The Signal, 1891-5-8, Page 3mt
aplete, and is
it in Goderic}l.
lead in:
Table Napk•,
etion and cotupar
IJSH, 25
net for ...smut 'err
t..ter. the lower
JoII IIItleeffy , ,
In., it equel o- sue elm
ICntItet r.
nd llra•tttat. .\gtM oh `. .
t. Prices
8c Co.
the gums.
iment of
the dis-
t on the
hers, we
events in
four pat -
nM prices. It M
el *logy. iept n
'roc pm ram 1r
:autotimer .I f�
ton -Ht.
The Great Remedy
g. J. K. (,ORES.
-late Patentee and 11
Diet & ONT.
HANGED H tette.
T1s r,el r see here erin4 ed ttedhat
tbe A
die has non
ceded tt been perehau*I by i
",e w :I .sorry !t ova lean its broaches at lb.
p•t.d. hr.t-.t, near the Square.
Ulster tie tesa•Ktr'went of turner peewee
tors bas been the met
Mine Moloyt•g flank Males en --
Wares near the there ea iaebeM••tle
Tatter narreerty lie sp-d • Ss,.
Mark -Queer Mart Amid Umakac-
, ••Speaking of said my
who had beta listening w a
slumber of stories laid is the sold butt
bowie, '"l can relate tine that at least at
Nes time seemed excrete* enough. 1 had
hese traveling around the world, after
the fashion of Ifngliabmea, and had
dapped at the Samoan eladt un my
mop up from Australia to ran them over
and gain some i regarding
eta natives, their ways and t•tworae, tad
• a result i became .aamewd with the
gime, climate and people, and remained
there nearly a year.
"Daring that time 1 made myself
(muliar with nearly all the islands of
the group. and one in particular had a
singular frcinatiun to me. Once, on the
hill tops I looked down upon a long
beach, upon which beat the fluent surf I
have ever seen. The waves were simply
great rollers, which come in a slow,
dtgnl/ed f..hlon that was most impeder -
tee. The then, who had all been these
le.lore, ran down Ibe whore, wham 1 aeon
saw them hauling some planks frees the
bosh, which l learned they had con-
cealed on a former oocaeioit. In short,
the waves were used by them to enjoy
one of the most exciting sports imagin-
able, and 1 was very quickly initiated
into it.
r>tn('ntLTixa ®ruin.
•'Thr men threw of what little cloth-
ing they wore. Then each seised a plank
and attempted to launch it. This was
easier said than done, and any were
the upsets that ensued as the big rollers
came in, but finally all of them got be-
yond the shore and beyond the point
white the wave broke, and then I saw
lad` lute' ..i any In sewn, •"e els lie' new where the ',port come in. Turning in
enewtor hes fosse hirwtlard with It fur sthemselves care the men threw upon
ogynrt =gut hen will 1rr un falling en' it
sasme. it exhibited to keeping it n. the planta, and. watching their opportn-
Asl..ercltoall parts ofthewon. ait7, steered them so that they held
the late root hest liars of tour and feed their pusitiem on the tied of the roller
slegtPsea head and et,uitu- J. to ur �'.
and came in with it. Once under way glenett vesskillfully raised i to
1 eke tbiw eet.ortuulty of "blinking m7 cur feet, sad eo standing aright cams
•assn( fur their libeled patronage during m) g $��tOt#d Off. e
ggnr nae ••• of kr w S ',Wu? 1and yeret".: a e�M b tis
•,! a.w she pl.wssrrete nrawnmen..- wave,
3f,"'` r. Mr Thos. J, Y ld"au. w h while the mrd skillful heti ietr'pkd re -
a f.. ,,.1 no l.• • thoroughly ',nimble Last.. tSalm"tI their goading 1X until they
A. 6. CI:
Lt,1 were literally flung upon the beach.
"I was younger in those days than 1
sea now, and thou conviaeed myself that
I Heald enjoy this sport in well as the
aiivee, and, securing a piaak. I, too,
posed out firm the shore. The first
mem that struck me nearly drowned
g - i ' tet, bet I dived into the next and my
plank bnes s is ahemtwo minutes.
