HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-4-24, Page 6THE SIGNAL: GODERICH, FRI tic) R N E GROG. 1891 -SPRING -1891 We wit.L kir intimate to our cu,.touler1 that our *Privy stock of I)r)- (loud, is now about complete. We are now ,bowing all the new shades in Dress Goods ..cha. lleliotropem. itlul • t berries and Cornflower., In Henrietta,. ltr,st•ade., Lustre, and Alpacas, which are the correct tiling. for •})ring .Ire.:.. As usual t'..• take th.• I.a,1 in Prints and Sateen, "•1' have a •i.len•lid assortment in new' patterns and color, We an•.h,,wtinr I el „r setts, of Lace Curtains, in create and white / from 30e. to 85.0() u set Aliso Matra, Curtain., Curtain Lace. Scrims and Art Iliurtljntt. We want you to examine our Carpet, in Ilrus,el,. Wilton. Tapestry, Onion anal All-wo.tl. We kt'c1. t;rocerie ,an•l flat- and I'ai'-. We ban' i,uttt•r and egg - . 1 •i, HAVE YOl id. r \ AT COLBORNE BROS. SAUN DERS • 111 HINTS 1hl►I1 HEALTH. 1 reasrras of t'Ne.. 1 1, ,. pi o•t:.al hunts in relation to -cold.- are otrtrc,I by the Healthy Home. Thr sutlerer should rest in the first plate. I He should remain at home for two Or thee•.• I .lays. amlalittle Imager if possible. Gor MCLean's Block. the muscular anti nanous eyeteut comped to cwt. The simple bore remedies, Much A. hot ieniotrdc. hot teas awe ot'he'r drink'.. He 1 is _pit in a tine lin, .d tle•W 5511 be sufficient in most case.. .111 per +one *houki pnftevt their !.alias carefully. good, in is. not he brave in ay form of tareless- ,.c,-- I •'coht" may route from a wet f.e.t. a,...p .r,l . tees;, it 1•rtaal newt ora Stollen SILVERWARE AND bas 1am ewmv, aged. 1. APRIL 2 4, 1891. Mr, 11 ray . the. hinge .lectors wilts, wit tad not • large cum dr 1'. hat . tsMd-1 et pease... h%wanted .tnted to saw P10 during i1ee the stimuli. rw,l.al to sled it m phial. awl calk aratcrtals ler making as t table corer which site Ir. long v+...ated. She was just atarklag ew to boy t.halm, whoa a bell for P10 w lr.aaght W Amin hitt*, the carpenter. 'hr scare., it unpatirntly. ••Tell Ali I'mt. lie mast watt. Met), else said. •• wIWa.11:.month.pay him nest month. ' Rut before the maid .rhraed the don she Called he •• Hen ia the roomy." she 551.1, at�jj�� t.. herself. ••1 e...11.1 rather ser a burr (mile 'whin the then a. unpaid 1011 Mr Pitts' debtors were ma usually w prompt. tie took the Lill with A chuck! ..f surprise u..1 .itu.fact,OI. r11•1 walk,. dues laceullr .tre'a't w high good 'humor h., uinn.l the , eerier he met yrat, t.ue.j 11... taunt•*,.. alio ha.l.logit man) little jole. "t .swing for I.' • for Pith was not nlerrierl. '• Mere. Sarah '" lir calla.(: • • I w iU settle that heti! is loch 1 Imre Manu uwlog yogi ruler 1'hrutnas, ani het' i• a triple over. Those button h.4en were w meetly worked that toy incl.) coat awls hke uew.' w.u-aha turn.) the lwight new dollar over in her head its she len hint.. it h a sadden joyoue ..ms.-oeusiseio of unexpected wealth. Shy alai almost given up lope .,t aver get thug any part of Mr. Pitt's bill. •.1.l here it was in full with a dollar whir.:. might a1 'moat laydropped from the skis. • .1t the iluar of ibe station stood the 1'arw'ilk stage, a.Iersey sago,. which .leu. Itokl dr.n.• to 1'artst ill.