The Signal, 1891-5-1, Page 8"•1.91tt
e to
het nth
11? Mors ie f
kn. Mont,
41d- Haat w•
Irk •
▪ 'teal. ,
W OO on t&
•, Ex..s,
11, tier some
trier the p
lean Teal
w Mit., fa
4 ' `Mlbyele
Skid ort d'ie
oat the ,&i
tie Mortal
P Nada o
+reek• if
r I*.11el to.
W. }r'*sAuri
1 eplittiog
Ie.toad wit
d dist nor
I% .ton
K. ('. B
h�yilis�o�f .4
qn 1.
ppd in a
tae flout.
sow 4
Age Was d
sad the
testae $
haste fo
of lora
hate Sara
trine as
.flax toll
ani i
kis d
tar wrws•••, eeerw.teas - ratios ruiners
Meaner erase.. basses that.
Weft ... It live., ate yea more rsprres
ram • eowtasN.
(ruin IN•t 'W•
1 •ardusttg mid house tinning
order u4 the tie) , Wei hamlet,
presume the Sane are u1 %ogee else
Au tt lh. !'ase lett hers on 'Tuesday
afternoon for Seaford, t• rtteld the huieral
.1 hu uncle, who hal Iver Heipg in that
town end died•tllere raoeutly.
A t' wt•n me. Mr. Keine, .r. , u ea a visit -
to las son. 4. 1W. Ethan, oar ppopelar and
utg gr evi 11"e are 1 to see
the venerable gentlenw, looking w
hale and vigorous.
[ mu/Sue 04'41 els'• cuattaelW.tsaa T.1
land Bell is home frau, Mit higna,
he had beer all \Water
Murc► 4uMel.ellaouu
. 1st co asu,
roe. bats a ewe tart has four hours
For the brat tow weeks the roads
Muse impantaWe, but now they are d
lentMw mi
of proemial ismeres ere all mem.
trim. tried here 11 t,
Our war, Yat
rY What masters th
ea all e Woe *ear at
his lite. -ops In ismsarsetio.
Witham lhr4ayesn sold three can d
Iwtatoer to a Ixlyer at Wpley the other
are the - Donald Flnlaysutl, of Brum. township, las
and ee Moved t.. the Nairn farm, lith anrati«iou.
where. Ashfield.
HI sae •nat. Frnuers ole 1811!44 ..1
.outage of the fa...rehk• remitter which we
are en)nylll^ and are busily aujj aged putting t
to Sprung @romp.. Notwithstanding that dark
!'nil ,r,.
.p rs almost every alight fall wheat
looks 4141 au.l pnquiata to he au excellent r
Et . t t-11.14 II..- (ha Mu141a) :a.t *Rev.
1. Putter oflicated at L ural f
Rea R. F'aarbaini ...Deducted divine ser-
ene- 01 the evening t, the Meth*li i church
herr. Irking as the foamiest Nw of mus re
uarka. Isaiah till 5. m/ eouuevt4.m shit d
Matt. till :42.
Fleury Walker, suns of .1as. 1Walkei, of
Illage, cerragebuilder for S. St noires,
we regret to have t.. attar 11 111 with an
att.u'1 of pleurisy. 11'r hop' that through
good medical treatni rat he will s.en. 1*•
+intend awl restored tt1 his .foreler state of t'
11,4111 alit' .•ta144i to meiotic awl. He to 'n
* great favorite r:uruy{ the young, twoplc, t"
e. Well as mooing tine tablet waw herr 1 iti,.
R1 *Imam. Hot I;.. 1aat w'et•I. tate err it
chats, grocer*, bakers and other Iw.r,ews
men •d tar town held a meeting t.. enter *1
4441*. arrangement- :I. to (:.t• lister .4 eltwitig
their respective ptalx•. ..f Inl,tness duriI4 w
the summer nerd. when the. allowing was g" •leitled von 1hi Motdaya. rt.
11 elt,cmlry* and Friday.. to .1.... At 7
athi on Tuesdays. Tiburon) * and sat wv(ays kat
I.• keep opeu as erraamity mown*. hast
7 Lc r.,,au,s ,ot the Tate Mn.. 'fh.... Irwin, ov
1st c \h.. 11u!:in . daughter of .1. Mullin,
1hfi .
Int. r v
Dungannon un1 Nlr
!((• Nl
na:.•r ou Tuesday aftrnit*N1, hriut{gRQ ort
4*..•ot'tel thith.r b% a+ large cnrtoourae of tht
err nos in( relutites. :trice le awl aeg.laitI
atksa. The tas:eufdeal hw-18.that fell.Pi*aase. t„
.•. moonlit ion. 11..t red wan aged about sp.
tw.•ru)' years, and sale Duly .11, ,,1 seven to
uulth* urrrml. The I.en'.ve*I husband cit
and relatives Ira.,• the 'inert.- sympathy of •1
Dau McNesee Ila. pr.Mssd a tine
Iron. ND- Breen, of New Wo -k, We
hunt soots.
Peter Shield* has sold kat lama. alma.
I'rtr•l foam goal sheep. and • good at -
fast always.
Neil Mclkl aka has taken mus drpsr
from momk%g us to luck San.'. donliu
t.. Inks LiW4u1, Mach.
w 1.11
t 111.
14 nor in 14 on •
Fourth Ihirtiun Court last Tuesday
Miss Mary Hulse s on the M k list.
1.urue sa)s he gut them to peals 4,raia.
Jou. Motive, Toronto, s buttte tot a few
%Pant Satufa*,wt In Illueva1e. Nies time,
rh. %Pant'
i'epper has a twirl way .4 ulveriningi his
tic. , wall paper
Moe. Tuesday morniI4g Cooper. wife and
family len for Tomtit,
Mn. Mel.o.r s hour fns. firuo.•, w:
.1.e had been all Winter 1 isiuug her ,lou
er, Mrs. John Smith.
Donald N. MtKeirn. and John N.
Kenzie were last week in I kelt, ich a
Lays at the Spru,g:.\mime.