"Daring that visit I did not attain
auticient drill to enable me to take the
ride elssdiag, int on occa-
sions I became fairly proficient, and
then the sport for a time became a veli ta
table craze with e. I interested a
member of I,. and Americans
1e it. and we really fell into the habit d
getting up wave riding parties. I had
asestem eco skillful that I rarely missed a
west, and could make my way out with
ease and tome in with perfect
equipoise. I became so daring that I
often seam tint beyond the met that 1
neigh* obtain the full force and exhilata-
A Wass Mix. -Tike deadlock in the
oe council was nukes lad night by
the adroof Col TOW ker. The eoioael
souidn't help toeing abwat. Booms d the
buys had him out ithe e wthes'10 under .
ties with • rope around his mock. li was
either hang or break the combination, and
the colonel decided to help break It.
We want to say right ben and uow that
if theis any saws "fusing" let the o00.-
eU we will mon to laapwek tea whole
gang, and if we asset get eimpeached
we'll head a body of outraged citizens midclean 'a out to • man. They were eltstad
to do public bushman, and the pubic a b
no humor to put up with :bele personal
quarrel*. Col. Tayexhibited wisdom in
Miming down ehigh hone, and we
trust the lessee reeeivetd w W nut soon be
No Rin TATs. -We learn that a gentle
named naed Scott is coming herr from
Ohio to establish a bank. it is Roe,' new.,
but we feel it our duty to utter a few
words of friendly advice to the new comer.businessRomain sober during business boura
Don't be too anaemia to pick a quarrel is
order to show off. Have • hack room
when the boys can alt down and dimmer
financialfinaaal questions. If any of our people
want 150 for sixty days don't demand that
the whole town shall indorse. Make you:
rate of Interest a reasonable one. Treat
every fans bank alike. and show up in oat
saloon as often as in another. By paying
attention to the customs and characteris
tics of our people you will do a rusbins
business ben, and be elected to the l Biala
tune. The other road leads to certain fail
ere and • midnight departure. -Detroit
Free Press.
,00E1.Y (UF.
T''t= f 11tTr ase Tai S1�A1;
. 9!? girds, t1iWT9:t a
Goderich Steam Boiler Wore Kia 01 the rftfe. ne sad oday when tb.
ata w� high and roi>mg
very heavily i met with my adventure
Established IVO.
Chrystal & Black
caaxsn BY ♦ e0tiSrs.
"There were six of to enjoying the
• sport. with as many natives. I bad a
plank especially made for the purpose,
wide end side enoogh to bear my en-
tire weight. and by tying upon it I aeon
rwei my way over the incoming rollers
else Tema Seuaetklaa.
Sbe was a tidy looking girl of le, but
rather overdressed and a bit sou vain. She
took a M.utisou avenue car at Fuurtesnti
street, and ss she eat down it was notice(
that she carried one glove loose in bel
hand. This was to display the tour ring•
flu the (invent of that plump and pretty
member. The gloves were not quite fort)
rods lona. anti they did not have quite 101
button. each. They came as near ft at
fashion demands, however, and the girl
looked pleased and satisfied. Sbe had been
riding lets than eve minutes when she
suddenly stood up and motioned for the
car to stop, and half a minute later war
out of sight. Then it was noticed that .he
had left the glove on the seat, and a boy
about six years of age eyed it attentivel)
fnr a few seconds, and then wbapered tc
his mother beside him loud enough for all
to hear:
" Ma! ma' She'll gone off and forgottes
one of her stockings'"-- New York Sun.
in Stock For Sale : "'�S"'°d 1° the °Ompi° �y s oMih
1 50 -horse -power upright eery third one was, as a role large
boiler, all er uprightpmid final)- 21' g g,,� bedded nae came
18 -horse -poser boiler, in. s tutting out the horizon.
