HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-5-1, Page 4teas
hend le
lir he g
to Faros
,•-1 ( tin
able to I
atm per
e.., MI
t Moe in ft
WIN Morris
of lest we
Mail, that o
ar $calla ,
RIO use t he
Mk Reran
w •mo•e 1
the p
liBlues e:e
S for
it litt.i,,;
lo, tendeII
tette hall
ib C• Ile
1t_reoI of
a dawn le
111 n r
Ira y4.
was ..l.
sad tl
,e�m`s of l
Geese tis
late f. ,r
hie wonted
4.l[ keit
ha k
, 11.4
the a
• few m
e laheit leg taut to arc lrttrg Inde to 6%411 the I the 4.t wi o1 Deiwdsh
psir•ace people psis OUR •b1/ANT" OOIUMN
lift i■ every district, aced epeeist Untrue.
hikes here keel) given to Me to
TM NAst howsoever vee manta teem,. ed ao steal saturant to scosinplish this
IN nsK li
E V E R Y F R 11) -k Y V I I R\ i N (: Anises* the nausea with which we
■T D. IleLlitUirs'Me. bare been furnished ea the! of lir. A. M.
lb.-. now a resident of Toronto, who
1M11oe of 1'ubliaatloa t sad N. North "reel, has r summer manilas In Coderich. H.
Uoder els, Ontario.
said kW family are wuumerated in Toronto's
population. Intl that .bass not hinder the
:I2 [ordered. front giving the whole
.15 faintly as residents dd this town. Aal Ilse
11 .credit is asap!, the prosI
ver luso toes vol stop there, we are u
wilI be .... I .ie tot me.1, Int tuclwles in the family as hone
fi.1.• nr indents of this town several row who
lt.., r not Ittr.1 here 4r u._any yes►», inn'
e is. who ate not to the Ih,iututwt at all.
I 4.l l' t'tw/.u..t. 11, 1 , M. P.. is, we are
✓ inform.... ale. credited with having two
sena 1,1 t.,00. IA 11011 soul miss have live.' est
tl'Toronto for yours, and ]rte of them Is the
hew) of .. bonne of his own.
O Mr. M it obloo•. the local Maori in
. t'h.uerory, !has a sou who has not Ilse.' in
o gmlerich for years, and who las .luring
Terms .r 11411~111114.01111 n
Dee month. in &deems
Three months, .•
Mia .. ....
Doe )ear.
•dsesai.sag hese* t
'..Peal and other reseal , Ih
per liar fur and insertion, sad 3 tants per lin
for cashrutaat.teo Insert too. Measured b
• wowe•a.:,l male.
timeless cards of six LUCID and under's pc
1d of Last, Found, Strayed
'4tmallone !acme. :Situations Wanted an
Haziness chewer Wanted. not eaceediax
Ilsee toepmnel. et per month.
Homos on sole and Parma on lisle. not t
•ateed * line., Si aur first room's. Sac per su
esoIsnot month. Lamar ad. fr. In proportion
Amy ape, sal miler. tea object of a hien is 1
lleeMete the l•m•unaary benefit of say ,.ode
lidos! or r.nt(eey, to he •ondrlered aa ad
vertirment eat .•h•rgrd aocordls.gly.
Loved nuttier in oonpanrf type one rent tie
word, no •.tilos, leas . hen 764.•.
Loral notices la ordinary reading type two
cents per word. No notice for leas than SW
Notions for rt►nrrhe.and other religious and
bene,oleet Mate :attains half rue.
eaesm.rrlal centimes Ads
A limited) number of displayed advertise•
meats well be in.. -renis) at the fullowine rates
Par Ino 11 one sneer' too..
..... • PI W
•' four insertion. .. 1 iso
nom m.Mttha. ....
.• sit moat .. .. .. 300
one year .10'
No .dh ert,.emrnt les than ton iuchaa in
length will be calculated on above bads -
per cent. dismount allowed for .lash payments
en three uwtlha' mintier, . 10 per emit. as Mx
months'. mid 13 percent. on a year's. These
toad dims* will be strictly enforced.
16.04 "Tit. wlgeml Oflivety.
these years held position in the ('nttr.l
States. He also is, we are informed, mi :m
✓ M bow title resident.
Mr. diem Doti., of l'hurch-at. la, a
tan who has not lire) or worked in i'ana10
for lire years, and he Is enunserated amo nget
our residents, a ''onling to the information
we have received.
There are Acores of similar examples
w herein wrongful has Leen
mede as hock have .vow 10 ,her knowledge,
and what we would like to kmow is d a
like state of affair. u, regard to census rata
meratwn exists H, other sections. If so
there will he no difficulty is booming the
population of Puncta, Int the result will be
a .leluzunu and n 1 a mare.
THE Sp:% u. would like to see a g.arl
showing when the totals are counted up.
but we would also like to see an effort mala
1.4 get at the hotness facts of the case. Either
the derau. of 1891 will he of benefit for
future n•trr•n.e or it wall tet. if a to to
be of lr•nefir. the rule of tltun.l, 1111101 not
he used an eauntrrating.
\\.• hope t.. hear (nee our toed euutne»-
euk*eriben who fail to receive TMa rS.uvat.
regularly, either by carrier or by mall, will
confer a favor by ameuainteet us of the fact at
as early a date as possible.
Leek as Weer Label.
Your label b a statuette receipt of the dare
to which you are paid up. See that it is amt
allowed to fall into armor.
