HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-5-29, Page 3"'WNW e4.
7117 Aroma
ING 0C,'
burn P.
aria IJ,.4 'gni, Alb* If
t prices.
the gums
nment o1
ct the dis•
ted on the
others, we
-.:ements in
it your pat -
e, Square.
usable erlee•.. I. •
nei 11Mi4 always keel' '
• r.IT bps perchers
efts 1
a 4 'egotist Were Of
E F'.1K3lERS' '0 1:N ER.
Nemerina ••! Eliskt ('14.11.-
144 a4. -..i. of 1•rwl. ('.u1 Na sier'.
,.,„,.west. 411 t•.•4. err.;. 161 (44 ,_1r4440118 .4 Kra• is.
I,y... Paul Magnet. director K t4,
,•tlpurnl +Inters at ilarnt.tadl. ller-
,o,, ,U1 the wlr)aa1 To,, ex(erinlwt.
4.c 14. 4..4•(' £1 8114t 0l seauuring ,spar
spa t.,,Uh•r este potash. platop4..rl.-
. ,l a. t ntli„ifM.
Ty Keo"falls acepted stews as to ole
sr on,,,1n.
aa... undergone a e,wM4ler-
11b oni.p during the past few yeah.
''ht,yl,. m.estnpaty# bas •1401.41.11.1.I m Sb-
Raxtre..l„u,: a nur,t..r of usual important
,i,asao'. Biel thereby be tool clear pnw•i-
I� pse4.(4,„ .oho(4eJ gelato t. the ap-
pastries .4 Manure to ons hold crops . In
fir alatIUtr nod p ■IWII in are ,•. ,metal ave,
▪ .nh.rlt plait 4.441 manor pr4itahle
..twos The hist t.4-'ur.• oval
w ood in the en if... or ask tug
wa4a „gm, •'!r soot co re It %I man
Worn 1tfTttATC "t Mins gilt aMlftl tt* M
Byatt. tap w1N'* 8WH 1.1, Not'
Vag at, aware tat in nitrate ..t stale owl
,u11h.•e d anpin we pontos moans
.0 1.4 a molly sedrollows loess.- in the
awl a eve}- c olddsrable profit may le.
tweed Iter Iba. tit uitnate ..i 4.o.
rears 4.
-„a able Rttrtlgw•r;. Yanure tin
If twat
/ l
i4,p .
••a.ls, 44
tel r-:. -. ; .✓s,k pd Nam stn . - I'. •ta.1.
• 1.1 enc Arafat 1 Pboephori.•
R4.+ cod Nitrogen 1130
urs :1t:rata of Sods
Per Pot-'
.,..r.. ..ei dies entetraa iocresmof ..,cwt.
t ,suis with SK am .If straw. fibs, .4 tar-
, 4 ,, ....est of potatoes, ate. Bot 1 w.wtM i
es. ow.' a,•..i,tala Int' ab uerM.et Ti81t-"-------
crape if they nr•• Manures' •
,:k u r •mn intt� e form of ulirat •4 oda
a a:111.0•N.11-1111w.11: 1 Ib„ Vogl 1•• glance at
to. p►,ve :4dp trb;.•h I now e%tub.l.
•oft ..,• l' 0.. in the tint pin.-. YI*te 1..
k1a ,,t18•erat,,. :toe expwyntent, carried
• • wilt. ;roneser aLeeit and barley - Th.
t4. iep.r .-1 w.•4..• tilled t:i span*;
• u a - ,1 .,w/t.401. •,g httic *itr. igen Tb.•
snaked ser' tammatal :ttth pa.
re. 4.44 a•41,seta-a, sad abs pot. nar.04
ett.4;•b•ty arid, •*uaiehanl Miner*.
• „tr :en lase ai.p:4d w the f.wrii of
twin: ••( rots. 't'., . will °bearer very mar -
.u,. differences in the i, of
e pi.1ldts. a,,.wdlr►t as they w.•4..• manures/
•:thew without ta'r•s,t-enresp..'tively Iu
1•LATv 1 rata To'.,
ctpsritarh with Nttroge•anst manure os
Mime* in nitrogen -that It can b a( ad
wastage to maaare vetebe. palm yarns
clove-, etc., with a retail quwullty i4 MIMI*
of ..iJa etas £11111 uniulu Mahe nn ,r•tr to 1 m4..1
thew 4n or*.
