HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-6-12, Page 3.see
ONT. _..
otL t 441('aata or
ICT( ET('.
legs ♦ sssimazT.
luburn 1'. 0.
ESi, it .1 I; f
toilet Articles.
est and Lrategoo, Al1.. an 14:.•4.
_ _
'les. Prices right.
>st prices.
1 the gums.
ignment of
q uality.
act the dis-
ated on the
others, we
icements in
:it your pat -
lc r
lace, Square.
i tn.
treat possible prism. i/ <r
almfng Flnid allergy@ kept
Ism • call before prebseia
rs sons .hemp
.retro a f of
THE F.1.11,110,111 l�E.
11 uettue: to tone'. W &.glomi. rtrprfsa 1'►'•wlw-- TIM11 ut W7 x"'+O"Id
thele a... no chant. In dye patient'. ...we up Wiled nelpIlIlrlaped with Save her eoe
.td1..t. A little onut.• frail. a loth arum 4.4114to tub
tie (ulluwlet r the aAced pr um eau
slew.., heal grows. the theeet toot haute.tL • 1 I W budy will be privately moved from
Emmett!, to the Parliament Uutldtyls and
will IM to stale there frau Itt o'clock 1 orale:
tword glwesheet lieu r.WkaaIM+tiN Jij [S .
limier tear N bad.
viol I. .liltsI$.•r/. Nn ry to.
bw, rr dm: us ul The Lathes !Cane
Journal is that it is always ahread of the
ewes: somehow it present• just the things
awe rant. unlet to ea. at the particular time
it „ores out: this stem. japa•ially trot u;
do dune nuwbal. w 4th 11' dainty pages for
the Insoles of June. FL.renav Howe Hall's
In 1kurch. or at Hums `" Mrs. NI all. .u'a
.nafgi"•tune for brutes awl their urkl., owl
Eli. 1V haslet Wilcox's deter 4,41011..1140m
1„ *warn *onion and
awes-s. ttufte
t rue h ••l.. tltpot
.\guts. SlaetloNal.l. the wife .rt 1'.uiada`s
r'jYetser; aster Hose I:eatit.k'- dulcnpUuu
of I dr Amtng the Leper. at lininkai :..
1'lerka J. 1h11a1's amuck ou " \Nosh, as
7•,•p° setters," and %%Aliaha if. Kukmg.
•• Riots on Heuer Kuillilig. 'floss. whose
110(4u:his arc turuuttoward Yzttuaue! out
11„eo will hurl helpfulal►gge:•si new u+ •• Horse
leak lath::_ for \Torsion, 11) Pari A.
Nve eaarh a ala Nee (,r4. (tiding flub.
sieLI.s tort:arcle'a " How to Ikea. 1.,
(41 )t4. Kidillg Helen day Nal Kate
1'pent t'Iark hair trat.,l tar) 1(e, eptably
the lei ,o sides of the ferules. as, ,un1nuer-
1.ex. er . intro%ersy, .u, 1 lite same lereest
out ,sorra spirit pert tides also the usual de-,
par t meat pages Mrs. W I„tney s •• .A
i.oltletl t.•..Ip. an,l " -\ tical inose I'n•lr,•'a
1',rorn,,' .lease F. t►IMit nel striter
scrod, are berth' .^wttnwd, a+ul •' RM.*
p.wtug, of the New Yort lowish •:111h,
..,ntr+bute.an satiety wind. will delight the
i..1('.. Thr .Leuneal Formuses lar, roe,
p lie uiarly delightful 1ltu,(s for each of
• the coming stammer invaders. Iss,ae•I a'
,ale• Jolla? a year, lir tell eetit • a c r1( , In
1141,- 1 urti. 1'u'dirhl Company. 435 .\t h
std -et. Philadelphia, Rs
...sea .•,1s11or01.Yetl.
Wm:. over 1:0 illartnt«tat, the l'•..ur.
Isditatifor Jane sets a fad past in the
h,ue,hra:m far a,h4arine honer.. tRape.«.a-
s! elan est enter, Iargvdy into its- c+tOap.si-
2*eu.la4011411 4(14420tl ei beam itut w.mtett it
the. first received by the reader who Aurae
pips. The fr"atiept••-•' 1s a („rt rant of
4.miaow.k I'oanpuleur. and pet -tains t.. •
bright eke; .•4 1.1 a summer ,Iwnt in the hide"
of ('hat 4.mnus wailers by .IM -Ila Rices sad
her guests. Miss Juin. • Iegrueler,tbe start
«r, war 110 of then• Fan(•, :vel tnsta.riare•
u+ pbou,graply arc 11.41.1 t.. 111,14 r..,te the
,-tele-, of •.1(lightfnl holiday i,let uutweal
seri uniting'. The art *145(1 of the maneh
des. ribs+ the work of Gsstave Owe. with
ek:.ratr ostracise" which illust ate very
.heli the to that wabtIei4u l
artist: �lealaxy. formerly wan-
agln. editor or a me ilea' tern iittrillit.gyres
interesting rentiaiacen.x$ of the first a oak
of Stanley for that juitrnal,wwt .>f hu neigh
__Irst.Thomae A. EJieut. 1.. \l. Brnjantin,
rt Minister to lima, tet* the tie, story lit
S;00:-M..hth the I-. ht of the Harr:n, cels
lrrated by Thon.as Moore In Lt11a1. K -..k11.