The veinal* Wan visited ue lest w
Nly • ".u, -h ,;ue.tion...u,d you art Huwk
mu. Port .1Iliert is the boy to ask these.
Mrs. John Fultaysm 4* shout to gg4. a
with the wooer at rely.. (
Thou our will get out cloth aid..
.rn Street eateriug ewua'metl 'rurality. It
gl' - in !Wt w tat w'r wanted.
1Ir. limbar) bas ivapco%011 the trout of hu
use '111 1 h) a coat of paint.
1). Inn cry dud hs Inca are hurt ling t lung.
at the new .luaricau hotel.
e'r'k' Ferguson k Halliday will waist that they g
m'' run their stony OU the Europese plan.
.1 junior baseball •11:1. is talked .44 this t
aro seaarn. "Ta1tle" is a regular twirler. t
w In flus drama
wiN ..lift " Smith is playing
suecr•sfully th1•role of the "Ealy' Butcher."
r ,� The Brussels era. lora fa.tJa1L club will
,wtrril play their tint match s ith (merle very h
k , morn.
%lra..1. A),. sole.. .4 Toronto. was 1a u
to Mum Tuesday at1 •n.4ug •hr fpucral .4 the i
6 late Mrs. Namur! flurgeas. al
r,1 Ii. i'- Sc..Stiehl spent Sunday in Seafoth ha
411414 ...let telt He role behind Nlts. ('ole. a
cit nrai r nlagtnitieent team. .1
*I. Rev. 1). 1.. McCrae, of l'ranlm.nk. ...Ms
. 1, pied the pulpit in Melville .-har.:h lent "tui- - 1
.lav morning and evening• of
p,,, .roan Angle, 1da.•ksmith. has sucuret a el
u - pos1hon tit his trade rat Hartford. Michigan. vi
int• He let; for there last week.• Fitzpatrick. Itenvcr. Col., is lame- .11
I:.. f.w a 'Whitt. He is looking *pkutlid anti ed
•y speaks highly sof the States. sea
Cr TKotr F1.1•i•... A need...:• sof .our yoking illi.
Well pi.y*w• ratio. In escursiun ie pm
to swim•' of that delightful patine.
n R 1.. Ta)lor, larrnt.-r. to laid up w'tt4
.e inlmnlmatory rheumatism. He i* ' r
Ina rr
Ice '
meal .olwiit Sou. 1W.• trust to hear ,IMru
i. of,his retorrry.
✓ .1T 11s:. -r. After a .bort illness .4 natant-
! statin Mrs. S,u„1. Iturg,sa pu*scd away at
@tarte accidents, the .tattle fare penceha by
cbw'iag tat cad e( relleemua as the
aMfaio" s the era @somewhat dL.aor-
ged prices whish their
L likely Ni brut la the tread's o mrkets
and theta is hit news fur your merespa
deur to real
[Icor 141r14w•
Mr. mad Mn. 1Wm..1. Irwin Isle limed
Si, their tarn. here.
`boding tap twat axis are ill full Wast
around here, and the fall elated looks tion-.
At the Lockout, off
show 'Thus.
Agar's kens earned df drat price Io the
hew.) drsak1glass wad also the diploma
for 4wt �e bra bursa on this grime!*.
Too Irek happy WM.
Ilur uWi'gulg biacksuuth. Mr. *'nab►. las
Iwo m• busy lately alienat usgg 1.. the emits
of the farmer's that he hardly las tient to
take a smoke. tan ar.1uut of haring nu
prone.?, he lu._, to move around all the
m 4ow ofk sow • .',.1:KLVv.a 1.t•T.1
Th.- otheers of the 1. 4). 1:. T. were ekrl
rel In Tuesday (•%ening. The list sill be
filen neat week.
1:s.. Neal ton 11ao been elected a tlelegate
o attend the meeting of tar High t curt of
he l'aratlierl l haler .4 F.Neatrn,w'11•rh Wirt.
in Toronto mitt June.
'1loa. Riddle has once more taken Ila .4.1
position in the Popular dry gouda. store.
11 expert W we Tom greatly leen--tined l.y
M trio Int 1141• college.
11'e set- that the 1eo) s Auld arts, u h.. wen•
u the had habit of breaking the sabbath
lay by fishing ha. a lien either stopped or
untied out of doing m' I,y the mNices that
l'e leen posted III . p(I,1e„
hone the mill dam prohibiting such .tN1-
T4.oeur Telf.N-.l hus rental hit fano f..
tern, of veers to Hrsgl. (.amber., c
,r. Mr. Telfonl reit.WIs to g.. to 1.*
.n11wn. NGcMg(lui.
1\'llharn twat! .4 sat,:'; visit
.r 1411 I1m,tstetel with his bride. It
1 two weeks s*aM William w.1- ream
Mi.r %lose, of rete. Hayfield.
1:eorg. Mcly"r.had the 1*I.fortuue to
s (test the other day •.Salle splitting w.*
✓ n8 .10111g ars well .ts .';11. 1N• .•.)*•ole
th.mgh @'1140,.9 to the honer.
Thr otlk•r day *44,11• o1 the fine mru w
ear gas. rdutha•* Int the 12th colccsei0
t a mud I4uckini; ail the Mighte'rn 11
e•r while **sting after suckers.
1(y the lades .f !hints. we t1 4111 Hr1
-k II',ty a getting high in the air. forth
1 a siterke stack erra'trvl eel the h,il
.r 7l: feet high. a(w, a new funa.-c.
