HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-5-8, Page 5•
L3TAal1a$LO INi.
M/1TAb (PA 1
ogT• $ H 00.000.
0111111111111 OYet KraRTMCNT.
,„r sirs
altOttUtD INT[It[aT ADO[p TO TM[ Pa1Mp1rA: AT TINS E%p OI rimy ANO
Spetlel Attention given to the oolt,otlon c' r'oer.r.serclal augur.
are ?e .merit' Babes Notes.
R. S. WILLIAMS, Manager.
TO ADVEfi?!$*A/.
Nuri. ••t ••b.irig. o ',duet be Irft int this
1/li.,• nut later titer' AI melee
❑.illi. The Copy for change.
must !.' left not later flan Tuft" -
4a% tosm1. ,'rural Adertti,t•un•Ilt,
.,,4•1.•.11 up to Roots Thun,tl•ty of
4..,1 • aosawg err. Takia' wars.
.1r !RYA keel prose or.
,all o• ,.ndertrr•s and hosiery al coM
Hoke, ••¢ter
A ti..•o Patin LiT. Tbe most useful Sift
yea esti omit .• le to etre a A• In Pen. Apply
tap, elct:dbcuddy. agent. t3odench. tf
T. tors are boaathlag to 'he public. and
Iro *.•..ser sanounem Ilam he se better pat
pod 'ate* etre to hive nae value 1n Moon
as bat •1144/I.•
I1ar..0u visited Mies Holaad a rzdl,se y
e.afe.•hnrnt, Nest 01. ! If not *tout delay in
Meg .,, The latest at)k to Paris and New
tat '.,.sand berme... 113-14
Ter tr,ansL's Christian 'temperer).* t Mao
amen n the Ten perante Kelt. North *treat.
Herrfuerla, &Prrnuon. Prayer meeting at
30; testae... inert la at 3 o'
When . mita Nuts out to got even with some
poses Ws real purpose N to net the odds .n
SMA le rwa but If you want to net the latest
Kai brit 114 summer euiladoe't kit tocsin won
I'.J'toll:ant. the clothier.
The his.: and tan dye will erten Isatrh the
miNiwer ern.. tollitAle111011. but any blrua.lws
mare t.. t1. br.ltbful Slow of the tom don't
seat al r. It. K. *allows has the pr,e11.•Kr of
raklag our p..ture. Lay alae sud Wyk.
Tfwit..ade of do i w stat by some pro
p4. le rs V11111040 faeaftlk brought o0 by defre
Owe plun.inag• Ord drainage and foul sinellixm
mak.. flowerer small your plumbing work
gam 'lone right. A fres donate well spent
inn I,rir. you a, s of health and cYrtwtewt.
Loos At ,ha •.Mivertimment of Aleck Saunders
m once ;. Ile doee only stood work.
Re.% i:. W. Key, of lily tIt, was u1 t own
.tits seek.
Kea. I. K 11'allwm, of Bleevale, was in
teen .hiring the w..rk.
V.,.. ,,vele.,:1, oto• of the owner§ of the
set r i.•frho., lef: for ktrrsrdine Wr'lues-
isy *tectnexn.
Morrison .Milo.., awl I1. t.rahaeo left ow
M'edne'.,fiy pet .tr. Mose•*, f..r Indian
Merl.... Lake .uix'r'iot.
Behop sults' rn.. 4 Algona. rkhvertd an
•stere.t:nit mtsai.nery address in St.
1•o'M�i.•'• ehnr. h last Friday evcntng.
t" • L:. Murree. who has beta stet toned
al Whitby In ebat'ge of a corp.. of the "al
+MMp Anay, a visiting at Ina home n
t *des tell. •
Every vole,, .owner and .very noisier
'.agkl to tab/se Kinear ins harbor until it is
,sat 10 !roper slow, for vos.10 and atearc
I tt.- t• enter safely.
Tl.o.. Watson. Maa.•y's inelefatignbi.-
sine.. (taste leen .'t1 Wednesday talking
IgMltry Heine to our boll heels -am men.
I*a Ilso.l ratan every way except to
Mr..Iae, Atkin. anal family on Stvturlay
la * left f r 1 h.ayp, to Join Mr. Atkins,
who 1..1s been lit that o-itr for some time.
Th.) Were at-e.Nopaule.i 'by Mrs. Atkins'
a dhrr, Tho. Murray.
