The Signal, 1891-5-15, Page 2IRE
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Mtea.l E.
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Ting SIGNAL: GODERICH, ONT.. FRI DA Y, MAY 15, 1811. ,
Itteerstug Fled Bent drops -it tia, as was hie taN InT(1112 AND pRoCr RMS.
- Mrs R. B. Smith
- - Will have her Millinery -Cr
When the novelties of the season will be on view
"Oka do, though. -
'Isn't it it rather ambles* emielusiesal-:
hi the 'contrary, my .lear Loy-, have
lawn thinking .4 it for souse time.
Fred lkyst gave a low Whistle
"Well. I must sty you have kr pt it
mighty pri. ate.
•'Tlw beet policy-. 11 1 hal bob! you in
the first pla,v you ought hese flerlIttittkal
Mit of th.• notion. Noir It 1. nitpoio
man i. young, a niere lie does well 1.,
:levet When a mine arrit 'toy 1
„tsars ati.: gray lour. lo. u111 think better of
"Itut Laurie. honest .14 tenon'. awe you I
113 1111VC".-
"'Titer. you. ate not going too marry tor
..n. ••.in.1 then I .gro grow lug oldel 1113
•-itiowes to marry sell to likiug will
not always be ow fair AS lky .11.1
••Ves. though notild net ei "son it hut
loefore this year is out.
"Have you seleetod the lady •
"No. but you know a reeerye bui•C eon,.
'If Woll t. V011 know the rest.
Now. my .lear Fred. an the. noti.eiro: alkuot
tailing ip Itnal la bosh pure Minding. I
never could love one uotrian any better th.u.
. ()tarred in her nature noore lot eclat. • I ital. ties '•
I hank it is mach better no select a Worilien
whom you think in every way to itiit you, ,
then set about learning 1,. 111;,.
proverbially prior.
"I don't limn, Laurie. 1 no. always
hoe, en of Nouse thy as • ort bless to
"Exactly... gaol lite friend.. • • Now these! ber
too young ladies- -
11.4mem ' Interrupted Kent.
"Not in the lenst. They are both ealled
•• Mom Sturtevant 11.1 %4 riling a
both very mutable In every way , g
an far et I Loon-, 'heart 11 kr.le aro] fancy
-Well, you ought to win. mol Bent. hi,
-You are go...I looking, awl, by fn.,. you
41 the door he turned and ealle.1 hawk •
-Shall 1 me poi •1 the 1.eonanlie t,
'morrow night !
'file nett night fornol him, faultlessly at Mre. Leonard'. reception.
'shimmer of peach bloom satin in th
...moue mates of hit:mina). at' raeted
taking pair of aparkliag Igoe n
zuolong stars he =sae lit• way to the side o
Illatb.h.• Sturtevant.
ehe ma.le room for hint lwaide her .11
' hut thee had a peculiar attraction for me..
The meaning he Shrew into the glan.v he
laratattred on her the .1elocete ore 1.1,son
het elteek•, and atie looked ten times an
lorituebt• .1 paper ay. need he wrote to Mies %Vet -
1 hi another otheet of I Ile tine eream note
pretty noshed face, a queer sensation sewed hag"' thaa
hem. 11.• felt actually limn! about eating "F ‘I 1-* itr """ "" Inne
thts beautiful girl to he hie wife,
Rat the .gowd
ml lest night I shonld hat.: urged you to
uorld. Somehow he felt aa though die ...neon% atnm limotea that utnitri ffw vale
eesild read his very thortghts it it h rhos. •1181c Vogl pry/tamed to write to me n'Pnly
I w.nahl di. or sent.- an.1 Ole laughed.
three then Isookr.1 oh.-
I occupied 1.y. %Vert.m.
.1,, Sortie noustv ‘14. playing tit .titut le.
lanai 14 heti the .triiin hoot spooke
:ask yeti: a tittestioon tonight, 'out tile cr.
