HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-4-17, Page 5POSER ()LICE gh area R_ refilea, t►a Use Dkeer rtul r t. s tee Is& MI trout* to reuneu d Ib. mut• d hh bloody ✓ got Ike of we r. r'serious:, l heid a e i the maw w! of Lbs der guard. is origin is "Mace, s a ( let nom la Lary ear sl of tits spits mis- t at tb. ie (ants,. ie nitre' l;agiment, Murphy', if hostels, erre! as 1 'idle. rin a.b.eird It suck s bud rata l fannee. Powerful ruck abed hour.. s spite of it offl.aals ly ketoses Moms fur Bposer Ma neat has box tstnietara sal ,them w uapurta- of••, to the erases at when e elm is *meat epi. le edit - •%d7 pre- • 1144, as prorates* raw hes ID the It. nearly with lie boon sea .et1 *Jury se there. bow that in)lienxa .ice mala M of 13- . resCJrl L rf Kali* e B stub Mabee le a1 C. P. Pacific Brush . nitrate Dame tie feet- o'Ot's8y Duelled WA alb their bi- t reeve - mow .-,i rawl by But tis advises tai« duty w ender r Ruud! =war ar d armed teethes* loosened The de- s Prince whether of TM Magmas is know- n . ht red skis d Vats of a wiring h al t.. D d thee 17 mss model rbrosb. P si sed roe the die. Agrees Rim maim. r coupes ir now - sing N Ma llslas- M tea Dame laws ft N I fest set 1 Mr. saiwd tee 5 My Me- oM1 • THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY APRIL 17, 1891. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE ti...t.e.iean MU. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. Dare M. (PIM 1110 w iwsi. DOLLARS ▪ 0116000.011110. • OAAO& B. E. WAU(!R, GItN.aAL MANAGER. GODERICH BRANCH. A (ka(aAL BANItwsD Bu.RIc.a TRANSACTio. FARMER.• NOTEa DisoousiVaes. DAFT. IM USD PAYA*L( AT AL. POINTS IN CANADA, ANO TN( PRINCIPAL was IM TN( UNITED STATE& GREAT BRITAIN, FRANC(, BERMUDA, as SAVINGS RANK BKPARTMEINT. DEPOe1TS OP 51.00 AND UPWARD. RECEIVED, AND CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST ALLOWED. s.TaaaaT ADOan TO TWE PIINOIPAL AT TNa .s.0 OF MAY AMO ,tovgm..a Is swam YBAn. spNlsl AMasttioa glean te ins Collection of me sRiorelal Paper. and Farmers' Salon Nota.. R. S. WILLIAMS, Manager. TO ADVERTISER/. Notice of changes must be left at this t )dive not (Ater than Monday pant. The Copy for changes must be left not later than Tues- day west. Casual Advertisements accepted ip to noon Thursdsy of , ,s&h wait, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Soweto Lel This OM ee - ... .. .. 1•'g. 1 W. Acheson k tion 7 essottatde Goode --A. Munro. .. . .... 3 Imoo and Shoes -& tawniest .•....... 6 tt.•dured Prices -Met k rlaunde.. 7 -.nasi Wanted Iles. W. T. W..1.... 1 1mynas Coo.11tfos Powders Geo. A. Pear -,:.rrware and reser flood. -Jas. t(suader. THE TALK OF THE TuWN. .1 Thier. Orna5, v.. la4„i sorra, ./w faith hill in rsl ,f, The Royal Tempters of c :odrneh numbs one hundred iurn.l.*s in g•wd standing. Mn. John W. Vat.attrr left .n Thursday afternoon to out relatives in Woighatn and vicinity. Mrs. Quigley, of Manchester, is its town, the guest 01 her sister, Mrs. John Mac- donald, Huron Rua.'. Mn. Beckwith, of Wiaghatn, was visiting is town Let week. she cls. visited ('lin- tat and Se.ferth duriug her trip. J. P. Luby has returned to 1 hiagu after spouting a few weeka u, town, the guest of his n.otker, at I. residence, Huron Read. Miss Kate J..bnsGw, who had been visit- ing friends .m.1 relativ in the vicinity of k a.ra..li.•r du/ tag theist three Weeks, rr turned home last Wednesday. .Janus t lark ha* spent the last few days in Buffalo, N. l., asl reports prospects goal for next swear'■ catch. He will leave for the fishing grounds next Friday. Do not fail to r t Geo. IV Thonmin with reference tit buy a bicycle 145 can suit you, All styles prices. Cane early and avoid a rash. John Morrison left en Monday last for Mis Leff,: undervests and hosiery a e grand Haven to take A position on the M. Wend It. ref H. Royce ea wheebmsn. t;. ( 'an 1plague A bosom i'k$II t(T. -The toast useful Rift and F Md:regor left on; Wshwsday Gtr yon tae make is to give a Wirt Poo. APPIT the ■ante place to take positions on the same to It. McGillicuddy. /bodcricb. Aboat, the forever ss laokotionan and the of course vuu always want a rood ph -to or Liter as tint trate. cabinet. Well. thew. Stewart keep+ them cos steno. on hand at all studio. KnA.En lh•T l% ear. A telegram has To THE Pasteur. Call and examine our been received Fes• pnstmaat a (-ampbel from own and 15w1 tette law We can glue you any M 1'. Kimbter a SL Paul NI inn. that i Jetta Phalan sad Ales. Riddell', jr., Jean J. Clarke, who W hems lett this week fir