The Signal, 1891-5-22, Page 5TUN SIGNAL : Gomm, ONT., FRIDAY MAY 22, 1891. CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE TSF BEESLEY S CO BANK OF MnNTRE.41_. CAPITAL tonal. (PALO Wil OPT. L )TA$L4$NSO Iasi. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO 71/00 0NIL.UQN DOLLARS - B. E. WALKER, QLNLHAL MANAGER. ".000.000. $ 00.000. GODERICH BRANCH. GgetRAL Banno 10 Bus lase TRANSACTED. FARMERS' Norte Di counts°. DRAft5 Ia•USD PAYABLE AT AL. POINT) IN CANADA. AND Tint PAINCIPAL vim. IN THS UNITED STATtt, QREAr BRITAIN. FRANCE. BERMUDA. Ac SAVINGS RANI DEPARTMENT. opDSITS Op el 00 AND UPwARDO RECEIVED, ALD CURRENT RAI ES OF 'NUMMI ALLOWED 1nTSRSST ADOSO TO TNS PRINCIPAL AT THS END Or MAY ANO NCVOMaSR IN EACH TSAR. spools) Ansett, given to the Cellectlan o" ^ommeretat • per. ant' cannon' Se)ss Notes. R. S. WILLIAMS, Manager. TO ADVERTISERS. Nett, • 14 changes must lie left at this t I,pirr not later than Moiulny „■,:I. The Copy for t-har4gt•• tltu.t lie lyjt trot later than Tut-, 'lav noon. ('It,w4I adaertistement, ;at•,o•pt.ol up to noon Thurael•ty of :o 1, week. I'III N WORTH To Vol; _ t:► C'EN'T'. .a1JT ROST NOTE TliILSE POINTS : .t FLAT T)EN It is being stated about town that i repair only my own goods This is a malicious brought to me falsehood. as I repair any ET for that purpose, no matter where made Mine is the only establishment west of Toronto where you can get McK goodR half -soled by hav- ing ay.. soles .. stitched on. which is far bett.'r than beirg roughly nailed, se it done else- whera,and 'make noextra.charge for sewing on half -Holes. I W.‘NT Tis ('AI.1. H. E. Hotline!! was iu tor n on, Mork. Mw Huttons loan been %uttering tram a st•rere attack of la grippe. John I<.dwert.om, of 1'ottut,., loos l.rrti in town ,hiring the past we.dt. Mn. Mil 'enough,- St ('atlnanna.., is usom.; her daughter, Mrs. W. J. Steven m.u. The 'lumen. Harms will ko to kinaanline ..10 lir 25th to play the lacraerte•In of t!a<et place. The founUuus on the Square ate IN ai_ 4 trbiahr.4 up preparatory to turning on tie watt'. N. 1Y team'. Irick remittent. -:.t the curlier- of urlierof t'arnl.na royal and Rrot•k atreei i, nearly eons/dried. Th.- th,tari.. Express 4 ... las .gettr.i au Ake in town. but has riot vet been allowed arcowrown4tiem en the 4:, .j`, it. Mr., I. Black. who has Leen bud up with +n attack of pleurisy, U now, we are please.) to learn, reovering from her illness. Ree. t;e,. I;'chards,si, .d \ortli-at. 11eth.4lst chnrrh,aort Cso e...1. A. Anderson, nc t Kion .huh, exchanged pulpits on sun clay evening last. The officers of.tbe I.oysl Legion hays. de «tiled t.. chase the listing■ for the summer month,. The date of °preolog will l.e given In • sultsequent Hots c. P. A. Mak„naso. of the ofIk. of ('anter .n, Hutt k Camera. last week panned the caanitttation' of the law *society for barris- ter and solicitor_ I'.ngratulations ' -- l Ills Nicholarm. Nie 1Cast at. J....t:ar . S.1.1. Perry, • ny tre,ast:r.Th.uias,lua salient tDTOIrn tee attend the funeral of his mother -in -lawn the !ate Mni.Thes. Andrews. lulu. Westerly, of Galt. has taken the place of .1. iY. Forsyth nn 1 /giblets & Hutch- ison'. dour milt 10111C the {atter is away on a short vacation. The latent developtltett in juvenile baee- iall i. the defeat .ustetued by 11.e \"tong Canadians at the halide of the Young Emu - ern. s few evenings ago. Mr. Lynn was ttontine in llungannon this work where he made the purchase of a well finished covered buggy. He has an out tit now that he is proud of. Smith aml Hendricks, the alleged Int ossels burglars, were before .1 u.lrte Toms for elcctiou on Weius.lay, and will be tried n li'.oelnes.lsy. the 27th inst. OFFER EXCELLENT VALUES t. TRIMMED MILLINERY T HI, WEEK. • We would be pleased to have our lady friends call and examine our stock, as we are sure we can please you both in quality and price. We wa.1d ate .alt attention to our large and 'a.