111 The E:aropwa....attriloutions cenei.t•uf alias
.-Ipliiu of • Maki Municipality. an article
Moll worth the attention .4 Attire -wens inter
Adr.1 in municipal gnyerunieut : the \tad
rm-11 Ar•,tal, w -huh Mr 1'elhan.4 'triton,
through met rental r,•latit c., was prruined to
loss photoyrapleel expressly fort het 'arm.
ppolltmu : and s .harming sketch of Iieau
Iteurnindl anti los. t tmw. H tannic H jorttl
IL.yeseeI's story is illustrated by %Veumll,
rima..- 4./1414 (*0 14e Iters made him .o well
krnab the country oyer The half n.tllica+
people who write for periaohc..k w-il! h,N!
natter of great uttered in an article by Mr.a �� In Ottawa. that hwsttsaro,;ard-
Frank How.rd H•twe. for .re• Line m+r of
the editor* of a New l oak monthly. Per- ed ass fries/, His ,death we, a low to Di
haps true meat valualde article of thenun.lser taweite. 4.e. than to the suaiUT !Co person.
!. that 'asatnboted let Mr, .Abner 1.. Framer slit? well 4.n .*u n1( p,litityal bfe, h^ ons
to tit.• literature of 1(4. farne•nr movement.
?he 4',.wtt1X4it1n two, „1,,200 f,1r the tart to anoth-r avec:, a .object •4 familiar con-
. smirk on "4 lx• need* .4 the farmer. hi. 0 eriatt ,n tbrvughete toe eat .. Then
lours ,f l.Isrr. wl the national legislation there was (x10 fir hal eft behind.
ne,.arrn to hu pacr{x•nty. was awardeal The party '.•-aderd en ea, lied .n the caucus
by the petite, t.. the gentleman. 4'rsauo•
'edema Publishing (..., Sledtso:. Nyture, in Parliament .a 011.,2 , And .t Eras 'tile
Nrw York, price. 25 tents. a madness of r..u•1nute .Llq, end therefore
tit:u..s►'_+t . i sins t 1(1 o. 11141..of far r..ehuig add supreme influents.. Lady
110a many really- grateful people Mltedonaid's personalty .at a• marked and
.1.. )ou know ` .Are you graceful yourselfwas as weal known to the .•.1.4rn►uf nktswa
Ih. you know the proper amt nest graetul as that .4 the ['mutter Puree; aha long
way to go up and down stairs, to walk, No
slaw', to au. 10 I*,w. etc-'. 1f not. la. w we. struggle with death she lad univer•xl spat
. o4 lmneadately read thr article on lathy Leat nett,: :fluty 1 gees aeurn(d
-•Health, tune. ltewutt IMl.arte Phtbau Toth her.
pi.; melt Pnttu+l. {wl.biabe,l •with 33
The ;MI Llan dad Isomil: in Wrtfav He
:Iltwtratmus, in the June mother of that
t L. ro uglily wide-awake perialic 1, Ikrmnr had won his last light .and how death was
...is Faintly M (o
and you will want the oqurr.
. {rein practunae the exercises alns'rt le Thrs, liters w f'usc:, on Ute a anws of tit*
i'te vim finish tlx reeding. An.l that Is
not ail you w-114 leans from the wsp,ctally death of i...1 Palmerton are singularly ap-
1.,,yht number all .ladies uiclntled, may tweteelte.
l. -urn .. Hnw 10 Harness and I'nhanleel. a lie isdoe n 411.1 f.wever the goof este ended.
Naw.• even children ,•n0 kern front ••Foes le 'her •leute'1 hareem 002 reasopaee has died.
Meld how to know poisonous plants when lint (vary .VIM tea• few le • s1 (plendid.
they atimer' : "Terns of I'haracter In the -and aril barn her wul 1(i a.etit« M.I.!eng •d pride
Face'. .Very full] illustrated. still teach He tate.. ten en.aliquonrd he fall. In he. cI" howt 1 friends' har•acters A Dobe old alai o1( tb.• tee* or M• 14.1.is;
reel.* its verUili Iaber,.a,-le. 'Thad
uutsn.cww. His
hnd. veru tondo and tbrre was boti.uuz :u
The Veteran Premier Died se '"` tt''t hfe 01. not ..inner r.r tbo
Saturday Night
The Remains to Be Interred at
Kingston Thursday.
lite Dead 1•,.104... lied, to t..e 1a at at
Irtlnww 1ratel Ne.Jnr.dal Mo.-eaug P:41 go
Ilio• sr the r ..est:./n as lowest ever,
1'11, ;et the 4 oihrrd 4.1ei4e leading
Reforenrr. 1. the l 14...-I,.•. .1.1 11 1t 11,.,
Tommie. Ning• tun and f.l•ewee.e %111
Nr hNrredul.'. 1 Mere f iri. IN se
linen roleln •.