11 0. great that the•re I. no! inik It
t., tontewrow will prat fill tit 111.•
• rtaAtil7 !.. and the brew* eyes smiled
nevelt and perhaps moconicitately at him.
as Ise anise to relinquish hie snit to **debit,'
"There' that sae neatly .lone," was his
'tient:II "rio tits.. no tote making
to undergo,. nothing disagreeable, ati.1 if 1 hie
fates are Lim, shall liar.• of the finest
looking and one aof intlell 111
He threa.lest his N.1y •arefully ;oolong tile
crowd. replying a kindly greeting 11. re
state:bog outlet ft tall 1 mil hi. .4 1 14..11.1111 it.
111% fa• -e brightened Is he her,
tor .inythitig beautiful ale -ay. appeal...I
t...1 Ile .irtistv .1.1e ..f fiat tire
hair and *lie 'feet) bine of tolet lurking in
the iasol depth.. of Iter`eye!
AV hat .in opt...rtuttity there was 11 111
his OW, I.ovely girl !
Miro Sturtevant. a
toort.etits ago, Cr1/111/1ki 1111/ 'natal, Mit lie
it with a th.,tight.
lle io.111.1 explatn troller I. is request.
NI 1,-, 4V.:11ifigton tittiehl to hint 0 u 11 21
• "No you are herr 41,1. evening. hi
.• I hove toot until now. -
\Vita? in,itter if that sweet spree:
-a. false. a was very neat. any rate
1 to
1 /tot
Nought • 411.4•443•4 ,\711or h. the =ft cheek
4.4 the mar.1.-0 before
es: it 1.4 :4 tit !setting for yott.-
Mat int., the dark eyes he turned Ity•th
It was only a .tep from that to nairet lung
more and he tout. it.
Ifol.iing her .oft white hand in III,. i11. Iry
lonely life. I sant morne one to altars. tot
-Real)) I hardly know. ,the began.
At that moment ksty VOlega oven heard
ming in their.lire, tion. and .he .1ree he,
nd sway from hie ,.lastp.
In another moment the lit ely party wen:
sight, and he had only time to murmur.
will writts tomorroa will you reply '
'Ves,' anti preeently the enol. retired
'4. was inva.led 1.) the inerrymakern.
The nett day he *red.: the two letters he
I promised for he was a man of hie
tat* two hi. t•TIII. 1 wish to spelt.
to yeti for mune remarks ntade to you
eight and to Ray tits? I hare ehanged
mind oorievrnutg the matter spoke .4.
was really of no and I beg
a not Jo% e it any thought It woo
• ito idle question, which merely amonat
ted for my rt....Lupin to, longer exists.
treat the it hole affair 8.1 AI poke. al141
ppotet time few we to call and t you t
Her onaminal red= relined him to Ins t.„
"I beg your paedna Was I staring at ' There, as he folded hoth letter, sad
"Theraii you,- she add hurriedly. .4 her repty
in silence.
I Mu there sae knock ou the .lour,
u loch NI,. %Vest 011 alias emit.
held Ill hia 1 it.. letters.
If you will (Item:: 111e F1'etl, I sill read
to Ise *obi.
ha. Dogs. I 41.411Nbie.
The fien read like this
fig tit Mu. .11tboati4la your pro
pada! was a groat surprise to Inc, for I al•
tiay. thought you were wol nuarrynag man.
14) I shall glad tom/wive yen. .
Blank dismay was pi..tured on hos los-
•tires as lie oputinl the other 11114I mad i
ItEin Stk. It is ettlirel% intouttevial to
that iu well regulatts1 motet) such joke. arc
oftoblered insults 111A wastati. Yours.
••Whabli tile matter. Laurie ! Voss look
•• have. time. read than," and, Ile
filen he burst tido itearty laughter.
\\I'm aii-c pia 1.1iighing .11 I- naked
110, the Cense rartlou ad 88
tog Thongt.t.
