HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-5-22, Page 2RE (set *h..3 allineed I •ftbr uta slat' 17, Seat.e Mt Moue re. of Ytud L lianl r habeas V. Into y die Eli. L nae toil4 whibig flit, t 1i1 able t. De days, has its keen three!.. ZSrie It'se, l Ors inh' Monis ISM we I. that Leah, a• (lie IRartw r borne ■ the y lett oast p.pl.. ▪ ter Noir 1 les ale p0 rtes *41 to o 4 ! foe }tis s It nip Hal Re •: •to*' f iu i art. Il.f ran 1 ►aa,' the of tie on t e f.., alto 1a.t eget r wi mil i ab Ho e• a let I1I i a T IIE SIGNAL: GODER1l'II, ONT., FRIDAY. MAY IS, 11191. MILLINERY OPLNING. - Mrs R. B. Smith - Will have her Millinery Opening on SATURDAY, MARCH 28th, -1NIrl»- EASTER MONDAY, When the novelties of the season will be on view A CORDIAL INVITATION IS EXTENDED TO ALL. PICTURE FRAMES. MRS. R. B. MITH. IOF INTEREST TO WOMEN. t INC.-rll.•a. tor as►las we. 1.1,, irlWiei tlr.yta•• Ittery one cannot alhxtl .-.pr•uar frames, Veg.).y.uug rhtldrrn L.'k Y, drlightfill in a' tet thets' no reasonwhy our picture* (White that .11 ,parents who can afford to skieuld remain un framed or in those wkich keep !horn elr..sed u1 this moat ,1411y of err han•ly ceded fasloonetl. mhos Ire .11n• to d.. MU The knitted ,..- Au artist wh.. Ina studied in Munirh, and I fume. that hese become to popular ..t late bids fair to eller her fluor illustrates at W. easily w,uhr•I, and look well until the sabre t pure day, hni. moat picturesque and eilall proprietor las outgrown thew. They artist,,. frame. fur bar lamnug. and .k.b•Ii • hat .• much to recommend them. 1\hite ea, all of her owe mannfa.•tun•. van she I Ida.. .alanyl been r•twderoJ hygienically cpaltet otronnn.rn white lune, and ee..aahs + e''''llrnt wear, awl tht.,•rochrt patterns 1..- us ,anouw way.. frgtcmu,. u1aMM•a, lichens !til,; usually of as open work •1e•ign admits the air while exrhuliug the cold. That is, arid Inure on the ...cern., or at irregular in 1 there u nulheient warmth 111 the meshes to terraIA. They stn• then metal t.. r ,,at .f I supply the body with hat, and at the same shellac awl ...l, 1.. r.• Ieh of rarefabnl. time a certain amount of semttlatiaa i• err ThrewThrewtall 1r.•It, for r 1 +e'ure.l. Fur the sante reason. knitted r"ln ' 7 pretty •gIs Wt 11 be amellad. t ••a Orem. ny/urtt� the swiewser woe in - head wader fl► ANN kr ant ro rend became are .u,.p,n. thud Ow •1 a1 one ...etc, • .•f the Indy , 1. tit se avoidable, the fret good t.• nu:. and the legal claadlsa 1 ly t n. uutna•41r'. arra." The .4.1 paddi-baler euturtiars www! is .womsleg-the bey. call It ";big-(a.ht. o" - a Deter employed by fat ee uurterw except ieeotWy for a few .tr0kra toren rete• tired alta h' The natant b.east-den te. w hw•h 4 wbat ue+l p..y•k Het barn. i1 MA * •rt fast .u. dither. though for I..ug dietetics1t 1e the caned lI•M .4 the tele -eater calves ter the 1<411'sh stat las which one.tile .4 the body, usually the right. *limitable' with 11r• k41 (.w.b rater' p.tl•.1a. is kept well In 8d. lune, .u. atria toter reaching .41 1..- warrl the goal, the other uwir, neat i never _bowing above thewater The I.olr .revs to u.o4 with lee r I.tatee w heti 0 thin ruts the water edgewise, as it wee, %Vie% ■ • w•r Ia. u.a.trn.l thre a.tn•ke awl lm &it- fora:tr.Io backward or ..leery.. hr u reedy for water p.4o, demining rl.va, .11r m. for .quell,.t••n.. •r f.,r wising !trey it lar 1. -tnw1� ,4.wl,ttl .% hi that remind. me Amor wnrul wrath ,r 1. cooling .x1 rind! once, alma an average. a I... a ,my wdl 1.• dn.wnsal nutil .o..w flim in ./lunacy bat lon4t• t.. say nothing .4 yacht - 1114 ato•i.1 ate anti tumbl.-. ovrrlr.ar.l - that a gsl nay to r.