HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-5-29, Page 5oom.....ablebtomungne
T iL
E. WALKER, Garititea. MANAUER.
%Polio s or 01.00 AND UPWARDS Reel L••••iIi HATES OF INTEREST
40)111.101tER IN [ACM YEAR.
spoolat Attention given ti tho
and F:tirlore' ?titian Kratoit.
c.1 r'xiniterelts, Pep
R. S. WILLIAMS, Manager.
TO ADVERTISERS. .1. ('• cleiuu. 4.1iiition rap is LADIES
etown Several thousand rolls Wail Paper zit 4g. a ro
• • on„ teispis). .
!„._ _r t bait
Thr l'opy for .•luttogei
te• left isot Idler titan
Is 4111. %Wild ert Ami.• t
.....pt..i up to noon Thor...11y of
OFFER EXCELLENT VALuEs. $ 1 2,000,000.
REST, - 6,000,000.
We would be pleased to have our lady friends
and examine our stock, as we are sure we can please
both in quality and price.
We «�S4Alm elan alteration ouA
to t ro, of.
.tried .to .
1* !VTR Lif AI ED 11. I IS
/lle/II /1115 been ()Pellet/ ill (01/-•
Median TcPlik bralick.
/Mtn m .1 of r tft-Friddt
call i (IT('/O.DA'.17.11.11(wp,
you Vanager Godericl. Branch.
1.4 ts.s• 11%1111111111‘. 111111 41.1. 1111 1 11.41400111
64.11w..of MS. &SO. 4 . seratit:ras".eralib4 Meek. ur ler to mike t..•11100-11,
*INA ha. mole ... ,..; sto, • . ..1: lows. I..: en nay a narxiist da).
MISSES & CHILDREN.ooles very cheap.
‘VI )1111
•!:2 .
itENI I.
- It is being stated about town
that I repair only my own goods
?basis a malictous falsehood. as 1
repair any goods brought to me
for that purpose, no matter where
Mine is the only establishment
west at Toronto where you can
get Mc K goods half -soled by hav-
ing the soles properly stitched
• on. which is tar better than beirg
roughly nailed, as is done else-
where,and I make no extra.charge
for sewing on half -soles.
t*.% 1.1.
SO. NI oak 4 041 to Ile
trait tb,•
Camay ..lerk .1.huosou rontimtee to im-
prove in health. •
n'111ihipt4 left 'here last aerk hie Ws".
Ur. 1.44L county.
Mr areal 110,. 12 IL Calltick stissluNloaer
AAA )11041sy 1114 1114011
Mr. aini Mr4. K% 1.. of Ihiteirs. were us
town for 4 short tying. this wed.. •
Mie. Stevetwon. 01 Clinton. aas statute
Itra 1 4. New ton during t he jeed week.
Plisubt hay 14 4'baton, item tlw
• 24th in 1.'.Ii. sr the guest of Aloe
M I.. ',calm.. Ism mt.:trued 4• A tour
months' trip to .tuiertrcti awl I asuelian
hetiorth, esignied. at the
Watertreerks, "pill? a tr. I lays it. K
this visek.
.fr... M. 1 -.1.etst a fen
olays in lona. t ht. wool sooting !riendsarral
a. s4l141ntenes,
Mt Moo.,. !Wien. sesforti.., *pent a
tele :Loy. with Muss MellOugall. Is ieo us
the High schoel here:
• lawny Itates• of %twin/1w the well -knows
hone. luim•r, was, town 1,*1 Tuesday aad
11e.lneelav and pot: a n umber .4
4 111r1441..
At a sp., ial of the pi14it 1w140111
fUM1 PCP ots Tues.lay principal P14rk
11164I si.poluted ...1 examiner for the
.uutrate_e_emsnanst tiff).
Special attention to my stook o
ladies' kid high shoots and Ox
fords, which are not surpassed
w(mat of Toronto Gal and see for
Now for that quartet !
iH Ili rf l'ENTs
On the purchase of one pair o'f
shoes at my store of $2 25 or
-- -
Cut this out and bring it to me
and you will make 25 oents on
your purchaa,
N B These pointe are ail ori-
ginal with myself, but as they are
hted uthites may try
to imitate them They can t do it
Toe/kreelasis boot rad sho.. man
k. sissesp pg. erase IISSIS.
