HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-6-5, Page 7THE SIGNAL : OODERIOH, ONT., FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 1$91. W. ACHESON Si SON.' NEW HOUSEHOLD LINENS. Best American [Meetings in all widths. New Pillow Casings, all widths to 48 inches wide. 42 inch commences at 14 cents a yard. NEW TABLE LINENS. Handsome designs, all widths. Drawn Tea Cloths, Table Runners, Tray Covers, Napkins and Towels. NEW EMBROIDERY LINENS AND DRAPERS. W. ACHESON & SON. TRADC Yi a MARK ni,,Lai's , g rVRE 4 .). • .4% .4 s, ‘gINDIAgTEA GUNANTEErABSC,TarPZIIE /314,VKACTKEDDN rAL C1ROMIN INDIA. R STRENGTH, III 'MY .Ni) FLAVOR, THE BEST IN THE MARKET. Try a sample package - CHAS. A. NAIRN, Grocer. Tlir1144Ers 4'4 IR Eit.11..we talk espritillyt.. 1111... rs..ti when you hose three for four rieiters. lietetewl, mike tlw rtelversation general. 11e mire lies.ide Thee. Ho Ind attempt to. take Care of A mans owe -owed : he has t.te, and ..ught to he able to look after his ..an clothes. 1 Do pot Aesk peerple who they Are in 1110111-11 Mg he- If you don t know, wait mud you find outawl in t II nwattl !toe atm t ask after sloe lioectlwo. .4 their family. not goggle when .o smik •add answer, and don t talk in a iemoug way about things that AllINDIV to ..1)1.1 people. list not laugh at anybody.% font" of %or ship : testiest a toad praying to a h r00111. MA AA) I he rides of 111.ine-tee am nem ▪ they are nueAle up for you. comfort and tonne. and arranged en that the feedings of 4 -eery human being are ..onsidei ed. JI. not ge the halm leughing elderly people. It is not only ateladylike. but it to ulcer. think it dosser find out. by punipeng. the private &Saws of your friend Tilere i no remon why she should lay hare her heart for :an IINfUIIIIIII tlaw to peel at. I k, not get into debt :lrnt if you have le -en jeuilty, deny yourself everything 11011- 1111/1r I hat you may I* free once more. 11. imt believe that all thew olOmis are not spoken to you in the kin.lest manner. as ft -mogul to girl but 011e has t.. suffer and make mistake+ oneself to fin.I out into just what 'entails one is apt to tiunhlell To keep the lweel-prir and %like how %wee!, rinse after washing with Imiling water 111 which a little common soda has heen dis- solved ; then set ..lit of icon 111 the sun for a few hours. Sobitiou for cleaning wilier and hems . To one siert of rain water aold two OW (vs of ammonia and three ounces of preespiulted chalk. Bottle au.I ka.pwell oorked. and I nei won marry.' said handsome Harry ; he sat on the porch oae Summer night • Pur 1 never shall dad a girl (0 111) nosed As .leer and sweet. as ',role and bright As my mother is. and so 1 intend Testa, with her to the % end.' es. neer marry . or.4 handsome Harry: ar. , spoken the words when a netgabor- ,anie. Alt with her a beautiful maul. •110 stayed T. Harry's young Deere was all in a name ; tt ill her peen: face and her winsome air. -he .00l. him a captive alt unaware. 111. 3 month or two there was sinth ado. .w.n.1 such a worry for this or that ; ou it have thought .hat love was hid la • rim e, /r coat. or a tie. 01 11.1. 11e all of is launched a bit at Rani. then. ra.d mother. -hell serer marry. I am Iroise to marry.' said handsome Harry. .11 he int on the porch one summer night : And I'm not afraid. for I've wand a maid As sweet as mother. as good and bright - A red Lt would not do such a chalice to miss." 'Alen he bent to his mother and nave here kiln. Hut she shook her bead. ••Ah. wall she said. • 1 thought with me to the end You'd Kai Fur I rery well know but • while ago. • You newer would marry.' 1 beard you say." .1od he answered her " Tis the way With end I hadn't- I hadn't seen Lleas:e then , hadn't seep Bessie ! That tells It all. If I hadn't seen Hensie. 1.1 still no tree: lout t aeter wield meet a girt were sweet. More clever and twigh:. or more Ike you. Asti as I've ores Bessie.' said happy Harry. " As ['retinal Mad% I'm Iroise to marr7." HOUSEHOLD HINTS. Faibilas teases. 