When a flange of address in desired, both
the old *n.1 this new address Abueld he given.
Rejected man own tit• cannot be returned.
1 'arrc.pomietiee must be writtea on ooe sole
of paper only.
MMlaber. tS.tter%
.1. •'. Le Tooxel, of Goderirh. has been ap
peened Locial Travelling Agent for tine town.
►hips or t:oderk•h. Colborne. Ashaeld and We
1.1*. -..1 pont sistil mbe district are also
enipoaered to re..im sub.'riptionr to Tan:
snow AL
.111 commnnit•atbom1 islet he addrs+c.l to
U, 30. GlLLU'I'UOY.
Tr1c riW.AL
T.lepitone ('alt 30, tiederich, {1st'
GOLRR1t'H, FRIDAY. !IAT I. lewd.
(:ENTLF; .1PR1it: 1Y IIBfiA. a
.%gau.'IKin. o upon. w, unfolding to, our
weary eyes dulled by the. m0 01°07 of Win.
:PI' •rice,•, the tanted ernetu.em a those rlw*lest
pionr-r' ..f the ganlenl and the disclrkd t
oN ro
.n b
Inion vans shied in s
ry c
4111411011S lav this lured girl when the 11110111"
Wray:' 'l tilt earth 10 it+ whit, -.t of matt r
l;r t
tor. in 1rferencr to ties natter. We can-
not mite -en.. that such • system is be
earned ort for t h.• purpose est sw.dhng
population. and we will he pleased to
oar spa.•e t.. present the other tyle_ yf
.ueatio,l. it there 1r• Another side to it.
for the Itaertiou of ae adrenaline* is the
boat papers, drawing attendee to the
fart that a Io,udr hearse had been given
to * uew .ppluant' by the Liaises
u( Nest Harm, ad the
Imine. of the petitioners for the homey teem
ale. published. Th ebverttam,*eta *u
published in Tint Si..‘.*i without say '4
the usual display hesdinlpt•al • • mere lune,
amt was set all through it slid empanel,
and yet there doesn't appear te he a man,
worwn or chill to WWII !who can tend. wino
Inst t read it. 1%e make mu comment for
ur aguttm the nature of the inheritor
anent, but we uwrvly ellude ue the matter
t4.. she* that • . that are of
public interest air read. ,w natter what
*1110.1 type they may be est in There's it
leg morel herr for our hummer men who
dont think in small type in
the vaginae a.It.rtlwment .' 1t:tnu, are
.Ill() VAL .'1.x.11' .'HUTS
Uowieme Parlament met Wednesday.
Now look out for squalls.
14' Reis the gtoxl of protesting all these.
elections when • general election is se close
at heal?
Tr reek is anxious to know why Sir
dons "lire superflu e. as the ,tstre. •
pole neatly.
IT would rent that our .oily own on.
('MAW.os Turt•YR is the M,1T Vt ,1 of
Canadian politics.
Hoe anxious the restrictionist. in 11 est
Huron are tar another circle's' when the
red miner I.uta up the -soot
Tut: Dundee i ndas
remarks that the
.001 reception of the I'an...lissa .',mmtesioo •
vie un the recipr.e-ivy matter resulted in a M
The people ire a taught en to the eke s/
- pahiiebing their "wane" ea ear Bret page
where etery.ar tends them. Look at our
hat est saw adrertteempete this week, end
meat the 'member .4 small ones at one cent
a wird. If you want anything put tea
_ womb ft Ter Sh:tial. for ten menta, nod let
the pope know it.
.IONS reak".1.
wttrlay last llodenaa lost an old ail
esteemed renitent by the ,death d Jebel
Moody, well known to tattiest every resi•
dent of this erection For the part Year or '
t*.. he had head gradually hailing fora ex
Creme old age. and his ,1r'es.e was tee al
together unexpected by hw rebid u11
friends. He was barn at Kenai, l.xlge, w
the ..aunty .4 Nottingham, England, on the •
1801 of September, 1800, snit was married
its 1834 .June 36th], amt celebrated hu
b, Wen wedding in 1884. His father, the
late Robert V,nely, this mot extensive
killed prokineter of his native perish was
born in 1,38• and die.! in 1823, aged 86.
the twogetterrtlons omens% an in.erval of
153 years. l'pru the death of his father an
1833 our late town emmn succeeded t.. • per.
tam of the trimly estate• and cultivated it
himself until the ',tor 1802, when he retired
to the town of Nottingham. He, together
with his family, eungrste,l to Canada id
1852. settling at kimanlur, !truce county.
In 1B54 be wee Appointed a Justice of the
Pewee Cor Osten.. 1n. 1864 he removed to
the v *4011(7 of t:..l.•ru•h, and for a number
of years past waa a resident of thin town.
IIe.-,,asel was a kindly. warm-hetrtad can
neo, and was -imam appreciated by those
Rho mate to personal contact with him.
He was a devote,! member of "mort h at.
Methodist thun•h, and the funeral
was performed by Rev. lieu. Richan
•hairntaa of godrnch district. I
leaven behind Lint a widow, ten ecce
and a family of two ]laugh._..
eon %Irl. .lusepli IVilliama, nude
rs- .Iohu Vareoe, ('olborne, and
.sely, of fort Frank. They ea:h
• Men.esade TI Now key
r.rwa by Atteatlw t. Meat) Thome
t•.. ]cake a Weather Iteror.trr t
rr.tty (a..od d)pt lea' Desert lea.