Chicago to take positions es The liar for .nee tiny, left w on lake I1). for Tiverton to tab charge d The Watch Neil Mareog, a sayeeki, u is Iowa watt- Deas, which elms he M. tested fee $ year lag tar the tag Joss,as he intends to take$ on trwiL We wish Ow Nw editor wary penia . am ler to Wiener'. U, unease, of ow swim, owin , *ahem sed Abraham hataht, 01 q ell be Ktsoardire this 1`e*setitlely wore fa 4 kNiat Leh tail wok- wttl Hays shortly for the season. Hie bead 1N. 51orl7 d 1 wwlen ch mrien w' sl i. Year. ''has Psyw, jr., let Let moslalny for TMy were over._ to attend tb hseral tri Buffalo, where he has seared a primness a. ebur bmotbr asac at llmmatfor'sL i nth the steam barge Joke V. Moran as lookout. have again returned to Chicago. Win. Ralph W tau returned from • vont Alt{out• PIo.e.r : A party Yarm New l ors and outs Tahoe and brlerl a the Algen.pwin hot reit erea te Mauves bass this (Friday ms'sung for \'anneals I W "stearate the bir hda) o ,Judge h Mus Annie/:rabam, who he'd hems riot- het of people all trier the District In wall Ing friends in the vicinity of Kincardine for tthe Honor airy many happy retutur of the past two weeks returned hose Inst ) B.1' J tole and The 1'nueer pens wit a H y Hoa,.L N..Tr». Mesas. Aakenhs.l A (.u. W. Thoman n's I:ederia t.. purchase a Ing I.Iyhlne, bicycle of any kind. apt of the best families in the world, and u sure PooTI'o.LU. Theliterary contest hetweon to sire horses of the very Lest quality.. .. the "Y.'s-awl the W.1'. T. C. hashes,mpost' Dexter, the well. knee it trotting stallion peel fur a week and will be held on Tues owned by Elijah Martin, of i.o.lench. will y, the 28th inst. he on the roast this sesa'tu. Dexter u a Angus Morrison, who had been spending haalrone horse and inherits excellent speed the water with his meteor in t:oderieh, left yualitis from both aids of hs p esligrre., on Satsnlay for Holland, Mist., where hes ST. Ii711w.Es warm. - The annual vee. engage' In the life -laving service. try meeting of St. t:eorge's church was hell D r. M. Nicholsn, the West-st. dentist. on T April 14th, Roc. W. maks the of the natural teeth .t. Young in the chair. A fair rrpreeenita- a specialty. t:as a.lminietercd from 9 a. ni. 11011 of the congregation was present. R. for the pamlcss extraction of teeth. Radcliffe res.' the statement referring to E. C. Coleman, of Seaforth, had a Brie the church finances, which was wl.tptel. span ..1 dyers en the Square Weetnadey'. The following odiculs were appointed : If he comms up .1 little later in the reason Agohors, Ik Holmes and Jos. \%tllian.0 : he limy tind-r,mening W match 'em. rector's warden, R. Radcliffe l re-t+ptw.inted,; A number of horses appear to have the people's warden, Three. \Veatbenlld lar run of lite town in the vicinity of Britannia I elected ; sekamaa, P. Hardt, (:sate Porter, J. Road and South-st., to the terror of woolen I Davison, If.(... Jam. Shrphanl, Dr. R. Shan and children.What's the matter with the the (test house to I:undry have issued a neat card with de acriptwu, pedigree and note fur 1891 of Derail, 'sew their registered tt 1 *Wilma and 1 Irvin aanlent race Rorer, %anwr. %auwr comes from oi,c nn, F. F. Lawrence, 1'. 'regrr : deletgatea it. S. 1\'iuianu. rhe to synod, P. Holt and by' -Lw ` • organist's was increased to 1,(200. .\ Ladies. clean your kid gloves with votethank" was tendered the choir and Mather's Clore I 'leaner, for sale only by John no R. M. wiltams, steretary, for their err . ehrru. .41e, a full line of dressed and vitas duringg the past year. Mesar.. irr "et- utwdrencs l k id gloves in all the most desire/4e and Rath:line novel a resolution rxlsreee• shales. 02-1m tug the regret of the congregation ter the John Kellittgton, of \\'talar, arrived in town sustanatd to the death of the late 'r. 11. town kat seturdsy, having wear"' the \'aenEvery, end the •Ierk s as instructs l a, position of engineer on the new tug whit' ergot a .copy of the resdutuwt to Mrs. Van is being built by Wm. Marlow. for Mr. Etrry. Crawford, of ',Viartoo. wW IlitiNatii \\'r regret to state that the condition -cif 31rs. tt. Perk, E 15th street, New York county clerk Adamson u not improving cit visited Canaria taut year, and awl the mach, and his many friends will regret to aMl Gortuur to Ick u y something which learn that 'luring the week lie has been t only suitcl her, but her net hors ale.. failing considerably. 1). 1). (:. M. White, of )iitcbell, o/licielly Writing..the. manufacturer of Nerviline she visited Maitland lodge No. 33, A. F and A. lays "1 i.ought three bottles o f Nerviline M., 'rururlsy' cvenuut, The w . 