The Signal, 1891-5-29, Page 7THE SIGNAL . GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY MAY 19, 1891.
ACHEON & soya.
\\ a have just to hand several levies •t( the lues I. faint,
For Dresses and Jaokfcts.
Henri what authorities way Alriut .• \.•Iutina
that t wind..• '1,4041u,'41utgu.*h 6'1 "ce'h .,
Lel11 ilia Awl A ••r»I]re t•St a.a'Wirt• 11114 14141r ,r 1'rought •" •,it'll .. •tAta 441 is
sate , e1,rt, And we v rater•• 1. tw.•,.t , great •u 1tlu• ilea ma Is,auh
4 liflattPa. .I.111111III
\'ebrUtr no every way supiphc.. the du•wo.l tar silk, v.-4t.t : w tact, r t, ».,
• carefully aeauufa••ttrnd a. 1" 1 • ..-an,rly>;uis1a1,1e tool tiko •natty fah
etc: alit', furthermore, n hr. the 411%44111.111g1:101 1411141•1111: 14-1 11'11. As it wall oat
,t•.v,.r, rpwu• lir mark. ..+ •dk ,rhet .bow, with ,,.-iia ,Ttgl,r p.n•..urr.
New l;I..L Itrrn• $ill ... tot ,I"Ilutalu aid tJrrld. trisuutittge.
Itia,l: 4 r.•na.liuea (mtra ..x■enuaitle polo arefart clearing, and are_
'1*eriintinnl %slue. :rend for sample if .jtwa►1 line. (imagist id a lierytiiiu And
selling at l l,•.:r runt, „' ort h I`cc. n•,ular.
a ni,Lal's
;3RM'bfAgTit CIi TME
Try a sample I ,ackagi•
osAs' A. JAMS, Grocer. POINT ?
May do well enough in a city, but in a town of this
bargains have to be on show all the time.
-.-A%t) 10 SZT iT-
It the siunimet .,hot, you ,11.' n fine Yon a Cary
{.md.s to kadrrtrI sada Itemesk In
1. 4arth or taster* .11a..
1t1ow 1111. ,1•..T11••1! .,11.1:4
it IMO the tine of the rebellion .•I 1837.
inie .006allry tar in :a stale of great toners,-
lls*. The reheb reruns! t•. Is. ,raining
Khsgtu "n ever, side. In what is now the
1 city of L•nlan. then a ware village, great
1eseitemrnt s 4 eatise I by 'hc arrival of two
`reports. bMore as to all the loyal
1towel:on army An•I the other only to one
Ipro ate .,.1.1:e1.
w ,4311/ Li, swim. sox. ma
I Thr nature of the tiro was so,:b that the
•: r. ! s1p1t , - JLA, A. 1:. X.
•• ,
ALA, L C. s. �.. , military au1;N,rtUe•s thw8tlt ,t minim.' uu-
1SM. I mediate ;atImit i..11. The minor was that A
flari;e hid) of rebel• had l..-rn .+eu,h:tug for
A Aavertl+emierl.
n,:nd,er o: relay. near 1:0.lert•-h and hating
Del after :►xr,cntv-e,,;hth ••.n• n at last nummnneeh up murals had storms. After waiting a m.m,ent to .
