HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-4-24, Page 3• THE SIGN ODERICH, ORT., FRIDAY, APRIL, 24, 18 1. ,CHE30 sa Ong &MO OF INTERFAST TO WOMEN, Wesson et trwees. All is more e wood then it lies been fur Low almost complete, and is tit. and the cheapest in Goderich. 'CW of the Ijnc. w,' Ira,l in M utas, 46 inches wide , in great variety. Table Linens, Table Napkins, uslins. l't, and int uCi• il1K1• •ethos :snit coltli.ari,-.i, of itricrs. a KT. ALWAV ALLOWED FOR CAA l;O1--N ACHESCN �� Ya OF CID, 44 BULK PERFI ill. • one or ). bn 11'1 at: .e t. ReMOT-S .Ir unA IBESTIGif. ter pnlf rtth Isis,, t11y bid ear ACTS JR THE ten BOWELS. iF.6ULATES THE LIVER. PURIFIES THE BLOOD. 1 112,000lcm Gni Fad Lsa� VMS samara. ew imams. (rsirwl. D.tr.N a rare• mod lose tab. R•rttemds. Al prh-es rs••mla4 fru. in t. es per mor. Thse I4tI»I ale • 1.oe to Saterpri.ing Naw Towns. 11,nrs•liee, Neb.51a ate , ori wi0 1 he !tel., o,, lime Favorable Terns &Kir Tib R M. p!IRClIk wont Sr p4. Or es J. W. , .41/111 'ElleXr', V fluky, 11♦{oshom Ids, to Mfr. per a, t etgnia.e ,,1tEet• lrelo!f eon, et sal looms, eft toad to now Ike, larges. W. RUGMANSI Tr -ism- liTiV Warranted SURE CURE 1 ILO BY ALL DRUGGISTS. F, CORE, *4ore Patentee aid Vaaalecturer, t Old Lit 11. X. END V b. si .teens I.lnaply .. . GUanwat••ut ttilthl ..OMI we nal t..Od 1 ou by esprras ('.O.D ...lomat watch w you can eaasela., ail it s do art Sad It all endorse tare It w :Tun for p rfe�` _ me A_ - IPI ti . ad take 11112 watch. Such a ebai*ce W ..carr a reliable timepiece at such a Hahne lousily low pries r seldom. if _ver be. fore, offered. This *e a wen* •A pleb telt' soars mom t metal. 1t has Gelid newest, and erewn. hunting etaticheaatifellp int. ▪ ofd arid is de es are • Waltham style, jewelled, with Sipaa.wa balanee. is and we warrant it as accurate tante leper. ie suitable for either • lady or .•taws. A tee it sent with cash itch. Address TT a CO., -suh.skert sad a.of yylip of paper ltilg. will send p bis eleganour Vger, shoe ELKS RAS; MEIMB NMI These riam are sod wars by ladies and swatter. la p.beet aapsreatr afsare the mime r arm n..pee* We isuara111 Gad w[(at• ecu CURES DYSPEPSIA CURES DYSPEPSIA. CURES DYSPEPSIA. M• \.,l 11; �e.l tt Lott. l•, .et SI NW. rue •oar. sat I- ,,off ea.•r.rnu.,:d,ep.a i•t„,r. t,,r.t I .n, ti at: .Rea 'r,:t,>; •.1 .�,-4*. 1t. m. 3544 0 3' fl' 1 moile req d t, frl.ud• t.• tr. PHA= . , . • • e t•;str' inti. 1„y t araC l ui+es CONS7IPA /JUN res CONSTIPATION Cures CONSTIPATION 1easM Mice very. nese prim, --I time tali sox 8.)3.3. wteb ,,,real ',toner 1.r roostsp.tsua sort plot my hent vas ,mood hods use ova so w.rb brew My bowels new us r/.. Asrb ant the pain 111 m. hams far .oft 1,•. and to.verrterl.' r los sono donate! seroa.t N S. it. Mir r. Wa.ttter. art Biose ter Toroaat Cures BILIOUSNESS. Cures BILIOUSNESS ,Cures BILIOUSNESS Zrlre.t Tress lima1 weptnueb1M torus sat. wo1, liver cuseple.e* years agrees dor of worms. ►hteb 411 us no rw.l. roti F was store all the Mir n.tl) 1 WHO Barites -It Bleat Mires. After taaaea few Leder 1 sen 0, et tart! IoM •iwo sop ulresisea it fon the kW ut r A. 1: Iva e.. •a. Ila,cl•' ,..(Ari Curbs HEADACHE. Cures HEADACHE Cures HEADACHE. A Tseesrt flare. /teas rums. 1 was .fry tui "nth ha.derbe an,) paha an toy inch, my has.:s sot a.. .4.33.1 so I o s)4 do no wok My .eussr•sa-Mw Maoist mei tr o B. 11 1t. With see We" 1 resit .n emelt het$.r that . asst •.e nary.. t arm .em earn. .ad era wort as well r earl.. Amine Porterms. T1lsoolnu , Oink Cures BAD BLOOD. Cartes BAD BLOOD. Cures BAD BLOOD. Pad Blood ma arise Ile wrong action d the e1wt•er1, 1.1.er. Kidney* and itowri B 14 B . ley r.RulsUag ssd i.1)11at the.