HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-5-22, Page 71 THE SIGNAL: GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY MAY 22, 1591. W. ACHESON lig SONJW. ALECK SAUNDERS yaw* pa r bead several bore. of the nen pile fabric I"VELUTINA 1 i Tor asses and Jackets. BARGAIN DAY t FST STREET. " - - May do well enough in a city, but in a town of this size bargains have to be on show all the time: Read what authorities any about Velututa idle, t'ictor•ial: to texture and appearwaar tits fabric a brought to such • state of perfection that it is impu..ib • to distinguish Vete/eon " Volution" aril a good .`tahty of stlk velvet, and e c venture to predict • great revert for this new and Iesutiful material. ..bion > Ladies' Journal • Velutrna au every way aupplle., the drntau.l tor silk scIi.t . to tact, it is so carefully manufactured as to be se•arrely distiuguialt.Ue from that costly fab- ric ; and. furthermore, it has the adna,t•I;r o1 wea-unu better, as it will not crease, spot, or mark, as silk raanet dors. with tarn a „light pre%.urt. \c‘% Black tirtx•aile Silks, for .f olio . anti dross trimmings. Rht.k lir,naditaea most seneotu►ble good., an. fatal clearing. and are ,.optional value. Setsti for sample of Lim s•ial Zine, bought Al a hart:Ain :and !mg :it 11.. at yard, Nrurt.lt 18.• regular. W. ACHESON & SON. a nkla I's ►igtaITt.► fil L3NMitlfgrRfDde riff CA cos el 1W11A, FOR STRENGTH, Pi'RITY AN)/ FLAVOR, THE BEST IN THE MARK ET. Try a sample package. CHAS. A. NAIRN, Grocer. I' I I i 14)}.1W CORNER. j ttaanr of the terns, he uuy die poor. or he A luny die leaving uothutg of arterial pus saestttn.. but leas nig to the world a heritage of character, of high standards. of ••dreams t male goo.)." that shall make it forever richer and more ahuudant. Arum.... 1'u! tivator. It sated. Wanted • Iden. Nit systems At and wise. Not faiths w.th Lurid eyes. Not wealth in mountain piles. Not power with gracious oodles, Nut eves the potent pen : Wanted : Men. Wanted (keds. \ot wrote of snowing note. Not thoughts frown life remote. Nut fond rellrlout alt.. Not sweetly languid prarer., 'to: love of anent and creeds • Wanted . heeds. %len and heeds. Men that ran dare and de. Not longings for the new. Not pratiatt• of the old: Good life and at t.on oalf-- These th • ocxasloo seeds . Mee Gad Deeds- -The Christian Commonwealth. THE HOUSEHOLD 4'oRN ER. Te tinke a Me M/W a Isles rb.ld lite tone of .a home that to set to the key of higher values than those represented by wealth and material things is the tone that ultivates the best life. Money, used solely a5 a wane to an end, taof weal seri ice ; but discomfited ed and held in right as an eod. as the d eal t, te mows utterly ill or•. ah,tni to character than the direst povarayt Thr undue emphasis on wealth and bleary by n, means newt seen io luxurious homes. it is often present as an irritating soil cor r..ave atmosphere in the homes of the strng Slung. middle -clam people, an atmosphere 'hat stifles spiritual life, that dwarfs moble and lofty purposes, that degrades life to a mere hatsd•tohand atregglc with material things. It is out of no such hooses as these that the hest and most useful men and wo men ensue to the world. It is ono 4 no such that the beet endeavors , one for *peered life and program. For children, nothing is so valuably as the Mime where high ideals are kept in sight as :he standard to which life is amenable. And. in the way of indulgence and luxury, •here is often opportunity for a choice he [wren .me .r two things, particularly in or near a large city. For mstrunce, there may le a choice between the expenditure for ex- pensive and tasteful clothing for a child, or ietweetn using the sane money this would est for the mental ormolus of occasional matinees at a good pay or opera, • trip to New York. or the p.rchame of hooks. Oit- a Mealy. both .annot lie afforded. but it is A matter of serious Imre when the dry goods . unction gains the a.cendeacy neer the intelleetuel or artistic pleasure that would 1* a atimalw and a joy for later life, and a •pedal oil in ann.i vulture. Life may be so rich, even without moth 'matey, for children