Mr. Steel has es1d his market .cal.*
H urdu o
u, f int .
k ear Inie. s
It 1.
the.- 1
ati111 to get aeotl1cr tvngaty settles. :
411a., can hardly Ian without tiler...
lobo M:1ni.Lk 11as gone rt. lhdut
a.1rk at his trade ("4 tilt* Sutoulet. N
vitt. of good flutes. .1..1.a is age
total .cul u., d..ul•t he sill .1 . well 111 rival
.1) the last regular ',wetting of • Court
'(ids .4 the 1We.t, No. 31, t'a1aaliarl 4Order
Forester, the following odirrn sen•
e%t..1 Chart Ilanger..I.a, H. St, me :
cel hlrf Ranger. H. Shell: recording set•-
ntary . .1. ... .Llan:*: financial secretary,
'ho I:rnnshu ; treasurer, A. \WaMl(uut;
.plat.. 1N, N. t'uuniughal:,: seiner wn1*1
rd. F. I:orhett; luutor outdo -ant. ('has
ming: senior beadle, .las. (Talism; jute"r
mile, .Ire. ('oughtey.
11'e greatly regret to have this work to
c11nn*ir e•
l the I h n
leaf ( Sas 1
V .1 e
.laughter o1 Rolm .St MCI 11 S.%l.
14th, Will sa.l .1. rat
tiM.k place last S*I,buth after* short illness
that .Tread disease, . • Mia*
Mott sou* . member of the Presbyterian
- church .4 this plate and an energetic
J•, ..immune.
\ RI • to u. (h. 7'ues•41y a 4truooN.. :t* app
•1 ..1t M.f.r•ut.
West 11'1.wa411.ah. user
greavxl, vias v,wang salt on has fano, hi. the
right tau
Dur N
Th.1 prir
wee" new 1 h•d..dale h••nr He u a tier animal
Mr!'he's Sarna. 4 4N•tunut4.l)- a:o iujnr
thaw ley the acenleut farther than the 1.
1eg of the *eat, a.. our are udonnrtl. Mr.
14.111 1l44 great Aaron t. le•.tu*ulful
nothing s•riou., resulted. a• 4... IM-,•,.
.:w- with other runaway..
I1nts1"•. ('llP'Ite;• Ito hl obit ..f
w..14 the Wes 1g k*Iteral Hall, wlu,
ut.: h• aea(Mldr for ,vert, 811.4 114 her pat
Meet 111;(*, WAS the .rut re• of 4:raChlxr
g1.. t many of th. yeomanry of tat• t.
.l..le of 11 e•et 1\.,w.un.l, and .1sliticld,
ing, to (oert 14-111g held litre on that
Sic fall w:.. •1 naked Bette,'-tllao--
Iota this Spring': every field has a tine
•aratlee. Thr ta,le.t settler. may they
er sow' It letter. h:veryIMMhy has started
Spring work : 11t• land n u: Nue under
s week.
teem. Walker and \Wile. have taken
es at 4.I.,anine and Ripley. with their
team by wane meats or otl.. tool;
.u,d ran swat oat of the tieltl, through
silage and in tie direetioln.4 the Nile,
we:e overtaken art tar boundary' bet
ollerro.• and West \Waw meet.r,ea
r .I. NW. wish toe• boys l,,'k, :as they 14,441 a heal.)
w'''' lams las4 year. I.14ing a valuable Besse at the
reek- IM•gllllllfig ,d toe season.
flint Frei kelp, of .1•yr, was visiting Nlt-a.
tar tingles awl Robert Willett. Fred 1. n
lulstl.•r. 11'..:1• afra1,1 se arc'1.(1,v t.1 i,....
Iku' belle ..f the 12th ...n.•r*sioei o::\s1Uie1.l.
1'1.1 as NIIY I. to leave meet four tied pla.t'. \1141(
Int 1. makes rue hone 1 'sae• snakes aWRher
Ibli.' )appy, but we wish then: well
ton a The l'etmmo of Industry are very' *11snt•4
oOM- ons herr. \earl) every -taw Ire jofnel
1Wr think it 1s high tin,.- for 11n•
farmer to 11u mNllething: against iterate fear -
Ii:. Honor .fudge Pelle presided and
p used the law. baying quit... motile.
rases 4.. '11'44,.•o of. The members of
legal fraternity present sere Messrs.
and l'roedf*,t. ti 4 o.kridh. end l'ra
mel :e1..rr:YNI, of H:. -S.•45,4 town. .1 .o
of interesting relit* were. tried. III NII
v. mini.-ipalitiee of West Waammeh
A.hfie•Id, after Inuring evidence. HI* HI
reserved de,sal orad the 14th May Ilett@
M0rmmn for phi.; Holt 8nd l'r•udfted for
aril.. In Ilr. al :armee of L,:ekn•w-, v. W.
Wilson. West tl .awanoidi. account of tiled1
.aI treatment. w'. are informed Mr. Wilson
• aine.1 the Nutt- I'rndfl*N for defenllant.
Mete sere .ele : rases t r:n'ersed to nest
..troth; of ...our:.
d4. fol •.amiss. for the farmer ie the narrow
•f am.) lee -Meath of the country. and wlo-
the ,hool•1 b. is• !r:au, 4t,) under hot' Hlcr farmer, ' let ns has. fair play. I.Jaln.
u d,• shoulder t.. shoulder. and tyrant, well fall.
Ill. le union there is Mtreagt14. (her motto s
AIM I.i4.• and Int lice. ' mad 4.N,l let t 6t, minori
ty rug. this Mint ry 1411.1 want' h,!`c f•r::lac
and ethers have WNW
1 ' ton e, K "Us. rwKK,-1•"•l,t•T.3
()Ur newirers u.le•IKi w riding Arl.•r Ihr:
in tri pnu ing the y-ne1r1 .appe•aruu.r of the
'41,us J. Herticnlale s 4o ha. been visiting
,friends in Toroth.. for the past few weeks.,
returned Thur•shty of last week. -
10. Cale and Eph. 1'ober bate planted
shade tree. to rem": of their resi,4enae.. 1
hope to s-.' others follow then -example.
11'. K. 1Whelay 1a11•s thi. week f
Scott'. where he hart severed a situati
*s .herwrmaker. He a ill be mwvd In th
(h. Tuesday. while a number of the.chr
ehtldren were ,laving in the 1'nshq•teri
chord. shed, l.aur. J'i-el,ks accidental
fel! from a .rani broke her amu Ile,
the rent.