-..0. a pemm� who 1. dr.wuuag 1 to ..whin 6011181 1unu. -lay, hint aloin the Ley under the acne.- turn upon the Lack. awl .1vtm rowani alp n• in that attitude. Another way, is to clasp his head T• - SCIENCE .1' ) Pl{UWtESS. J_ P. PROW NTERESTING PARAGRAPHS !-1-=0 Carriage ^a s,..: a ge Maker and Blacksm1 AUBURN, - ON t' FROM VARIOUS FIELDS. 1 %rw Taal fur Debarring 1 *Is r• _ /Pier. bend 14lr.o-it.t1.4 P.o er lute l:ter•- trtatty--A .set I.wrt Light .Irtatw. Mt- .k• iClootrle Tor No*. - iii tI ratk•i •.h .wa a teed genially do- .IXasl t. r t..nreuwttly awl riyrki h tutting ,101 the lelri,..4 Cl18.•4 to MIA r way u. t0 destroy all lul.:n• :;n nth of the newel. It iu. Imes p atrut.d Th.- t•.4 Laa two tike anus ••neem! oath rani! other Ly a lerut ...au. and lay. nig 0•.noeulal kids• s 5' 1111 V -Wiped r.l,;a•., aw shown in Fig 1, the •d,: • „f •n.• knife bei ,; a.l • t.J t.. tit os.•r the ..1g.• f the other Little 1 hi 1110 ares 1, a moats... 1•y swans ••1 which the opr.eter bolls tba JANYTT 1.11411711%.: T .W1a. fres behind! before awn the same. pM'sf- tiaa. The rca« i for turnlu4 tq..0 the lese•k i that the rea.•.wr', i•:toy:me% i. cb great- er tin that I+wit r 't. n. oulc 1,1. mine need pre an. «'iambs aro hi 'stn th ge 1. out -4 the water Ttc-4mwnt11 - pen nal fah and charcoal drawings, Some ch,hiren suffered ,'rtmdFnl'T• guile I p e wn Ir Ing 0ppna8 hl fn'w Ir hind i Inem tEL'01L:1!CU riot - ted ie the ,t.sliJ..4 p,sitkm whorl a born is to 1e rut teat, ri 1tk•h 14 r reIe•l bv-atriktug ,a the •.i'er .ltd ..f the oiler tan with a mallet. as shoo ., un 1%n:. '.. n dots nal the •a:orr side •4 each firm hu:uiug the lawanl or.%emend .4 tie- A::I,r. The! knife•.. the area :which i, .truck ht :h•• mallet tr.kwi -n- •d nn eager the skin and eat cepa tl..- barn s r w wish it . .alt ••/ bled wilr.i,k' sial w•a Y •dnlo i Y .T i••awitpf a corease etwalae`. I,8 arttwIlt q( 'he dished form o4 the :nir'e..-tttirutlt:e %liwritgri. Water rower lul. neetr{rlt). 11w• of the feature.•.( the cellos .•k.trl. a •exhibition at Fntnkf.rt- et•the-Maile will f• the trari ensue.. f pole r oa a ..11 heel * net .•r atautptl.l. %Viten 11 Bas r•.m•4u,w1 some mom lin ago that ft w•wpr.e to Insn ins: stn Is fn. R.w rL.•c.tw.r to tkturf, a distance .if 1ne •r• • the., • bombed tai4A. tie state:trait ' r tine an• Ilntut..l a soft teenier }Tay and, recently on mg to their wearing red stock- ai,k. to clinch at ht- r••s.11er ) 11 Impede I 'td lib l ,w was naris ve asllrs • ( iters it hare• r .Ideate lnttern trot as flans. tags, the dye of which canoe .ff upon tlir hi. stork The 1- the tumbrel aln,..,.twaiver- pita•, hat now it met qu-'- pn.lralde /Nlwra ria• gilled •: hnwscd w�icw • neat akin and attested it injuriously. It nay not aril erupt by the famous IKraren-sC that net only will flu• rx d:w'innrrt l.r 7 i ..f while enamel paint. Thew last are beery be g•enerally known that any dye that is the bid nmin. Lw hes Thr nater is trio.!, but that it wIU nut-•ssl. in papilla.- at pros.•ut. Fruiter. of plain pine. with .a lrse'11.1 wlge. can I.e 'mole t.l t .1! ea. the by givittg thein a 'oat of glue. alt.1 la•fon• they are dry sprinkling titian t 6oroughly with rice. . nen y netted to• wt hrnlly hxe,! lay 10c .pully dangcr.ons. justified in using any surwnit .f trutality to I.reen, blur, yellow, mau'.e and black are p.ns••t the dein, agog presto from losing quite as much to i e as °Sled aa red, lath in hiul to that eat :•bulb iu the death .4 kith edl.king* and glove.. Whet, the peeress of .t slalp pull at the hair .4 the eabje.'t (r dyeing ha. lawn no imperfect as M plevrnt ,1,hiltly hnu.. him to his sewn. and inducer the colon fn.m becoming "fast,.. the skin a fa- per Mobs,'.. and alkila l0n. oatmeal or h•wtiuy. The erigen should IIs I will ae. l when sat tit t' • 1 ! T.. rrau.