in or near a city. The art galleries, where an mach of the hest edo alien is offered, are free ; the museum of tine .rt. opens its hospitable dryers tree to alio on certain days of the week : walks. where the beauty and dignity of architec- ture roan be printed out Gad impressed on the chill, Of strolls where an etwhanting sunset view etas he seen, aro all to bre had for the aakiag Pahlic libraries .Ind free schools offer their invalwMo aid, and there .s no prisihle rearine why the children of the poor should not grow into intelligent and cultivated men • ai wanes, if only the home seta its standard high instead of low, and holds to its ideals of intellectual and artistic and spiritual tifw, rather than to those of mere material It is an entailing i.w of life that ere have that which we demand. HoMiag km view the higher etandarl..ad pewees forward se to the, we are eaahlel to approach sad venire thea+. Unseen forcer hear is along. 1111 we can sae, with the poet. • Mi hark le wafted is this ta•s+leMs• ot Omniy bests dIv"M; RM nu t(a roses kaad. U/her ttaa NAM The hest ass of Nle is not in • mere ae • eOaielati.a of aaW(a) thine. however (b M.m.y,i„e L. .c., s .1 x ulna may be Mrt owl , area yak* feel see sore e Etrred ytllaw• • in preparing real old•faahirmd hash coli ) corned beef an.l potatoes are accessary, in the proportion of nne•third treat and two• thirds potato. A beet or two anal a good. sized carrot improve it. )'hop very fine, first the meat. then add the vegetable. Put a little butter to a frying pan, a tea- spo.mGd or more, according to the amount of hash, pour in nearly half a cup of lathie • water. a little salt and a very little pepper. Then pat tut he lush. press down nicely till well heated through, then lair it thoroughly and press •lows again. Cover and set on the back of the stove a little - while. riette-t r•I I t'I' ;. [Ale quart of water. one cup of tapioca, a bttk salt : souk over night. In the morning pare and take the cores from six or seven sour apples leaving the fruit w hole, till the centres with sugar, place a in a Irking dish, sprinkle with canuuwtn. and pour the tapi oiw over them. Bake One hour. -T►:4WLi' ..k tH to r11.1'f%... Beat .one egg. add .me cup of New Or- leans molasses and .me cup of sour milk ; dissolve one teaspoon of soda in the nsilk Gad stir in two and a half caps of sifted itis flour, haft s tempem of salt and ane cap ..f chopped raisins. 1f not thick enough add a tnde more flour. grease a deepbasin and pour it in: steam three hours. Eat with sante. %KW TON rCr►•. I)ae cup molasses. one cup of sugar. one con sif w-ater.one half eupof lutter,tourcnps of dour. one egg. mne teaspoonful of sola, one tablespoonful of ginger and a little levee of cinnamon. Drop ,n tins and hake. Hes..4 ITE rt ppi"r., Boil two and oxie half cups of milk :out one half scant teacupful Of grated ehoeolate, add two tablespoonful. of moistened corn stanch and three-fourths sup of sugar. Take from the fire and stir in the beaten yelks of Dime eggs an 1 OW teaspoonful of vanilla. Pleat the whites to a stiff froth, add throe taidespxnfnb of sugar and i over the tiff arid *et 1n the oven to renown. Serve void. Yeast is the result of vinous fermentation. Its exact nature has long been subject of scientific dispute. 1t is taw believed to be • plant springing from germs in the onto.. phare. There are several kinds of yeast need by f which are stalled by fermrmtation without adding old yeast to raise them,although this is not the ordinary method. The familiar "salt ricin' " Brad of Southern cooks is raised by yeast started by fermentation. A teaap.nful of tine salt as stirred into • pint of new milk : one large swum(al of flour is added, and the mixture is kept at blush hent for an hoer, when it is ready to use. it takes several days to pro- duce rodate yeas from hope and potatoes without adding old yeast ; but if the mixture he kept at • steady beat for wine length of time the fermentation arta in,and if arrested at the peeper print, when .the )east has farmed awed risen as much aa it will, the re- sult will he an excellent yeast for family use. If thio mixtnrt' is left too lrag, however. the { goes far enough to sour. •i:ti L+i ONLY WAY TO MAKE SOME PEOPLE UNDER- STAND IS TO HIT THEM WITH A CLUB. SEE THE 1 M (JS 7 1141/E YOUR 7 -RADE —AND TO IIET 1T -- i WILL GIVE YOU THE LOWEST PRICE. O=Z STO v jod e411 ha,r sine Br tss ,,'af c 1f t.