HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-4-17, Page 7a tario, scribe. HOUSE IIPORMIL Best 1008 1 EA, *mm 410"`••••••01ealMissimassms........._ : TB1$IO14L: gODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY APRIL 17, 1991. W. ACHESON SON. I'M VERY SORRY •'' 'et ',,,,,,,r,,,3 ov.., , If * , G ,,.., JL Wel; We open in /to& today ( APH I L 17TE) Oar importation, compin Black and Colored Kid Gloves, Rouillon and Princess. A Broom, VirtAtinWeydir; ror qtrowere' 1. Jiwinsislow• pApE118--1891 p.; 7,1k47",..f BUT I HAVE TO DO IT. LOOK AT THESE PRICES AND WHAT THEY USED TO BE. Some 'Useful Articles A Scrubbing Brush, bc. 14c. A Stove Polishing Brush, 10c. A Whisk, 5c. A 14 qt. Dish Pan, 20c. A 2 qt. Pudding Pan, 10c. Thew gond* are warranted. are unalthiefactory. We exchange or refund motley if they SELLING AT SPECIAL CLOSE PRICE. " W. AC H ESO N & SON. The best is the cheapest, and The Signal " is the best newspaper n Hyron, Perth and Bruce. THE NETS' CORNER. At iforty.letre. /Koester .1. orsoorrrad 'Halt rry ibe bugle% does the column's lenie h ; And nothinit loth to halt and met am 1, For summer', best bath somewhat taxed nu strength. Agil log tbe duet, ways ts... lore me lie. dew OW glittered when the missies boa Called reveille toped the waking day ; 1, IMMO 111111fideire doe 'beery morn. The birds thseteMed She laglirsondelity , scented violet% with eyes of blue. That breathed sweet Moaner when we trod disco down wilder:rod bode and blooms of brightest hue. Tar prophecy of heeses radkaat mews ad ad 'bat made the earlier ark g ligbt Save tired like incomes of tbe row bonra. ad many s bosses field of deratei sum U.. between woody and anyorel flower% or all it. promise. seeralaic tweegbt os rare, So on Ito sow &ad pierseet shadows peso ed , ambushed Mee lurked la each woodland fair : 0. every emillag plain es saw Mem moaned. standards gay. war's bright heraldic pure Our obit...ern% with sold aad silver drew. re met arid tore in butte's furious raga Mood trained aad marred with dust each glittering meet. he light reuse hearts that made • Jest of life, And laughed at death. when we broke may at dawn. 'benxed are Mob .tri?. )r hushed where /0111E. merry geese for valor smarm' • sheets of wilarede td loitering berg a wine et "ram le ewe." I note the shadows falling to Ilse east ; bind rise. I. Seam the hill. whose trees Promised no glory, 'reedit. and love sad peel*, ; iierdroaed as osi.whest MEW was bright. To certainty Of victory sind met ; ad now -We saleroom ; twtIlsees he ; Aad 1 have posed the mem hill. waving crest. " Poniard r the bmdes toll ; reedy. so ; Tor though sur step bath lost Its springing 5011. I ec more prompt to marek. Waal. Abe/ is.. am to miestiost or to heehaw Yet. whoa 'woe belted trooper maw by. 1 1111 =7 "Yrs. warmed by the swift hersile trop And bail bis with the Westerman's ere- "liocomrade. tall me bee tar It le to came deo /me Palo Dvslt her. beat troubled with .une Back for Want six months, and ..oueht 1 would try fiagyard's liefloW Oil, .hick cured ate. Aas now free from all panto, and recommend Yellow Oil very 2 FLANK PAUSAL, Winona, Ont. head et Nis meneen Keen a had boy le wood of bevies • geed •,,,ther, no matter bow often he may At -1.ry h�,usr how conscious he may he that h. is not what the would like him to bs. " You must have • nice mother, to bring ',11 up to steal "" cried an appie-weenan o. • he corner to a boy who had just pocketed forbidden fruit. Re turmoil upon her in a rad cried : " mother bring me op tit steal ! Why, • h. Jost talks and talks to me about being • bean the thee 115* up t&I1 I get off to ho.l Why, ale makes es any the Lord's oreyer aisd ' Now I lay ase ' every mighthe. e jest as paw as • mimister. That's • he sort et wealth my mother is l l'ake vow old apple ! Yo. tay mother weed Nein sty mother end VU moth year obi .imed for you r The Pew at gleelss. children should osely he tangle ewe s linoh. A very little child ran andentand that •book must we les thrown we the flenr, • tont, or beat haeltward. or wiehrimted 1. he fifty small wart is which Madre. are lennitted to abwat Beth babies la hitches are doe quite as one to imams.