A curious 1 •ansa by nude by
may bright boy out set a few bits list paper
tad wool and several straa.b .4 blreehair.
If made anowdiag to the illustration R
will record the changes u the temperature
arra n4.`• ase m'R0LRA IR
lean. quite temurately. and will beads. be • great
*ceased - eneineity to thole who have never arm ant-
n oil
hu the
kind. Tb.
and B •
-strip" re
made out of thick, brows wrapping paper.
that .4 a norm texture giving the hent
state Cot A une inch wide enol thirty. melee
case of hill Mantes It A tery Harrasn.
hiss -'c 'children.
tintatttT 1. u.tl.'n'..
N edneeday last Robert L %Vali
ell kuows resident of I:oderich for
put thirty years, passed away. Inst
he was seized of la grippe, after
nom hitt. set In. and during the past t
nolo he lia.l not enjoyed god h
leceu.aed was born at Newcsdl_
ngland. in 1832. and was in his fifty -
ear. He was a brother-in-law of Dr..
u herfori, one of Newcastle's most pr
t ;.tines.. M. Walton in earlier
rather otitrineg lite. In 1851 he left
31.. .1 t s s:+ 31sT. nett , «1 The Star. u the
petitioner in %fest Huron. \Vander if The w
Hamilton 'pectator will ring in the 31,x1
lou.rnd• 1'ereffew.v racket on him and the
deposit. 1
rich :
hoer bong and B the same width. Lu• enie tweeli
inches long. Itut4rub.,le.t an rut in the
each of sib. as shown. T.,.. pier 1' t-• of
thin wed, about one fort 1 'ug nal the hole
on, a.. above is out fetor Wear, (nen 4.h.=• dais,;- rod.
)this The head 1) u rut front grey this ad
whi h light wood and smoothed doe n 1„ a le.inl at
wrlve tale end sad a .imie sewed a' the other. The
ealth. tees thing to uermsmber m uunkiu; this pert
se to "ave the pointed end juYt
Ma ether. *IA elnulb 4o have it dn.p of its
own weight, but n.. more A little pulley te
glued .m them:nvlar pert 10 beim the hair
threads to.
Now meet a imitable glare lye ...nen wall
and fame* up this 4...p pier 1' by memo .4 a
smooth wire nail through the hole Button
or the .trip B. and with the top pare lusr-
feetly hrisostal, put a tart through the
buttonhole in the lower end of it into the
wall. Now button on A to the other end
,4 t', and into the 'ober red tromp three or
tour grand. of .•onr•.. horsehair.
Bring thew Mrnn.l, down about sir i.m•hes
and fasten to the tattler side o4 the puller ..a
fear shown Then frier.s into the wall hen au-
,tber' u.'th rail through the -entre .of the
pulley The bands and top pins roust work
pewfently free and cast- .0 the nail. to mono
this mien • hark a vale at this teem .4 4.he
bead and tial watch for chimers.
When it is e4.1.1 this taper and lair o i l l e. m-
trart -amt run the hand down Warm
weather will brine it up again. and degree
marks may be namle t., show c Boma , hinges.
Avery slight ,ontraneIII or ••xpm'wis,n o4
the paper and hair will trove 81e. I121011 over
• .'.m.idrrable spier
Ttn:da was ,.note a Shrinkage iu the I
ing warm weather Tuesday last, and hum F'
the I dusters were hung up for the timeheing.
SD" IThe .lune weather we, hal. Iron laving was ]benthet
jest .. brat
n rue,
I. H
°an -
00111'.4k4711'B CK.YBFITa4f
THE Star last week claimed great rr.
for the benefit derived iron, •,kerttal
it, columns, the item being written lactose
the advertisement was published. .1
matter of f.tmt Tui Sn:.Al. .+nt*iie.l
ulveltisentent referred to, which
read'Ity its readers hors before The •
Englandalsl remained there
five yeare during the earlier develop-
ment of that country. Returning to Kng-
f in 1856 he remained there for a year,
ter which be enese.l the Atlantic to New
ork. Hr did! not remain king there. but
portly ....one 10 Toronto, where he entered
the employ of the 1,. T. R., and occupied
several tmpitant positions in eomne.ti-•t,
with that line. He was married in 1865,
and his wife and throe of his children sun
vire. His .n, Percy, is now a resident of
don. t hit.. and his two daughter*. May.
and! Lena, lire with their nether in
• an is ('ornaen•ative friends are agnntietl fee
rnnsiderably alrmt the prot.e.t w Kest
Hurn. 11 ould they really like t., stir an- la0i
,1d other Imo' ,•uonut raedulat.• .-rrrie.l out to
rf • in 1 the political .ravevanl ?
A 'I'Hi. ':.'troch t:oarraiuen4 building
e. 1 nmakes a good iulotiaq-plae "foe: ikon Hie-
s,. ett..H.,M, the Tory organiser, when that
r' worthy worthy montes West to " fish." One of these
was published on Friday last. Such bra
ging by our c.utemprsry is on A par w
hat of 4.h:• editor who claim
retlit for
a *strayed ...ow coming home
Tuesday, when the ,udvertisernent olid
weer until the f Mewing Friday :den
he other ...alter Who 1I.sted of t
g day. some fellows will travel to fast music.
The funeral will take place
relay, afternoon at 3 o'clo.ck, from the
nily n :ded.e 1Ye.t-st.
at t WE hope to sae tar obi friend County • 4.
of Clerk An.itl•o,o1 resume his wonted rigor. fa•
mm 4 )utaidrs
c t# oar personal regard for Mr.