• ors. r a weak. Jen; „a,i etantling to hi. horses. awkwardly crackuig his whip. while beside him waited a beat. shabby little magas, who tarried a baby. •• I can't do .t. ttm'an.. he said. "The stage ain't mike. I'm ...lily thy .Inver, ai.1 the owners don t allow use to take w, fee. pwasetiger. How fat us at to 1 arraville asked the w 0nau in a feeIte roar. '•Fight miler. There'. a stuns coming. alp. lou eau t walk it... '• 11 hat . the matter : aekot �arvli, atop. - pint on Ili. sidewalk. • 1),o AI "titan twist,. .1. on foot' the city on the train. as Mae Uwe In., mac,. sh1r .11.1e't know as she'd hate to. .tape It to t :u n ills," t platuerl Kohl Thr woman ramie up to Skrah. trembling and lack. ••It it in)? hri,batnd that is at 5 aria'ille He' baa 1 drinking Marti he rap away' froth no• a Month ago. He was hurt I:ut night they rent use word to ohne if 1 woada•ee bin. alive -and trah't go 1 "1 ou .1..11 1(0' arid tttr little -tailor(*. " Host cutch is it, dent ` Fifty trate : All right. limn the door for her. She watched the ,wagon drive down the street. mot then took her way hotter. hoc IW ate + Might- tit her pocket. and her Heart heating glad aA.1 anin het Moone Three month, later *gall heal business in Camila elle. .t. .ht p..,e.1 a Butt• little tabu,, a w.nuan an ons . ,i.1 c:.ngkt bet by tin•1uud. H•. r tape wap plump and rosy : .he laughs.. 't.tl, excittment. Her. y..,, are ' 1 can thank von at Iasi. M'. Itustnn.l did not die. 111.,. %aid myy' nursing ...ave.' him-. He in hard et wo,* hos- he rhes not to ail a drop. t'ono in and fee ,,the Lehi'. and our hate. ' ' She brought her in. placed her h'. the tire. and put the tat.' es her lap. "I'M such .. Lapp% Wonsanshe said, •• and it was your n.ouet .Sid it ..11.` \. `+tared, rn.l. h.•n,r that e *be thought • •• It was w4 my money. tout that dollar .hal, Pitts gave." Pit is. [[writes.. would 1:Av.- traee,l it Lack *till farther. So little .1.. ice reckon, ttbensse plant a single arta of good. into is hat furcate it relay grow. itch. mange and II ratchee of every ki..i, .m human ne animals, cured in 30 minutes by 1Yo.olf.xti's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Solt by F. Jordan 96.1y THE MERRY MUSE. par Old Lead..• whim i was Woke 1. Liaise t. the Sallee i ts.laeee - Nimes Wen la Oafard wet this •A tlg+aadN es City`eeash--.f 1\811 Se leek t . Up.. the ....wd knttnla and it was a ►eek: age e A awe use I'se .seer seen we sae I hspe lbwT . llednius., Nam hosed. and N clean can be; M 1 Ajust to think! iter thewplead tea I !eel el that Ilan r When 1 was broke la Landon ha the failed II Down at Nuseda's la the lined I tesad, „w fata(ul dad'. wile m A portrait that 1 pt..d for as le .naat A print of Mime. Yestrts .h.'awaked yeah ago. e• Was Bartolostm *.laughter cad • thoroughbred you knew: A chase and haladmiae print it wee• andcheat la-- at thirty tes • That's w11.t I told the salesman a,. I rooked s riot's sob; Mat1 hung amend Noseda's 5s It were a Loll Weise. 1M _hen 1 was broke In 'mad** 1n the fall of •ak FANCY GOODS. Another lot of Wail PllJtt•r•. Win - 4 slow Mi/l& alit! i 'lirtailt I'OIes. Borders iha gob! anal fancy patterns. 2,000 rolls+ of wall paper at :let-. as .'..,ling of any portion of the body's' surfs...-. Keep out of a -sudden draut•ht. IN, not fel- loss the anti overcoat plul wspllie s. !sleep in :t ire11•tetltilate,l room. irk/ not bundle I vtrur nee*. A .page lath keep. that lores open, and. within limits, is always a gnarl thing. Est wholesome fowl. keep good hours. rrtnetrtlr,rtng always that one .4 the Leet things t0 break up .1 cold ,s phut% of sleep, . Feat nw,.lerately. Ito not rat at .411 for a few meek unle .'appetite ..mea. Th. 1 re.oquite•N.lation lets ••stuf. a .old" is fol lye See• that the bombs. the• skin enol the kidney*•pnoperly perform their fent-lions. roll, Nortil 20ct-. The worst coif which ever a$!W1td the writer. one which hung .o most ..t a and .ausf'd the gavels :filaria, wa ,tired by sawing wood.The r rise `tJames Saundersonly be continued for halt an hour at first. but it produced peri irati.m. unproved the 1 ! digestion. anal remittal in throwing off the MCLEAN'8 BLOCK. tvtht In lege than two Weeks. Kut ear ger. , chi0 rather as a Alia atikwt. with the reeeo•u for it. (Neon a• aseri ti. n, WHY EVE' ill I•':�RATER 1 .aught get ase et Armstrong's Improved GRAIN ti BED CLEANERS IdMr.fy .