HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-5-22, Page 6ti
\\ k I4 \ 1 t 411 L.t':4.1 - 1 .\ \ I. pl.- 1
From 60 cts to x5.00 a set, direct from the makers
oN Ula"
3!Jdi =
Next (: o Anc�.rn'- Pry (nx.>tl. Sfl re•.
Slime .O tt) i;El t. IW V NAS.
THE st•n®t'ItIitRR *lions s 11) .ty:XUt X4: 4
New Goods Suitable for the Season.
1 tl , not quote priews or wake a spt'ritlty of low- prir'••1
aim at keeping nodi },meals ns will gite utltlr•• wti factie+la, and thaw
mho Are not glamourn.1 with a Ware nnyi hNlealt ,win.4itoi ut doth; bus
no.:,. wi11, 1 think. appreci4t.• lru.in/'s. ddnl• 1111 1111.11).•.3 11111•:,
And .tri.'th 11111• pr6.. '%iii i. iule.*Nr'/l to .how .. . i-. .111'; no w4
I$• impoNutte•.1
erei_ M'C.TINTF0,
should get 04_04
Armstrong's Improved
I•A7'I'. •-
/N 11 allows no foul weeds to be blown into
the °halt which is of great Importance 10
every farmer who wishes to keep hi. faro
Jed. It sawn, and cleans all Timothy seed
from any kind of grain while cleaning 4l..•
a1.4. For Market (Ironing at remoter Col Lk.
Chess and shrunken grain, and given th.
faster the greatest possible weight for hl.
twain with no unnecessary lose.
lab. It will maniple grain for show and seed
purposes equal to hand picking.
I. -Cleaning reed Wheat it rrmocrs ■II
Cockle. Mustard and. Wild 4',... Won
V1sx and other foul and shrunken and
broken wraln, ane gi.e• the farmer pun•
(lean. used Vin.
00. •11 will clean teats. Barky. 1.t . thor
ouwhly without waste of grain.
yaw Cleaning (base It will 0.45rate the
sand. quartered. bal.•r., (art. and whole
Peas from each other. carrying tach to •
dlllbrent ro4lpartment.
sal. It is • eerie t (lover seed Machin(. re -
stowing all duat broken and dead .rods
sad Aber mads, larger or smaller them
the Clover mad.
11111, It Is • firer Aims Oram seed Machine.
Yews no seeds sway,
111/1-- 1t is agood Plat nand Machine.
II .
-It is • first class rhaphe.
BIM. Ito.. be fined Into the oldest fashketsill
Panning Hill th., is laid said. as uss4ew
and make R do the work of a new 14411.
/S1` 4t es. be attached to a new 11111 with-
out Maori/wit. and ran be remove .t any
Moe as easily as • three ,vlmbinmd. It
der not interfere edits the um of the re•
ocular sirens of 4 b Mill.
1411. its sieves are nearly all perlesslsd
1/ab. Ir has • espa'•ity of laity bobs., di
Vin per hour.
NM. It to an cheep as the ordinary' Panning
Mill stere..
11ysb. hirer Machine i• (4, AilANTIVIM.
flood Pour order at mere If you want it this
110..4'. 1f you bate not .ern a Machine sok
10 hare ane sent for lnaper•tlun. and that yon
take It ,ii. eoed4tion it snits.
i. eldering bt mall ...d inside width of
Hae *( Fanning Mill
C3'oderioh, Ont.
aasa..• r'•• h MN, _•s• b Jaw a.
• •-•..,..Tea.'., M e'er a.. r nub• are J• .. •N •••i•i.) wy ear"• -i I:7r+••MMM•II4.r) NY Y,1.... alt mCe ..W see .,.