31.. K. while in lanada an 'treated my neighbors to swne01 it, and all think tt the best anr.lirine for internal or external pain they have ever used.- Nerviline deserves ■uchacnmw•ada- Li,m. for it is a most powerful, penetrating, end certain remedy for rain of Wkinuibs. Take no substitute. Park, conferred the hest and opened and D O1 rt tfr0.- yr .soma t oat require1tYDTWmn Thomas Prier, s bridge builder, supposed to cba►el in all the degrees. 1Itc.,v-T.Fon L. -11r Realm Adams, of the Rayfield Raid, .has in his pr.essun ekven head of fowl hens and roosters the Tea =tee Hall North street which weigh 136 pounds, or an average of ... r, rur.aay ahesKoon. Prayer telt las cyeti visited Miss Holaad's millloe•r have relati'- is Gee _ kh of yiciuit} was establishment, Wst-a. T if 001 dont decal to doer s... The Wiest style In Paris awl Sew "we" et Montana ,n \Vedne daY• Up 10 1 ort hits and bonnets. 06-tf the present no evidence has turned up to Th,' Womac, ('brietan •Iemperaere t nem show that deceased had relatives in this merle it1 ahtl0:,. mreU at Sicrew . Thursday evenin of t 12 and a fraction pellets each. ' x.; business meeting at 3°clock.HE ST.+.tr .v Tu►:Su.ai_ W. C. Ham Itecorate,d.eeoesre' ani when you aredoleagg week, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Gee. sere, (1. ('.. ret Regina. N. W. 7'., writs don't fall w call upon R. 1't. tytlluw. awd ('cnmwell, at 265 21st street, Detroit, Mich., under date .d April 6: 1 enclose herewith cot tt.. 11.e• niouldlage Os town for 'our picture a surprise was tendered Mrs. tratore.Nr has the cheapest and best. Comweli's brother. R. A. Matheson, of our yearly subscription. I have to c+wgratulate \ow is the time to do it and don't watt o- I •p vuu .n the tarkel t in Tra wale and rmomrnt U you t wa • Awn eau tor 0.11.71 ff. t nowt. Sltas \Irnuet sad Mr. ntttmg Dies . during the past year, and am glad and 'ummer wear •t way down priers. of Y. J. are t.. 1.. 1 epos the er thirtyessfu no hear it is your intention to still further 1'ndhuu ran snit you to the rriw of nicety. of the part] (Iver thirty The .bat of high prices is gone. Aleck .-o.upls were present, and a good time was improve It'' -annd.. ter ••rpat the anile in good and deep. baa by all. A STKAw:x FRr:.tK.---A est belonging to and .•uF hue prices out of tinware and house eirnlsblag gouda. See bio ',deer'irment os nit. .T1%t_+WA•Tam -Paotoaster Camp - Doe of has takes a very strange;.wrelof thin issue bell has retrive.) a letter from lhtlsth rat- freak. For some time past. as n*ght age4 .1 FOUTVLATw InwroVwa?. -A tern short ing that a man rained .lames Philips die.' prude -hes. it climbs up and roosts with the time bet %SI. eUdklent *0 prvre that Lurem s. thelast fall. On the bodywas found as 'ten'. anal apparently enjoy. the -el posi- r,r s • medf fo Royal molelthan exdlooary err envelope tearing the name of Philip l'hillipa, tion. It seems the well-known saying, lin ro he cure of coughs. c . r (brow. Jefferson 1'. 0.. a1,. a hook containing the “Birds of a feather 1101 k together. does not h ow* eines and incipient p Al the same ,lances • ehdhps, I;eoienth. Any apnpnly in every cabs. o.tm • iodewtes it combines I beallsg and frienth of the decesen! writing to Mr. We are informal that owing to needed .nor.,, try vel urs of I of Ia1..alyeerine with tae ub1- Can heli. I:o,derich, will hear of somethingrest Rev. B: Elntilwt, formerly parish priest .to w D velure of equal 'for cu and s vadr ut P city without an for curiae theme trouts- to their advantage. at i:oderich awl Kingsbridge, will leave his !e. for w1o.h alone It is nicoattueoded. The TuI Hew tali., Kxrr+.ATto •. Recently present charge at 1\'Alken-ilk,uwl hew•r- sle has a the otA from one end of the {'mor- forth reside in Du n,nt. Hi. frietns in ira•e to the oobet. R u now for sale by our townsman, K. Y. Wilkinson, paid arsit ' .trua .tuts in ooderieh. Price 3e.•.per bottle to the Wert, awl amongst other pd.se."took this section, although regretting hi. illness. 50, -..