1,4 "Summer girl of 91 will anon come forwarl. and pecordiag to the best authori• ties she will wear jackets, vests and shirt.. and Masers, and be more masculine ill ap- pearance than ever. last year starched '(seri fronts, yachting caps, four -du -hand 'rads, MINI standing collars nem the delight .4 about every third girl met upon the streets this cloning Summer will see more " novelties -cooped from man's attire offered than ever before, and these the "Plummer girl will, of coune, pick up, and she will abound the more. Mores the pity. The only hope in the . . nuad is that her eccentrirtties of dress will be carried so far that the disfavor they breed will kin them. Though zephyr gingleuns will not perhaps be en universally worn as of old owing to the pervalents od so many light wool. cotton and wool, and light milk dram goods that are low in price, there are someeery heanti ful nom offered. AVIiite and lilac, in this • bus of goods, rose pink and cream or gray, re -w& and pink, creaun and silver blue, ma 110114114 or geranium, anyt of these simply trimmed with feather stitched braid, will make pretty and becoming morning dresses. some ed them come in hlack patterns that are very stylish. .11 rowing other pretty Summer fabrics are 'hen h.pantifully tinted lace, wiped bat totes figured on the plain batiste strip. with disesteem of violeee, roped-m.1s. pinks. &isms, et.r.1 141W111/ ofthese fabrics are made very Mainly with hill skirts. round waist,' and biahrep sleevea. with eollar and turn -back culla of fine Swum Stone heindemene blooms and shirt waists are being made up of light words and soft .ilk with high. fell sleeves tend jet embroil ere! collars and Croinwellian cuffs. They are made " biome or belted all around. or with barque harks and likensfronts. with "r without girdles. The latter are found wery hosconessig. Stick bodices are wen on inanY of the imported dresses of Amato. %ening, lace, crepaline. India silk, rte. Theses Dew Lees 1.4.... ALECK SAUNDERS-, wrs-nsiNt.t.,,--- BARGAIN DAY THE ONLY WAY TO MAKE SOME PEOPLE UNDER- STAND IS TO HIT THEM WITH A CLUB. SEE THE POINT ? GOOD WORK, LOW May do well enough in a city, but in a town of this size bargains have to be on show all the time. Al(ST HAVE YOUR TRADE, -A111) TO SIT 11T -.- I WILL ,GIVEYOUTHE LOWEST PRICE. If the Suss ia hot, you twin vi out as II ST077 Ott can have ..... LIR THIS FOR $2 54, aye hi_ A Canary ? Then ex:I and g •1 • Bra so Cage -It 1 - .1.104 I Oro .1.1 .1! tHorptrozde Stock HEAVY POLISHED LOW Fr.ICES. r y -our i• tor •ewer soled in town. owl see them. MILK c.tx,. ILI Ns, P.‘NS, than MILK PAILs. Everything for .lairy. I do any kind of sheet metal work and will quote special prices to parties who intend building this season. PLAN". AND sPECIFICATit INs t or Plumbing Heating or Sheet Metal Work WILL BE FURNISHED DN APPLICATION, • A CARDI . pay particular attention to the latest sanitary methtsls Of Plumbing. Some people nut in any kiwi of a job because it is cheap ami pay die tIoctor double what a poi job would cost. If you cannot .14) it right. leave it alone. Better have no Plumbing than po-ir Plumbing. Bost Workmen, Bost Material, and Lowest Prices. Apple feless... rterly the day before we left the Rapidan, the apple trees hael ovine out in full bloom, and it was a eights'so soften a soldier's heart to behold them clothed in robes of peace ; and purity. Every breath of wind brought the odor .4 the bloesoms to our nostril!. and it was something t.. take us hack hoine to the old apple tree growing 'resole the well -curl, at the kitchen door. The enemy had fallen back before to :r al vane until they got the shelter of a forest- crownea page with a creek meandering slosh its front. At the first gun from them our battery wheeled in the left, rush,' for the high ground .-overe.I by a farmhowee or aloud. 111111 &A we unlimbered and begai. tir- ing long fuse obeli I disomerel that the j limps of a gland 1.1.1 apple tree spread out el. How pure 111111 delicate those loloesemis over our heads until every MAO was olielter• shake before trung. Wash silver in hot, lurked How refreslithg the *odor exhaled! soap) water and rinse in clean but eater. The potskr smoke blew hack among them A valuable salve fax cuts or wounds of any kiwi Mel one halfctipof thick sweet cream ten or fifteen minutes, stirring con- stantly : when cold, beat it thoroughly: when it. will he a cranny paste. Pottle and cork tightly or make fresh every tune. le by a Well foul Timor odour. The difference between a girlo throwing and a boy's is substantially (his: The boy crooks his elbow and reaches back with the tapper part of Isis arm about at right angles • ith his body and the forearm at olfelegrees. Th.. direct act of throwing is acesoniplished by bringing the arm hack with a sort of snap. working every joint from %boulder to wrist. The girl throws with herwhole arm nee', the boy with his whole arm relieve'. 