..r ...bar A .t .�e•v
Draper and listbet•::ae: r
SEND �.in ,tants. panto!. as ■
n• of gavel fnttla 1
1a ne. and e e w4 1 �erui Toe' ly txprv•.s t'.[LiJ
this elegant :.54.15 which you can e1aminr. and
if you do not tied
it all and F. en more
than we r41na for
but if perfectly sat
Wu -tory. pay the
Erapr:ss AgenttSIMI
ameSPEnnd take
t 11.
was h. $ lit•h a
chimer to secure •
reliable timepiece
at such • ridicu-
lously low pitta is
seldom. if over br
torte. gorffered. This
us at nuineWA r
aka DLee �lN
over compo.'
tioe metal. It has
eedid how. cap and
wawa. hunting
ssse,beautitully en-
graved aad is duat-
proof. The weeks
are Waltham style.
richlyj..lded, with Sttpaesias balance. is
ted and we warrant It at seconat* time.
keeper. It is suitable 1.r either a lady or
gentleman. AIs sent with each
much AddQ. WYATT j me.,
WatchmakerWatchmakers.ug . tint.
SEND US M/0e.i..o yi�"f,41.7
sus w111 ssal+ you postpaid this elegant
E.NRAIKI esAisis
'arae by°'are sou
mini arid
i.atlem.e la the best
r.baarre tM
ring aoa.i(ag R"M, We
ga•rsatee . perfect as
and sal44act
$w. W. Wyatt & Co.
Pererhormists. Oat
Oita' nM, awl all business. in the 4'. r4. Pete.
Otalloe Mended us■r *IOI,ERA TA: WICK%.
One Dell,.. Is opposite the 1'.44 fates' it
Ike. and we ear olrain Norio* In :•.e to.
than ,how rewrote from II'A 811/ACJT.,.
apnd .1/OI)R/. On 1)114 N-JAU, We a'
rim sa to palewab4tfty free of eharg' , at.
wetasks. AO (11.1RON fJXI.K*M /1'ROa
P11'. 1' TONT.
We refer. here. •e the Postw..wter, the Step
d Mone)) Older lir - and to oml.vs). N t4
U. )4. fates* antes. Yoe circular. .dei.
Iona and refer/owes to wetted Mans In re
1.wn mare or 4 00.4y. write le,
f a WHIM .1!'...
tlaraal/. Purest Maw Walsh h harm,. it.
New 41,11'.11. heaver Se•retary rotor
greet he tip to Ihawaisl muff Ha gays h
tat two IM RnM in the trvwanry on a pinch
Aleaass ., Idadwi.dl1 Ihr Rale seteresoftweit
miaow II4I _ 1 Jf+t SOfit alt do.,
111F: BOISE AND 11031E.
Maw w... 4, aerd 44,... a. I. Tlrrew Ttr.
_Materiels 4.44 sur T
loon 11.1. h Kr.•elrrr- t N.•ear.eatie
l arpel stretcher.
Light. 4rvtt1 IalwtNa•ks ,r t.•uuts uric,
.am t.• 11.0.1• at b.w.%, with but .light ex-
pense Th. dil\vli.So gi..•u wJi make at
I� nig .: (ma. it
Imwmuck..mall an hulk and light to nrg41::.
although It i. of 44• J,4,Nvu-t„ns mot/trot for
us. by pers.ms of all .14.,- and w.•I4;bt.. The
tont employed in waktty; i- .I 4be .41
cett.aa .nrie•y. tbi: tieing th • lost for baln-
ur.•k. that are- to 4• tarn.' 31. •11t front'
pl..r• to 4114.4•. as it u c.•1.y h, itis, anti
al«. , erry str.eig.• I'w-..rt. '.h a seek
net mast enjoyment a rural and
.arils- averts us:tally .earl-. t h••• r .'wit haat
mark,. with them.
T14• tr'4. f.•ruaking attalisIN.'k 11111•.first
a -.owe is .,1111`., w41e1. aso I.• "Ott.ru.1 at
any fi.bin; I*, -kir store. au,l a ,u. -h Isere
tl.d;ir. Thr w.vly:r rue. 1. pun11....l
iu wry hardware More. or to any place
''-tine Il.henneu's nets, rte...au Is. L..tgbt
18 can. 4,w•'.'er, 4.• nude at 'Nine
Windy father or 4.r.th.v. Take n wrwth
4.i.vr of band ante' .:fight ..r trot inches in
!.ngth. au inch x1154 a half on width and about
thre.•.ptnrte•rs eA au hula u1 tl.N•karns: and
have it l.•.el.sl or pin..1.4f 1•,wan/,rii.long
t1l111.E it: Vlt rr..e.