( sleep. It i• all very- well tr. .nrntnttl.l gruntg up early in the morning. ' It would he dilhcah to exaggerate, either the pleasures or the :.:leantager alt.nie.I hy early rising.. Kut to rise eariv one - moat retire early. .1 ' plenty of sleep 1. one of the first requisites to health. Fever* feed other diaenea are often ot,•.,ri,u}.i t!y excessive fangite. .1 person Amid sleet, enough t.. gel thorouglt- 1) rested. Fo sonic ceruse. sleep is the early pert of the night seeniis to 1.e more re- fr.sl.ing than sltep for the same number bf hours towards morning. t'nfnrtunately. modern social habits are tending tel Melee the onkr of nature. turning .lay into night and night into day. Thie k very ,lean. fist to the beauty as well a. to the health. of our •1m,erican girls. 1t has been rearm, :mended that when s Lely i. going to attend it lata ptyrar��ty and the'. are alt late nowadays the mensal sleep ,eyrral hours the day b.re%k.s u.. It asserted that the nar%elous eauty of wine orf -the, middle-aged nomen ..f EuglaNd lies Leen preserved amid alt the di.eiptioua of fashionable meaty nil this way. E0AvSE 1.8 1• allows no font ands to be blown int, .h- chaff. which 1s of gnat importance t, every farmer whet wishes to keep hie farm gran. r rad. 1, save. mod Amass all T.mothil, seed nom any kind n[gaga while clearing the (e.r1. sed For Market :t remove, Cackle. .;b,-'., and .arsierreae. and gave, the farmer the great ns eassible sesta for hie grams with no.Ysesseery loss, tux it willm�ag.o for show and seed purposes eq.el N picking. Sib. _Clean t it removes all ' Wild Pie. WiM Ilex end other galled shrunken and broken grain, alta sire* the Lanier pure claiw, seed grate. gibe It will elms Oats. Barley. Actt.or eine. kr without wale et grain. It will separ to the I.L. same. q��: e. /alts ken whose Pew intmate�h"��t carry Lig rash to a dltlkrent cos lm.r.ts�•• nib. - it is• perfect Clever need Machine. er- obeyinlp au duet. bae►cn and dead s yds r :Illcr than large 0 raw an 1�f'"1 .saw eta theCleveve r thee.• e 1.. - it is a Art class prase seed Sfa,t,:re. blows no .rade away. sem.--It is &good rad seed Machine. IONS. it .s a first eleks,haffer. pt1b. It can be OMNI bete the oldest faahiose4 Fanning Mill that Ile laid aside as toeless cad make it do the wort of • sew ]1111. luta. - 1t can be attached to ■ sew Mill with - nut in.•arin* it. and oat be removed at an t time as easily as • three combined. It does sot inlerkre wl� the use of the re- gular Beres of the 7>1L Bank- I's steres ars Mottall perforated Mae. lata._{t has s ea5aatt7 Of sixty bushels of , grata per hour. NIL --T1 leas cheap aS tie ordinary' I'anaing Il[II sieves. prfh,-- R very Machine in Ia.a\ Tr.. u, Shad yews order at dwell 7tm Want .t this a llachlae ask Meet* .t tle.Ml,a IM Teeth. Thinking that it might Is interesting to its. readers of your paper t.. have as optnten this subject fermi a ea :tuber of t ptofr' that make. the attt.l% ,A the teeth and bait relation to the organumits empnial •aid, I have gathered together a few Astir vanon. than ua% no1 Ise oat of place. Alcohol I. :uu actioe irritant. eepc. iall) when ).rought into e.rlta.