* organs. rimmed the came and snakes new ale► Mrd. removing ell Noe! ,l*....ea from a pimps, r •ero(uloes mono. MICHIGAN LANDS FOR K.A 1.F. - bo US Addre* be. W. Wyatt aro. Jewellers 1' Otte PATENTS '. twos. ei ADE ■11113 100 •OPTRMSTS '''aisea, soul all husiwes in the U. S. Patent elks attended to st MOIIKRATK t'li4S. sews mare is oppollite the U. rt. retest O► - e, sad ear car Obtain Patents is leas mise rep there ream•, from i1'ASH/AUTON. erste Mul,l!1. OR 1DRA IY/ \'R. N'.• set .w( to patentability free of rotor : acid a•a \O t'NdKul CNLI:b3 M'/; u11- T.1/Y /'A. r 'vr. We refer. here, to the Poe waster, ,hr Sept. L. Mersey order Div„ aid to Maiais of the U. e. Patent phos, roe circular, artrice. crane Med minivan.* to actual climate in you. 3es Wale or Comity. write to le *sew at e1... • t.Gs.i to t •.teat Unica W sif t. nous, l►.0 Cif '4 • 1 pp :.'ice ii.:•i'1i:7:.Y iia_ tNiheilJ, f�lxu : t!'_ SiiR+JiwI di1d •.`r3: T)"A ,nay{•.• h Ort 1 CA1.► n loderich Steam Hailer 'forks Irtahiabed teen mew Hoose.► Pears, workmate aid Nieves in most of the wcedlea stuffs are mew it favor The kartacula, choice of the sermon. it Bengallue, both phun end figured, houe.* it is soft m draper), lustrous ,mut rich harkiug. last not esp,lwer. Ilse leading idea u. the .leslgus r ribbon tltruwu on the loua•latuoe rather in wavy 1..44 u1 tial to how knot*. Sunda s gen comely hroceied with deluges, aied sirs. u decorated d voila satin motifs under tlm: ,taiae of "Sorel. de Barry." Aem,th•r new !vesture of the mason a. silks s the .hut effect which ruin. through all the different verities of erase. Yeller u the favorite tint of th.• session for al •Irr,uy t ilcts anal for tis deoorttson .4 plainer gown.. White. strewn with Imy sprays .d peak ares and forget nlr- 11..ts tut:hoe.1 w a lace like 1,10-•44, s the most effective ontnbisattan for 4 14tetats. Light shades will prevail for Insulin' materials. awl ekes hot, diagonal and serge . dl be used for useful travelling and street gown. The cheviots will have a kind of plaid pattern in sulwlued sleek. et earner stripes, large- wafers or small Rower* Bieyelr and walktng dressy are matte in russet tones of ltglat wog. The skirt, alt.), just reaches t ankle. a fuel with 1. :at her and Inas little fuhsess. The waist s a I...se shirt of wool w elk. acs the• season demand., orad *ler )aide!- mannish Jacket ou pler.rut .lays a uulutt,,iw.l 4nd turns hack m reverse to slow th• *hitt, which should he of sense l.n);ht and hecuumig slimly. A soft felt bat, laced Lout.,, and le•;gu.int e.,n.plete the outfit, 1•eatslh which i, tonally earn a short petticoat and kwrkteheeker• tit• teaser .1 tlw vett It as dultienit W dutingui.h new hats from Is,lutrts, for they .re like tl.t plates with a is.t planted brim of lace, busing within • Isar sed wreath of gay flower., Indeed, the f.,.hl•ei of iughasflowers and puffs of chat:.,,, like oil -style s.uurt (Metas u awe' tees marked in all urea ht ad not mug,•. " Mitten " sleeves are the new net of all new 'dresses. They tit the erni closely and durtwl over the lien.' as far as the knuekir. New .lawss of all kinds are . ery hang. entirely severing the wrist :end :..Ihuq ..ii the hand. and their printery ,e.•atti-i1 ,a art es,•rseeme. as unexpected as it is unnecessary, somewhere between the wrist and the shoulder. The wore fantastic the -n test line the More alepr„t.rl i• their de- sign by fasl.iuu %otaries. Chrystal & Black. SECOND HAND MACHINERI In Stock For Sale : 1 50 -horse -power up rig ht boiler, a complete. 1 6 -horse -power upright boiler and engine. 1 6 -horse -power engine. 1 48 -home -power horizontal boiler, complete. 50 -horse -power slide valve engine, all oomplete. Tho above have been thorough- , tr overhauled and . d in first class oondition. Ready for immediate delivery and will be said (Seap. VW mew wad,e.sv. K.•rl uMien. Waris s Op.. S. T. S. Visken. IL RtlesNe presser assn-_. es P.O. BOX 1161. Weald/re %*.'s. 