. a. -Ig'n. that, tui. ' I¢i sill Ica ai.nit rut
r.ahth.4All ut.h .a !lo. t:w.••, ;els 1:14 the
!wavier n.i,:.• . •4 t he .. ,.Ig" t r• ,ii,.,, -
*t . 14x1[ us 184.11 an t111.'.:u,.- .\11 Jlarp
muck. s4iub14•-:io-,.t4,ly t•nu,.k.l ••tr.aud
tleu ,v .. Lace v.aur ...-.Igo .n ni•4i
Th.•nesits4.r tahuttl.Treason-a le w.varntg
tee I,:i111t.N4•k 4. similar t.. that a .1 b. 14_h
t.-::tw•E "11 *Esti aro 1.
r aN nn in utaLinz Iwt., era( nWy k.p urrha.-
e•Isvberever taw %tato..au k.• j...d,m.I. e*-
Id:.• the *,.I.., it may 1.• made at home
Tu Ls • sur.r,h pal.•:•..( haul n,. al about tem
or dram in. Imes 1•a14. a lode 1.•..; than as
i.,'h wile. and :.nlr tki.•': *INw_h t. be sups
pi Irut 14.41.. I.resk. .1t one end cut it oat*.
a. t.. t:xm a ,1..q, HUTvt• ,.r heel to t ateh the
r'.n1„a11.1 shake the tall,' end off t.. • loot(
pain:. this frnadueine • t.rigne• .fir ..liar
1.:.1! tiaa.t an inch and a quarter lelew
the ',odd rut away the wood Mend an ei ;ht h
d v, tack Ineseuw h skk• of the rrntn•.•4..i-
theo. ,4'- ( tut incises down. uo f..n,, a
i.1. •ll, •r 4..441 .Lail wbiah tie. 'r,nl 1-
.111'TTLE }•lt.1-P.a.
to he ...and. T.. wind the shuttle. bold
the .hurtle in ilk• lett hand and wind Ybe
1..l . ev6r
and umk r. twieliug it .ole about
the 4'0'Il : at each turn. The shuttle sharp
1.• held I• • wdy anal in the .me psi -
ti at while u-m,liue. w.•+ not t.. twist *4.,
,-1. which .11.1.111 4.. wound on evenly arta
.• .885)41.411 «t that it will nit ,444. ofr during
the 4,1... • s . N' woe. ing.
\ow p.r.et..i a. follows: Take a Ono of
....nl !t fat or u. long and tie the on.t. 1..
1+4b4!r.tltljting a.Wage to whlch_t.Jroit the
first new et rusher. and bang it on • hook nr
nail Tie the masa rod of the cord ,1.l
the aseitie to the loop nwthansd
w'Ir11Ita 15 THE 114:5 , •,new.
abler, and plana the mesh hoard t t*kensatla
close to the loop, tls•n.'arry the nape down
11141!r the hoard ani up through the loop,
drawing the enn1 tight. plea. the thump
(the ne.lt Leri being held in tllw left hand
0.311. 1.. h.4,4 the vont in pn•itben on the edge
of the in.•.h Lama', and throw the heght tor
slack. .4 the twain lately toward the left
and entry the needle tinder the night %a1.e ..f
the I... nal up on tbe lett sal. tbnnngh the
Nicht nu.I pull at down vlagty This .Arne
o.•ratiene should he nonrated. with the e .
olden. of putting Ib. u...ak Iatw.•en tM
bap ant the bight. so it mud be eani.%L
through the loop and the bight at the mos
tine• in order to make the knot more
..•ure. it canthi le well to throw the bight
again 4n th.• left, and bring the needle tip
thn Kish the loop a •..•.x41 time, theamaking
the knot .lwhk Thin ettggentioo applies to
the first row .d newly. only 1'o atlms thus
n l.tal yowl M.e a mf[lient number .4 ,n.•.dter
for the width of the hammock, thirty bring
the us.al number, then blip the ntssY.n off
the• mash Leri and
• 11.w then. to lung
from tale ..erd ewe the
meddle- than lilac. tie
mirk heard under
Reath, in the IMnt.
manner an at mrd,
and repeat thoorigin
al ..hereat inn. twitting
the needle through
the fir -t near. mitred
M the lap. 0* in the
fire mason, sad
making the kat m
afore Adios. this
nosh.s shag is the
.arae way, troth the
haninewk in the 4t.