+ Ittt. a le -mot' sal)' has Iweo arar- IMt Ilan. I perspire. l nfortunatel j one cannot exp•n 17 drslwn.sl end n isms 4w lou. the lade is q hal dr,, cr am,uler :ecu, and wham mgt nein hw.rry Irforr pllrehaning It, w List slam rm. fa..., w ith the head! *.41 .1•wn, iQ that the "lily ...lifeguard is to t to allow the %vet.•« to run well • it Of the erts•tl• ,Ir • ill filth a'hl .r ,th.r ewes g fir n trona a lire,! rasa sing us are seg pretty !ewe - glad! house with a reputation. It to one .f tmattb and ins.'s Tia• r.-ilpirntioa lla7 the• g 414 1 )' the haul trials of the pear mother that ahe 04.01 tnlranitl,•ully r.-g'Jn8t1. This lasluiarm faateniil 111 ul linthen fafpine frame...a fling tin• hl the cannot afford eren dila simple preeautum for bard weak try twop•rsoaa. Tb.' air ran be her rhlldrcu, but Ila,. t.. buy m the dearest natural partly driven fraru the lungs by din. -t, and natural....tor . t the wood to show. of all market.. namely. the chomp shop.. hear h.o.un .al tb• 'beat. Tbr,--tbr Ii:* arc the 111.41 graceful for this pis whet,ahe can have a little amid.Lm.lon body iym. Dem -on it, !noir ~^rasp the hands pow. Daily: News .%.eros make uni•lue and attractive ..r Iturlc•uts for ..tit lrntice, amt ran 1.' gilds!. Ir.nvell l of si1nph' .hellorksl. Fasten IurttT e,8 each ..'rner Etchings' air. met u1e• 51, 81.1n• Iwo franls1 in mluulls rope and uul'l.•u f1 d duck. 4 lit the deairr.l shape 111w1; lest., hoard arra r...Yr relth du• k, 1.-,t careful to paste the edges all down ,•u the lock of :h.• trams. Fasten the end ..f )our rota. ,.o•ure•ly with thread 10 free eat t-'.•Ihutg and act tt .,11 a frau.•• 1. at h. 4••r.rnl niches at the cad 1.. -as a 1..•!. at ,a.-1 .orwer .old 1.e•giu a, the uu.ddlc of the lower part' Flw+h a1111 a fiat 411.1 an•I ;rIIl,n the mete l'aa. a 1.111.til 'chin •Ar.1 (ward .n tile• lark the "ante etre. Large gilt picture Irani.s•-..t+I to as attire aatiyae me nnw in 1. 1'1'101 ' them with white enamel pallet anti place a narrow strip tit tliaah or rehrt of ere .1....ate (whir uai� pot in your etching it ph or water odic awl the effect will 1w• c1I.rl.WK. I'hta 1. an especially itret_11 Imam fir an easel. • it h a usrt negate• .. 111811 of 'tailing cloth gra.efully rapes! •err bra 1 tier. I'Iu.1i' •..•I.4e,1 frame. bat•• been murk in s•y... for nes.•ral year. 1•.t fr. g Mawr placyue.:uul other picture.. .1o4 41111' !night has.. re.: phtwil with tail) mdse,,, In.dding ar,nm,l the .,Igr,. sin1 hamnu•red Ira... Ono' tie : nrll blue, ole e• green, maho'g�any old ✓ oar. 811.1 01.1 1...1 .1.1 are a111.1,shah!. ,olon ' tot thine frames. Any ..he tit all ekillfu) 1, the ns,• ,,f tools • ars ulakr t 1,11.• ft -41110v o1 111.111 811,1,' tient. 1 se glue 1.1r Lint i•nmng on I he idiot.:: great •sane -hound le taken re. hat. it an.",tln are, .sett. % layer .1 w41.111m faatelw-1 ter neat It tic• plash Impr.or* the appearance. Int at in .hth.-dt. 1.. keep .nw.oth ar.l true. It will ase mach to 14y the Moulding. 01 t h.• dealer ..r tuannfm•t carer an.l mak, thecal ..t Iloilo.. a tai +ul•I . arly iraplc are nroch 111.4.41. ()thee 8,8814 .811 1a• +tains1 ser, nide!) : anti iranles •en 14' 1.1am,•d ale, . lorry awl .ah,.gat% %C. can tort allsflo,1l ..41. -tubi' etchings and ''11 pamtwg*. hint ••ten 1 he IMMtMt • al. la. I. Y,8m'Is.41nre. 1..pa. o1 gnat ina.terpto.•. 511,1 Irh.to d ratoh. • •tale• w:t11111 the row. -h .1 .rhn.,..t Thr traria. of a ,I. !sure *1 101 le Tike t he Inn.hng M n I...k .r the .Iress of a leenli tel woman 18.t striknlg.hut g nethingthat will 1,rnlg o0* the Iiaut.