te+tngt had bola pinu.;.••I in tie, w. -thing 1 securing a-••ansider,ld,, th.,iigbts wed make hie plan., l5trgeret.'Iiennaa9nrnt time. to b ,int. 1\'hen this i• rea,•lawl, pet th•.•
merchant mike•1 -• tr• then- .tel taken et, and nit trough nn )tees 1N land gently loutzge the j till is time. w; low il�lwtaml t�h, then fear- Y it 1 in. an.l pct it ,rNM slowly to the is
bluilkel the were '
se_ ..ire saitora t... the ]e x1 to the tate skirt amount of .anuw lint military st"ars, spar to her flank. This unusual eimn K y P
hm,u lit lia•Ar' hart' up with •:, consa•i,w,s�itsfl tptev will Irofi.r hl• :.pprvaach, he pipkin where the )mit 4'111 •e merely sem
ckemet' his charger's gait to a gall,p. mend for there ..r four h^hwar 14th.penwu lis
Ar -W ha141144.-
now c1 rriA. t 4..1 attack „m (e .reit. The ge
"'IMP.. Nfr' •alit tlx attendant towanls the MI r'. at tanxd t.. the *de of the path and i+ nearly ,»vPrP,l all the
little s range told a hogn of on arrival ..f a aw ooh h apprehensive of warar, end now with I to itefwd then have time t.. rail: taken up odd to lout half ;, ]wnni.l of
-What i, M• t air nrti sa a 1 v.atlraaelit little eFit/vet m by home of one of the eat- a wont he is ruling "nee he hears the welt- I past titegt regained. fruit a ti of diger. If then 1, A ill h, aid
writer ,R a writer .1 artiste. aotvrrtYlta;, .. (talc ' 'ah, goes tht•IT' but , their guns • halt Aw anon as theyret[ p e 1 I
i h kat tune. ed hi. ale by name, An,l..f these -rums kph' speed. f 1 1 could r it till it. •.stents f there . rich mar
I .los os at { their le
f,rewgncr of nand, the shots w u.z.ert around' it set lb,'pit forward awl et it ls,i
1.11 ion have (Nva
ULB ?HIS FOR $2.54,
• .til And !el a
Brass age
? Wilk .
lr your a/w 1{ltiat(
1 wu sm
rte my
110M1113410 Stork
Wishes to announce to her
many customers and the
ladies generally that she has
completed ler spring aur
chases, and as a result has
the :cost elegant display of
all the newest this ;3 in the
Millinery.' line, _
which are the handsome
new shades, Corn Flower
Blae, Steel and PP arl Grey,
moomm. an
HEAVY POLISHED besides an a nerualleu dis•
plav of Flowers, Feathers,
etc., etc.
All are cc.dially invited
to call and zee the display of
novelties for this season.
I do any kind of sheet metal work and will quote special prices
to parties who intend building this season.
t RE.1M t'ANs.
(►r your choice for hers thin; MILK 1'.\IL$;
ever sold in town. Everything f'
C'nll and w.•e th,•n,. tide ,lair)'.
PL.t» .i.N 1' rP ,
Plumbing, !eating
�\ ILi, LF FURNI$HEI) tt\ -\PPLIt'-#•1'ht�.
Burdock Blood Bitters
Is a purely vegetable compound. po-se,sieg
perfect regulatingporrersover all the in „sang
of the system. utd controlling their secre-
tions. It so put ides the blood that ,t
ill blood humors and diseases. soom-
moo pimple to the worst scrofulous sore, and
this combined with its unrivalled regulating.
cleansing and purifying inMuen a on the
seeretiona of the liver. kidneys. bowels and
skin, render it unequalled as a cuts for all
diseases of the
or Metal Work From one to two bottles 7111 erre ]Dila,
pimples, blotches, nettle ash, scarf. tetter,
u y and all the simple terms of skin disease.
Fr ,u1 two to tour bottles will cure wilt rhetms
ar eczema. shingles. erysipelas, ulcera. ab-
@ceases, running sores.and all skin eruptions.
It is noticeable that sufferers from skin
pay particular attentilin to the- Infect sanitary methods of Plumbing;
ISome people out in any Lind of a job because it is cheap and pay the
.doctor double what .a good Joh would cost. If you cannot do tt 1i�'llt.
leave it alone. Better have no Plumbing than poor Plumbing.
Best Wotan, Best Material, aid Wiest Prices.
nBeet his thin and have elween the u:iht :,. the Most l P'. Ili c....1 oda r all nigbt. In the wo1n
• •a•t it on :1i.• stove it, th.• water it U as
myjt.•r:'i/ t Worn n .