We tai,• laid a tarp: uuentar U( 1.4.1
plants a Ith regard to their we,- 44
sting nil/ogee/. mel we has, 444.,..1 at the
felNowuag Ias1111t4
Wheat. n r, owls, heti try. all plauat..4 the
torr,. kl.wl. loco. n, '.i* -..-44.44 i, husk
waist, luw.arl. 'purrs, and til! girt. of
eaWstg•• are ltrapattle .4 taking nitrogen
Inuit at tit, sinew a44 Ion consume the intro
gee of 14A4...4.4 *i11 ,4 the naaure. spending
the- farmr..apital .4 uttr.gel, We Uteri --
lore .-all :Se,.. plaids • nitr,,;,•u .•.nw'.14r-.
and It is our duty to. 111831481.• them with *1.s
quantity of mlr.y.•m Iw,'..ar/ 1•, (1.44114••
the 1.. (441 ,,..alit.• crop Iw the greatest
1•++11.4• pr..Mt.
11pp,d •ells t., tient *Itro getioaasumnl•i!
Paul, how., 4.r, *herr. stands .1.1.,41. , .'hoe
the eta.. .d '•oltr..gcu-Iw•r.u,i:,;; plant,
('4.414, ret.i.•-, bwu.. (4* 1,! , 1114111. -..••a.
della. *be different kinds .4 olive/ .aper
,wt. linens'. and all ..lin i.•ftuunl4 g4.
parts take nitrogen Ir 40 *Ui.•8(1',.I4.• mi
1 Inter ern oil coteditNee. they rt. 41-4 r•-
qulrr nits..genn.. ma1mr• mud •1•. not
ihnlin.ah the tarn•,...t.r•k 44 ort nytr,. iu
ration. .,, the .up.,.s of uor••.'t 11* t4-
Moil- lint .11 the ,.utr.1ri aua;us al loth
Tory ass:Ma ata. uilrn.eo from the our .111.1
duet., rt It In the I•,.ni 04 owe, stung:.
tuna awl km 4.s tut.„ IL•. rat. and nn th.•
ism .11 1.s1d,•r into the "tall. tl.•y 111.1.4*.•
the ails gw4 .4 the faro.. 41 we there
farts. call thele •• nitr•.4rn-te.r•a.11/g
That we ha,« rraeheil full ...dainty Olt
th.wubje8l. after repeated trials. ,. of 11e•
greaten value The task which err have to
perform regarding tt.e 0uuri.ltn4nrt of deed
i plat!, wtlh ultro(44 la mow clear, *81d COS -
44.4...11 ulauuriu,; 11:111 mart/gen those plaits
which !sump,. , treget*, iallmdy ,4.r•- l*,
plante f its tot u(. kind. i..:at•.•. and
i' all ratter. (tamed otiose. if we .I.w*rr b.
oblai•. the heaviest •-r0p awl lar•„ es4 l.r1Ht
; pirittle .t1I t1w nitrogen 111,1.1 these
pleats require for 1144 pn,hwtl.m .•f a
r wail:::sat crag, Inst doe .u4l,llrel t.. thein
theungb ti;:-..4b1.s naa,,s .d ,.apple. 1813.!
1 we must take . aro t1at th- .u4.ply 1.1 nitro-
( pen it neter deficient. (w a punt suffering
tram want of nitrogenous rio4riwhnetat i.
toot l'apableof Riving a pad '0.1.1
But our leek further ....masts in wpp)
1 bg the Aitr.gtn which the above uwdl1u
wd plants require at *be 1..we.t 14..,1bi.
out. • To lay nitrogen fen. manure
dealers cost. *tall Money . ft r it 1.. a.
already /dated, the most eipetl.it:.4 all
paint holds. Attw.p.hrri. air. 011 4b.-
,toot Tic l4.
• I*pIr'latsatk w illi Nitrogen. sea Yldarte W
llaxrat: 1'..4.1.11 awl
f'blaph.Kir Acid -o.
' 8
al a NV RE : -Potash,
('hmphltil' Acid
and Nitrogen ,1511
Ens Nitration( Kilda
the pots IMritd 0), namely bob which re -
.9 4P nn 4• • - . manure, the wheat
and barley nus very scantily developed, but
d.1 (h►e tartamswt/ with mama.' they are
luxuriant. As tiefad d�manuring with
nitrate .4 IoM, Mr yield M Ywve•asd three-
�Y,•n .a cllarbr, Jr../sfore. that the roil
JeTTU,str 1..�1� 1 could not. aitbo4t
.;•*44.14 1112111111,01, permit of the full
Jea..l gMietit oil IMP wheat will 14.e Carley.