= in Minneapolis. The Tribune, of that city, will be pleased to tree the rev. gentleman W. Iia co r is m town the week. - evidently kept close watch upon the man amongst them once more. \Vitt Shane, of Blyth, sin town. from Gaierich, for in its twine of the 1st Sru-Lawri't_ - The 'thane and O" social Hilton Holmes, of London, is in town. lett. it had the following : " The engage- in Victoria -at. Methodist church Thursday Mrs. Dr. Whitely is visiting at Toronto_ meet s aswoanoed of Mlas Emma M. evening of lest week was in etery respect a H. Stenj'1 has left on a trip to Manitoba- Smith, of 1803 Bryant Avenue north. to tine euaws. Nearly two hundred were in ,John "Carman left past nreL y ' for Robert 11 Wilkinson. • prominent young attendance. After tea and chit-chat a short business man of t:eslench, lint." program -oras rendered wherein Mr. Belcher. .now. \ \.ettat,w K$. tr)0 E ' Monday 1...t, `tissl'ralb, Herbert Young and .therstook Mus Radcliffe, of Toronto, is vienting in 121h ins*. , ns. 11. an.1 .1. 1'netlethwaite and 1 • TLe gathenng joined in singinmgg '1;od !) pewe were 1heating .. the ricer he are the Queen, ands most enjoyableeven- oats. Master Lionel %VOA, has returned from low' the station they got into the current Ing was brought to • close at 10 o'clock. ' a•res. 25. t'ollege. and were taken down at a rapid rate. They 1 n 1125 MM. Whitely: of ('hnton, tilted in town were shunt at the mouth when they were M s\ A. party of our towns• lei week. rscuel by John and Itwn. Murray and P. men 1 by a friend from London Mr. Crawford, of \Viarton, won■ in town Shea. The boat was almost full of were coming down t ,e river from Manebee- •ins work. water and as they had no di.h to Lail the user in R. Rmtcitnan s propeller, when the Alrv. Slunlsk, ..f 11.all, was in town water out with they would noon have gone young man from London. who was sitting los week. .town- Children should he kept away from • n the rail of the stern of the hoot heeding the waterhis rifle, lost his balance just as the boost Mr. K Howlgkiss left on Mawiay morning THE Or -H t.0 A..or',Anox nr ()NT+ann. entered the rapids at Piper ■ .lam and fell for Detroit. The third match of the Off -bawl Rifle As- ov'erboant. He heal a narrow escape and lroa fi(t aryl befo... he Great clearing sale of Tweeds and Men's Furnishing Goods. We have closed our branch store in CA PITA L - W Ingham, lately" carried on by 84. 3 BI4NK OF MONTREAL. Reid, and moved the stock to God- REST ) erich. This stock, consisting of Tweeds, Coating., Hats, Cap., Ties, A Saving Department Shirts, Collars, Cuffs. Cloves, Sus -a median with this branch. pendern, Hosiery, kc., we want to Interest allowed at current clear out iu three weeks. To do so we will offer it at extra°r•linary low price; for cash. Many lines you may have at half price. The Tweeds we will offer at cost price and cut them out free of charge, or we will smell at 10 per cent below cost attd not cut out. If you want a bargain call early, a, the ;tooth will not last long at the prices we have thein marked. J. A. REID ft BRO. Jordan's Block. Ooderich. April VIII, ILMI. has been HENSALL. [renal ot-( ,law? 1 Mrs..1. Taylor. who has been i11 at her hoone for "some time, is hack again awi in good health. A number of our young folks were in Crediton on Mto.sy evening taking part in a eontert. Fred Myers has returned from a trip 10 Detroit and Alpena. K. Morrisn, formerly of this plate, who 11 now in Sheldon. paid the tillage a .fait this week. Mrs. A. 'tent and son. of Mitchell, have been visiting in town during the past week. \ number of our villagers are in the cir- cular town this week attending the Assirei. Harry Donnelly has "Tom Flurke," the celebrated trotting horse. in training for the season. Geo. Fitagershl, V. S., las purchased the ice of ileo. Swetaer, V. S., of this vil- CURRENT OPINION. lktawa Free Prem : Rhine, to 4 seinadimi reciprocity delegates : "Gentlemen, 1 have a slight headache tasty, and •bo't feel like talking reciprocity. Besides the I'resi.leut wants to go off on a 11010sy taunt. -and he wuul.l like to be here when se are .deice.. Ing the trwtie question. Neater gat honer, and .Drew Lack in a few months, when per lops 1 will linden to what you hat.- to say. Sir 1'M1Ito Tupper : tbuwiug low \Vc are entirely at your aervioe sir.- Maine ,to colored d•s.r keeper.: "Sarn,kindly shoos th.• gentlemen out." And so gilded the long ry pet•terl rte•Ipr a'ity nes'aliat ions. A!--4 .e1 Tilt .4K11'. (.tux -s which testi to the deathly grey gat 11a draft. 1s. t l'hilled in a cold street .car. Rode on the grip. Stood out doors 'a few minutes s ithout an overcoat. Took a ride in an open boggy. %Velked against the wind and stood atwl talked te an acv1uatntanr. on lighter garments. Got wet feet. Went to a funeral and stows' at the grave with head unceivere.i. ('hiago t.bhr. wC 1r AU. LIKE . 7414t1.