and engine. As it came I c .tight it. and as I tett the
1 6 -horse -power engine. l to tion lightly sprang to my
1 48 -horse -power horizontal ret and stead ed my.0 en the monster
boiler, complete. tbet extepderl up and down the shore
r was t'naltt tug to its own dstasmtiot
1 50 -horse -power slide valve "oo I wti t, .mo:ung gayly to city
engine, all complete. t n the beach. Ten I Its
The above have been thorough- beca ie aware that samething
1 overhauled and warranted in me. 1 gave a aids glance and the
first clans condition. Ready fbr Slat! alinoet made r hue elYhafeeebeld
immediate delivery and will be lees the ro ads( P
msk sold cheap was the tdtar•i dorsal in d ••than'stiag
Shirk cntt: t: ; along through the water
1a a knife. ,The sitsslsr was thirteen
or more feet !osg and was pertly turned
u p toward nt,•. slowing the white, gleam-
big under nor ace.
"What pa sed through my abed is
those few s,s- aide teas hardly be beag-
teed. I gar, myself up for bet, as I be-
lieved the .:. ark word Mea reek at the
pisnk, when over I would go, tea ettlay
Tiatim. I d. o sot kpow then I have more
than °rdiu:rid nerve, but ft Bathed
through my .shod then pasibly the stark
was waiting for me to fall, and wand
sot make nn attack aha I did, and in
= b'rond. Bore I turned my plank
ileseward and waited fora good rdlerr.
Mail order will receive prompt atte•tHe.
Weeks t app. C. T. In. Maidens.
el Repaint promptly attended to.
P.O. BOX 8131.
Th.• carpenters and joiners of St. Louis
have sn•ured their demand of *went' an
hour and eight hours • day.
trees tbs. l ague seed.
1te , front fn. • letter recently received
from Moet Eleanor Pope Port Flamed R
(... "For more throat, consist, croup, bras
rat rt' , )laggard'. Yellow Oil is the just
thing I have ever asst." 2
The first boat from Duluth for Port Ar
!liar, the steamer Hiram Dixon, arrived at
the atter port Friday looting.
English Hearin Liniment removes all
hard- .oft •fr fellness! lumps and blemishes
Ir..m home., Mond spar in, curbs, splints,
brews, sweeney, .bites, sprains, .ore
swollen throat, rooughs, etc. :leve :GO 7
use of one bottle. Warranted the moot
werelerfnl blemish etre ever karmic scold
,ve F .lord•.. 96- Iy
Twee.y civ• thrusted infant eight tel
menu. of revelry and 7,000werepn.tml a different points in rhe Friday to
be newly Inc an May day.
The reel ceitr of the blond is caused by
the Iron it contain 3ttppLy the inn wham
hacking by saw Milhuee's Rud. iron mei
W ewes Leah
161e. deka Thain --. R. r �stear d
Swettapeteiiikewle.• eawltemrrWi'1" `. ;'I
- the Nth d bis ,Alar.►
send wish a pines e1 Pi1'I aasd
4 llama Watt.
sumps. AlOre TO CONbERT THE
Mow • ties, Yorker l.earssed Frees Es-
perlew,e How to Sake Her t-kltdreu'•
New spring Dresses flue of Old Ones
of All cores rat Conti at loses.
Whets 1 got my ebtl ion ready tor a buol,
Hat fall, 1 did thitlh I should Imre no mons
demes to make fur than beton spring: and
now k'i&. at them' 1 must begin all over
I yea... trues a tr..taer el ...vocal garb. to
whom ors talking • taw .Lys a.... She
was thinking .d making new draw. (u• her
girls, but *tem 1 sug;p.d..l tiling over the
..kl ores red 111:: •11t4 aures last fluid ...tarn
goods are worn again, and offered to help her
plan tbeur, site was dehgbte.l. My offer was
made not bemuse 1 et much enjoy helping
.chars. l sett .Orry to ray. an because 1 was
1u ,earth n( ideals hon from p.raaticei es-
"Who arc yon sitting ou say pupal
What no you want+"
"That's all right. I thought I'd make
myself comfortable until the tun comae
rl lion= 1.