- summer Ishii%, you 's 11 want gage You a Cl113ry .,,ik ,..ii7 .• N, all., ,i homemade Stock LIIB TINS F011 $2.54, HEAVY POLISHED MISS CAMERON Wishes to announce to her many customers and the ladies generally that she has completed her spring pur chases, and as a result has the most elegant display of all the newest things in the Millinery line, amongst which are the handsome new shades, Corn Flower Blue, Steel and Pearl Grey, besides an unequalled dis- play of Flowers, Feathers, etc., etc. All are cordially invited to call and see the display of novelties for this season. MISS CAMERON. 1712-.m LOW PRICES. MILK C.i.\S, ['BEAM ('ANS, MILK PANS. .)r 'our cote... sot ti than MILK iAILS. wee en1.1 in town. Erervthin for Call awl see them. the •lairs•. ) I do any kind of sheet metal work and will quote special prices PO T to parties who intend building this season. GOOD WORK, LOW PRICES. • PLAN$ AND MPECIFIC ATN)N$ t ►F' ROMOTES I6ESTION. tir-doc k GOOD 1 G Plumbing, Heating or Shut Metal Work ACTS %%ALL 13E FURNISHED 1,N ON THE A CARD. BOWELS. Ipay particular attention ti' the latest sanitary. inethods -'of Plinubing.i Some iwuple tut in any kind of a ,job bet -awe! it. i'i cheap and pay .tht .doctor double what a g`00,1 jolt Woui)l colt If you cannot tot) it riht,+ leave it alma, Hauler have no Plumbing than poor Plumbing. Best Walkup, Best latefial, aid Lowest. Prices. heat of the fire ; the treat must cook, how. ever, until Its juices are drawn out and re - ducal to a thick. brown substance on the bottom of the pot. As soon as this occurs. the cold water must be added. in this (sae set ort . uarts of cold water and the hones were added to the i.rowned treat ; also one tablespoonful of salt. The *.over was put oa the soup pot, and it was lifted frequently to see if the soup had begun to boil. 1Vheu it .7.4 begin a piece ret cheese cloth was put to a small strainer, which was placed in & both. 1 he soup waa skimmed into this, and all that went through the strainer into the bowl was returned to the soup pot. When the soup was well skimmed the pot was moved hack to a part of the tense where the soup would bubble gently and rmtiauoosly. it wan cooked in this mai tiler for eight hnare.--tbeu the seasonings were aided. and it was cooked an hour longer. It was neat strained through a atone napkin into two earthen locals. ami, . atter being cooled quickly, was put into the cold roam until wanted. Soup will keep much lnoger if the thick cake of fat that forma on the tap is not re- moved. That IR why 1 use two bowls, as only • part of the temp nerd be disturbed at one time. This .tock will require a little more salt, and will then le read' to serve as a clear tamp. It eau have any kind of garnish added to it, and it then takes the name of the thing sailed, aa. for example. macaroni soup. The ioamanings for the stock were pared while the meat was browning. Into & frying ian were put three tablespoonfuls of butter, half a Pint of nrincedl oaten and four tablespoonfuls each ..f minced carrot and celery. These were cooked slowly for half an hour : then the pan was drawn for- ward to a point where the oven was hot, and the vegetables were stirred until they were slightly browned. They were next taken frown the tire and the butter pressed from them and poured into a cup The vegetables were put on a plate, with six whole clover, a piece of cinnamon about two inches long. a tiny bit of mace. a tea- spoonful of two sprigs each of parsley, thyme, summer savory and sweet num-imam. four Ivy leaves, twit leaves of sage. all tied loosely in a bit of netting. These were the seasonings that were added the last hour of the cooking of the coop. tiaalss newp Mork A shin of beef weighing tea pounds was est iota several parts at the twitchers. We washed it in moll water anal then cut o/ Gay particles that did not sewn perfectly sweet. The lower sell of the leg. near the hoop, is apt to la shale tai sted. All the meat was cat from the beam and then mit iron small pisses. Olio tablespo nefsl d hatter wan pat into the snap pre, which wee plaited ns the Paw 'Ts, punk was pet is this pet and *timed Mends lJ until it was Maweed. wYt IMO r tlNrat Irlf an hoar. Th. Mm.