• hr• ...;; r.•t•irv.1 skr..'-n. ttr pI*ntw rwquir-
.N .•1. mild it w4 only after each pot had
r•vy nuuoirel with tai grains of nitrate of
-41141 110, nas,muna yield was obtained.
11 dhow. you a very different p4- .
• ,n- I'ots ..f *be ,sure liar 4 those Hoed
:or, r•'wirig the wheat and barley ware fllded
,.ah the same soil, supplied with the same
:1..11nre, planted with Ira. on the sante day,
col 4*) 4•80r4 '4914: treated in the
vas n, the• pot. with the wheat aid
tars-. !tut bow d*Ruent is the result b
WI, coo' IVitele wheat and barley were
.n would of nitrogen ,in the pots marked 0
In Plate I. and could only grove wenn'',
the pas gave an exceptionally high yield
without addition of nitrogen. and, ea the
lees narked :t tam's m, Inanurfng with ni-
trate of soda Menaced the yield by only a
a4•ry enlall amount.
1'•.t .Hoerr. the ,arae in file Iii Rx -
Isrtments with vetches. which you find .1.-
rlct..1 h"re, were carnal out under ..amts
11*• wee conditions 4 with be peas, and
"1th the name rewtilt. The 8Mel s grew
rixllrilntty without any nitropratnos man
•Ire•. awl Manuring with nitrate of rola t ue&
prsrl4'nily no tenon...win
What is the explanation of thi.1 Prom
"hat .ours 441 *11e (*waw and veteh4 oh
tam Use nitrogen which bad to he supplied
to the whim, arm* barley in the toren of
nitrate of ..p„ in order to obtain the mail
mum 'whit The answer r, from *1444.
1'ta.rir mfr Proteges -it. Hel(risp'l's 4.w
•••n'bes have proved with absolute core
leanly. and w hare rally cotflrrrle1 the
fart, teat the iitn,Ran of atmo.gthsr/1• Kit
ts ma le lee ..f by peas, voteless amt angles
Plant". fa l• a„wmilats) by then. and this b
• fact of the greatest practical im d
On the bods of tole ills tie 4.y we raivide
field ern,. Int., two ebbe:
1 Thou obit+ hve on the nitrogen of the
roil and the nitrogen of m.1nerw alone, a*d
Thine .holt ran runt to, nerrina1 end
.ally lbw nit oven of roil and atabatma, but
atm the nitruom..f atelsrq..w.rie air.
This Is .4 um.,remote Imptl84Pe. Ni-
trogen in the wont esprn.iv* Of all pleat
forts, coling take to thrix s mar\ ma
Ph01 bswie .1 1 awl pounds if. therafo e,
there are plants wheal ars -amble M ox
tractile 4111 entrwosly mitabhe 111J4masew
fM11m - i, Webb supplies ft
got* it woad Of name be quint inertias
t0 maoare srlt planta
NSW ii ' 1* fir moarrt'sIw sole.
�tlllUltr s/ bath M poly r cseeptiomal "Ili lialdriliNdallatillGJOGIS.1"/Z
Naa1as:-PeMsh Next- os:
mid Phosphoric Arid Phosphoric A.1.1 and
ItoSitsa/ra, Nitre :4.0 4i50 grains
Nitrate of dodo per
--and, /Wen. 14 nitrogen 41411.., and we
4.N• only t.. nal. and creme it. with 1111.amara to pay *1.an th44 prover ....t». and
1ltaewitL•• *. we shall Ase. ,1..ow
- not ,vt,
Mock it Is .t advantage to extract as much
n er
's fnathe r a. possible 1 ,181 a.
Obi a• psr.,t111e. for it is n'.* p.s•ibls- to ob-
tain from the air the *bra supply of nitre
r u inch 4. ul'wry . this , a l,ul - happen
he eery tweets*, ewe:. W.. ea In,t dispense
with nitrate ..f soda. ammonium. salt,. and
other into ..n414)manures anutes 1. we desire t.•
„leant the largest ores. and profits pueblo. lint we must, as for es piudtal. supply
cereal:, (..tat,w., turnips, raps,. Mr . with
cheap at usopbet•1• nitr..gt•n. and. .cure
taste plants are incapable of we. -lading
the uitn„rete of the air directly. err must
first .seivert it Into nitrogenous manor.. awl
41 It In the soil. (4 thl. pw.ib4-• 1-4.s
N e plan! „;over. Iacono% vetches, et•- , and
*lar these ;elates for fodder Tie atmns-
pheric nitrogen which the.„ planta have
ltawimilateb is thus ctlattg,.( int.. nitr..-
gew•v. manure. 1t („see intost*ble manure,
and in this form we put 11 into the.41.
