The Signal, 1891-5-29, Page 6jil '_s COLBORNE BROS_ ..•core• THE SIGNAL : GODERICR, ONT., FRIDAY MAY 29, dement. ornament's, alts Jenell.1 hill.. the, are .Lowe IY .ural .b. -U t. .r the hair and lorgnette and us mottled 1. ars fur tan .tick. 31.1 pall.•" cutters Sleeve. are still marls. long; '. hie ahs,•. and aern.w toward the wrid.. The la.' - sleeve 1, tui hewn the I (ai.rl' • 14112-4. purr, s.Ub town.. eta., real• eIanbv. awl navy eats, slave. are .410• to 110,4 , ta,•t. Ileart-,hap,' 4.•.ada*, the tannin heart eel through alts an arrow awl the .A Mime, lir,• 1,100 4e113d love token. In th • e•.rbl. and. If tiny are .rt m • frame ( .halo mi. or era•NV pearl, perhaps tin• lvtla.,4 I4, the way of a lawn tennis .Inss a sets lion. u uta1.• of Mur foulard. the ,hurt gala. :,•1 .11 bk•u..• •,r'stg.• ,.r (uulua in pre, e. 1. ouuteJ w ilk a tied s• a t f. which a .1 hue.. •'10 r.,I '4..1. on it. It 1. .,1g,.1 w111* ■ v..lallt I •nand: epaulet. and falling 111 from 1t h. 111' 1 l l11. 1. t l:tih - I .1.% 11 lit `it ASSORTED STOCK Cr CARPETS IN TOWN. 89 SETS OF LACE CURTAINS From 50 cts to $5.00 a set, direct from the makers 5 PER CENT. DISCOUTN ?1 I ; ASH UX Ilk'' GOOIM • COLBORNE BROS. A ••••••••Mi 111 111 �.. 1' . Sick II adache or Neuralgia A]LP FT / AFz,S t .r. pleat -rod to take anti ;at,. instant rt•li-i in :t fee minute,. Girt* 10.1' ...mph!, :u fair trial. the,. l.tty a hot Tor :roe . .t tli.• Phurma•y, GF O. A. FEAR, dileeelatlta to CEO. $O. 1:1 I 1 S A.'4 1 HAVE THE GOODS. Tlih, rI R i:!lt:.l: r: i-iji: Tt) AXNtit-sc,. New Goods Suitable for the Season. FULL LINES IN ALL DEPARTMENTS aim Who Ile:, ISIII. i think, appr,•ewth• l,u.ines, Heine on bu,ine:., lin••.. 1 1111 not quote price•, or retake of low Prior, '.Mel.,. .tt keeping .ueh good. 1a, will pfiye entire sati,factoa,, anti those fur not glaniourei with a glar.1.-.uu11 sideshow met turf 11 11(111t Luai- GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES .trietIy oar rive.. Will la • Pleased to ;bow 4.,rai•• wart be itnportml*Kl to purrh:..r. - 21164 WHIG EVERY FARMER should yet one of Armstrong's Improved GRAIN & SEED CLEANERS. BECAUSE : 4.4 It allows no foul weds 10 be blown int.. the chaff, which is of great impurtan.e o. every farmer who wishes to keep hi. faro, clean. Lad. 1t sate. and clean. all Timothy sr." from any kind of grain while cleaning tt�- grain. sea. For Market cleaning .t remove. ('a ale ''hes. and shrunken grain, andices mewl*,the farmer the greatest mewl*,wr1Kdt for his grain with no usnecrsaary loss. Mb. It w'Uaanlple grain for show and Bred purpose. ,e11& to hand picking. XL (*leaning „wed Wheat It removes all Cockle. Mustard seed, Wild fors. Wild Istat and other foul and shrunken and broken grain, and gives the farmer pure clean. nerd grain. M1.. It will rk'an'rats. Barley. Lac . thor oughty without ratite of grain. 711.. ('leaning Trace It will *epsrato th.• .and. quartered. halves, pat. and whole Peas front each other, carrying each to dlRFrrnt eon,partrnent. Mk. It is■ perfect ('lover seed Machine. re moving all dust. broken and dead ord. and other .reds. larger or smaller than the ('lover teed. Mk. It Is a firs claws (cram sided Machine, blows no seed. away, 'M4. It Is • good Flax seed Machine, 1111.. It is • newt ,'lam chanter. 