.Vsytksr." t, ;.bleat the ntrrMiant "Ib illus•@ ed hen wife. without paying any attrntl.m 1e so this and fart sumer to him that ,r ..w •, .
h l+ t peel was of p ll e k pear• The cry is pasted, 1 feel them. lint this second danger' ntalatle. If properly "ooke,l. no tlavwing u
4 ata'h the Wane•,• to th, net f tAta• but still sold r oft sous awn far
pwtF Pra41 Prune's an •lnc�touw
.rs be know,: weight u( wntin: ndvPrbut tiair \o'a. .Jthoug this t . r t e a ,sea , of It : almost or I nee ed.
saddlers. it ba• is seeururgh' )011 behind. rw dteal iu the torC
I51r 4 psi that he I..cer ve4v • ug tro n far
lair tillirtraad.,. acct ilr►istw •.n ,.,rrpKteg was far mon• inu•rrsul,I; to Fitzgerald 11,411 but M•w a nulnler mon len aP
that the military ,rc Il% .•t L.n•bn we:,' m the, .,•ebbe with their guns all tet'elle• at him. I sly ten mieutr, to tive t. w. tv� tiMNi. 1'runelhw. lwweve1
for the pale•. becoming •tan •emus 1 rowelled Lundin w-ithuut further adventures. going ta•hiun, and a little acid prnnel a is
Admit bine.1 wake the neer•-hent tan a .4 itArr seised .1 1,� rebels. The situ4tton is new b
i ..0 i•s•hsh ••.» 'ask«t th. \\�h1k t'itryrrald a tcymg to ,,.nrriv.' of slid the cm of "Hail Is his foot' all Hr nt punt w1ft al /'clonal Talbotsuch
vert' gave r quit m y 6
Know y.41, y tb • possible and honorable way of netting sides Widdenlc hr ,tnlws up his horse and hie report. In half lir peer such ra cheer require much more sugar than prnn'r' : as
•s•. •1liwnt, A• the attendant. admionsl some poi ,.,.,hers ••f 1tw ante' �,* ••jjalb,a' ie anyone there •-• The an- as made the whole tillage ring nese from the notch aw cranberries, tnd,r•L There is au
v�•.nr• men. ..the .„nt'it wn,. of tin'
a.1 v,•rtb- hmma to saw hes wits. it"' ` v •• alt ..- run w-hrn the .rt its is li::e.
are lint sAt rngAga•.1, het hair already netted
ewer u H :end the clash of arms. ioun.•.flr that Iretulrnl of
rxt F'hvie geralb�l �+' aa`I`•Mialat tsar ytouRtl,end which wirer dr i
;ng .,ntwA •" n• • have you seen lir. MAA'- resect thus err cloying to
Ye.,,,, l •neral' • t the tbe107 y*ttl's feet as b• a p 1 lanatu•h which stat Ps that the hon- .. H only
said . "You are a p11,.-ky fellow. L nrvort� the taste. _ what+.
•i:n•w la;a»tlt at the nren•hant'. feet .dna dolh,rw is ..Ih`n+l to nay'„a,• who will - .. Halto 1l,Mtlmt the but says ia halal waw •• well niaglg, shaken off. -
h to a •ata
Tlxn ff TIN1 (ai4 to poo ale (M• my ride to 1:..krirh acrd bring a tr u• statrmeni.111 tel to err you Win alive. Ta Oath,e.■oar as of ■baa.
of iffairo. Xow. blur hnrtlnrl dullan Is ev,•it«sly Ihd 111. MacDonald pot* this, srnre of the nnwrks wlu,h were ringing in \I r. Richard Henry �hddar•1 speaks of an 'ad.' of ah'*lnt..•-iglnality and _
6t,;1(o merit. hams ear. 4) content yntb, little /•trough w I•gaeivr t„r oar's life,'- so way,.. things the eagerness and energy with Which we
\\'hn are you Dismount till bre et Ilia
eh ears
to his homeot . and teach children how to nidi but lirh�.ich. t.