UTTAw1. Jour : Tull• toil tell, went
the beg* lull al the city Hada last night
at Pk..., •444 Ottawa knew at ..0 •e that the
::u(.atnikkd 'ttueglo tit I:r•...11fte was
1,,Jnl Sir John M1aclvua-1 Aa. dead
1'e eee kora ail day luat •le•m•h was 01ge,
but the w.emn tea.. of the p• n.krou. lel!
hurt• .tartliug
Khat a wale of solemn ti)ougLI their
neouo-f)- c.,wl••:,,
!n 1he.1:.111'•*11Lr ,tight• how tie shiver
In lbe u:' :aeceely •.erne of timer tom '
1'.: ..'. lha: rltl.ens were shacked,
expresses 1..111 tee slmpl•• ruin. Is elute,
bsslels awl tie. tar :tt••e' t st•p4w1 with
brtot •breath to inter to tier .ad ("Mug
Woosn. t.'., stool e(er1. their *Morsel's
until the bell had ceased. rile J. to most
411 Ottawa, was u::n'4 the:' the bawd of the
4iov,rn,4eit. the 1 remt"r of :. arc cos;.
federalism. His t:e•1r, and lir. 1-*tures
erehole Oull"rl*g .d the pule and the ■Im'rt
uup a•:Sabel • ''teat 41 414 The family bad
Men tete.I 'l al...e aur I.a(Isi•la• till night
1.14)- this 4011314, n1uul.t w,xb .lit by hem
Ming, v.g,I 441 libel • 4.Id Ip• P'.0$.,r• sou.
Ilug* Job.. 11aed amW, Mut le•pt bra Sala'w til
bio sal w•r..14r
141 l'h,Ne1.u• -tgaau Midakee.
'1'11.• oyes, of the morning .0 1 a(l.•rlauuu
were out t•ubterp►rts • t 1'r -.lay The
satire bu•ha 1 serine,.., the auzwty. Cie
sauw' $t.p•.'.r .\: J •,.1 (AL the earn -
ammo c•n..-'.r,-w1 m the •'440, .:, that the.
Piyout r cool I mel her uut11 4 ..',suck.
a,o'.a dpi thea err. Nur.. Stewart. w-11'
Ila• had Lou;: experieu,e iu h:ne:wh hospital,.
Dryer saw such a cave. Te, 4: tee Premier
had been i••rfertly un. eacl,.a. (•.1 Dearly ;4 4
hours, ant still tu.• star ...1 hie llugcr.,l til.
I h.• :rites of the pat will Mart et tense
duriq; tb., afterll.'*i and .•4••a'T4 was s.
feeble lf.a! Kir Jehu wa. 11.1,,4"1 t,. W dead.
4 l ,'r t 1,0 family gat tiered' at tie h' d,ide wader
tit...111! rea,Nnl that 111•' "nil he cane. lett it
)roved to he .nutter ,.t the .le•tile 1 sinking
s .ell. w4.r•t1 111 ,ut•tesaieu lull left rue age'
statesman with lee„ and le.s ..1 'lit r.
Not stets„', ..clock 'r4•/my :*Rani sett had
any substantial Lopild tIatnealneat pawed M-
I+t* Such nu toenail struggle could u(tt
much longer he su.taiu-d. Eventide found
the members of the tamale gather ..1 *bout
the l .er of the dying 'titeo'uan. *alto:
p.tie,Uy for school Atkin. 41011(4.1.• In t1.e
dusk were gather.,) toe •au'.rrpotelent, and
small group. of anxiwt+ trawls. The patient
lay umton.'i'w. Nature leo Rodger a.+••rwl
Itr1f. •:fe'. lr•- t'..tre humins; low, d!ek-
urr.1 and .netutd.'r(.I as th'Nt_h tee soul
wuake& leave 11. Wheaten t at each .lu'.1•u•it•e
brad1.. Nu into wo,.4d rettagnizetu the dying;
man low "...tete id i.-.cwb:anc.• to the great
pu:ititvtl lovaon who 41.d gumlyd 'h,• d stitu.1
*.• ('smote f•Jr nearly hell a century'.