+n 11. MoPherx-n, one popular grocer, 'hip- pest a lot of potatoes this week, which he has been holding for a good price. He got it as usual. F. Arnold heel his millinery opening to Friday and !Lumley last. He had a tine display. Some of ,or local *porta have been success- ful in shooting a number of mu■krata this week. c :errge (ooktan has purchased the dry goods stock which he has been managing Ger the last three inw.ths, and will oontinue in business herr. K. McLean sold his two year old stallion. •• I:olden Crown,- last week for a handsome sum. Mest1. hinore h McColl have made eeT- era' 1 - of potatoes lately. hail W ()n Tuesday evening some parties driving Iain McKinnon, of Saginaw, arrive.' In sustioxe of Ontario was shot Dont the 7th t R. Mclater's hotel bwoke the large s n est llanday. Inst. The resultm among the teams of seven cub' ler rescued. The gun, howet er, was ' pas p ging outside. The Partin had not Harry \\'eatherald left nn Tneeday for men were as follows : los' cone far before they were overtaken by P. \I••wtomin, Manitoba.Matches "lye' Ae ".• "ficial maP of Manitoba" l' Stipple, wh., was in town. Phil. is a 4mlrew McKippen, of Petrosa, is spend :ng a few days to town. Bradford Moss Malcom■on Inas return..i from a Aora stet to GrandGrandRapids, Mich. SAurora Everett \Ir. Carl, \rent -et., is staking prepare Torooto ,,ns to build a Dew random,. Newton Itrriok '.Hogan.. Balt ham secured a station se Highland ('reek porter en the ilritsh Exchange. toaerich 1 3I. Polley and Thos. McLean returned Stawfville last week from British Columbia. Point Edward Mrs. 31. McKenzie and daughter, of Kin- Markham •.arsine, is spending a few 'Lys in town. Ra11.+wT 1tw,'seen. The thecae Le. morning Donald jsii McKinnon. who Ion hewn Austin Chisholm had the misfortune to l and Literary Society, of Toronto, hada inarcer•ted in jail fnr ewer tomtits past u waitin trial chsrl with the munkr of y Y P- his wife, made another atter Points. woo. latest survey, free to everybody. tall and 667 20 procure one or seed your address and re - 608 16 ceire • copy by mail fres H. Armstrong, . 360 15 town ticket agent Grand Trunk Railway, 11 West -.t.. (:alerich. 1 ickets sold to all . 642 8 points in Canada and United States; through 531 5 tickets to Manitoba and Pacific (haat. 506 4 Sleeping car ion secured in ad - 368 3 vance by telegraph. Agent Allan, Ikwnin- , 2 ion, Cunard and Anchor line ocean 'Wain - 2 ers 0 St-u'ina. - (►n Wednesday hustler. Henaall bank has been hrrken into twice in a month by burglera They have failed to do more than get the combination off the safe door. What's the matter with having a oonatable to look after the village • little .4 treat is in store for the villagers. The scholar. of our public school are preparing for a grand caacert. It s ander the baa wowed of J. I. Wren, their teacher, and of COW'S it will be a mucosa KINGSBRIDOE. g • f Pants ora ow.. teneerO%DL'T.1 t hi. thumb se barn as to la him a /debate at their meeting on Fred, evening a, g attempt to Downie The following are the nuncio of those who 11 a regret to leen that W. H. Matthewsk- last on this gnestine : "Resolved, that the suicide. This tune his itnpelentent was • passed tarAirom.•tion examiatiotu held tee has been severely ill during the past weak. erti't rosin outlined by lin hmaiBeln het small of wire, which he wooeeded im cot m let brill school. The names \\'ill ('am ,ell Fns,. Brnred • •tion in "hooking Backward- u in the [Hain bot piece "p ge tc.rcing sterni w inch into his balm about are inserted in order of rent: fart 1. te part Brockville Recorler : The T..ry news paper. are c,0.14011y telling their readers that the Ontario l:overuntent's surplus is a myth, and The Empirrlas at last reached a stage when it s prepared t... go still fur they, and declares that from 1871 to 1890 the Liberals in Ontario instead ..f having a surplus have piled up • .deficit of 43,500,000 in round numbers. \\-e have noslult The Empire will fin,' some among its readers stupid enough t. believethis, and we have no doubt the other Tory pa who have not yet mustered cru to et beyond the stage of calling the eu us a myth will also find among their readers some gullible enough t.. swallow the yarn. There i. a clam of people who delight in being hien- bugged, awl they appear to exist largely to the ranks of "our friends the enemy." fast year (Lewitt derived' .1379.000 lutenist from her surplus, so that it well toe nen :hat the -myth' hat • very tangible lastly, and s, long as A pre -din -es like r'sulte the politic will not .are much what Tory writers call o d desirable.The (:bbl .11. \\'m. VS -steno at he it. *lades D. Partite, of Delaware, nephew of Mrs F. C. Rogers. of Brna.eL, aerated l)r. Sh-ard's prize, +25..im psychology at the lit years in tne.lioihe at Trin- ity Me.bi al ('ollege Toronto, recently. Mr. Parfitt has visited Reticule A number of titres and his frienalx there arc pleaael t.. hear ..f hie .n Ae■a. THE MARKETS. B4iEADSTUFFS AND PROM/SIONS. Ceeeetra Pewee. 