If, therefore. 11•41 wis& to retire much nnan-
Ih.ATx tit.g
1 with Nitre etroue !4*uur. m
Maar ax -Potash NA Mena :-P001111111
and Phosphoric Arid. Phosphoric Acid, sod
4..o Nitrogen Nitrogen 111111 grebe
of i.tr►ted Soda per
are, ee1 "ttr4
green san4," we mad de es
by cultivating plants which yield "green th
masons" and pleugning theta into e end
We slupins or werredella 4.r .ler ovinto
~sal groan wal rep After the latter isn
harvested the green man*- planta develop, th
Mho up nitrogen from e air, and ccs
out *hie into plant subgenera. which la
ploughed into the roil In late harvest or la
spring, and than derwmpand s
sw, l torus
fautsist Dir the auccewdfng etop potatoes,1t lie and sewnsewinto the °anal crop be
cot developed eofttr•ientle, .w if these ars
Mher meow for Bowleg after the harvest,
the dot.bleis grubbed up meson p
as pitiable.
bonen s
sad vetches, .r fent! en vetoese.d a,
winter peak
or winr eaten 1•, or rod dove., art sore.
to be likewise pbnpsed in in late ..a
s, s 1• the cage of tad ...lover, is wrist
/eonTre. Rens..
►n4. destrnylag bowers on fruit trots there
hon Anew nestlo,rl than tak lag a el'rp knee
and aerabbi mot the mars In May They ser
«.tlr toned and t xherlag the this -know .4
poise will do the Mishima every temp A
down toss may h 4 looked over any moraine
Before breathed UPI *Me M the wry who,
114 p.ae..t11r4y trio tram w gob
Yon Urop...l N 4.l.-, 114) ler 11..1. to 1'0,-
1W/et /141.1 amu.• 111 1'l.ce ..1 TI.-
slat eve trallalluu in t).:•-tt1ag.-
N list 1.4.•Iun 1 ••t4 4 0II9411.,
Take-arip .,f 1111111111141't.(ntlty dr..';x in
lecture. a trf etWt:4_ Ili mal two (mimosas
ill ALL Iiga a-au.:1 a1
1.,. Ila you 'al.
f:•sarel piaci•, of (ar
ter footed rtal t.. •tad
a ill the Pane its p•
,er titer die moot ••
n .,• 111. 1•.1 ., 1**;: 1la'sre of a 1.1.14,.
.•r, to rho awe•- t:11Y
all •+1•.1. .4..,.•r 4m4 •1.184 1f 411• jetport
with l'',"I tto. i'la•4.• o11 eve! "M/ tlr
table. ao ill the iel.14ruti..a. •evcoal lssdts
.d itrrl,.alls deeming sin• Spread
0..•4. deer back, tis. '.aril. of paper.
his. ng n ,-are t.. nuke *1x umiak"'
teas ora,• awl more ai,'rutl18ted as y a go
ir. to the large book to.. are" the mar owe
At the cls( of the tittle book let the strip
.•1 (aper fall tilt, a plate. .1t the rebee end,
ober.• the large 1. .4. ,Antal... I"' the
8 stir, drop by drop , .41 1110 paper.
fb-..' drop.. will 1,.11 on the h,' heel plats ,
who h *ley meet. tile, In cunAw u14n. 44('4
Inunwutum apienr..1. will Yount over\Nile
bark of the swore' t. •.k. art thus f•,l14,14i p
one*Ul/ther they 04! leech Abe plate. The
.,.hole •4.f these .11.q.• .4 water i i. 118 sol
fallit g by lure.. aced ore:Meg to e. %vee is
1ivelin ►. a iib e4*(i ..ther, 1* meet curios- -
bleak. Repro...