-ie,1 stock ..of t riV TRI:1111ED HATS S D It LADIES, MISSES & CHILDREN. LATEST SHAPES. LOWEST PRICES. BEESLEY'S GREAT MILLINERY EMPORIUM, The Ladies' Favorite I latabltshment, BEAVER BLOCK, urs uxl 4.i. it. Mai .leeply regret to hear of Itis ,rnhk•n :aril uneApe.•ted .Lath. He was airy highly esteentel by all who had the pleasure of hu a..puafntante. Hr was b stratghtforwarti lousiness ran awl was urti rer•slly respected. Deepen! Was 88 uncle of Joseph Kalil, of Go olerich. 1'. 4.. .1n.lr. t. ierri'eol to town last week. Mr.'.leaus Bums !tag sneur.t a situation ti, Kuhr,. dairy mill. 1 huh.el Hooke), of Hamilton, has been ar- rested at Dunnville on a charge of bigamy. An adjounw.i meeting of St. tterge's church vestry was held la•t Monday even• mg. 11'm. \\ ilk onion , of N1' 'art arrive) in town tilt* week to take a writhe' as tirtmnaI oto the new' Eng. makes the peters atom of the 'natural teeth special ial attention to my stook of a apt•.alt), Etasrmlministerr.l m. 9 a. 1n. pet f..r thie paluless xtra''Hul of teefroth. ladies kid high shoes and Ox Mr. and alrx..lrohn Fear, of Itrnssrle,were fords. which are not surpassed to time this *sicon k a visit to their son, wren of Toronto. Gall and see for Geo.. A. row.. dnieg4a. They exprese»I yourselfthemselses much picturedwith the town. Now Sur that gnarlier t , „ Mn. S. Perry and Children, of St. TM•nlu*, _•_ ___. __--_ _ _ are In town. loving .yelled here owing to the l a $ 411) FOR 25' CENTS Illnor, whi.-11 has tennuaate•l totally, of the fonner's mother, Mrs. Thor. .kndrews. Oft the ptittwllase Of one pair of Phos, ibrtlor, formerly mmerly of 4.0.1erivh, and shone at my store of $2 25 or of Lurknow. left for Toronto last week upwards after spending a few days hen• It is re JOBNI'3TON CAREY. ported that Mr. lied., -purposes wilily; t.. British I olunlhua. Cut this out and bring it to me The Missa,n Band of Knox ehuteh Intend and yoti will make 25 cents on Isom •s'eal in te• letup• 4'4'8i of the •out purohtis9 church on Friday evening, May 29th. .1 gno.l programme is being prepared and at N.B These points are all ori- pleasant earning promised to all. (vinal with myself, but as they are }. pir..4 Milton Humber, who is practising hi not c..pyrilthted of:hers may try s ;indecision at Kawkawlin. Mtrh.. is eft :o triutr►te them They can't do it death- prospering. The West Kay t icy JOHNSTON CAREY, Daily Post say, Ik. Humber, of Kawkaw- Tne leading boo: and shoe man lin, has purt•haaa.l the residence of the lair fh. ilclntyre, at that place. la 1877 the population of the city of i H I. '1' :11, h (11' THF. TOW , t 'at harm{•. was 13.143. That was the v.ar 4.efore the defeat ..f the M4.-kenur t:oacrn- ntent. Now. in 1891. the population is tour hl to lie 9,174. .\ssurr.11y, the N. 1'. has done little for St. 4-atharinet.or for that natter fon a very large number of the towns awl .ateller cities of the ..untr'. t,nteri.,h is in 'ves York aisles arrlriog we••L*y at ]loss the acme plight. tt'lands. Nest-st A (tarn NR°agKT. The 12104t useful gift The }inwpwnty of a town isnot gauged' by. Tutt can make s to Ore a Wirt Pen. Appy the wealth ..f its inhaletants• but by the to!. Slctatfleeddy.mem. Ooderheb. if nnifonnity with what. they pull together The ant divines has taken place in the when an important undertaking is to he 11°••'• bat .o dtrerar optnlort b rxprea.e'1 a. a.