The Signal, 1891-5-22, Page 1YOU W I!$
,„:, 1 I nn
)% Tim hl a.. 1%wit •
•st Jc9lk_tt ♦ bRIN
t• AM A1w L -
X1.11 1. No. 2349,
UA►k 1'UI It WA sic
l a r 11 t.
"t% ANT 14)1.I'a1N.
II ta the clwap st out hest
we\ of getting the air of tin•
gibe: srlr / Meese.
kik THE HIRoN TRACT. mans
la "•:'t► 1 >ltww.�. Travelling O1w..
pans INar.l of a entail bei. *.cried p
tenni 1.rr)bed) Pleb aid Venn PHA.
- mad 41 wide lased Wrest tier, aeeMM
me (reale WNW ray hew. M mere.
('Maw' 4w' a /Atli ..X4:14)..
;p Miiketshl has hosed the Ilaniri'
..d.;, Cron/n..1
smith" krrwkt • l (try. es ism -r ..hits
t►n,p mkt i r. ,i14'h l tt a l l.
an.',Uebeisate 4Itntou. hit .e little
hot aelk. tlhc 'vault .1 a ae•ere
4: , ,
ct 1tPa'Ntgl forPry' too ,,,1.p nal{I
I•;.. T,r•sy, 264k nett ., at liurtnu's
f.f,o l
.1(«),u, llru�.. Clint mi. •hipped 2.700
b e4 I•uttrr to a 'Mc*arras tiro. during
:. . . masks
r. ul■a Meyer, 01 111aphatn, and Isyr
Mi. Parer, o4 Calgary'. were limit
,.,rWl„ ,n stalorth' lad . rek.
-u ..Minh. of reafurth, lase
,.•i,tably the asatltitt4L. S /illigit-
,i. .,-:, iurriater and eolkaiten.
t.,. t t\ :I+.n. `eaforth. has lewd HE
.,,soca, fart,. io Tutheremiti, for
r, lthirh to prstere his borne:
fret ai.•i, \1'. Muir. t.'1itikon. tlpe
:Inn'. aid finger. 14 leuhand
'cut mortiarartrirag that fhr
' • iouhels at flex steal have hen.
-.:w for the mill at I'nulutaak
There a Nth a Bryn. .p
CltDtots.,ha. )ua t.4 .4$ktr.f
•1 j t,' .•f 221 rales of hat from a:,.k
L13 twee that hr bo.. *hipped
a.. ll...
Oen , w,fe alto? handy. •E:Aetrr,
3.-fi..irrlat r..rnlhg, 7th inst.. for
. where Mr, Ik .utrwi. ppt,tt1K Intel
„• ',mittens.
1•j •..e /shoat. of the Wert F.u•1. Tock•
o.... recently meld t.. clubm
r. c,.d Kodgervi1)e. a VS4 tine ,(tees
• I„coria' .old Loll.
+mums• r of appeals will be enterer)
tSr' t'}Int.m taseemment r.dl., manly
•idttimi rel Paine* of ',,*Malt are0
•tsar ,,*n.4n,r.
�(•••. • Robins Brother... of Mit:•bell.have
• ..,11-:ItF-l-Itink and •tatintlrr_y Mooney.)
• G. N Wete. r.f('ltntm, H. \ . Role
' witry , IW'}Ir of it.
54,...ts: •l:tc►twnt So, ther,. "t 1 hntott.
ja.n,leme1 the twilorieg. clothing an.4
.•u+, fo •nests i 4PPa41vfl t t of the loonies*
l4Jl4 k Ihta:an, 'eaforth.
1 t. o $ propriet.,r .4 the (queen •, !true
-el-, St 14,naime.of Mitchrl,tt..k pommies
a '1',.e..hay of limit weed. Frank \Vhite,a
' inti -r Ilnisselite, is the Ia,rten•ier.
s. 1t . }ate] and f•rrtrla' un! 11 m.:M.x a a .
(.•u,..1,, re -toot lair .rr•k to lAkeht,
',dery Mr. liber Is nuu.aging the .h eae
4-:r•rc. Mr. 4 .ary- int his arstant.
Oink, •lenti.*. Phil.,',, has aecmrel
. *'.tar ut the person of /:e..rgt. I .
\l.•.rr, .d I:uelph. whio has taken a course
, 'he t'ionian:.t1 ('"Iiu4. d ftrnti.try.
I: *arra, station agent on the 1' 1'. R.
IRelh,uslr Mill,. ha. lies... in N Ingham
:wing the part week with his hride. Fir is
.••.41 of Jain':ries., of I...wer 4Vinght te.
- Messes- t,-- • 'and R. Porter,
11.n3th.m,• hare crnwhkk.) their work so
rein.'nutneratavr,. for Turnitern' and find
it" i olletioti of the teo'whip to le 215118.
•!,.h0 4 f47 ll. of f ancerr'y-. ehleet .4 "f
A I:0feetl. of Clinton, 4a. unfortunately
confined to his rnnnt for some nionthe
or a .overs atta*k of inflammatory rheum -
at 4,11
Rev. A. H. ltrinnet. (het.,. haw accept•
w1 a call front a congregation at Aionion,
in Perth .'ownty, induction t.. take place on
the 'J'jh Inst. The salary is 51,000 and
Ptsttma ter Farrow, (Russets. is *coring
41,..11 the 01.1 frame house .n the for recently
Prt. Motel front ,las 4u1.,.e*. The head-
itit hal stood there 44'r upwards of 30
Two Tow., o. *tel by different persona. ,
'tete weighed .n the 1 ing ban. scales one
'ray ins .rek, o. itnmedateh after the I
other. I.,th neighing enactly *be same 1320
In *he cone., of business the other day. I
F. %V. %Vette, (1int4m, (lame across ss a copper
Iwartog the .late 1678. over 200 year .dd :
it Lack. a. If it had Leet, in circulation all
that time, tern.
