1 1S BUT FIR: It is h that I re, This is a repair a for that made Mine I west of gut McR Ing the on, whic roughly where,al for sewii Special ladies' 1 fords, a west of yourself Now t 4 :1 On the shoes, upWthr Cut tt and yob your pt N.B Rina) w not col to imita 1' H F: 't June is ir.gouti/d eprtalIj 1 A Ouot you ran . oil )felt The WI ;meta in every Tae )n: Mss aoseiis the mater arisi south :ail t„call The too tMlN toI round at 1 ':ass pilot teary grunt 1.e.. I "uu.lay. I aur lits weal here -tend th W. T. ord. at Win. a.% n, al 1 laic a 1.1.•asui 114, \In. I si-re thi o- h. 11,.. • 1,11 to I late. melting 'nt.. ledge `atilt St , n1poT4 7.01. "stn th .4the .e It R 4.: IL, b and clan '43,J teenage 111141N Nim week, fi h'.v ll., 7 Mier itlack " alt t Mayo 1l,e•e,Fa; • replete late Sir I naks PM r9 the Falx mak ■ •d \leer ,Ivy's ',ten .•i printer r that •i1 "hen 1.4 per maters