:trots or:: nM . 1 .,n/tK+;•u% MAT.;
N4. Sinton NLlrei. left of Mon.tay last
for I(rnasel�s to spend a few day. in visiting
(,-HeLa@ 111 that 1lMality
The Holm -sortie char have leen united
to Sharon to assist in t.nducting a song
eerier Welt Sabbath evening. the object
beurg to christen a new orgul pkrelasd In•
the Shannute.. from the Clinton (organ t u.
'The (Mowing °dicers have been elected
in ('curt Sells.sll, U. 4). F.. for the ensuing...
term. viz : W. C. R,. Br... i). W. Bunn.:
V. 1'., C. 1Wdlfates ; R. See.. T. Murch :
F. Sec., T. Inld, ; Tr•eas., .John Trewartha ;
S. N'.. S. W•/' h; .1. W., 11. breis:
1'c S. R., 11'. Iw441. ; J. Ilk, et, Sturdy : Chap.,
h . Ionia. _
0(1 [Peon ".kOWN eottasPONte•T.I
11 Alis, Ida skewart h.s resume,) teaching
music. We wish her every succor.
'ii1 A ortec s1fu1 public etan4inatium w -as 11.1.1
an in No. 3 11111141 sehood hoose on ratur,lay
h' hitt
(YKi1V "1.1 on • . v,kkl.e,• 144'T.'
Henry Reobb, jr., has hero laid up with
1. grippe for a of days.
Win. Fraser, sok of Laughlin I•'rsser. is
home from Michigan to help 111 Int year .rn
the fern..
Now is the tint@ tt expect Dia: every oxer
that calls 1e either a lash-Inyer ors ora
rhmery *Kent.
Thom. Mather* n. lie are miry to ay,
%er) sick in lli.higsr. at preweut. nun) we
hope t„ hear •Irons of his *peeh recovery.
The bn,klayers. Jus, and .las. Pugh
have started their nasty. work 1„' veneer
mg We Thwrnton's hotter ori the firwt 4v n
f e'er .41111441• (i15144.81•wa 44.17,
1% H::titer, who lute been 11)144.41..,
ed by 1.. grippe., s emit element.
The fall wheat look* better titan u 1
The farmers are Isis) seeding and pre
!!wring the ground. Thr w -either ha* been
f:non1dr lately.
I'he n.*'nn.ral ern reg.. .4 th. late Mr
Tlecipjstet. ..f 141fast. were held at %tan
eh,rel, Iset sabbath by the pastor.
Sarah t.anlnet. W11• war badly hurt h)
her father'. hont.rnnntng awe) 'n I. knew
show .la) a. rapidly rrr...erong Iron, her lit
The quarterly services o1 the A.16el,(
Methwlirt ' will he hell a Hackete'a
on nett Sehlath. May 3rd, at
10..10 '. 41
Thea Met'reckon. wh, ha* for some Metre
hers ria .Meet 1,, The.. 14l1'i fersurre
hetalry, �1 *n ban., left ..n 11 @)matey ler
1 1Nirkigai., espertiag la .erne
work tier@ at lea orad.. 1
one for years. 7 herr is . large area of it
The limey friend, I
sorry U. hear that he
from n.alu,a.
Mrs FI4er Henry
with inflammation of
10 hear of her speedy
.1 .lolls S. Scott will bre
u at present suffering
a a present very low
the !vowels. 11'e hope
In 1Wi0gh:uu on the 22nd ult., Joh. H
Van Tamp watt united in marriage I., Eli
Nethery, eldest daughter of.lame. Nether)
' of thus pla..• They have our lust wishes.
[1141.4 01 K 11W.4
II t•T A Mem) Lilt week ruhlei
againet a small tree in an ortshard got it
wool entangled ea as to cause the animal t
• stand up straight oft ita hind legs. I.uckily
it was ems in its perilous prederment and
reemed. linne• ton SOM. by • young mai
Leer Last woe& our rapider young
townsman. EtIvrartl Foley, went to settle on
ht* farni III Die vicinity of leingshrelge
aortal circle will he much mimed • h.
nommen' (mends. who wish him ...eery sne.
eft** in his pew home
Nepttioei will again nee two .4 las popular
sotto Marrnlisnia domain in th.• wearer of
the 'two captains. Jamie and Andrew Magic
Time and again have th...* lett, eetee
woo hoed the storm. Awl blasts .4 heavy
gales, and lite hope of their many ft Patti* in
Huron is that the emcees that has heretofore
emorned their efforts sail enable I t hem to
experience and Ittyytelmlitt. will 4111 further
be their portion The on • will
the arge of I4(ty -Otte. %lr. Hauge*. and faun-
i1y [ate our sympathy nl their tread, err
Charlie kora)
�oe1n>;ret su11.�f--Ztln. - alalrk+wK,
who has been auger -nig ring (rn. an attack o:
inflammation for the fast few -weeks, as, we
are glad to .tate. able t.. 1.• around agtt1t.
A nowise,- sof people air gnomon.. MI t. t
11 sutlers. Her remains wrrr to
ted ul the Hill cemetery. and were fr�l-
u, their last resting-plaee by a large-+
.. ' pe„ seem •
(rein ul't I1w • e'.•KKEH..•:N:1r.1
L I'u:1'hart(. of Sraf,tth. was lit -re Sun
ah. the hnlrrl•,•rresp.ntknt ie. A. Nlv.,
Th: �. .1. talk of Iol.lteg a comp 11w ting
.1. 1.. H• and W. 1 ' u s mimeos! that
enc of the .418,y,• w Nos. i11)s, gorse
Isere 111.111/1e.
.1. )Iua•rs4 t has•.i ..1 ha;. Ion sett
of I:41.1 s.ut4 „t the town 4a;1 to Ni r. Far-
row• for *1))3 Mr. F..rn,w is going to
build • br;.k :(•)•. Thlatoe n is going
to "sit that.'"