The first diets we took in howl sea- f..r
('Lan. agwt thirteen. It war tot short, the
waist and doe, es were badly nom. and
there were wk spots ten the front of it. It
was paid flannel, hat ing cavy hlue for the
I•riccapoal .•.,Mfr, and was 'made with plain
skirt *nil sok drapery. We chine fist pat-
tern shown in Fig. i MA our guide. We foutd
enough material in the drapery for a new
front breadth, and a vera. .1 jacket was
male lr..en a nae v blue fianr:••I est *bleb
the father had Lugol aside. The skirt was
Iengtbenrst by sewing it to the bottom of the
jacket 111 the back. M the ut,,ter-arm sewtns.
Tito front was nit long enough. the wide
breadths were pieced up, and all wowed into a
belt which was concealed by the vest. The
front a the jacket was lore, and fin-
New Desins and hcH �aper�,
Fleets 3.
Shed by got -kms. Clan can molly wear
that dram until rummer, and it •looks like a
DAM one. The pattern teed rowel in sines
for girls from ten to sixteen years of ago.
Nellie. two years younger. was the next to
receive attention. ger dreis was like her
sieter•.c, Inc the trot her eajnye.l dressing t hem
as nearly alike ss )..:+able. It was burned
out in fent, where she had stood 100 el..
to the store. the waist was badly soiled, and
the wloeves were total wrecks. The pattern
Shown in Fig. - wee chosen Inc this drr>s.
It emir* in sines for girls from six
to twelve year. of az •. trip, skirt
was made very full in the first place,
Our samples of Wall Papers, Borders, Friezes and Ceil-
ing Decorations are now complete, and we think it only a
pleasure to show samples and give prices.
Massy /tars
Daughter -Paw. this
)ut of tune.
Nervous Parent -Yea. my dear, It is. i
geese you'd better not play on it any mon
until it has been tuned.
"Well, I won't. When will you have b
"Ob. in a year or in." -New Tort
piano is horribly
A 134ferwaee.
Fair Shopper -What is the difference be
tween those two piens of goad.'
Clem --(hue is marked higher than the
"Yea; but what cit the real difference be
'ween them"
"i just told you -a :narked difference.'
-Buffalo Express.
novas 3.
and part of • breadth was tak.s from the
back to teak. tb. hack of the waist A front
was put in as shown in the pattern, made of
W s best piens of an old black cashmere Area
which had belonged to the mother. It was
pieced unser the belt, but the shirring con-
cealed the seam. The skirt was lengtheO1d
by a narrow box -pleats( rutile of the black
goods, which was doubled before pleating,
indeed of being hemmed. This rutile was
set tb 111e under side of the skirt, with about
an inch expense to view, and del not go
Her Quest across the front breadth. The sleeve., were
Lady (to cork) -1 .elected some elk made 01 tee lsla•k Th.eaffa collar, revers,
ber'e yesterday el 11 o'clock sod ordered and belt were male of old. bark velvet.
It scot to my haute. Few Fannie. aged mesa, we used the pat-
Clerk -Ys. madame. Haven't you te tern shown in Fig, 3 fora guide: or rather
delved it yeti we used the illuetr tion for • guide. and tut
Lady -Of counts What I want now l the dress by Nellie's pattern. It was bark,
tbe change. -Puckand from the old cashmere dew .d the mn-
tb.r's which bad fu rtnahsd material Inc th.