+ ..f the pe4ure. fhb picture shoOld glway. i.• not awl the :ratite ou.lwn. owl then• .leeil.l 4.e. per tee, larno• 0 Irte r.•n I hen,. 1l ae . 1Iag,vum•. lir hemp and family. 1111114,8. lase 1.1: !or 4 *IC, viand. 1 Ohio. 1.I1lrrt %le%h,harl,Nrnftrlh• 1as rvtnrne.l Imtw• 1,1,41 lux trip 4' 111• l'a.•Itir •oast. Ihis t1 Iknife. an and 11..1. !Downey %en forth. has.- returned fon' Iowa, Nehraaka, unl •a b.•, %Vest ern "ta tea, 81e,t they had h.-., Bub .. • •anal! of I1'rw-u. 1'M. ws 4 we ta•tr to chronicle the death :.., .l.l :01.1 touch respected r.n,drnt ,of Hay township, in the person of Henry. hill. He• wwa horn in the towushlp of Ha) in 1114h, ae1 at t he tone .4 h,. •Ieath, %pill .*0th. 1.8.1 reached the age .l forty Int,• fh.•...mar of .lewth was from a ht. 1. .11101110 h.• 114.1 .uffrn'.1 f.w mit ,.amt h* .lohn LItU., Hen/ran. ,alae, tM frame '.1 a dna ink h"ter and atone .w Triviality of land week .tfter the rattlie a sen ned me ..o•leo, happeto 'Ir I.ittle while en =1n preparing kindling wend. The sling knife which hr w•a. lista( slipped sad ,ml"rtunn'.Iy nsvrrod an artery in M. H..utl.i-rd aw.nlenhly (rem lows .4 hherel lefee • dewier ern, ed. and tart them forward and sap until they • are in a line with the hely over the brad. 1l i.hna•I.Itu.lan, Meaforth, has pu,1-llasw.I Then pall them foreilly in that diniti'a. as A. 4'ar.lu., s rerinlear oa the corner . if .treti•Iing them. Thi. pun img will owe. Victoria t.ria an.l 4 .seg. 'tresla in that town f --the lower rib. to :Watt and • small •.p.utity the .ins, .4 111.400. .4 air will le ,drawn in. Flare :beams again at the .rhe awl Ire.. Ole air 1411, then •1.1n1 "proal. of the Tucke•raw,th hn.k tare. recently wild a tiny voting stallion. re'pat the .1 retching- p.rrrewt 1%stints,the mired Lt ' .Lw- Cale, ' . to t.rnrq.• 1'.,wan. aretrhing ate! the 14.0.001.• •Itarii.ttly Rata .e 1 lan,.n, for rte. fie ails ....Ming Lna[htug is reanted t herr. Thr as*t*tast who Lehi the feet •rf the suhjeet n In:townie• i. -t cbnflut'. slap- Th•,Irnly of the late \r• by 1 .unpla 11. 1'. plug 8 .1 rubbing thet.. vegan. the eiren- N., of tbt• lir. 4,a t, I:ne, Itrncefirld. neem! datum them ii.rn Missouri on M... ..y .101 1 g of last To be effect ise this treatment must .o11w- week and was Lund., .n the %Veauaw.ley tine 1.• Iron, continued. Capes are known fullowiag. where natural r1•spir$ti•,8 has ban restored A fire br,.kr out w ria uwr•rnpied «table after half an hent', work upon the-nijeet, • hmhrtgisd to 11v..1. %v. Ilrow•ning,at Exeter, 1t Is a g...1 plan not ter give up a doubtful tful t,8 the 611i inst., about 2 '. u., burning the deme until all .141t Ira* vanished. building to the grained! :.upp•el to la• .et There are other 'more elaborate methods on fire. NO II111:11We of reate•ifati•4. M. this is rarelynrawia- I.er.d awl applied. awl w II work in ;t neajr- L m�� ••y 'd .•:1..'8. iii f` ' fff' f I N f: '� �' f •'tt..krt.ly vnu 'Tb ins ognhe old.d►w t. h..•,.• neth•.1 .4 them ing the pleading. I- - '• crying Lan at once into •net; water" I AQUATIC SPORTS 3ECOMING CORE -1'44-tautly not There 1., to begin with. a ares..rl*i•lernll•.!anew 4dn•wnillg. Even AND MORE POPL'LMI YEARLY. if no such rout terminate. the .