1)r..4 W thaw, of Kruasek, has rented
Ike other lately r.'ruprel Syr In. Reeve,
41int,a.. Hr to acro. of the principalntRens
••1. pads. witted, and was et one tame in
harp. of Myth achrtl.
IG,hert I.. t:tbsnn, Clinton. who has pans
! •neae.afully his medical examimti,n at
N•4•11l 1'ni'ertty, intents rang to the old
wintry 111 4h0111 a ninth, to prostrate his
•i ndie!a,
hut in the meantime will waist 1R.
• ,inn in ht* practice
•1. Little, son of John Little. Silver 1'nr
, • !tenfryr.. met with a painful accident
"n \t.naky of lit week. While engaged
a.siating to ac'''ct a hay fork he sccrheat
Alit fell from the top of the bwi4Piag, which
:esohwl In the (ractnre of rate of his kir.
1'M '{'.pony belonging to Thea.. Cara
•d palet on Andrew street, Exeter, we
.44 by public section the other da' to
4:,r •t Mansur, for the sant of 5100 00.
This 4. c*naitlerw,l • very taw ri•'4'. M the
b•'*tem ia a desirable one.
14r. and Mn. F:. H. Walker, of N•afrath.
have recently been reel rerorely •fNietaal.
\ few weeks aim their eldest win died. and
n ytaturday 9th ins1. they were antes nit to
..term the .Math of their served sem.* stead/
:'.4 ppnr'.�rnwng treeing loan of 8: years. He
"td )44,.41 ill only a 4.w .lays.
Matthew (\, of the 7th IjM,
\I.nrns, heel the mi.fnrtone to Ret tram
on by • colt Mr Cunningham woe
rowing when the enema pjn4 int • in
-^A .....-..teh+we thew the
)inaok 'tee d them resumed op Kew ,.. '`•.
1'. is the M. am, broke aeeeral 444* tri
drove thews into his host* Re u impewrtng
• litchi.
c iww, wpb kande* to 1 NEW ADYEl1TIBEMENTt11 �Itlllatlons Vasekst.
. haw .i& eptt. . e a Milliner) Bensley t l'o. Ps. ta*A3CD TRUNK RAILWAY.
at. Andrew's .'hun'h. I'rtrr(rtru. with sod l'outtd Rerlelsq J. 11. Richards. 1 NERAL SEK\'AN1' W. ANTED -- Ml SIC 1.E81. pr. -alt l AGGIE „cele drp ler at Illatlbelrb a. fo.•
cry of �I.d00 a year. (t'etutitta N'. Acheson C 4)a : �^ APPI1 to MRs. F. J. PRI IMAM. en U , lr+ THUIIibe la prepared to Ki).e ntuatc
NMwn m, the Dlaoo or or)Ittn. For putt -
Hun' Potshard, ilia ba• leen w thr;Th FwuhrHrater-1,, A.Strwclan. b �ANTF.0 A til H41) GENERALi Wks Ing•uinLt Geo. W. Thonaon'r Music*.•- a9kns.
Hank of 4 U44Ilwrrrr, tiah.rth. for u .au14, Hoose for .tout Hugh M.UF*nao f 1 era ant .ratedat onv. .1pp:j to Mltt). `filnte. 3tf. 1 mitt SROreen........ ,,,., 1.38 D•m
'd yrlrs, liar holm par,n.twl ,u,.l Phage t Lake shun• Poo Hou.e t rapt. 44 n,. Ifa'ab t JUH\S'IY)N t'AIlK\ twit j - )lmil t1.Sip m
Rlenhrim. to t1.c ."0414) .4 heat. Notice to 4 red nor. -T. G. Anderson . II j Boating Mixed ..:slits. aim
F: .i \\'dhauls. 4 •tuul.ros.k. hrtu.3t •..Id No,.eof Meeting Peter Adamson .. 1 �%A\TLD-APPerk of * I)\S Full.: Mixed w.... 7.31 p.m"..
•.. ear
Ion duvet t., Inch I o.. toe pur•Iu,•a•.I 1 Paton. of ludubtry F'. J. ttennrat l ikepetelr.. of clerk of fhr• tow'wtttp of J AKE RH(1141 - b,►.Ili Ht)1 y tr gall .. .. .. L'.4I te.
servant 11'aitrA Juhn.tun n'a'ry I Uelkeeast+H1 Lr ret'c:ce. ap to the- :. h tele.. I / Uo.terlcn. lml. Itosls wW br ready frr Mail 1 '
.lkgrl s ray. He Mow diel,.,... Lvuarll w, in M•a.t+., at m) odder ret tn' tice ark. 1'hrulc part u•r and snc.a,l. cue ntakr
pray. .*Jun.. Jt . 14411 Mize'
••... .. IJblaa .
h+tlnq Ilht• swifter* Briar, its ttna• +rtt1.• ADplicatfon. \*mw1 Jugeptt He.'k.....,,... 1 •}� „sere.
t+alnonl aluy 2o., - IN'. L. " special arrangements fur are of busts and
bald Bargains. J. A. kr.A Bio .. i I large budding uw fhr Ire•rh at .Pry reasonable -
1 __.._... Attentive and experinneed batmen' Hotel weeeinmodaU
Last or Found. !'nue..
assays on timid. SupnntenAtvl by l'.\1'T.. -
1 S Ai'ED FR1121 THE I'R1'M1'.l.. teat. ttntlH. Ltrearl 'vier. exrtl •�IHE HURON HOVEL. THIS
malt Sem
sJ. N'ilecnn,
tubNw,"i,•r•aftyrHrufnuLn.k %.14:11( strayed Ali 11,111411 W111. Flannigan.
tau recently porch....-.: au rugine and li'n'k puttee to 'tent -Mr.. Anne *Cella.
nitwit nal enable him to utauntu +
lure 10.000 brick Iter 41.4).. Thi, look. hk.I BORN,
luwtsesr. 1 PATTI:10.l)N - In to Ingham. on the 17th inst.,
Clue �.v.4xt5., 1 uudtulana.
awl +"nierk'h the wife of Fran: Nutt,rroa 1Wittrf f. of a
twurcrie, opened forth
.?oy. \\ .. err glad to lea
pismiRtt "1 Itlretlt Ina.
the erewtterte+ this' ult ..
seats, .a, Ti, .,rx- , da.u:nter.
u I 1 i M• lg\tfl:ALI. In Hs) field. en May I:t4. I.YI.