la Pinrr e4. Vliesd t a. - -
. The 1ikehle..1 •.1 a permanently deem
end of tinted plat.- has wrosMit a rarball
tran.l•a-nat 1.10 lit HP' uaanufart re .4 goyim
in which wined plate t 411t the chief part
Hitherto lit. -levo oar, and household dec-
ub woe ten' sample! out of tinned aln•Ote
of the regular seabird l sire*, the articles'
being afterward trimmed to chap.-. There to
n I*rge it,.n , .4 wane la this method' (4' i
nea311fac1.lr.. ruitail4R as high 84 attic'
fourth .r ..en ,n.•-11un4, and tile ausaF
faeturwrs have testing -4 thv:.elves hs '
save in this dire ti.u. A> a 1.•41h, a
groat many goods are now twin,: .14144,41
front ►dark ir.s ,harts, and then trimmed
after *kWh they arr tiniest It hit • this.
dues not rave anything eft the. 40.1. ttm•m-
telwes It 11.14. make • very wh,untial oar fug
b tin.
and this means • temente-ratite (-heap- •
ening of tie. t, tit . d nlanufaetut.
TTe shots bed fur tin- purpose . rt rolled
in this rvuntn. and rime it bealue an a.-
Ma'sNlIfs 14444 -- _
)♦ t n* h I I orello 44/41 M emante a
*awns of *he h I ream's groat prrseisr wag wAL
the trutnl fieun•
"TM. but sermon 1 c* to hood Ift. Slur
jo..u.ptvw'h. ea). all. 4.uug11, '• au 111tht•1
B40'•• 1 ►rµdulag.. Titer* waw u* 4114in.1wt-)
rtvel 1111 the orphuutga• .1441 111 11 was 1 d
a dy lull 110) '*11 Spurge's x, sat .lura by ' r,
the little rot. 4a3141 in a h0lar full .4 "emir' r.
114.4•. 4441 4.. i .
" •sly 4111, 1 Lara a t;leat titan) vie �, Nell.
intim pprIomises all around this room, nndd do ��' esi a�
p's Imo. )"41 al's out going to stay with us
the v..i, I..*a•.Iesus
1 :• :•�,re. //m Lotter thanyou to lin.lot ALL AT -1.-- -Pkini-- k!- llI 011 Oki PURCHASE.
sad H• a gong te. take you to Hln,
tit. Titer, wall be ate suttee mg!here. hid
putt have a good 444,4114
'N... sir : 1 • •.0 l,.J all night.
' Ah. my child, :wyfhung all might amt
lenity all .la)'. Herr. outside arc tart: I4oyd
,v-4.** 1111• M illi health, aid y •al .ought ng
all night. worry all day but deem. 1.•:4.8
you : awl He t4 goon, to tote ).0 to 11111.,
aid then H.- w 111 1e11 )uu all al..,.t It, and
theft you w ill It- glad you waited het es,
psties11% .'
Aa•1 without any foni.alft)' he said,
, Jesus. Master, this 1441: child is .,.tit
jinx : Iti4.. him .4 wartu grasp 4.4 thy Iwr•l.
boolion. and guide him through the dark
waters. lift him up as u mother lift. Anil
comfort, 11:1
Tun.mq t.. the Ina. he said, ' Are you
quite happy here ` \urs„, run err rot ,pet
sotllethinl to phew Liu, MUWt ung that -
will guilty hap! Aly dear, would yoke use
like to h.vr a lard in 4 1111 it calk' We will
hats jt up lei the bedside, awl 111 the 11111Pru•
Mg you shall bear the Lard sing. - tocol by.
You slit he 114 ha4.cu lefore 1 Ilett• you
iIn welt .tu•pleeit),a• this," rya 'lir.
1;o*Bh, " ant Spurge.el'preach the gosiwl."•
Lets reason together. He'. '4 a firm, 40,
Of tie largest tow .punts' •.ver, the world
over : it has grown. .4..p 1141 step. 110•,41411
the years U. greatness -and it sell. poem
medicines . ugh '
'That 'f t'**o*gh''•
Wait a little
This tine pay* t{ene 44papers "peel 114,1148
iexpeositc work. this witertia.ng:. to telt
-tor people that they hat -e faith in what they
Yell, .o nn. -It faith that if they cant benefit
or cure they dont wait y,.nr looney. '(heir
guarantee is not *definite and relative, hat
definite and..l..ohne if the mt-.Iicmeolotan't
hey. your 1410114•) is ".t1 cell.