1Thy this marked and unmistakable tlifferesee Int • nits may he explainel by the fart that the clavicle or collar hone in the female anatomy is some inches longer and set se•sr degree. lower ,learn than in the nowt -ohne frame. The long, crookedawkward hone inter- fereo with the full and free nee of the arm. This is the mune why a girl cannot thmw a stone. "worts Way. all• 1118/1110 The careless wa...To e..0 inigething to every cause without inquire's into the merits. The impulsive way. To give from im. pulse as much aml as often as love and pity aol eensibility prompt The lazy way. To make a special offer to earn motley for benevolent ohjeets hry fairs, festivals, etc. Tlie self denying way. To Ease the cost of Insures and apply then), to purposes of religion and chanty. This may lead to aostieism and self - The systematic way To lay wank no an offering to God a definite portion 01rem gains one tenth. one fifth. one thinl or one hen. The is adept"! to all,wtet her poor or rich . mid gifts would be largely inereamtel if it were gewerally _practise!. The equal way. To give to God 111111 the needy just as mach as we spend on -ourselves, balasecing our peranneel exiwnolitures by our gifts. The heroic +say . To limit eel expend' tams to us certain sum, and Pie e away all the rest of new issnine This was John WewleY's war. --LT. tun.si gem knows v bestow I essztailjad tee the MM ememmaismok aze the (onl) Brown, will you allow owe to prom" Mr. petuniteent MINN II Me irmakon-Preafts -404146144tiorigormumelEreRiel , , btu they seemed to shake it off. Mal though tinr faces were soon begrmined, the odor .4 there white Norton% was still in our won t nIs Like the soft, lacy snowflake of a Spring .lay. the blossoms came floating down among us, detached from the limbs by the concus- sion. 1 even brushed them off the gun as I sighted it to send a shell with murderous in kilt. Scene one mid the enemy was &thane- , nog. I ',rushed the falling bloom:no right and left to enahle me tome. Some one mid that one of our men load been killed just ; behind nee. The loloseoms pelted my cheek I aa I turned to look. Well. it was over in half an hour, with km than A 11111111M! kill 1. We . sponged out our gun, limbered up, and then ; I turned to the poor fellow who wooki never answer roll -moll again. He had already been buried. The ground about us was as white as if snow had fallenand ten feet sway lay our dead comrade shrouded in the white apple blossoms buried under the beautiful and delicate petals which the crash of weir hal shaken down • 1Vaiin't it a glorious shroud and a peaceful grave for a warrior ' A bullet tired by A sharpshooter who had crept up a ravine had entered hes heartand he had fallen me his hack and lay with eyes open wide and the bleed welling nut of his death wound. Al the hinesnins had bidden his eyes and their awful stare had veiled his fare 'Intel we meld not pee its pallor heel fallen sn thickly open his broad lasaid that there woo no trace of the Indite and 111 work It was the *oft. tender heuels of Nature seeking for the 'eminent to hide the murder nue work of weer to soften the hearts of men armed with every (levier to slay their fellow men. .1nd the .oft hreere carried the smoke away 1e11i011 the farm house. to he lost ort -r the meadows, and in it. place mime again the odor of tilossofes and the emir of rel immatel miens. Illowinem. fell spree the dead as they were laid in the shallow trencheo te sleep forever 01411 4' and .hove them the robins ealled to each other and returned to their eleaerted nesta. New York World. The Duke of .‘rgyll's yonngest will marry a laiwashire cotton spinner mimed Emerson • Quaker and wealthy The man on *tilts, won set riot to walk (own Paris to Mosenw, reached the Russian town on the 10th of May. and WAR reee1 V .4 with ra:Ausiaism. % t Mr eller 1111111 banked himself to drive from Manwillee to Parts is 30 days in • carriage drawn by fmir garelles. Jodtrial latria A boost every .