Aartiri • enommen•.
ub.rt:y aper c4. .:cle,•k lar l'•oweli noticed
that the. teenage bai •'owe which lie knew
'weeded di'w,luttoe. 'Cb.• pitiesl's breadli-
ne; l., :tar- more regular, ,I,ut the 'separa-
ted.. were .t :over intrr%ata, tbo pulsations
writ Irebtet and it was .•. i:sut that rho gal-
lant heart ..ental sem 1e stilled to ,iwtll. lar.
Pew tri, u l... rrmarkin4 14e .'baugr, told lady
SlaadowW that the end els at baud. The
wombat, of the trimly .:N1 teem with whom
the Prem..r, muter life u* 1 hem* alio,: tote-
wnteliy'a.notte tevl lir,•• snuh,nsed to .es the
tent*Rain d.. :ironed lbw 4.4.44. were
Lady Mardonald. It, Peewees em and Mr..
ll$alenald. Sirs. to+gdM1oi. abet. of Lady
.r..0•..e.eia, at.= 1114rJ0rir ettcwart. Hew. K
Ieu.b.ry and tlr. l+ewdu"y, Mr. Jueepls
-1'ul.•. the Prime 1Lnl.t.', , ew•niary • Mr
I'rs.l iritice ex•trlvate secretary to Sri
Jobn And ,row calm"edlar of the mounter
, .11cc Mr t:enege Sparks,. a telettext .at Sir
Jokh . le Powell. the faithful physician. del
Oen l':Bites, 441, suttees trust,, 1 messenger
for many Year..
Lady L1.c,Iouaul stood he the mile of he/
ebk huslaud. mal around her ..amore, the
member...AI the fannly. Her face showed
traces ,•f tie. weary wat)'h_.or and the Ioog
suspense Kbe lore tip bravely.
No Sicker of reviving -- .. . . marred
the utter p inteleoew.. the perfect peace. of
the Preemies end. H" lay tD utter oblivioe,
breathing slowly awl gently• while ski loved
01101 stool about him and gaged aerially up.,u
him. He was mute mecums to the last. Th.
pubs• fluttered. tbe breath earne aborter and
tbru -all was std- fin peso:1011 ml his going
that it was 0x until they had bora informed
of the fart by Dr. Powell at 10.1:. exactly
that the family knew `4r Jobu was dead
aoru+eg tUU the hour..( the fusions'.
2 Thr state tumoral ell leave the 1'arli*
tout Buildings at 1 p.m. on We4te+4ay fel
`it llama's t'burcb. where a .vice tad' be
held, thews w thin C.Y.K. Hail"n. whence
the body w1U be cos r07e 4 -to Kingston
Tune body will *ie Iq dale at l lay Hall,
king,tuu, .,u Thursday until uuuu, 44hdu Lino,
ultermebt roil take plats.
The only atreture front tee Cale..., Meet
lag here Mr..tblwat and Mr. Irma{art, woe
ervr•• n. Montreal. The mrnbers had 0,-
ts.d..1 t.• call at 1:ru.ellife 4o •lay to expr.ae
their sympathy and cendolener, tett ,..11111
1,• lite fact that 141. body of the 1'rrlua•r wis
net remiv for ,towing tory derided to *.tet
pea theta visit until w-la.rrvw. [hey 11 111
111,4 111 t'. • •11n••11 ctteml.er et II am and
. •s• „ol 1. I:. u.ch,re t.ma tv.ty.
tt1 14. details in cnnnaa17a u.t11 111.- .Gate•
t':u.•rnl :.aye 41.•*e, lilt 111 tM+ 1411111.1.'4
Ettg,lr 4(04* li e.y. I.,eut Col Knuth. Itotal %'
st•rg• , t :1(i .1 r(0.. and Maj.. steerw.o.l.
hul.'e:.,: ...dent of IbmtItiou 1'11.. e. Thee
mita u t will be invite! to &1(,l,. of tut
1 urw•ra:.
Tuo Hvasse of Contusions cuamlar mud del
4.11*. ,eat will ho draped t, 11looruing ' .
The ltegmla ea peach
,'11 o. res ,cur ` 'd b d.wlh eine !do. the ionone t
to their woes : and 'i lin. I'.mttltg for A.,f nat x
d tt(meerw "will girey ou all the points lines ilei tonight Y hoar 4,.., away en .•e ,hinds WLD\GDAY, June ::.--Ile is unkind
ary to do that atretic work, and with.n(y.rot..MMOIL Kir Jobn Mar'Mnald Ie Muktug.- said the pbyseci•r, -'ani not likely
a starter. Itnt it would be necessary toHe died ata .)otter put *rte He to lir,. another Clay. Not one nun 1n a
,rite the whole •'t '*04.84•" 111 '141141 to tell tkoaeaml til bis age would have bv*l a, lung.