There vi1l
r.he a matinee in the Opera
Ibw0•'01 „Saturday afternran. wises ••$i- -
fee Lorks'aaI the Throe Hears' will ise nu -
looted by request. Adsaissiao, NOG, AM.
drift, it.. I bare IVO et Lai; attttt0lia sit••
tb"ih•' it
!(. 1.11s•10. 01 Lotolon, 000 of (not.
s.,• Bol rwl.h Road, w as in town &Will Ila
pse.t n e -k batting .4.1 .mmhts and Hoang.
Ile harlin4: return., from. Toronto, where
ke ka.l At :11064 the recent lieelitll exam.
as a atud.•it.
A. A. Mnith, of Chicago, ea old I;tab:ri h
boy who left in 1875, was .tilting his
•rten.l. in town during the week and was
M _ Ir•t of his heather in law, W. It Mob --
^rt_.. 1.. Like all I Miet ism. who love the
IA,mn.1..0 mr
matter where their lot is emit,
111 "en1111 rs strong, in favor .f closer re-
pr..al relations between the two eosin -
W• I ('Kneen,, M. P. he West Huron,
sirens, frnnl IOttawa Thursday' afternoon.
11,1 will remain in town until Monday neat.
Its d.oesn t appear to have kat an ounce of
1wh or a wink of sleep over the terrible
• ndn'tn.,nt that Petitioner Mitchell has
"roughs artist him anent the recent else
'001, anal freta assured that there is • big
110110g .n the wall against give Gov
*Noor d at Integra.
1 N oma out (:.,.ERrc*. At the meeting
f the quarterly board of North -et. Meth
'dist . bnmh, hell Moa.layr miming last, the
'same, Rev. Ian. Richardson, who.. is soon
leave our midst, stated *we when he was
put down for I:exlericl. by the Guelph ('00
armee 1e had great (ears that he 110,11 not
.0 *14.' t.. stand the Meting wi..Is and were"
winter. oaf this plan but Chas after nearly
'hree ears' sojourn hen he weld say. that
S .' hal better health than bs had .njoryed
'•s • great navy years.
t mtA.tA'. Ihtnrw.r Fismsermet. At the
'1st regular meeting of I'ourt Ataderieh, tic..
32. I'. II. F , the fellowtngeflic•ers were duly
nrlliallel by Brother Aleck Saantle.s, D. I.
H. (' R for Were Huron : A. R l/mv'i e,
1 R.:James Widen, V. C. R. ; 4'. ('rabh,
fats* , .Inhn McIntyre, leap ; Tbaaae
1147d. F. N. ; Wm. Mc( 'math, R. K.: (1.
1T.Ijialrs, S. W. ; .1 IN -Wham, .1. W. .1
tcatrrta'n, N. R. ; .1. Nprnul, 3. H A
it Usvt.n was elected Ive to
'he next High Court n.eeting to be held in
'be city of Toronto. ..0 the 10th of June.
4inak.ret.T 11.1.- The mom friesds of
Nus Nwaaenw, daughter of Mr George
` waaain. (Jnel.ee street, wit' eagre4 to
'mare that she n .,riomali i11. A week as.
ll.nraalay she took a eta which developed
'.d01a grilllte, and afterward into pra.trm.osia
Wednesday a medical cnsimItaUnn wow held
"0 her ow, aril her brother, John D , who
'• attending the l'nivensity st Teresa.. wow
' Negraldoel for en was her iter
4tfnn Thurs.ay Mtpewere
a h,► reettvery, with* fever Ind kw/then.
bel r etre an to pressIiOpasiont .slNiwsss
It. 11.1 ..ewes' was. to 1..1 ,tet,• .•, Tuea,lay
.n bxwn.eas,
Hector IIAva left on M.m1ay for ,are'
hard t'..,urn.l Kati..,,
MI.,, I:ergm• Martel liosg'nir 04.1 o run to
'1'•144.411...tnd other (pant-.
Fid. A. Vox, of 'Moog", ,..per• ing A
unpie of emits III 14.w11 w1t1. hl.,.,Lunt,..
Percy 11'alt,m..,4 1,04100. waA 14 ,Doll
*tlen.lim)1 the funeral of Iii lather. the late
K L. 11'alto,,.
holes 1 Aml.lwlI, wlmu luu, L.411 !oohs'.
during the past week, is. we arej4.w 4.,l t.,
say, ably t.. be around *gaol.
Meson. .Ian.•. and 11 alter Hyslop, of
Hasutltst, arrived an town hoot o.•,•k, Iwi.g
called here owing U. th•.I.ath ,,t their N.
