HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-4-24, Page 7ACHESON to SON. -GLOVES.- "lien in %t*wk today (APRIL. 1 7T11) our itnitctrtatiott, complete, in lack and Colored Kid Gloves, Rouillon and Princess. 140011* an' warranted. 11'.• e‘changr or refutt.l money if tIw' i.fla•tury. SELLING AT SPECIAL CLOSE PRICE. W. ACHESON & SON. IIIE POETS' WRNER. Awe N %err. tare to fax' There* sotblmt like it la tt_', world Of io) and wee \cter shrinking. Never 'witine, \ef stsos'rr war l ante or Ke -honk a monster -*rem *o tl.rtwtln l.,te and limb or peace of mind. Flue biro with the Eye of courage. 444 a umblika ►a Teu11 ties. 'rbwk tt kk When likes prwthee. reeedng slander Umeo atae4•. Half hos tales Win 'lee' and *ankh ttben we meet hint Face to. face. race foface With cares *apt trials : Farr to face % ith trtntt, blasts :':wt may +orel7 Wound and pain u. \y Life the *nary 'Tempel lasts. Voce to face \\'itbtrnth and ioslee : Iry cr t untold From the right xe h. lc o. bac•• .t Land to work It h. .ted an eye 1.1 And :be light. * .i,.• tO face \\ Ith friends the. love tie : 'day we ere.' t's,. a nest true. Face to face With Joys above us When life 0 rourneY *hall be through ' nor.diaper toweling. trash it ala. • 4 ' and a* it euyn-* lu alf Keeler . *h Fx utili,e.l IAA only for latluoouts lout kitchen rolled towels. Ktwian toweling it alio .le*ir*U,, us *t a •ear.. well, is pleas ant to the skin. sad with, it. rorltewlut nlugi1 .urfuee helps to keep the pees open.A out a* to dish t..we s : Thea• arc 111., often made o1 *,ane•, hand Ines, Tht•,o- when new will not wile• the dishes dr). a:..l after washing ■:nl apt to retain a greasy. pnwll. Time is art-eYI by using timer that are ,.ofr' and sniewlat Ane. The siker linen. as u is *ailed. that barred with blue or red, wean alai washes very well and hwlvea6 is, lint behind, and we Irrliete it quite as evrnuulital as soy. • nem, E :..wslra. Demi. ne.thitag which goes so far i,.war,l placing young people l.ey.mll the reat•Tt of poverty as a 011.411y In the nuutagemt•ni e4 their aonwetio• affairs. is matter'. not whether it titan furnish little or 111111111 for hos family, if three to a continual leakage *11 tits kitchen or ptrlor. It is the husband'* .Tats to Iorulg into the heat.. and it is the duty 1:f the wife to see t t Iothitlg goes wnmgfnlly mit of it not tote 1es*t article, however unimportant in itself, for it estab- 11Rht,. a pr.•.•r.lent oorr muter any pretetloe. fur it opens the door to ruin to stalk in. and heoeldom leaves 41) opp,•rtunity unimproved. 1'hr hualttets interests Mould he the wife's care, amt leer greatest atnlntir.n should tarry her no farther than his welfare and happi- mras. together with that of her children - X: \". Lr.l*,•er. iteerlph. Breakfast Boll.. Ali,. makes ,'uch ,till Ire:* roll. for breakfast that I must telly ,u how she does A. A.id an even teaspoonful of salt to a •;*art of flour and soft it. Kul. a half a cup Of Lotter 1111./ the flour. Itis• solve, one halt of a cake of r. inpreseed ye sat lin a little warm water and stir it ou�the flour. town add enough warnt milk to snake a dough fort Miff enough t., handle, take it ..n the board and knead at well, then put it lack into the pair. corer it lightly and leave 1:n- M.A. Kidder. to tars over night. In the mor g, ap roofs SP the tin- is started. hour the ,.read and rolling pin, take the dough on the hoard, 11 FLIll 1' \EHOLU4'OR� ) R. , roll it •+lout *n Inch thick and rut with a 1 small tits -Mt +•otter +a .