4,11,1•111:.11.1% 111111. storks
on 1 !Ark • nein s•kvi. tin 1;4
satur.lay. hal the nosfort tine to fall and
hurt and has net .41/14 0 111
• t..
4 *I 4 tnalt. ..f the soals..toott Arley Res-.
• up Home at beteion.will ..aiding the Army
.s.eset lugs here on "Atonisy.itei ..undist nest
and will give AD account of th. *.wk .1011.•
that imstitutieet.
n ., u..Sin-nICI.T.. A -eivion to
espeesally tibiae preparing for the
tea. 1' ug proteasiou. will be aelirered ley
1:e.. ‘1:..M4tt4lo tu his elitireh next Sunday
.ratt14 oiblect. -Your Misserai in
agile has taxi] transferred bons
he male aervas-v between Letalou ‚.tel t
StispellisAAAA-MrAlge 10 the vacancy 4.11 thr
E. A 1 14. eausset I.y the death of W.44.
Nlattlowim. and Impala hos .luties Tirevlay of
hug week.
e, .1. Manstlooit ...el Mt. /Sault. secre-
tary ..f the Sitormon! 11anstf...1nnng FM.
1 onlet.11spent a fee Jay4 is1 town this
week and sum+ eajoyed their viatt. """""
stawling the fa." th' the) het eft1.1 .asp
w title Isere.
t forget the so. ea! I.. en loy. the
MAO •illirray Mussion in t basement
of Knot ellureh tlio. rac.lng ..IIC4, ellen!
re Alin be west M. program hail hero prepote.l. Refreshment.
• *111 14. erne.' «feriae the es Adm..
eta.: clukiniclOrts. Program t.. begot
A tioql• Pitnealtay. Isom wear eft es
•e,te•au inare is to give a Wirt Pen. Apply
14 tit :ink:odds. Miebt• 4 i;ed.'r,-. if I. Ettneei. .1. F. ••.t evi art of
11 ham boos mid that the eoosette neva- the' North Aimee -an henneal 4 .s.• Riire4
pnsiti.e, but if you want a po•ilite that 'flit 44,.. 41. W.us isi error when it Mat
wade. e he snare to tan at Geo. -4te wart'. „j short tom ago that our townatitan Mr.
Beam 414,1 44.4.1, &Howdy., manager .1 their
rat wunsasil Cbriotian temperance I11011
FAIAInela in 1.4ton:h. Mr. 1.ogaii bras
litteta in the Ten prranare 'fall. North street.
carry Ti -day afternoon. Peltier meeting at hem ameanted maneepr vier Stark. resign-.
beesuerse at 3 ....cluck. -
.11se men as Ms talk. la hta alert. r 4 not as
ntlis4 01 4ntiviale e as the man who sleep. 1 'Ntwirrear licreseatc 14. 4 •. Itoliertmat.
A nu ta k. out the nom who wears one of I. .4. lio for so many years has owe...of:Illy sew
• kr-thein.- Summer init. .• Med : sett on t he fit rit t urea:a.' apitrigtera.,: I illittnVIO,
mot te, eirst the ne.ehhora.
t.e,keiek. t.. 1%. iitusel `,.11th.
Tli.• ink ramo to aam • h'sow at a giant cot-
• well known to ',Ur toW1161)4.141, as .1 good
poeatime area I,,i• but it. I:. Sono. wull
take ...pry new. *mow., aanct child in town ort,hane• mid horoughly ia14.• business.
11 the, only . isit his studio and. Ws..0 b., maw 1Ve dire• -t attention Mr. Smith .°
• ansera. The.) ten CVOS/. slitij11 or in crowds.
!,,j,,,-*. 311111/11111.1.1111.1111 elmoa m tint.
A number of The Plumber and
Ilieecras points ow that it has twee shown In .
rates it here idurnbiest rest tat have been .% EKTI...1 r_),, Neri.paiwt
adopted that the death rate hem decreased :
P' ar, .h„ 1, .„„Ar) tertiaing agenewo are not in the hatsit of
morn Mar. Neel' Sannelers the plumber. doe• giving away inueh•hut the Wilson Adv.•rtis
etil4 item tam work. Ile MS awe finished • int; .4ortivv Is se111.11111( A Very pretty
Itst.elme t..b la the re•sidenee of M. I'. t fiew.payer rule. a most useful article to
rou. M•11'.. awl he IOW .tone all the good r awl ath.ertisei. This
ehissad•ost in the town.