•epenmert 'the pnp4l n. apt to gi .u,-1, a tense .1 .deep How It.alwuer. ter ranch, hr eater that he will never willingly g.. into it a,;ain if ...Hire. though ..m. hors n.41ld Warn to swim that way awl many have. The Ilan would br•l.sllt .18,.,44 test in the case of .ore *tort and.. who have newer been neetwt'm of to anything last alma.fnan their birth e.4. and wlw ono shire! anything awl then watt to pay .4f upon the next fellow !tut I wouldn't Wet n child o4 mime be es. treated." Tbr inen'a..l attention paid to water .acrd Ly gT est. i* all •1Msmraging thing. hr".tn.e• tlw example .i..urr to tw toIlo .I l'•41-4hen.I talrely ns an eget-roe .winning u highly penes! I•y the experts It giver 1111 I 1I 11 11 11 ieili S : Afd Ma Ana -Eep.r,. •....l H..w I14.y• 1.•a.se 11het .- ever Th. -r i. 11.14. • ,.I .,. a Mean. t.e 14 earrfal h'ianrr+. js, ti KN111V how to I .win! is a know _h1.rJ.ltat alien! l 1a• p•a,..t,l lir w•. rr !mall .4. Is, man : ant a. it IA1t alwnTa naso •r ,o n- remirnt to Mara 111 Walt lift'. it foi- l/0,...,7_ ol- •7/ y/y !lfi hate as the night the slay, tint if. a good Ilan to begin //4. .wtlnmi1R as hops r1.1 girls, and to !8'4411 right %%hat 1. thl rl:;ht sins • wa•wakenan.•.oa•rt-..* ph,siw training •I/ yon 1001 a Lor or gni to trach •wlrllnlltlt hoe oovld rots go to noel/ to lour Th. leer wen r • • 4 tire -Mtn; s.v nein*ng... and he n. 1.. pis• n 113,11 .. or I •4+ alum Ib. l..t. 084 the 1,01 tinker the arnrt atta.h t, It .1 -trap...M.,rntl'. log 10 he jet.t ton' 1' 1111• I I of tire water have a ht U. miller at the ered o1 the .trio. ren.:1114 free upon a ail.• .tret,l.•l n. r.... the lank Thi-glv.. the pupil *Iw n•s,•..lr'. .• .1111•11.11.1. flat he. out going to'In,w1:. Owl '.t if ti-- I'..Irr 1..11.1.41 n• In'•.r 1•k.1 If d•+o,. 1 p,n•vent bun from working I1 • letter t.i hose fbr• top and n portion •4 the .1rap .4 rubber t 1 allow for '1141cMfg Th.• pull., 1041048 him Intik net t•.rth alr4,1 the tank and -.--- ••4'«. Mit it im't er.•rvteels who Item a lank H.w woad.' net work it Out of doors' "I b. hr that caw 1 would attack a droller l81p to a -haws. stoat pale. and go out neon • Iia/ in a her: s bore 8181 etM norag. the pupil to swim, round and room! tt. gr•wdaally oasts( arras the tetanal upon the 1814. am be hemline pntl•r•.t. or lightening it am be R.en.Mr.d just like playing • big OA. Taw know 1),- 11 1 llvel (seer a ricer. mad the lank am; uif,•ie,tly erb.'p 1 ,.wild walk along by the sidle .4 the water, while the 414041 le hi. harms.. swam a11.4dd. lee 10.41 a. pndlb 1 nlald dis,I.war with the hareem •It.'4'•Ihtr and gn hat.. the wafer with the. Atlkl The old-faddoswel way 0f vanvn * ounce • varisl exercise. -ailing into oder many simmeIr. not .ordinarily nse1. Toot It is it..f- fart upon the Inngs and musks ,4 the rear of the neck which most ',esteem's it Tb. exertle,8 .4 breathing while immerwl in the heavier kaki is excellent for eaten !ably beenthy longs. affecting them like moun- t/1M climbing, while the iwrs4ity .4 bold Mk the heel well up meow. an easel .ear. Haw Wn necked expert 'trimmers are ,and often seen They are, an • rob. splen- did, dee•p'-hwstw.l fellows with met heads and Sow carriage The appina to women. tors. No inset• magnifier's yeomen .4 ',bye{ cal - wan ever neem than Agnes Reek with, the 41141.A1 .. unciae► who wee /fhb 'termini a few rear. ago. and wine. etatlt..loe pow Ii.f"rr the plunge gat pant ddelc,8n .scary with delight A ovation whn twins neeh 4. apt to have el lgaf'. whisk.. SP1. -nit...4 the engineering .lith -n1tw- that hate to 1e nunnotante1. flee got-emit:rent dun. been asked a., supply Uwe for 1 h.• pw: r'Peewy Iand on the system .ts..l the expense will not ,w.s•a.ariiy'beat all .were. for the n.• •4 very high potential alterna•inA_ camber. :e i the feature .4 th. 'bete• a- at 1.0+•111 plan- ► n. -.I The nrternatirr. arnrrat..r '01:1 supple 1 a •t••p'up transformer. that 11 turn will I transmit 1t.: v..0114.17 •-truth? at .an alt •r - j tub o.le high potential almio the lite, to be t retlau.furnted I.v 1 ..tele.i.tra trioderanr 1 at Frankfort to a pot1Stfal 1.rr..:ienbie Ur' an alternating *toter. • It.e.lied Wk,o. 