:sappier every wick man and ever) feeble
w.auu4 tried !lira intsli inew Joni found
thele w,rthies-, trim, would l4. c'
the losr,y.0
n1 tory
The medicine' arx fir. l'ienr'* ••4 .oldest
Medical 1h. -,ver:'," for hl.s.4 amasses, and
+1-..1 tact that tinted plates were more ex -
his ••F'rsuri+,. 1'ra•.cripltion " for sultan.
palv1 three Ives 44"4 pb4a"1".. iii* 14/14x'1. ps•uliar ills. If they letlt toward -tennis,
ty among the nulls t•'llin,t llg111 .hi.ra. ibr • ,.„st *x1.30 a ts.ttlr each ' If tory don't,
The prapritlors "e these Rich. ray that they „f nnthiuy
nearly all the ineresto ..1 rbr1• trade isles
b this Iwo .k.nainl f- 61ar1 •,:.•.t•• to M
wad place .d tinned plat.- -1 A Hi.,,io4. juuro.tlia declare. tial " ulanc
Farolrne,l heal', are 1rrruMlu4in their ,h'-'1' .'
Vent nattet1 la piniellaoa..
Par, m4. 44 IntTlepel,13ltdr to hrJhh. Nit%
cosise.luently dwelling bon1.1.4 bout.' b4. u4ll
vest1L•te.1. Ventlletkea begins with the.
Cellar. If :, house hue *o4. (kr it ,howl{ 11.
railed at least eighteen Was, slaty th.-
srvusd 111,41 shorts piers or a wall tut gnu at
Mart fine -hair et it open, is. that air nay pas.
mti•'r it freely and carry off tis- deml.te-8s
and the gars .141.11 always rows from the
soil. It ,. letter to have a r.-141ar and tins
410141,1 :0 :114,4 t,- ...r three hot above the
of the ground t,:th windows to tet in
to sh air. Tut. (char .-4:•.u1,( is- 444141 and
pl.uarnd ••rerbca.( 11+e4 have n ventiiatiu:;
the. t• .-1.wwet with ill.• ,'bituney
so as to carry off the .lamp and
unwholesome me ground air. win.* has a
peculiar di.su4reeal,le smell. It h. nein
healthful to have the sleeping rooms up-
stairs. ui*4.1w special caret taken to swore
perfn 1 ...runlet it and 4.8.•ry s{e'•latis
1-44411 should Lase at Irtt'4 our aurd"w'mote
to 0) 1i at the top awl toet.•c, 1'alnt1d
wa1L etre• more healthful than tapered or
bare pia-t.•re-i .,nes, as they odea to n'e11mt
that 1s nueleo4.one, *1141 the. are mom
*.wily cleaned from shod. The 0,814-► should
not l.• .holly ,,.vert with eerie!, but with
ter" (••.•.• rugs which can it taken up sad
shaken frequently. There is se. treed to
Hunt n *,4ro, *, floor. het a kitchen Roam
sh•wl.l always be painted. �L
N hat I.owl.en Ea(t Contains.
The deposit Made by a 11 .1.11 fog bas
*leen .0.•184 tet. a astiid analysts, whits
show - *bat 1I/ per ce•ut. La mi*etwd matter,
a: per .,'nt. Is carbon. 1'. per (writ t. bydm
Carbon. This last will ae,•,unt for the
greasy nature of a Unship ip (og about whets
even American complain'. The eulpburinl
acid one found to b4. *hot :o per vent , tb
hydrochloric acid about 11, per teat.,
white there was from t1:: per eent..4 from
T he committee .4 the Royal Hort4ultura
Society. which made this rnpert. chitin that
the fog is ex,eolmgly inj1lri1w4 to bee and
gardens in the coil). they said wishing ablaut
its effect upon human 'wings.
Familiar,. 1'4.11.11.
A good furniture palish for walnut is
m18.10 ,l.. follows: Hall an ounce of alkanet
root and one dram of n.phk{tam are digest •
al in one pint ee t11r(.•utine. for ousters of-
fbee.wax iw thea shaved thin and put in the
turpentine. after it his helm strained Ta-
pe is, then pltr.l 1n hoot water 4. warm the
.'.wltenta until 1114 wax is melted. the mix-
ture needs constant stirreng until the wax
is melted *til until the wholes is mond_ A
iardl quantity M th1s i. put ,Mi a flannel
canth and the furniture is well rubbed. the
"Alt.•. Arse," teed is Ur most important
part .d We work. A .tiff brush is used for
carves) work.
Rriek Fee a 4 hisser,.