*edam! Iters. front of Nellie's draw. we get .Dough for a
"Doctor, i tame to see about my brother." new w!fir Falusie's • remnant d all-woolhthe mother
"What a the matter with him purchased
"One of his leis isshorter than the other pretty paid of scar lot and bark, which we
and he limps. Now, what would you do is mod for front and d for the revers
which extended from v the nshoulder W the
a case of that kind,"
"1 am afraid I should limp, too -'"-Tents bent of the drys•
some unser, unmade sees I was seabird Siftings. The lits:. girls looked neat and pretty, sad
to retain nnv self pesss�en sso-
both ;be mother and myself are plowed
t TGreece' Way. with the result d nor efforts. the patterns
end I was thy: ning; every usNbro ow j You always wane your own way." es ectal are very good few school desacs and
big wave meets[ the b1Moh Emu the gmwletl the emc'ee's wife 1e naso Pli°, will be found satisfactory Inc making cottondismisswas
tbw at rge at bsesldag• humor with her husband. dismiss also When boring materW foe
lark maiata:red its
iti- Theo 1 '•And you otlghtn't to 1m.rferv." he re dream for girt, be wee to k..,k at the aer-
hMrd the wet lame roar shove me. and wooded with pride. "That's how we gal gwa Ther ars mar. ratsora,, rid titan any-
iows it tarn. like an avaiaate'he. ecintil- rbk•"_ Washington star. Wing raw sinew they erste well. ••,d k uk
kiting and ; teaming, until with Ore well anti! worn nut. Thai III eaaeclall♦ true
mishburnt the agmatie1stood moostr+ri. the broioe. Mvb.e h p. of the twilled tarp i have f rand nothing
Whet are you going to do with all those which ciente. iso near to wearing forever
Icier a ti sneh t .bower treadle louse' redle louse' asked asig..rise Sorge ranges in prim from fifty mots to •
i's; maw, std ibis wee dsahsd epee the employe. dollar a yard. The cheaper grade. am
brash aefe
i suited sottish "I've hal to put Nem by forty gonias wit.: the higher pr priciest fret,
"The tthar. did trot es."fes for a rainy day." was tbei ti- reply.--Ansix inerts Next to the nsrgro. I should re -
woe evidence to tee tint it bed sot bees ingtno pont. commend the Jamestown go fds for chfl
dnah's orbited dr•sss. 71x7 are part era.
br the rani of the meter, but
Cctttral Telephone Ezciianpe, Court House Square.
grocery Department
In connection with his
t%bere will be kept a full stock ofk'IiOiCI: F.\1111.1' ORO(•KitlEe.
Tanners' produce taeen in exchange.
His hardware stuck will as former!). be complete in all its
A 4••••••• amts. T
All skin diseases of whatever name or
nature are caused by impure blood. Bur-
dock Blood Bitters ie r natural Inc to impure
brood, removing all foul humors from a com-
mon pimple to the wont scrofulous sore. 2
Three thousand miners in Indiana have
quit work because the wage *tide for the
year beginning; May 1 hail nut been signed.
Mgrs'&'. ('. (. Rt.•u1ties & (•u..
(; t:'n-er xs , - In playing Tennis 1 wrench-
ed my ankle, causing me much suffering
and inconvenience, but by using M1%-
ARI1S LINIMENT i was not manned to
the house • single .lay. After a few clays I
was able to continue trainingfor the sports
at the Halite% Carnival for which I had
entered. F. (to( 11eo!,
1•aru10uth. • Instructor Y. A. A. C.
At East Del Rio, Tex., dee other night an
unknown Mexican visited the house of a
Mexican woman maned Sanchez. knocked
her in the head with a hatchet an.l then do
capitate.i her. afterward writing on the wall
with her blood, '•Fresh beef for sale." No
Itch, mange and scratches of every kind,
on human or animals, cured in 30 minutes
by Wuolford'a `i•aiitary Lotion. This never
fails. Sold by F. Jordan. 96-17
Wilbur Berns, 4 years old, fell heed first
leto a prat hole, at the bottom of which
about six inches of water hal settled. at
Thornhury, the other day and was sulTocat-
s simply its s 4511111110.1 s� hardly r with due res A case 0•21.ped o its say "My baby had a fearfully .arrow mows
ytwlwriay '
that this texts my dant "How .n
breakersOsra Ldp.inquiry I I "By mistake my wife left the poor little
thsns•tivcbad beenslllseied by *Sow alone with the name girl." -Lodes.