•t with such senst- te mucous membrane. as those found linialg the mouth. throat. and etonach. The Arm contact manot ptoluce a serious result. bet when the :application. are e011 - 'ruled from tlnw• to dile, irritation is in- reame,d Until the sitahty of the parts br- other. its .'rad, and then the imtatian .cit-uiatammg,de%eloptng dams.: it = ainrna tssanon 11 y p melee �l �Mr� and that 70n to have ow •ant ear take It oe conditions It 1n ordering by a1 orad Sande widtt. Z! oboe o" Manning Kw, term., u the •:tion of alcohol upon the •toenach, mouth, and throat. it is well known that there is A nett ,i11. ay mpat by between the stomia, h an.l the teeth, awe het wren the mnco.. membrane of 71lr llir month and throat and the stomach. teem. The eels 0 alcohol on this new ,•hnn,e inda►umateel are amain rims in the ettrenw, the rum:teona of the surface he cisme unpaired. and the secretions vitiated. leading to +"rtiuW and . I downier% .1 the whole system. 'flies. 1n general ARMSTRONG BROS., C+oderioh, Ont. NEW ARRIVAL al- SPRING- 431-001D13. d- SPRING431-OODB. LATEST STYLES. 11 her, th.• stomach is disordered by .1co h.ol. the pulps, or what are commonly known as the neri-ee. of the teeth become r•.•:tgr.t,.l and halite to inAamarrtinn Thu, being ag grevete.l by the irritated aw,l .ulheathy stair of the mouth, noun culminates in di. ease and death of the pulp. The teeth, be- ing robbed of that Which supplies their t and .itadltn. decay web greet rapidity. Ab.,Ya s k,rm on tie roots. .tial the whole month t.nvrnee the seat of ti'. disease. Nor is this p,', cs. . painter one. ter the Nerve% that supply the teeth low derived frees tb. trlfac,al .r fifth pair, trideh ais0 spotlit • nd a nmher the mewls of the face ,( Q. -.M t• be eyrp( ins I', N. sense senf taste ���/MMhHeroin lie the key to else tied oeerslge: prim. contorted Mier, and mini,. ed race of taste. that . tthtw . wneseo Met If you dem t stunt t.1 lie robbed of your good name don't have it inscribed aptti your umbrella. Texas siftings. 1 w Iaetpeagee. aplaiim. The follow tag is taken front a letter from Mr. n. lhnis. Winnipeg, Ila..: "Being per - 'weir l to rue Hag) and s Pe, total Balsam for a troul.lew.trw told I we, entirely celled hs the res. ..f two kitties. 2 . MM .real Lxbl5a.. There teat .• been right world.- fairs sun* ore 1850, th•• greatest ' which w.0 the Parts Exposition. of 1889. whet. the re tfpts were58.000 000. the riiimler of admissions 28,- 149.353. and the number of acres .ovend by buildings bi s 75'. The thtrnp of the %5.,.r1.I's l'o. und.ian Exposition at 1,'l>r•agr. will &veer d least 50 per tent. great eritbisce than the Paris Expertise. buildings. and che•n.t will esceed lwi,r aha• of the Pkris fait td The easelle5.■ /r 4.M.rleb. A. well .as tL. hands...and whet est. whetetre incited to call on an) animist and get bottle a trial .ttle of Kempi. Balsam for the Throat an.! Lungs. a remedy that is 'wiling entirely upon its merit. and i. guaranteed to retinae and cure all Chronic and Acute loughs. Asthma. Bronchitis and l'oneump tion. large lint tl. • 50 • ents .1m1451.i 1 euw "How did the young wu. nar yon wrote the poeni fax hke it •" asked .tee of hen friends of Willie Wiahtagt.rn. "She didn't say anything," sant Willie. "ex•ept that 1 ought t.. seer! it to a ehin.pndi.t and hat c its feet attetn k ,1 to Mw neer hem rain. Ilxtn out.. 1 lie%e been tn,uhlr.t wleh iame Ra k for alsrst sic rtrwit M, an.± thought d would try Hagyard'. Yellow Oil.which cnre.l ate, km now free from, all pants. and r. commend 1 allow (h1 t cry highlt. 