The 0,sde :ate leegioni.g to ,ion their
summer 'Ldhing, aro thr .fight as one that
tilb even I'amebas' watts ui ..'.troy •4 .Ir
MIAS Mary Mr1A..I, Seaforth. IA A}.r1411114
few .1*). •t her hone- 01101111. 2,4,4• 04 Ai
present oulrru.g trona a Leven• atta••k .4 le
last Friday wan Arbor flay. It was
*petit by the seh.A.l • hll.lren ,:r,,1 te-achemv
in planting teens and cleaning up the
sehoel yar,ln
A mutton in memory .•f the late •I.hn
Wisely will 1.e preached in North -rt. Meth -
what church heat Solidity et ening lay the
pastor, Rec. Geo. Richardson.
Dr. M. Niehol.n, the 11'est et. .lenlut,
maitre the presets &te n of the tat ural teeth
a specialty. Ca* administered inn, 9 A. rat.
for the praudes extrirtton of teeth.
t. , / yens kill glover, with
Mather s I;love (leaner, for sale only b) John
Acheson. Also A hill lime of dreamed and
undressed knlgloves in all the Lomat d.wirable
oha'Ir�. J2lw
N' .1 'ievel....a left 'n Monday for Tor
onto to write at a l'mversity examination.
k'nr I'aml.l.'ll, .4 ''t. Marys. his charge mt
inn. .IITIE1 n tet the High Sel.rl during bin
11 to Hors 'filet ' Nlt.i. 4 '/Wk As -AIN.
Thr member", of the Forest Pity 'Cycling
Club evidently Lace not begotten, their
Tait tc G.ol.rieh last August. A number
of n.•mle-roof the club the other evening
baste., :1r neuden a ..1 Mr. and Mrs, .lana"
Land*, of ...0th [sorban it.4th rf whom were
atsrng the part) and presented Me.. loan.,.
with a g.4,l medal as a memento of hrr trip
wath the doh t., 1:oefenrh. Secretary Mul
12:14 was the spokesman and K. 1" Iturte.
u..oIe the prePentateei.
1 I' -to el4. ,T. ('11r 1. 1?- Time sertm.•1 (o
young mien .n Sunday evening wan. as
usual. well Attesdel an. • the du.- oursr 17
Rev. Mr. Hutton was-,ne of the moat prac-
tical he hon given. The text was "Ile
strong and show thyself a man. He et
plaiu.-.l how to in.•ln,e sf rang, then dwelt
ea "The R.••ke and Breaker. of the sea of
Life.'. 'Nem were ,l. lirde.,2, bad tom
panou., (3. bud hooks. •44 sinful plraseres
and IRimini y,.5• evil a}li rtitnand mations,
161 poserastinatio,n. The illustrations em-
* ed were Interesting and appropriate
en. the appeal to begin an intelligent, real
.1.teot 1 hrstan life was indeed fervent and
feeling. Next Sunday .''rung by ups-i.l
re.lu••.t 4r. Huttons thenw wall he . 'How
to Revd the Iifl.le.
G,.aal.'NNI F. it AN'• 'l..rnTiTR. The
annual meeting of the members .4 tbs.
)re•banirs' Institute was held ..n Monde
evening. tin motion of president F C. Na
tel, K. 4'. Flays WAS .-x11.41 t.. the chair.
The Les '.f tlr last annual meeting
hems readA..1. Moore, K. A., treasurer,
presented his report, which shown{ the
financial affairs of the Institute to be in a
?early pnwpx•rou. coedit ion. The libearisn'a
report shows the can-ulatiom of Iv. As and
at:eudanee.4'teams 1n the rta,ling•ronn•
t.' have leen up to these of past veare. The
following nthee s were elected for the en-
suing year President. Edward Sharman ;
1st or:, pwnieur, -W: )1. Murrey : 2nd
sur president. Ily. $t : treasurer, A. J.
Mow'. ; seeretar•y, (leo $tiven.
11r AwTgaLr (lyre 7J1. HUMID. The oft -
nal board of Victoria -M. Methodist church
convene, dant Mnmlwy evening for its re•
gnlar quarterly Iwsinrss. The majority of
the marl were in ettendamoe, and the ut•
most harniney prevailed. v'ail5d. The pastorate
fun., was ell that meld be desired, is, that
*11 financial clams well he pad w.thoet any
difficulty. George tweet was elected as
lay delegate to the dutn, t meeting. A
complimentary reenlist los expressive of
esteem and c'inftdewre in their pest e. Rev.