the forfeit r' tr stinln,l the men'lu,n•. them t of the s„ blies thought. and as ihr p• trach them to ra.l. Thera 1a boa for
"Mv life:' replied tlw yewng nuc, way was rrut'err.lvPry'rpan:',rousby theecer amipr ngir. •,r,uld era hr turne•1 Iris
"Then .aid the uvreebaut, wt "ill pro' watchful rehrhnn one volunteered tago. Tbe rtpringing (Hm hie bine and t e 1s,ig hie as enol, _ hr reflection In this elrorvad,n. abet for re-
1 about l0o'claw•k a w. tattered t+,at tel for gromwl. he ea laif abet : ;tired hones soon r t t10 rr enough to home his flection that is peculiarly apphrahk to the
.reel w rib the ..hse+p Iw t'r` 1 ,,,,p rooting it a,lxxty .. My name a .tense Thomson, were strained to try and home F.•t it Is here h
mune' an Ire t 1 rep ,ten •thin Wort to d, i t,
7•w•neRw.` replied the y, tuan. are .rna crna only a few .hr -ei he f 6 fanuly who, pore 1 tarts far reading. if , M
I,e . nic h•r it is a ,:oar a 1 i \'es, there are ,:eetrt:e ao rd
What I• !our 1) l* au•4) wb ssoe. ,1•.,11, Au,l i you , discern twine
1 as FiV sal. stood , with tire, it ; ryesthat t r child ae.ourcs
1 ( tw4, waa it on e+ . linty
any f life aid haw 'aaa•err h' if anywhere.
wttt r o iw 1 Fred
t know t demanded the men -bent. Ilnc of rets orfise. tlh . It y y act'
.1,40.4 that s,dvert+•ig4t att,. ha. furlough'ac'r'e "'freed 4 world risk my Ids death : my friend's wife is cwt expected to ; oua, running after each other among the Flrens school ori l the heather aa they will. awl
wnteolrea.h t arthfk• wt' furnish
ng matter kale and .b it," he thinks. X" ,ane , •,Innteers liar ail t aw tt^Il,g for the dua•tot. trees. "How theywill run to meet ma. that there is a responsibility here, and
litY "4
ser,, striven to furnish me with an ad- to go. It is one .'clock r. u. 'MC .-xcite- iter thetabels• fur w, they (,Hyrtl. selon aotn- 1
-tide' mlirnt, aMl they have all (ailed • meet cit of
lfweColorel Talbot has ,.osis *tea task of 'searching him. and Mr- , No one expects nie. -\h : it will he joyful room for much formative. influence, 110 •.nc
ggse spew' will deny : but it i• •.trlplaratn•ely tittle,
tett, :a council n( the o$) .•n.. .\lather bulletin is Sup iM1M1 nothing and believing to be real them. 1aThe.r are his thoughts whole
he k(xsit after all, that the teacher. with the multi-
generally d.•" murmured Tan- furlough
„({Pring fire hen yon dollars and the lire t Misty which he feignal, then from his horse ail runs into the house. plied duties of technical instruction, can do
turbugh of a we.•k to anyone who will woke Ire int ., pia ing him what Mfrs -nation Naw,. he is henhin • over his Wife's .'hair far in the way of inculcating literary taste• to
uR`•K they xrwl •rt9cvmmK P in
'son with what may he dam• in the
Ry \Ilah' yew speak bks truth' ' r:, lam'" take the perilous ride and 14 i true breads the Whereabouts
' she is better and aide to be a ail IIUI t t Them Lauds nre dote o Enterprising ( t !.T rpr ng \sew
«l the mrrcbnnt. ' 1 bars h. prepare •11 my in inartarn hours,. Again Fitzge ra1J reach I k. 1g to
MacDonald. 'Hpalled ort) aw+ be- and wife are exchanging those glances .Immo- / foena, t hon Iira, N. hs,h, etc-. +old will
own 'A.4' in, to ri( mT greet °cam, and, the bulletin, but this time h, and extttr ,Ipl'rr,g t„ the wldle and galloped Y• 11 ie interestin, t^ sir !row children aa
'Pi" h 1 jay into his very thankful h hail ..wire out a., well wheh, atter a separation that in reality ie will appreciate much of he
I only a few weeks but seems like very earl age ppre
the toll eap,Y Irl f four ears will listen w1 R
Are nearly always aggravated by intolerable
itching, but this quickly subsides on the
removal of the disease by B.B B Passing
in to graver yet prevalent diseases,. such as
,erofnlons swelling., humors anti
We have undoubted proof that from thres
10 six bottles used internally and by outward
ipplicatioo (diluted if the skin is broken) to
the affected parte, will effect a cure. The
treat mission of B. B. B. is to regulate the
ever, kidneys, bowels and blood. W to,rreet
acidity and wrong action of the stomach,
and to open the slnice•ways of the system
.0 carry off all clogged and impure nscre-
.ion@, allowing nature thus to aid rsoov.ty
and remove without tail
Liver complaint, biliousness. dysprrsia.siek
headache, dropsy, rheumatism, and every
les of disease arising from disordered
liver, kidneys, stomach, bowels and blood.