:.nls 14,11 in eNirtfirner a few years and
1ae. 'lark was in town this week.
has alreaol‘ Is orked up A good ,,emeetion ie
Mt.' •'‘' Mt."' 'than 'Pent Il, 26th "I eontrolltng advertising for me in..of the larg
est hone, in the I 'linos! Staten end I 'amnia.
dohei 11'. Stewart +pent the 24th in kIll int"..ling isj,,,,,./ift.r., oke,,, .4.... n'. aceide4
•-ardine. regsnling the placing of their announce
1' lytin, jr., 'pent Mondry awl Ineaday ments can lot- sewed hoth time and money
no I.- rieleen, ley idacing their ',women. in their hand..
NIre 4h,. Pretty. .r.. left on 310telay s.
.'istkor.v. In:mos-ere ere 0. 4' .4 V. %In tleril.
for Toronto. Send for partiestlars of the tormel Intel
M. no. 11.114*ee, of %V Ingham. t tasted has nstionsl Fireniers'. Tournament to be he1.1
ientoo here this week. in Sjafortis on .)*ii w 16th and 17th, 1891.
%troves Elton and Maggie Fraser *Sr.' 111 *1.000.00 in sash rue9 for hoe.- reel races,
•••••atorth.... !Woolleyhook and lad.ler
nece. ...miling •ompeti
Hairy Parens, of strattor.1. visited re 4i-1-- .• foot rare.- .e.1 other * port.
otIte,here this weekown • ...:3,. 1 1. , .•
mismer. rave.
foot loll stmt. -her I. elect rir light, and
....\.,tor- o,1:,,,w,N14,4 7:1,i ,,,,,hal".1 ehilis'en. Man* farmer'. load ...mite:tit ions. 010.00 to the
lar.u.st heel of work- and 010 00 to the
%lion kat.- 4 ormack; of nraseels. ow j.I „1 girjesto people This will he the
'1.111114. 111 town this. week. grwiteet spotting .'rent 1, et held its the
Koh Ellis. who 14 attenolingselewl in 1Vest. lk, not forget that the great sham
Foronto, te home this week %Vann*. pi.....hip football match het 111 een the
Mose trace Ireton left on the 26th inst. lietrotts. of lietroit, end the 4100.0.'. of
4.4 Toronto, where *be will spend the Sent Seeforth, twin s place on the reereation
alter. gmunda on the morning of the 17t44. For
part toilers send . to R. /lathy .
W..1 flooding St. George. church elem. furtlwr
: "roaster, visited in T to for a few day. S*41444'1' '41'4f°41h P.I44 84-'944k. Se" th•
*4,.... week. Ont. 10-3t.
:Joe lealic, of Buffalo, arrive., in town Mit.rte i I 414'.l.*' saturolay's (*amide
Imo eeek to look ntt..r the spawn of 1:arette contain! the following announce
.turigeon for the ltuffalo FON (0. nwata : 33rd flume Katotlion of luta:atty.
E. 111...Igkias. of Detroit. arrived in town Coderich To he Majors. 4 .Wain Robert
lent week. and returned on Tasserlay morn I •rnekett. M. S.. from No. 1 Composny. vice
tag. 1 by his wife, who will 11'. lo' Murray, tett re.1 ; I aptait a lohn
wait there lot a time. Arthur Stanley Venal., K. S. I . from No
9 totropany, verso .1. 4.. Willem. promote.l.
lir. M. Nteholona, the %Vent st dentist, .r„ hp .. .. , . . . . :s_ .
maker the „ of the meteral teeth inhalant. imurmsaar .sonn .1. Wil
• specialty. 4/an I from 9 111. SUM, K. S. I.. from Na 3 4 'mummy, * See
for the Imitators extraction of teeth. . Henry Cook, doseeassd. No. 1 t Mummy.