Mewl 'anlgth it is
usual to Iraks it shoat
di feet Maw *Ira asonnOpa t1. __
Wretched fora full -sisal (latlrmai. awl the
it put 'w each .ad atrium.. about two feet
owg, nw•htug forts sw•h ,awl ur...hto
WI Ir••,. root about an hNii 1111.
IS hal( in .lauwn'r, t.. »114.1! t'1.
ropes for.wiu4mgii an- utt.s•hsl. Nb 1
111..18111114. are use.1 hang tlw n.. to 1.•
fa.t.•ti.rl •.l. u4•r. the IN.•, earl run the guy.
4oneigh ln4M4 et or the hook. awl rind
tb.•.real slain the guy. 404 ....end mases
Ila•. 1..4 amy I.• Is eight by the Isa11k 1•1-
*-4.rmd 't• .411014. t4.'tl.'
de- 'oast. 1s..4. and t4• cu1110 .are it
•414(1, a,,•..cent int m Iuaku.g a t•wru. art.
.dwl .4.41 work .ante taught t„ y'uny 'two
with .tn'ug kande. ulrecast make .try .lur-
ahk u.t• for this Stan.
Making '(oral -Murk.
%Then • ..o4rietiug • ns•kt1'...hr1't form a
(.fart • c Mat your 4 -.'leery ,. to Wok like
\'.1.184.••1 IN' 4dan '1't.-• 1.riue•ga1 0...l is t..
get ..1.,1 • .1.w 4., tiro( ..rlw 1.righ 4.141455
.4,44'• I••. Susi--the remelt. 1. and ,..r.- lin-
rh•n-.�•. ens! the 1. -Iter Uireel Ila.: the
aI. YNR 1•• 1.1111.111414,1 111 !IMO fl Y'r' •Ii.'n' ).ell'
ru.Lro. I. 1•. 4. The 4.-t 4.t...'• f.'r it u, to
aeon' 13t1r.tl.rr1..1', ..14,11• Ib.•h• I. 1r1.0N11Y-
aide duele N.411.1.4 ns mor.• out of Id.,
that' :u: ••ru4,h.1.i •,1 1...•k• ''1' a *ell kept
.1ftrr the nark• au,
my to :••F31144. 1h1.•11, 4.•t }u*x r..•ke•ry
a 11.t11t it. Piet that .1testual tea (*shhw.
If yet. mitt It t • 1.• A •*I 1, . :ItCy
attruq.t r' ,r-arrau4.• the -:oar. .ill pwetl
1t Ti,' • Ont .15.8411 I.• one
1,1,tnsnl :n•ruugovirnt. attd It.. .1un14.i14
.l.,u t' of Ili .r• n11.13•••• • d h• 1.11 au% o rb.•r ..1.
)..•1 itt circa than the: •'4 4••1.1114 (481,, un
1 -,..lel. sail pinduee the U' tri.t n•wmhtaac•-
8.'7ature'• way dA d••!n} sa':a things
Prewar• mirth, -tarn, (he ....4., d f. w.i•
1de,-3nd tett over awl ntn.vu: the r.•►•.
and »ith n digit w.rk it 184 *sinew 11Nm1
Tb, ft•{r carr.( water will wael, the soil auto
the ere 'NP., Wive!) you hat, all he ..).•n-
ines nu. -1. 4.4 Mien( l.1a•'kl.rry 1...,.l.• »lid
!caro., a:elata•Ltother plant- .1. ...41 u.:42111.
tin•! •'raw ingeinea: i , ...:a:.l *bro.: them
'tat.. 114• -'ail. and wait.