We guarantee every bottle of II. B. B.
Should any person be dissatisfied after using
the first bottle, we will refund the money on
application personally or by letter. We will
sten be glad to send testimonials and in-
formatialn poria the effects of B. It D. in
the above named diseases, on applicatitts
to T. MILBURN & CO.. Toronto. Ont -
FOR S.11.F. _..
12,060 Acres Good Farioiao Land
TIT .1. 1I.111141
T.Irbliaa t rntra►. /Mtrrll A (Irma
mad lea. Lake Snllrsrad..
At p ranging front 12 tot, per r. -re.
►w• hold on Meat Favorable. Perms.
p the 1117 man 1 t t' rPPt, into a Mut and Ing vg p drinking it per spa
:eau, roes,,. ]wet and the greatest in literature. An in ArIO T To
ever ort thatK with . ]l. 1r1ERt•F, w'esr 11x7 City.
meet of each ret pony. but first we
theinterest and lase asr't he wend.' give or to J. tA. l'L'kT1r1 N hetemore. Mf h
have a new 1•N of turbans. Behold Ow black- him JileahoM dont the tourney to serve o hu , y 1
.lust on: hour after Fitzgerald was sitting unlet say a few words to toner of the faith to a nursery tale to ,ertain las+age„ ant rd
board on your left. Write thereon as 1t'- a ought dew for ret tw take tw ttx officer i 1 anxiously `rate nn.e ihr flitthng light amu f 1 horse. who like her toaster, was A true
which shall rend the air •d Hag tnmand of the forces in Gewlerirh and 1t is •111AkewprareAA, for inaan•e, the stirring
tact. " you die." thought w• , he linin of an old t h rifer and abseil lit al „ret left her at his own gnu dropped to the ,m,a,,rlknis m erg, tt ,
Tw.avRs a to saw ,w.cweww, whit
revs see
..... has many w totter day int it is thought.t'
rsarnw am awn , • after such a narrow escape an. ears to then,, only they .an.
•mild writes a really flair eta I face an he says, •t r Colonel u ••Ihoe the truth )'
t 1111 U, ptr'xw«t. i"° . w. 1 Trn m'o'tes Inter Twlbw,t ie a 11,1 harm to deviate slightly from � Now let w leave them to
H •ounlr •. other's company,
hero The nolle beast as .coin u her tnaA-
reinter of the wit.rhew in Ma.IN•th, r,r the
,Rt1..9tw•ttt w a ,r
h 1 st for him u, i,. in Jisg,f old he 14005. a travellr. was seen n, mg 1 i Virgil hen th
pproac•k t tie bks kbnar 1 sad the ovidetrtlt tot 6 h t,e,lelieh. lint 1 • ter Ita'"agP't
•••lung th.• .- 1k, wrote: t provided far the want 1
taste Orli
willthe beginning of the
111 gr and wpprciatlon.