Au-ti++s it would 1(i.e to. extreme pleasure
he . to see the wire- ;Jul!' ng office -seekers bitterly
tinea ate! oh..
11111 into the ...leery hes hr.ugimt to 1
114 the .rept of tic• wild flower. Munising f
11001.wends.41t is the wern, and hr ,'.lois of the se
Nowned ewly tored e.1 hue told us .4 the :tmely d
latus o1 the hasty hnsleodbnn*m. The fields
of fall wheat hese 11141te.l our g.✓.• herr a
'the hrairl o. 4811r1, and thick as ran-ing ti
cud a tgormas sere th can make it, end there "e
71st 84.1116:w lut.!ty 411.1 ea frvl:le.l as a et
real heo.leo! trump.
Agate the fr.gr*:de ..1 the wild flowers pit
.rrtefits of dvtrtising in his journ
ora ' 7;t1 I wanttnl " Iraaise his w ite p
Ut..l him, e'' it daughter un the followi
'f he tact th.r: 11n 'p., if. always lead
mi i,ften .1.111I.1111, ,11,1114 AM' sine
hies than• antes he laurel/4.r,
wall ..lyertisenwnts such as Help %Van
•• Inf,rnutwn 11':aute,l. . • For Sale
For C,•nt, ' et... , that Tile Star time
.eon that the publi. knows where to. find
al PPfft .
Mol.Tkr is des.!. H.- died full of
n ▪ year and honors. (tut though his mune
will lite in history his Lely has been Iete11n1
with that of the most o lecnre soldier who
diel in the trenches in the.anipmilm. *h;,:h 111 e
4 gace V. o, SIoi.TkL's ]tante to eh. emrI,I t
t - I lead
Tee Tesres - that SouthHunn is to he Tit
prr.tested owing to the fear on the tart 11o..
'ofthe ttxatiomi,tsthat there art eminent. re. Ito
ci• pr.r•ity members in Parliament i* without 4.h'
II you have it **Want- se 11 m ilia ; f"unobtidu. Hut they might as will pro. I p,,.
51.vu., ane•
d you will receive y:r rrwanL teat South Huron as nano of the cocorltu at
e cent a word for all &Berti/rinents (none encu.* in which legal action is called ler. I aftr
remain • Lost Mr0egier Gironde, e.
seed 10 larMb.
Brim:v..4pril 28. The fnnerr' of Count
von Molal..• took place at 11 "clock this
morning an the ball-room.4the General
Staff building. Emperor t1-ifianethc King
..f :Mersey. the firm.] I/ukes of Rad e, i.
inner and Hesse, the priori*niem
of he royal families of t:rrnany, with
ing (:cr•m.n generals, were }M'
e cooker containing the Field 4iatsrahalen
y was then tarried with much eerentr
else ht-mr.p, Which was drawn hy six
Emperor. horses. After
.ugh streets level with troops
keel with apectrtors, the body arra
the 1..•hrte station at 1 "'cinch in
el ed
newamd was plac.n a railroad
draped in black which was them in wait -
'lomte amend tie and ammo the ...ler of tine t
.cooking motto• heap email,. us. Hit we
coast not k too, wrnhnrntal. 14
'1'h• citizen is ierndmg hie gate, and 4
.treugthefting the placer. where the man with
' i
that memorable load of ward nearly caved to
m 11i, fence that was this family 'utile. He
:s also determining to atone his neighbor's -t
hens if they persist in a rat.•hfneep the *red T
blest to his kitchen ,Arden. tr,
Thr hnii ewife Inas a towel tied around w
her Item! earl a chili in her (lack ; every ing
window is ..pen and the campaign against lik
.lust and stain hark lrvn entre.' upon. The *k
tensity ars surely stame'to oatnp-fare dur- ••
ing tits Iricf but eveutfnl tatnpaign. Ant the
nett, week or the• work after the thrifty
housewife will loudly declare that never
rimae will dee enter s. early upon Ler .amt•
noual housrcleaaung. v
The small boys adelighting in the mile E
are n
Ir,iltln' they are permitted to herr moods. widow
of el,•1ion night's. TI:''nioke .4 a hundred
nide. of rubbish a amending sloe h• np- wit
weld!. The furrow of 1h.•+m•remit legs greed es a1.1
are heavier than inane wtrrow., end the
non who ha* no rnbbiah hurtling is mingling 1st.
anathemas with hu coughing at he wipes an.l
his kr wetted eye. and threaten* to me h.
the mayor or the town ...wealth. and have
the nuisance abated. the
The harbor has its Spring stir, and three FIs
is the mnial *melt of paint and all that. 'Fite T
enateur oarsmen ate thirenng a. they are T
at an
*kung their early *pine, and already the Tule
rant eregenle matiro ll Ioy ham hal hu. fir
amnnt to t
Down at Tomtit.' the 1rygisl.uure 1. aWelt
winding up iia first onto , whilst t t'tawr saute
is full of bootie and expectancy' as to how
h.• new Parliament lust *worn in will art. hate
Th. roll breasted retains will carol many • the
adng, and their y g well have their *Rai
loeerd•1, rai.cd hills tilled with 11* early Sum mel
e, worm before the I'arliarnerrtar' bi11. d
aur all ,Ink with and the last n'nnd mien '1:
be nerd valuable ntedium.