1 that
t ,tete t. a fhr. s ifr of H n Mel
l Luuue,u at ill beg,. 141. )oligsA. 1'rinnc Al
Xan.. of r drnuhter.
if, itAItTI\ In Rru...•f., .0 *Le :•h inst.. the
The friend. ,. ft..v.. K 1 ' -41 pew,."i wife of to o:e•n 11. Mart in. of u daughter.
K►nn College. lo:sawely .,f Hrn.
gree to know that hr ha. Lund
to go went ini ac .-,cunt of ht. wi
and left cw lluu•la\ "t Out week.
\V. I bahort y , 4 i,,.t..u, 14 ,..14114 le
the. t'fe.'elnbd sale • the .great
Pry it,ttbrrni•. trotting .:ole. danuitati
two volt, old. half Irothet '4o gold
111(. aced .Admits, 2.11'. ort other..
1 caw-Iw5..oPfa){ to Mr. 1:. McTaggart
`tssifot*h. rrraved ort *.. the railway track
rewind,, slut twine its ...atom with the
II, wt4J re• KERI: In 1.,ndsw youth, on ,4* 411t inst.. the
wife '.0 John Kerr Ileh- of V1.11/1111&X11. of •
*44,74Va4y daughter,
'..healN,, I..tWI:ANC F -ft. East N-awanu.I.. of the
ak :nal . the wife of Wm. Ian ranee. of a
r frau tars'
ewt, HAOtitl 14 Morels. on this 7th inn . the
wife of Anthony Hagset. .0 a daughter.
MlTelliV.LI.- in N'iaghain. on We 11th iron.,
eke wife of Nott. ]Inctr!1, to a daughter.
MtLY.I)1) In t'ultswe on :he bah lest.. the
wife of John Mcleod. or a daughter.
C4 41'etciter of'.1w- 111441144 1441. wan #ili*ul.
1t .44 he,trite a few„ u. lir. McTawait
WW1 his gamily. '
J. I:. fistruniri.% 44 the third '"noesem 4.
1_ 1:. $., T.•acenmith. reorntly sold to
u 4f.,rth a 'r o 'tf.l-
nly,. (nor yew{s.old. for ASIA. ''lire wets).-
ef over 1.500 points each, and tame a
' Mr. atul }fn.. iharitl Mak: who were
among the .d,iext and. 04044 111,1014 rea111,14.l
rcatrtents of the tow'twbip 4,1 Hay. left la.4
week for 4 art/err), Manrtolia• where t4..
) making *heir future holm. They
had melded •rnt,nn",wty 4w trier 40 2 ear,
to their tine fare..
AN])ERHO:'f in N'inrtatu. on the Itch in.t .
the wife of R. H. Anderson. of u Amwghter.
A$$WELI.Ek In Is.4ulh, Minnesota. on
the sed ,no.. the wit, of Yeah.: 4 rarweller.
I a daughter. .1•
INN'KILEIt--lo a •.!r•o+,. on the .ltd
, the wife of Jo.epn Htginnwrilar. of a
ro4lt-in 1,4rnl.rrry. on tb. and
he «OS or John Htttierford. of
RD -In Har neon. on May bth.
. Belt. Juvi.l, Duncan, of Iter
es Maggie. sooner -at daughter
of ,�IerTI. tow ...hip.
n I.fatnwe►. on H
It N('AN
by Rev.
ist"t to .
of John It,
of Ur nndr 04411'•44. a grey lune sett well knows and populate a 1: torrt bre been
three -yes, old gelding ••nit. 'fhr colt is a dark Property for Sale or for Rent. refitted. relented and improv et recently
��re�w�wMe.with four black We. and white War. L4 and ix 11044 .ecund 4" MA, 14I 'Await" -of ac
011lhwtion leading to nu• re•ut(r) of 111e &,l '1 itE 1i) Ill: l• .t: 1.11. •14 4 cemmotauun for the trscivfing pointe. sir's
�� ler+ll korona'11.1.l.iM YhA\NI- 1 pcoonatwdahou (yr tr*rsient gnrs14. loud
O&% Kblall. 41Fit
Meek Farm. c".lhurrr. toter lioderiak. CIIA II,. 4 roorirtur. t „- t+u cure. Uuticrtut.
.t t :1
ctasepa ttwg."fur •tta�k, AltRAHA _iglu.
L'RTRA 1 GY)j,T. -STI* A 1 EU FK4 )'I N' TH• u i .ro y' - q�tt
11 thepremir.•■ of the Imdendi iii. also 'TM►RE Foil KENT. -THE $Tok.EMedical-
tar otd
edical.tar-old brown Ell). sigh shite with hind foot - -
and ••Par 011 for.•hrad. Au. ).crenon mnding
same and taking rage of it will ilea... r port
to utak-mimed who wily pa) expense.. W.
WAKNO1'K. G1.Irrlch, *4 4*
4Of.'l TOFREV44)4 )N-('*Litul:NE
` . township. , The t'ourt of Rev Oho.. 1..r
the towns',it. of Colborne will 44. belt in the
town hall, Carlow. on Hay Stk. Int N o'et•ck.
A. u. J. H. It1l•HAItIle. Clerk. 0►It
1)ATR4)NS OF INDI-srkY --F. J.