•4onup4l.heol. .1 Man with 4 thousand 44- ;o the working of ileo. tttewart's large earners. 11'eaaaL. plat lays at his ,o muu:ut.1 aatl a love for his town Nim Abt•ares inAtin•ery stere. gasp •-richtuin itis ha •rt Stu do more iqt bgu'&al • dowtoee to he tie chief attraction for he tedire Iran'' fail to give her a call before Improving it than a nulliONSin ate Otter hosing etre where. up his captt:al and snaps his fingers es hone Toe Wonoswi Christian 7rmpen•re t Rion prog,g• meets in the Ten peraaate Hall. North street. ea eel Tuesday afternoon, Prayer meeting at -1 Sl..RTI'.. ('a„1:. .44 the. May meeting business meeliog at S o'clock. of the Hoard of Appeals of the Americas when it .•nme* 4. puactiratio0 *MOO should Totting .1ar%iatin the following ease. in e carelnl 4o • dol, Saul W bean yon wam a_.,•°'"?, w hfrh rote of our sportsmen may be inter, sent of , IMbes you ou bt to he sure Rad call .:poe F. J. Pr(4h•,,,. the people's clothier. ester. was acted ups The .lmeritsn \lay hat given s sandwich weather thus Trotting Association v. t:arbut, Klee tar a thin shoe of summer brtweew two vale, Ont. : Thomas Nixon. iNuevale, Ont.: hunts of WOater, hit fou can at wan depend 'r. S_ .lohna..n.t:oderieh, 4 hit., and the grog. '000 gelt*nJ good photos at R. ft. stalbw.. t:my Toile. Identification and disposition of There always have Mee WWM..0f aril owns n, retained winnings m fret for all axe 2.40 dome ,.cool.• toy Aleck Maunders {Agro{ star..)' if he continues telling at bis ,resent prices. trot. Listowel, 4 hit.. and free for all and lion t worry about him . he isnot going to tau 2,50 Not. London., (Int., 1890. t "owltinuel to Otis Summer. He is .ehine mare gam* than the tweeting of the limn, of Appeals in ever before. like Hamlet there is n tthod Ikrember. 1891. :n his madness. Watch his adv on page:. and Miss shephanl ' lvte•.i How 110,1.1. Tan. IN, rote (:oil:Amit`. -- corral. Ow pent week. The following w! has Incest put t'• stalls 8414 R. McKtwoxie p►ai • Ay in the Merlin papers end signed by the !w' .payor of that town Wanting. Boys, .t .hirrs *gaga le. fnkim mates. .110 float 8 -U pond if. .og vial( to Kintail last week. your* 'nen or any person found stand'ng on 'Jewalk on The roomy council will holl1tt regular the street corner or along the e i ..feeling ort 4.edaeeday, .pude 3. Sunday evening or any other evening or )lia.l'hdiitas McKay left nn Satuniey.per during the day and passing remarks at t ttv of \\ indoor, for Kincardine. passers by or insulting ladies or any ditiren, Harbor Park is now the drawing carol for will be severely dealt with hereafter No pedestrians every day of the work and s- standing around on street corners will pedally Sunday. le allow{. {*rept under 11111011 pro -Herm .lohn and .ingws Merriam amt Wm. Me. and louder unavoidable 2. ) . : and tel It.,nald left on Thurslay,per sir. Sovereign, further this object it mightbe well for Lor Port (bldwell parents to induce their children to attend The t:ewlerieh rreanurl ie wow im hill 'ehureh anti ministers to a.44 ise parent. se - 'l .onlingly. operation. Ian Tuesday the collecting 04 main was .