B. I_ Hutton. and .orvlially inviting hist to
return for the third year was .
adopted. Bev. Mr. Hutton has labored
earnestly and 'stressfully for the grit., of
Asa church and hart won many warts riers's,
and hs returning for anther year wit' give
not rmly to ha owe congregation, hot to
the imbue. general xatilifa.•tieu.
Yr.*.se S''Ironl. 1k,Atu. Mawrlvu. - The
twoathly tweeting of the public school trus-
tees was held on Mnnd.y eveniu g last.
Then were pryer* Measn. Malc.nsnn
wherries), Ball, ('rail., ('hryatal and
Acheson The tw10wte* of the last meeting
were rel, approved and simnel. Time re
pori of dr principal. showing the attend
apes at tate 4. viand and ward w•h.,ls for
the month rf .lpril. was real and filed.
The &refuge attendance daring the n.onth
was b48 293 hews anti 156 girls. TM ac
counts of Wm i':ileac for turnstile*, etc.,
j1356. and Tno Shi.AI., for adaerttw.g,
$1.90, were ordered to he pad. The 4.e
fount of James fates, supplies for rl..ols.
$11 18, was deferred to thi fiance con
aulta.eit was decided to rllair the feaw
nn the ,eel side o1 St. Patriclk,s ward w4o.l
and to palm up a dose board femme at the
were wasoaf fit I).vid s ward whoa The
.onaingrwt enwrm oat' was instructed to re
port all repeats rtejoursd at the several
schools at semi meeting. The baud then
('oNP1JNt Tasr Rusotresne. At the
regular meeting of the quarterly instal
board of North N. Mathdis okwr•h held
last-Mor.hay emote, the following wee IMMO
nenwel .'rrm=by s stsi.lisRot
vote- Remedy ed,
that ibis y.rbrFy heart ammo* allow lbw
te pees withwt aloin.$ oft is
N 1141s4' c 1lturrd t me. r leaf t:.. ru 1 app:, .sat.• tort Nyaish did artiste: SI rgtuer) wares.
is our great specialty and re-
ceives our consatnt and best at-
tention. We have all the lead-
ing styles and shapes in Hats
and Bonnets, and employ art-
iste in our Millinery rooms wno
know how to trim them so taste' -
fully that every complexion and
every face may be suited in ex-
quisite harmony.
We would highly appreciate a
call from you, and the ladies in
charge of our showrooms will
deem it a pleasure to have the
privilege of showing you the many
styles and patterns.
The Ladies' Favorite Establishment,
cord our 112th aprciation, ae an a tpAut.ler
n( died. tritses*a *abler Messed 1l.ristiamity, of
the Kev. 1. Kich/irl.n. who is ., ..s1 to
leave us. We herr alt., admired w hem
his -great real for the Moister, hie ability and
te,wer 141 ',reselling and 1rs tidelity to the
die-iplineof the Metl.olat chur'h. 11,- h.a
truly leen -, 4elper to flu- needy, to tl..
.1.•k r welcome visitor. ami art imparter of
ndort to the di,termesh thin desire is
that w'herev'er in the prise Men.* of :oil hie
1"t nay l., caai,the richest benedictions of
11* a%rm may rest upon 111111, that great
e .ritual sue. -ere, ray attend his labors, and
that at last, when ealles1 by the Meader t..
go frsn ea/111;1.41i he and his partner in
life If have pronounced .o. then, the Idee-
Ae•.1 "1\'.11 done. enter Into the joy of thy
L r.I.
Lt.tt.lm•scattao Pita. .1tv.ur.r\.
7111* case came before Chief Just ace Galt
at I *wide Hall an S,1urday last. Hoyles,
V• 1 for the plaintiff, the *soignee of one
fienderaun fur_ the 1•euenr. D. erelliinni.
moved for l.ayn.emt out of •ourt of mote;•s
paid in Ly the .kfendaat5. (.Kano', 44.1-..
for a class of creditors .,t Hewlerwm who
lu'Id ehalgiug .rdrra upn the defendants.
W. 11. Blake for a class of tlneecurel creak;
tors. This e. a contest between the two
dames of ere liters as to the distril.u.ma1 .4
the fond. the creditors with .hanging orders
co ut•nding that they are e•luitable nasig,ore.
of the fund. end the unsecured ere.
contending that the charging :orders art
bills of exchenge and nnaee•eptsd by writing
on their face-, and that a11.i'oditors should
Sbr 1..M a'v'oice of ex.lusite• sweetie.,, awl
of tine .Nudity. Ihlru.g the .dial4t* of the
.lay ahs Wig e•' earl ..,1.4. 111 .8 1,1218) e
, r w
Lave teccrmen ex. -tilled in I:o.len,-h. Th..
performance will 1.• repeated on saturla
afternoon at a prier within rea.•b .,f ,all.
send your rhih1 en and give then. ,t treat,
And .t the *AMC btrne pay a complement l ment to
the Pn.feawtr and Ille tittle daughter.