1111.. It ens he fitted Into the oldest faahloned Panning Mil! that le laid &aide .. melee. and make It do the wort of • new Mill. lith. it eta be attache.' to a new M1111 with out injuring It. and ran be removed at any time an .•a.II; •. a three combined. It does not interfere with the use of the re- enter ales ea of the Mill. 1Oh, Its dei es are nearly all perforated rine. IMb. It ha. • rapaeuy of sixty bushels of grain per hour. IM\. It la as cheap as the ordinary, Fanning Mill .fetes. 1711.. Every Machine is (il•1NA4T[xn. !teed sorer order., ones. If you .4.111 it this aeSsnn. 4f yen hare not rr•ew • Machlae ask to have one ,.nt for inspec' ler. ..d that you take it on enndl'lon it smithy In ordering by mail send Mende width of o hne of Panning Mill ARMSTRONG BROS., no otic wijl Draper mud Eiat,erJn.:or. In '.tamps - lie END50t.Kuar«tlticlaimpliulgupf itsa, M 4,e. ,11.1! .11:,en4 .out by expn-.*, 4',0,1) l.•t{•o,t .' at. h shpts you .an exllnune. an� if sou do not II aIE It all and even store them we claim for It BO TAILE but if �ectll sant' Isfactory, pay the 1C*press Agent NO the wat. h, such a chance .o men re • reliable. timepiece at each a rWica- lomat) low pries is aeldoln, if ever be fore, oet'red. qTThiisp�s ItEle a .ATC,mads plaHten 0 -kg over compost tion metal. It ha. solid bow. cap and crown, hunting cm...beautifully7 ea. gravel asci ladost- proof The works are Walt ham at y le. richly jewelled. with expansion saltine, is regyulated. and we warrant 1t an accurate time. keeesppesrr it is suitable for either a lady et gentleman. A larantee in swot with earls watch Astaire.' O. W. WYATT a 00., Watchmakers.Watchaker., i erborough. Ont. SEND U8=1• 00'.40(yiouorfaas+ed w•will send you postpaid that elegant ELNIAN DIAIN1O Mlle OKI FILLED IMO These rings • e no• worn by Sadie. and gentlemen In the beet 4oriety, and hire the same appearance a• a ring roil Ing *34,40 We g11a1•nte,• &perfect 01 and sati.fact Address Par_aTs 1 1;111.7., 33, hili IIJ .A�ir.yK i1 obtain.... .'al all butane.. in the I ts. Patent Odle..,.-sele,4 to sit B//A 7'1- PK KS. Our 041 e . .1.i'..00. the'''. •• Patent l4r• ChM, salt• w1•.'ar 30101111•111.401.11. :rim Late then . No.:. r.m.s a from If' A af//\,. 7(,.%. stem. .LIJ,/y/. Il/( 1)114 114"/.% G. W.. as vise is. o la•ralabaht7 free of star , and we mato .y42 ''114RUR fr.Y/•KH' 111 f. 4811 T4I 1 1a • t*/..'.'7' N 'oder ,•rt*.•, n.h. 1'on. mower, ,M• ant t4�..ry /i^•ler 11 "real to oAlo awl• d 11•f d Cfoderioh Ont. 4,..t •. eel a1Qew* rot. eircala. •,rte• Mrf s p. "n; ....rem, ..o art aid ..114.• •. ler• ,••• rl '.aa•"y, 11111101‘ "real, • iwwsasr...r.l-I....s.t.,. .., a - ( 1 .saw a las.. sw..la.4.4 f a.•+► as w. • 4.d.., 'n • •. ••sen a„ 111400. Masa,. L,t 41141•=4.4.444 1'• lir W w•a.s~A.at et 1'w 477 -12 ..w..4 a.. - ea woo ss . ...obiss+... «+.ser.