all the interesting things contained in the p•cawd awey peacefully and quietly was His vitality is marvellous '
•latae nlmber, and "vert number is .lune wp the *announcement trade by Mr. Jdaepb Tat•la0al• June 4 The Preutar. condi
to the present high Stan and : ani this 1. the nate wcretar7 of taw 1'rgar, Hon today was actually better than yester
tal*able Fancily Magazine is published for
oar day, and the paralysis ses•rnod to have re -
'eat *2 a year. ht. VV. .1►:t.1N.. 1)rrewa1T, at 10.11 jotltly to a knot of costs lased .,newhat r.ople took- a more ea
15 }:set 14th-st., New fork. apowlent* at the Sato, of Ern.•Ii0e, r'ouragilg raw of the case from the nature
.1 the bulletin ,sued. Mut in this they 14e11e'
Mr. Pepsi voice was ceoke'I with etnothxs unwarranted. the phT.k4am 1(I mulotgitt
4 elaasas's Kgleraaes. For ibis put seven leers Mr. Pope ha. been un• • • • clttiehim weaker than at any nine
It ..user to talk than to work. tser.tary W the Premier lid brought into f,, .t, Jute 7.. -The increased heart
There are goad hearts in prison the most intimate relations with him The steeliness showed the pbyaclan. early
1 oilingpeople should he ingenuous faithful. able and liploslmtb• manner is
in the da that aka nod was only a question
Sart p tug of & few hours at tie *most and at su4dnwn
% g"oil rider mast study his animal. which he discharged bre arduous douse the u.uing of tlalktins sea. diseonuneed.
It is •crime for a button sand to sell it
It would he en beautiful to he needed.
a causal the Prosier to regard hum snore r a Nothing reraainpd but to wait calmly for the
sod, which could not long be delayed flow
If personal friend. The feeling was rodpro KArt ItD-aT, Jas. ,:.-At 1 o'clock this
Kr intelligent. Int ..n no account (wig -„1eI and Mr. Pupa could day n0 mores at morning the &tt.edmg physicians announ"sd
owl. the tint. than .*noune the death *n theca that it would be a pkayliglarofue 1 him ck. if Sir John
ami ed
IMn't ran about .ppeahng to people.. brid word.,
Tb" (*ad 114.141 was Bashed ,,,.7:41:
arth claw,: liable a. ,M4-ur at soy momentl.live•
111. nurtures. emote the Dominion and farther under the F4., the dying swan pared the hours until
Happily great Saamente in even rarer than aan to Engleed Rota tit. little est He l•
glrat love, C.P.R. had pitched a few y.lds from the air Jobe'. aealNtng Power
.\ fool can make a wise ..can uneasy if he grounds at Frs.•Itle. Messages were also Kir john must have had a
leeks at hien Tong enough. sent at once to the Governor I:en.ral at a0mosat 011 Duerr* or Heisting power stored
The great ware ppeeo.yde bare little 1Mir for Rideau Hall and to sir Hector 'Angevin to In his system when the stroke 41(w On Fri
'.nlirneotal friendship.. Inform them of tits Premier's death day nine days ago. '•r the dao•ta-11 gramma',
and a
hie .
A few nsn•IW later this bullet 4.the tut ye case. wsliti n Thee
Ilnw .24eth takes w thmg ie more import iwas fast.. t to the
ant ;Ion the thing itself. Smatterer would M Mudd,■ve him up on Fridge -he cooed not live a
needueer -a
day. and every day, since it has been the
It's as difFicwll to realise another ate -a gat.•
IsOi.O as his rats izr►c to V p m eh Jobe sacdoe•W waw.
veala'g Tido lad Friday they pre hen tip for
4 )0. ma be a. harmless as an old *Whit 10 U the"
mak. ve, 1114 all llaturday 1t was bol a care of
Int 0n" does not like it thrown In one's ,INgrd. R. w town.,- A D Wominutes YM he hated out the day. 11'e
face. O 1)r Powell retsateed for half an hour behove he wan proeenea 01 a woakr(ul
i:reryho.ly mall mane for his ne4ghlrcw'1 lower sad then eft for his oven natdence It a.n(ront of rwwrTe forteW1tb and t41ithe, a what kept..
41&.1 left kir him alien w toetg. avert(., m
••(40 011, whether lie care for his neig hot or was the first lima the dPrt(r lit. ,stroke •,saw• Ind *t .. then a , att4r of
not. elide stem the Premier wise Oracles on the with moat of lninot•'. lir of
Inters may not amount to mIN•h. Inst they Friday of the ,reek pr'eiloita li wa. , we*k bolts. Kir Ju41n leis heel out for days Anal
Are more tntrreeting than most thing. wo ,f trim neluus swum. The doctor wat.•bmaw
ed this all tee mere remittable b*n 1t i. re
Lm n talk a12n1t
me patient with the utmost f.I/hfnlawsa ani Nrkeel that he tool little het Intik for Uto
two weeks prwvl(ns to tM,atroke
Society aloes not hke a voting prawn to fidelity, but Yuman Will could .M little
Th ere.. gra,. lit sir 4,.h... tear Siore
Fleur. flay .0 -At 4 1', to -day n60 -elk
Powell his mealiest attendant. was eouvera-
ing with the Premier be awns strirk«a with
paralyse. At 10.:.• 11r. Powell i.rut,l a
bulkttn pr'meuucilg his case quite bopelee.