*i. C. C. Reminrr. k 1'..., (:einatrlty. - In playing Tetnia 1 wrench- ed my ankle, causing the much aufering and f , hat by using ML— AARIES LINIMENT 1 was not confined to the house a single day. After a few days I was able to continue mining for the at the Halifax Carnival for which had entered. F. ('omen/, Yarmouth. Instructor Y. A. A. C. Ire a lineage light : 1t Is acerierus thing that while very few people reallydied ave an in ilte number any always in love. English Spavin Liniment rrsaaeree all .•a hand, soft or lba.et lumps and Memrhee from fhorses, hlosllls rn, ear, splints, ring home, swasy. sprains, .tire air swollen flavoresighs, . e. Marc 00 by use d nee WNW) Warreelss wet weaae•fsl bhwdtlr born. ens wet h. `bot J'on . ..'MtictY•tw„hnelyit yK 5: Yid I l 1.110 1 I j i i 11 eat II ODDS AND ENDS. i Mee an Author writes. .Int:r. l`.'I,a...»t;7!:Lir: h• ••, .•n ti:ar:tit,, Elmira t.axette • The toper's toast -.wick ; ac'w iu the beat Indnanapa.lis hotel, then all my faults I love the still. with hi:; si.+ter. Thr meyt hr is oil wino• where lecturing. 'Monk of it," he Rays. m 1 never owned a desk in y life., and hint keow what it is to have • lilrary." He was . asked when ht wrote. ••Everywhere," he Answered ; "sometimes tin the kitchen table m my sister's house, then in the parlor, and again on the printer's case just where the !envy seizes me. •1Vhrn the Frost is on the Pnm'kin' was written on the end of a tall, standing desk, in obedience to the editor'. cry for •t+ The trick line had been run nine in my beat) for roux: time, Rod when I told I ought to ha: e a poem in the next was days• paper i just tnok a pteee of paper and wrote oendut the peon on the end of the desk. P. les s'sugh Itou't delay. Take Kemp's Balsam the best cough cure. It will cure coughs and Bolds. It will cure sore throat'or a tickling in the throat. It will cure pains in the chest. It will cure influenza and bronchitis and all diseases pertaining to the lungs. be- cause it is a pure balsam. Hold it t.. the and nd see how clear and thick it is. You see the excellent effect alter taking the first oc dk. Large bottles 50c. and 111. Ram's horn : Never ask the devil to(ia- tler "plan. you are w• llusg_b take Ili- f r a._ handed it itt.and never for an,stnent dream regular boarder. — t ed of its a.I rgw fit wa e.a. " Itch, mange and acratehee of every kited, on human or animals, eure.l in 30 tumoral by W.olfonl's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by F. Jordan. 96-1y New Orleans Picayune When a man has run his race in this world and the end come%breath.he is out of bath. .1 s Readies *'ase. • The tame of Mrs. E. A. Storey. of Shet- land, het-land, (lint.. a remarkable proof of the ettiose) of Burdock Blond Bitters in Heed - ache. She writes : '•For over 40 vo.ra I was a martyr to headache, having severe attacks about once a week. Have mis- used ow used three bottles of B. B. R. and have had no attack for 4 or 5 months." 2 o n Philadelphia Inquirer The Prohihiti lata .'an justly claim the honor ret inaugurst • int/ the t.i rsade against tights. s' l/use. us/tours... S.ve. ieUr *$n. Atehaon Globe : The neater • ran gets to his battk•ftehd the smaller the reason grows why there ahmtkl be a Nair"' at all. 1V. E. 1 ..!dwell. one of f)»Iktt's beet Pale and *allow girls and prematurel} aged women should use Ik. 1Villiams' Pin Pill. : thee come as n boon for all thine ills which afflict the female system. Build up the Ida,..), rrestoreshettcie,l nerves and ,on - vert saaco ..w rnpkxiona into ropy ,•+seeks. `'old by dealers, or stent post pail on rreeipt of prior 50e per tux. or five loxes for *2 by whir -rising Ik. %Villiai ns Med. ('o.. Brockville, Ont. 1.iintederahk excitement has heti.cauar.l at Zara by the arrest of a pipnlar priest naped Bankorack for an alleged math to Emperor William during a sermon -in. After ic the serve .dicers went ti the priest's lemse and took him in (merely. A large crowd gntherel, Gad the officers were mob- bed by the priese ' friends, hut filially aur. ..reeled in plating the prisoner in jail. it r feared that the disorder will he renewed when the priest's examina.rn :1tits. cntx s an ad to inter,rl remedies farskin df.