It 1s a 1.ad plan to let Seam escape in a
Chimney There is ale Mrs • largo 4fuantity
of steam o.wl•ap,it►4 warn wed ,, use' foe
furl and *ht. is all that the bricks can hold
without water roping down and nuking a
Aleck areal and a tart smell ofy vr.ligne pts
rid, t4. whbeh theft/bilis du. The pyro1i14
blows aril balm/rhea toy t febri'•ks and a e.n4
time M required t1 remove ft if dry fuel Is
used, the meal will disappear en time 1-n
Ina the chtmtvy 18 well cleaned and scraped
down in4.1e en as t.. remove!** thick lean
w14l1I gathers em the Sue lOM/ e►imaey will
always Ali law a ' Ile
era* 11r14 , is ?be HmrtbwMt.
A pwta eel rellr,ad bridge is to be wort
.4 over the Columba" River at V.n.'nuver,
R (' 1t M to be Min feet long. end doubts
&eke& with roadway on top for teslnit
The draw pier will'ivs an opening .4 WO
IoM for vaarb to paw la order to gst a
fnaf,latirwt free the pwenmatie pier* It will ha
nerineary. net aenreint ,>< Ada sandy mil. M
go down eighty Mot blow low water
N Ire Rleetrie I8 Iitl.g.
A new zymes of borne wiring for abnerie
liehxlete easdsr of Stang .he bailllsle with
continuous tithes of heaulat144 nnuari*l.
111.41414 wlki the wires are drawn The
tabs are an& Of layer go.1ad Is • int
bath d hitimie ee ematsriel, std a mid •
he hash rw.S, sod temkb.
1141.141.14•1 /41141 • , u,ioliiii UV
('ah. 41411 sallow girls an.1 prematurely
aged women sh .uW tar ►4.r. %V illinnts' Pink
• they axone as a 14,011 for all those ilk
slot+ aMict Ale-e.tbsln _
the 111•,1.1. restore shat
,vet 114.111111e 001111111114•1100.11 int.. easy chtela. 15-SSold by dealers. cw scut pert on re..•jpt
of Klee 50e per,Loe, or 1141 hole. for 142
by addressing 1►r. William sled. l'o.,Y.r-ak-
atllr, t hit.
Ih,ikd u
trI'w1 eon
Our Lamples of Wall Papers, Borders, Friezes and Ceil-
ing Decorations are now complete, and we think it only a
pleasure to sho' samples and give prices.
Central Telephone Exchange, Court Howse Square.
MES z T s
That he ha. opined Out 41
Grocery Department
in connection with his
- A. 1-2. Dur.A.P. STORE,
Arm. will he kept a full stack of t'HOICF: FAMILY GROCERIES,
larasars' eltoe' use* 1n .
i�♦Ilaa �haarrdlwaterloo!' will as y be complete is all its dpwrlaapaUl.
.As 411:141 10 intettal remedies for skin di. -
eases, Ib. I/.W . Sulphur Soap proves very
.11411611. 1m
A Kansas man *sa3 kicked ,n death by a
broncho. anti the papers reported that he
died of bronchia' trouble..
■l.a4'. AlmtalletAalYea..rKi4..
M.444.. C. C. Ri. 14%81r &
f:L8Tu.Mrx. In pia) irlg Tennis 1 is retich
ed my ankle, raising nee much suffering
awl incnnteniei,e, tut 1.v using 3,11X.
AH1►S 1.INIMF:X•P I was not confined to
the house a singly day. After a few days I -
was able to continue training for the /ports
at the Halifax t'arnival for which i had
entered. F. l'01'14.4",
Yarmouth. Instructor Y..1. A.
wort 444 14 y Awr10411a.Toa.., .44 *w
J... ... 1stew nab.
4.r...1w.o•4 4arr4 1. Wbr
wee. T..• •444 d...M ..rt �
•l..., , wte..e.. 04. 43. two M-
�1wrr� o..il• wa*4h4 as. set 44
.N.a•.. An w'.4... re•oh.w
sof wow cow Caart 4.4. eve.
.n .A..1 .. mi 1.4•.., ave *1.4 -
ow. {41.4 .et."*w .41.84. lbw. Nit* 4..., 4041w*s 4..p. ..1.4•••••.
se. it.II..1 .1 t'4,, .. nam raenaw,xtalma
Of dltrer's* Wads.
Ib fay. alts sad siphl balls. cheap.
In great carbeel,
Chicapeo Lots of 1,463 hotels, with a total
capacity of 135,000 guest..
Y.sar4'. Llalawat runes 1sedrwf.