{carter pound oak ' log loowdrr ewe to lust the nght sire.. put 1MbidiTao �sesper. 1 them, or. a large pun, not' touching .-ach \ .1 .-tr.•ter a srceimitik tc:rtis''ether. and put a U44y hit of Matter owl the -tanyou.spye &ewe earefn'to , (..p of cacti. Let then ri•1 until tri) light ami hake yuickl} in a hot oven. 'ILIA ttlsbic inapt to rood lair ting •. Beacon n I+iscuit*, which are s.. popular h:a k }.441.. 4 ertai•d;• yon a;: 41 444 the now. are tirade in the rams way, etuept that n oh.. ha. Env en you an evening of a small piece of .lough is taken ori the flour - 4 ,. ,1u* at the theatre or the ,' ncert, „r oil l..rrd at a time, and rolled very thin. • ',:vr taken you to rend i(t.he* you fn.n. ' like wafers; the:, they ale cut wit,, a his •-uitv.111 to 04 444 aquae., and two of theni s:. n.l'a hone. To whom roto should lou , I -.id together with tiny 441,140 of butter he n ` • twerp. hake these in a brisk oven until a T,• •le maid sere tut who Havel. \nu }our nits brown. They will 10. crisp and tender. -. t. he makes a I+preial pram .4 keep- ' and the only fault that I h.o-e heard found i t'•nv 11).111 m growl order, 444441 wh,, re- i is that there is not enough of them. •-stints that you bite tenant thing. Kir t'nopuettea. One quart of boiled THE SIGNAL : GODE1U H, ONT., FR1.Us%Y A I'K I L •a, DM. 'M VERY SORRY, BUT I HAVE TO DO IT. New Designs and New Papers. LOOK .4 T THESE PRICES All at a price that any one can purchase, USED TO BE. Good papers at 5 eta. per roll ; better at 10 cts., 12' cts. and 15 cts. I891 -WALL PAPERS -1891 AND WHAT THEY Some Qseful Articles A Scrubbing Brush, A Broom, A Stove Polishing Brush, A Whisk, A 14 qt. Dish Pan, A 2 qt. Pudding Pan, 5c. 14c. 10c. 5c. 20c. 10c. And These Bargains : The Best Clothes Wringer in the World for $319 A Bet of Mrz. Potts' Irons, 1.15 A Set of Mrs. Potts' Irons, Silver Ph.ted. 1.19 A No. 9 Wash Boiler, my own slake, XX Tin, 1.98 A No. 9 Kettle, my own make, 94c• OK THIS ROW FOR C000 VALUE .Luz. th ui l n• .1 Fork ;.!t1.-29 I tloz. Nickel Silver• Ten :spoon, . warranted), _ i 4..r. I *email, I loom., .\ Sills Plated 'Matta, ' .% Bea*. Hall Lau", 2.11i S. Halahlente Library Lamp, $ ) .t Beautiful T.a'lrt. relit.. 1.-', I r. Nice Kitchell Lamp, I \V 1 Lt, OPEN OUT 1N A -,F i)AYS A LARGE �Tt ►(h t These Seasonable Goods AT THE I'RIt'F: \I.AUK FID .%III•: : A Kitchen Knife, 5c. A Cork Screw, 5c. A Bundle of Picture Wire, 25 yds , 5c. An Egg Beater, 10c. 2 Packages Carpet Tacks, 5c. A Tack Hammer, lOc. Just Opsns& Up THE i•'11I.I,U VIXI, LINES: Bird Caps (Brass & Japanned), Nicks Plated Copper Tea kettles, Toilet Sets, Spice Boxes, Kneading Pans, Milk Pans, Cutlery, Mixed Paints, Kd.lsomine, And a Stock of Brushes. SILVER w ARE • A HOUBB WELL PAPERED IB HALF FURNI='Fk:D AND COSTS BUT A TRIFLE. 1 /lit :ainples of Nall bolls art• 110w C0111p144&', tt*t.1 �uull.le� al,.i ;ivr pilot' Bur lir+, Friezes and t.'