'slur spew: aloe u a ehtn} of l.stuty-. T1s: le:x aa:t-ta.' shoes are male of l,csvy,dark • t tied silks, and are dee..ratte4d with large hackle& For strut weer the new English It set no: telly delights the eye. let is an all- ,*•und, sensibh• kind of shoe. it is of tine .nlfskin or Ik,ugale kid, w tilt a thick sole, rad hollowed out under the instep in a Man- ner that renders the shoe tray easy. Boots with cloth tops ars also in fever. Tin • .wnimt sprung hang. the sugy ewtu,u •d tholes, and this• year the hats and 14*0• tete are all trimmed with the most perfect artificial blossoms. Rosea are in high favor. end crocuses and dtffo.lik are used upon **.any stylish and artiatie,loeetnets. As the warm, bright weather is nearing rapi•ih, drape windows and glair floors with sheer, tnetp•nslve studs. Hanlsone lam cauda and lace curtains are fie told weather use, and careful housewires are now .coring that* away and replacing these with tat toren more se,wnuhle. Madrwssilk o41 pink figural on an olive greens! would curtain daintily your parlor window , and meted well w ith the painting in the non.. They are most conrenieut run on a slender blas. rami at the top, w that they can h e drawn aside at pleasure. Faun a runts* silk 1a11 fringe, shaded olive and pink, around the lower edge. Von can get a good Madras silk for the purpose as low as 86 cents a yard. The upper part of the front door. as well a* the n arrower windows either side, would he pretty draped with Swim muslin, sprigged or dotted. Have the rods made to tit the upper parts. pull the Swim muslin over them and gather it into the extreme lower centre with a how of bright -hued ril.lmru. ('halliei are more ea4.ratdy nude up than heavier woolens, and are t, he had mow m beautiful designs .4, flowers upon a Mack ground. A seat of Oce u seen with the finer kind. a Rotel effect heimg rows of lee running acnes in the Louis- reize style that has recently tome into favor. The fashi nahle materials for Kiehl' gowns are wools and cottons : of,ourse the cottons. t h•eugh they are being made up now. will Ice awrume. a little later u. the season. 1 /Ingham*. or rather rept.) r. for that u the proper none for the fine gingham* in row -pink. china -blue, gray lorown and navy blue, base fine strips with white ons alternating with them and are counted specially pretty for cotton gowns'. They ire usually mode with grit simplicity, the skirt having a plaid bent for a finish, the bod'.te being 'mocked and a toby frill out- lining the neck. Mew r...sr N.gaIs TIt said Mast eel us lode behind disguises. Same dolt temeaetatly, heat abyss shriek frost. stanliug *u naked pyre,isl leder* Use eur41. Su the) ,clock thinned i. Usually Users are 1 souk which :Areal seer thrus sell sa- ts isolated farms houses, whither tM• 1 seed us lar the simplicities of situs , u likely to lied mere affectations and talc meaner than it. Our est). dwclltap*. '1'h.• .tttttataow ad • quality, of an soma' pit sheared, is is ...sweet roguery. '1 lr oven rogue packs your pocket al h1agsmm of bile a nd seek ititko tett'. But this wan eh.. Ituul( mom your esteem, •drums u, take bums .wrttideu.a. by appearing te le what luta mut, u a rogue w wbtk that he ohms I Buda in deceit tag himself., 'three u the sweet mfautalr crostini who simper* Noel w i ithas, and drape her tlbin W Zook nap front under her tasks, sal IMO all i sourer t.1 guile t.. show you bow guileless she is. 'there is the smug 'landed w*tl*I who talks in ti.r.1 tones, u‘alwuyspositive &MI leelds Nth &Dee l opiuio. s en .ill punts Isorrowal apanious, since the *toms of hes wind isnot eathe direct inn of tangnuns .usy Tbrre are ignorant people who effort cul turned Tine sort of dislm,aeaty gulls oe'y the dullard. Such affectations ars opos adver- tisements of p.a.