*wnrne•m•ed. Every Justice of the pea{e heretofore apt It. McF'heruri, who Lao hem mn the .chr. printed, hot who has not qualified. must 1., returtael home loaf week. having make the rte eemaary declaration of office and left the tee in bort Hume. •1"atlbh titian before the „feet, of the pasee, `4'Id before the 1.t day of .ingtst nett, or his Hugh Mel;rattan, Britann.a Road. has ateointmmt will lapse. Any je4* of the II.or•dasel the ren1de1We of Wm. Knight. pace hereafter appointed must make the Hoicks -rd. ft is a snug property t.e•4wssry decl.ratiine within three rrwmthe ''apt. Kann, of Hawick, waw in town of his appointment. Any Justice of the natio-day. and saw a nnmher orf old friends. pea,.{ who a heeomee insolvent mesas to he He is an ex warden of the ,minty. a ,inali$od Metier., *ad anyone now acting Fel. 1'o... who haa been visiting his per sa • jest" of the Pewee without neeeasary onus, Mr. amp ala. t:eu. ('os Ilritannia gnalifi-stion, no being reptile.' to the At Road, returned to * hw'agn on Frhay. torney General, will be etrnck riff the rolls All declaration. taken nr other sea dere by Mite hi. l'ornelty• was who hMrs 111 unqualified putties*. by virtue of their o44i town Mee. sante'Dere, heft on Saturday. per Dos. are illegiil. These protisiwr axe the ('icy of Winston, for her home in Kin.ar ,s,ila of resent legitlatior..44 doeis.nn. by .line. the .Attorney 4:e11e1e1 of Ontario. Me. *riot Mrs. Ws. Maynsa, who. he"' ply a runaway at a forest at Stteetarilk. Paan severely attacked with le gripPe, areThrown., a village neaThrown. own Satnrrlay, the We•rn ,aow rl to state. nratrrnwin44 thair 244 roil., John Ki4ll, of I''ethrnkp street, wont health. Toronto. was severely injured. The oar Entries for the races 4m Palley'• Driving rage ..staining rix men npwt, and Mr. 1'•rk erb Nowwley. May 26, are 4lliag 4111. and Kidd received • i.rnpwiml fracture of the • ' owl. OfG.iO are loft •11d hie Maol ass cwt and badly He was taken to the rrs4. stew{. Wow e... M o •ay Stoersrv. The at his brother in-law, F. d'. Brasil, Toronto, a'c44iary wasting MINN Goderich district where he diad tie the following Mowdsy oil the Methodist tlontan's •Miasiewary Mr Kidd wan well and faveNky ktwgww in { day . ',net a .fw pat leg RsnwA In prima. .c'rwichKi I tt. On Thltn.iay, the 14th last., the Jeath .x•cnrred of .ILiet Ander- son, Ander soon, wife of thirteen Ahlgren. of t'olhorne, at the rip* age of eight) •Ewes years. The bereaved husband has the 'sincere sympathy ..f the t.n1114l11111 a'. l;uN411rrI Iii. r'. D's ie., A.\ I i V. Th..s. Flynn. b well.known resident of llawamosh, w•ar taken to Lmdo n _Asylum la -,t Friday for treatment. His mind had Iteoonte un- balanced on the question of religions and politics. Although he wag apparently site on other topics. 1'vm:u. .x11 interestingcvent took place at the residence of Adam Cook on Wisines- lay evrnin • last. when his wane el• daugh- tat, Miss 'tie, was w•e.1.1e1 to Richard t'oultes, bookkeeper for the lioderi,h t Irgan 4'0. Tit r: SI..N 41. extends Its rnn;(ratulat- ions to the happy groan. Hr Is Got a.. T•• Lr. tae. • WC nnderetand .1. H. Richards, tar some years peat the ponnaster and storekeeper at ('arl*w, anti the township clerk of 4'o hewn, has devote.) to locate at 4 ayu4a. The lest wishes of his many fr'etnd• go with him. Hr has resign el his position of clerk and the 4owuehip fa looking for.' 4nital,Ie successor. Otero- ,Esus Inn Monday last Miss Mc- Kay, who hast Amen in pier 'tenth for about a year. panted *way, much regretted by • barge nand*( ..f fnen.ls •ltd aequaintattaes. The decease4 wast he.e.