Mie. S. Payne, who, has been absent from
town her eerie time. retvnm.l last week.
In take .barge of
Pappet. Shepllar•I left t..t, But4Le, M. V.
Muu.lay his boat 4.r lie
Meseta. W. ills.k and A. smith leNwer
1steamer 1l011a1%•h for Fort William last
j 1%alnesday. qi
1Thr Nplrin • eating; of t he 4 "art o4
llatacety will' c4 etre on \,Duchy drat,
' Mr..Iustier. Robertson presiding.
1 Miss Cassaday. .1 Auburn, left 1*
f..r tiltsw. Thot«lay wassist Mess lite\
W d�is
r right' in. tM manias work of slit city tilled
1 vicinity.
At the meeting of elm• official I..arrl 4.j
1 North et. Niel Realist ch,,reh nn Monday
i el 4.11144g R. 11'. McKenzie war .1pi.,interl
repre.entative to the district meet tug.
1 ''apt. lestery, who left last week to
launch bis .4-l....ner. the .lane Mels,.,,
which *trawled a1 the shore '4 *het;eurgian
Ray last year. found the vessel a complete
t wreck, and haus returned home.
Two Item. se" Iter •. A '*Vi *.. G..r,ge
Aehewes k Co. announce in another column
rank }sari passu. Rearrved• Oust for the•tmeat sixty days they will have
ren TI. +. The rtration report „1 • two bar -min la)•r a week, OD whichl
births, marriage*. and ths, for 1134,• has ' K`••ls wrl� de sail at a "eau/. diecnuut 1' r
just leen Issue(. and tier t.4i,,wu.g f:u•ts are `4.' I.
gathcral from its pages .. The total death. I The heady -tarter, for , 111'Irtn P a•I.Ae!
iu Hurn that year were 1.20, dieing .73 per, 8444.4.1'. valid leather and lea, v miles Car
cent. .4 tl.e.p..pulrti.n. 14. tng Ices than in c(.4, of court... 'There you get ladies' (Ixlonl
.any other a.utity In the..., 1'ewiwr. Tile •1•••e male to u,ctmnr.• from 81.25 up, and
total number of barites in Hiir'u in the same works.•is can art a pal- of haute Wade dug('
year wail 1,453, 729 beim reale children Kusa mhos.•+, bur -kir -4 er 101,441, *hat can't be
7211 female. and 4 pair of twins. Moir Iej.alle•1 for $1.50. The lust Te2 ladies'
children were learn In 0. -toter that. anyy!tir 1ke4 butt.n.•.I high shoe in the Iisstiiion at
er month .biring the year. There were 802 (.area f. .
persons marries! in Huron that ye,. $77 I A Bali.'. Mrl.,.cl.u, blot ,. Thr f,•Ilow
ng ITcsbyterials, 273 Methodists, 13t, lag item (entails.. Enpir.• will prove of in-
F.ptw-uuppeealians, with decrcasin • Hers ref Serest. to our readers outside of link earele..
odlwt'denomuuttbiae. 57 ..f these marriage as 11•.11 at inside : The ('aiadiau I10aik of
took place in Ih•tember• 47 in .Ianuar)t, and I I',,nwK•nc is uudmlhtedly the first Imink in
011l• ten in the month .4 .lugun. The t.,tal t lbs Iknnm.r, as far as athkti,s art .'on
deaths in Huron tor the Year went 620 : 306 1 eertm.l. With its 40 ..Id branches, and a
(wing males an.1 314 females. staff of 300 or 400 no ii, it would indeed
he strange. if the athletic a•:charm %AA hot
i.trall' in this Inetitntan, lo, alar, as a gen-
era! rile. l'd►namliau dunk clerks take a .Ieep
Interest in athletics. and ft.n, the:r ramik.
have arisen slewr of the bent s{print* rs and
distance runners .4 today. The tent has
I111111 orgalv4-41 he the e51oe141 Ar•:1.42
its athletic aswciatioxl, with a member-
ship of nearly 100, n...l has made all of the
men on the Ileal stag inewbe s of the To-
runto lacrvse flub for the year 1991. N 4
doubt the young danker., will m'ke the
Rosedale _round, lively this Summer. and
some of then, will likely be fusmd 011 the
rimier track in the lat.heype in the fall.