• Hen'..*, org■nirer for Huron, will lecture
ler the following place. next week wilt, a view
to organizing •4rs.a'tahoon of Patrons.* Indo..
try : Nlk, R'•). ::th : ltunttrnn"n,
Mitt : OHYer's Wheel )louse. !*44. The north
targe oftownship* are Hearty all orsaaised. It
or 1 t' of limos will
on the corner et Victoria mid \elwnats.
Uaderich, fur erly *espied ar J. M. Proud -
triol. will its kneed ea 4.0100041. term. -��t1 )
to 551(14. ANA' W KLLe. 4altf.1d -at
Jl/ Teat wall -known and ouwteoUT ltxwtrd
hu•lt.tna Nen kpuw t. as . he "Old pest Ake -
is for row Terme reasonable. Apply to J. T.
HMUSS 1.1)15 I:F.NI' ---A CUM FOR
table renege.s Its. hard and suit water.
stable mid garden. on 4. aledoeia Terrace,
will be vacant by June I. Item reasonable.
Apply Lo H*'GH M. GI:A'fTAN. 1•I,aunia
• sortable cu:**4( on Hint-ks-•t., with half
au a.4*' of laud . good )caring orchard of *FL
plc. pl and twat trees, sad small fruit
erten. Halt a mile from (c`or'm 41ouxc. • Terme
rennonable. .1441) at this office. 074f,
a orpI,.wtlo t he county
Meet in the I'on rt Hots. In the town es t.OnF-•
rich, on N'rdureda). the third day of Jane.
Ifel, at o clock r. at.
Caloric., I'KTR1: ADAMSON.
Mai I,tn. I) Pt , 00a Comity 4'lerk,
GLENN 1`AItK May 13th.
rel the t'r..b) 4 manse. by' Ire.. 1.
Camptwyl. A. Gems. tailor. of lithe!. to \ I►Th'F: To LERTI)1:*. - (.„,RL,),, 5
544,•.. 1'411101,ba
rs:., 0 (.'w'l,
ELI.F:1:-'TF.4'. AItT 1 {,Vii'' -2. Ives .4. 1 have *old m) bull
Iwtdrb :lathe-. on t nexe et ('aglow, al, orreries who owe me at
Newby notified that all account, must lie set-
tled w 0Ma ten day 4 or costs will 44. in.urret.
J. H. R1t'H Alt1,S. Pitt
Public Notices.
At the residence of the
nab lop., by Ile'. rt.
iR. Ja,. 1Gttchar.1, Stantea, who ion. been Acheson. enom•s er to )sur Jessie
•iettanliug *lir llriilral /'ujk3trs "� N" 11, l Iarkw.In Stewart. all Tt teres aith.
M•GR11'1k\ (:ACEI,\' Ata...0.,.....
1•ork. pnY11131 stile 1. rttc•wtio si to .p.xsus a Clinton. on May 74b. l 15to iter, 2. W.
14/ the .'y. incl, eat. •arid has paiuged a leery ShiPon, it, .4,, John Melltatten. 04 (rod•
sueoessfn),"ooutttatlott to themdetpa4ertutrut., cri, h. to )lis* SharaA. Oattic). eldest
daughter or tt' Uante7•
departure for 4'htnrsi• mbar.a MY• -la bride. ramble Toronto, on the 6th rust
q .P 0(4404 few ,14" at hum' .bin• his TART 1. VATE.S--A' the reshtenee of the
Joint Mi•t.roger, Manley, ha*-t,•turne.l 145 the Iter, J-M,t'alueron. Herbert FL.
VA 1111 -trim IirorlKr Janne., who lay th't' son of tiro. Irirhl, Iteq.. aforowrly of
1'lia.01,' to Ida. youngest da minter o. Geo.
]x411 rtsi.i+444 fur. mine Vicar* to 117ticota. Tatra. F:w4:, of tee Turosto port were
Ile. haa been it. ill health for turRie titrated BF1'KiT 1'f)I.LUCK At the reside*.e et[
fr,,d the intidnr of *44* j.)wrrteyhe iltst4Ylina .1nr l'tridr'.tt'randnw*her, Are, Kerr011 tlr
1 M Wth incl b. fhr Ker. *lr, M,•tlu rrir. N',
rtc'i weal condauuo_ ). F.. t+:reg04.wlm
has had tin nitwit .4 pleurisy. is slowly re•
A frutr(year-.•1.l eater of conn, \► i1•,41, , or•
venter.HattrroLury- street. Clinton. met with
w exceedingly 11111011141 air oleo* '44W Clay re
cents,'. He was up a darts*' :nni .accidentally
John Hecker, of Rranden. to Miry Jeer
Pulhork, of Kingham.
MATHEIIS-GItAY-At ::,r residence or the -
bride's father. 1111))/41. 011 the Eno inst., b) Specific Articles.
the Iter. J. Yeedusou. N. Slather*, of luck .._--.--
son. wMSS Y.l alsth.11.eldest dat+ghtrr LMIE;$H MILK �HAVi\I: KEPL.�I••
of Stephen Gray. [' as the Arthur Remitter. tar.
rel toy dairy with *choice lot of 1•041'x.1 Ybe above proton.rx will be seta un terns*
DIED 1 m in • position to sopply all orders intrusted to suit•,'s. Apply to
.Itpped down. $ nail oaechln4 and tearing £N1.1:1:we In (:ceder l 011 tt'edoc•sri.. :o me with purr fresh milk, and will guarantee ('ASIEti4)N, &P.&& 1' a CAMERON.
opened. -i beg to Hale that I {�\
hare aommenard work in Lewis -
D t'. old stand. ad iomin: 4w'arte'. 4401,1,
e nd ,aat 1 will he happy to serve all who may
favour cur with a .all, Rome :hotting a .pee..
tall), '.4 5..4. atA' 14* . 4oderich 03-3in
thotra•A felt of pimp and hemlock
Iptmber, delivered. .N)44. 1:1UD tM-4t
1,1119thn1MR Sure, (me. Acco.* hem. a,.
r M. Ile W *nn..,.. r nidenee, near the
sled. titdw'ia1t. O. e'. S4 444.914, J. R. sitar.