•rty, since no .ase streets what he 1n.dmasee. A NEW MEXI00 Piel 1 a, PICTURESQUE SCENEAT A STOP OF A SOUTHERN TRAIN. w ty The Miss etlbe Ways. W Akins and Watkins were college chums and close friends. They had beim haul students and had taken little out -door es Breve. When they .hrrok hands mid said gcool-byre, at the and of their college career, they were in impaired health. Both had dyspepsia. liver trouble* and troublesome t ' itk*ns had plenty of tummy. and *lended to travel for his health 'Watkins was poor. "1 must gn wnrk for nyliv ing,"paid he. he "but 111 try the remedy that Rohinsov talks mach shoat Ile. Pierces golden Medical Discovery. - In less than two years. Wilkins rime home in his on5n. 'Watkins, now in the prime of life, is a hank ppreaidest. rich and reverted, and weighs ?BO) pounds. "The 'Golden Medical 1►iacneery • sieved my life at 4 critical 110,.'," he often says. •Y►h, if poor Wilkins had only tried it "' raw weak lungs, spitting of blond, all lingering i. its scaly .ragas, cough., ani A is an arwe)naled remedy. Mrs- .I nut wed -"Ord morning, Mr T.. 1 wish yne'd said Oa nap a quart .4 pots toes ; 1.yrwanaiss milk if you p1'•r, and a mock ek turtle. My hu*)rwl expects company fes dieser. and due jaw dotes on 'work tank snap At nes warm in the year r sold in the lead sed catarrh more prreaMmt !ban daring April. T. neglect either means misery and perhaps fatal re.mhe. Nasal Halm is the only remain rewwdy for their daagerttaa diseases, and as a resterly should be kept in every household. Nssm1 Palm W eared the solo of miner • ere it will rare yes. Try ie The One d simples of Chin see Wass tee I. noshed by Leaden Witham Chin truisms of nespetimg i■ HOepam seine F..U.k rv'•glr Allow a c-..ugl to res with It ,art) 10 yowl the reeds of weak mire The) offers say . '•nth, it Will weer away.- but its MOIR tv,.•s 11 nor. thesis ,way. Mould they 10•,nlu.. 3 IA/ try Ate sue..rwful meaie air soiled knee s 11els,ue, e1*ela la v,l,d •m a left,*ete 3;,11421 411 torr 10 our.•, tltry eu03.1'turwt•.lu.telt' see t he exeellrut r11."•t aft.- taring the tint d..•,. 1'rbv fi0 ani il. Trial size free. At ail d reggiat..' (1 -row) Tbr email coy'. 1rielatlw. It a the small hey who usUall_•. telk thing., and the dinner table it his fa."r theatre. Not Wog ago a ha,Kht tattle fellow peered ever into the .lisp at the head of the table, and evclaiu,.d : •• What u little ehicket, for ss. tinny 'the cumpanyp smile.) surteptitiuusly, and his 'nether endeavoured t.. quiet him,. Cut he era', like Ilantuo • ghset. after they had all been helped .rtu1 ,re punt , his tier sud.tenly lit up. and. clapping his hands, he shouted yes ; 1 kn,* u..u. nlairin+n. 'fL . u the little ehieken that was rids so long n. the yen', &iii t it `" ODDS AND ENOS. 4 brdrr.rldMm. "How mut•h is that rouge Y' asked Mian tardier. „Two dollars a hex, ' sai.l the clerk. •• Very well : you may send two leges ., Yes, mus. And err what is your friend's addr•mt'" w 3y sot Tree. . \Vhy not treat smelt houbl.sas14*11*, Iwm- p4e, bl.Nche,., ..,rue, honer.. eruptwra, realises. skin is rltatto/ue, etc.. emit Burdock ltl.mol iktters. 1t o tilled a ith a unit• as a Iel.mmlpjuuritier at.dg..•• nght totheright .pet. 1t sakes the *kin frightand clse.while also Mtib..ratmg the ruin• system. 2 1 Pa11s►.. He 1',u: htsMwl, nad..m. sent mr to *tell his neer/mat. She Indeed ' I'n, glad to luau It. sly husleuid fleet ter. years age,, anti t vc al ways feared that he went to x pl,s where they don't need.... l'emate. I'misupatiou t kilns many victims. \Vasil off this amid dir•asr by the toe of Snell SurarCoatell Burdock 111k when need ed. 1 m Griffin *after his last refusal) "1 know what it is You won't marry or• I.ecausc I'm poor. You'd sweep' if 1 were rich She- "You'd have to be very rich '-' ■Lard's eseite lrese'm fabeeasprr. •, I think." said Pennington. p. -naively, •' that 1 will write a poem e. the •front gate' " "11 you aren't careful.' his iru- tally nutter -of -fact rtotni mate replieel, "you'll get arrester) for detscing private Property • landlord -1 am sure yogi MUSS have played football when at ei e." Tenant ••''hat makes you think es!" landlord -"Because you are always a stmarter back." ram a A1•..s a semis q rrtl.s In the a.nabweer Lash.