SATURDAY. clay Twenty-four hours
bmf ulnae w1 change 1n the Premier s condi-
tion. He was still alive and tlat was about
a!1 that could he said.
Kt suet. Jttte 1. -With the dawning dt
the loveliest ovate. w all the year there was
a Manifest weakening of the vital power*.
Ile prised a quiet dar,hoa"ver.atd although
there wax w, merited alterative 4n his gen•
era! -7mptowas he appeared to relish his
nourishment and ,wallowed more rattily at
'dr. M. Itnge 1• undertaker, ••ml.al:4ed the
roma.... till* anoromg. lie nays Sir Jelin u
few rasanated that w.. gene aUy supposed.
Ti,o•s•saket was uta•l' lit Wast llind.u,
C`unu. It 1, of roll.sl .teem nod i. Salm... •
beautiful r'rrw,..1 a„ lo' 41. neem,.
4114.14.'. ,•..moist t•1 a solid lar of •'zyltised
.ever, ,nil ry tend along both sides of ale
"Ale ' n1 the ltd are them 4.rr,e silYer
tlqur... •u4ldeutatu.• ..1 the ll:get of time.
The inside i, Itu•.1 will* bravo whit, satin.
CIN• uut.le vllakr t I. :nada of solid ,sat. and
ale display. 4,,' ' *elver Matadi'.. The
.,kat 1. au azar: fa,tioail..4 that of the
lata President (.artield 'rho rooters:d' ou
lee sliver ..late has not yet he •u engraved.
11*r 4la).eme.s wyrpa:b,'• -
Mosta • , Junhopeful
I -'1 the and
few t bulletins - boast- i)overnor Ringers of Vwbec, has ,IAxt•r Acyl
were�oIl,,A tved t No -day• awl few tlwro were wind for • muted rooms at the 'tweet All
41( b�•li)Ved teat be would live .until
detain) the I.tettt.-liorrruurs is l'asWa &rowzpsyte.l
Tc..nT. Juhe ..-Tb+• tett that �1r Job11 Thr trews of Wr loath was retsecve.l
passed the night pee t e Ill m c h lad 'testers In all keM Of
arrvwl to *api•l rhe gh•au whlo•b had to l,u•d,xt, knglaud, tlye tuiuutes •iter for
Designs aiiti he�i
Our samples of Wall Papers, Borders, Friezes and Ceil-
ing Decorations are now complete, and we think it only a
pleasure t o show samples and give prices.
Huudrees u( tele, rams t.INI cabies r.ach.•,l
1..4y Macdonald. They all est • uh••1 s7m
polity and,rosdoleu't•o iia.' Ilar•.1v'abl.d
from I4&lutral w tit. (n,vrraor-General tlaat
'ale was deeply panted to 'learn .•f Ktr J„he's
deans. which she reseeded as a rent I.e. t..
t'anad.a and the ,uvereiga. I e+-Lspwty
ezt-:"h 1
her heartfelt sympathy t" la'Iv
Matdo hihi w the hour of tier s*J 1«vr.mtr-
IW tit.
luja1 *4. i.b'ary mut a re.-a.e. of .l m oA•
thy. stir (larks Tupper cah4ed his cwt• -
eo,e from V'enna. All the L+eutenantJ
eruors .•l the D'mlinion ,rut luesaag' - et
eymwtht 'deur -':ov.rnur togert.4tjue-
ior end I.t.ut. dery en,or Campbell .'f 1 lutar►o
added the they .veull attend the funeral
Heal- O41%.•r Mowat wired his sorrow at the
death (K nn ,•Id personal trims anal protad.-
tag to attend the funeral.
Mourning Minister.
The 1 :Linnet Mmr.ter. are rdtuctan' W he
,uwr%a eel "u the subject of the Premier.*
death. 'I'Isey are all grief-stricken at the• kms
of their Ioi'nl chieftain Nowhere is this
grief rn,re real thee among late ntrmburs of
the Opposition. The noble qu,hties of the
ratan with whom Hwy have baht struggling
(or years for the mastery. and the lues, *Lein
the country bas .uataiIo'l ant fully appy'-•I-
ated. Not one has anything but the k+odwt
of words for the Jeal .tatestu,, , the greatrat
admiration for his abilities, a:,d the greatest
regret at his death.