000, 17)1
• Legal.
U. JOBNSTN. (1.4R1ti4T1:
. ,eticl4911 ewwu.• •r. d:.. Loans,
collections rand red este.. transactions care -
fulls attended to °Mee tor, Hamilme and
W. Andrew's -at.. (iodKtch. Ont. .3106-N'1,
U solicitor. Conveyaecer. Ao • )lone, to
Ipnd. Uiloe over P st-UIItoe. tioder1 h.3 6. -elf
E. Solicitor, Notary Public. e t e.
Ocer Jordnm'* Drug More, the
occupied by 4.40, DOR. >a
1 ingand garden stuatedatsmith'.Ilillon R.
OAoe. ,otter of Sonars a�lgtat1 W9
the !Logan urota'rt). h i+ a,,l.hlr either for
street, rich, over telegraph sees. Pri
• 4rIcsir dwelling or for husines-. A stood vaiirueds t0 met at t7 per .eat. Y'tEO-
garden attached with plenty of tnai.. Terns I _
ester, Apply' to F'. 1'. 55.IO)NAGOI. Car.
low. t
1 US -M.
commodious building on King•'•• Brna-
sets, at preeern occupied as a paint Amy ey Barrister•„ Ylailaltars In Chancery, ir.
\t'to. 14101t'. is ons ale. Teems easy. Apps to Goderfrb, M. ('- l'atsoroa• 4.1'.: i'. horn :
4.'. MENrri, itruesets P. 0. Pit lids.,' Holmes.
1 Nese better. *Putted to. uloune..ter Ter Loans and LaeUPSIOe.
rate, tatmittt seven rooms, cellar and dos
eras. orAen tend urrhafd 4411 premises, %i('NEC TO LE\D,-A LARGE
A piIytii . ('AMI'A10N5:. 4(odrr.'5.. S *4 1 1 44,00041, ut D'r'ano and other tuada at
boost rates on pruduct.vr town and fum
H`A'S` T() LEI'. PAR11: property. Serial term. of rep,.' nwut 11/ 140/1
street. lately occupied b)' Mrs.Trueteen: the borrower.-Nocommtufou. -('all or 0etc
sight rooms, ex,•rtlrnr . eitar and water ;44.117; It M. U. JOHNSTON. lsudrrnh. "J' at -11
),larder and stable, ('heap, to a desirable ten-
• -tpp:y at SIGNAL 4) 'F iC F:. II
(1A$RON t Pittli'D?o"T, «AR-
lJf rine*. Atmenesst, )401161111M. Ike .. Uodc
itch, J. T. Oarrww.,W. Proodfoot.
. aut. Fire. Lite and _4000tat lwewr•
I431 415 •SALE. - THE FOLLOWING sane- *tent. tidier • t' p stairs. appcal1, lir•
• a ■Iuable properties nal olio* Noftb••t.. Goderich. .1 ft.
Part of lots : and 4, concession 4. 0.I). Ash `" �. LEWIS, 1tAKRI44TER, PROC
tte1A. 12.1 nerve. - I.�
Tho• \ooh • of lot 31. 2nd toncewtion. Fast . for in Maritime Court; limey to loan.( b)
'Cawancrh. litt&err.. per rent-, private tends. rttraight loan, in
Part of block F'. Colborne, :A acres. known we., jrarly. Co.*, 4erj lnu,c.-ret.•. rot
pttrlie•ulan call personally ..r write. 21
J • tl'c., and c•onro,fesioner for ta4uhg and re
hie i*tson. 4t wig at first thought that the slay SIM 1•'•l. Mantis, r.. relict of the tat. quality. gement, and reg•daritj of delivery'. Met( llud(neh.
'.'rust would be fatal. but M. u progressing
I t near Amdr-we. aged 677rerr i mo•tl, enders by D0.1 oViendnl to at once.
Address _ . - - (•en'fryf recognisance. of hail, afida.its or
lacorwF,py. The funeral ill takeohne LOT rt Lt A .E - .T. PATRICK `ST, ceerling u. the High Court of Jushr e. the
IP" Wt."aadkc afternaen. W h sent.• ren,leacr, Hritawnir (ford. on Friday . May i-Ahnlit Lew walk
and 3. days. JuHN GItAHAJI. Uairjaea•, south strrwt, i,,IRST•CLASS BRICK H01'SE AND affirmations. depositions w solemn declare
li.ederirh. 0:•tl 1 tions It or concerning any action. suit or pro
e. ace from hoz let ) S ' O� N
na(.par cunt Mack Is.r •t the rnminnr „f
{ }4 $.'rtA at 3o.bal 4•.a . Io Maitland ern+etre.
Lulsrt t Sten an. F. {.. d i uc k nn t d will lease accept
ArtieN. amp *ale
Two stories high. brick addition in the4 remit or lilt into') Appeal
o�trt. All transactions. any
+. r 1th the SYiene.ap acquaintances- _. -- M stories high, building covered with date, and
p Gain building has 31•r r irons on dreg Ilan, promptly rxec:::et. Residence . and P.O.
,.•casiou bei !ht. nutria),•, ..f hi- cornet R 'SALE -CKDAR SHIN1:LES, g eddrrr �stnga9non. int. see, II
thu np,maLou.=ton
*herr are Slarga• rooms, In the rear_
.Laughter. Muss .1r.siea to Thinner Elder. M. )Cl+ft. In t:.x4ench. to �ardrday murnisg, SkjeX• county cedar. beat in tn.- =tion there are kit sawn. pant. y, washroom.