&rhea the .port en
tee, hot they wear well, and the twetquallty
will wadi It comes in all .rrelrw., tank plata
and pakkel 1 think the flee ;Saida look
prettiest when made ftp. Ther. are •reseal
qualities in the Jamestown goods It can be
piirchseorf as low es twuaty five smuts • yard,
but at that pries a only iweeity-four babes
YieFeen t
The 'teenier 3)ruwhurlio, hound from
t.laagow to Bombay, has foundered in the
Irsh channel. The aaptaun and two stew-
ards were drowned. .1 hrtut aor.t.duing 11
of the persons who were alssrd the steamer
u mussing.
.•ra�yy now uses... r,..-r..� .piste
...r( to u.. ►f 1 .. ►...� ♦.
r....• ..d one 1 .. 'Toile. 00.
..t. eus.n...*ower�,a w 7
....• &Aweemu .n.....rMm.w.
..sou .o*and Pre
n.•«..Mr....wt. oms aw.r
•leen w.t mows e..e •.e Hos
•^..,I.. .0 w.d.+..arw. deern
a.a..r l.••rw►..Mwe"-
rW.k.n... Mrw=
ora cif..,- •.k.... w ••-•e lMa.
nim ....••••••* : r...r�,.w e...
to. it *tees a 'a.1M
.a SOS rorsiaad,a.Me
Earliest and best grown, at
etaard•s u.ftieas ref .,I. Neeralsfa.
Later returus from the (.estrmunde die
trict make it certa in that Prince ikernarck is
elected to the Reichstag.
Nrertty and edtrrrely.
Kidney complaint. dropsy and similar
troubles depend directly on wrung action of
the kidneys end indirectly on bad •is��°!�'
MondBurdock "MondBitten regulates the
of the 1.dneya and cleanses the blood teem
all impurities, in this way curingkidney
complaint, dropsy, etc.
Whim I look lack epee it end tents the nears 'Mauer km Aaewatad. wya. Th. Wrtydi Web goons mist from
ilatellnalle seemiN es the "lk,rtrw, rote are yawning. Are weans M torty... en arty cease a yard. essd is my;sued aof big readmit aimed i mai se e.,,pia ho,..'• opinionie t•►sep•r them miketowsa bet the
be tie wan i
ag, t• sol& . "leirdon..nasions lady, h
dy, set la e ail i yet .assns el rYim. ev ii Am is
tfter ftrig Msimp.i. —Me-
Et M well known that
yaws M tosebwpw
,Secretary Blaine has again stunned that
he will not he in the presidential rate nett
The Seedsnwa, Hamilte nest, 024.1
.t shute • Say.
A minute • day devoted to tak ing • dense of
Burdock Blood Bitters will cure any case of
constipation. dyspepsia, biliousness. or bad
hlond, and may save weeks of sickness and
dollars cot lou There is nothing ethan
B. R. B.
Buchanan & Son,
Dealers in all kinds of
builder's materiel of every des•ription
School Furniture a Specialty.
R. P. Hutchinson, of Chicago, Iso been
found at Evansville, int_
Rtublxen children readily take In. Low's
Warn. Syrup. it pleases the chill and de-
stroys the wens. — lm
Clear beef .drippings nisi, be newel for
frying purpose*, bet a mixture of and and
droppings or oil and drippings makes bet
ter frying material. Sufficient ahould Fr
used to thoroughly cover the articles to he
fried, and the fat ran he used over anti
over again. as long as it lasts. If Milia is
are dipped and properly tried, that ie the
fat at the pro , the forest
crullers can follow in die SMS esu without
the slighted taut.
Common dry salt er said In be one of the
best agents for cleaning marble, each as
wash basun, .ink fixtures and the like. it
requires no , and may he rub-
hed directly rpm th. foresee,
rrsww,rina any or• at
once, leaving the warble shining and clean.
This s well worthy of
, eaitis
often found to be hard to clean
.44•44434,4,1 Vitt vitaitall t "1 0 ..
Reinstate to be cleared out, Peres:t ens
and showy shapes.
The W W -a. Taller. 1217
—Ogee a leelean's--
--OpptNte lb* ls.rset:
Money to Lend
Cheap Rates,
NUM iota Cashed. --_--