••iIing Decors - we think it only!, a pl..a-urts; to ,clow FRASER 84 PORTER, foot sal 1ta,',him.. Exchange. Court 11. u-4; CONUIT�ON INlll'�EPB, The best Spring Medicine for Horses and Cattle. By their use the appetite is im- proved and all derangements of the system corrected. Carefully prepared from such ingredients as are not injurious to any stock. I'rrlrart•.l only WS,' GEO. A. FEAR, Successor to 1 I :l 4 1111 Y N A:4. Next () o. Achesson's' Dry GoodsStore. 11 killH \\ i1.1. LET SUF: 1' 411' H!4;/1 PH1UE2. 1 \:I IiI:I:E To I'.kY.\\ 11.1. I ••i: \t►II•*'Ii:. THE PERSON WHO PAYS CASH GETS THE BEST. ALECK SAUNDERS, WEST -8T. T*r.LErNO'c fS' ' E* Y IO% • •1 in • s ekrtauo way, i. careful ninety* •Io it.- 'fo /he stranger who hold* open a door sod. to the e,1•4ater elan who *acre you Tithing an tttai.v!etstrs, to the titan who l'i'lt agar a seat in a ear or minibus, and to }body, in any station of fife, who shows s+ :. courtesy of any kind. \\'e are apt *o be trey *tingy with our anks : to sur.•pt thin,* entirely t000 much r .frYIrlI. mei to lerhe;e.in having vourt- hr shown no. that they are only what we -ice. Now this is the wrong way of itkotng at It, and *•m,e arty it will serve the of nght that girl who believes that the -• things of life in the way of politeness • n lewfully. and that witlsut any ef• r •n her part they ran la• qualm.' will A . rice, .1 teaspoonful of sugar and threw egg*. Vat 44.11* fine marker err broad crumbs. on the kneading board. then put a oipootiful of rice on the boanl and +alike it int.. . roll. When all are made, fry them a &mate l,rowi 81411 leery hot for irrewkfs.t• Hear Soup. They might to know how to crake hewn imp 111 lie,.t,rrt, and herr ho a receipt for 1t, as given at the cooking s-h.wrl • of that city : Moak a punt of black 'Tana . over nicht, drain and .over well with .odd water, add a teaspoonful of stela and buil fifteen minuted 'hale r the water anal boil again ten ;Mulder,. drain, add cite quart of ,rill water and lo.il unttp the Yells are soft. adding MOM water as this hail. away. Kut the bean* through a sieve• look together le' taloa wwmful of butter and rue table t -L rover 1414 mistake. apewnful n flour, then *pone on the hot Iran \Nn net er ise too generow with thank lurid. serum -in with a talle.p.wnftd of *5 c , Initiation of which towels to mar few grains of cayenne. Simmer ten mw - 4.r\ MoIY on• wager to pit. unto nth• rs t.. idea, told a pint of hot.mtlk• mold fust- haul oy *mill he done by. No girl wishes a hided eggs. rut fine. *ben nerve. 14!.41youand latah,. who has a ••thank y.alway, 1e+144415) require a little thickoning added. •h. IL 5. the irate= b, a goat' eharalter otherwi*e the solid and liquid portions. will 4544')• an the current coin of pw.lit4' .n *a t. one half lragowrlfu) of pn•ptpwr, enol a nun - mon, 1 a loving hurt. l'olitetrem is golden. 1 "thank yon- is the .Win which Iasis rcwhere and is re•ognimf t) all. SIN• w Tele fie. .4* to texture Or •{pular\, that must lir a 4.