.Jonr4-. ll:. tat 2211.1 tilt.. Daniel Itet-
111311 1w1 :d:AS Alis 1.. 1%11 'IOW 1*. tlrr altar
aW: sea* iwtnel for life. 11.v. s. Sellcn
petforneni the ,,•remro4y- We wish then
.1Iap*•rity .t.d la4,plfnisr.
The Bruemels i.s'Ir11 ' tui. hate oegaut:*el
and go under the MOW of the "4(rlt*eel.
Fendt.., F..d1.4I1 4 ink- The)- :r0 tow
open for for friendly matches
front neighboring trans. 11'ul. Sloan 1s
Ro61. Nott. at, ..1.1 tune resident of rats
+els, i• here filr a short ' iau with his •1111
':seri, who are living wi:h their gratdfather,
\Wil. Kiwi:Wel. Mr. Nott was a tailor
here, and new carrying .n In4.1uc.* in
14isitt. He hn:-. tine.
Th. resident-.- of 4'. Parr. fame.. just out
o1 linrwe4,. w.,. by £r, Monday
afternoon :dwelt four .,sI.*•�,. Th.- fin -
I Start...I ar*tn.i the chimney. At.i mss
quickly 1n the *.,enc and all the household
articles wore nil 8,41 Lams ',onetde4al• I'.
Roam life 'tie very strange,
)hamar and often sad,
4.1110 go with the younger 1M y
`. r Ailsoiuetimea with his .Sall.
, Wtgi .rid low, with rich and prem,
The Bart enjoys its treats
4i halls and Sunday schnb,
And ala. on the street,.
The heart it 1, not ;llw-ays tire.
.l.dloye, is it :a jest
It heal as w here we should not :; ,,
1•'n1t Fain unto the West.
That gond and true and attar I"re
Which should be as your life st
Is taut which you have pli.htt•i to T
The lath you call wife.
Nits* Maggie Marks has retur,t•l l:.,nuc
after .a s•. en nn)riths' *fay in Knew..
Square *WI other hurts of the towo this
brut 1101 utheigh attended the coutrcil
talks of "peeing photojoAph
A minder of trees were planted on
O sats miasma lapse en reseed eversta/as
wars& anew lag Mame tae * J.aetlea
Tera n's all Mrs hem ast@ 4. airy,
from Wirt) Go aevese.
[Tsar omen was tvteSxMwau�T.]
St. ►•wt '11e wife of Mr. Johnston,
who plays a lag horn un the Irma. is very
dangerous!) all, but se hope scan to be.hos
to state that she sun the road to recovery,
Ile. Chisholm was is Tomato this week
1r Wetness. A doctor. unlike other pro-
(esakusl ,neo. (lads it dltl t,tg gnu
* Mute when away (nen kott., cameo
his '.seta are few std short.
Hunt:, Sem Harr_ -Nie Jeanie
• f ,shoal mention was meds haat
Ins [stunted hurts, although very
after her severe fila.,. We aro
state that she is again ocnvakeueat.
Nestle. - -H. Davis. who haul hewn
nut.. for overly a week, returned oat
nestley .lira A. Nichols and fain
riaitwagg friends near Traswatrr.... M
R. Mclkwald awl sou are visiting foie
LIMO, (err Foie lists%vitae. 114. M
aha left for (imam* on Satnnlay Inst.
a well known fart to both 1:rit and
that the doctor u no stile spectator t
House of I1►rlfantent, bat a real ter
evil -.leers.
It War l't.r:t'r.. %Ir. Poral Wreath
nen. we would like a dearer di -tient,
our question than you ta4'orrd us al
your budget last week. as we have 41
plebeians of knowing the gentleman omen
ell by yon.
Wits,: ` We would like to kwow
our water tart will get tome emu our
street. 'Te dart win s. terrific 4141
Ilay last that our meet -heats brought
use our fire hose, thus gi'. ing then. a
IT'* Th. I:. .A. Parr las u*svad into
house ha has just )ought. Art. ssy•
better t" is your own legation' thou
money to soother maul. True, any f
true : if we had the whets -withal we
aim he our ors landlord, but alt,. amu
K4:olcrnnllt, - The Salratul .triy
racks n about finished. and n real
little luall t have. It sill I1.• ..motet
Saturday. Sunday sod NIouday with
I,,el.l,ta • taxa. Ilig times
la,lt.1 tor. aid great tiring from hog gu
1:tut. Mir•!•. Roll'* (eeter,- Isud es
taints' us to sum, s4rlcoda,' music• Ixl Ns
day' rvcatug last. r. 1Whitel), the 1: 1
er, is 11 musician of great talent NI
erne poll i the‘ '.4 '. 4.M. of his men
potation. therefore it is Iw, w•,o141er our 1
as taking hog strides t.,wanlr j.erfeetion
A It'•.�1 s:r o1 leo,:. .1. ken, of wheat
mellt-,.w was node souse t a.. weeks sieve.
is,* on Friday Last entert.uutal t.. a sapper
gotten up 61 :k. 4Mange craft. tie was
node t�,e recipient of an withal!. tttd
fold budge. Hr left for Loud.inlln Slresday
last. terry -tug mull bin, t11e good wtehrsel,
h•at of friends.
Tae 1. l:ar:)1: Tet. 4414„ Two weeks
1tae our state.' that .1. Fla. -k ere 41on 1 to
i �1 intopett,retnrnrag thither in a few months'
1111,'. Mame t(I:tlwr a'. concerning this,
air good citizen, that be will tate return
tom. hut in company with a very amine.
le young tatty', who is highly respected in
his lir*lit)-.
N•.I't_ut: Uhl'. 1Wrve1'.N. Mr. !buhle-
r,, who leit 11'utglrarn last fall Lir('he.lcy,
or, rift erne! again to town, where he says
e will raids in the future. He Ms again
^tent' int.. the employ of Metiers Hutton t
@abet. , lake several others be cannot
Inlelately lave his (,unity hithe• 1* -
use• of the saarrity of house;
layl'rk-nay NEkW••- Ian SInaiay" of
room last Rev. .1. Santo reached the
niver*8ry sermon t.. the 11111 Fellows of
e 51 Ingham lodge. There was a large turn-
(. thee 'northing in procession to the
un•;•. tooled by Kell's factory lanai_
`•r preached a very eloquent weerna,
rue -'• a.•NLk. "Sirs. ye are brethren.'.