2 rt; t %,. P %Leta. R iiona, f int. The laehful young lrun was looking at a punting an Arctic lan.lacapw. "Isn't it strange, Mie Ida. ' he .aid, "that they harness the rein -.leer • "No. ' she uni answered, drely. "People .aa harness the lightning, dear--. This a so sadden. so unexpected. Horace, 1 well, ask pep.. d5ael.1 a.ldeaee. La't risers. Your H and , ow , elb thl te worth its eartght In gold for both in al Vernal and externage. (bring the late La Grippe epidemic we found It A mast es ..hent preventive, and fax sprained limb., cn et. there is relentt to .loch it 11'w, i,nnutn.', Fditot K.•prwter 2 Tb.1h,, tint The Steel thsag in woman . r is a glass Decought it u ght u. All • telt wet theater wear. Beefs, 1/maw-ripe tie poet inehrtate Lle M. 1; Melliilm• Dt. laws s. ti DUN Ps ynet u The IC.riadi•e Natesn The 1'hllsr. Intl slesseft1salelesstL.i ._err;-_. At Davey's, In Great !thea street, were •aro graph, galore. AM bis (terry need to let M tea that we elou, stere; issaatituev 1 reed what warriors wrote, some tint. a nine. command. Hut often••r.tiSI a poet's terse wrtt In • !neap hand: Lamb. H>ron, .+ddison and Barts. Pope, Jobe .on. Ser::t and Scott - It needed but a paltr> .um to ea. lot: Yet when fr: rad Macey mark.. ',•m down what ..wld 1 but dectja,, her I wan broke in London 1a the fall or so. Of salvor swords and spears i ..,t a , ..t am da,uEm: heap That 1 tart.. ,'onion offered nee et prices paw lac .heat•. Aad• oh: the t...',,' otd b'irea.ar,.l 15.. wait. In peas or arras. Aad the l.cciy hideous treat+ I found in pew ter and in flea.: and, oh: tb. sideboards, candles ...Its. t9i cracked old china plata., A A�ONT WTTINO ��. - and ehoes Root. Own elf abe Mak are iB..'e tll.Me. iftta'd better have year keirttiamed o i favid the hairier in the ataop et and cbetr.adt tttlwaslia tt a he wee AAA. 'I had it cat spRpic& 5 b � it SUMmFRfi00DSINGREAT YA RIf�TY be cut very frequently to order Ave it." w the meat afternoon the barber to Mk Avenue hotel was making his "`r'`°a with ' rum °` "' Aix 't faover the the leading lines of the best ,0 ate getting braid," said he. what • gigantic manufacturers. bject of the hair. I am bald; you ting bald. Neither of us weald sacro a thonaend daiLta 'Jiff that :Itherartrrne,nor *kill nor wisdom .iw my man s tringle hair of his Per my pert, the only knowledge teeing in the barber buil- 'twenty years, is peuety negative. have, �,a I carry a larger stock and will lack an give you better value than you can get ager anywhere else in the County. that ot you don't have your ltair not fall oto" Ordered work and repairing giVen t•!fl t':atPNerer barn i1 e.tW' special .. . e on.\ ai -G \\ •y. n itl .1 spaded woman' Yon never did. sorb a thin, as a bald beaded exists, but they are very rare. I< • by are women practically never • why are men growing bald is • numbetn every year! Yon aa - reply -or you world if you hid tp,�o about it as much as I -that the racy liaa in the hats women wear. Ther tate amount to nothing. The neat: bonnet does not weigh two ounce Their hats are open, and there u s - nr les ventilation ander and thew. theca, whereas men's hats are The clocks .tad Moodie fres Amsterdam the bear 'oars that inclose and weigh antedate all dates - demi ed oC & the hair." Of such superb monstrosities 1 f,,.m4 an end ..j Yrer thought of that." les, mine, When I was 6rokr In London In the fall of IN "I'-- that a.o.nt. *0 nothing," raid the Oh, ye that hanker after boons that other, ~rt. -It sounds important, but idle by - tot .k•- we say in favor of women's The battered :Line-. that pt...e lhv roe hats i• !Let by the fact that they wear though the, MA) .