.blest Mn of \\'ilh:un Elder. "f u, het -smith 31:te�� bah. Ped. \eu, tounh :on ut Anger tarty.' +t+o• IDI'. Os -it Upps.tairs. girl's room and trthnwru. Also good J. T. NAFTEL, LiFE, FIRE AND
The cer•m.t,a 4a+ urme.l 4.t i:, a. ,.. Mel. of. aged I4 yeare. 7months and .days Beller. Apply to 144* ander*ignr'1. who wiN • Accident Insursnce' Agent. Heparrn:•
.} WOR. 8ALE.-PINE LI"MHE1. $10 give all 0ecemar)- information. UANIKL inj); North Rritirh Il' M.t•a•ar4ie: I.ivrrpool
Acheson, M r.ip)pen. JI. KAI' -In I:o.erich, on \tnnda0. May 14th. London kl Ulebr; Norwta•h Cn,un: North
1+1.1. Be■.ir,'conA daughter of the tate per thousand and upwards: all *rendes in GORDON, tint.
A few days ago Me •1° 'P44 Row. Sea Angus M*&ay. tMeb. JUN. 1:1141,.
Os -It - ---- can 44.: and Accidrur Insurance,
IIUR SALE -(;RE AT BARGAIN. ereh America. Lowest Rates,• set
f nn
l�1NOMD(ly. Money to loan on Farm
forth t with '. rutin! At, /atilt He BII 1 1\(r.LFY At Kamloops. R, t' on the -'-
wa. •on egw_Jltt nnou Town
Property Conveyancing done. Pro -
wee term :gwmn.i.-ilk an his �14h anti• Emma B.. only daughter of r. INE YOH 1A LE.--GIN)D FRESHMacre a n toil
1 • ut luecalr, aged tears. -�- lsee kept .owpagtly on stand u the Falls •t >b rout. lees than rmlue.
hicv.k. and when (awe+g .11.413; the Legh Bdl,nl►.), R per lot yin Ith 7 valved, etc. Oirn-Car. Nonbat. and
xitkwalk. north of the woolen vu11s. the 1'RICF: In W,ngham, on Thursday. Mal I1, 10990174* Ilene kiln. K. N'(E('HLKI1. Ol to lar 1'. .* u. rge a A\ heat V.�no. kg has r aere as nvrrd4xw1y lot in 1 M- ire r _Il,
w got into a crwa- . causing 11i " Thea.. Pr •r aged ) ear. and ! nhmt tr
hers t k him t take
\7111 rx•7tb 00,000 TO LOAM. 1flLT TO
a "healer. He hurt Mut le.' and r• erect( the tamilf testdenrr, In. I.iehfieW•p.. (ler- 47 tow, has )int received two can of Small pay menti down. balance at 6 per .en:. MI, K'Q�i
other injuries selli.'ied to ...nein. him to his trod. H.. aides: daughter of Janes .wd XXX shingles. warranted. which be is sellingorCAMERON. FfOa. Gode
Adder Hoothrun. in 41 414th year. at 0ltele. tt:,A A to 101 W. 42 i exchange0),,I4 SO farm.
residence fora day or tw,.. y Also Id N. d Y in 6th run., .\'. 11, Ashikld
Henf.'e tote? ha. changed /•amts. for M(TeliELI.-inTu'niserry.onthe !?''.Ins.. row's,.14eleared:Koodhufl.linp:nor-'►all• 12Q Y TO LEID--A LL1;/:F
el'ilhelmisa. daughter of 4\'w.. Mind.... CSAR SHINGLE.'. -I HAVE ing creek. To Hent large pasture farm • .INI
u .4. rc ' 1'avh.r. *akin n aMw9t Of Private Fonds for lnweatmaer:
['INGLES --JAMES TW ITCHLLL• town•h'pp Arc,' (a44104 rrcrk, onlard end•
:')N In London o. ter 11th Inst.. at bush. Nuildin s insure.' fur f -:w4, Terms-
ptnprret.x. 1f v g 110111• •red t Per) ears
sea•nu, laa•st week. The nal' of the hotel lt1XN In Mcdalloy
01. «0ud*y. May Iotk
furniture netted $150. The late inst., Jam's Rion, aged IR )ears
proprietor. Mr. Hrtnir.. has ,derided to go WALr..KR in 4talenh. on Saturday. Mar
to. his farms on the lith eon I.rev Mr. Tay. *h. John ..'alae'. aged tri )ears and
Oebind a quantity of A 4 shingles, never failing' spring: one mile fro
tobisb I name am
Ml oas 81.0 at mill W. T. 1'F:1. Oodrrieh, at fess than 54 ter •ere. There are
1211' Piet Albert. M-tf col) fire )ark lots lett nsol4 of K'nt. H•w-
den'. sues ey of the Internal ionalform. Part fee
ALL GRAMS OP HEMLOCK, ASH, wbhiwg a mature lot or 'heap building site
basswood and Mae kept in pock: hills with bw Paces must apply al One,. F. N.
NwMt rats' on *raclam Mortgages. Apia)
sumacs, Real Estate and Money
newt h*
he. disposed t hit. Tann to the 8th crew Wm 'Med shortest notice Lnmbcr. I,I(WIr. l ioderich. nett Loaning Anent. gent. Unlr are*. lar
her up.seo o MRttKta7 T -in See
grth, on �ats•dsy. May
Ivrea', to Ile.. %iWAY.. of I.iatowel, anis will fah lest.. Jane ?1,•l'nrdy, wife of M. I.. tee.. etc. exchanged fee bead/reg.wood, logs or _ _ represented. Money to bend on pralek
parr bolts. Jlle. KIDD. eu•It-- - loans, at the lowest rate of Interest going. in
.le* .*, his titter to the hotel hsinetr. afrwrtt, aged .t year. and .: months.MOI'tsye Mie. any way to snit tt• oorrower. Office See -
litre .Lev recently while Mr. Snmwtrl HAMiLTON In Urcy. on May 6th. Edgar ]aUR BALE.-TN'U 1N I\. CAST -" IDD
- and dour from 8pttars. Next Street, bode.
atrrtornl•, 1'11 atrtst•, was cu mg w'i,ra Hamilton stn I I Tran and months. 1� pulleys. Ii tn. face 1 11,46 In. bore or res ~'lt)R11"43= BALL
t Bart ry w ill be soil at • rrasonab.r A Mrr. A4p4) a L A TO PROPItRTI . 1t Institute.