1 wwlerieh To be t 'option. Lieutenant 1 bulky
Thursday of Imit week Jae Mitchell, of
The I todwrwl. Star ; IL McIntosh, of Woo,
field. and .1 McMillan. M. P., left for
1Vashtngtoss. to isterview this authorities
en the Iowa. Tssistion.
Hoboes. 11 I , *w. 14 Creckett. promot-
e,' :11in, A 'amp:any, Sawforth To he
1.11entelaint. 2Iad Lieutermat Alesander
• • N. ire 1 A Willson • inted
Adjutant. No. 9 l'earopany.ltarogantwits
k 'w I t.,'s I • r Rio,, We understand be l'aptaia. lientemant Williamoungi R.
• haft made his holding • '1. S. V"'
'Prim of Ng raeintats Pelley's ' tomato:. Numbno,
INE Park eta Um 01 July.
T. As
, TRams•
saanSie. Me • kW. Way
tileiputed. ad•aswis,
N.•weta at:s km a. s t., Oat& • :1 s •aatie up to unt. 11•Aissiatt, on store
LATEST SHAPES. LOWEST PRICES. shades fusliselied[Onaeol,..n• .n.
The Litdios. Fravot.te L'stablishult•n`, 4.
•%. %Sating at 1...us k
Vat** has relative,' front Tolooto,
044 in;; finish...I his counts- at tit. 1I,.0l 4
Tle. Roy "remp:ara did no! hold !twit
regular ine..ting last ‘lotolla ots
couat Id th.. holiday . .‘ good attendance is •
resparsitei for Ile\ \londay 1744411414., ,
Th.- dent 80.1 .4..liestra N..rtli street
Meth. dist church dit.we to Auburn last
Friday evening JUNI gits,e- .4 • ...neer4 in the
Meth...IA.4 Allred there. They took ad
rastage of the oceassion 4., .old !
to their ropuuitiit.
Tue FItwr t VI ol rtIF 44114.ti%. The
Hume, went to Kuseardine 00 :11.011
.I.Y o pies a game of la.:roase with the
loaves of that plaose. They met a *MIDI '
etoripmed pliyers trout Kincardine.
1•41`.kil"'w. '...forth, owl heat
the 411011e conivallAtion Rt.&
The Gosle41.-11 loop. majored tht•ir visit
(ioaroargialy. being treated' 4*n.lw.mely.1.)
the Kin.sir.lint lacimsiste.
r lett Hi- Coo T. 4 Inc ot our ell
trrpeising im..inee. men has not been de
it -reed by the NfeKinley 14111 from adding •
hoe...flesh to his other lines and is now Ilse)
poseemor .4 a tine mare and sprightly .,s1t, j
whe•li often ka..I hin: totany 44 %eau
Ilanee along the weft 1. 14.1111.1...r.,-. Tir
ing of keeping track ot t colt. soar
townsman determined t.. put it ...tit to IllaS
1111.V. aiel OD queen's Itirthday hitched lip
the mare, haltered the ••olt. and in colitpaily
Wills an ea reierehant of the town proeeeled
to the past ure field over Maitland 1.rielge.
When they .tartestl out the eonwas as
frisky as frisky e..111.1 be.h
,ut going up 1/u1a
hill the ex now..hant. who wa. 4riving.
114.1 1....4 that the mare ea. pulling heavily.
and asked hi. friend the bovineso* man if
he haul a tight line on Ore. -oh. In ahs8 er it
wa• shown that A .losable laiteh had lwen tak
en he rope. an.I that the haltet k lino
and taut. Th.. ski; er then "4...1 NI Aini
looked oVer the huglei top, wrol *as hoir:
tied to see the. colt lying on its sole. in
• h position *1 418.4 ...-elently 1.ee14.1r19gge.1
fully one hundred %ar.1.. ris• buggy toj.
being nil 4114 the hitch oir ihe hal
ter l..I hindered the ....It lea.ler trot., dz..
ening that aomething ha.l .1ropped. The
tome was st,r1/110..1. 41141 iftel MUM'
persuading. the colt was induced to Lake All
upright paisiti.m, not much the worse tor
1111 Mitten/II Inoilt Of iticolilotion. Moral
.11'hen you are keeling a eon to lessture
don't go .n a top hi.wgy• mid t put A
double hitch fastening on the letoiuig rope
int as 14. leiamen the. ',train on your st nen:tight
111..TKIeN MICETI•e. The animal slistrict
rilerting of the troeletieli distrit1 of the
Nletliodist-ZUreit .onrenesi
• Thunslay of lora larek in North-st.