1:,-and-hy the r.•»art ..'I! .o.a..- \54
»til have a r•.•kere that htat't a frim Leel
*boot it. You »111 love'• a narks, that
.I.1.+41: ole •M,l••1N+• t.. 1.•10 ..Neva 4he
• eternal Mins.. '4 1hum, 1.. 'acini( n11
naua"r '•1 foreign 4dt4t- Kr,.01m; .41 n.
tatty. »ill plant.. are u..•.iwl Ile re. Y,.o
want a laugh' 04 cin•• and fro,. just a• .eu
..\' it 484 41!•' ...eel. .1414 leidun•> with t.ar•
narks jutPit.. • 'ut i,. -r., II*.o everywitore•
half reeved. half arousal •.1
leave it 1. tale.' .-ar•' of it44lf Ter
fned.en It has. the 1 '.r1. .111i.fartory it w 1i
be, Rudd •swlln this say, and 10x14 mist i
-ta- aerie f inhoet
able glassine, »4:.-b s11 4..-1 th.- rua-o. an.
an srt•hitrrt ever' time .,.0 look at thein
A 11.11.taw Mmtrl.-s:erefser.
tn Wie3.1,k .int ;:1..l.•, 15 .re'a'l n.tta.
ba.krt. • i.' .'ani of ribl.w.
••tae• aI41on-fewlrth u4IN.
rod.. t..a alk lolly 11.1.1
croeh,'• •ill are 0.4uhed t..
11ak-• to • 181haw shoat' 4.,
the illustr.tti.ln. The ri1.-
bon, lull. awl .ilk iicty Is•
en.J..lrnl.r,kx. }'.,u1.
(ritdl.at four a oN,he-
in length. framed air 24,
oq. sal !attached (nth Lel l
at th.' l.ot!.,m are fae•4.•n'.4
lightly on the *11.1rt. i••
make the net. er.chef :t
a rllaia long ••11^Id4lito
an4nul the globe n 44ttl
brho., the 1st-.zod fart. tusk
gain. Make a chain .4
worn .titch•o ala' fasten
with a •ingl oroehe4 to the
tiftit .titch .4 the .ha.t,
,.retina.• iu li►e mauu.•r t•'
nit Inn t how .t iteiw•...t the
•d,d, titan chain semen mud
Imo •11 in centre of .hu:lt 1"
•.•caro •-1 last now: retake
t... :,axe• row. like thi-
uu'- then ha. It chain for
tw•. now., gr.dteaIlc Iv -sten
the length of ehaitn anal fit
taw net to the 4lol4•, !:Wish i
the top by mak-1u;: 4 w.. /
L...p_o4f.x•t�-litt•M.,at-45 ,Iv
Fog "Etna of x444)- t j�
.ht,h•. :4•,:'m the noel. .. PRETTY ORNA-
basket. 'Tb.•--.nl.are .lrawn together and
fade ne.l with a how in the ....eta. Halls can
be used iredea,l of a how If desired, in which
nude, only Iii« -eighth+ of • yard .4 ril.brw i.
oenk.l Tinsel ono he u..I for taw colds and
n lixe.l though the 41.4 and make into small
loops in p4.ee of the hall. This makes a
very pretty ornament for the chandelier. It
iia much better way 1., put n tiny glom tum-
bler or tin bot into %b.- b+.ket to Mold th.-
burnt 1atelew It here, the la,.ket cleaner.
and then• is no danger thud, of tiro. The
material. for tie w•rk cam ie obtained at
any Iar,;r dry mid Caney goo's store.
flootsand Shoes,
All th leading lines of the best
I carry a larger stock and w�I
give you better value than you can get
anywhere else in the County.
Ordered work and repairing given
special attention.
IIINTgAI4 t'1' HI:114TH.
10405 Iliwthesel Wealth,
I Ile regular with your habil .
2. If possible go to Lod at the .:in hour
e.ety '.141it.
3. Roe in the taming .eon after you are
4. A sponge Lith u( cold of tepid water
should Le• fo11.1we,1 by friction whir !ewe) or
b kat plait. food
v ftegitt %our morning meal with fntit.
7. Ih.n't 4,•,u to work imnodstely after
8- Be moderate to the use of liquids at all Other olomry s.411. 411..11
mai Ira
• soma
4.225 4ae,
9. It is .afro to filter and Feral driakiwa
10. l-4ereise 1n open ail shearer the
wcathcr permit,.