* ea the part Of parenah Those who have me interest or abeam Ise inoses themselves are mot likely to expel it /mom their ehildrea. A reverence few limbs se part of the hors gee bawl them, and peo- ple wise have bees knight IT ha " M. 'here ef hooka. or who spend umeh time realise or stmly„_w11 naturally hem& • beak romertfelly Mmeneenee heist Mall their children shill de likirwisa There le lho frobtoo 44 yeCtegnile=ydaltlill,k mad ads aim hr psons of whom me would °VW SONY Wage Tee essolhe after • book is read it is allowed to lie about the house, and no especial effort is made to re- turn it to its owner. That • book should be returned as 1100111 as read, lust as partic- ularly as ow would return a tool after wing it, or • garment after wearing would appear to go without saying. let it is not always the caae. And it is right to Instal that oar childrset Should be exact in this respect. That they shall, after borrowing • book, oover it neat- ly, if it he a nicely hound one, treat it care- fully while in their posseesima, return it promptly whet, fiuitdied. This is not only justice to the (weer. but sack will go far towards raking a child particu- lar about the property of others. Itch, mange and scratches of every kind, on human or wane* cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion_ This mow fails. Sold by F. Jordan. 96- ly Mew tam. Never whip a child wiles it is in a tan- trum. Playing with cats iU give children ring- worms. Remove egg stains from table silver by rubbing with salt_ Apple peelings thrown on the stove will perfume the room. An extensive nut and fruit diet will cure elukireti of the fidgets. A beg of charcoal hung up in the cistern will purify the water. A feat diet will clear the • and make yea more loving and kind. A weak solution of °oak acid vill move rant mind fruit stains from linen. Never drink water that hoe been standiag uncovered over night in s roam. A maiotpeaseroi The following is taken Mien a letter from Mr. 1). Davie, Wit} tiairiant. Man.: "Being per- suaded 10 5.. e Pectoral Belem for • troubkoome i, I was entirely cured by the use of two bottles." 2 The other day Jno. Shine. McKillop, re- orived a message stating that his brother Daniel. who had for some years bean hold- ing respowsible positions on railroads in the YI astern Seethe was accidentally k illed. A Pretty lerlarreee *.o. 1. Wed. The best royal bride, Princess Louise, of Schleswig Holstein, is diligently preparing her troweean. The wedding dram is to be very plainly made in cream silk eta thick texture, the sleeve* long and narrow, the cellar • la Medici, the skirt ell veiled in i - old kw which cease from the Queen's treeenr•-boues. A very hog court train is Islamised to the skirt, end bordered with 'cranes bioesonse and myrtle. Simplicity is the order of the %shine 01 4)., Royal High- ' nem' oetilt. The giving -away toilet is to be • i7irliah white costume with • tiny rose- . bud bonnet. The under -lino, Win be as exquisite as fine stitching, beautiful and delicate lace can make it. bride elect ie • tether pretty girl with light -brown hair, blee eyes and delicate pink oomplex• km, • plump figure and a meet animated sad pleasing expireasien. And These Bargains: The Best Clothes Wringer in the World for $3.99 A Set of Mrs. Potts' Irons, 1.10 A Set of Mrs. Potts' Irons, Silver Plated, 1.49 A No. 9 Wash Boiler, my own make, XX Tin, 1.98 .A No. 9 Kettle, my own make, 94c. These Seasonable Goods AT THE PRICES MARKED ARE OR THIS ROW SU RE SELLERS: FOR NOD VALUE 1 dor- Knives k Forks, $1.29 I doz. Nickel Silver Tea- spoons (warranted), 82 I doz. Iterseert Spoon'', A Silver Plated Butter Knife, A Brass Hall Lamp, Handsome Limp, Library A Beautiful Toilet Set. A Nice Kitchen complete, 39 2.49. 