000aarCH. April 16. * 101. rates. GEO. L?R U_MM' WD, Manager Godsricb Bra,,uIck. 1 2,000,000• 6,000,x• Obcucd in con - B. IVIacCORMAC, FINE TAILORING, &c. 7HE SO UARE. MUNICIPAL COUNCIL v W. t. Hartley has elu.po.c.l of WO Oar Half. ala fee.' business in Itrusiels to R. Kim*, of The ,••, .•il met pursuant lo adjeurnntent Klncvale, who tons tsustt•.sioa last eta. on Saturday, 11th .1pjtmil, ',Ian. All the Mr. Hartley int.•t.ls Ira, ung town 5sd wilt members present. Tlo.- folios -mg ,•hwegr,. try his fortune in W. .peg. He holds a were uwalc in the ptthii eters' list : Div teacher's certificate anti may Nash tae 85. Samuel H .s'nn : ,div. 51, .1. 'woven •• Y ff WM: tr•.Ilwr : 49 A. i(:rater!. In reference to The people of \\'router wore alsrtlerl es •-h onge of who'd leattolertes, owing to a Mood teaming. 6th rat.. by the news ... ,nntrr petition being receival to take. lots that Mr. Robert \loutgoniery had that 11 to 15 unelustve in the 1., (1., i11. owl IV. looming been found ,lead in icd_ Mr. uioanitwu front et S. NO. 2, anti ax.rnl•t,w, Montgomery oes-up.sl A fano on the out - them with Iota 16 to 18 is the first .'.n skirts of the village, ..f which he hal been a .r..1 lots 16 to a0 inclusive in the 111.. IV. , resident for many yeses. He had been feeling Anil V. eon. from S. S. No. 10, to forma a little unwell .•n Sutwlay afternoon,but was Dew section, it . wee decided to have the I aboutas Yens. and retired to rest apparent Dotter over until for nevt meeting of the geed b health about 10 oclock. He council. All parties concerned w ill, t heref. govern tbetmeltes accordingly. The public will *see bear in mind that the .4anmge drwteoWing! ,wttIlepublichigh- • sb it 1 from the owners of Wei farad in the morning quite dead, hav- ing apparent!) pats.. -,I away while asleep, the bet clothes not being in the least dis- turbed. Mr. NI.eit' every Was a native a[ Irelan.l, age.' 67 years, a good. inda.trions way) a oust ubatru•titme (oetructa for gravelh„ x citi5en. awl a .ounsteut member of the the ('entre Howl were awarsted as follows : MCthowlst church. Div. 1, R. J. Carlisle, at 55 eta per y i ; ._ - ___ _ div. 2, .1.s. leaven, at 49 3-5 eta. per yen! : foe. ,ala rllr missnmERoN ho . wingL. el. acxat tl a were l -al l to be plaid T. Hartung, for gravel and damage to field. $7.45/4 'ha.. (;reb, harboring :nligeut. 75e.: m .1. White k Son, advertising, $1; l;riger .t Wishes to announce to her Fall wheat. $1 03 to I gg M Pprlap; Wheat 1 60 to 1 !'lour SOOode, Shorts, i cwt 100 to 1 Brea.. cwt 010 to 0 M Si lsai t cwt...... ....... 0 fo to n io Wheat .owl. 1 2s to 1 16 O&M. beta 050 MO •v2 Peas. atber4. •• 5 t0 in B arle . i butt., 0 Seto 0 so Hay. ,les E 00 to 050 Potatn.e, a bust ......... 1 t r to 053 A pales. i bosh . 00 to I sat B oater, lib 0 1i to 0 m K aes. tray 1sONrd. • der. ... 0 12 to 0 13 Meese .. _.... 0toto012 SOOtotOe 000to000 3 00 o 100 N 1 00 to 1 10 Dressed He1ae. eat ...» 5 110 to 3 :,0 Pella. ..... ......-...... ... o neo to 000 AIM filmier Oa'- -' s. April 11, tat. YO IN6 wOIEN shoal. eye them' Fleur ids 00 t0 3 3n Thea Press .0* ran Wit* Mw sad old 1 in to 1 os make em regular. spina whsN 1 00 to 1 01 mor els by all druggl■tae or w111 be seat Oyes B aily , „ , , „ _................ 0 10100 Si r Capt of pr's (30e. per boa), by addressing THE DA. WILLIAMS' MCO. Brockville. one Kier.91 loath of grate 16.37'; \ cal o Wil ms k Co flour for int.lioent 14.25 many customers and the H. Ratelall, sew' month's ears. of Mr. ('nrrsy. S15: John Lexie. grwwla tow mart. 44:. ladies generally that she has l completed her spring pur- chases, and as a result has the most elegant display of all the newest things in the Millinery line, amongst which are the handsome new shades, Corn Flower .John Raker. covering bridge on X I. eon.. 41.50. The council adjourned to inert again en eat 'Inlay, April the 25th. L.