]ming killed. A timh, which waw suspended awe t:. years. Tits SIONAL $team Printing House, Nmshat„ -- -
in • tree. fell and oniek him rat the head, RKR'L4.Y in Morrl.. on Maj lqh. Margaret 6der(eh. 08-11 t i -er and virtue of a power of isle J ODERICH MECHANICS' IATt3TI
r g years.:• mouths and ?: • aysNe 'la; of SeNember l�l
remained there urac„nec•Mn. for metre herr. BELTING FOR, BALE. :i:) FEET wnicb wu1 lx• prod
('Ll'6T1'-1■ Hl7th. .n Tuesday, May tub D of 1 in beet eek tanned leather belts
\- 11 tt ) in
he hush he had a vert I mmw Pecan from - _
F'LAN NEPI'-ln Mr/ii1Mp. on slay lath, be borers to At larger shah. Oood as new, 1Tl or
Maria. beloved wit. of llfcharl Flannery. \•A L• BLE W\
..kin w •h ah.,' tin niche+ ling He J.. beloved ilio of Rich. wk7. arta 49 -_ a n n a certain mortgage ate the
uc,•d at the time of sate, R(►GM, eor. Of )tut street and Square top
noir) a M+Ifhlrar, who w-•. ploughing In the in.t., lokn (10e4*. :e years.. `� *ken will De txeld k7 public auction at Marlins •t•Irn
eyed T -better than new, in use only • short ti. tri hdel.ln the town of oderich. in the rountr d UPln from 1 to 6 p.m,, mad from : to Io p.m -
adjoining field. cane t.. his arnlsnee 4441 McKEX%IK- In Clintoe. on the 171k Inlet.. A)eplj to .1. N', VANATTKI1 Ooderlrh. 064f. *2
Mack him home. He s ah1* to he around,
Malcolm James, seri of Thos. McKenzie. -- - Huron. al o'.lgck noon. on Saturday, the ABOUT 1(100 YUL•S IN LIBRARY.
tied day of Mal. A.D. IAN by John Kwox,
although he still feels the etTe•t. of the aged 3 mon blood Yt days j.TUit SALE -A SMALL SQUARE auctioneer, the following Palin'town prelim". dinr3 Pod'', li'etkle acid III..}(rdfrrf
poli.... WILE- In Hay. on the 6th inst.. l'herlotte J piano, made try Dustman. of New York. arty, earned* fart nflt.4 number bee running Papers, li,vf0:trhrr, ret'., ort File.
Vile. beloved wife of Hoary Pik, aged Y. Box 4. Ooderieh. ' 03-11
earl'' In the town of Otderfch. MRM R6NSH11' T44'KKT, ONLY $I us,
N.w h:rs : on the 3.4 n( June nett, an path
On the above lot herr is • good frame house Mend
interesting event will take 'lace at Mount HITE LIME FOR. SALE -- A one and •half wog). Rrsating tree Mae of IJaxar7 and isg-
�%The said lot is le in width and fronts ole Room.
ib. mar , the Mone of 41:.1'. Mo.. Lillian heirtjf ••�E CENT A �' - pt evppl� d wki,e mow will always pr Application frr mrmbenkip received bT
the mar of him niece. Nims I.�1 � kept on hat, by the undersigned, a his rest ('hurrh street. Idhrwrtan, In eoont.
'rage Condensed advertisement: such u iceot, dente on 4',..(s-, for salt, Parties
T►aaa. Ten per von. down at the time M 014. SHAItMAN, OKO. I+Ti\ RN,
l 1'hilluPr, to .I4.. M.*n'ner .w. a pro.p•rotu \ will benefit b less it, • R .,ekes .l mak end eke balance in oar month.
F,wml. •' 14ifsatica,s \ a.wnt, f-itsa eegg fakir amen
and mkt ou farmer of s.iim3 ,. d.'1 . work *tan t ,trdf bloc. 01)WA tU For further particular apDpply to the etc
pw, tieelx \\'enteol, For ?lab. Far Remi, ic., &m
sar�rM titterer or to the vendors' sone tors. oodorich, )larch 14th. UM.
h M Phillips.. widel knot. n, liar' 1li1ARMAN (lode's h !Mh ttsl 0t -t(
A.1,. Iftr, to the vendors, T''TE LIBRARY AND READING
Li I vr'th her andfather. the late 1 , inserted 2n this page at the rate of eon emit Dated 11th, May A.U. POI.
s t ggrr
Middleton, at Flay'bela, until his death. aithce * word -ten *oral for loci .� CAMERON.
Welles >te Ored/tors JOHN KNON. wnationetr, 116Yt SLA SALT. Tie PER DOS.
which 100..4* ha. matte her hrmtr with heti - -->
uncle. She is a roost estimable young lady!
M \ lite., iv to Ice o•duntratnats/1
1120110L11011, LA1.-DENTAL
Ituec slFreMa �b se Petr °lice.
tllect�t , t)wMii1R 11/1`17
N °Tied '�) Cll1DITURs, ,URTA0E SALE
and ie e 1•. mug rilkage VAL.l'ABLE FARM PROPK({TV. Loohh (lath Mitts.
to. hl..'h[rlet. r /w lib matter of 1•as Ned crane. of IA.....
in Tomato. a few days young I. ( ill + 1 N
ady, who n well rind popularly known to
f�/Mapv/uses. a e ,•o w r of ream,
d rot ser pasta. stationer' ete., irft Under and by rlrtut of *power of tale tow-
wglrenr, a.2l in *Ar moiler of (4r Aet re. tabbed in a eertsfo mortgagee. which will be
epe0lap ag*(0ono,nis and w rferr,N* bp soil at the time of sale, omens date the
I lintomian*. and who was former( a teacher 71 nag
jJ intro/real perws. H.N.O.. ('hop. 441, lath day of November. A.l).1947 * here will be sold
in the nettle- shad, there, char hersiasee sergesa de•tl*A Glu and vita/Mee air b� pmhIlr sort ion. Martin's hotel. In the tow..
inn in lila in chef of the married sate, •dmtniw.t.d for Pa lnl.wh extracting of teeth.