• ., s•., p.. a•w.a. so or. 174 w0 i••• of a�.. s.:dar'il..i. �:,t.,}Y1PVRfrp1'iWW;yl.bWtXb;iM.'yUNld11d1 Mo. Kite Pier, of \ldwanke., 14•1111wier . saileawittkliter lawyer, aid we M• j/Ay r t. a � haw already *lamed te Ike was, aid {w. Mea era ate limi 1t* Ib owe4s� !1a et/ 1 1 .Ili u I �I • • A `a•istew dress for teaorb ka•llaen treat Wing tit- .tludumare of rash- ! ,u w the gnat Ainernau eine. Thr fir., cul here* 1111 gtvea 1, tL suggl'.tMu of Mn. Mari E. $-•tna.ur. the .dib.• ..t the !Urdu.. Wo - unit'. J .unel u( New V.rk .►, .111 h• 101314 front the SI- lu.trattrt the principal (.a lure. ..i the'Ir.e .'Lich aft,.. Sevin .nr «tt;,(e.t. an. the .b•.rtrt". '.4 the skirt, Ib.• nnml..r .4 ;..•t..4, anal the t, .m.4, •r under' cath the .,kirtu. N:x .L11m. that wo turn'. ,kart, a. at present worn hams••" Ilse free m •ce- meat of fpr• i, *.. wbleli atom,. i • 4ceed .11-d od walking, awl re 'via,: *belt regains a, little r.:ri.•H• a a, ir»- -114e. ami eouretii•mIIy she Smart. that kir deem r,lw1e the iute'r(rnlnce t.l a :ritl%ltttiu. T!• .1"art eta ,•bents tie dr... tor be -Mr... J.mns.1.-\fili•-. * 4 .c 2u:uutr l .Jr tar wapb41 t., 4or 1111.14-1'7.•.' .01 tit ebb totter id, -el •h.-.• kyr wntitr.,. 1•.y that -h.• .Lrrwest J••l.• 4,1 -.r• It itt- tesha,nl 1. may ...Ma. into yoga'• us the natural ••sulutl..i* est tion;. 1.4,' , • other.%.,,• .tb.. • .n.ins tor it health and •mt•,rt i..th artj.ti� t *de. and that a. It hriug. •-tit the i.roportioe, of the 1.aly that every well- , bulb viOtakes Ne1111 be "F I;Meet nl is catch a ...Winter. Mr - 3' Fila Wheeler t1'ikt,t, atter es p e ".ting lar opposition to any kind , /1 dtt.ai wbi•h savored of unicorn' 1.,. differing krl.itie...a u, which wo- of are enutke e(- dicta migv'w'.ttel the dells. shown in the_ third il- iu tratkwl. •'i"..•. will nee.- ..aid she. -that the . wait .s a very high the part that la gathered 1n hr •t lanai hem.; .11- r.-ctly anal,'" the armpit. Tia ,kart and assist are '4 two w•ja.riur 411417.7- f0w,4/ t0/griller 0t tbi• 4o014. Th• 11311131 r.4 the wait 14 loll 1..•rr.,• 11 nar,'trietd. ;,yiting the tour.' a rbe.n.,• bs d.•teby,itvdf. irr.•tnti'le e.ai.t4ari•1 the .kart hang, loosely and e* forfatdy. rounding a trill.• •lyra tbo hips 11 son please. for !comm. wb...re -:tact or hathe sante lip.. '4'be ,L•irt i. saint and ..bort. nw.aiti:t'4d%' int far a. 1h.- ankh •. .b'.• top.. 1-fJ.rutlrtb it. 14 ht. *quer 44.44' 14 • north h.' 'nud.r kirt • really are a great pui'len,•. %uta n dr• ."'4.n,l.1 .4,• sdrmr& 4s for t•IIVI:tem1 pao. *Met. It w,.tikl l.• Ii';It: and c.rirrnienr. *MI at the sans• tittle very tast.dul, .\ .'res. like tai. mould bile a gn11t esu} 4 •L•• t, m ale• Lure, wjli. h j. vire r.a.Jti '44844:44 .ill 1.•"•oats• .. ry pops• lar if .*i y tnte,41..'.-i. 1 a111w4i:1. Inhiur.. women -hare- 1.Ira. titin thee. 114344•, sisal th,..alter .lay the Wilier 1..smk a t.d.• .•f The ,.etng hell,+ emp11.07•'*1 i1 3 lar;" e.til.iub- mesi in Ton outo..rs tsar+.• tbrls• are..., The p!rgslrtioe • i4, .aiit.4i the s'.4•• ,t..d 31 rti.• (..r N... o'for No. 1. and IS for :(o.:•• THE LATEST -FASHION. _131,..-areirem Tb l 11. Mllelied 31111- tut: I, the favorite .untn.17 color. Tic a•wv.t thing in it• .e sup•" i. of a de. `.io-at.• bels otrop•, " fit, a.Ilvrr isemo4raal. •1.•t belt. area novel testate. p.inte.l In the .•coir.• mail • bordered with a graduated triage. 1••4,441'1'. JA.1411T Harper'. karat* The fain•.! .1 th. fair now wear i„Ilow . end look wren prettier in it Than the i r un- miter' It nay wifely be tattoo for granted pkat .a chi. land ..1 the free n, (risco. 1*.'1•0174. costly. remains exclusive. The "Mercury" i. a new bonnet inspired by the '.reek goal, and r made o1 blue and gold straw, lath gold wings at the Mile ttto.•king. for the .tune bride are mid. of white silk• the iront. 'enpowel entirely of ems.-•s.Mr* and lair Inealion The w..nutn who ..4..'t. • mayfly. gran. ,.r.M1 wrap or drew melee. no mistake, a. that warm. rv.t/4,1 ., taw h marked for faints "+slit Keno •1 the .karts made for .owning ..well ....Ming. and bursars are p.,.hi' ••ly .et pik. in deep., sal will admit .4 lett few oris,' gg 11+rA'�1, ff 'l ries thawed Use very "bye' 11•M•e, are rampaat They appear w AROUND THE HOUSE. The 4.11we oI Mrth.nl 1s, 1114641•4443141N u: k. .1tw411' alt. it a. 13.1 I Ile phi ..cal ..caps wila•h le th•• harp..: t.. tear. !nit the .v:l- .tanl.1.117a11 341 Ib.. ne11).,r that *a..1h111,; 4101111.1...11.1110.1 0.1.1 t.'....till/1411 att,vc.t r•d-,nu..I think '4 !w.• (hang. at the 7.411m Umc•. \11.1 tele my .u}'g."44.4.• Fluty 4.1..4.• ho.11•111 '!'.. ,•a..• th.•..rorl.unl.•n.d.liM 1nr' . U'. *ht..nu4de ides, 1'anTy atway. in voui i•.•:•' n .tliall 1*..telr..is and pencil an.' art: d ..'..l anytior.-. rut wail! 1„ n..n•ni• la•r p..1... it.oa.11a:•d'. yea think .4 it flu.t.yal..4 tomo: i..1t:' rmg, lyras; :. putt., i,1 '.air 1*uidl-.tct:eef, or n.kill ' ,..•rt.., to r'1n,n.I von of it. 1:4'.•r. ma.- .i....,-, a. rwtel...•-.,.Lasa. 1.34: rtulaout-.. t.,.' :.01 th'. 4.7.4 ••:stab- and ..e• win' Ore III > 11.0.:. 0432 ...,• Or .104i., that alai 1.11. •:m .1s. .':.-all. ion).- y.d.r plan •4 "ant- yai"• t• t••re }incl :n.: for tie. .pal'. u.ys.. L s Ira C,. 4 •t:r...'If to 1...1 4,t:.• Aie little M eik ala. I. i• it hate 'o fen spear, ,*wants... tins! co!. may 1.11 what i• ale 10.114 11111011t11111011t.putt' yr. aur., 1 pg. dun a ccrrythin,; y.41 w1 ..t 1•. - n -":hemi. r --smut". 1 . b, writtencl, init. t . l ,'..:-1t*, ht le. )013. ..1 1403.111.111411.i 111' 103.01! taut lkr' ,**atter. tit,ttt abieh you wadi t•• ..taw y••or bu.Jau 1 lacier. for }-oar ac- v�s•*t au t lrnb•.,.. 1, '\. t.,. 4 inch, tf ilio etc.. ,hint, a11:»_ e, %lieu p.-"..ible. ate SA,weeed at twee. .0 they wit' trot tttali 1.i le east. r..i alt treat h ..k. - - . r.'.ci,.,.t with a i• VII n1,'11 sec. wit) i, 441 •1 ; tie now -i. ..k "4. 1.•m. rift iin.mxin•• the rtu.in'si,l it glia t., :'1•a Ilse** 1..•o4•71 .lire 4,,;L ...tit• lin. 1:1 tis. is..at and thin. ('(4111".real l4i -rhat is ..I. we ate) thti.b,• i *oh.' 1 lint;alt Sas..• the 4,• ,thunk 184 a h. ititic.si f r all the arxtide• o': owerwe.ekwd ...344••,./..•3. 1l a ••I . 100,11, ...Lou ,*leu 1410.1 t.. 11., their 'snit* awn* .i'.ielntltie•lty. 1'. .li.•idf J.....41.v. its,• t.. brats the pr.».' Ilf • 4.4 4..