11. In lnalarium.districts do your walking
l in the mi.i.11e ..f the day.
.,.ring ( Hoodoo.
When t4*.. woe 4 begins he
[ . die fortilla• herself with
• goodly store .4 ,'.tables, ea that her fain
i17 arc as well (.1 as usual. and their swat -
new of temper as well a. her own
pnsar11e1• also, that the un.xpecte•4 gnat
may and t coinf• Liable ureal
tins hour of planning may .ave Wirers!
unpleasant hours in the .oat. t., fallow We
find it boot b. .lava cellars, •keets, .»44
human drawer.. sort and rearrange all ibelr
evmtemts: overhaul trunks. wardro4ts, and
boxes: • ew on buttons. and repair the spring
clothing first
Th.•u we take run.. Monday, a. the
outset day for all oar .l.•ar friends to he
at bane Nude.' with their own •Rain, and
clean our parlor. and act all in order
Nast we Haan the upper rn.wns timid finish
with the sitting-is•,rn, from whisk (ie shove
cannot be spare' till tie warn) weather is
establisher'. for the health of our family
mutt alway. he the tired e.'eoi'taration.
We find an empty hays ..r Imen'I conveni-
ent to receive things "utwlam4i41ad," whir+
.Iwwv. torn op and pussle (w» m to their
value or plane. "I"banwl" always advises
that we "hook et the raflio ' for naiads(
treasury. alter *Ma* time.
4 Rwet•ewsa4e Carpet ntr.te4.r.
Take a apiary hock about one and oar -
half rant log gad tack cards, nab as they
, at the factoriem, to the lower tile, Thew
Insert a beadle. It is 4.111 to fare • 'oma
handle, .t tlet the permit stretching the naw -
ag41•a P00 • •• I,• 10RPRTw
pm can sfatel sena dilltihro away. Tbs
wine In the ear ing wfU ".lath Me the
threads of the r•.rp.t in sorb a imp gate hold
it wary n...r44y without W,r1ea\wins W k
he .rwnrw hat wart and taodre.
m the heves.'
which .nnwl*.e. tsar •
sere* The strips out -
M • faint"
1• • w • r1111meb avw.b,i Ir
12. Keep the feet cor`ortabls and (tell
13. Wear woolen elolhing the )ear round.
14. See that your sleeping names and he
ing rooms are well .rutllatea. aria that
sewer gas does not enter them.
15. Kraal) your teeth at least twice a day,
night and miming.
1b. Don't worn' : t interferes with the
healthful act ion of the pions:tat
17. You lutist ha.e Inten•stmg.ae'upatioo
11 vig..h.us, odd age. 4 ..ntinuk to keep the
heal n act 1.'1' Raet UMW rust.
l'uu ve tried Dr. Pien-es Favorite I're
7f .'riptnu have you .not you're disappointed.
The results are not Imn1e1i5tr.
And did you taped the di.ea.e • f (ears
to disappear in a week : Put a 111(1. of
time in every doer. You would not call the
mill pear Iwo -mum the cream doesn't rise in
an hour' Lf there's no water an it the errant
is marc to rise. ' if there's a pasilde cure.
lir. Pierce's Favorite fres. ription Is sure (o
effect 4. if given a fair trial- You get the
cine dollar it costs hack again if it don't
beoefil or cure you. We as ash we evw1.1 goo-
you the maker's' .onhden.e They 441.,4 11
by aii iuso the money hack again. in ata aa.•t,
not lenefi•• •4, and It'd surprise vow t.. know
how foe .;..;i,,- t1e needed to keep up the
lith', nth.. soothing and healing is Dr.
ilag!•s ('.tarrh Kem.dy. lutes the worst
(moms.rrtranently. No experimenting.
its ••141,4 Reliable. Twentydi.e year. of
New t)rleaas PlmmFi•e: 41 a maw wants
liquor he gees where it is for sale. If he
want. justiee he gees where it is not f..r
•ad. W.r.,, Mani.