'iwes' f. m • f the f!:tore of the ov'e'beid wire ss dem .e'pt-ads . -:w h '•n the is..i- Mlit c o(,erfect Inenlating that the thee were of a nu.tenel p rose 114 h*:h ir•ttlatla: I8' peril,. will 1, .lite ,.f the ntnt•.-t valve. Te the ia.ge rarwtT 4 in.I:latiO4 e»alptu•ds alms!% is rxtst.•tu-• has lima added rope which .•,8.li*ta ..f • mixture• 1,1 nu -hone able! and ,shellac The two sui-.tniaee aro ,1.-. Mede1 i,r hinting ,•artnlr• neat anti! it Iloilo .2081* and the:, nailing the shellac•. •rother iaattlnt ng uu t'-rial.. .,u•h n. w.-. •taI. ' dry- ing o, I.. asphalt. n stir. ,'r Thr to ..lues is w went pia.1.0 nut-. n• tsrknblr t,4,ut and trsa i••... which 1. 1•111 little ria -hive to ey l reit change.of t.m14r•ture.am•::-regents n hard .lu.r.th .urfaie. Th.' nsullt.'Morns .4 cit!, this new compound We sill 10 to A 'Navel LIRkler. A novel arrangement for 'retiring an ab•s81aw.• .a •.dt li; ht toge.tk r with per- fect ventilationhaw .0 on in an opera hours. ins hi'at{o. Too device i•. to form. -molar to a large Vena. -4. eigh!een fret in diameter, the to•rf.rmi„ns in the o'•ver p+•rtnitt iRrt the •'4atse .4 the vitiated atnionp4lere. Ttr nsl and handl-nr•• fonn,d 1., pr ria.,: the use ,f gas jets If while from the tc1.'.i each rib iw'ance%cold 14l14 hang. gitmg 0 perfect and i.swe'r{al eine', ..f u;ht. t,a .Orr feeitre 4. the bee of 1411. at -ranked in a wire net. to owl heato the name .f th • .,,8spaley play Ing What bran! The, 1"44. for tear, Through experiment. mad.. by English mihtars :mllb'ritie. It lets twins f.ual that wbtirerer the stove/4err ts "mien with 4noke .,r .m 41 Ile Lower ,l an .•h',•trio light is greatly ditniu4.h•d be 'r'•*ming the Ilam of light 1.t that of another at a certain angle .1t the point of mter.4•ti.w the il- luminated .tide t. Ira'•ucnlle made a •.'cern. It in irop est to utih 0 this kn.w:- whie. Owe the elsetri,• lesm 0all flair. he mark to sere. ae is tenon, lack .4 whet tactical/ .1+er•tr,8a might be '•.ehtetel in The geld atTbw.aer at..rtwa Tie rate .d 'rare' .d thnn.ler.t.rm- has Inn studies' by Herr 14ch,8nrk front tie rt'eir.k...1 In; ,ase•:1 storm* in I4naals in I.eee, Tin; '..'l rib' is f.mml to have vaned from 13 to :O tulle. an hour. with a ;nom '1 milia, .1immwishing to t" intim in the bot war and nlCreswing to :r_ mile. in the '.rid season. It one neat 1n the early morning, increasing t . a naxlmum het :. and 10 r a. The t traveled moat quickly Ina, v'tbw.rt.treat all north - watt .48 - I:I.rl ere Tey 14 hp. :%n Mono -to e w•Innt/fle t• soil in Parts •-'. 4.4a of 0 map w Ith metallic plugs lanceted 1.. nlnrk the chief to8re (.'l4..1i,8. at the agile .,f the ,tap wok what ar. the Ain! towns 11f the different . wild alae hay. a metallic plug f.w each % small eMrten• hell and n dry pig are 11x...44..1. 'The child pats ow end of the comity -tin; wire syn any 1pswstein plug and mu... the other eat user the torn ping until the bell rings. when the tows Is nwrat•11y Indkated 1 new aynewu .4 Carpet Mosel... A nee ttyaMm of rupee cleaning. whleh ha .aid to he very lawrosaiwl, . sad atr for renws lag the duet 71t. marble. /n)nieste of • maeleron miller, user nal pond - lel to safe► is a. Was 1011. piwr'a1 at inter- vals wN1 links The Inas tithe n•rilht.. is • hewfn meal dlfwrtkt. whin In nper.liw. and as the ramie or rag pagan seer the fi • Hist eeba.'ae th. li.141."1e u 1 11 I 144,...