•..tge Herbert, "neer wbs•1 lr. It ;03.1•11.at*, Hirt read half soomach • th,• tl..c•rce tow: ••Yini up. at night t im,; Iij::l t::--•, hast 4th!., 101 ie 1!t* t110011111 N1:at t:. -':i •,alai tit ad•t.•• '/ I. ,•.$1 1.41'. 'arrant,, w'r:t.' &tan '.t1 1 ....re th-' aa•ltu Inc tis •lar: it help. tb«tn t. i r,-,:.•,n1.'r. and Were eau t.• no mistake t i. : .•.71,n... if you hate Maw. still wnte tat '.:ueua end look at it a+ you pr,•{an• :i •41., that ylst Mir: have the thilUlt. y I 1:::..,1. it IS nett. t:i a :.faire 1 elf -I: our, t ear,,. -r t....tether all one'..•uukr.y l.,(&_._ an pn,a:w 401: 113.11101110 ter it w..9 they .tut M n,•.lu:.d afterward+ 40.14 the /•satirist....4 ft '• :ierder. and it .nnidio4r. the umr..•tin4 and :tdtit,•- the butch.'" hill: there are et many tit.•.pcnsive little diebrss wb:r!1 are a 4070.311 10 .71:'t11gr fern jnint•, 4'04.;J„ and .task., late air. "11.4ence of ,vhlrb .stn isnot to forg•n unless reminded by 160 ron4ery !f tart Lata nay ga::u-t4, t, repair and 1.•t nmeh tow. to derota 40 Steen, try abs t.13.1 ..i giving sty' 1:ur to nr paring all v -•..:t work. luatehin,4 materia: • frau your pit,•.'4niaer. tatktiµuy,� tat patch... rutti.g .sur, t.rtttng theles, r:l•, en... then fold the po'•p.aro I work neatly as ay. 1.. betaken ttp at any moment. alien •ls:litiw with a frien.l. whew y.:ur h4.baxid 1 ads 1 . o. r•u. l a4l 'Asyut' 10 GK.u• ryea04 l. reor 0111.1 r•o•1 hare only a few btinute. to -tar. M:.eh .•a„ be a.V..asplui.11 is 1. when It w.•jId le ort .4 the •µa*TM.h t.. d...•tr tbr• tufa• Mid iatt.nili in r'qulyt,• for fixing the w ark. 1...:. carefully over :111 linen %Lisch c,.tn.,- from the h•:nitre.. and pat a.rle ali that minims mending: reus•la- h•r that ON. ..tit,•b 1s, Umobegketed for oar. week often mean.'..) cr:ry tate next. IT.•ra.tination i., not "roily a. we I.arsel to our lana" i',.k, ''''r i-tbiw4of Thus.': it i. .1.•. is .lief ':actor in the .um .4 wo-arin.s. wbn•-h amper.w Stant wvoaa•n lir writer i' tog a natersl fende:icy t. 1h•t failing, kr'•w. (r.o.elp•r1010.0 tial the &e: ter wha•L shrii.1 have leen written Ana 'a. mit, the That aha•ls ea- ne'ttk1•t.d ret the uati rc" tittle, ttrr..r:r 1.t* more than the letter. written anal 11.. "Kite pari'. llrn' 1. ..1'r ad%antrN.. of ti. • note -hook- •it will n•4 let one 4-.rget :lir! ,lesni •e nue int. • doing one. duty -Tho li•main ire. - ....2,.. i.... oots and Shoes, SPRING& SridElt GOODS IN GREAT YARETY All th leading lines of the best manufacturers. I carry a larger stock and will give you better value than you can get anywhere else in the County. Ordered work and repairing given special attention. E. DOWNING. 0008`A/400 EMIR r. 1.,'11. I1n.t11'tar elepla alta dpa WILD MAt 1.11gue:ea Ili the selvati•a Allaytgapb', English Sparta I.init1eut resumes all hard. art o4'1all.nu..,1 Basi . mei Wrtui,Ms from lour.es, Wood *pa%in. . curia., splint., ring hone, •a etiey, aUdlr., 1pr:w1•, ,air.' alto se Alen threat. cough.. etc `111• tt60 by n.1' .d .1481' 1.)111,'. \1-arruit 441 th. u:•st 10o1..l4,ful blrmisl' cure rs.r kuowu. S..Id by Jordan. 9J 1y The A 1st rattan .1111.1.10 returns show t sat Mr11aoo111e has • p opulatioq of 4129,000..4,4 'ydury 380,000 { e saadla■ a ser. The rase of Mn. E. A. Morey, .4 !she( t.