- a Plows «leas a Q.sar 81st.,. n .d.' j May r Deily Seg A r•rl.g silos.... Ciao eat the famous eating boots of the Atchison fwd is situated at Wallace. where the train going mouth stops late in Dm afternoon. Aa the care draw up at Dal station the long platform is thronged with the people of the country , of d l verse Maces. Rough ruiners in flannel and heavy boots stand watching the train; cowboys, set off by tombrertnand spurs, swagger &boat the platfolf. and Span- iab-Ameri.:ans. with swarthy facer and graining black eyes, brew agaiust Llys railings, looking f. on tht scene. Most , I. 1. _ et :.11 there gathered are the innndenta of the tribes akin to the -Toltec* and Acted. those migrating people, whose first home was in the northwest before they went south to colonise the valleys or the Met ican plateau -the Pueblo Indians from Santa Domingo and San Filip•. They are quaintly clad in their charas tensile I;arb of leggin" and tuner, with a blanket drr.s for the women, and some- times for the men a gaudy blanket wrap- ped about the body. Some are awaiting the train on the station plaftorne and others, belated, are seen running toward the cars, bearing on their head.* and backs the things they have to trade. They exhibit agisatvariety of pottery. in the shape of vessels of divers sizes. form and patterns of decoration. and many earthen idols of infinite ugliness. They offer fur sale pieces of what the New Mexican curiosity dealers call smoky topes. which in reality is ubsidaaa or volcanic glans, the material used by the ancient Aztecs for t•uttin;; purposes, from swords down to razors. MA\Y N ATIoN.tl.LT110,. About the train is a characteristic awl Motion of . . There are tour inti, Europese and American crammer tial travelers, young sen from the east going to Mus s�asDwsri to try their 1oWefr nncx. and perhaps in the rear can well tamillest of emigrants. Representing the territory are merchants, miners and cat- tlemen of American and Spanish-Ameri- can descent. while opposite the blonds eastern lady. in her dainty traveling habit. may sit a dark eyed olive tinted beauty- with the blood of Aragon or Cas- tile in her veins, and perhaps a darker and not unbecoming tinge from Indian ancestry'. Traveling the.tri-al com- panies, army officers ad private soidiern m leave or on duty. and Indian .lelega tions going on or r'e/usatng from a visit to the great father at Washington, ass current types in a senthweet pitta enget simti.•al.s. Supposing you suffer hem some armee. Suppose at is despcp• is or biliousness or constipation er Gad bloat. suppose you learn that Itun'1Ack Blood Bitters has cured thousands of canes of these and similar complaints. Ile.s't you *oppose yam might to my it ` It .inn t harm your mad in nine cases opt of ten it cures. 2 Foal Father Ito Haley, seri 51 "Non, Robby, what is the hardest stone in the world Robby "1►os't know." Fot.el Father "Vital you think" Bobh) 1'eth, Chir :but 1 can't think harleaio.igh ' Ialsere's sa.ersrM e0.01 by A Spring sure. The cream puff has re owned work m Traverse, sad the ice crease gran is shaking Off its torpor. i111I44elphi• " It strikes ale that yean're a suspicions looking person,'" said the officer "Faith.. and ivery teeter of see a pleeenian weenn tiree doan•asds to want. 1 feel that same way. Washington hot. hInglish Spavin Liniment rest 10% s all hard. snit nr calloused) hasps and blemish.* from lemon, blond spm eerie. splints.. ring brine, .we.en•y, stifles. sprains, owe arta swnWn threat. settee', rte. Save 1160 b3 nee of .ins. bottle. ' *ranted the sweat ereecletful blemish curs der ksows. 