A Kansas woman who recently received a
decree ..f divorce went direct from the could
room to the riffles. of the prolate judge and
444 married to another fellow-. She w4
twice •x wife within fifteen minutes.
■imard'd (J's-MOs'st MSM„
hr. M,. Nicholas's, the - West-st. dentist,
makes the preservation of the natural teeth
a /specialty. 4:4 administered 4roni 9 a. m.
for 111e 441141ess extraction of teeth.
RUR1)0(:K RL001) ItITTF.RS tor
BURDOCK 131001) HITTERS for the
Rl'Rlri)CK 141.001) BITTERSS for the
Rl'R1)OCK RL4)01) HiTrKRs for the
blood. 2
*thy buy your ptann, organ or 'owing
machine away from home. or from strangers,
when you can p11rch*4e the Newt in the Isar
art her' in ymlr own town at the lowest
figures and support hone trade('811 on
I ran. W T hoonwoi MO toe convinced.
■.4, Waren Weis..
('odd rough, to cure the
1rsl and eeoond and prevent the third par
N.Ryard's Pectoral Balsam. the never fail
ung family medicine for all .1nea•e4 of the
throat, lungs, and rands A marvel of hail
ing in pulnmwary complaints. 2
Things are burning at the I:r,lero•h n4.
W.1 hkelfley. The organs continue to hold
t1e high pi. they have won in politic fa
row 1:ire m an order for .err r.1f throe, beau
Obit pianoesee six octaves and eupprwt home
Geo. W. Thereon r the Inc
al *gent
insesis r • Mame.
A frequent sauna of accident is found in
shafting. (hot ease should it aced .14141 a
.apply of /lapyard'. Yellow (lit kept on
hand in nese of wounds, hraisw., 41ruang,
bares, or retia It is the promptest psis
reliever obtelmable. 2
Ili nli i�uTlt,•,.ew,.«,e,a,arvi., ..wGw+:,tie.aaw.w,. .,
.11 iii 111 11 Up
And fancy Roads at Mw prices -
And borders. cheaper than the cheap-
est. Loot) robot :g•, • rel. Gold paper
from 91).-. up. which mot lie cleared
0111 10 make room for other stuck to
Hoderich Steam Boiler Works
Establisher! 11011.
Chrystal & Black.
In Stock For Sale :
1 60 -horse -power upright
boiler, all complete.
1 6 -horse -power upright boiler
and engine.
1 6 -horse -power engine,
1 48 -horse -power horizontal
boiler, complete.
1 80 -horse -power slide valve
engine, all complete.
The above bave been thorough-
ly overhauled std warranted in
fleet clave condition. Ready for
immediate delivery and will be
sold cheap.
Moil order will receive prompt attention.
works a *pp. C. T. 11. Mettler.
Repaire promptly attended to.
P.O. BOX 881.
-01414 t4. 1r -
Fal hCr1 :O..i I.•4( grown, at
The see.lanlau. H: muton-st. 02-tf
Buchanan & Son,
Ne A 1t'IACTI.4a'1t4
le/eaters in all kinds of
And builder's material of every description
School Furniture a Specialty.
Remnants to he cleared out, Jerre •1 fits
and showy shape..
I t
The ti► act -i. Taller. !It
HAS ('MANOR.") 11 Valet.
The public are hereby iMilea that the Rout
and feed bw•in em formerly c.rrled a by A, E.
('*1(1. has been prrrhassd by
wee will perry it on In all its lwanehe. .t the
d et.nd, 4amt-d1. near the ormeare.
uses, taw management of former PP401•10.'
-OW100e !be Mann,- radii. nosiness has been the mote wieress
It. It. line of any 111 town, .n4 as the new
n•oprietor has been ldewtilled with 0 for
ever eight Jp*Athere .41 hr so fa111.44 off In
the energy former Iy exhibited in keening 11 in
he (rent rank./
Goode delivered to ail party of the town.
The Isom and lest Nae. of Soar and feel
always on lead *mil &Aei+s seeds in wawa.
TH OR. J. V1t►RAX.
Money to Lend
-Of -
Cheap Rates,
Far'mer's Notes Cashed.
1 take this Opperelealt7 of bantam/ ell 141-
90. then liberal patroayo
1 of the Naas at Floor and if
cre. and atake plese"n 1s ►ecommesd
*sgf-wc�atkpr Yr Thew J. Vielean. who
44(14l�at�S alb a thorium/gat, rNrWw m*a.