Take lab • .lirele la! aka 11 II it ailaint three-
tul•• or a stout
opening must be ai
1 bib, Mad mate!, iteur-
ly to the bottom id
the and the .nrit
114,424 he pus118.41
• tio;lit mot. if you
blow tato the tube the
au- oaf contion...ed
in the upper part arron.‘ri, rot N tAin.
the bottle. tool when your lip. age Nam
a.‘ ay a little tout1tam will play froet the
tele. fig 0 feu toomoimits to show you
how the 4,441'a:1111 11144 1•141114%Id la • 1,441"
4141 T444••118 • 1444,1•4 ,...taivremirkg the air.
:Now tab.. 3 will.. jar won the toot:tit
.A..11-4411. go over the ionall ial hoot
Crown. sail -Silver t'omno•ii.
iteateol nor and litorrt it the vial. ii.Yee,„ bread. -
always in tit the spaveni
11111 It &Min tightl. a. sou eau upon the poem -
hosted tn.. motile et ;be jar the air inn&
Carriage Maker and Blacksmith,
t. 1181
nor-sasnozroo 3P8'.7:4•141
Binders, Mowers,
A laritc :stork of repair. tr,.. 3333 AN), .•
Sischitles constaati, on 111111.1.
we. expand,' atel partly dry. cia oat: lite
44 .a11.11 I •h•t i big poss.r Maki, SI betillet bill jOIUS 111111
carte dem ii the mole..
mita% nu.; the t elle, 1 a of ....s.uted note paper
• it peweible that yen knos Vete
1 11 hoe, an., love, you littow. is 'proverbial
"%VI.), maul :4114 e, you rotit Your Letters
.A midden ray of intelligence durtml rover
hem! into. -
"Couto' you 'stake it nit oi h Nliss It el•
"I feel Akre I ....mid. !tut Milos iirtr‘•ofti
has practieally acrpte.1 me. att.! 110•' I
to :ilia.. Wellitigttoti
thing tor DOS
"lie as !noel) as the other.-
• -.41:141 get . onto /lie tnire.leerter thou I sin'
Resoles. ant .leterrosine.1 to marry One 14
• • Well, mool Ramo, rising to go, " I 44411
sorry for you, Laurie. This is *hat your
assurance and mullet ...nut.= *elute Irate
lortought you to. For 141 part. I prefer
••Itmalloye.. Atm. 1tuoirnfully from 'the
1 ray . Laurie. I might help you out. I
might marry one .4 them.-
Magnetie Aumsomilles he lineman.
Recent c.tploratione in the resign 1F TOL
the Torrent tinortes terreorial
Auburn P. 0
ou will be Happy
re -
taiesellify that have bold W. t'. lz , . rtirltilare polish 4.ot aeo cent el! 3
, 25c
;met- laths= !have ever trItetAiri= tai itmend wilt net or fail Itterettsr, 'be Mors to t ,
['oder the directi,al of General Ales
3.3I 431r ,,,ent oyoode-.. Nletil I'dlish th • Waver -eats 4 I tied 3. e 4.1 11;1 ifte to
area say I know for Mom nu kid. wives. Or and metal' IA'. lb W. Kamm, r.
bet worn the .•itier of 'hyrkoy owl .s
in t .•• area. and within inters
„DI Iry olfhistat.., 111141, sod
rttseist mod notortuat Dolt 1111.141 this
,..,..tuisia! tissue Nateil tall into two at..
/be aye bekoming t.. the gneu.. awl
milkilijirk ,, tie. a
Mlle -II
Ate -a
lire a;
et. ot
t ion t he inagnetie stee:11.• chooses
tiyi,:pre. 114,4, ,%411444 at the eonspassti%
test vIllage .4 KJ -sets., it iN mod.
and the rota! in elleetrical mats.
Hoe epreordlinary these ohmeriesi values LAWN MO w ERS
The horizontal listen:41y near Meade. as
nee inferred front the feet that the
normal value. for the rogion a1r113
ead only for the magma.- .1..clination.44
Latest patterns and most improved styles. Prices riest.
degree. for the inelinatem and for the bon.
There ie a sell -known ot al arra in
soleria ,4onte .4 the anomalies
retortleal tor General the •rin.,. In the in-
terior of the Siberian oval the needle'. de-
elinat ion 1..'.d.greos. west. lout thi. amount
gratittal/Y thi•nows to zero around the edge
.e8,1 Similar a tttttt relies tier« discovered in
theor. Rucker and Thorpe. end reported to
the It- lot S.eirty Iglu. Rut
the., e.111ftlitrieltiel. 111 4;efilt /kV
do. .istinert..1 with the geology oUthe
dist:net throUgh which they run. while Moss
in appear to Ire inetpheable by the
Mr J. I.. Bann says: It is well-knro
to thy totedimil profeedon that corers men
effort ,itallee a rush of Wood to the again
and that the amount of blood +Vends nil tit*
tbe thought but rush .4 !Mead
111ftill• 11 1161. in temperature, and if we
menaure this we trould he able to tie-
in a rough eray". the "power'
thought .w oriental effort. sestomoli.h
jail in the following nuuther: I
hate a heed gear .1 mug light. high-
.itnolueting heat. Nut...tame. In it. Mid..