3101.1 by F. tertian. Wily (led kredienun ,at here def stairs) "Sal ly, nim t. it ti...• t•' 40 tc bell t • Stilly "Veil, father, .kers dem 1 pot it .4 another minute: yam health. you know, is ower of the nett robust kind. le.tas rlaa.tae. Be particular every Spring to , ben the hoer. Mal never mind (leering the Weed anti, new ' dieser takes hold of yea This i. poor pulley who by .sing Rarfork Rlroel Ritter. the beone1 will be th.wnughly charmed. t1•e i•.dy strength• ever), sari fat ere oefirisg plessored 8 Adeairel Yin VI' iMY. 14w'• W•11 ei the British s•vvyy, is 100 years old. Me was barn is Hata:. M. M - __a4. shisma..s teen Swum tei'•w4.. Almost without exoeption the passes gen ars affable and disposed to convey station. Stiffness and reserve among fel low „ by stage or by rail venial) west of the hundredth meridian. There is an excellent dinner, plentiful and well served, at the pleasant and roomy railroad restaurant, with mo much time allowed for the stay that the travels, titer his ample and leisurely meal, is able to walk about in this bar- barously brilliant scene and make bar gains with the brown and worldly wise eons and daughters of the conntry foo inch oL their wares as he fancies. The Pueblo Indians beaten toward any one whose eye they may catch, hold up their goods. and address him in a langnags mainly aboriginal, with perhaps a few Spanish and American words inter- mingled, but the only part of the die- .:.t Geese 'West. course Teeny ,. . , t =infer ado es A patrolman who was passes through the .. 1sign language.an alley off Beaubien mtreet tbe other day They ark etretaral prima, expecting to mine upon a boy of 13 who had a corm be beaten down to a Lair rate, and they cutter in o0e band, a piece of broken scythe seldom will let the possible ctraiomer get hiip hporketber and an old pistol stuck in his away without . . a trade. "On the warpath.'" queried the officer, Demure. swarthy Pueblo children look as he looked him over. en the transactions of their elders with "Yes, somewhat." gnat interest, the larger girls helping "Doing west to fi ght indlians,1 supporter' their mothers by oarrying the very "Noap. ,.. young children in a cosh made by "\t hat then. stinging a shawl about their necks. rI'm going up here about twost to 1417 strike terror to the heart of a boy who DWiAlt thlok. Ire can lick me. How do 1 look,' The Indian pottery fa the. ware mewl "'*.y..vegu" purchased by the It is 'Do I need it butcher Leifer quaint of pattern. ahs& la its way moot "No. He'll wilt when he sees yea." 01 11 is really besatifuL no material "That's what 1 want- i'Il creep up o. eL wbkeh it is made is a white me. g=syfmi lime pull his hair, utter a war whoop aid fk.ted clay, which the men bring to the roll him 1n the ashes. Well, gourd -by. If fir. who are the pottery makers. 011d 1b.r rsckrt. itnwli11 nen% 1.. me twf.4- Tb. Indian/ grand the "end Ing his scalp Tock." -Detroit Free Yrssa of the piaoss where ate foetal the tenth - that makes the ishateet kiwis. The R..wlae Meet. hunter, a railroad etplu es Klrgley tto Bingo, who bas just move& mooting suddenly woe these natives em - -This 1s a pretty nice bones you're Rot, gaged in digging Olay for the purpose is, BInMM, Inst i thought you said you wee. likely to remember the terror asd oda aotng to hay t. Inatesd of paying rent. eterO.tion which they eziibit Bingo -So 1 ora But 1 int t. pa} she The molded pottery is bored bo workman est-llfamey's Weakly. sheep's dung, which is fired, and them it is baked. The tnalerial used in making the striped deigns is a decoction from certain green not whirls the ladies' call wake. It is pointed upon the res- od., .►.el., and in the baking it tarns black. 