M the Oh
in the path of danger Mit be was hurriedMy gT"lldIAthtr 4.. gtandm Tplr ant, r of this roaallw the .1vo1 plcawnre
tire. for lie well knows the qualities
id an by hope's glw.l owtkiok.
the seventh •,( London township with who h, M a child of lice or Aix. wlmrrt
•• Mack Ilea., whew faithfulness, .\rrivnl at t.'sletich, nigistahl •onglil tow oil old age, and often around the Win- tlx rutin lww,ks of \'1rgi1 in 1'npo's trans
. ha• before tried. with tit of the err first.le they told their chldren and Iatu4i ,r»s bran.. as resit mow 1 A father's•
... Tf1A TAL "Lb 1' -
pichthes.p� SGXRS
. F1kS A1)
, were verT weary, but if � gmuad : but six trsa sem remerril.ered and tare of the Wine w ,Ml .,thea
11,1 have into the bright and px•tt«1 "RI taken ,are of "'he 11e eeve,l. objects are dies• nfied. or event
A a.rn
awake m, aisplrl.m, t,w it is eery ,Vel wPagwr eyrw wf the traveller we would have Thia drtry is tux and the little stranger mol the rudimentary
April and especially at night. p n different idrw foie no,t ooh' Nth" ,ante to lwighten slut saddler a hi.nil chill wall gee will Ir
Thr colonel !IOW ask. him i( he is well
hra esrri«,tnaes w _grandmother lived on nwth .rf literary
wit w 11.t. iwva* MIXT WICKS A Saw
I..K ,N• TttaaAs..
THAT ARIL eve t%te.r
w ones
{IS On {MIA {1;110
Aro Wt calla. e,T►sw TAIL. AT -
1 A,rrMo rr _
0" 1" his dui"). le.l him at1 a„ nn mother's )anther and my uncle.
mounted and hi answer n e
ail owed h.
i Rv three he is fairly on his Muerte). rhe M interview end having been examined, he children'• children of ow ppwenbos "I.e. t tender end arduous rare in Beek the early
The tar.
Oahe.' a. Ire rr.,l the -ail roues. 1norney is . to g he ml and twenty tom• uneler the guidance d a soldier. was (.oderich. 4 - int": tendeatl'*i .1 literary taste.
• 11•1. 1:.r. TM gtnle 1 up kn. self.. •\s he ear A la 1 he iliac. to him at lawn. oe and allowed t^ have Blesvale, Huron Co., (tat. t�e1�1 A.
self. ' • Itlack Iter. sol 1 ore by
ors and w e an Interes! t. his presence Iain 1' tt Tw,■vR, with a )inn hand, add bck to an Interview with him. Tlx dow•nlrieat it
rebid* er dreppsl ht. sword into the lonill„n. A with A or win . f a and ream trotting g Ther ate ten diametrically different of .lampner, in the shaker.
eurtanl war drawn %w 1e, awl the her.
t) tome better tracked part of the trail. it neighborhood. t:.wlertrh FitytPrr►It' 1w way of strwi.g dried fruiter One is to N.-ald the It it whore the hatter owl
Nkrrtaeralwln atorwl braeal..l. "Take her, 1► oval coller, Iitfory leering are to be lin ,reamed for cake: the het
R ant a merchant. g his cer.ral n«rlh h If in sine small de J
volt. Night n . reel but Ftt)getal tart water after 1t a 1 h Heir t
wineh cute fSw
: w•w�•iR,'e MIhM':/.a4r,.t as it y,p•+ni1 car. Hope a anxiety for the Jnr carie one at b�twwnl ijrwrney with hall enamor nP rwpt'11y. The nsnit is that the }rnit When making white ,alt«. use one
1 iiORNr'I) To prevent layer ,ake from .ticking.