•..1.1...1.10,l��.tut lun .1 tar rlte•acy ofKnrllockItk••1 Rate's In Head ache. She antes : "For a'rr 40 scars 1 1_ was a uertyr to headache, hat mag severe 1 attacks about '(11'.' a 14erk. Have now used threw battle. of il, N. Il. «tithes,' d ha • n. attack for 4 or 5 ',canthi. *a 2 • Tit.• population .4 a:largos wit bus the old munitpalrty u 564.875: whirs, the e•teu'1• v ed city.647.341: 0.11.1 withincity «real suburh,l• IF 799235. Y ri "Main men. many mmol., hut all 11111 and all nlnda a4na• as to the nitrite of I:ur 1 dock I'i'i,, small and diger ...stied. In, { WAYS OF WOMEN FAIR. The favorite wife o1 the `ulltoo, aa. on,• a 411.• 1r girl living in the raid mite -4.4 Franc • There is a report that • penny sr...Ay j. al•nnt to 1.• published rind ..bt..l in leaning, 1.y Mr. Statlnanl 'John Strange Winter, the author .4 "14otle.. Halo. MM. I1.l.n t.rigar .ay. .11e ha. kept a record .14 (4m aectnlat. of wife sunder by drunken !timbale', puhlhlwl In the ,ail* paper. .ince Jan I. Irnri', Thr .ltltr.gsh• numt.er is .1.111v1. Mra remelt Sheldon. tie woman an. I. g'm2g to i•.n.•tratr "Inrkest Africa" dI• iat,'ti. (14)41* 7.anzilar that die hada matched that pant in g...l health nal 'pmt. and rosily 10 dare 'au pier expedition into the .n !Kir Mr'. E U E S 14'uthw'artle. full uanr is Emma !hr,dhy Elisa 'l.•nette Southworth and she etpl•im. at hit eel ing that ler car rota wets sit poor that that ".aria giv,. lir; nothing rl•w, s., they bestowed upon her ail dhow valuable names In e.apl•u•t.r1 01 George Eliot'. •1a1Men a'ron.l nuarriage. Leer th a eighteen month. after the death o1 Mr Levee., at .+ said that ein•um,taMw eatue to ler Lnn.le,dg• • few '4..141. after Lewes pained away wbieh tenet up lee entinaide.m for his Nn awry, Maw /w IK..p he 1D..4 D1..lrk. \Tach the hair in .•n1.t'aptta:It will keep the hair front falling out Ad...pnate eterd.• 111 the open ate should he taken in ..der k. help the .kin throw off effete nester Minh s eknles. In farmer.' familier m win- ter o. die to keeping large quantities of pota- to... and other r•g...14.. stowed tinder 4leep- og n..m. th,'uptt,.n. which are o4 a• mit-door character are the hest for the health. e•lgta h. tor. for work. night hours for slap. eight Moon far reit For bihon.m•a. l�awM 441• Mina rel a line ora wall lernaa 1DtS I1Nt • ems of cold wafer and an IAT* sed•, dei" while It &atlrl him Hahn laUM morning.VIM= bib t1M doll Elmira 11Awttre : ;t Eons sari lo, 11 i.!• r anderwe,r are scam parted. Ask Year irplads liberal h. Veal. distressing cough can be cured- 11-e know it '"ranee Kemp:. Balsam within the pipit few i ears has rum, so man) sou .ht awl colds it Shu .lrtuuunity. Itsren.arkable sale has been wart (1tIndy 4)7 its genuine Merit. .1.k sonic friend who ha. toad n what ht thinks of scup's Hallam. There is ad mi ,h.me so pure. none so effective. Large hy.ttle,• 50e. :m,1 111.00 at all 11ntg• gig !Lena A.,•irding to Mrs. OIIphant, Margaret pwrhap. the 11104l .,.mna.n of all II 'Mae tan names arming Scotcbefallen, and air tra..s its precale,..'