1'be be pottery is Sade by the Aooma, Zuni and Ooeiiti Iodises. A gong cloak. at the station. sad those who bare not already ned returto the can dirmontinoe their s or bodily conclude their dl.egnees •1llecendsein•e any rings ort• •All ebeerdr and the lamerdm inter the cora: bat eyed as the trda moves slowly oe the sem ths car still lad through the wisdoms with the aborts, bow who at the time beso sea dl+.ad .fitlmeltb..ayt _fit toelles othste Tap teals bsadwer, the idle %NM MAN rp=al Gni sees ilieattrw via Me sinumblegi lb wt br _ M Ill■ned fres Lha 1 mg easily ems le r st lee p...... at D, dew alai r Ibdha Align eselrel a .■rrl�t leellg legal ea lbs tion ee the tails spree enibowrd +sten rs swift valley et Da Mr Or..e. ttrynmd allneeerwas,innwee weer.. t HIS O11111 - Tim Meer oma Cemr sas1 S. reed a in A1v.mtys. i..rtag rho balcyon days .f tM roller skint." rink 1 was 1u the tickab office of • dal In Louisville wbeu • num noose is rad asked if be could hire the flour for use hour. It was about) le o'clock lo the fort soon, sod after some flgunug he was told that he ought bare it fur flu. "I want to bnug a friend hen and teach kite to roll," he ezpli mrd, "end 1 waut at understood that no one is to raise a baud to help." That wee agreed to, and be paid the money sad went away. When Ire returned, ten minutes later, be had his fraud with h ien, anti be selected owl pair of rollers, strapped thew to elm wao'm (art, and atm • tattle led hum out to the center of the dour, where there was • aiogle sedum) reaching up to the roof. Herr Ise loosened hi. hold. .1 ..I kick with folded arms, and said. "James Bums, you are a cheat and • liar: You fled tea out of MU & year ago!" Look, het e. gun. what doe* this weaa!" demanded tn.. other, who war •rliugiug to the poet for support. "It means that the hour for my revenge has come et bast: James Burns, you are s scuuudrrl: Yes, air. you area eoutemptf bits miserable wretch:" "You --you must be crazy:" gasps: the vitttm a* he recovered from a "slew" made by one of his fret. -No, sire Far frow It: 1 plauued this to get revenge. You are a low lived, misers hie cur: Words fail to exprea. fey errs tempt for you:" The other mute a more at him, but "sleeved" right and left and cane near go Ing down. Ile got a new grip un Use l=ost and stood there with his lege wobblog and tremhltue The other ete.dfa,.tle r,' antell aim for a long int mute, and 1040 exclaimed "i.iar, vitlif er, slanderer. I defy and spit upon you"' He advanced and spat, and then turned on his heal aid walked away. The othrt was so mad and helpless that he +bed tears, and be offered an employe him to some and help him mit down and get his skates on. This wa. ag loot tbe bargain. however, and no one went near him. He Rut as mad that he decided to try it alone, but the instant be let go of the poet one foot .bot one war and the other in a coo Crary direction. and be came down like G block of stone. After ten minute. he got his aketes off, and t hen lir c across thr floor m* hand, and knees. companion bad disaple'arel, lest as ready to follow after him be waved band to us and •anal; "1 will hunt hill L 10ad hist 1 will skin tum, and use his akin tor lash bait to catch bullheads with!" -•New Yeah Bun The Last *Mees. A prof.aser was exceedingly amazed by Om fact that matey of the students left the l.citatiou room daring the course of bis lecture. Ile appealed to them in different ways, but in vain: some few still persisted In going out before the elueeof the let-ture. Finally be announced at the leeginuing of the hour that in place of his ordinary lett. nre he proven' to preach a short sermon from the text, "Theo art weighed and found wanting." Then be added, "Gen- tletuen, you will pirate pass out s fact as you are we.jbe,"-New EngIaed Maga 1.me. SAMA S Y'A.TE 8 ANNOUNCES THIS WEEK 4t„, That he two opened oat rx• r; grocery Departmen u"'tr*+ ?'