Nletirlictrunan. weenie& The .listriet enstwaers I
eelist ehmelt. Rev. tiniuirrasne.
thirteen eireuita• with fourteen minister% in
the aetive work. Rev. E. 1. rear wigs:
elerte.1 secretary. It...a. JR, Harris
and H. N. 'amaot, raandoutte. The haat.
114.8* f I • ti la - • • & .4
ministerial charm. ter and .liscussion ays
and ratan* to proiii.•te inter.10. .4 the
elotreh. There w•ae only on.. prolationer.
H. N. 1.....son. who presented ‘-cry
sat io.factory o to 1111 100 papers and was
continued trial. There was alai oisi• ;
.11.1ate fot th. ministry. l•er.. MeKinley.1
Seaforth, wh000 evamination pajw•re were!
aI» highly watinfactory. He :tie, prenented
a Very eon lelatory letter from the ien
ers1.1.• under 8 44 *4 101114.0 ;
he loam hero the laot two yeano in the 11e.:
levan Theological Colkg.., Montreal. He
was mianimouelly iwommended to lie re
t-ei 4.1. (10 the ...ening .4
religtous sere to -no w, rc held. when Ker. 44.
Irvine an.I Ites . .1a.. Hetet. t.mv.-
(hi 'Thursday minister.. and laymenmai
for Ilse trammel ion of eerier& busmen.. Re
ports were received front all the eiretitt4
pertaining to membership. iiiimionaty
all conferenre hotels. There o an
of 163 in the memberelop ..f the oh.
triet over law veer, all 9411 1114 tin
ereatlie in nearly all the funds.. with+ Teak+
well for thpromperity of the ehiireh.
North mt. elnirele 4 .nelieri.h, mow' for all
pbrmese. 92.868.39 Victoria .1.. 4..sleriels.
SI .6.9.3. fon • Hai tenratry at.. ilinton. 42,646..
9b : 4 Intern. at . 4 'baton, 2.209.86: **-
forth, $ Holmesvilk, *1.4,1)0.78:
Paytiel.I.MZ 99 : Heiman. *1,816.42: klip-
pen. 141,043.08 : Varna, $9136.10 : I nonfat -
non, $292.92 : 1.1995.78 Neil%
IMAM 81 There was an inenseie of twee
5700 in musimary eontrilrutione No
change.. were 0404. is circuits except re
eromnientlingt Hayfield to he n.o.le a ottesion
.% •t many et -solid von on prohalastmn wisp
1111131 alopted. The follow mg la)
men were eleeted to attend the ensuing
annual .sotiferenee tWeo. A.•11e.son. R. ‚4'..
M.:Kens:Se. John H. Million. 4 Orsletrieh :
14. Easter. IV Tiplmly. Clinton: 11 M.
4:ray. sesforth John I'rek, Vertu.: Jas.
spa:limas,. Hayfield . 1%m. (...4,low11. .1. I'
Storworan. Mensal' : %%n, Syrielinre. Kip
Jam Jenkins, : John 9Ke11lin.
3444, : T *narrow. Ihsamuwen. and %411I.
HOIAlelnrilk 44.. I.'.. Edge was
eketerl on the steteming committee.
Rey. Jew t'ook and Mr. W M 4.ra on
the Sunday erwomittee, Kew .14. Not
.n..1 H roster on the 1.4,worth
lasagne emnoitttese. and Mr It 11 klcKen
Loa the nuassobarydry:holt ay Navas*
nttee The nett
taiwsal meeting
rifle. Al tie ghee411. (allnwuto rennin
Ren. Weski Cams
r -
4.. pairing And .; iaterin,4 heat!, Soar rresonishle raw. II•uu- awii:ligs made awl
put til .o. ert not ... 1111 . less thole eitT Wire*.
in:,..L"P.Issi°.11"44.011‘..404.sql"tiltret. ttiheeSiatti".4".;01.14""protitnotol'hnetitt.i.t8lasi. toartisPreitotar".suil.,
Vs! 1.1111.4,4 lielentanc.