.'tothe influence of the queen and Xuu:.4 yore. raphes aid Ilan.. Father, and pelt &a w.pt as wives and daughters used a purifying tonic rnelhrioe � spring to prepare the system for the hot swam aced .1485.,' out the 1.4.111. of disease . at1•nrnulate,t in \1'intrr. It. R. R. hal no n ywal lie a Spsing (MIritier and , miss stunt • cent a .leer. '1•here a healing virtue in even' drop. 2 The statue erected t.. the memory of David Livingston in l:Sorge Square. Mas goer, wag on the 1st Inst. liberally bedecked with flower'. It is eighteen years since the groat explorer dial no flames.. In Africa. Itch. t01nge and weratehe. of every kind, on human or animal', ,•ure.I on 30 nunutcs by 1Vonlford'sSanitary Lotion. This never fails. Fold by F..lonlan. 915-1y- ('hirafpr. Tribune To In,lulrcr \o, John Bunyan we. not the compiler of the .bra laws. la.anaa Llalsai.e relieves \eunlgq. wolff'sACMEelacking it makedll,.m 1'«4 u. . , •s,.1 my alsoAres.all soh at, h.•'..i (hair ;polish nude. the rubber, even steep'' the .1.1w creep In It woes 16.- leather. ao•1 w . sad me Cua no44leaa4s It 1s lust u go wt* HAMS( Lai sail .. nwta. Oabaaa, 1� Lsg IIL�. 7r•aSM Ale Tko TORONTO IIOUZE -10 TUE- I•7 a[- N 0' DRY DODDS EMPORIUM/ Latest and Best SPRINC C000S! sew e. view. P. O'DEA, Manager .t mONEy„„."eR"�"•'• tr..wsy, Itr..r w, . or 1. ire. t••.wTew�.w... oat► r.. s.r At.•hiann •.dont• For every mut whop w.M,ose. •»'"".1....•w. ass"»t . wn•1•s rt*...... 1.. s. w.4 1...w e..,.. know. more that' he tell. there arr fifty who. r`w"y'^ w ase r•wr ems... w ...t Tan..' tell more than the know. "s��",.."..1.�,•0,0 000,0,0 •"s t'�s"ra'I"^r" w3.4 •' ^ •'s" Y .....1113;o• sit 4.• 11.0 »Rae a1l.i''so ebo sm. C".00:041.".114.41000:"." uts...(. e..,► "..T ►tote s. 11 mass. 7br. trams rap. pt'E * 11.""10....41"4"."•7111,4.1411111T The single tax near relieve poverty but a a remedy for painfulailnent. it cannot ...in pare with HagyanIs Yellow Oil, the old n• lirhk euro for rheumatism, nenralgia,rnynp. sore throat, lumbago, colds and wfamma tory diseases. 2 Moate., 1'our.er About now one hear, &a msny demands for " short cat - at the bar bet's as at tht tobacco, sat'.. IA rare for t'aas11/aeame lead Illeadarle. Ile Nista Ian.•, while in the 1do,'k; Moon tarns, diio•orer.,l a not that when Tomblin ell with other herbs, makes an easy and certain cure for constipation. it in in the form of dry. roots and lease*, and is known as lane. Family Me.lieinr. 1t will cure a,-k-Imedache and is the hem Spring Medi erne, For the blond, liver and kilarys, and for .Tearing up the completion it doe* wees- der. 11r48ggiat. sell it at 50r. anal el • mage 1 1 tun„ Binghamton Republican " Aly son is • fine horseman.' said Mn. Mahtprnp penally. " he ride. like • eentary." Stuhhnrn ehilelre. readily take ilr. lepra• Norm Syrup. It pleases the child and de stroys the worms. lm Lowell Mail : 1t is 1e.1Honute raster kw a maw to ccusptete a mead of pleasure thaw Il N for Mao to make things square after- wards L The Great Remedy CATARRH. BRUtMANSIA Warranted A SURE CURE SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. IL - J. • •°' Iliiw�"IV atkl ria oocsAtcita art.