•roner leas its origin mots. or less in drinking. Judge t.urney. N met v -nine eases out of every hundred are caused by drink. Ands, Erskine. If it were no; for drink you • jury . and 1 woottld have nothing to .Is r Judge Patti .on. If all men timid be persuaded from the uoe of intoxicating drinks the otti, e. of judge would lie a sinecure. son. Three-fourths of the case+ of have their origin ii public house. and herr shop.. Judge tVightensti. Intemperance has destroyed large ' hero of pc..ple. and tram its present rate of increase. in time destroy- the country itself. : ( ro ve . 1 can es-pnoteriiis with a vice that tills San gaols and .leat ',aye the comfortsof hues I the peace of f,miliea.. llerutalizeothe peopleof these islands. 1 iiief - Justice 1 'olerelge. T. who+ might add the recent dens• ion of Lord 1 wing at the 11 aaagow circuities the case of Eliza Short whoop drunken:tem and neglect had resulted in the death of her glidel..refusing to hold her criminally respon- tilde because there could not 'we inferno; in tentirm to commit the crime. and refusing to hold her conilitioti. though caused by her own a.•t, siofliciesit to Duke her criminally responsible for the death of the child. Edinburgh Journal 1.f .1 mope .. den..,. the advertisement of Olds entailed. There is linseed eigniticance attaching to a reputation of toeing --a large advertiser -- The fart that a peewee Or firm advertises widely is, of itself, a first class advertise• went. How often we hear a person make some such remark as this 1 am going up to Monk trofs to make my poirchmes : 1 lee their name .. : they must be enterprising people and have nornet hing gond to offer at the. right priee. That is the impression created hy the milky ot liberal advertising. Herr is an application of the universal instinct to deal with things fain,li.ar 4 our hest neighbors are our old senighhors : our truest filen& are our 01,1 fifissids.and the people we allow ourselves to Mint to the (linen extent are these with whom we are in daily contort. In truth We are stmeigly inclined t.. base eonfideisco 4111lAtanr oftiaxietY.who will •; human tendency will seltnit the rane of methods tie -mimed to keep • firm's name prominently and permanently before the Illosnestle Orbool. There haa just Leen established in I hire- r) • domestic school which is intended for toroth eervanta and neistremes. The latter are to be taught how to expect ntwk to he mol I he former are taught how. to do it. The theory is that a wisdom should hone enough *hoot domestic duties to oho- see - vanes just the hest way to eke ie So there are conking elsesese where the moat -am ran learn all the art of producing appetising food : lasune in dish waslhing, sweetOng. deleting. paint and dimloor weurehing. clean ing pantries. making Furls. ironing fine clothes, and both mistress and maul attend them, an that each can metre efficiently help the other in the task of f • . There special marketing. ventilatfng and plumbing classes few the nostremos, ao that they may learn how to buy meats. how to keep the prover in the n ti miry asid dining morn an4 to guard against den gore of newer -pm .. 1 1 1 I I " Dew Myr 4 eery Id. (In. of the queerest sight, Is to see hole different emigrants carry their money. Shut F:siglish emigrants carry their coin 111 a small case attached to a chain, which they keep in a povket as tbey would a watch. Irishmen always have a little sluivas bag in which notes and coin are crammed 'ogee her. Irish gals, 1.11 the other hand, generally have their money sewed inside of their dree sm. 1:ernians carry tlieir money Ili is bell round their IVAIAtA, and the leek is usually an elaborate and costly affair. matter how veer the eungrant may le. The French mostly . arry a small brew tube in which they can phare forty or fifty twenty -trim pieses and remove then, readily tine at time. There Are Very few- Italians who not carry a large ten tube in which they keep their paper money ..r +dyer coins. .uol t tsr. tulle is 'leuitentel rounol t in neck by entail chain or cord. Swedes an.1 \ors. s'are mire 1. have an immense pocket- iseik that has generally been used by their father+ and grandfathers before them, and has in it enough leather to Make a pair of hoots. The sLivoneares and Hungarians carry their looney in their lou' boots.. together 'With a knife, fork, and Ton. - 11.1ve mug Teem The tollowing atory may not be tnie. 11 deed. it probably is not: but we may say that if it is true it would teach a lesson 51. well as excite a smile. We find the story in a New York paper. Whet' Jay 1 could arrive.' in Bosom a few days aro he was omiefronted by a youngster with an unusually dirty face, irlice shouted • • • Monsen paper. eerily two center The millionaire bought • paper, and gave the boy a tive-cent piece, sayusg, " Keep the change, and buy a rake of soap te, wash your face with. -. 