die or •ny other couvenient pasta= 1
this, by meow, of fiesible wires or other-
wise. to at ann.itive sydranontet v. The ti-
n trerne of the thernmeleetrie 14e
n o. well known, and therefore whatever rite
n indieated by the galvatmeneter. Theo utility
•r. apparatee may not appear at tInd
Uttist c,f groat impurtanelt. but if we
er for an instant the feeility or difileulty
lesson... any doubts w. may hare ente.rtained
sa to it% preetkobility will be immediately
dispelled. Ry such a coutrieetere wouki WO
ascertain the ••brain power" of boys and
girl*, nay . eren meo, and thus be in a posi-
tion to indicate in what direction their immo-
ral efforts ought to tend.
Let u. suppose • *eyo•lhat mounted on kis
wheel and riding, my, toward the north.
He AMU himeelf beginning to tat toward
his right ile is now going mei only north
with the merinos but met alma He term
the wheel eastward The point or minion
must of nosegay travel ill the WIMP tho
wheel Hews it at owe begins to go • aft -
weird. and, as It monis inneh fame,- than the
rider tilte, ft makitly get. wader him, and the
ismehites agnae upright. To nor standing
at a distaimee• la treat or rear, the bottom of
tbe wheel will he sem to move to the right
and left. 1 easteitatie. ties, that 11DP stabil.
ity of tie Ineyeht is doe to tondo( the wheal
to the right or left, whichever way the lean-
ing ie. esd timekeeping the point of aupport
ender the rider, just as • hoe keep. uptight
ou hi. eager • broomstick standing oat its
=tallest and. -Popular Wiese, Monthly.
Watilittear Thought.
Prof. Memo, as Italian physiologist. may
hound to have weigtisd thought. He has
shown by experiment Mat thiaking cause.
• rush of Nand to the bran. +bleb varies
with the meter* of th• thought Mono
proved it by balancing a man in a horiron-
tral visage too delicately that when he bag=
toi think the ftee•IIMIon nif blood to his heed
turned the wale Winn the lotthWel Wes
aelsep, the thoeglibi or vision. which Mita
n Maim went mit tent to sink Ids
hetes. Ili het, aril the. mese thing took
whew he wow dleturised by • slight
ad or • tom& The halance even lath -
1 whoa • perms Imo rending lianas
sameial ex.=
the !loot aro, v. oat dosin th. hall : and the
evening hreeres salted hi. words Piaci,
I tr. !sta. Lany. while lit lite \hat
tains. .listo. vred !Iwo! ?list Whet, .1.1111t1
1.41 11 other Iterle. makes at
•ertain etire too- eonstipntioti. It i. ti
torn. .11-F..• rat. and et, and know
lk ) amity M.dienne. It will ',Ire
cine. For the blood. liver and 1111111e314:111,1
for • leering up the ...triplet iron it dews won-
spariew the Red.
The lament who 111e. to the rod too ....greet
every trilling fault or misdemeanor, my*
illfillebee 11 it 11 her children when they are
bra, .4.1 to he go% erned hy torce. .11, child
should never he struck to anger. A boot on
the ear may ropture the membrane that
form. the drum, an.1 imuse pert= mint
deafness. .1 hasty lobes ntay 14. mosehief
that year.. .4 repentance cannot undo.
Paintsbertent in for dingipline.not for revenge.
It is to teach the chthl to al Mil evil and do
right. lt 11C1P1 should he a rent for the
angry pensions of 1h. mother. 1.ove. pa
Penis/mem a mean,. to an end : let her
pray for grace to use it .
AM Ilms Mites Albums ta.