•+18 s-r•I 111 1 .1 i� 1. �"�a 1 ' jarp$,m.w_ ty.pr 9 a1Jla MISrR rust Tats f.Alto rAe.TC as( 1* PIPS\\I PflOOS �b NI•.s pg1 RAI T OF COL umeue t.r pal rleatW. tier*a417 MO- seirmasi 01 (.rade. e M'1t'.. !Tl•. JOa3IYO r2Oat?TLY ATTR EORSES805T..DTO .s aPLOZ,st,M MASSEY MANUFACTURING 00 row ulI'rlt Binders, M�;Wers, HORSERARES, DRILLS, A\1. 111 1,I\i,a .•1 AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. .1 large.Io.-A of rs pair. for the altos ,• machines constantly on hate. Binding Twine. %luss.•s 11" 0rid. Red t'ap. "Crow u, -'sad "dile. e weep os l t. Mamie always In slot k tit it .ow.al prime. J. P. 3ROWN, Auburn P.0 You will be Happy IF TOE 1'841: CLIMAX FURNITURE POLISH, 2 l . t. , 1 u r r t ♦- I torr n«..1 N". l'. Otis le'. W t . tel r1ne Pah i fo. err N the beet 1 herr ceder Ire•d. L• M ayes In ur and hill never hU le. erste•• r h- I ,.:. „ f ta..•. piano or organ canto. 11' oh mit ':. ' it while Lou wet•taiag." JUtI V lt'i t,'.11 . r tun- I,.•alcr. CLIMAX METAL POLISH, lbs'. .. 1 hate urd Mr. l:a,J, • %l.•:.! Polish at the NM.rw.rr'ss via 1.11• weteu or ***not an 1 know for braes. cutkel. •.!s.r or any metal." W'. M- (' % ,l 'Si. I o.tt'Ie..r.- FihRY'S SEEDS STEELE S SEEDzi W._0.- GOODE, flesist ad Urrsitat. Alters LAW MO W ERS Latest patterns and most improved styles. Prices right. CARDEN TOOLS Just what you want. HOSR Best brands and lowest prices. R. P, WIKINSON & Co. DENT.ALINE Balt - Beautifying the teeth And hardening the gums. THE LEADING DENTIFRICE. F. JORDAN, - MEDICAL HALL 3'QIDERICH- PUBT,IC NOTICE ! e Another Targe consignment 01 Fresh Teas of superior quality. In order to counteract the dis- honest practices perpetrated on the oublic by peddlers and others, we are offering Special Inducements in Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat- ronage. REES PRICE 8,r, SON. Hay's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square. Orders by Telephone promptly attended tn. �r-E co_ BARRY The Twrahan Dealer. s aN14g all Linde at hrregan et la. lowest nwa•t4. prleea It Is welMkaeww halt .hot as Zell' Chc ap Tee noels. Re Isaise the Wadi Undertaker of the town. Embalming/ cis a always 44.7* e hated Re else ..hes a aPwwlhlift> of Ple4me l ramler phew hien • fall before perrhesla Pewter, ehew14e, ed yen grin .aa wet that 1.4 Mara a• A. says mill rime, For Ce,ssh_ he rankles eaelawd an far their east.petrel/age 1. heves W GEO. BARRY 1 'esstleee•ee .1 Hamilton -Bt. ;ACUUL ORATORY. pp./rrlr .Wralrr. My Italian Wasttt- .wl a( .praklas• .Ise ss a .Walt *1131 1i era.. gild COSI .iia[• awl •e,:u11' J i* n+ 4440 attitudes s the orator 4o- stly estate, t 1 am :afraid! it .dads. led s Ibis t•`• f ..i ' I,w4M.'ut than w the 41,4'. ,o- that y'.,ar 1.48 ru.afetl• will be ..Y�T1^` eeYuR-to ' ill... w.t, 1• .a -s i turn • it o ,teat deal 4,0 1.81•11but 1 !heft mu- is *hick warm noel! •1114 the. ,.Sart tlw ItaUau i'arhlaitrtit 1.v the un - liaise sane•,. Ituutter in which It- -,gl,ra• tete uranw { b. Gra•..'.:1 Wel .,11100111, gesture*. Thr, neither lgtweith their ,• et 84•'1)'' wretch the top. of their ws 1L rl .sa r le 1• 1 'sane ,r•r •1' they abort. el •-y,}Y.•nhwf- rwrseo:l.•urmtip AIM dors. 440 • •1, hsirdk•. 1e. .r toad tb. tr 1484*.•• If.. 81.1411rf w.r'rl. • tar fess this being Ow fear. It 1r quite yawl whet. Ire them, erre 1•110181 t•1 watch k ,r., ,r44al': otic to bear ..r I.tbap. ase x.„r.r,yri whattlr•v are avium and esut- „,.,lttlr. 111wt wit la. wpp•rts,.l 41 1 un .L,p..rd t• waist Ida 1110ai*halAlily of pa.' 4.r,,r• $11e.u011. t . the treirrm tot ram 1.'4rrhat y, sad 1..1.% whets you speak. rt ar tie L..t 11•••:1.,.1 So fohlww i another .potion. 