1 he newsboy collOttlitl out three cents and dropped them in Mr. s1ould's hand. • • Keep your clwinge.- said the hoy, " and Any a book on prditenena.- Youth's Corn pan KM. % new sewing machine ley a Jones. .4 Cardiff. lute no shuttle or bobbin. The thread is oupplieel direetly front two Or • dietary spr.olo, and Nell • thrO1lgh the aa• instance of a rotary lonpar. It ie '.only more sintple than any ether sewing ma chine. s .A..‘ r,.A tf,..L..: i11111 ........sii. i.:(1.44y.5 .. •11-• Iren.11.1., AM ••••14s leimINImir, 4 .4.. sau now 15.•••••• Delne• • 4•5•• 0 Molt ..• ... PIO. .4.5.45. 11.• 01.! win Mr teeldill dm Amer* ..... *4.. • • Ai ob. I. • . •414 ••••• Aim ••••••01. No 1.4.114.• 1... wow.. • .411•II• ...• ...Ow 1 .41, .54rd.*/ 1454.44 1.14.•• 1.... a/. 4 ...6.4......5 A.Ari ........7. 1 54•••••••4, boa". .44 p..1•144 1.01.4•40•••••••• 6 memlim. ill. am 4.441•4 ••••• Pile • .4« •.• It Is • %MM. 1.04 11011,410. t.s ...4.-....... rut v.. Ailia••• at m...... U. 4'. A 1.11.EN. Ia.. •*... A wereta. 1111alloe. MISS CAMERON Wishes to announce to her many customers and the ladies generally that she 'nas completed her spring pur chases, and as a reEult has the most elegant display of all the newest things in the Millinery line, amongst which are the handsome new shades, Corn Flower Blue, Steel and Pearl Greyt besides r_n unequalled dis- play of Flowers, Feathers, etc., etc. All are cordially invited to call and see the display of novelties for this season. M13S CAMERON. ild2 :rut ur loclk IND OOD 11111 TTE. ROMOTES ;GESTION. urdock B LOOD IMP ITTERS ACTS ON THE BOWELS. CURES DYSPEPSIA. CURES DYSPEPSIA. CURES DYSPEPSIA. Sir %e.4 Lei, t./nt . writes: Dr in 11111' -TIF yearn sad 1 -uttered fruit 11. ...repald Ito It.. toritts.alt 4 Satin 14, .14 Ail • et114 111 MI pollee !vs i VW. i,, 1.154 fri.!1.14 t a tr% ft 14- 1 ' • r Vaal 1 %a- 5. Cures CONS7IPATION Cures CONSTIPATIO4 Cures CONSTIPA710h tE6ULATES THE LIVER. 1EGULATES THE KIDNEYS. Rapid Ilocorory. reams Book 1 bare tried'''. v..ur Kith. with resat •Ncresis tor coudapatin and )u'u In ley Lss.,I. The asecnel wads wool..., 10 witch twiteir • My bowels isow wore torelv and the tam in iev 1101141 has left ire. • oil to ever -0..1i with the *nue dhow lromiosinend It U. 14. Miss Wn.t.tne.. h..sor Pit , Tc.teut.O. Cures BILIOUSNESS. Cures BILIOUSNESS. Cures BILIOUSNESS PURIFIES THE B1000. Direst Proof. new.. I gra. tomb-tr.': for las tears with Lem 5oi piA154. 1 1.1.1 great dind of aioeti did nes no ao0d. aod use getting wore* al: 14. 11101 until I 1r454 liurdock Ritter. After taking foie 1 Atte. I 1.111 11.01 W441 1 ran 8,,ronserowi.ieud It for tbe ctn., of Di irep....4a. Maur A. F. Ivra•-.,e, Ont. Cures HEADACHE. Cures HEADACHE. Cures HEADACHE. rsonapt craw. Mae Stink 1 was. s•ry Inc • oth headsch• 11.1A.1 le:n in 1.1 hack; tny hands mot fed eo I could lo use work Ily ad, ised r,et. try H. ith nue bottl. 1 telt 6o moth better that, l0! 115 mote. 1 sin now testi and ma W.1111 as .511 .5 ante. ANNIE liwaween. TII•ont.org. Oats Cures BAD BLOOD. Ceres BAD BLOOD. Curs BAD BLOOD. lied filond may aro. from wrung actann of the lino Liter. kl.h.ere 1141111 140W0/6. fl R. 14.. tiy regulating End tisane these organs. rename the canoe and makes new rail blend, removing all blood doeenws trout • pimple le • scrofulous sore. MICHIGAN LANDS FOR 12,000 Acres Good FamilLai 7111.111 ri MY BAT. 0. Illrhisitin 4 'Egret. lbetent 4&Irma 11A41•1 lake Mallewarils. At prices ranging from $Y 10 1* per arre. These Lands are clone to F , New Towles, Charehee, Schools, etc., anti will uold on Moot Favorable Terms. APPLY TO It. IPIERCK. W.at Ray City. Or to J. W. CI:ItTle --•41/ClitA vu. .111111 . 2111 h TEAS AND SITARS - You th• et r• t wo asset, at - ED. CAMPAIGNES, l'er. Montreal st. and square. Telephone Connei-lion. 1