2.49 1 wu4.0ring OUT IN A FEW DAYS A LARGE NOCE OW SIT.117MIR• w WHICH WILL LET THE Borrost 'dT OF HIGH\ PRICES. AM HERE TO STAY. AND WILL USE YOU FAIR. THE PERSON WHO PAYS CASH GETS THE BEST. 1 A Kitchen Knife, 5c. A Cork Screw, 5c. A Bundle of Pictire Wire, 25 yds., 5c. An E2 Paces Packages 5c. Beater, 10c. mter, mer, 10c. Just Opened 17p THE FOLLOWING LINES: Bird Cages (Brass & Japanned), Nickel Plated Copper Tea- kettles, Toilet Seta, Spice Boxes, Kneading Pans, Milk Pan& Cutlery, Mixed Paints, Kalsomine, And a Stock of Brushes. ALECK SAUNDERS, favorite apple tree, which he much prised, was robbed 01 4*. fruit. Ou the day follow• ing, after service, be mildly referred to his misfortune, and added, -If any one present is acquainted with the poineesor of the fruit, I lag he will inform him that he should retain it for eight or ten days, when the flavor will be materially improve& TAKING THE CENSUS- - ThwIrrials wad Trthettattoes elms %mouser. /mon TUE HANIUMS NrIKTATOIL) " I b•Ve CONDO to take the census of this family," said • young man with a portfolio under kis arm, when Mrs. Finn opened the door. " The cinema, is it," replied thniiinmen in a ponied tow. Then, 1, „that it would never do to confer lipsoraws, she continued : "Fax, there's Wee • wait 4. 144. how& l'a either Linda' 41 10 Mrs. McCarthy beyent. Bat if I had it here ye wouldn't gm it. Who Met ye ahber it, tallyhos', wid yer stovepipe hat and yer airs !" " Excites me, madam. You evidently do mot understand. I am an *sent of the Thi. .404.. I come to-" " An *gist ie41, peddlia' bakes. Faith, men dear, I leers no time for Tunas'. Wid washin and niesidia' .04 .4.14)40' the saner Obi time is gesso inanely. I know ye year divik has to live Moog wid the rim of um, but if ye were to give sae the bake free fur °otitis' I oneldn't radir 41, 7'.. that *lomat o"molledge." Mrs. Ffan stopped to take berolia,and the YoungU.5 took adreetage of the Weak to • drive • wedge of logic imto the mover- -- Isamorts ILMoomoses I I Mee& make. Seed Weeds Ise Obis. "1 eply want to kaow our Christian Mink your mum in ball, and whether yes have ea kaki or middle mane r said lin "Firhat's that! Ye waist to k.ow me Christian as...! Fame, man, do ye tak• nee fur a emoso-eyed baythin haggard! Wye think have say ether aor a Christiem name In this blessed memehry ! (l'oem Mee Finn gassed at the made • step le hk direction es till XnaZ exclaimed : "F.xcesee ns., but is your name Molietansis, or McFadden. or Ann - Your mother your best friend. Hare witting to do with «4)1.who web their parents. when at Tell tteestemeatee things you know Do not expire yew brother so he se dainty as a girl. Exercise, and Never try he leek aa if yes were in delicate health. Introduce eves7 new to your motheren as was peimilds. Don't thiak it is aseemery tome married. There is pigsty of leen for aid maids, sad they lire efteu happier them wi,es. R.hoyU provided far yen by your parents to the fullest eldest They will ilhe thot as • relwarel bettor thee any other. Mast fathers are inelthed to over indulge their &agleam Make it impossible ter yew father le veil you by fairly miesraing hie illemstam and adholien. Never this\ yes lee adiorel to he: 4e a helm (1...-.,e, hoar well dreseed= • mils ea melee a Galls. leek like silks or MUMS to • hither Sr brother. De not eporrel with yew heather; 40 .1 at lin sod de mai saddle hien hides yew Mend, .04 4. sot expeel hise to he yaw esemmt, nor let hien enrage yea le he his. as Amities glIngstate. A eartena mileMese hod 1111111114110 • die peettlen awe* saltWagg wee ewer karma le retie his teneptic o. a flatendsy might lie pwellie wee %mem lain sod • milligaitit, it is sot,- interrupted Mn. Fins with • scorehil toes of the load; "it's Mit Pim_ As a dacint • name as tree a mimeo had, Ind no Mace OT Ithe two talk to • gam Biddy Finn, se more, 00 1.5. The made his first entry, sad harried enwerii with his qesstions. He t be hod et Let get lira Finn into era mood "Are yen a widow, km r "A eir, k ' liegeren I hay' • ewe ea 'ed make two like yen me laddybeek Ye may hey' the la -Ma% het he bee the lege gad serums, sod • aid am him Me mood side of • lemma e' beer." lira Fine had hem serprieed hito a:gash declaration and the 4). vs •• hkreelt so am fay visiery emir legamises weines. We ematiemed : "Of wine osier yew Mama ." " num I modleatimly replied Um ilia " Mink link the mike • way other billmem. WIIIM he dome be etenin' home tired Irene the quarry he does he white aa the wall wid the wakenene on him from the bard work, poor