+rr.i, Clerk. Miss Bella Livingston, Morris. has 1,ani• to Akron, Mich., where she will work ..: the Robert Wilson, *eafo rth. has sold a pair of lands . and well bred three year old colts. a geldinc anti a Ally.to .1. B. Mather. of W iuntp•4. for the snug sum of 11375. .John G. Wilson. of Saaforth, has been wettest Ire,tetlaut-('olonel of the 33rd or Hurn Battalion of volunteers. in place of Lieutenant -(i.lnttel t Armen, who retires re - raining his rank. Blue, Steel and Pearl Grey, ARE NOT. Par. besides an unequalled dis- gat:ve Medl- nee TBey ►ra . play of Flowers, Feathers, tsuwn B*•ILI.t.t. 'row and Raaov STwocron, as they etc., etc. ■ut•ply in a sondeo.ed form the substances tually needed toes- All are cordially invited Leh the Blood. coring if streams cowing to call and see the display of mom Poon *ad N'AT ,.y H1.non. or from 'rTt►Tan Hrroas in I*Loon, and also novelties for this season. • nvieorate and hymn the HL:.on and when broken down byo overwork, ,-._m inseed mamma read indiscre tions. They have a fleat]Tro Acres w Bacot STsrttr of mon .end women. UNIT Yte0& soft correcting all tanasrt•imuruee Gad .trraa■■lons. Who finds his mental fac- ulties dull or 14111s((,, or y, would take the.. will mmeters bis w mgi.s, both esental. EVERY ihewld tat. mem. Ta.e clue .n .sp presk.ns and tSs whYob In.vffaW ental sickness when reg5st d. should !oke these Puss. They will cure the no- aataot .ystem OWN -NEI Pori •,,, ,,..,.... n53 to031 0 73 to 0 74 ■ IwlsterL per bbl .... .. 1 DO fel SO 0i0to050 013ton is • ,,,, 013 to015 .. 5 00 to 7 00 teens ........... 300 to 1 n0 0 00 to 0 00 t he.leiiate was in the hon ■ • ., 020 to 010 ug. dtestn,ctl n was discovered by Sailer Dick Addle liana, Geo. lambertus, 11. to Pork .,.,,,.. . 500 to 5 115 y.wopt tree"., who ekslttontly and gracefully, ■on and the wire taken away.McKinnon 111... Sarah O'Neil, Connie O'Keefe anti h . H. Brophy lea the week fee on attan s bat with apparent reset deliberation and t setrrai taste tiereet. s here be LAG secured a oration his caution, 'laeoa■sd the question at issue.-- 'losn not appear to have .xpertenced any 111 •Joao Millbrae (equal), Hannah Dalton, Den ,eke receipts of nes stock .t the yards of the :,sok. .1. 1) Swatann, ens of our townsman, (:eo. effect" from the opsatiaa Hogan : Rattan. Rev Hl. t r,l. Tom Hogan. Maurice p h. rel _ions firs' t'ompant. Point Ht. The errrakfalg of the frog may now he Sweetens, was Dens of the speakers of the ('Anrv,s 15 TrsmvAtwm. v A511160%111 u. A ullivan,I1Donnie Dallas, *4uivHarm, Neirrbyye t ostre is tar week ending April 11 were. 1 heanl, wh4h announces the advent of tive side and brought up argumenta to toeial and ontertaiwaatwt ora. by the Willie Nuck Rriclgrt Deane : Nellie V. to Vi. `Icing- refute the Ileilamstie theory. The chair- Cadets of Temperas ee in the temperance iI a lit () Italia ff P. \1 a are pleased ta bee that Mr. Wm . than, Mr. Justice Falcnnbridge. malted fora hall Lot Friday seeming, and was fairly Receipts of eve snort .t the Mcl ear s fast rwosYeriag frau his attack .how of heads by the audience to decide the attesnobd. An excellent program was pre .Mrs. 1). Hoye, Rrooe(leld, s .moving into Noetrral Bieck Yards, Point f illness qustion, and the r.umlt was ■n close that, it .entad, sad all who were present ex HI. ('Berta■, for the ash.• CM Ori Sas , was declared a tie. ■ati.faeti.a at the manner in which l\ m. Fewest'■ hone, having ggllren rep theIan . \1'm. Stapleton, mother and acts. n( preset dville to *worth and a) over from pees ions week. II .. . tat New Ynrk, lately of Ireland, have tare to MAsnx '.new.. The steamer" United the various numbers were rendered. The marl from Ltgmon Total las week. . . -N a5 Int Ie motile in town. Empire and Mosmreh, mei the Beatty line, object of the entertainment was to raise a so the .tag.. Os hand 61 pt esifnrwa for the Owlets. T. A. Hawkins has been en (as neat, There were bereased receipts and a fair Keil Murray, who hart been in W. wilt ran heron during the coming mason, siert feed for dotting gpdgse•. trade at coontworemest of Die week. but with Virginia foe the past fear mcr.tM, returned will be obk.red as follows : United Km- It s to be hoped that efforts wile be pelt 1st and choir leader in St. .loan'. church. t. over wooly N Dm wet ad%anc«d the 4e home last week. gen t (ben. McDougall ; let mate, forth by our residents to take rep the 11 Brussels. His duties commence on May mend fe11 err sad the market Ward dull. Newman llcl,.n,p : 2iw1 male, David Merog antewmt, as the ('adefa are now s wall dtillee) 17th. He s said *0 be a ;Invariant mmaesa. 'rhe Info. owit s - utr,' urea's aavrinR Ae lbw Mo,rrste left Iced m Ley5.1 a.l few (lave- y A from Vireos. B.