4'obi cough. , t.. inn• the
first sad second aid pr. tent the third use
Hagyardk I'etnral lfaleam, the nece•rfail-
ing family medicine for all diraaes of the
throat. lungs, sal chest. A morel of heal•
in;; in pulmonary complaints. 2
l..nl ltouehery. the leteltng Srnech
ndeknwn of the time, is shout 45 years old.
Ne is o1.e of the beat orators of l4rlianlemt,
and his "yaeche. always .arty weight sith
tangle' 4. a abaft.
A (request mune of a..ldrott is found ul
shifting. i:rcat . are should he used ami a
supply of Nagy'ard•. Yellow Oil kept on
4,an.1 184 cam. of wound', bruises, sprains.
burns. or uloids. It is the promptest pain
reliever obtainable. 2
I oa,t,,n Transcript : It is the perw.n who
indulges in %harp and pointed remarks that
ha• th. reputatuw o f being a blunt .4waker.
a Pleasant leen S1 -supe/.g MNIMN.
The druggist. Orn it that people (all
daily for the new sure for emistipatloe and
sick hrwdache dieem era' by It.. Silas Ione
it le wad to he ('-revel grape root la great
remedy- in the far Welt for these.v.mplsintr)
eornbined with ample herb, and is made
for use by pouring on hotting water to draw
out the strength. It sells at 50e. and $11 .
packs;(.- and on oalld'saw's Family Medi-
cine. I2-e0w 1
1M MIagI. Tat.
The single tax may relieve poverty het m
p moody for painful 0,4n.rtlt.,t 'anal t corn
parr with Na14,vard'. Vela.w Oil. the old re
liable ,urr few rheumatism, neurs114is,evtn,p,
sore throat. Inmbago, tolls and Inl4amma
tory elite.... 2
Yonkers Statesman it takes • trump a
long, lens time to beak op a cord o4 coosi
het ,t doesn't take ling for a ,•nod ref wc.nwl
4o Iwt•nk up • tramp
iMMe• • d a••..
Fathers and sows as will to wive. and
daughters reed a purifying toot. miwln ..
Sparing to prepare the •y.tem for It.. hot
.wane and drive nut 41.e seeds of diatom.
I in Wilda R K it Ica no
equal a. a Mpriardler anwd ..eta law than
a fa1tt a dose. There is healing . tet w le
every drop 2
f4teddient Address readily take Dr. Law's
Wer. W.ei.,: La7i1..`:c7... ie.:..• w.0 a�. • 1
-strays the twltlM lm
Housewife 1
Co.nt:rq A'ooi,
EV C tar a?n Owgar
EV Th• ety kfo,hisNa
EVERY h� . a. to hold a /lads
•.. "i�.1.i.'..•... rte 1.r,
1..a. •,4.w 0... m1.. .wd
ea... sy..r au...ro Coe i-aradsA
1..a. s,..• n...•e At 1Ae
w... 11y4.. re... oa. = sans.
0 .'. •.... •... • Ceow.
• •
A. L. ANDittooN a to ga••411111111Mer Quads. 1.18 ICiag tat Qw,rm
., Torous.,. Ova
-1. THE -
Latest and Best
cow on view.
MOHEY ,• .a •• 04.1
1 N tsar •I
�M 1. y a, .••sir
.4, W 1. 1•r4
w•a. ,1.. ....,.
w• 1.r, • 1 •aa ._,,. tw•_
u•.1. 5..m,►. t.• .•a An.4.
r•ar.r...-,yr.... Il ,,.w i'aM 4 to •..t I Y.4 a
••any - ^�M h$.p •.•4..411 ••...w... oma •..a•.
••�..r� ,.. 1.n.. 004 .. ere pr...a 1...p...0
.•a 041..'4*.. • Ikr4 .apwf- w•.w 11wW l,y...w-
�qw.w w e...s■, 1. r��...r•• Pas bo. ryry,1.a
W4.nYw ttaa T! ■' R .k (Y.., 05.4415, 0Yf•.
The Great Remedy
R. J. Ir. (GORR,
Lam' i,'„4.ca,','TPe'o'#v
amen IRM. 044%