.1 Mae Simeure 11.iittitiag the wisp), of tkolerich 11417 111r 1111,1 rus..114e.11111.1
sirMakafors aid 1/11.111111SSINIIIIIII:
. *hest tally nstron.niclui Illy W1C 111,. ilas,•r Smith. •o the public.** the '.0 :s him
Si. 4'. 1114111..
. _
mul scrawled by Mi. \\ %I. 4.143 . • • fr..-
*tat the cordial loorty t.:ank*
of tilt. district meet tug IA "evaded • Rei.
(*so. Richardson. iie emeeinisi ,.4,..44 1
.4 the .Itstriet, for but 1.111hful and ethrtent,
seri ices during the part t'.'irs,e yeareanol for \
thrunitornitrourtesy 161. • -hata,los•.,e4 \
Ilia intercourse with hie
ifrolishility Ili,. It nay ire.. •
the onstriet. vse beg to /1.1411e I hat OM
prayeis will oe,' ....pasty Ilion tor his future
happiness. Wel issercaae./ uarfulaain the
I 'hut, la of Christ. '• This was un
aniumnaly .-arriell, awl Ker. Mr. Richard -
mai replied. after wbieh a .ery pleasant and
pf.,atahie meet ini„,•ta-as iaongia
a .lose.
Iliallautell Spoiler..
eassouca. Mos U. IVA.
Fall Miro. 84 IIC tot nst
ltAriste Whwit
/quail' .......... . il AI *041 445
Short.. IF cart , te 70 t11 . 70
Bran. newt 0 90 ton 00
Screenings ',cwt...• 0 *You NJ
Chopped Feed vnimit IV 4.2i2 ....; 2(2 1 tv
Oats. si husk •-• .... • ........ 0 40 to 0 4::
hem, v bosh.. 0 SU 10 0 it:.
Bark,. e Muh. 0 SO to 0 so
Hay. vo ton : onto a no
Potatoes. si bush . .. ....... it is to a '.0
Apples. 0 bush .. 0 9LI to I ni
Rutter. 5 • . 0 II to 0 la
Errs. fresh unpacked. V dor. . • • " 10 to 0 II
cheese . 0 ifito012
Wood . 3 OD to 1 tel
Wool . . • ' 0 001.0 00
Holes . •
Sheepak.na • 3 110 to 4 00
I Olt to I Li
Orme..., Hain.
P twt•;;-T•••:.•-ri,-, • • • •ift to 5li,
1.;•. .. ; •%IWO
t •,,,,,••••
01-107. 1001.
w,. 144 )34'I' hate every 'lay u las ial 1:14rxsitt lbaY- nue
Tweisis at e‘sat
NW80 4444 hold
Cash Goods less than some Merchants can buy them.
Will quo"' Price% 4144 1.4.4•4-
Ilatevi linetatteae.
May .41. 101.
Flour . . • • ........ liPio he
Yen ot heat. Mos and •.. ...... • 1 11'. to OS
ttpting Wheat I It5 to I ON
0 .rai005n,
ts.o. :o 45 toil 4..
Pea. . . . 0 70 to e 71)'. .winter.. per bbl • •1 :11 to 3 AO
Potatoes 0 40 tog tit)
Ilay . . ...... . 00 to 7 CIO
l'ordwoOd . ..... . - • ........ 3 to 4 oo
Hee( .. ...... „ 0 00 to 0 00
Pori. .... tio to
Every .lay a bargain day b -r the
next sax weeks lor froni now until
1st .Inly). • Special prie.-I awl great
redu. tions for Cash. Ptints in -
y-pattexiis and colorings great-
ly reduced in price. 111 our 11:ic
prints for 1*.. per yard :
prints for 11c.. and 10e. [tints for
hc. per yd. .PetiT/Ine- of dress
goods in cliceks--wide widths -se-
duced to Ile. per yd. Great value
in table linen.., towels, towclings,
&c. Twee44 and coatings at whole-
sale prices, cut out free of chare.
Remember ours i 4 the/only store
in I lmierich where yon can buy the
genuine Everfast Stainless Work
cotton hose. Women 4 sizo only
20, . per pair Inspection invited.