('., is to the rinolwiw ere sett auw( toes tiaaedlarsw le,col pre- rinse: where he loo Teri siteatiowi os. its ; chief engineer. Kdweel McKeon; par lad of neo awl • credit to the tows, sad haws, bowevs, owners ser, James Ra.w•. I steward, Thos. Igls if malformed wxHtM above to even hatter pglap,.,r lint cit tbet city has in owns 10 ...11 u mltewl pion caber than to one cwlkiag t new practicable as of fowr v .nl says two inches below the heart His effort at self- L 1)etw Dalton, Toni Harry, .toe 11514.. sii. of the Ash top- ' Fol Robert/mil let advantage. wiled President Harriers to visit the ldritidt 1'Ob' 41i . Jeanie Cook, who has been nosed ,ng Toronto Owssrvstry of Murk, s reit chit Jae. Brown : pores', Bun. 1. R. Knight, baker, of Hrentfetd, ager) 31 A small short twrtisa, arrived .. .. ung her relatives here. Joskis; iNwsrd, (ben. Morrison ....The years, .nn -is. -law of David Reid, 01 tide Rnhewt WUy, of the Teroato pdhs sures to be veryorb tap town. Mr. Knight ked lees troubled .Rh to (lister recent for Jsalon avows, ... Steep . force, s speadiy hs vanities m trews .peso from 1,500 to 3,100 at a *sal Memos her Ave mouths pet. .kick owntry. t TM, ..d hibritesm. tilab es (asrvss banking Imp sill aeg.siataneea lift, Or soil -!root. from to 1,000. ended bis life on Twss`y worming of Last y ,ie i ewis Matthews, of lViartan, arrived In The greatest small. ever t off Oorlerioh week Two months sgn he visited the M^e] "Irma" cesarean M IisOA. town last sseu t tiaa wba t in the Set trvra, sad Vviag remit, M re- 1m torte, . C Teller; owl mats. John laril) Ott?. With regretter, Oohs the death d e.pi W. gwote the fellewlwE as briwm fair raise. Y (irlumbi. tat lea hM weifsn toner. Uattte. Mtebe"w' Jia Lilac e M in 1 to leto/ air to MO* to eft se " amities seem by Mrs. R Teck of Tomato, lennerly 1 tR.pnrf d iAr NNtie A- So NM of week, M Seiboldb encs fid• apt inaste., ala aarM' 1sirlff 3, termed Oe bin bona N Bewwtl when it I.asde.M.ro. diel as Frirksy. bed cart !!ks Ttts reeelpG'WifM lessee ss Orad Trust engineer tug 100 ponds Tb voa.b *tiptoe.. (a apyt.L J. was thsn+t M ones improving. He wet aN only sick fie •'rest Ikesi weab. lie ReYwsy ver IM week esdM1a Aped a wen st DAlsaam Melded. 1 fi■nria arrives ion MeL ma, Tolman, (7yL Towson, Kdfage. erwwcie r M 1M Met He isaysa a wise ma onset was less is (ikrueeete e4in, Ens- tett ever Ines "otiose weeks] li tet sl fon torero ewe Monday '01111 Mo edd pedties N ap6. Melerald. sad Threw (A>•L Helmet. two cMi --a hey sed girl to [were his lssd, sand sseved to Tweet* .beat throes west. w; Inst ler rtty. 35 , lyes! dt.tsg gree K e after b■vlws tical at 1.seimhere j sslke fee weaK It : w ►es,a fear syea Rev. Nara A. Tear, ef 'Alla, Elven export to leave by Saturday, the MdstrMls yang 1Ne, and belonged M tbGee yes lies leaves as Welly. "rale weern , the •'. te Iwo plowed sad the esssssle sad espeete se I. i•. on Miertse et Rooky atmaded at lnetMrd. The sister Meigs I of lirwci111 ild- 101111 wag arikwa woor cM ngWrr fah ey mals 1 M the sehosa.r Sophie are almost realty for man. 'Illi. offer and less. r, Amit was en taIhI gent for .b.. %a ' et.W bees me were ewvesw et is ate very •eeepeabty M Vieterla-st tedK termer for fielder Vaphy and the latter far Dastadie Mir. bevies Rhe was r of Foresters, hick *god twestta y=t d Jean sod tires 1 sass 'Hasa The;e rs'es bard canIlrtl >t and get yQYg Bkm .. .. tee are o We worlerw fart seg THE BEET COWIN MEDICINE.MLD i 7 0110001171 11TgOTwal a . CONSUME Ti N '1 r -i ! )ii 1111 Listen to plain facts about the B. & C. corset. You can't break the bones -for one thing. If you do, within a year, you'll have your money back. It fits like a glove. And hear how k's sold : if you're not satisfied, after a few weeks' wear, you 1 MISS CAMERON. POTATOES ! POTATOES ! POTATOES 1 NEW YORK RURAL, No. 2, BADGER STATE, EARLY PURITAN, Farhwe And l. -,,t grown, at view* row tae ewarrw+......w von...5 - ... / seas .... Albert 1foal•, vsssl thought sod amid ,.pa6MMs. er Wadey. ell *led bend mtaiehed -(Joe mt. Methodist .tkmiwh URROWS , The !teetisnoi,. Hamilton -et. 02-1 -EXTRA \-_5LL'S: 1N - TCAs AND SUGARS -Forbe ne 51 t ono weeks at -- EQ CiIkIBNE'a tor. Montreal -,t. and 9Qu.re. Telephone Connection. - PLANING MILL ES'IgtisNE0 Igfi. Buchanan & Son, „ .. 1- r atTlitalr BASH, DOOR and BLIND, lama bs►tder's material of every dssiAlage e 11. t !..alfa 1Malert e aft 6.1.4. of LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES a mak sled arrive M MM tilUneasses.:=:e [' 11011 SAtl DV W. ACIDDION a euslull*eu1 t seat we tim.rear