•eul.ldaughter of the late Angus McKay and was highly eateenxol by all wh.. had the 4dram.re of her a.quaiu- tat1.X. The funeral took pla.•e .n \Ye4nes .Ly afternoon and was largely attended. IIe.TH n. 1411..' a nt:. \\'on1 wag re- cei.el here Lam week of the. sari death I.y drowningg of i son of John McKay. of this town, who is engaged in the fishing lousiness at the !lock islands. !t appears that the boy, who was only some seven or eig:it years of age, took a •Lig and went out to meet the huh Mata, when he fell art amt was drowned hefnre any one 'vull reach him to help him out of the water. The re- 11siva were recovered and brought down as far as Kincardine anti there interred. DS 4TH o1. 4111.'{ Ay MEM.. On Wednes- day of this week an old, well-known enol highly resident of4:oderich pissed away) in 3111. Martha S. Andrews, relict of the late Thmiais Andrews.lyece•aed had been a resident of Goderich fee the past thirty- four years, having ..one hither ft.wn King stmt with her husband. Some eleven years ago *hoe het her partner in life and since that time had continued to reside at the old ho mestea.I in company_ with her t int daugh- ters. Broth Mr. and rs. Andrews were of Ilevnmlhire extraction, and paseesel the sterling qualities which make the ale e4 that district of the 11Id iand 4400! antlers in a new country. The following members of her family survive: Mrs. S. (1. Perry, St. Thomas, Mrs. T. R. ferry, (:ewierlcl., Mrs. Emma Andrewa, and two sows. W. H. and T. A. The funeral will take place at 3 r, w. them I Friday 1 afternoon. NAVIGATION NOTES. Sweses at The mer 14M1 tool. Arthur. The .*r. United F'.mp.ire arrived in mm N ..Irwes4Ay Aad took owe • quantity of freight for fort .Arthur. The actor. Kollage arrived in port on Friday with 170 tuns of ooal. She sailed on \Cedneetby for ('nllingwnod with 1000 he- rein of salt. The t ity orf Wiadaro arrived pt port nn Satorday ne her trip north and Intik on .500 hags of Anne for Tlhea k.a She cleared 4wt ttwmkay morning. ( so' 1144.4' has rreired met met tons from the Arbor mad w lair Reese Retell, ■ereeded. Monarch ar'tvel in on Sundae on a quaaItity of telt four Port - CLINTON. ► REST, , - $ 1 2,000,000. (),000,000. A Sal. Dt' arlinrenl leas bet•n o'evn"d ill con- nection with this ranch. Interest allowed at current rales. GES:-_ DR UMMO.VD, .Manager Goderich Branch. Great Clearing Sale! e1F DRY COODS GROCERIES FOR THE NEXT 60 DAYS fl\I)ih:Nt'l .(; SATURDAY. :el.. ►►;1,1►'• F: :1 1{ ;1F: '1 TWO SPECIAL BARGAIN DAYS sea thousaml tailors in Lomita strut•k. 41r. l.!a4at,ate's health •outiuues to un puroa 4. A• far es known. 17 were Lille.' :.n.( . injured iu the Tarrytown, N. 1 ., dyianute e a pelnio oi. The new pditl.ml tnnvement. .-aped the Nat tonal t' mon 4',uveatiun, was iusugl.rrat eel at 4 l,, 1111st" on Wednesday. The strto•t .wilway stake :at t trend Hap ids, aleth., which was ituttgurnte.l May 10, assume.) a new phage, anti rani violence is l-ep,rtel. Rtigauds, near Suchaato., Italy, have murdered the ntotlier of S' r scions, win" was formerly secretary' of the papal nuneu% tore .a Madrid. There is vitt to he a st.r.wq ntoaeinent 'among the Episcopal clergy of .Iassa.howl ts against the ..onfirtrati.ul of Re%, 4Ir. Phillips lineal as intehop. A despatch from Meet ten, llinsemn• tells of terrible destntction by a tornado. Ed teen house* were desttruy'4.1, ten or twelve pertows 1tiled. cattle an.l It, Lilted stmt general .Ir aatatl.n. The i.ttfr village