Jordan** IIocIc. Gtoderich.
May -21.n. 1401.
A RE NO1'. Par
TPI.OnD Itt it pea.
....it. and Itecos
orlt t•s-roa. as thew
I'1414'. They am •
pall% 0 Medi
w1p1,4 in a emetensiod
form Um solsetances
ItiK 11 ettess..es COt I ..., g
toally nee....1 to eti-
h St1. 111011d. t ming
Ply:E. oieraews. awl indwere
mental worry, dieeme.
Woes They have •
Mera17110 ACTIO... 011
Pts/111 and At , t
NV 1RI4s 41, OS Ines)
ILLs1r, ITIATItri HI'111111. In
nyherwata and Hymn
Woo's. and also
the Ittoot, and
nyrran. when broken
down by overwork
EOPL. E mooring 1.0•IT V4410*
he Ritzreu.STsT VII Of
awn 4,04 1,4111,100.
and eorreetan• all
I it ftwerua RITT.111 11014
MB At 1 Who finds his mental fae-
IOU.. Mill or failing. or
hovers flagishm. should tate than.
ram sin sow. ht. tort energise both
imbroleal nwollal
snaltairulaMa. wIleh 7novitsirry
amtall Melamine *ban neglosiad.
.a,,,,,,. these Pill:
bits. and serimmibea WI
iff.11.11.11911E11 IL' ,3 .sia =am
B. rn acCO R M AC,
11112 SOUARE.
1.10144 soars ntroL Salary wad Zs 'sad.
',IL/ &disinterest,. togowere Wet csasseta low sa-siolas
usiCTFIT FRET. Wb oiserbottes lase tob ischrrtue. 1/14444 1111SOW
N KOICIE MAL Illaessowasse. Terestin oat. r'Mu soma is
%% tn. •.--ritnert dlr, of the 4 North i
western Telegraph etto.e. Sesfort t -e
convert • ealdegram from 4 ;an -altar the other
day aldresew.1 t, •• %%alter Fitzgerald.
SollthWiek Sewforth.. The
message dontamed only the two weeds.
••1:00.1 I.ock, and was 4I44fle.4 •• tkaliatlier
RAIL- there is no place in the. y winity
bearing the high i.oiin.lilig ..iguostren,
•• Southwiek i.lterage..- and thinking
there was no person in that town so 1......ky
as to hair a rich relative die and lease a
large legacy. and learning that there is A
toWn sow• where in EngIan.1 called Soaforth.
Mr. Somerville mailed the Inetelirlire t.. that .
place. with the hof.' filet it will have the
- •• good lack to reach It. proper ,wiler.
retith. /elated Agie psietv
Rreakini in
isn't needed with the Ball
corset. It's easy from the
start. Coils of tiny wire
springs in the sides make it
so. Try it, and you'll like it.
If you don't, after a few
weeks' wear, jest return it
mod get your messy_
/OR SALE RY W. /Mina a ant.
3ett0ow441....41111011lisaraggspgapp. 11 s s
14 1111.1111111(1.1.1 4 41, eh, the -ante asisoutit (11
4iontin4; with loss fuel than any
ether furnace yet nin,h•
Mann: t to
Gedarich. Ont.
4 Ilel time furnaces enii is• taken out
replai.441 by do. supeiior
ties% oithom't alterati011. to. tIa• pilaw
an.I radiators th: 0)1,1)1(4411 the iniihlirtg
141 which It h. placed.
111141 t', furiiislWil ntion
for Om ing inipre% ed furnace in
of Any Mee.
send for ..irruhr.s.
Inventor end Pat.,.
$ ..! ,Ir...iraAl 1: P. '.; 11011.......%:=
.0.• s,,V•Pli•O.06.11 l. km.
In-, ,. we.. atm. nameet.'"....g...-1
twei.............•.....•• .4 lhoce.••• Mos 1I•• I moll Owl AMMO
Mst skimp • .• .... op.”6,••.....f AO 0 161.11, cos ••• ••••• 441•4•••••MIL
4to moo., A....ow. 4. -or ow, .4 J.... Ia.., •4,1
re. ••11•41 • 41
1110.4 rk.! n.. 4 - ISI Whew
1 1 4 ,1 1 ,111 1 1 11