Notice Is hereby elven that the above- of Plotters -h, on MIur+lay, rhe Mrd Cay of Maai7 Web -apple i410.44 . mad Mar) Anderton
a,orn,o h, fisc wit.'ef a ` Orilla epeclat attention given to the pea,.ervatlo. „awed Insolvent has made an asatgnment to A. D. Mo. a1 half pact twelve o'clock In tM Peefeaee. in hula. ill 'sac. pert..
41 el the "'oral 4M4.'. Cp legs'. m• for the M•neel of his creditors. under the afterna,w,. h) John Knot. anctfnneer. the hl -
merchant of I►nuglas. Men. C. refer 30 pesad Opera Hones Rlork• on Nast abn. a mimed Ad.
Mir Amelia 14ummer, who will hen►Nu lar int-- 0•dir*ch. 11111.1• owlet' •■..444 41 tum pr 4441 n T. numnrinber
A rrrtlwgtri the creditors of the said Immix Thr earth /art of lot numMr al Is 1►s Qekbor*, Paris Omen and
.. cwt win* h els I 1
Florida water.
549,11.4. hoar..Se. per cake
known as Mrs. Ilowatield The'owpl poem old o0 Monday. 1st day d Jen. Mai red nn.' .*on of he on natio of Osde. teems Powder a
■ few de at the 41..wt• n( 111. ),nob'a 111►*. at 3o'clerk in the anetno,n, in rte all rich, in tbecounty of Huron, and I'rovi9nsOf ,
cotta reran. lrungannon. for the appointment Ontario. eant•Iefn* le acres of land. tram • Wt r.•r,t . f•k,..
parent•. f into... and afterwana left for tluir of inverter •0d for the steins of eft etelee. 1e9a, ��b'x w '
.►fen, hew.. regarding the di•pnrl of the state. Tberr 4s • fairly good frame hour a0 the
Crediton are reviewed to file with 1M. A ernMlar •M *ion • ?mane 'MINI! and baric
• before tee dare M mid merrier their elalan The god is Ors, clam -
deet the saki state. rattled h a0d*,Y. Then Ix ale a good orchard on the premises,
IlMsedl T. U. ANI,tttit►u4N The aha. a Prwp•rtY Is within .. mils d (iod
Amine. *rich. awl Is steam on the Harem Holed.
On Thnreday, 7th Inst., while Nelms .ioataftard Mas tow ger te. a /9e hap tot
t4. W chick. Tp79e gl c+aet.
Herkin,anemploy.nf4(.Rack tnghwm,F:tster. Jam; RABAM. ilwlryte.n. Ron snook
the ghh4oe.sw ,n lent!..
wee engaged to (tnehing
• 11141
tiro horse helon4i0R to W Welsh, he ravel WR!) MILTON.
with an accident which might h•.•terminal prHIS FiNE JEREMY BOLL,
sd aerinwely. it appear* he Ira one n( th• bred 1y Mr. TLth. Mertes. was
hind fest of the Moat op when H made an dnsseed telt Ont. lift if Dew we
11.1 A. J. ('. 1 M taw for week* on the
preml■s e( the swlrertbar, having M,en per and 1�a,1 Vahiater.
n r m anrn4 r en *y� 4.rw1eF a• •e .re •ttserle41ea it: ara b lane hew Not was resting hetweenitt ly r4k( hord•niss at Rllg.wnod Fane. A 44e anrruu, 1rtwttral•, he le In * *1144*. to
s . ter '
ek.fetb 7. EMP► nes nr 7 f
ani ray a1 May. 1tr1. TYRIY,S 0r . AI.K. � , pep,
Mica per coat. of the pnreher money to he ikw �t/
Aneao IIHR, MM at the Ilene of oak In the •talrww or their C(f•
cONe(tars arid the hat*nr. wfrhin 7) 4*7•
KNUZ, GENERAL AU(7- nor. whoa the piirrkaeer wul h..wtlthwl .
to • Mat •nee. Is other reaper''. the condi. fiats
Hens of sale will he the standing coedit4*. �1Mi
d r4 of tM High (conn of Jingle*. ! :. >fir]
• Itetl*t M 1k down. throwing the ycwteal Rel . ILlltt lewd aired by x 'a Jelin R.IL U'
ndsnesath het font tearing it 'ary I*444ey,i k...n M hl k Y M eTivat f 0.1 Oar
1 lad eowdd t.k
n eat* a the floor. and ,ateking nee
a tati.x .r :o q*,t wpm ei s top of w, sa leewd.d .*.*.twit, le the offered to a)1 ems dierearwe with sabot etlee all tom -
Par (writer part4.-atar, a pty 10 464 aadtaa
rt, • • e►esa wnh (lawadlY mlahslonr M to hie, Orden left at ' ()attr/ )tt �'ir�ecyd A U. ROL a
rIMYk itt►ti world Oman OBMM�IE •• we.:. asssehi,...Wr+ad ••--+• • n«.c ... d•..t '.earl a fele sdde•tt< 4'A111RRON BOLT
=.111.11144..�a..k leatlFe tJ�r .e LTUS�VUC L, NO. 100• )
eseNe•t treatment tb. Timms tele is d> AW.iis DwatM +Ali y II CAH IRON 1 I i raeeret
M 9�p�srtla� ♦ � 1[ Comm AtstMt•asso terff AtleelceeR *IIB htltlee, :,11'
n larmasee
wte0 Wirer r. O.. difefW Meattrmi ee. "tett* eWF1e�. 4'a.idreti.._"srh-"" •west 91 T 1s arletreele orM