1h a u •:' . Hurn. And .o, Mr. Dunlop,
w won't wage a duel with the Winghamt
lie. Well, as 1 vital considerable ples.
in perusing Lb,- writings of .bre lay-
eeP, it would therefore deprive nteof
"ch pleasure should) lay hint low upon
field .4 battle, for whether 11e• bachelor
bw•ne,hrt jt is kind of dangerous to make
Wo•neen-t '.,,14'.4). A few week,
CP the chief eharweteristie
curling..kigh-riding. kc. Today- the
ing fraternity are in full blast ala
, )*... 1), cricket, et-•. Ihnhtlave
will be trans gnu,I matches played
seas,,[, when 1\ Innggham braves will
i many feeds trium4ds over their op.
or Orris( Tut l'.'o. A prominent
cumin ill our town 0441. drew fen. the
k 1600 in silver exlin. He put it in his
kern an.4 got Seto his 1.ugg4). As he lied
rive to neighboring town, before driv
far the weight wee so great that he had
borrow hankers wherein to dcpMlsit hie
len. The people nos -.mays, sir, are
often thus troubled with an over -sur
of hand carp.
.revioe w4 (h 1 1. 4:4_r. 11 the last meet-
s( the C. 4). F., Court Maitland, No. 25,
following officers were elected for the
ing ten,, : C. R.. NI. Beckwith : W. C.
11 Irvin: chaplain. .1. ('err; S. 1W.,
roves: ,l. 11'., T..McLeati : F. S., (i, ]I,
ion R. S.. IW. Lrlttt: treas., .1.
len; S. B.. R. Kitmn, :.I II., 1:, Rally
sic dans, 10s. ('hinhtlm, Nlehlrum, Mc•
led sal Tamlyn.
elm 11 Norms. .son open Meeting of the
Gleaners of the baptist .•hurch will
led this e, ening ( Friday i, A collection
he taken at the d1Mtr, and a goal time
ported de
vi.. sterling Rev. Sexton
in 11*. town
his week under the auspices of one of
sof th1.1' p
h . • . Ret'. Mr. Fish, 4 'l onmto,
bed in the Nletb*lirt ehrroh last Son
" the evening. NIs 11i.0Mlree was ,tete
ration. eloquence and power, and we
y hope to again have the pleasure of
fig 10 tau ' cry worthy divine..
Flan_ \1'. I:annrtt leu ereete.l.w1 seeming
ria at nesrlt opposit.• hu hlm•kernith
11,1)4 ettew*[rp 1
lis sown all ktmel.14( farmin nachinery. h
Hach hen agent. He tog may' d
mown firm of Fr.t a %Vocaal, smith's
He an supply the farming mon.
With every implement they need Iwayrs medial mosey.but the most effective iv to at all tunes ear
ng their farms, ant Iwo a p.,-ialfy it
of note. that bring tar mingle apron d try
11* which this firm holds • patent.
na bine@ of its kind late three -
for matherjsg( in. This has only owe,
it does its work sinner.
tel Nivrw minter satisfaction.
[Mole is owe oarname. neat_ 1
The haw'. fl T Rai
evened on W-AatdLrry by the i;
nand Templar. pied the eha r,p though.s 14. worthy. ^'ta at, Ir''""rV
ter fear tbaal !wake Mat sugar 144,
before they'd let hint got of the pi•! it
Wyy mut b egmeing y the entamporemi wftk y
=sod _sod daughter awitlag. They eke
eetwgai up Mr. Walker
good with a hymn mad sumo talo r peso,
was greatly unproseed by the de.4ttatiy
service. It oaaaie*- d d several
true a green covered volume w1414
Chief Templar and the chaplain rad fey
la tents, and the h b& r
A Ina- eels a ghees ad odd water, whirlhafter the �deg
tidaneatly iratlon service wasoverseas Ilrunk by „mat
the ambers of oke lodge in full view of the
Hue. assembly. The hall !aside ia ler) ty'ey,�,
week. SWAMI with melt ohm. ofMd, show ung (k,
weak miters' grain d the wood, which goo
glad to , very artistic
lire at a time is good fislungp, aIle, au,
.lack, bat 1 telt sorry when 1 hand ,w n
you deserved better luck. Test J,
Sturdy. of the 7th a,n ; be heard the
in Te -
i1) ate w.1tm
rs, A. were resting, as he and sen.; fnrlad, tar
mt. in other evening hitched up the tram to the
heavy worm and after getting all the 1
cllon they. could find in his own ion. au.l I„�
It i, rowing as meow more as the mignon
Tory . could spare, stated fur hayfield to load Imp:
u ih:o but after several hours d annuls, West)
nor to 1 watching a about seeing the first .4411..4
*ticker they cnat•l,,deal to return knot Tp ,
our Sate* ordained that they should cwt ti
oma 14f ''�ultr alt,.grtd.rr .GwppM,an,ed. ail lust
th io tMy were about lu start hack one of tie.
u the pair•, .1. 11 hurl), i ti,tlfe'e, wine hal lee,
.lawn trying the luck with a heat pin, and a 1,1! of
cod, called cul (u Jack to 4 new m,4 bel
,lien . hut. he'd .alight a fish; Joni so he huh.
Maul black hays 2•; inches keg, but it got I.t•wt
Mon. under a stone, and hams his call for help,
ass he feared t.. slack up on his line. They
into t it, however, and beotngllt it how..
gut) i{u
the 41:I.