They were out for the firm time floe year
.e. Tucnlat, and an haul at work g.•ttmg
tote. condition for the foot hall rmiatrh be-
tween tie Toronto Irai.•h and the meso,
Alice fur the general trarager s *Aver ,•haat
lenge cup. The Hatch will h• played on
the 1t,a,ds4• gr,uuds in the oo.lre•44 Aweak
..r two. Tennis, bowling and cricket will
1•• largely indulged in by the aro..•ia:ion
dnrtng the Summer.
THS Tow* HAL. quami.4. Thy agile.
tion to favor of orgamving a town hand for
G..kric•h I. I.ei11g energetically prisrcuted
by chainran It. S. William* and hu. 'rel
ley(uos, who certainly deserve the thanks
of the people of I;o.lerich for the efforts
they are making to bring the schema to a
,ueceesftd ending. Tuesday last quite a
number elf the young men ..f the town, to-
gether with a fair sprinkling of business
nen. mot to discuss the question. The chair
was ..catfp�l!e.l by Mr. Williams, who explain
al the object of the meeting. The 'mien
tion was to have the !sand urg.uw'4 under
the .upervtsicn of a citizens c,nimitte., ap
pointed at a regular meeting .4 anlarnbrts
to the hand fund. Already puffy. nwm
hers have signified their intention of taking
instrumento in the hand, and of title number
twelve are players who in years peat were
identified with other ,sands. The nuch e.
of a gond hand as thus formed and what 1e
wanted now is liberality on the part of "m-
aiden to help provide the neoeasary iastru
mento. it is believed that $200 or (r.2i0
will he required M give the .•Arne a fair
start, after which it will grow until it he
come• self anateiaing. With the idea of
coil...•ting the neeeinary tombs a committee
conaiatuyg of Meier&. It. S. W Aliens, rot,
W 1- Horton and C. Blackstone will wait
aprn our resident• between now and Tare
.gay to ..Beit contribution. for the desired
ohyast. If the amount required he secured.
there s every *mem to Italie.. that in a
short time the people of 4:nwderirh will have
the pleasure of listening to a town hand 4.e
least ote.e a week on the "Lases during the
Summar a.r.th. The neighMntryy(g towns
of (1ietoes, Hrww.ela, WIngham. Myth .sd
t.neknow have gg.'.sl Hand*, snit we fail to,
sow why Gateim'h should ant lerd thew all.
11EATI1 01' 11'. K. 11 trntt:ws 1 well
known forum will be unwed by rewi.L•nta of
t;..lcria•h in the person of 11". Ft. klaithews,
who *lei min this lif ..n SIArAlay last.
aged 52 recon. Deceased had leen nail
clerk of the lIufah, branch of the... T. H.
tont. 1867, x1.1 was one ..f our lest known
and nest popular resi,lrnta. He hall been
.ufb'ringg with a throat affection for wane
year.. but had not reli0rynisbel,.luty until
a few works lei..: a his death, when he was
.sized of onions illnen, which eirvelo .'el
pleurisy from whets he succumbed. Hi.
widow has the sympathy of the community.
The f •Lal t.s.k place from, his late r si-
.ler.•r on Tueslay morning at 6.30 A. w.
The remains were escorted to the K. K.
depot by the mender..of Huron Lodge, Nn.
62, 1. 11. (1. F.. Ito.. 1'. A. Nairn noel I;t•...
Stiven accompanying the rentwins to Rrant
fnnl. where they were interred. The idem
ben ..1 Gore an.l Harmony Lodge* were in
waiting at tire station anal took charge and
ooudeetei the funeral.
A HAxlw.M1, 1'ar i:o'. Tuesday loot
Rev. IGlert Cyr, 11.11.. tem the recipient
of a handsome present frons the ladies Aid
Society of Knox church, in the stupe ret a
very tine family phaeton. specially ntanu
fat -tuned for the ..cession by cselerich s well-
known and justly celebrate., carriage Inil,•
en, M,4'resth k Walker. The vehicle ,A
one• of the owlet perfect of its kiwi, having
Rarh'rn patent wheels, cast -steel oil tens
peered springs, tort..iee-shell top, and the
body being hung very low on the gearing.
taro as to nuke entry and exit easy, and to
retake the riding enmf.rtahk. The geanug
is painted a dark green striped with ear -
mute. and Ilse interior ns upholstered with
dark green English all -wool goods. The
satire get-up of the cnveyane 41 sup•nor
to that of any other vehicle in the town of
t:..krich, awl the rev gentleman has toail
mit that the Indite of his old .
have endeavored to make the remainder of
his 'revel through Itfe as easy and comfort
able as pnmil.k. The woe on the carriage
could not be stir 17 any ahnp in I'an
&IA, mi Mi( reeat6 ♦ Walker are practical
and experience! men, end nuke a specialty
of ordered work.