1 oniestibrt fetting a sere tu+•ful aide Ir • u Wigan. the alter. whew we. weer.. 1.411 an, bit,; dron a eaartry e m the .ttv 1dx hen ,Jarboe that, wise'' making lot week I kept turaln4 m7 main. 4• rte- an•I' I.e,e. is'a. Veer 1,111'0'14 14111'• ,t Gl sant 0..411,1 fr. :old to' that on the eta:811x' .,e air ells warm'1 a{siwi ,, 1. after, ,• d c,w,*•.''1 111, PM '• I 41 • t. rn•.li. otiose. if the Imek .4 the Wind a,,4 the very 1 ant tad t• 110 .•line.r•r ,•r.seite effect he law el coo 84••1• yy .nI.je4 to your w.tusul'inrl u w,tt•1 -Hut what an eye .w1s • sr -he -nem u•$0 -have for ant •wkeanla.w of anti ••4. ,durysnnl: tr8•ka and .,mtsr:e ns. bre • 4.14. w 111 a .r. 14.4 tjeun Lo•�liwtlaml . p.- .114 nate .laughter e, alien y • ou hat ova, h. proT,•rlc;; heir ,rtticirlu" on th •tbje„•• - 1'..t'1 lilttl ltmlgot Wanders f0 111l110.1urr. At 'WI. ite Londa!/ u 1:4:e. say. the tet 1/as 11'.•-•1a,ld tc. wtu ethuetel a ,.'mina 141rn4441$ nut -awl! b•.klin,; a tett talk, t. .ani, tt•,,•,n rape net sewer., with slag. 'rani, finer Woe., drfr.►itis: gla•n4 ti0y.1s:n. h I,wwlo, ter nonuebe. apeestle at :octet ate! tr.. aro, 01 .aria.,'•. p anti Ir:r., enpliately fasW,med awl. a 'owlet:: to ac•4rinl •1f thebaine. •'all to *tett son wabout the aid,Il.,ethos thews 1 kr sander was tLr. work ,If r par abbot w tad het mem this plan b. take a hying 1 tittle etEihtuea was mono ,•ut,k'tw by 11.ev. the wa4•hualter For „we .14111114 ti ta.1•omtrl+l g •nlu. 4,411 savor silt .n t halt .4 a m':unnw cherry done. from edit Ir w.•nM take a quadrille table. t we•ITe vb. Milt skeleton bark., a 4...9 44114-4l44' oral framed. two .Monett plates. sate 400.x.. testi ram, • •1•.Arn knives nal fo.r-'r 180 ■ • stn. awl a lady and gent/Wrenn Neoax wt.af at :he table This 'eine Kw.", • 1111.1.• an ivory camel flat could ps +•1 t hr• nigh the eye of • c•oatruom cowl .11 pain 1/1 steel a'ileorw that ...add all Wien under the wing of • common to its and a gold chain of 'all link., . h'••h .1 miniature pmdhwk and Ley w attached. alt.( winch were .1 suit min henna. 0. as to be wily palled ernes pare fa glans by a Ana later oo, he h ,Iwo.! • *ttuf ivory emelt to whr•b he k want n ILS, Mali hal 1110011 8.141.414 aotlya.miretitui hurley grain. and a rt1 1,,4,1 earring., with '.!reels tummy: is •t'1y.t'th•Iraxles. carrying tole penmen' two footmen, • c arbrran dttiwg •w the w ig a ,log batsmen ht` legs. .irtraR !erre abeam, Ola of the lea'lerw traria 4.•atl.m, the whole effete a1 light that erne last Am could +•t it in moti4, hat al Nall to the task 14 dragging a ac td thew -re 111. 111. aw.kkeeNr lir ila.l n wife 44. -.alley was k,:r10 per annals. Bat .1e. .1144.142494 44r. wanted a bettor bonne Netter clothe.. Nothing et to go out 14. S. nwmtrr cottage. Nor carriage Nor (nett pews. Nor wriest 7. She coveted s Pla''e ,a eb. tagged .til rtt« welder flee headrest Abe kept it ftp. light and day. %n1 moaned mad • .e.e 10.t and K. 14 He larked style. Wars. .%s well a* new cit hem .very *1x amt %Arline other thing, He knew how his employer made al 1.10lrr.4 daily tie the street % lb.• ••114 Of iso w,81in u14 be 11a1ce1. a f.. base so betook It, wad west up th• tltj8et a.a Abs. grit bar anal -,ala. Myyn H. took more and let. Yore to 484 teat hark .sad lett 11•r_ yet y, ildaleatha din twee. No wears Ila psatlsaMar7 aaer'k• 1 MIw•n ars goring teat li.4are Netter is • ,ande•.a nem ftp two pa hark slain than a cell in jail. 1 end • plena minim Wiwi rather Petr .4 priers deform pots oe pear 111...1 Mix Dense of the t1.ea"b Moa. *8 • genawa1 dlere del elf the h callfcwwl. Mr Ruck .)944 en the h las of the R.•nlah pOpwbtie0 t4aala( tw M. the prow is • grub dieervne of • Hpean.a gran& 44aae poisis.md d beds sea role Sala Ossalig tits groat 4oe vnite