II In [ e 11'tkrt104TON 1,;.% T.
pet. The folk here area' bu▪ sy *41. tat. g.ttily
rieod, in the crap.
woo ltl The mssnistrr of the Pred.yterrar, lurk
was awn' . at ane o' the knit courts I.
tar weak.
et, + Jams 1
t,6 meg trembled w<'
• err ren
I on last week. \a. he is wse int; .,�patr n green
t r. 1ogglw.
are Evert- valiant that can got a tell hi fa,t.
14*. .w a dolt hook anal Ione I* .1a4 4 al 4114-
ter' fishing the n1...
tun Rev. .Ake. McMillan w.. 1n.' here las,
owl- Sabath. w the 1':r.pe1 p.11p was attend
any eel to by Rev. k4r. Ram, fn.. ;1:at kr asa
tins' - puri@ a tl-l-3intvw.
'auThe .dewalk* are getting :.ath-1 fol• 14
holm at present. mod 41 Ise' s, i esid, d saase .,
our lowsskip (tethers new heat o` a Iwo
scone free herr *fun laeeg.
Meister Samuel Lautemi hlse(ykr has
fluted the rub) place at lona. fr.;t• !u•
faith•, for three year. The Mop ?SWUM'
Ian1. wears a' the tap 0' me pearl .
Ng.nrag Is tame at last. The .'irks ham
teen the end again' The fonts 1:141 better
seal the canaille to pit up the *.legs, ..r
the) n1.t_v he troubled wt' nen• 4"-aatlrs than
The buiks were Train rot for ::.r l s -.t time
is the kirk rut Sasleeth (that the ,mew
mass., and ever,) Md u.1 lesser rltrta1404
proudly Mane in a new bulk under Ida et
bbet otter.
Master John ('ullis, )un . . for taking
Alp hs residence• herr. He is 14:.44 to amide
hu l.rither Albert in the mill, He is gas
1.. 1a,k after Me cutting o,' the tanner, and
Albert will kook after the m,eal, so that the
folks need neither w -an! f, r a ..1.14.;y or
of s. "dicers held at I liuton t
.N. . stalker left on lIondimy to take
John sinlisson wart et-% (-rely injured last
Friary by bong throwu out 4-4 A wagon.
%Vt. trnst be will seem recover.
Tha. !laity liras* Kind. .1 liethei. war at
Tht rt- was 41 fair :dietitian.- and .4 pie:Want
lino. spent.
This week the following y01111,'' filen left
1Veslt-v and Robert Erwin. I Iris 411114
ise 84.,41. of this place. is vieiting friend..
n steaforth his week.
Football 1. the chief aniusement .4 the
-mug men mid hop. in the evenings me.
I .00. IkargPS.4 has been . cry sn•k for some
tine. but 111 1W fair way t.. recto erv .
We have a carriage and eag41 'story
re now. t•arried on Mr. Steren*, for -
;Our esteemed 1 414.0. Mac•
"mild, is hark again. He intends opening
he fat•tory about tbe first of Ma. -
TM neighbors of Mrs. Bailey-
artled by the alarm of fire about mon
usoday. Oti examining where t he fire
thought to he they found it was only
imney burning.
11-ut. Duff. son of Robe Ihid. met wit
vete accident on Friday Iasi. W
orkupg Dear Me of the saws in the mill
1 was caught and three finger. dtdoe
e hope he will mon be able to
I am very- sorry to announce ti d
4 he
biennia/. Hargews. second youngest soil f
n Barger.. Bluevale. As this is the
*mond bermeenieet, Mr. Barges anti fam
have the sympathy of all theit friends
1 neighbors.
yOling men passel through a temahle ordeal 443"
• the gentleitme in question was to .*11 .41/ -
es enang to see his holy Im c. He having a
knowledge .1 .1rugs fixed himself aceording
Iv. and was ready for the fray. He found
tiw street and leddly advanced anti the
door hell, which raft men
•••„ :titer heing shown int.. the rmeption nem
Seeding sperm to be tbe favorite •Inurie
t of the farmers now. I be mention_ .
Wre you darted to plough yet I.' ham
en prendenee to "How mueh have you
Samuel Iliartne. who has le•en voeitistg at
tuo:le's at Moent Ferret. has arri.ed at
. His lirother George Ira hired with
%Venires(' for tbe mummy
avid Patterson, sr.. who hex Imeti IrKKW.
Or a number of years, is, se are glad to
, inipmetel a gnat deli! in health M.
fig. He wee siting friends in Morrie
veeeei nn del Animism .u.le mei the mho'
one of his oleo .1 one's the mason
ft is rumored that the 3.3r.1 Rattalion a ill
ramp at St Thomas this ).
wax and our hero, with his heart in
III, 111011th, arose. 41 annilsik to embrace his "HI
darling. when ' he was confronted by • linun„
matronly laity. "Sir.- GAP Nays. "to what ." r•
am 1 talehteil for this eall ••• "Madam.
h.. responds'. Inoking for a crack in the 43' f
• floor to drop thiruigh. "I 'idled by re slate
quest .4 Miss
he waa interrupted loy "Tiro. is nt. such last
lady hem by that mum.. you bac. mule a I.•
1 heti pinion for intruding," and with that ere
he gained the ,.pen air He kicked himself ap
anti said, " tm I dreaming • N., • I he., lam
only math intslake In t he nomher Hoe of e
ever. he lodiri no more for the mitnher.
het siwellseal 041 silent!) and cent t.. aml
t rad
ha .11
he he
is ex
hall t
the ehurs-
ineeday. April 22nd. Thr night was fine. Imt the termini RNA 1101 ea large hop.
ighr have holm expected. The niter •-e
',int 44 im ore ery extensive, onsistiug for 4114. twiny, and instrumental intent-. An k
eommittee tram appointed Falls.