A MrsPrat. r1111 4T. The operetta antler
the auspices of Prof. Monptan, his daughter
FurT and their mna.eal naso was a treat in
its way Th.e stage was wet for a wee.,
*erne sad the grouping of the children was
eery effective : the foreground was prettily
defeated with bowers, anal or the sleeping
seelle when. the barl'slmlLby.italics all the
children to sleep the effect was an artistic
s.wt. two The children sang in gond tins
mail voice, showing careful framing on the
part .4 the proles...v. and hi.e little daughter.
The lamed mho taken -- 1,•' the pupil., were
nieo•ly exults,. A pkeeing feature .1 the
oma the presentation by th.
Professor to Master Heigh McKwan sail
Maggie Armstrong for prvofeioeney in the Secretary Ha*. and N..ermlary Foster
rwiettenta of music The pinging of Fairy had a keg Snell rrenre Monday ne the il.h-
Mnrgan wmi *',main. .merle t.. the audit ring Peel pieeti.r, ami it ie behaved in.trOe-
Ntr•e in her anise mi liver I ni ks * tiros will he i nee., to the term's, .•sale's
*hewed histrionic talent of high order, her to ..da, any/ noodles or *ear va.e.l caught
articulation sw.1 gesteres brag without that in the set of rock** IM the Aloaltaa
*eery awl ..n. ludas by simeftwes. wwlwt►
CAPITAL, l 2,000,000.
REST, - 6,000,000.
.`i .tia.'lll;T he ar/iiie'Jli has been opened ill con-
nection wi!/h this branch. •
Interest allowed at curre'lll rales.
GEO O 1)R Ulf! SND,
Iianager t,;oa»!th Branch.
Great Clearing Sale!
DRY coops
('/1)111 E%( IMO :+ATI'It1)A).:she
Nay •th 1M.
S0-GAtuUL0 4.
BTOCKINC8.ti.' i
Ns %Uset,.
-231r 6/u
11. 31. dripia�eea�1.1 and l'arti.ig. arc
b.'ing twit is t�.Olwtwe of the Newfwuellan.l
Two boys a 'wed Datwo.t, resat, 15, and
Keen, age., 12, were drowned atlieeam-curt,
'Que.. on sundry. Their M,.be, were n,...'
ered Monday.
1 b not fail to lxnsult tie* 11. Thomeon
with reference to buying a bicycle lie can
suit you. A11 styles and prim -ca. Pone
early and avoid a rush. old
A fatal accident re-curred Mun.la) 10
Shearer'sAIM -I:1111, Montreal. .1 nate tamed
Laflamme was thrown upon it circular saw
Awl atatlyfed to Lally that 1.• duel.
Is ere ork rel, broken down, Fermat melg
Agra nen or dem suffering f eceeews or
stela. •r0Uuns will tinct a certain cure in Dv.
11'illia t Pod, fills. They supply the not
••riel necessary to enrich the blood. hulls, up
the ,,ervc1 and restore the shattered st st.-u..
Never fail. sold lt• all dealers, or sent on
receipt .d price 50.. per 411)14. ter that Ivo.
for 82 1.r addmasutg The Dr. N' tills ins
1. Co.. Brockville, that.
W.- have in Mock a complete line '- ,. -- -
of the alone Ecerfast Stainle4sil
Black liter,.• in womenM and chil-
dren's 'iz.•s.- This line iv true toits
name to the very last threw], unit
can only le had its G..icrich from
Jordan'. ,Kort. Oderich.
A p -1I :3rd. 11x1. �tl•
Te /1e stems.
Mel eol.l'. System Renovator eau be had
front ail the dru,gists in town. as wall at.
from all druggists between Owen Sound
and Seaford', ITrussels, Durham and Toron-
to. Riad the following : Aml.•rley, .Ian.
-26, 1891. J. M. McLeo,l, llo.lerich. lkwr
Sir, l Liars a sister whn has been
troubled with aapepsa for a number of
years awl is very had just now, kr. Sena
- with direction& 11. Tborborne. Two
pint bottle,. System Renovator Pent Jan.