th.• finishing line will be lack to t,radon fiy five wr ,rt.mander, who tells rim. 1IlIlI14 11111 �r ii1 -
morrow if such w thing grease the tins end duet Ina little flour.•rn:taur«I forwards n(,outing-. he w,aaifilat e." He d,livl'elre,,hat the report haw no grommet anti A teaspoonful of cairn starch mixed w
on herr rr,,,q,iensl' t► yrs Fr.unvR• mwlea on through the whet', here taming here
iwwoli that they dw not need rein( ir�.l in that Mewing srM'• f'r.N+, a cupful of alt will remove all p+aibt
\'n @(rail writ, toy els ' The ••xec,rtirm wade far wine. fallen ••ver. there n sloth t:rderir h r there aro but few
than soda
pleases him to feel the sir 1 41
thou mighty liner: • to his 1 h*i tat. warn«I „ f the "after f. tlx way AMI per wok the fruit ail cover it with 11 h ,ate the litter sn ttjrat 1t will ble.'I
making ^ 1 has of .tlw.l«I to APtlt irriav soaked, Ana then to i ins
1 nfl ^n n With • light heart he starts with the sn r.
,n the i:sydw,l ittittorr'al. �t hint are 1,nrnmg in hr coal. o. to ga boon' in then he had to tenet law more M leis of n teethe _ teaspoon more of "ream of tart
By half past eight he M shoot ton milse tti.we ars M the extra q,anlity n( "resin of tartar
rl.rkrirh Th moms M •hieing bright When he
is kis wattchw' nt�mihe tune irfort ion his way t Theotherway u to stew the fruit
makes the egg whites stiffer.
ed «I
w t w It t. •,arta MIXT w MI
T1111 Aim r•a,ITrVat•T wowing
•tiro ammo {WIRI.
.111 Irk 5 Hu, .Tim AT
•ISO) 111 ........
Asia vs. twat.
fano rter..4 N a ream •lues tee d.t sot
swim t., tda•'+up, the carpel is awe" and airy
snot fait. ret tka'artt•t, sever it whin cow
„.�. woo... bili dt logethir After
th1. tiestasul. ale resale sf Om twee' -'•
(nen kw hia bridle he path rim
ly .slit Pitsgenld joyously &lac the word which is feat before Atm. slowly for hi east boars ter it Icing (ar '+ke n,a1 h' pprrrPnt
to Irt (dark Itns'Tram gMi'h her thirst at tittering till it M a thick, rich ntorma le The )sat when ,ret "Ming "t" table -
eke ■tram they ear drinking
Prnssr While It is Warty midnight, his half Mule is fast method is roenblerahl more tremble, but it crack b7
r,�! He starts into the fewest y wayd dealing with a41110Ai1)' ..i 'iwP°t' cream t^ each ,int.rnken
the lynx a quietly etly 4rinkir4t ,shat is this ha is the only satisfactoryg it h ea.Stir all re together, sheen ..Ih snow
that attracts the eider's eye • .\ fitful slim with removed ~won. het suddenly dried emits. `ttaam d or
1 it a fire hers, ,p him win s' if p►ea cob are rapwrisl/y lieieur anal u still u ria he stirred.
ttime t"va'• ' Keep sewer ropes netted with station
mer .•( light among the trees.
• or
No • that can't to it. There it h "I :n on ! fro w. wt have M,*�,rt is this waY. @taed• clean snot wholesome by scald
fly • h flits It MAI h,rward• serer' the U• IOW: he rims : 44.1 Oat at this nrtmee,t W� the fruit very carefully. slid whoa ary
e� It liAb tshat s from l,o Kam anima which raa.i+ the rialrr to this bicron i■ thoroughly romp{Me Pat it in Ing once a week with boiling water in
path it Atte. Ai . drat is it. it 1(r LLa trwsP sum! �j whish soughing rode has been
isb,d ed folio
are fa,e to hoe IAA ' • cussed earthen d' to cold water may a case o1.1ip1rt diphtheria
amissreflected fn,., • lrwhathar thatt carried b } hotly owl ss Taw& t►e7 barely to cover it. A pippin h• a vssry
igfit hat s tVt tsusel he a ro s ase. all Dread ewdy Mr nrticw W� to soak of cook it rel. Let the reit have brim attribeted to foal eerier OVAL I
�r•:~ �L,. M the 1411 q are ehsstis� *ow pstsi-
asdie•t )'lis eshsls e�'•41
-- Yar Ow next two week, 1' -
tor. Montreal -sl. sad :..hare.
Telephone Connection.