Tu Adjovn for a Week.
a.i-n she Hoose insets to-uwrr-ow tit.:
Mini►ter, will oak ,!, adjournment uu it
Tuesday of next wesek. In view of the• fates
that the ,tau futwal will tart* up the trrater
part .'1 the week. it wilt be impossible W
conduct public bu,toeea- The Ministers
tberef.re derided to -Jay to ask for ei week•'*
ad jonrna est,
Tolere.. tit iteepert.
trip' des .. to -Jay fags could tit wen dont
mg at halt -utast throughout the city. Tee_
Mix e.0 centre tower of tb. House. of Parlor •
*•trot and "n the lofty poles at each side of
the imposing structure hung ally. scarcely
stirred by the breeze.
The Vatted sates *",usul. t'ol. lay,eu 4*-
ternatunal courtesy- lowered half way the
Mars and Stnp. winch Itoatol soave he.
reebleuaat directly •opposite 1'arliament-
s'luare. Many pnvat. r dden••.•s ,.Mowed
teeen •.)rl'Ow similarly. The tbauer.* sour
French bantam Catholic Church across the
rivet in Hull, but in euy view of the Huusee
displayed a tricolor at high mast 1m,eldiale-
ly ever the croms
lfa*ulltou MacCarthy. the sculptor. took au
ez.'elk it palter cast *f ear John's heal w
day lit order w make Crow it a statue
cei t.ral Telephone'Excllaawc, Court House Square
Teat he rag opened out a
Grocery Department
e In connection with hie
e HARDW.&RE 3TO�Z- ,E,
.theck will I2• kept a full stock of ('IIOIC}: 1'-AMILI- OltOl''b.l11K*.
Farmers' produ,'' taaru In exchange.
His hardware stock wi11 a, formetly bee complete in all its departments.
*1. h.e.►i.-. un..et
►s Aw tre. ARAN.,
J.:. 1...ee, 1•i..M 1'.l..
• .. .11111ua.Mi
.s l lit •
r.�.�w .....,101• Voodoo tomb ei t.
.este. Auyw..w..M,.yrre»Iw-
ewe .no r ., Can *.r14 I. M1.:r*11.t-
:• N e►. ,N.. ale •
.a•' ..., d...
maw ..d+...swat .rL.•a+..
e.IWlleesd 4...Maraw restate .Maas.
MIL'I.E.� N' 1►1a� K*he
Vfwlferent Linde.
('RO ll,! I' ET.
In tour. six and eight halls. cheap.
In great variety.
S11.\' EN\\ .\ RI:
And haey gtnda at low- print.
\' 14I. I) -i I'I..I►\
And border... cheaper than the cheap-
est, 1.000 rolls at :.c. • roil. Gold paper
from °We. up. vtech must he cleared
out to stake room for other stark to
attic. .
Earliest and best grown, at
The seetsneata. Hautilto0-.1. 02-tf
81tChanan & Som,
for the funeral
tidily compessallv and aid event had takseo'dace.
hovered .,ver the capital the preceding tour 1�tab:ie 1
9oderich Steam Boiler Works
't 1 b Despatcbrw from all sections of the pro
mud r 1.41 the
.lief being
e mans ert. ♦ Chivy, 11 Sim
the be max421 Both, compiler death,
each, but
10e the
rate that hereferencePrier'sd toad. iu all Black. And builder's materal of every de.criptioa.
that he w,;Let let otugarr [leach• but the the churrlu+ w the Premier'. death. 10 every
pbylklaua bulletins anted later in the day - e1 halt
bald of periods. of great prostration
and extreme heart weakness
city, tows and vulage, and t1ag, were
School Furniture
At chi, wnta0( ilea liuyeruerd:oe.ral hoe SECOND HAND IACHINEBY
sot snit for any of stir Juhn'- colleague.' to - -
torna a ministry.
Arrangement* have bean nude to bre min-
ute gun. at Ottawa and w every cit? in
*'anode curt this of .e feneral.
°g progress 1 50 -horse -power upright -a -
'ibnl u w stJ'olag feeling that u autopsy
ought tow made on the body of Sir Jobs _ boiler, al complete. S P R I G
w pubjk may known whaawa mollythathe147-horse-power upright boiler
cum of death. and engine.
Hundreds of potted plants were removed 1 horse -power engine.
las casket. He is attired in the uniform of 1 48 -horse -power horizontal
the Imperial Privy Council. boiler, complete.
of tie City Council for to -morrow morn/ng 1 50 -horse -power slide valve
In Stock For Sale: NEW ARRIVAL
to f amend" today. Kir John wow las in
Mayor Itirkett bemoaned special attention
to draw tip r.uolutior of sympathy an.t ,01* engine, all Complete.
duiawua, MOOS • ..m*1l(n calling upon I Remnants to be cleared oar• Puha /fe
mgaw. w cense froom °heirs' oure toe day of The above have been thorough- I and showy shapes.
the funeral .ted drape that .4..ren and raw 1 overhauled and warranted in
131,0.. with .ourning 1(o l .sake necessary for tea fuser*E t claws condition. Ready for
immediate delivery and will be
sold cheap.