man But robin he has the dbrop in hini it rises the blush in his chake like a red row. I seen him tomtit' all colors wid rage when the goat 'ad be 'atm' the cabbidge. Yo'd think he'd been a Chinese or • nagur be that black in the face, and small blame to kim, fur (him mats is devils where thar's cabbid no they are, and ow tint wid grata ninth the ..sue is tinder and juicy and mikes the nanny give platy o .glory be to the sante ! and when the cow', milk is scarce, the nanny's milk is bandy for to he pattin• aut. tay,eo 'tit and if yell hold yer whist, me lad, 111 be vela' ye • stip o' Use nanny ntilk, ao I will, You are the mother of how many children broke in the young man upon the smooth flow of Mrs. Finn's monologue. The question but started her finestcy in another channel, aad, hardly stopping to catch her breath, else started in areal. 'Well, there's Mickey. Divil • finer lad yell mete nor him, sir. It. heady he a at kerma' Wicks. Sure Witt night I ootch him sinokin' his father's pipe, he's that handy. and be ao young." "Is Mickey the only child you hare !" "He is ; God blow him ' He had • little sister want tliat. up with St. Bather now. It's mighty quote about chador, sir. Some o' thine rea arsead berelegged wid noth in' as thim fur shelter from the wind or the rain, .ad they'll be fat and inipidint, so they will, liko a pock goat, and divil's the horn= '11 some to thin' atoll atall. And thin agin there'll be others sell be whistle wid the could and crewlin' under the .Move to kepi the breath o' life in thun. Arndt, good day to ye, ktra O'Brien. Here's • gintlemin .i. akin' me pedigree and be puttin' it in • little bake far t' he *bowie' the Qum* et Wayland, fwhile she'll he sa- tin' in her geoid chair wid • eager to be kapin the flies off her. And d'ye mind the van pin he has .14 14). ink in the handle. Wed ye mind showin' Mrs. O'Brien Use Yeah., levitating', sir! Oh dear, oh deer, 41. 41 iver see the likes o' that. I s'peses, N,y. hair' • meow ink bottle in Om handle r While the two women were examini foomais pea the to pet in mother question 11. was sof gutragissesor aletwt, and be hamened to wake Where were you born. Mrs. Finn r• said lee. Comma& o' miles from this spot, • maw Voissands o' I .1.4)1we; there now, so I do. Ind ye iver hear n Mimi. la liallydur. Ms lad ! *nab, ye silmithl go 1. 14). jack goat fair Ism 111017 year, wid the goat up in a esigs. 554 4)4.. obi ribbons 'rimed hie meek - "But, uny deir modani," mid the emu inerator, impatiently, "all thie a of so in- terest whaMver to sm. rm sme taking the iremens of the goals is !retard. Piero be hind emosigh to tel/ nie If you were bore in Xeliyiluir"' "Faith, I wee mot. Blare I drew eve nest *0.14)40 Kilkerren shoot els Irish miles frees Cernak mod the same ameher 01 .44.. bees Comma in the openly o' Clammy, Omen' weenty people think& Kamm"' is Ms Cemsemsees. nod by the mime token, there was • brave doetlier iu Corn* while ehe mew Use se illezmat lag He'd be tellke' ye Ike 'MX ye'd split yer sake isergithe. Be wee always se humpy as neketty's told amd es Mindy as dhry terf. norms, l neemher moil the snowy Wei ho alike' Mee* 4*0 wem-kgri dusk wid Medea eyes--.). "Rest ram Time -" 'A.411. emiwoe kg tete Is the alias el -vcr ms.r-s-r his body all the mune am it might he 11 4). was welkin. on one athilt, and when lie'd dip hie head fur a morsel o' corn he was that high "How long have you been in this wunt ry!" cruelly interrupted the enumerator, who W5. now in a state of extreme 'Fur nanny years, sir. More nor ye'd wunt 04. yer fingers and toes and more he- . sides Mike that a nie husband, air keen out afore me, sir, sod .int nee the money to come afther. If ye'd aee him and he meet - in' me and grabble' me in his arrune, like the ;rattly hear 1 seen in the show, and him cryin will the beer. which the Name be tuk fur to kape his couroge up fur fear somethin' happened ate comin over and 1 tum in the say ! dear oh, dear '•You say you have heen here niece than twarty years, Mrs. Finn. May I ask how mach more ! "Shure ye ntay. Ask away." "Well !" " It's a dacint chap ye seem ti he, and it's mewl( 'uil tell ye ; but it's so long ago thai I forgot it entirely. If come around in about throe wakes I might be able to find out. Ye see. 111 get me little eon to write a letter to me sister 4.. Kilkerren and find out fur ys, if that'll do ye.- " Well, Mrs. Finn, you probably think toe very inquisitive. But this isn't • pee- wee! matter with ine. 1 am hired to get certain facts, and if you will simply answer the uestions briefly it will greatly oblige o Faith 1 will, me lad. You're ped for doing it, and why wouldn't 1 put an odd dollar in yer pocket ! Of course it's Wear 10 4). oarryin' • little bake under yer atom and ..kin' impiclent questions nor it is b workin' in the quarries or ptiddlin' fah. But the taints preeerve me from harrom 41 111 be penile • 'threw in yew way,.. lad -- Arrah, stoop yet- blather and give The man the 'nolledge be', +antis'. Troth, ye're as windy ea • Galway fiiihnoanin," said Mrs. O'Brien. "tio ea, sir, am! Ill soarer the quartioa tionelf and save tiMe fa r ye wilt not, thin," spoke up Mrs. Floe, angrily. "lt be mann' in nee own home to bellyrog use, Mrs. O'Brien. I know me own bushman and it's well ler ye I'm kapin' in. limper." The young man spoke up hastily to quell the rising storm with another queetioa as to whether 34re Finn wee suffering from say acute nr chronic disease - "De's**, l.it r was the r*,, with • profound sigh. "I'm stared there's thing the matter wid me heart. Whin Mickey fell down the eastern the other day, and 1 &thin' hint out wid • clothes pile, I was that frekened me heart jumped up like ea if 'twee playin' l'ap frog in nie Cense It went Camp. temp, sea me ribs, tIII t'ought 'twav comin out o' Me body. Tide, whin the weather is wet I have the rhe.tie in me two knees Mere, 1 tried ivery. thine. mustard souther mod viumpar ma Ur Borkira nil of glowlevas, but there the pile eari, like an aehin' tooth." The eau weak. Goad wind 11 ao inner He arm., howel, sad started for the rimer. MK Mit mind "Come back. Dir. There's wen o' the katily ye didn't yet." "Indeed ! Whet is the mow r' irked esmoiverater, limgerieg the threshole. "Silly rilm!- "msremd ar siaglier "Married." , "firm ." "Wise yearn Mr." "And you my be's "Yin dr. He's the hilly pat." 11- thL'4)41 New Designs and New Papaya Pr 111 at a price that any one can purchase. Good papers at b cts. per roll ; better at 10 cta, and lb cis. HOU81 WBLL PAPHRBID 18 HALF FL RN1811HD AND COSTS BUT A TBIFLII. • - Our samples of Wall Papers, Borders, Priam. and Oiling Now tions are now complete, anti we think it only a pleasure te ern ,tamples aml give prices. • , .1.1",;;A -- FRAZER 86 PORTER, Central Telephone Exchange. Court House Syuare. • • of the system ingredients as Prepared only by 111-1Y INT.A.EV CONDITION POWDERS, The best Sprit; Medici* for Horses and Cattle. By their use the appetite is im- proved and all derangements corrected. Carefully prepared from such are not injurious to any stock. GEO. A. FEAR, to GEO. RHYNA8, Next Gao. Acheson's Dry Goods Store, PU BLIC NOTICE •1 Another large consignment of gi Fresh Teas of superior quality. In order to counteract the dis- honest practices perpetrated on the public by peddlers and others, we are offering Special Inducements in Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat- 4, ro agP. S PRICE & SON Kays Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square. Orders by Telephone promptly attended to. Cattle Chains ---New Patterns. C.osscut Salm-- All Makes Cutlery---Tabl sand Poce t ---In Endless Variety. Chopping Axes -At Your Own Price. General Winter Goods -Stock Complete, ALL AT SPECIAL PRICES 1 R. P. WILKINSON & Co., '44 Hardware. , 4 D'AYIGHON'S CHO OF WITCH 111E'' !it lit perfect kir bon kr le rnioval SUNBURN, PREOHLES, ROUGHNESS, AND ALL IRRITATION OF THE MM. F. JORDAN - MEDICAL HALL, OIDICFLIOH- r i=isTier=es earns* oil Wade of fureftere et the wrest smalida prim DO Sells C3=Lear Far mon Xe beim the tzlsa4Jvidlertaker Ihnbalisms Fluid uulwers Mtn do tislit =arts et Fianmes Olve hiss • can beam mieetiogimg sem reel w ned ses gay* eels Gime IMMO. la Menhir ems sod an Iler their ant galimmes4. Moo Is mom . GEO. BARRY, r7r Pre x"""r* alnii tOn ° .4 .4. ,01