- ewes. lar.1. sw's sulphur *Soap proves very • aivablr. lm BURDOCKeblood.RURDOI K BLOOD BITTERN its the blued blood. B1' 111)0*'K blood. BUR a BLOOD HITTERS for blood. BURDOCK 31001) BITTERS for u lc.• bleed. R81"") INTTF:Rx err "e' the hit is-nel with a slight accident the other nay. He wee riding a young colt over to feckersniith when the animal threw hint. Ile visited with n few slight 101 5)1) BITTEK,4 for the injuries. Iln Tum.ley of lett week the it...mhs.rs of 111.001) BITTE•: Rfor t: •• Mins 'joie Tlnonnps.n'a Monday srhool lass, Idnamels, ,•al!••el at the parr -mage and the presented her with a heioir•me parting gift. .Nitsm emo Thomp.intend% rving 1ol'hiowio shortly, where .wae of her le -mimes rresides.2 the has Leen a willing and tasthfnl worker in the 4drlath school and Y. P. 1'. A. of the Methoadiet , hureh in Rrtasels. Binghamton Leader ••I don't like the cut of it," u the man said when the barber asked aim his *opinion of the razor wtMrd's Latta ens 'wore leaud►wR. in WashingtoStar The anemia,' of tem - permed. people is called to the fact that eve.y dog in the show is a lark keeper.or. "Many men, many minds, " but all ms and all minis e r to the merits of Bur Jerk III., senasenanars 1. lin Bowes Herald : It s to. M hoped that r the aaares.s will not tax our patience. Thal rd e'atkrr of the Mond ie mood by the Iran it er alaina Ripply the ir.m whoa alias by g Million, a Reef. Iron and Wine. 1w illlmanglAMiaowwpmYN OOremM. 11 IJ.a11111111:1 11 CURES DYSPEPSIA. CURES DYSPEPSIA. CURES DYSPEPSIA. Mr. \eit 11eNei, of Lata, 0.it , v rtes: Dun Alas.- Por year year. l sneered tram d t.e its woe It tonna. nn. 0141 t e ,. bong all utsa.t. in ret Wwra t.. n') morose i was persuadedM t . ends to try 11.11.1*. whisk t did. amt atter n.to¢:. tuatllw 1 wow c..ml.lotaly Cures CONSTIPATION Cures CONSTIPATION Cures CONSTIPATION tE6U1ATES THE LIVER. tEOULATES Maul* >.e.ereee,. Dram Aon.. 1 t:avo triad tar H 11.11. Guth gr.e:.tieos.s f,,r•••u-blauon and p,uis In my head. The .team., 'u.e ..lade uta .T.K W) nineln tetter My bowels crow more freely and the Iain to to. heal) las I, ft o,e, and torrerrlwnl, with the *aloe dimmer 1 rorourn.end O. H. H. III/In NVII.1.1A11114 els Home t+t T.ronto Cures BILIOUSNESS. Cures BILIOUSNESS Cures BILIOUSNESS Direct Pres& Roar. I wa.• troubled for tine cis wrtb lrnor Coaupiniat used a gnat dealer t..ediAue which .11,1 ..•e no good. a,4 1 wasettitlit worm a:1 the time until' I tract Hor•t•. k HM..1 Hitter.:. Alter taking four 1 .,ttlrs 1 ant wow wall. }Ms atm issroo mieud it ter the cure of Di -spieler YAar A. r'Dr snow, Ha w k.tone. Ont. Cures HEADACHE. Cures HEADACHE Cures HEADACHE. a Tronapt Case Duan 1;•.,.. term, very tele with boa. a,'tte aryl puna ret hada; my beads and lee. ----aslaOsot au I could sin no work My abater II) trw adrtsed nal. try WIC H. st uh 010, ).st1s KIDNEYS I felt so much better that s i:••t .ne unreel 1 stn now wall, and can work as well t, ever. Anent Bvacrea. TUsowturg, Out. PURIFIES THE BLOOD. Cures BAD BLOOD. Cures BAD BLOOD. Cures BAD BLOOD. lied hioust may ■r,.,e trout wrong arta n 01 the atmoaeb. Uric Kidneys mid }towels H. H. R.. by regulating and titistg thew, organ., remover the cause and makes new dab Wood. resuoving •11 bleed li ease. from • pimple to • .erolulowl. rare. MICHIGAN LANDS FOR ':1LE--- 12,000 Acres Good Farming Lad TITLE rLRrtAT, wa Illehlataa festival. Det►wq .a (hoer and Lase take Itallrwada. At Wires cieetna from $' to 51 per sere. These Lands are close to Enterprising New Towles, Churehen Schmitt, eta, and will he Vold en Mont Favorable Terme £P11,Y TO R. D. NERVE. West Bey Cly. Or to J. W. CURTIS —EXTRA VAL 'E6 IN-- MI TftAs AND SUGARS —icer the Melt wo wreaks si - - ED. CIMPAI NE'S, Our. 11Mtrasi'.*. and *mote. Telephone (.onnection, trey -e neo.