28, Sault Ste. Marie. Minh., April loth,
1891. J M. McLeod. hear Sir. I hare town
Mug of orating to you. f thank you kw.11y
for your System keno%str. 1 am as well
as 1 ever was in nay life. Yours, lc.,
05-3t SAa.vn Tnuattix.'a
aeliiMbaa lame ..ii'..... rot I2, I
1 I 1111 Ilii
Fowl father Ito bright little daughter -
1k. they usually ring two hells before school
begins, darling
Rright little .laughter - No, papa: they
ring one hell twice. ,)rake's Magazine.
An old couple were visited ore• evening
by a party of younger folks who were r -
nlatning to a later hour than was relished
by their seniors, when the old max Looking
to his wife acme the hearth naively remark.
ed "Janet, 1 think well he as well to gang
to *ow lied; thee folk will he wearying eget
to theirs.-
War ;. 111.
fall Whoa' ..-....•... St r 101 N
Worm,/ lchOW.............. •• 1 11 to, 1 M
Brae. • rot .
Scr••er..nis Mewl... .
Chopped red Wheat V Owl......
oats, i• bush .... ...... ...... .
Peas lr biok . . ..
B.,4.. Y husk..
Hey.b'ton .....
hooters. le bush
Aunion. IPbusk .,...
Rom, free, sa}sskd, • 4.R .
Wows, .
No.N . ..err
1,rw.1IHes* 0Oust .........
I ciao 106
015 toe 96
110 to1f1•.
9 16 to 0 IS
M to 70
30.00 IN
0 alto I le
O IS to 0 IP
• 10 to u
9 10 to0 t1
1ell (0455
1 Ito tot IN
isetot IS
A Intra M
• all tos0•
Mules enmhMOas•
May 1. 1M1.
rleor SS Simi
rate w bele.beONew and OM! r to 1 S
Wimili IMtolU
hurter r .............. _ ''..... 1 SO to 000
(Jars .. .4...•..4..... e 40 to 0 10
1'saa 0 731.070
Apews 'winter'.meOM..... ••..•• 1r.te3co
Pwaletw............ .......... ..e..e•Yto••
111yfea• ........ ' 1 U toll 10
...• e
•wM• 11
•4..4.4. ••.ease,_ •••M•.4.•
"'1•'Atstitttlatl 11 1 1111 11 111 II' II II I I
LCL8 IT 11t133=
.ot/a 04/. rar,N[cA:l£Cr
L N CANSlNO, '. f
lnsr,int Relief, PermaT'.'f tJ (
Cure Felon Impossible. l
a rat COLU L
Maly r.1 C. Yrra.4..n 510.4
wriest x•01,•*s M..sg 4.•a•..'
bac40•0slaerl.tae.We.:eral be .1 i.
Man,. rte. It ,... ars *414
ant of Was se u.a.a e i A,
yaw Iwo camera. ealabsu11 k a.. 1,
awe Mer.a�v.5.5 • M,W a, x.•...
lam h..erMJ la Lost•, •oda.•.!
4.W a tai r..a15 a aton*. SA
Lad sy w•w.ww srM 4'41
s...i sawa n ii ►r a =1:1 11AO
w wu1 p5* SMS past as ar55r4��t
pwra� P054MIittI di CO,
Srsct.UWW, Oat. tv,
It's east/ talnnll
-the Ball corset. That's be-
cause it has coils of fine wire
springs in the sides. Th/'y
clasp the figure closely. but
yield to every motion.
They `'give" but they come
back. So does your money
-if you've worn a Bali corset
two or three weeks, and find
that you don't like it.
1'"4)14 SA1•K RY W. A('HKNON A soN.
T t N( t 1•••••••601.0141•111(
4.00 44 iris iae'.rrtr.r/rw.aerwaw
es. •be see '4.ae •s4. .w.. w .a..
111•111m.. 4
ver 4 .4..r 4.4.>• Iowa.... . li ren••a.A•.r
0 t» N t • M •••••••••• , 4.4 wows •w ewe= w w. moor
.r ae4.ww51 sane. PAW. ..a
M to A N , wwr_ 1 A.... tr ••e -•w4.• •.....wn fer... .....r
1:141::1111r EFIng �1 or t� Alin= .. 11
•'.-.1441/4V•Iro.14,4:•W4>1i 41MiaJt,awya.jr. 14 1 1 111 11111'