]ten. or I*trre.t timheree tram the
%a/lama 1
t. It bbeen found thetrit r,jrio• eurreat
e win sour milk.
my The rrhuitt .4 electricity has been found
of by 4.h. lf revolving -mirror tn.th i tole. nearly
p0.sIng one-hathat of light.
and Hirer Iwfir aro applieateme .r pe-
rerl tent freleetrir have 1...'w
the made in Englund ahee.
inn word. to twenty hie, and twenty -fir
fort- wools for ewenty•five cents.
t ournel! advertisements. with
heof Mir other nrwap.per its the Huron
reel. seal if you Imre a • 11.1111 .. tae sure
4e1114e1111H where It will hoer company and
here the puha., will ser it, metal or hal
it appear in an.•; her popper
e the ••lroset rose id -summer left hl«.miry;
M." or **A 11q'eatern editor has put. it
a* loneeene-I...oking a. a stray dm•k in A
under storm.'"
THIN l'.11.-FirENt;'Ig .YI'ST ': I.
it 1's*kt.r.. T. rrsrt may he ennehlere,l
1 the IFP of an ex in 4 anal, but in
gland he dwindles down to the dimen-
of :1 very small frog.
les. Iter 'ern l..rne out by hie tenon
It infant to the 1:rail Trunk Railway
its .hre.tor,. Foiled in hie effort. 80
e that .mrprrat,nn dunes the recent
minion elections, he frothed! with pension,
d) Dot he would annihilate the
nl of .directors at the annual meeting for
ek.•ti to of officers. and otherWier create
n. end d Imams in the b.is d the
I 11111011. '
he annual electionof officer' tee! Owe
adjourned meeting hell in Leaden nn
lay, and a aleck eye was 1
he (Studien 1' by the re -
ion of tine old hoard of directors by an
majoty. The English
holders of the greet Canadian railway
•hown that they rate at email value
tetom boot ir titteramew mal. 17 Trr•rit
not the of the 1:. T. R.,
have evidently formed a true ...tenet.
he .laori. utterances .•f Penile'.
reit Stretcher.
.Ir+r wait mall Rev, \\'. 11. 1'ftr,., this I 1"-
.% lqw:
Y..U•m: the route 01 the praressun to the
railroad .431 ion this hearse era preceded hy
:owlet , tarrying ('sunt inn Moltke'.
Field Marshd'a!atom, and by all theoficere
of the general staff. carrying the insignia
and order+ conferred on fount von Moltke
during his ,•:freer. The casket was covered
with large number. of Moral wreathe sent
from all parte of a:ertnany and fret many
parts of Europe. Emperor 1Ydliam, the
member. of the royal families of I:en any
and the t:rtmau generals tolkiwe,l the
heerse to the railroad station.
louring tl,...ceremony in the general Staff
building, the F:miler r was moved t., tears
by Prince RI'sma(vk's sending an imotenae
wroath and the following telerr m :
'•With profound sorrow 1 received the
telegrasa the irreparable lose
sustained by the Fatherland. I feel the lose
mare .cutely owing to the fact that it ht1
been vouchsafed to me to enjoy for several
decades Yon Mmdtke's glorious o»-orratinn
and the inrariabk amiability he displayed
in our claw friendly relations."
Navigating, has opened at Sault .rete.
The cost o.t the P coke strike
to date i. $3,.500,000.
A .ail famine is likely to result frown the
miners' strike in flerwtanw.
Two ton. lave died suddenly at 14wine
1a mign.41 hy the crafty mmnemers. 14.
les. Spring is here, an.l with it the latest Pne+t
stylet in jackets end the Inr.•heA' thing. in "ns
hats. The "*peahen of the la.-r,.*e env
.ri.ket dole are siting np their reams and the 4.n
will now he in owder for the loyal 1)p.
ion in Parliament to .Bari.. in Session
san'lal.,u woken. of the allege'
dein 1 •,numlesioner in Knglan.' during
vet I)ominin elections, and to die-
.vnPr if the C'andi•n people .r* to he sad-
dled further with the met of
that disrrerlited fnn•tinmary at the ('oltrt
of St. .lame
it is high time this political 1nw,•h, who
has waved fat see 1 grnwn sleek by the
trade d4 pnlitie., eraa given noldw to step )
and vat, and it will he in the iateree
cannery that etch • .rots he tales a
ices meat gr.
the ben loll crank
rales of the game.
The (mere are
n4hri s swirly ail
`tprtne is here, or
are re attelying the
more constant to each
they are taking longer
ells *N 4.h* oirtw 1:111.
.4 ROO 111 (`E vI ,'I
of the
The en nen. for 1801 promisee isee M be a Ti
former ministerial Tory touter of kingst .,i
begins to twist the caudal appamlago• of the
11ritish lion at future Fourth et.lealy cele.
le -ate -mg in Detroit. The .Americo) eagle's
*cream will he nowhere alongeble of the
shrieks of the bought -up Brit ieh.r Money
talks with W. W. ('its....
Abram late the Wart Grew ►ander.
Vu'Appelk, N. N . 'f., Are al 21. 1891
(tear Sees 41. - I ere by my !sled that I am
entitled to only one more mar of
your valuable paper. and a•c.,nlingly
enclose for another year. TIO:
Sh:SAI. is steadily improving, and you have
every reason to feel proud of it. Certainly
no other mould better inert the
of an "exile from horse" like myself. A.
1). Deckles.