IR. I lark, (owl hie Ionic have returned 4itinhe
(rem their trip ami • al open.. a short inn.. j„.,,,„
visiting relent 1.11 and from). in 'hi* stet/lit, li,„ ,
1101144 in London
pre, ions t., w•ttling down in their neva 11„, h,,,,,
The men are 1.4111y at their farm a Oil. t1W alt.""leinanrft
prigaratise la; the inelsomeismer"" a"
tiers. thy benne ore worked too
*mad to mem* his position on ear
id ieg nen thou inst.
nester a
e mils* rnswitfy ensue mil disposal
not hall mg the foor 4 the hos heforo
yea. nor the of his feline own in
rt stole • trod' 4 butler roan lint LI
.n. Ethel. About 41,.. movie time
tit.- 4 pork waa stolen from Cheat
Charley Frickie the 1. Ippies. man it.
Aor torn last week. He just'took a race up ,
to the lap the knowe the it her day. The
sante utgiat his sang eat., "A• rants tell for
Charley mon frac the faitherliund,7 sod
dooms understan• the lang words Om)
*peak. Never mind. tt. pn the callaat 1.,
sleep ftw a that.
trick last week. lie gat into Mrs. Rowed .
store. nar doot followed male r.. them M.
troubled the pair animal. He jest loupod
amang the dishes and where there was a
duth atom there ...marl to he twa or titre%
but they were •' gip bit lees in size
The voluted met pursuant to adjournatent
on Saturday, Zell .1 April. 1891. All the
members present. Schnell Moir That the
stain of 416.61 be refunded to .1. spiciest,
Carried. Kalbfleisch Schnell That hes II
to 30 indoor .• in the 1st commons ; 2 lel
in the north boundary : 23 to 28 inclusive
in the 2titl. 3rd anti 4th he formed into •
new school section to he kauvrn la No. 14,
and that said lots shall cease to form • part
of No. 10. Carried. Voelker Kalbdaiorh
--That the following mention be pied, viz.
ray : Henry Prang. making anis. Car-
ried. Mr. Kallideiseit was instructed to at-
tend to the ditch oppaeite Mr. Veme's
H. also between Iota 25 and 26 in the
same conosunion.also roll'. 16 aad 17
in the woith boundary . hli. Hem eras in
snorted to attend to ditch on the f'ontre
Rawl opposite llth tom All necretaries
of public "11.1)001 boards should and their
names atel addresses to the clerk in order
that they may receive the statement of the
school pvulation. Road ennanimieserm
will he appointed at the mixt meeting of the
council. Moir-- -Sclutell- -That the coated!
adjourn 40 nseet again on Saturday. 30th of
Wm Mktg,. Sunshine. has purchased a
handsome farm bell from the Arrnstrotot
Dr. 'Mean, of Myth. whn haft decided to
remove to Toronto 'shortly, leas dispneed of
his beautiful residenor in that village to
Hector Rune of Montreal.
George MeKenzie, Wingham. purchased
fifteen WIWI of land. near the cemetery-.
Mrs. John Hied, of Morris, received word
Toni New York the death of
HOW TO Maki 11101.11IT 8.1711%I.OrTOKILY
sett the old
made Theadittory of otir most pro,
"Money sat ed i• moss
saes mei: proves Ina to be the
ease. and it has bees demonstrated is all
ages mid Aro impressed hati .i•h•
Mon (bray, the @hoe deta, Nee with thio
ielea that lee has inarle tip his mind to allow
evee7 cuateaser who doubt with hint to save
inosierv, hy gating the ben mewl*, Mew the
ihmtimest he ark Who' °third
we& I, serrere. SI 26 91, workinesee high
lows. a
I Olds.
arri. tly tem Ow a UR bot
wile isnisoies on tem ten ataiumuftlilla. with
"Prowl& aeons WOW ha else et" st all suit
and Mrs, 1 rblei Merriam,
re at prownt the guest' of Mrs. Me*
tail to oonsult
Al/ styles
11. Thames
A *relit Plerm es toasty MI
se mit Li encode roar ausi
poi 1-stisaleased Frame T.
The Creases of the townt)
yej,. Jebel bee seal family, S
het week for Muncie, Infirm.
Joe Picket t. 'tattoo. her left
Art so, of 10. Siis
ittehodum 1.. i,,oss gm,
free infisounat ion.
Neal. Wolfe ale. hao rt.*
•or airy ,Ilnin.1:411. kit fur 11.
; Elmer., :ate with Joh,
• Uti between 111
Vim of Utica, 12
',Shirai Olt a Vielit 611 her
•-tith. McKillop, Wit kat
osr.e 10 Hs.
',1». Fisher. llinties, bad
*MI sail
htr mem new
07.1 LT.::
vie understated. wil
tir.t 111114. for many year
rums net been celebrated there
i'ourtney, of Int Po
. muting at the reenleoce
her home On Tededay 4 lied
• P. irteinled to remove
n en. that he may be bun
sivested apples to St. Jo
Imaisineei wit}
r-r...aidlat heftier mayor liolnit
Isit sods oil a Image of
'rad aulaili:vas.""finet. KI MR1'.1100."
last seek for Detrost ett roe
T. The %Magi: will miss hit
the Mrthotlist church, in wh
speet...1 and devoted worker
fore haying that piece M r.
recipient id a handsome r
hands of the Mager,. as i
Itra. kneehtel and She
y. Tbe moult of the
Fred Johnston, formerly
hart been vending A
14. Meltirtnn, druggist, 1
ha ivy of .1. S. Hoherts' dram
Detroit, left last week
he pl. Aiwa 01 learn of the
that gentleman. He ha.
prizes at the Wesleyan Sen
one of which is Bishop's se
she Rebecca prtze. awl on
another stwlent were sioa
tin friday forenoon, 2
II•ot her of Joh
1141‘) .:1 the advanced ast
yours, She had get "I
in. snd luul hued her show
her chair when Me sapper
of hearing the worthy
local Ifrjoslature reread)!
twinn.f.1.11 Hnronite. who
Radom moved into Clint,
fICIII/I1 and
and festered, maskieg •
4sto:s.12itharo net, am
feum th• efforts of which
Carrie*. will regret. to,
merliwihrwiniThethyaniannirrevenissakwoly:frisietleshil. arcieUit
Milne & reNt. mills in 4'
4.7111brehei:Fill Llis