of Anl!rrg, Mi. -h.. Ila.. been .Iestr.yel by the forest tires. The in- habitants hsol t.. Flee without saving any - tu 4.arah, Wit.., is .otnplctely surruun- drd by tire,eud all the inhabitants are tight ing the ttantes. Rev. H. .1. Haniilt.n, of Homestead, Penn., a delegate t.. the Baptist convention,. was killed int rltclnnatt \I e.4n.aklay. While pawing a building iu court's- of erection a large stone tell from the thiel story, strik- ing him on the bead. The strike at the Franklin coral mines, near `rattle.: Washington. has aastune•.I . ion4rt s proport ion, and blood .hest is hourly expected. E%-ery- effort its being nubile to keep the whites ant1 negr e'. from .-.ming t..t,'rt her. "Turn that wrapping paper the other side out." said a lady In a .lr' gamin store the other ..fternoon, as the Jerk was putting op her ppluehewn. in a printed wrapping paper. '1 don't want to hen walking aolvertiarinent to your store. 1 read the local paper. es all intelligent people ought to do, anti 1 think in then. is the pla.•e t.. advertise your lim- iness... Society wee had in North et. Methoweiat than locality, keying bre r the f:or.rnment to prosecute all ppaarrt<ite ••hnrrh nn Weilssaakay a tortwwaal. The with hint brother, thee late Joseph Kidd. 4d tithing ga king wreekantf the hooch to HetfslleT meeting arse a eniy sssetisssfel Mel. P.c Debbi'. ii'. in is. wilt beeintres4a Seaforth t tt.16.ns S. law which measeven years tk'whau tl be Ores mot week. a somber of ora y iim s is E . .e .hlairr aaw..r..mr,::... O4i*14i4s::.dwrwa T Every .lay a bargain .lay f4.r the next .1x weeks t,rr front now until 1st July). Special price: anti great for ca-li. Prints in lovely patterns and colorings great- ly reduced in priee. All our I.ie. print. for 12'.c. 1x•r yard ; 121c. prints for 1le., and lOc. prints for 8c. per yd. A special line of dr'es.s goals in checks -wide width''-re- .lucetl to 11c. per yd. Great value in table linens, towels, towelings, ke. Tweeds raid coatings at whole - stale prises, cut out free of charge. Rememi.er ours is the only store in I.txlerich where you can buy the genuine Everfast Stainless black cotton hose. W olnen't size only 20e. per pair Inspection invite•4L J• A. REID & BRO. Jordan's Mork. Goderich. May !1st. 11!11. =31 - THE MARKETS. BREADSTUFFS AND PROVISIONS - EACH WEEK, MONDAYS AND SATURDAYS. GREAT REDUCTION FOR CASH 1 t:ederleb rebs.. Oooaletcll, Marti. 1101. Fat* wheat...............».,.,..... 01 05 10 1 07 Rpring wheal 1to 1 CC; nr 10 .:.e.. S tato* nt Shorts. • cwt .. 1 W l0 1 Bran. b7 ret. ....... ,..... 0 f10 l0 0 011 Screenings • 0 111 ton too Chopped !reed $ AO...... 4 ES to 1 Et Oats. a boss 0 00100 45 Peas. a hush .... o,.. _ ... ,. 10 to 0 Barley. at ............. 010 to 0 SO Hay. v tows,. ' i Omen Potatoes. le tar « a to 0100 A ppiea 4 buil/ ..,a.....rrr«0 M •r 1 99 Sutter, e .. 0 11 toll N Una, fresh maimill 90« . ., s 10to0II 10 to 0 W'sereoe& 3wto1M Wool p 000to0M 3wle4Se .., ,. 100 le " S 4/ t. 510 ..... •,,.., 0 011o110 EPR May 410. 3114. t1% ':: • M 00 to 001 ..ors 4404.440 000 ., M to 1 111 R1A0i 0 70 b 0 pent. .. a ........ _........ ' • 10 N 0 03 /gfr/ fliL♦lik wr "». ••• •• e SO to 0 IS N is a M w -...r, .... w.. M to 0 Ifo ................too... 13 v 011 • .............. 114. 0 11 •y • • -. _ 1. 7. 111 t loerd ,. r+ ......... ....r ...r ••••••117 4 » • r7R ..... v .e..