-rr the r..•; theft " re as many horns at a time as silver plata and crockeryrv: -an, title. msm elf theirs. Wotata often pont witf, crime. a The oaken stuff that has defied the tooth .s hat al; the naming and don't remove ie The P111.0.1.1• :.mc, It till :nee: they wear their bonnets The musty tom- th•..peet.led palate. the au ohm. .t eh. theatre, during their calla, deweel lei:- .rt play' .re and all. ll the time. The la" - Ye utbcr c•e.t:> rritoro of rnal.dnrous dewy' - e�yty Ye ogjy can teem li-r what agony w ti migg porta, apt'(mte between the Meet is, when I wap 'Woke in Loudon In the tall of 'w alter a. that boys and men have their +eyes, In for nurse or natural thing', I et• et hair nt .n•l girds and women don't. A m; reward, tittle g ,hair is inland after abe Pamela Let no Inning epitep. my , early! ,hair. is fatlnmi who are ("lied Neither In Hebrew, I.*tin, useek, or an> claes't U..ane keep It faltsildes in the hot day inlet Let my to•n thousand triumphs over Monist that tape babas' hair shall be cut, and miff- be rung. the tat_ es yield in the caste of tht 'Sot in plain Anzio -Saxon ;that he may kr... met bit alae( who leek, 4'.! w What agonizing pence I've bad white ,o th• the lilt gids are 4 or 5 years old the Lunt fie freak., wttasem ;fiat to have their hair sacat •Let there be wait upoh the slab Cast Starks ml tatt.t>ei_.mrd. and such ei alba role with -grave this line, `Deteeswi was broke la Lon•Ioa is the fat mod Bt After thinking it all over of we....a for twat yott's I am of the opinion that -Engen. Field in chi ago Nowa 1k.ii'0.tt . Dyes baldness. The Cweewaable tieresaleir. "Sele, :aimed the barber, "what Oat ::, ,he chi:l of the mldai4Lt gloom wooded. heads of hair the Radia= 3.10o•t the youth with his light :aultar. have. a. v thick it is. How splendid Cnbeeetlmr tee microbes' tercet. thing doom, are the aids they wear down their hrr'kw d s so with all savages -M1 to Nor Ito. alaaatitleer * not. afar. And be wit... gilt hone, full load. tilt sweet, have of hair, and none ars[ oat To bus ;.y love on the window .eat. 1? Who uyir sent Litram tures to tithe it Thio "itsits men who lice in wild A hirci: - air a a.s•e¢ay m to cheer Li. rb} tate eonntries • on our border a elnplfy the And tbi, the l That w.'. midt. skywayay ,! stay 535.0 1 (. They .mar 15517 bait Whoa he dewed Iso throat and bete. to play down air .tr sbottMers, and it i5 Utica' and inn`s..*, but it has not been cut ••oft, lady tttreet, ahoy, smite 1 prise. in all tiara* they have lived the life of fttUnloose t,. fringes [ es of the rude around tdtem. The fcrterfn: fHngrs of thine ryes: ). pole My calm Keep not their tight away. decision scat if you want to recap Ta.. stars above are gleauttna clear, baidnes (--n must keep the admen Ewa .s1 van toles. is still: !tor tome. the prying tun to peer away !lit your bead. No medicine A, roes the rasters Lill. will rergew baidnegt. To fled a physic Come forth, *hes. to claim all the home. that wi a so is the surest road to s p I hat's due ant 141*.and men have been ez from der.otion to beauty --from me, low, b pertme for more than a oe0ing7 you. without If Bing a remedy." -New Yarn "Me ear :Lad gild+ the ami, above tan. t'al e'er so steadfast be A. the ibbesserable lore r-edb Mtlsisd• Thad tills my soul for thee. "ger." !1i a lean and hungry leakial Thad br std coy to leab thy Laois. ponos win hal by sense means pained Ad ramble here ere and