*tion of mete and nwana, hat if px.wiMe 0•l• a gsnMMus supply. and of good .lar n. , an 4411s much drier after loathing with ample -stud towel than with a small, Irn nw one. While the first cost may he til• more for the large -oleo.' ones. they ill lest longer and he much more eat today ,r' in the enol. it will he an economy. ••• to hay them in the \\'inter. ma most .term. hare "clearing lake- then. tern They .an lie had at * little *Lowe hokoale prices. Then they are more Is41y eoftenr 1 and whitened Iy twiny hong to freers. in the .•noel weather. It e. r11 to hat, roller Inside in fathrtwmu* and odder'''. renew, am well *s in Ilse kitchen. My are thus mare really kept in pku+. nd air more evenly andel than the separate newt 41.1.4rrm are very apt to knee a nes el an the floor or wadtstaid, or rare nae 4.40.41 of • wash elnth,hwt a railer towel h 1A� Jt *.-1. -...t....n.4 ewtw•r Praar .t ,00 taw f1ad 1 wiaf.er& WOWS vootMa damask r toot separate. tag. Ar Meuse tee. There are • great many Zags navel by the orderly t of today which oho tithe I would have considered The nndo'rn holism ife 1. not afraid of being rolled •• fury." She u thoroughly orrleerly. if that is her Melina titer. and i enough to sloop, any meant to her end. .\ Lumley 1.ag s now a recognised) necessity. It should always le na.1e n( some material that is .+dote proof as will rpt._-atrrrsg. line of the twat wooly is awa�1l .loth in Moe ami white or rel and grty stripe. This rioth may ha rep.wtedly noilrood without lowing ..der. \ hag that hobos soiled eIMhea shuts lets washed *1 bast every two weeks. vhsj hags mmy M made of mewing rtoth. 6'447 hnel canvas or pretty ...I.e. proof .hist*. Cheap errtontwo ,10 not wash well *nd are therefore of an rains for Iaga A eery peaty way .d making • shoe lag it In a sseerNsfaw of fall, puffy pn.•kru gathered at the top on a Maul, which is two' is a Lae.. how .lost1 the letla in err. het may psi oat trios the g . tawwdrie4. very yvty )'n! w nide of cream chant*, pap eta bend wilt MN Q Mei HAVE YOU SEEN B. CORNELL'S STOCK OF 0 PUBLIC NOTICE I Another Targe consignment of Fresh Teas of superior quality. In order to counteractthe dis- honest practices perpetrated ori the public by peddlers and others, we are offering Special Inducements in Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat- ronage. REES PRICE t SON. Kay's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square. Orders by Telephone promptly attended to. Cattle Chains ---New Patterns Crosscut Saws-- All Makes. Cutlery ---Table and Pocket• --In Endless Variety. Chopping Axes- -At Your Own Price. Geneeal Winter Goods ---Stock Complete. 0 ALL AT SPECIAL PRICES ! R. P. WILKINSON & Co., Hardware. - 1- E-- - ITAYIGNON'S -- D'AYIGNON'S CREAM OF WITCH HAZEL, CD i The most perfect lotion mown for the removal of Cf) SUNBURN FRECKLES, ROUGHNESS. AND ALL IRRITATION OF THE SKIN. C F. JORDAN, - MEDICAL HALL, m) C+OD ERIC:H- \Y - • C -E O. 13ARR-T- Y CAR)IIAGES Zest, Etaallatarmsat =," Torr Furniture 110.5., in sailing all !lads of furniture et tla korner well.kaewn'fhet ,bat lot. Sem Chcap oonisl. prime. It Is ;ZFor .ah. 11r .. *Lein the leading *'nd.rrrkerof the town. Ketbslmo.. /j .& H0 aye *Pike, a seeeral*y of Pieter. Premier. Oiyw lila" * ts9 ars kiln an ilnnlhsrr elwwhere. and yea an* find net that h. dors •• he say. oe11. For Ca$h.. 1a the k*40 eagle foe 1betr pun petrswage M OM.hawsen tleaei t e RA. R RY. Aiwa to►• a el* t>.� �'+` wit tie e