•.....e.. ee 0 r. r • .r..e.N _ fe/eel w1: .i{;,.4- , • COME AND SECURE BARGAINS. GEO. ACHESON & CO. May 0th. 1801. =1r1: 6111 ------------ B. MacCORMAC, FINE TAILORING, &c. 7HE SQUARE. err NASAIALM (:.,. .',IsMotspeed. NEVER :we to are w& MR Wawa u... FAILC ne.a ts SOOTHI'10 CLEANS/ rC , •t , 1 EA:1No. V U instant Relief, Derma Te Cure, Faalure 7mposssbf.. C010Less, .set a .rile, w e:, .Ines.. 41•.••51• .1 r..t..r4 ..c. u n«.& •eke.'ap•i ae•beree. bolo. ram " : trr.L.b i Weak r• `a*_. o ego tlag4*4.* twe•8 general n SIR ttMob-1.a°t•"'. tan d torts or tabbed . soar hse 4•Iatd, ani .heal& 4. 'u.. Sere b )e ryas • bottle. le 4.744 co Sews. h..v..* to naw. ts.atr b 44 ..4d t head result* r a7.uns, t,.' i s Se le est.ablr. •se tstm . or will /.se h Det.. .rail 441.451 4 O ytewtM ssrw.dr s.yse, DA HA tMAMORA ia. h0 ,, CATARRH PPSC'S CURE FGR THE BEST COUGH MEDICINE. n //LIST LSCO rfl . EWS FROM OTTAWA. DOINGS AT CANADA'S CAPITAL. It bat 1• sal es e• e i /be reel tt 4: meat Ispmvla■t 1le..sre. Eters. the Autry ■M rhe Wes w be hark NP /be tleaeNre*- vine/ Meg &betel ear law 'aesthete.. Mr. T. F:. Kenny, M.P. for Halifax. re turned to the city this morning feat Niagara Falls, and left again for Halifa.. to attend the funeral ..f hie father, the late sir Edward Kenny. It ie nnderstowel that. pending the re- covery of 44r. s:ramiixr,s, who waa to have item appointe.l Deputy Speaker of the Com- mone,the dillies of that ,iffice will he perfnr toad by Mr. Bergeron. Liberal tttemh er.. frotn the Maritime Pro- vinces hell a .arcus today. They elected Mr. Davies chairman. Some gnestirme particularly tntereating to the Eastern Provinces were talked o.•er. It was decided to hold meetings during the yes eke. The ipr•me Court Met again this morn ing, when the case of the l:reat Northwest ern Telegraph ('nmpany and the Montreal Telegraph t oxnpany .acne up. a• des'rihe.i in yeetenIay'a amine. The 1:. N. W. claim that the result of the r 1' R. .oampetition on the Smitheaal.ern, ''anode 1'entral and other railroads became dhoot roue to the(:. N. W. Co For the year ending inrte 1, 1888, the *rat complete ) oar o f anm.pstit iow. the 41 N. W. found a deficit of 060,837 !en than their guarantee, inatg..d of a earplea, as in merlons yearw. In 11189 the shack wee 069,000, and it hscame elver the 11. N. W. meld not pay the Montreal the 0160.000 Amar teed. la ontull leen. the 0. N. W. iia. ma11tk seams Rgstnee the Mawtrm.l Co. for • reductbw of 140.000 in the yearly grams tee. TII F. 4'.\1.'l TLE'= HOT WATER HEATER (4u*trnllteeel t0 4U7• stn11' moonlit of heating with learn furl than any other furan{•{ yet truffle. Manufactured by D. K. STRACHAN, Goderich, Ont. 4list tint{ furnace: cru !w• taken slut and replaced by this .ujw•tior inacn- tion as ithout altenitions to the pipe% triol radiators throughout the building in which it is placed. F.aitnxte. funtis.h4rl on application for placing this iutpro44.1 furnrur in bwihlinglt of any air..'. Se'ntl for rir•ulnr.. D. B. STRACHAN, Inventor and Patentee. I!:409-tL) 4;'4I'EItit'N, ()NT. It covers the 'round -the B. & C. corset. It is perfect in shape and fit, is boned with Kabo. which win not break nor roll up, and if you are not satisfied. after wearing it two or three weeks, return it and get your money. tst)R SALT R1' W., A('Hk'tt1N A SON. ____ ________. elr..... Rt t e.par.o tM ••l a'•r3 t.e.e. * ..o..venaew . ore w wors. 444.444.8.44 • aaea.ar.w l..Me.....a..01.4 ,. mw l .m r.. •wYa e.. ~are w.r.a.y....N .M.• .,►w. ...M a.....R. .4.. w....ir.st a ... s.. ,.....s.. e.., rets gate . asst 2:-'s: ..e ==r .•.l ..mase •tor Ira >rtel`tLE>~. ateeaw mew=