V..114 1,41441 4,144 he eurtd. We
knuit- it herlillile k•-n.p.) Holman, within the
past few years Mot mire.1 =my eought
and ...Ads Ir. this ormtmunity. Itsrentarkable
male hae been son ent 'rely lry Its geminate
merit. .4.1t *note friend who ham used is
what he think.. of hemp'. Releam. There
is no ntialaine so pure. Doke Oft effeetive.
Large Festiva 50.• and 41 00 at all drug
"Ilan 1 wait until in front of • ticket
seller'. window Igfore 11-311114 tint! your
Jratisery hidden plebe,.
carrL your imihrella troth utter
either sale peopla Ighind yen or 011 bow
what you think of that store and the eyetent , duo..
11110fet week
sale, la hod/ it no run lb. resell -ea only uNd
hat your allows AR Ilk newt imilortent in
he world
yon • Your dress ie beautiful and you. pla.aal them in their evicelopot. "I feel aure
"1 fawned hymn the intentosee of year Thn
e 141 11
mpel other people to pant yon
"Don't" treat the hotel elerk tf he
whom Ormat the
low of blond to the band.
Goa required fa Omit predate.' frosts. Par malt. tie (slues the nailing Undertaker state hem. Panhalmlost r sof •
band. lie also • ekes. • ineeishy of Meters Proaaimr. (lire Mtn =It befaere Attegriv•baffia
caliemote este helltwes. nosh are elsewhere. and Tee triti Bed out that he dem ae ke sere- sens cheap
Just what you want.
Beat brands and lowest prices.
Beautifying the teeth
And hardening the gums.
Another large consignment 0
Fresh Teas of superior quality.
In order to counteract the dis-
honest practices perpetrated on the
public by peddlers and others, we
are offering Special Inducements in
Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat-
Kay's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square.
Orders by Telephone promptly nttended to.
.omositonamosserysterous, a. tot- i„did
and these Ir. feta
sr.. anion- esti. partiTuitirty Ift
rig automat., awl animal. Walk
d arc ft...a tate-eight 01141.
atml billy bell that on *With. 1
ifiermus. in Mir, the too mite.
d tie. 111/1eLik$11 101.11
nuts/tug art the •yel
of the penultimate
anal segment."( Ito, mile mot
.9111O. its dwelt in the illu.tratem
le• hod tty nicttri..4 the book. et bug, T1
.1. in all tile 14.1 witielee. .4 tot
With or
ihmoast !lulu mtgs... the hair. et
ilea • PI
- 11 Lin utdoli-
rated Ow hair. 1. T-1 the
1.4sr its agape
front the outer or free
the mi.* Jilftimilt
Mon ogli it. :anoint It
cur alai on horses. but
Ike! mar be relted011. Fig. :! hbestli.parte
the,hor.e. lemma. menti
tag tafecu.1 'nut/sunsets' In= tbs. ost-
tle with whirls they were amegiated The
tetttit tee"! I hi -louse is nee et the most fa -
miller to eattie intik and 1. Olthont
Tber.. :an be no question that this ts a gibe
tthet *aria.. from the form first der
% arttats. ant hors In this *peeks
thal.•lv 1. shout ate-itschtlt of an inch long.
* al reit more than one-tbird .4 that in
tr▪ ,,n4 oleo, whieh occur in the fird named
Sesa... It differs aim ill the character of
et 1. tit the flatus. These Ammeter, are .
f'"orl lot tre ...natant alsoo In the early stages.
r there is little difference M the two
lane -king nurse- Ions*
al sahib dor. ant
Norm to he Were shun- I
dant or
and Termini,' on -ors
mot* teas frequently
than the the Raise
later on It We" dee
graved, oit its name
indiTetes. from overt
moos twolahl1 "b•
MI Harewaso. tabard from the NW.
O&M final, and while It certain -
Ida under 11.101111. ly occurs but rarely
canstrio•• 11•1111 00 order HMO
The Inamiture Dealer, to willow all Slade ef Pewter* •4 else barest otioalide prima 1
wen.kaawn fsaet that he
Sails Che cup
californis's goid predate ban
Mat nate that it is rusher
Mara that Awe MI the yid: ay tialltintr
te Masking eadand gin For thin past pat:anew he =pea se reeolne
9E9. BA 13 RY „ - ,arli ter4
paw Gs