#9r �pRs.,. Jl..a.s.rt u with hu •++ '. HARDWARE STORD, When will be lept a full amok of t MICE r.t1I11.a. OROCEBIY'±. �ayr'!t,1at.rts!' produes 1.4,11 b. re. Hb Wiwss.mesa w111 as Iur became sane to all 15a i ......a ti BOOTS &SHOES CHEAP FOR CASH X. other .her• store can to m.pett in prier, .duality fit With S_ CAREY'S_ .t IuII :meet nand of Ladies'. Gents' and Chuldrens' Boots and Shoos of all Lindi Now is mock. 0 - My Motto is:j SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK RI1r1.1 ' I .• ..! hake tit.t . L.•. _.s.1 to order at the following prion : bdit; Men's hand -sewed Bals. or Cong, at (net) Men's machine -sewed or hand pegged, at (net) Women's Kid lace Shoes, at Boys' Grain Kip Balmorals, at - t \II ..pard i.en•-•i ;ten uc. Crpainmg neatly done. JOIHNSTON CAREY. Wholesale and retail ' cork EABO1VS,nffflJOVS e. Sothis. Teri New. Mrs. de Visite-Good aftern,'on, Mies ()lank: Is your mo'bher at borne' Mies lilailk-No. She has gone to Mrs. de NI egg's progret<aiveconversation party. By the way, what sort of a party is that, Mrs. de Viaite! Mrs. do Vieire-It is one at which the soovenwtion begins with art. science and literature, anti progresses. very rapidly to lash lour., goaaip..ndservants -Good News. A Jest 1•r.ishraert. Herr tVamperl fell violently on the ley pavement. liking and . uboing his bruised limbs he cried to 11.e mom ietur of the house when he Slipped "It 'wrens yon right that 1 should fall on your p.rrment. Why didn't you end, ear ashes over it!"-Fliegewle Bleat r, Q.a.tl..sbe. Praise. Composer (to his frissd)-Well, how do you like my esnatat Yy doer fellow, so ora will ever play 1t after yea."-Fliegsade !Matter. e ■le M.vm, the sly Wats. Shat risk. IS eneenmbie ase amt snag /may. Dr the wee. AM yes Wow theta die reams PGA Warbkh IMO III, krona • rets► hoe a dew jp.. et wine alas be tea Fie li'(l R- 1. tit. time 10 strut. the best Harrow in the market. The teeth are soli.! '444.1 atm tempered. Every tooth stamped STEEL and ware ranted. Tine and quantity are limited, so tht>,a• that wish to be ,uppliisl not -t call carlc. $14.00_ €$14.00_ : i • . , :•• • . I • • ., . i . •• • • • .:t' . . •. !' '•:•• 1.: •;t��'.�a'�. •'., ,,,,�'e These eebbrtsd STEEL TEETH can he fitted into old Harrows hoe' $5.00. husk L f genial otti•r, and will he open for it short time only. Who woold not haws obi 1(arrows nude better than w hen new t (_s:kJO-tf D. K. STRACHAN, . HAVE THE GOODS. THF St'D8('RIBER «18Hti8 TO AN\OI-HOS 1. New Goods Suitable for the Season. FULL LINES IN ALL DEPARTMENTS 1 •Io lint quote prices or make a specialty of low priced grinds. 1 aim at keeping ouch goods as will give entire satisfaction, and those *ho arc not glaulourvel with a glans anti sideshow method of doing husi- nemm: will, 1 think, appreciate business done on business lilies. GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. And strict') one price. Will but pleased to show goon.*, and no one will Ina importuned to purchase. 9064 ..A... 14. V �.�RO P • Draper and Habse4eeber. CHANGE OF BUSINESS 1 THE OLD AND RELIABLE £A8'T.IT. FLOUR ADD ?UD STORE RAs CHANG= Hantt6. The p`�',sre t»Mesd tart the bot (hteed air hha:.i'.n -r.� owned o. b, A. Ir THOt. J. VIDIAN, w wIll =1.- la a0 )t neseebse at the lath to 1M .f ah�ays `begsw the MOM abs al renew pepna. tis s was V asaHleee a▪ b▪ ack 7 as�WW itil.m'o1 *4.4 .nil Owl elwsssea .n• 4.:Acurratit,ts�it ea Ir nen sees... • ..s., %-suer *err. ►, two a. e. a.u.0 eons Ywort 000 a 0 ..wr. ar• neer. a..•. het •n• • 4..yorik .ns era w`move .. 11.111-•••.. •11 se. b. w, j...1 ...vs. 1,r •••• 4.“0.1.41•1••• •..et,,,•. eo r ...,e.•,. .r... ....... See.... tx 1..e.M M•,.• / N lb •••••,•• ma A1111.1. eelt11181.1= •,.. W. _ C. SEA ER, -05*.e la 11 eLessle- NEW BLOCK A. S. CU,'LI.mlk , --ot.yeeir. the Mone to Lend __-ar-- baa Pm': iotlr Oat L: