The Signal, 1891-4-17, Page 67111
I. 111��
00I.313ORN113 EROS_
We wish to intimate to our customers that our
spring stock of Dry Goods is now about complete.
We are now showing an the new shades in
Dress Goods- such a. Heliotropes, Ynl
berries and Cornflowers, in
HenriettasM Brocades, Lustros and Alpacas, which are
the correct thing for spring dresses.
As usual we take the lead in Print, and Sateens.
We have a splendid assortment in new patterns and colors.
Wcream e are showing setas of Lace Curtains, in
and white, f 67 from 50c. to 35.00 a set
Also Madras Curtain,, Curtain Lace, Scrims and Art
We want you to examine our Carpets in Bruv,cI.
Wilton, Tapestry, Union ami All -wool.
We keep Groceries and Hats and Cap.
We buy butter anti erg..
McLean's Block.
He has got in a fine line of new
goods in
Mother lot of Wall Papers. Win-
dow Blinds and Curtain Poles.
Borders in gold and fancy patterns
2,000 rolls of wall paper at acts.
roll. worth 20ct:s.
James Saunders,
Mould ret almof
Armstrong's Improved
- rAT.0.-
hl -it allows no foal seeds to be into
the chaff which is of great importance to
eery farmer who w item to keep bis Tann
1.o It eaves and cleans all Timothy seed
ifro! ay ktad of grata while cleaning the
grit Fur Market elesalsg it remoses Cockle.
times and •breakea grain. and gives the
farmer the greatest ooe•Ibie weight for ho
grate with no . loss
Mb.-- It will sample grain for show and seed
purposes equal to hand picking.
MM -Cleaning seed Wheat it remos,, all
Cockle. lltastard seed. Wild 1'.,.s. W ld
Flax end other foul and ahruuken ■rad
broken grate. sna gives the farmer Purr
clean. seed grata.
Nb. -it will clew Oats. Barley. ter thee
Gaettly without west* of greln.
nth.-Clrantng Pease : It will seta rete the
mud, quartered. halves. Oats and whole
Peas from each other. tarrying each to •
didbreat enmpartasene
Ohs -It its perfect hover seed Machine. re-
nt oviag all dost. Meas sad dead , osis
and ether seeds. larger or smeller lbw
the Clover seed.
fits. --it le a first class Grass seed
Mows so Deeds ewer.
MD. -11D a good rias seed Machine.
Iota. it is a drat class chaffer.
I'M. it osn be fitted Into the eldest fashioned
Fanning Mill that is Mid said* as Reeler.
anti make 1t do the market • new Mill.
lith. .11 can be attached to • new Marl with
out talurrng It. tad ata be removed at at
time as easel as a three combined. It iw
dons not interfere with the use of the re- d
polar sieves of the MM. +.
1ates.-Its ale, es are Dearly all perforated to
tsar. --it baa • eapanfty of wlrty bushels of ; t
grata per hour.
IMh. -it 1s as cheap se the ordiDarel Fanning s•
Mill sieves. la
17th. Kerry Machine le OVAa&XXT'Bgo. w
Rend your order at Dice If Tow malt It this of
seasmif ynn have not seem a Machine oak
to have one sent for inspection, sad that you Ice
take it on condition it sults.
in ordering by mall and laud* width of
shoe of Fanning Mill. th
Mai. them Wrebwrt,
\lane poems. myna writer on household
topic. in I Wmore•St'. Monthly, use 11
starch 1..c c.strae clothes and laundry starch
for tine nue:, while others thunk that, all
things c.osetereel, 1. fry starch in better
for all clothes, and more ecvnnwtical. The
former tante war very;, quickly it the
clothes are left roiled rap for any length ..1
time before ironing, and causes them to
tura yellow, 11'he, the starch mourn the
only remedy is to put the articles into the
wash again. as neither airing nor perf
will stake them even t.,lerahle. N nth re
g•rtl to the process of starching the writer
Laundry. stares is properly � b
Milting the necem.ry gtnotityofofsWeb y
cold water until it u it site dissolved, th
adding boiling water and stirring c,ntu
ally until the opwine white of the mixt
becomes semi-transparens, and the rtarcb
thick aintast like. jelly. .Unset every Int
dress has • way of her own for matt
'tar i , and aa tenacious of her opinion
to what will make it item without su.•ku
Was, spermaceti, a bit of tallow Bawl
'rat, sap, lard, nil and a score of situ
articles are retonut ewdal, each w..In
laving its advantages ; but the most *imp
effectual and inexpensive audition to star
IS kerosene, • eieescrtap oon(wl of whit•
sttrrrel in two quarts of starch immediate)
after the (oiling water is added, will pre
vent sticking, and 1. (seductive to a ti
finials. The gloss whirh diad
tensional Ia iii Ic,- work is produced�
various processes, one .4 whit•h is to ono
the articles again and • again with this
boiled streets, Truing it m as long as 11
material will absorb it, and then polishing
with irau made especially for the purpose.
l'oll•r,. cuffs and shirt -front, nay be
treated in tits way. Other garments
usually require hut little starch. Table
and hal linen should have just enough
Meech to he smooth and glossy, but wet
not be at all stat[
card.. et Mas.ekerpl.g.
The keeping of our hours usually- .1
The reusptra, W furcal dimmer, while
Ih.y hull a rightful plane is ceremonial
elegance, are to news • substitute for may
.savereatteaal sas•tiag Nan is the • nt(rt
t}w��a__rt�tatt�� to the (caw at nae of her
urwrrmg rooms • tartlet of social inter
mune. It r not heepltality to wily throw
open .tine's house at • certain bout , meth; se
perte>t as the oombised art of the florist
and the Lederer Urn make it, and namely to
want,, light and feed tine • geode But the
hotter inhere a traeud may be •eked to dine
11 a Wipeoinpt 1 way, elating the culinary
hsrtune.. of the uuHueut, without aueiow
thought of pFreperatitw, ausl where '.,aver
reason supplies a stimulus beyond the pow
er a the Wrest voltage or the nn m perfect
clef. to the' hese of true hospitalities
In the autobsegr•phieal of
great taro awl Wimiteu, the «-.nersati. .
uedeutally heard w chillh,.nl is einem
always betel es Inc of the chief $
formai n yr tnduri-re Mr.. Stowe, .lames
Freemen Clarke, lir. Hak and many others
have shown this to the rowel er of their re •
imine•erreee of early life.
It i• a. quasi w if any child was ever
t.t ght to think 1.y the spectacle of were
m trial entertatuu.rute. Rut the atmosphere
of Meas tbat is generated by the alliuiou,
and .onu,aent, and narratkto and wit of
bright and otitis -steel people is the most iur
portant of e.lucative wduetc•s. The friend
who drops. to to slime the simple dinner.
whose only preparation u ate laying of an
extra plats- : ani a be is • ii o" on the latest
etcavatto a at Delphi or Mycrtaw ; o the.
p,cwutn an.l th. literary work of 1se Rea
vdle ; esu can dtacus. Tolstoy, latest theo-
he o
ries, the Ion ti fel aid the sense behind it ;
the Italian situation or Sir Welter's pear-
led ; who can talk of Str Edam .lruuld's
latest pntcm, (4xtpanug it intelligently with
hw former great epic, or .1 the Ietett de,eI
epnnents to electrical science, 1s the guest
who truly ortlagttetlt,. the home. and enables
it to offer, ton, of its hest.
It is .a.1 whrs a hourrhold i. so in bond. t_
:alfa to things that the fact that the rook is ill,
and the mooted girl gone 1.. her grants
mother a funeral. and the culinary depart
meet thus at a .itstolcantegc•, will .tervr to
reverse the h..epitahty th-•t under tuore
tt.p to cin untstancca would have Il rn
offered. tart• year guest breed and milk. if
you w Abou: give -him yourself-youriutertet,
youraltt••urno.. your nim "apathetic response
and h.• 0111 Ile happy. 'lahor•te &liners
are ,assay enough procute.l. fhey are to
Ix• 1.•ught•eith a prate at any corner. rut
the rultiv:it.•d and responsive h.r,te,a can
r..• her -guest that which n.. twine) can
it'c 119 VV. all smiled acct Mrs. .Stowe',
ntory o1 the time when her learned heehaw!
le -Hight h.msr ttnecpeete.11y- *ma wander-
nig sasatit when then• was little Inst lithe
toes and teats terse: Inst it may (t• faltered
that tea and potatoes, with the permute of
Profciaor and Mrs. Stunt•. would suffer route
uwwggtnc tranafonttatiou into the nectar aid
anibn,sia of the gots. Amin -tom ruttiest-
eft •by int Weer,
to %Vhy not treat cool trnu}des as boils. pint
ure ploy, bi..trhre, .ono. humors, eruptions,
1.. rashes, skin irritations, etc_, with liunhte•k
In Blood Ritter" It t4 filled soh virtue as a
"t blxodpuritier midi/nes right tot he right spot.
11 It Wakes the skin bright and clear, while als..
tife invigorating the entire system. 2
Aar %atom stumped Mia.
uttt SaysJucdge Re•irards. .: 1'hioogo: "1 was
Ir, ont•e a justice in Kmiec county, Texas,
eh when a littk man was brought in by a eon -
nstable anrtwo assistants for the offence of
y caning two revolver.. 1 told him he must
pas• *2 and liar the wwpm.. At that the
tae little fellow broke down and actually cried.
,. Finally. with the team streaming down bin
by cheeks. lit. stud : •ith, judge, jus' let me
t lot.l 'rro go oil -lye. Ma ggiv' 'rut to me an' 1
can't boas. without beatnik thein jos' ire.'
to 1 conrente.l, and the moment he got the
weapons he .tratghte,td up and. leveling
them. yelled : •1'd like tow ear the gga�trot at
can get ma's pistols now. Now Fun a go•
in' (in my journey.' Nobody tried to stop
Thr naso.. p.$ IMT la t:udrrkb
Remarked io a friend the other day that
nits knew Kri p's Raleam bit the throat
end Lungs wan a superior remelt-. as it
stopped her trough instantly whets other
cough remedies had no effect whatever. So
to prose this and convince yt a of its merit
any drttpjgist will give you a 8.ntp le Bottle
Free. targe size 50c Medea. 2 -row
In a speech at Grimsby British Secretary
o1 War Stanhope announce.) that the i:or•
eminent had determined that every new
vewwel built in England, which wee 10g
enough for the purpse, and the owner of
which was willing to accept the 1:orertt-
mcnt's cxttditiona, should be fitted to receive
a• taalent car the shortest o tire.
e -
.•Ives upnn one member of the family-. Anil
it is safe t.. ma. that no problem among the
Malty that are wow- lamg considered by
tl girtftil women ie int difficult et solution
a. that of how to uake\the harden of house•
keeping lght.•r : and this article is written
in the hop- that Dunne suggest ton therein
on Gun••i toay help in the whiten' onn-
o,t•(N•trked housekeeper.
I'.toI.tless the burden of housekeeping is
h.s5ier than it need be fornany women, be
..bear, from, their mistaken .conception of
the real pirpxw of housekeeping, they
ngl.1h adhere to vet -tails
and set up a tale! standard of excellentr,
e rite* 111-1. 11. .1. Lincoln in 1 o.e1 House
keeping. But what, then, shall we take as
otar standard of goo.l housekeeping' NM
something which hasten, the anJntion t..
ae harem. and well furnichetl a Ionise as
1Irs. .t , and kr.ejp, at nany •en'ata a.
.1,I: : DO the .leeue to out -shine Mn..
m 110 Iortlliauey of her silver, t he pwlbh
.n her linen and the lustre •,f hercook-stets:
or the attempt to excel Mrs. i) in the
t es t ure of her bread, the variety of her cakes.
and the rlearnean of her jellies : or the
strife as to who shall have her waahiog
u the• line at the earliest 1 , and her ear
•te up, cleansed, and down again, and house
tanning all ' .me by the 1st of April ; or the
•t parese to .10 just es much in • given
me and the sante way- es our tnxrthers did :
el to rive es elaborate entertaumtent and
do an much church ant charitable and
Harty wrrk $$ others do. No ; however
adaiole this ambiti.0 rr emufatittn may 1,e,
e tt hous•keefere should not cherish it as
tint impewtace.
No matter how unerial our louses nay
un exterior appearance or oftener arrange
ttwnt, lel every lionsek niter strive to forget
ffer•mrt fir o.-tal position end style of
furnishings, and remen,liet that. es hoose
kree er, . inn .rn• respect vie are all opal.
For there is .me house intrusted to our
keeping. wht.-h in the night of its builder and
owner in ..f unnre iteatrty- and value than any
mala of w,etl or it. ire•, ant that 1n the! se
wher.• .,Mr real list ale errl.
Goderioh>l, Ont.
_.� GOODS.
laments to he
e`•��wy AiiM Pslfsat des
.... - I%. posit
T. Make a eerie ..t .f • Meu..N1d.
%%10.11 h:. rC '11 1 enark,,i that "she of
rumen.* of a hone are the friends who fro
roost it. he embodied died .rte of the deepest
truths of d.rne.ta, life. The wry -going at
moephetr. where a friend ..r Iwo may amp
in unhidden 'tel . 1, awl Aare
the emotion* of the moment, is that atmos-
phere that stimulating to mental and trial
sympathies'. It is the that is
especially edunitive to children, developing
their powers of observation an.l exprwnrt,
and their ettewtkmi to tope* of eons ersa
soon Many • hone whet* formal enter
tonments are, for ioagei&•ence and
binary are yet Y kartth els( gra...e
see sal life as are the Imams of ig erase sad
Snppaing you suffer from motile dieeame.
Suppae it is1)-spepsis or hilinn.inewm or
t•teat treat tern or o had blood. Suppose y. u
learn that Iterltek HZouxl Bitters has
enrol thousands of roes 4.1 these and
similar complaints. ihm't you supreme you
ought to try it It rennet lana you and
in nine rases tett of ten it cures. 2
An I lustre report says that Mr. 1'olby
Ilam retired from the (•shin't. 1'. 1'. Re m tars & 1'0.,
1:,:,n.t:n:,, l take phone re ing,xi. inggmy
testimony to your well known M1.\ARI/S
IAN! NILNT. as I feel that it savr.l my life.
In the winter of 1807 I was *necked by a
seven• pain in my left side caue..l b} s fall
from a holding during the pre. inns snn.-
mer. 1 got relief every time it was lathed
with the MiNARIYM LINIMENT and
eventually(` sural 11wee of only a
few Imo titer. Tho limtoent hes male metre
wonderful cures. TBow as 11'.414.%.
Shetfirl.l, N. It. int
M1eard's Idalae.s cares Ittsrrapre,
\Ira Ferguson. wtdnw of the late Rev
Nen. Ferguson, and fatil). of Kirkhill.
Idengeery, lime taken up their reaidetnse in
Clutters having rented Mr. Whitehead's
cot tags.
rdk.rlal Mw Ids....
I.g0Tj.Cw[x. foot Hair en I'. t el low
toll is worth 0a weight in gnld for both in
tenial sed external use. During the late
i� (lrippe epidemic we found it a most ex
tallest preventive. and ter sprained limb.
rte., there is nothing to (equal it.
1CN i/wnature ,
Fwlitrr Reporter,
2 lii•Iht (Alt.
A special census of Mo ntrmal shows the
ptpulatinn to number 911.308
M.tag 11.nasag.
fie particular every Spring to elean the
hone, put never mind thrsaing the Mond
until netne trnnbiewome disease taken hold
op you This is pew polka when by weft
Retnbnh HInnd Ritter', the Mond will he
thoroughly cl.aa••d, the hotly etrangtl
etltatl and ht
THE FARMS N 0011412.
e tie I:•.• Mad I►. URI teeter. the
IL..abtater. to ► at Tavels teat
fov.ry a•tew. dal Frill -Grower f..J.
whitlow Yowls.
A ball to wrereut the extermination of a
plant rated ginseng has been nal a motel
time in the Ontario Legislature. The bill
previttas that *wept fm .we ..1 clear
Mg UT tut. ,itrg land Into videos w, pear -
em .hall, let weer. January awl Net her
any year, rut. root up. gather or ry
the plant a hetet er saheb Ina)" be f, grew •
tug to a wild or usoultl.Reel 1t .a as
explained in the that the t i, In lib -
wag, sh,.wu in l:mg1warn H' ,rya .t( ('an to have I. uutertant. 1 dw•liswl,et
account of the taserie..:f cutting the plant
.rut of waste
An invt.tttgunnt into the history of
the plate gineaue. dieclw•w the fact that
it wee lot -newly taik.l puma quttquelollum.
Lett that it ha* nem bw•u plated lit the getttts
araha. The rot of the plant in ..f in-
terest or value chiefly as an article of expor-
tation to (Idea. where it i, supposed to pos-
sum; retuarkalote virtue•, in the treauttestt of
nearly all dimmest. (her mut gives hill par-
ticular. of the. appearance of the growing
[Mutt, ita dowers and its r mots. A large trade
in at the pc.w,tt time dens between the
rafted States and china to this root, ant sa
the plant grows freely in Canada there is no
reawoa why this t•ountry .scald share in
that bathe
The habit: of the plant. ginaeog• show a
fleetly rvoe, from i to :e inches long, which
throws up a simple stern about a foot high,
which bears at the top three . 1
leave,, ea.•h of whirh has five divi home. and
u shall umbel of greenish
white dowers, which are .unsteeled by email
berry -tike red Guts. The giurnog in Ontario
GINSENG 1ARAtJA1 UM a il,,t . , JAI.
is a perennial herb growing in rieb cool
wcexts, and ura.ionally may be Otto at the -
s eles .s( the roads.
The Chinese guucng haat Luger root than
that gr tw-u in Ontario. it darker in eel tr, and
near the heal tuaally with two lateral
branches, otherwise resembling the-ttuerican
kiwi. It i, unsettled whether or not the Am-
cri.•wn and 1 ilium specie. . dgies eng are klen
tical. It is, at lest, remain that while the
former it only agreeable in ta►tr. and per-
haps, useful se a Will .f ttachit•. the latter
enjoys in its native eountry the reputation
,d a panacea. The aff..:iots for the cure
of which tt is most esteemed are elic!t as alb
usually treated by aromatic stimulants.
'Deluding dtsp•pal•, vomiting aol uerrou.
disorder. A gotel many tanu..n. cultivate
:he plat in different parts of the Anse/1-
.1M l•unu, and f urge prod:are made
front a gad crop that is properly har-
vested. Be,iles a great .l entity is
gathered iu a wild ,:.rte. ami h_• plant i,
r:teetr.I _•J the lead-ow;n-.. The great
folk of it is imported to (Lina, a; very little
tit' it is uteri in Um pbar:a...,,.ada in this
country, as it is r ,nsieler d a aq; trfheits
member, whilst in thins with its 'Incl.'
population barge quantities of both the ua-
tiv.• and the imp 'rte.' is tired. 'It would be
advisable that farmers in Ontari•, should
beta site Letter acquainted with the plant
and if not inclined 1•..1ultisate it as a crop
to at kart prevent the total. gter uinatior of
the plant at it is an Imp.ortaat article of
c. onneree.
Mettles Fowl..
Twenty --five years ago throe beautiful and
elofitaole fowls were fairly well-known
thneigh tit the •country, but they apparent-
ly fell int. forgetfulness. Throe is- h-w-
iessr. an effort being inane t t revive the in-
terrmt, and as they are well worthy .,f 0 that
...kohl not he a bard task. These pretty
fowls are auppse.t to have first been import-
ed front Sicily, and those who had them at
that tins. stay they wen• the l.t.t rte;-prndue.
rev they ever hal The.. torts are o.f tier
general idyls. and .ymmetry .1 the Leghorn
family, the adult narks weighing from do t'
seven pounds. the hens from (.,tr ell a half to
six punds. These nh is large. round, "duped
nearly like a saucer.- hollowed in thee -roue.
and with caul'. erwtgbt gates about the
St(7LIA!t t.x'tc ♦urn BUN.
outer edge This is • feature,
and is p.m. sed by no ether reneg ise•1
bred. Behind the n,nte, is a very small.
f - .'tut. enough to show and to
stark off the brawl from the 1.eilpb.raa. Tb9
clean shoats are wink o r in kit, though
young ebiekans have nearly yellow noes.
But the plumage, even more than the shape.
,lktingatb.b.. the Sicilian torn the Brown
In oder thl. treed mere nearly nelealdsa
the 1144I1ro Pestelles' ifamnhtitrg than the
Brown I ..ghtwa. The tww.t feathers of the
rock are {peke lay. the hark the sane, the
haeke • lighter shelf. or tbo cram mtar, the
tall sslkl black, with Wetness airtime. The
breast feathers of the hen are • light straw
or pale almna, the beetle very similar as
the least sad •nterippd, and the Intel
straw enkw irregularly penciled with dety
brown .r grey A very attentive plamtage.
Bot tlrle breed demerves te be revived not
s, meet ne assonant of its attroeti resigns se
open seemed of Its p rs.tkal gwallte•. Pul-
lets commove* 1•ylmg whet from on, to six
months ..M Nome few. of ornorr,, rens
more enter, hat In general they 4n net
lay as *arty an tie ligtm r•., One who ha
hired,rmn, wlvlr and White Wan
dolt,. I*ngdhanm, Plymouth Roe•k., Black
Mit,w,sa and Ruff feminine. not. Ito rant.
that the MOlilann give him new. eggs with
tie saute ati,ttrwi and fend. an.l more to
winter than wither of thea marimba Te ma
up the whets matter, wo have M for
K are le be lain!, a lien neenb•
Lara la she^ el* • swigs*
en shoat a ppauned handerleighern, with r
mage tesseallbeg that
of reOuiiaa Fine flai Hamburg, elbow fey
remartabiy real& layer, au•71Msr, rINNN•
ably hardy, saawheg .s a early .g►'•
gaud, practical fowl, a pectally fur the ase
who entirnatw valla eddy urns the oapa-
duty for prudlsslls t of sop The above en
graving represents a typirel pith tot tiotliau..
The ameredlel Fretit-Ur.w.r t►aatt Nave
Kv.ry Owe of Throe.
AU the tools needed sod mod by our t.M
metiers ware as •u, sod an augur, and with
them they wuald ,xatstrunt hotter and re
pair M.lgh., wages sad , all
this probably murk better Mao they (setkd
have duan it with a full ser of carpenter's
sad wage n- maker's tools, If such were sud-
denly ghee to them. To du the best
work requires nut tidy the proper
tools, twit alto .kin la their* the.
The average orcharlfat probably has
nth 1. -roots lava nos oneneRo.
few If any of the for the care of
trees here illtwtreted, sad be may get along
very well without, if be urn a common peen -
Mg ad, knife, etc., properly . Yet the par
session of perfect tools affords not a little
inti.taetioa to the one and it often facili-
tates the work wonderfully. The implem-
ents ban shown are such as are in use by
Berman orchardists. Fig. 1 le • pruning
saw fastened to a handle; Figs. 9 aol .". are
tree pruttertt similar to the 90911 we have lu
use in Americas; Fig. 4 u a sort of book and
.•kieel combine!, to be fastened to • Caudle.
and teed in pulling or gauging oil' aup t rdu
ars epronta.
One ut the greatest advantages which the
I*arwonion of these various a , , s t
curs, ie deliverance from the iterew ity of
climbing all over the tree". The work can
mostly be done while .taming oe tie gteund
cc on rotmnnen stepladders.
11.5. -Tu)l t. roe TIM 01eitsli -
Figa . and represent two Myth; of tree
.eraperrs it which there are a great number
in use. Figs. 7 awl
9 represents sti
breahes for brush-
ing the bridles of
trees after the bark
has bent scraped off
The one h. fastened
to the rod of • long
handle, and taker
to be used high
up among the
branches; the other
is intended for that
TIME eat-an44 pert which can be
rsaehah by bans) from the ground.
Plaating 0t rawb.rrlo.
Every farm should have • larype bed of
for dommestic tier, if not for
•ode. This is the season for raking new
plantations. and the planting should be duns
as follows: The melts alb looessed and
spread out and plae,.d in a broad, .hallow
cavity, taco inlet deep, In the loom soil.
The fine earth is drawn over the root sad
preened down firmly. The crowns of the
plants should not be buried, nor 'Mould the
plant be set above the level of the surface
on 1 the hilltAs, or they will be thrown out
by the frost in the winter. Rome persons
plant them differently, aa thus A trowel or
paddle is pushed down into the soil and
pressed back and ftwth to make • nar-
row opening. The mot are rgread, (an-
wia, and carefully put into the nar-
row opening, sad the roll is deo premed
olo.ce up to the roots The rods in any cam
sicntkl be trimmed with a pale of shears, as
the Dew rusetleta will quietly Mart from the
all .ones. As snout a. the ted 11 planted the
soil is raked with • sharp Med rake and
esonehed around the planta A light "whit -
guano will be found ex-
ceeding effective h. starting • new growth.
AU the runners whirh may appear should be
rut elf, so that the planta may mama vigor -
ow (Meth. The plant Mould be set at •
distance of twelve hushes apart in rows terse
fse4 apart. 1f matted rows an. desired the
n est year. In hill culture, whu-h Is by far
tits net maim tie., three plants see sat in
a hill twelve inches alert, with sperm of
two feet ioween the hills Racier good
cultivation the foliage will join and rover
the loll alnist wmnpdetely ant wasan.
wen the winter erriea the plantation
to protected by a cxo.ewing rat, laves
brush • light brsh rr march bat, but nothing
. befell is mod Inc this purpose that metals"
weed.. ter mellow trouble m weeding w111 is
ranee! hereafter.
vera once..
Net nose bat ebo g hatters /n the roma.
Aa ill-dttiwg ocular In etren the mass of a
sore breast and a talky berm
it is not • gond arpsinant against growisig
roots for sheep that it ousts ton mach eD
grow them it w111 pay to pasture rear far
the Semens, upon the principle thee p ep .
?rand is eheapar than darter's MBs.
FwcoMwgs all the old bans that show any
inrlimatlna to est. Chilliness beheld
are werlb twine • own as than (tial
Meir advent • month Nair Mau people
M general amine b Mee Idea nal M r
Doot. and Shoe=
All the leading lines of the best
I carry a larger stock and will
give you better value than you can get
anywhere,else in the County.
Ordered work and repairing given
special attention.
Q S7)
Se. y
1M •q
El to
11:0; i
tea d
LO •
W Cti Ato
d ..
"The Signal," Goderich, Ontario,
Is. the Best.
Only $1.00 in Advance. Subscribe.
Abet Peer Teeth.
Abecemed tenth, especially in the tack of
the mouth, and more especially in the lower
jaw, shall not be left in the .mouth after a
reaswahk amount of skilful treatment has
failed to eontrol the dacharge of pus.
Chronic abscesses discharging pus, which is
swallowed with the saliva. are t•er (eminently
allowed to pass unnoticed. and serious
nay arise from this met
slant assimilation of a septic poison. If the
obese.. cannot be ental extract the tooth.
As to when to extract teeth I have only
lo ay that rime it is decided to have the
tooth removed, the Bunter it is done the
better. 1f 0 is designed to take gas. the
dentist should nut be visited immediately
after a meal, as the presence of fool in the
etcmach is likely to result in nausea awl
vomiting, which is unpleasant for both the
nperator and the patient. Take gar on an
empty etonar•h. A Dept let.
Dr. r. Low's Worm Syrup has removed
tape worms from 15 to 30 feet king. it &len
destroys all other kinds of worms. lm
asere h•w 1,f.• -
N A OaiAT LA0O0 Swell*.
NO SOY$NNIO Rtgpa1n1na0.
Olay MT Ills, wOMrl ifs ammo".
esu awe asn� te.e toes...4.
caws M .r. ter A... esp. A.eiw
a... s.d bow a..., ?eh*. c•1.
•w. e,t•r.Ma.•.f..ea wire
..t *see .«. ..s Mass•
T+ ems ♦m.te.Aart taw
t.s. _ao.._ ya..w Ewa b-
(�!r�ss,�� t.. taco, monis aa.w it w
•waby Aa• es... w. ye.a.w
acs .can l+. Clea w.a lays. fns
..x.11 tbe dew. t:f .may aw merle
9•1•••• arms.. mm.
N. it asthma ar • w, Ma NM Mar.
--ta Twt-
L� anIlsTC?
LateN and Bait
sew ata flee.
P. O'DELAA,g..
=twee�e� Owes leu • rl•.r eunm..utM N •ns+ • .Y.�st a
t sna•• ane ••f..ww\rr`��, .r s. r Mawr tie
*•eat ant y.. 111 Tie
M tY Us .la MM•
�we�a•�as. � ��e�w_ �• r*a all is tM •sA
It k' wG.-tlY1Ma