Mr. ('lase, Sun.holr, who reoentl)• sold
his farm near :Caption, has removed with
hie wife and family h. the 6th line of Mor-
The calnabke belonging to the late Cape
McKenzie, the great chew player. have die.
appeared. Err,, some .1 his great champ•
ionehip trophies cannot be hound, and his
friends are indignant
.4t Niagara %Vedneelay :cone t:nsrd,
while reeking an the water works excar•a-
tios*, wee ar•ilentally struck with a pick-
axe hy a man wnrking behind him sal has
spine was badly injure.!. He was taken to
$t. ('athero*. hospital.
The New York detail.. es ere still at
fault sA w the discovery of the murderer of
('erne Itmen, whore mutilated remain*
were found in an Emit Hirer hotel. The
New Yak Hippppear nems to hs 4s.hfli••nit too
find an lona 1.00.lon pre.],,. t 1r.
%V hat might hAvr been a fatal L'wei,1ent
happened to Wits. Miller, son of. las. Miller,
of M'ingham. After tee, %Villiain and hie
brother Peter were fooling with a rev.dver
at their home, when Peter tirod the reeol
ver off in the sir, when by some means it
went off again, the hall entenag William',
left 'ream, penetrating the ,kin just below
the nipple *n.1 taking a .hownward
sneer foralowut two in,•her Medical *id
woe sn•urw'.1 at awe nal the ballet rein'..4,
The revolt er w as old one, ad it is therwght
he bullet that entered the young man .. more to
▪ nowt laye mese hewn lite breech in -in WO.°
.gds moged tit*ti.n, astill In no way re re
du (hien. Wit.. from the effects of cigarette
amok ing
in Torte and Milan. Italy,the'petiee have
arrested) many asuarchiets on the charge
iting the military to mutiny.
A decree has boon issued ordering the
in St. Petersburg of the same
cas again•? the Jews ad were recently
decreed attain.: the Hebrews of MOSCOW.
.1. 1.. lik, .1 White Pigeon,Id., kick-
ed hi* wife merely the other day and was
pprrvnw.•.edintg t.' . hoke hewoman
r when the wan
fires a rev..l.c; end shot him fatally in the
Advices feel, ",t. Pierre state that the
French are in sal straits for want of halt,
and admit that they cannot carry on the
hank fishing i t of supplies from
the Newfoundland onset.
The new anodise Pacific Railway seinen-
shipF:mprem o1 baba arrived at Victoria.
R ('., yeetenlay, atter a purge of ten days
and fmurteen hours from Yokohama, thus
Astatine e
ting all previous rewords by two dare
a rumored rred that the Canadian P•rific
has purehear. 4.h. 1:*pt Railroad. from InnLethbridge, 4. W. T., with a view
ing the gauge sed extending the
teal of the murk. as there were three rued Ih
Monism emptied and their were only two NI' ( ole
porta The wound as not .leep, and the R P
ting man will he oil work nsly • few lator of
ye The hall *truck the heckle of his home for
' Per)'
MRler, whieh broke in fern., sad thus 4.r. I.
y *e*'a life was saved. *0 dtebt. t
Peter lsr'e bead olw d hialso injured, thelia Me.
1 having erased e e Serena nwtahwd.
rough the 1 mw. Noe pees to Rot
m ha.
present the stetted enrditwe of the onion
if what we hoer of the action of the en
craters be tree to asp *east.
Our informant le that the mint
try. C.4 rf H Tug /TRIM/TRIMEAR Aa
em For benefit .nefit of the nems who .Ioe.1081111.1Ifdwve Mealtimes** are read we wield
so- les* attaisiiio the fad that hat week I hal
great wheat spam
Chicago, tear hese absent fret. hia
an nnnee) length of time, andl his
here growls aaneue. Reamers
hat We Rutek4Mdn wee in fis•araal
and • break u. 4.be prime of erne
A g wed water -proof rru*edt enui Is made,
it b mid, from equal parte of red and white
Lad wvrked into* stiff paste with Irolfe*
linseed at.
Ar Fwtglisb physician has iorented a mili-
aet for the generation of ox„ nen for n _t.wa-
tive I*1I'p es, The t'zom• n. I'n,ilwwl 1.7
The cram 4n1 wood donne of a building re -
mealy burned in Mew York wen the only
portion tof the strwtYure rant netn.re.t Thaw and
were only charnel. •
A new gumming niae•hine for env/dimes .
can gam, dry SII deliver envehgr..t the 1
rate of :0,000 per hour. and at a .met .4 a '
little lee than oor.half tent 4..•r the:mind
Onyx now brings
from !:� to� L. plea ruhfr.
foot. The material i. soil in b{.,•ke. amt un.
01 it i* sero and polished the
cannot know whether he has • goad ora had
Ai• •)palest D.lw.ltw. 4
The Illustration shows what aorslerfal
tri eke ran inn played ups the human eye in
knowing persona. .4 !though the 4'w er .4 1st
two elements appear. to to nm••h larger
11 Wee RMksv dineeen m/a4 bat ilk, Nib
nerd Midi. Tinge AU &tubs,
A bride et the mW water lemon Nee
wed ego Ike maitre.. of • twsy Utasi
*meat up•tuwa, all areata sad demo to
rap, altar the swat approval
the New York Thema. Ila Mas Os
Thema. eti
story ul the list dieser Int their saw
-ours en • unessl,_l
NMto everything, es ' w
thle with a genuine -'usyl.lf. It ono
have beau better, powebb, V 1 hid sax it,
est d,owe to dieser, delighted le be b
own piggery, and Harry unfolied he
kle with .4 air of mumble satufse ne
Nwsp was fires it was dreadfully weal ay
4..01045*. Thou we had a Mt .4 .alums
with • white rev: 1 luale lbs mar sad
buhe.t au right, Int whoa 1t was starer a
turwal tat • art of gluey 1 ,y
est•Lla. Harry bemire!u1w tiled, tee
ewer, and When be
to carve an uw4ae duck be asked qu1t1
I tarok can to look up ny eutk's rate,'. a
W. had • huese salad, which was umis*yi.
ly gild. Harry droning it 4.m the table
an tiling to live tis an alluwaut', .,'irwsn
was proservd ginger, with choer, e
and cue Jaw made the rudiment It se
ereslhsL But l gut up from the table 4.a*
gry. of mune. When were kilo the.obt
room I noticed Harry del sot eget ter ripe
which be always likes atter 'pastor U.