them all the *tacks to admission to the For Alights like these were bad,: to real AA bt...stbe t5e balby air. deka of Minimiser of me of the great pros Cobe font. ads Id awful the hobb•ge skarnwith s „ I wilds to pressen yo. Arum tie.oties-ateboo:- Deg your parted- The trielner looked at bit. canaallly• at. box,:" "I have ie mat pjpntie same," R eehiagtoa Pest. went on ter baiter, '•that A shanty w a Treasure. "Never and," said the ..sager. Iger eyes are as blue elsthe Mae of the skies "don't bort ma,. When the mnrninktls beauty disrlo.es, "Hat, .i9,' anilled the stranger, "yo. And hoer cheeks' glowing beaatl deseriptioa de akstake ao.eteuely. This is seem des thiag that -*1 makefortune ani With their mixture of lilies and uses. mine," yonr The tnnriae 1s seen In the shimmering Lair .►T lin a1 ?bat her neck a.d her shoulders catet;;.k,« immoe, And the splendor of morning eaaoaly compass With aha luminous geld of her tresses. tog el his "H -tar Her moutheen ah.1 ••n1H.laha,ntwialoxw of Lmad upy ?bat swain twist the enrollee portals: lacy I be They yell her the gem and perfeetioo w[ glide. Our Tho daint*est, sweetest of mortal.. ,r Bet vole b ea soft u the coo .f the doe , "I would �`he oldtlam�, AM sweet as the bobolink winging; .ems yen me than tact.,' mum ■. heart It a fbul lin et kfadaem and toes In freshness perendaBrsprtying. .neater Ymrk'ligss6 he's.sdowed with 111. bsa ty of perces .ed face I'oatessed by the fair Aphrodite A correepolifiit sake. b the story Um Or Arlen the terries*, the sweetaeris and grad Virgil oneaithhedattempted tie That appear h the feature. or(lytic. barn the . w a mjlS,♦sir it • Many eye her askance, sad the youth sith s &flit• The tbuly regarded as truth. The "dkieid" apt his favorite poem, AM. cranberry bag la semen aifioogb it to wee whit& emetitates -Cy. Coit Items hit akin to r sannimaoe of pm *My. Be the "Georgics" hat It fig said be " Mei" met him deem years Misr, bad that he is - WNW to three yam more to patirdg it it acorn to his ideal of what malsie poem math to be. listing be could leis math time to the etre Mk, &owM., he died. Oma in he Illit tresis hely/ to moire the hash lest with thews Slags b will set pts'-- aid &whey it 1 wag kept eat el his Of them he will ant tttI.k - eat bevels .n the 'leaked day MOW &+ angisst.enfl7 pyl.•�ta Aim* my pie and l.5. Ir vleeld m 11 waarkimaMy tettiMts.- ♦Ma tendr4•t Han. In Merle's Tease el Imola ObbeDneesma. rich beyo.d the dream the manager, think - the visitor. Be bright - .4 Md. "Well. *ea, to make a si he the '•Ale•sd.- 'hams Of Whining her head shoal* einptnr. M ebe near a Dag Most et Old Odouy rusk ep. 1►.e.rltet Be has a pretty rubber ball, About one 5..dtwd Meeks, A berm that meads eh in.stall. F.s.• dolls wick carte locks. No sed of egg ars Ida, itkaww With ea flies by the sere, A apt of plates with pla.Mr plea A painted 5Mnery stens. Ills Ambition soaped• Moe '>• ase1a.et . Aa lealah .IdrtelhiR who hes been rather-nmtMtlorta to 5..slitter carrier. A elle a aft tam lb&Wm oaths tow day. yr be ..slily seemed a handled llsidam 41111.11111111116•11 a Illi pima eta low ague. that his anther had here• wls14 deters .anuli (lath t*nL dntr .red sl..* tbe emends p days, ami dht•rt1 `nit ewe nay `eupnea war bilk mil them tree house a bier thm.a► aket the men' er ills Mar jw est the husbbseileat Th. Ila t r gag t. ibs fsinnets *MI A mart little boy in Ude* 1•---er was. bin iw1...d height youth hie se kite cep' - - 5 IR �a "rift al tt/ WA pow art 71e2r E. DOWNING. j Sc •a -73g •1 nn f4r wr11• for art teui r. 1 0 I I I E MET: t T. C d e O N O ti - J 0 2 I'I,• .e tion . t i -factory. SELL] 0 "The Signal," Goderich, Ontario, Is the Best. Only $1.00 in Advance. Subscribe. The mo.: arta• .1.1e.:veterans-, tonic and mill ttimntaut i. \Illtwtrn's Beef, iron Mad Rine. Ira Msr,M.1 ease,. , " Is he trolly your rival •• Vet.