Mall o4der will receive prompt attest..
Weeks 4 Opp. C. T. R. Nall...
We. Repairs promptly attended to.
P.O. BOX 361.
sown, at tee faretal u le Mr Jabs..
The program for Monday in the Hoar
will probably be • aboet eea•io0 with tribute.
to the memory of Sir Johu and then an ad•
jouron'eltt of • week or ten days, in which
time the rwtnatruetton will he eRet'[sal
All sorts of rumors have bees O71sg
.n.und today as to whom the liovernor-
°aeeral would call upon to form
a now Government. Two Mileages, one
from the Manumit Provinces, the other from
Queb2', said to -sight that no now bad let
bows tummnoned by [be lioversor and that it
was not probable that ureas would be sum-
moned until sifter tb. tuners/ This delay of
at least flso days r.im..I without precedent
It gives point to a carious story &Boat to
night to the elect that the Oor.rar•
General left the meeting of the Soya' do
•ray at Montreal rather hurriedly l st Wad -
malty and called ups Sir John Meu.11.aaid
et I:rimeltle neat dal. It is era that Kir
John then Indicated whom be thought
should be Palled upon to form a new
Mlntstry m ease Ms Wass terminated (st-
a'1( 144." an old mud, m * Mn, wt,.. lig. (4' u(aiart the deadly paralysis _-- 71w mama. of the ministers to -day took
Ie aetraMivo er snpvrior. Itlan.•he 11 ill.. teeth of Ike` IYwtsler was this mast quiet and The domain. 4e Las to sats Tweeds, and plate at Mir Hector langevin'. hob, but
pease al hs Dyer wltd R•spUueMg W to De Islerrel at RMg.sew Thursday the nn« .d the minister. w1(e owing simply
\I. Duh its blew at l(all alternans._ Orr•wA, Jnta. ' -Tim" Cabinet minister to tits feet that the council 1(1 4( was
1&n, Bran. r miniotot lir Slesi. o, clotted. It Doses lentils: sed that it was •
d reel g gl•w/ of ,a,., did not most until t .;"1(2'41, whom Mir Jobs ,.ourtary .,tended Kir Fie,kw, ale, ...jar
Rami Hirsch, the Hebrew philanthropist • w J141. soft;digiti o/ earnest Tbe•wpsm iteeiwd from H(2dr*sl. whirler ,•,uy,a,r Si. Hwrt(r, bsskl.., w.. poli. rtn-
'1e"- Al the one of s Ratariaa hanker, serf Mall, �11A' � ,a, p,»er mut lee W gasp en rhos tar little dasgNlsr, wile omit ut«I motets`
the fnandetion of his i newerawis f ammo by Rah �aad ww it sir *may ill it we. &red to ft,. tie the puss .reek mem to M r this
A railway e,ostr*et with the Tntkish uric 4tllps. 17MltlllM Sit, �tgi�a ••-
.. Ox ret O.)
,esseddiar,dt: - ,y ,.wuu...n,(.n«• W..4,641 * " " ii'"I '4al.• .ham' •4o.,..,,.... . _ 0 iol. 1.4 I w 2Ii i41 1111 1 111 .41 III 1 it 1 4 .,.:
o.no .'- .
011. I, •
-See rote. w'an'e --
-Oppsdte the leanet.-
Money to Lend
-at -
The Weaave. Taiier• ?*4
Cheap Rates.
tarsal Ltee Cubed.
.1111 .4, 111.1111111111 l lw,ee.- ' .l,
The puhlie are hereby notified that the floe,
*td feed bassieees formerly carried on by A. K.
Celle. has hero narchased by
who will carry it on 4n all lis bran, hen at the
d stead. Kent -at, near the Square
Cnder he 1 of former propria
la' hi, h1141110A ha* been 141" moral •arcee*
1 In de 4IP, of any in town. and .i rh. new
,ropretor ha, haws idrntlnod with it for
over Plight r..rtt.t here w111 ha an 4,111... nrr '
414 enemy forges 11 exhibited In keepieg le Is
he from rank.0
Honda .feu ,,red to on peril of the town.
The latter and heat liars nr near .nil feed
strati on hand and choir, ne04s 4. AIC.
1'.4., th4* epro►rnaiir of thonkine my cue-
Inman.'far their liberal patronage during m
pprrpr!eineenly of the Nae' 1(i Vista and T
$*ore. A04 elan ,AAP Sdwanrr in rerotnmewd
ass ss: sueregepr. Mr Tee, J. 1'44Ar n. who
realise fous'1 fl he a thoronghl) rellarde pan
A.' 1(. CULLA*.