walked up •ed down two or there tuna as.
than he said:
"'How lents, fuss, .right • dinner in
taws to ha returned!
"Without an ides of whet he invent 1 r.
OW. 114, quite prwtptly. 1 supper
• •In that rase,' he wort esu. 'ma I hat.
thew with you meet you be good someh
coma and dew with met'
"Arad tbougb l was wretchedly mr,rtdlat
1 was too starve( to derhne with Menai. 4,
1 fait I ,Might. And we went .d ae.1 h.1
cream snip, a steak with Intat+rx,ma, sine s
H.es. (•.nforta.
The bones °l the pnofis are the fades of a
naiwm's Nvili
They are the crams
ukase A house should 1.
rete for comfort, happitem and bauble
For r•umfort. w. 1.e,b to warmth and de :..
• do willHOMO E easy amen to t he h i : h r a,
Per happaat, w» Waal goer' 11.11111. '•J.'rrtd
surroundings. mutable ,t
nems. pictures. mir4r, OMIT, .'1r'• dos.
Memos for arlmmor and bent l n;g f .r elide
par b elth, we, require goal s whit*,, , 4.4
drainers and a free amt pure supple
•4 drinking water The ideal 1-
cati n fora buten e. up i, a gently
hillside, with • rugged uneven tee la,k.,l tin
• pies 4 wordiaud. Tan... 1 cationsal.omap
When •et.ete d adapt the lean
to the land. but don't pade to malt' it leve,
A cellar under (nand ue a nuisance all 4.b.
brew Most houses have par foundatme
tad little or a tare is given ie draining. .1
dry wall .4 Ilan deem dim not mak.. *
good ("annum The o.id-fa,iio-.d lath ad
plaster walls bare given way to m..n
maul walls that are either painted or tiit.4
A o'h+'ap gar. to be covered with ea apse
save eatpwt. his been impar •*del with • .est.
neaten 6...,r of wane gond wont. Thr ' Or
row windrow hes (o.e ewer to »i.rw. sad
the modern window 1. breed add ample
Trammel sbruWxry an the best oaan,,
Ili•,.. Taw amid not te
played eu tear the hour MN to than. it (;r.'ss
the shrubbery unary.,rda ce with color Per
heating. steam heat is the moot rtb4srt,yy,
and gives • uniform tnmpsrsh•,n at euchre ,
at a tiaderate cost
.lacking 4.k. 0t.ye,
�t nrob; stove, though It is in continual
ue, should have • fresh ...at of bieekin.: apo.
OW oftener than MU, a month, I1.Ayk
eery move) elmuld be p'li..hnt off with a
Obese brush 000414' morning before the r. nit
fag begin. Wh.0 a fresh roes mf bla•kin4
i. sp th.d monthly, leel.ve the obi .•ret 1.r
rubbing .4f the ,4.ve what. It is warm. tett
nut hot, with a rag 'iipp,l in kervaes►,si.
Tbi+remove% all grafter ,tains. Apply tkr
new cat .4 Ida•king when the stove V cold.
using cold one ioateat of water he
mixing the Marking Be careful n..t to
blacken may of the done odic., wh14
*mot polished iron. or any of the knot. sad
other nickel wore. but poke" these by nous
a securing slap or bneh dam far the p.hek
ed inns and whiting .r any salver rep 1..7
the nickel went After the strive is their
cruelly wedged, wipe it 41 with a dry tikes
rag to newsy, soy dust .4 the btsihing,
After ]kis winking, all that is n.se,a ry . Y
to k..i, a stove cloth at tan elite .4 the does
to wipe up spots .4 grim, yore they 410
Name.' to 1311 retake • more methal*( stain.
to go over the stove with a pale/Line
irelda in the morning while the are is ,ee,
ing up Thu. with little care ■ stove nay
be kept la prune order, indent the cool i.
dene of thine unhappy .reva that spill. ,r
boil. over wvewytb4. g site take. had .4
('poking whik is done iu a nrtbrtheal man
ger doss MA spell over on 1110 .ter.. There
is no surer imileati n of a household el.v.,.
than a* iu kept cuek•stove. -Pare arid
wal.'R I, TUE La
a td s.•ft.
than 4.h, upper flea, it is really not w,. S
rotting out me of the segments tadg
reran °n top of the othertee rerd�� .
tango whirls to 4.ho larger may doer
This ni ek in nota two for the eye. It is
as rearm to dereiwe a psrfeet pair of eye,
as kis to mislead *ay other kind. Tarr is,
tker.fere. on mama why the ender Mould
remelt a physietan after hewing mired the
A 1)1..• aawtag• teaek.
nags beaks are ami all the rw(.sed
the inventors of nnv.Ltaw are wM'i g with
weak ntier ti
dir'e•tina 71*. i. aniver virga in las.10vleh in tine Ifni N •
005104 glees Aa lee raiment. are al-
etlflt4 WWII/ tb. nae lio Orwell without
d .bob It v A ammeter of the material sad raga
the owner made le Breva wan 4.r whim math ar
It le defined the beak will eneesraill.I
we while le is • that and at- Se health
Messes-CMaalag Hint•.