- Great i et." • Great Stitt • If 1 had • nal that looked like that. .lo ) elm know what 1 would do •' " I'd give up the girt" .i lulus .. 'm ( P ttRl � ( ., :x�Tttwr x -1 take pleasure ispprinrtggm��•• testimony to your well knows If .•ARio'i LINIMENT. A. I feel that it saved my life In the w inter of 1887 i was attacked by a severs- pain tt. my left side caused by a fall frau a building during the pre. iom sum mer. i got relief .•cern time it was bathed with the MIN•1RIts LINIMENT Arbil eventually) Lured hit the nee of only a few bottles. This hit hu made some wenuierlful tures. Ti.,Sa.. 11 seerx. Sheffield, N. K. 1u, *11mt1 SPONGE? • • OMNI am 1 WOLar'/ ACME B LACKING ONCE A WEEK I Ot1t•.r asee mom mem west RIM M AIN WATER. Y Housewife Cou t .ng Room Gana s Owes. Thr.Ry Mechanic Body able to hold a Meek ammo cm AS DID ) IKitON �•'lii iija ?'r r*, Ws Wm.. eta a Now rw.•.aa. One wanlea. ewes AN e...aw.a. ptrwMb eta• seam v.s.wae MI /1e. Wast sew yews .ire S....ye e.sae net eels. a.w' • 5..e. Oen..simimarmainit...........s... - me ,i1��gl� t�4 her Poe asst,.. air. .•!.550 wee 11.1 ea N N.. P. saw: M 1.... r..... Tw••w. .w. tnb..nro,.trr sat r •. e.a, .... mow NUM . T.s era a. tn. M rms. Yaw wa..,•e pee on r .. se,e.a r i.g Me. ass Ilse. num. orae sea eart Irv. e.. WWI I.ww- ,nee at NI rr .r- ate sr.t a. ete- ir..0.5.- i..as.e - ,. Maw sea w..erw.w N-Mastesa est ase.. D.a new r..rst.N, a.155 The TOROITO IIOUZK --1a TIef LIC.',Z2'QQ DBI MIN DPOBIQit Latest and Best SPRINC C000S! .ow on views P. O'DEA., mover r...„.....:...:,..,....•le fttna.t n.gliswillk ns wag,. 1w !��W_!•�me meow t.wiglow aragansa neje...«e.eeie ens ei epees ► �.M,arr.,ea eau a Ma a••ir s endo eau ow ass a• r•' estsaose M - fu�iasm. Zi t `btrr• fare I Yam is t. T5.rr r to thts lac t)f jo> a \r% .lu Never t %h+tsiss'r l wine 01 -hooks a .teem to Lite and 1 tar pose, nee him Foye of t %ad a ism Foe yon Thus. it ie. When H reelable' 'oleo. 1 Ilan his ti Will tire. Wizen we lace tb t nee tors with tY tare to f1 w it1. wY :'110.1 alai %'ansa +yl,i:e the Tempe. Floc 10 fa With lr Neter tui lrou,11 \C tt;lc 5e .+ hand .% ed en e• To And Face to t With ft May we f Panne Face to f With js whew 11t shall b 1E11111 SEIi The teens% u..erakiji!l wn you. qty .1,,e' • fiat tragic find i.:,rk you. ' 1 el whn ha* mar •,'1uo•nl at OW 11 • -Al. taken you 1 . honor. 'I • w Lata Merv„ . t. h. make . , 1 r.s'n. in gr .anti; that •I Ai a .,-,tali I• hr .t ranker •it.. the a:evil fig Ott t,tnl4'( y.•11 A.eat in a 1..1y. in ally sir o a courtesy of as '.5..- are apt to b mkt : to script I :rant.dl... of to s show t. n., t hat t. r. Now th .k mg at it, ami • 1 right that girl .1 thinks of lift i,.•r.lawGdly, a ' on her part tb mover her n.iietal You ,'an net cr fie v : they are the 'v.1 he •iron let kr n Isrlyy anon• .sy y w wild lie .les .sake who has h. It iv the it .1 n los her hear 1 "thank you- i rs when. •nd is .4.1 .1.1.. texture re 1, em of'Rotea t.• n getnernaa e . an nib much ample -stall tit row else. 1� I ale more for tl ill last longer aro y in the end. to buy them rep stores bare hen they .an 1 hnksale prices. Ile softened an. t to Inc.',. on r!! to bete r..lkt Oaten.* mors, i y are thus s I are wore eves el. /'►iMe.a el eta the Geer .tend of .weds NISI Megamp Meth 11