When furniture simply nada re-rar•id,
hug. wadi it, first wools it with wnvms end,
wooer to remove .very partial*, of pea.,
thew) apply the varnish. If .1 is hadk
evaubnd, the oM varnieb shnld l rear..
ed. To do ebb, noels it with spuise d to
month, whkeb will motes it, then Weare d
oa, wash the wood with clear wngr ant
rues It with vinegar. Rab it smooth with
1 ire No. 11. Inc the purpose,
Whew it b .moth apply • ...at of 1'fe. 1 war
•has: tat ry. 110.h .a wit •
bunch d k eorloddhNr.ryrror,vtie. .gb..� ee p*rtl h .e_
L rale
Miaow. BANKING eltionsias
Spoolal Attention gives. to
• parosors' Solos Notes.
Note* id change* must lie left at
not later than Muts
nom,. The Copy for char
must lie left not Inter than T
day noon. CasiuJ Arivertiseni.
each week.
4 rhirre 0.010814 re, takes' ante
!WA heu proof it.
Lashes' undorvests and hosiery at
4°A"""11.1.:.i. leatierAT. The most lawful
you tau mare is to give Wiry pea. A
lj"encBelandbS' stile
,,,0„euseasein, Wenn. 1 If net dont deli
adieg an. Icoli ismos •171. la Pena ...40
mete in tbe Tea "mace Nall. Worth la
*very Tuesday eflemess. Prey*: asilletle
2. 3D . Moises, aneeting et 3 Wien*.
The Parliamentary swaths will be die
....171‘cid.oremo. r.trunyiutErbe.ransi.dititeleaktottiriekhatimiat labeler Timms meat el I
rornidete fur lee, Tar, feie. Great
Awing sires III wall paver. Curtain wet<
tox"1.,. the time to wake
...us -nos, t,1 taken, the matter into eo
e *ern, arid you mil liat the gre
ration earl) 111. K. Sallow, will be Mao
.sit the matt -r over with yoe If you g
the men i' the ill -ening caste sad br
'mere melts are tbe fellows !Who 1111A
t oads fmm the Mine. snider tee
!bat ay male is superior. Test their
!AMU alone side of the suits tented out I
.1er is that it lo not ogi▪ vile la tiode
*hoe plimilarg is dem 'without roger
o adatiets. Asittleisie ea Mag as it is el
You Nod bettor read *be seartiensei
_Meek eamdent on mime ogees sad have
to tour pi run bine. however mall or larg
!,....,,A.'er.chaeFoliire"..:eruiscirtliciar::iii:tioltimproV-v-eAthas‘crYt "I.
*Ai aeon's Royal Ulyeerated balsa
Fie to a no -Melee uf mote theta ordinary
t ter the y ure of coughs. yeaide. awe DI
game Ind once it oombines tite
propestles of glycerine with be
t eeell 41:1 1441 of Fir Halms sod is and
sal, without anopial for curlew thee
for wenn slime it te recommesded.
eve has ex et tided frotn oft. end st the
rse to *be other It is saw ter sal
4,1 tdkicaggiss• God., Priee Sen. ter bet
111- tiererd retitruel last week from
Janie* On, .4 Daroit. Was in towi
Mrs. W. A., Ilthylos is visiting aria
Augurs Murray, of Detroit. was in
Mite P'. Huh•himitt kith gime a
Mte. C. T. Pretty, jr., left lard Oat.
,14,4111iesitolowyTtouxelit. returned Got %seek ti
-Jock- EN owl is back front Teresa
the tine 'wing.
Moo Minnie Strode's ham neterned
A VW/ tit See York.
...R..014.111yorneeleveir altaszwieet _it. ed his meat m
.•lohn Daley sad family, of Mitchell,
come le reside in town.
Air H. F. Rotheell and wife arrived in
eatnniat to visit relatives.
‘Vhile in tuna ties week Rev. Mr
osh east the mane el Mr. P. Holt.
has. Ler returned home front W001
Akin last week, owing to ill health.
The *tickers are oom• ing up the n
eerie. end the cruelty of spearing is
the mat eml.
Mine on Monday afternoon' from a k
osMitri.omiKnlitiaMnr:.. A. H. Cornell re
Mrs. Morton has leased her home,
%-hrin.,11.riviSe't:toluta-itthwr:, Iota tisi.newmitireek. wile.rsident411 relat t0iir
stranded on the More of the ceeee'l
lastrapreaian. Tammy left bat Frider
Capt. .4. M. Macgregor, of the
afnierritths.asurreynonerboatworkRa Ole. Id, left lam
for the Georgian Bay to prepare he
Dr. M. Nicholas, the West -aL
noises the pa eservatinn of the mann
a specialty. Gan administered from
for thee painless extractine of teeth.
!Oat' Aetna RAIlltAella. --Work wa
ne the 14. A. turret -As ham lest wet
has been impended until the deei
given from heartarters as to whae
.11"."1• f"4"0411 OpallioarittiossoPer
s• to have geed weathe erefreg the
...minium hos ben apimisibed be