HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-4-17, Page 2MILLINERY OPENING.
- Mrs, R. B. Smith -
WM have her Millinery Opening on
—AND ON --
When the novelties of the season will be on view.
Mr. Ellery Corbma wee an exesesiittlly
nervous man- He sees honestly by it,
his mother was nervous before him.
Mr. Corban was a bachelor of forty fir
remarkably well preserved and rather ti
looking. Be had a portly stature; a or
, amid bead of dark -brown hai
which any man might have bean excused f
feeling proud of.
Mr. Corban was very well off. He had
never kept house, perihelia because be kne
that elderly 6mchelsea ,ggj widowers we
generally fated to marry their housekeepers
and Mr. Carbon Fe i:ded„jlasrriage and th
- gallows en about ea a pit '
aS omen and babies Ita shuddered a very
part of bewailed, The myste
of their having bean Awed an evist,uc
he could never .odve. 13a mould not bel
regarding their creation an a grave mutat(
He boarded at Mrs Gram's, and hal road
his home there for Meta years. Mrs
Gregg was as much like a aeon as she cul
be, and still be a woman.
One day est summer it became evident t.
Mr. Corban that he mast take a jou rn
west. The interests of his business de
minded it ; so be pat a few things in hi
valise, said good nem*to Mrs. Gregg
and est out for the depot.
He was five minutes Tats, for his neck -tie
bad given him • great deal of trouble, and
he bad been unable to Pad • pair os stock
Ings which were not destitute of toes. But
he had comforted himself with the reflection
that, as be had boots cm, nobody would be
As the wiser in regard to s uncladaudition
of his toes, and at het he get off.
He heard the whistle and started upon
the run.If there is anything especially
calculatedto put one out of temper, it is
having to run to catch the tarn : and our
may ay be excused if, weir n,dripping with
and complettty out of breech,
he rushed into the first ear that offered. he
was irritated with all the meeld, himself in-
The car wee wall filled. In fact, there
waif 1 • one vacant mak, sir that was b•.
tad 141W&nen.
Corban turned to sesili this next car, tent
was met by the ooreilielelit at the door.
''No room in there der all full; Anni-
versary meeting at Parkegidearg. There's
seat, st, sir• indicating the ohs beside the
woman.CorbettCorbewas troubled with • touch of
in he lett knee, and mould not
stand comfortably—nothing raise could have
forced him to get so sear one of the Des
He stepped up to ber aad made the stereo.
typed enquiry : " This at esRaged !"
" No, sir," replied a very sweet voice ;
and Corban mw that the speaker hal es
preeeive bine eye@ and polies hair.
He took the seat, sad the lady drew the
bundle she had be partially testing on the
cushion into her la
" Bettie let e put year boodle up on the
rack Y' suggested Mr. Cir aa.
The lady opened her eye is indignant
, whipped off • layer of flannel
Brom the package, and displayed to the eyes
of our bachelor friend trod, puffy face
of a moos -eyed baby a
" Maser's 'itte tweedy mowdarling
she exclaimed, in the Mabee which is per-
fectly intelligible to all babyish. "Musser th
won't let the naughty abs pat e 'ittie
lamsie, lumpy baby cal the seek r
The baby streak out hMd
augly with its
fat Seta in the directieo of Mr. Carbon, and
gave utterance to • yell of triumph.
Mr. Corban broke tats a sed perspiration.
He had never bees so mar a bshy before in
all his life rand • baby and • woman, too'
It wsa almost too mach for hili.
*treat had • *tsg Wad be
mhoed the re-
einder of the way, sr oral somebody
vacated • .int ; but his knee gave an extra
twinge, and decided him to try and endure
Me terrible .tate of this..
H. got a paper frame W peekel and may
eel to read ; but the baby had iuueked out
in s of w thababy refrains whish is like
le *
lisie the saes of al nessss. and the
meinse o..w.
ted ear bsislet hero thatco d W
he Mak' take no .epaper, .o he
pssiebd it with thhavapedelbertaksatioa to
itee met at Congressbe memo with
bskiss les be kept he a oar by ihohMaH
At the lest steppingthe
wplaswhe was ea t
isakt he a seat, rend ie lib } dimmer -
y di -
ed thegesllthe seaenhe isseaseat ta•ki.g
is lows t bees Rehm he wee
eat ed W east, so el. 1 7 W •rhog
for norm ,-.
"Almost eight mouths ; " said the prou
e, mother.
ne- "Well, I declare ! what a Targe child
d iia age ! Why, there was my Enoch, wh
r, he was hill a year he. waru't a mite m
or grain bigger than that chill ! But th
Enoch, he had the whooping cough, a
the measles, and the netted rash and th
w coleretta infanticide afore he was elev
re months ! And I expect them decease" had
some effect onto his constitution."
e "I should think so," replied the baby
- ....ties"
" ••1 oa look tired, dear," went em the
ry old lady, "the baby must be dreadful heavye Why don't you let his pa take him !
p a nth an expressively reproachful glance a
e the savage countenance of Sir. l'orba.
"1'rn not his pa !" grumbled Mr. ('urban
e pulling- his bat a little further down ove
be eyes..1 "Oh ! you ain't ! Wall now, that's curie!
said the olu lady. "1 should have though
a you was for sartin ! The baby is the im
ey , age of the -jest the same kind of a nae
and his eyes has got the same expression.'
s i Repression, indeed ! Mr. t'orlan was
, l boiling over. He had always particular'
prided himself on his expression ; mud her
was this ogre comparing hint with aha
dumpling -faced, huckleberry -eyed baby
- p "Wall, -said the old lady, slowly, as
though she had reached the conclusion afte
1 some thought, ••i 'spore as it's likely this
� is a post-rnorten child, which means one as
born after death of its father, and you
I, married its mother rather soon after her
1 husband departed this vale of tears. Wall,
that's got to be dreadful common now.
But any Elijah has been dead nigh onto
nineteen mamthe, and I hain't began to
think of a second peondner. Though Squire
Huderm, he bas been ruther retentive to me
lately : ami the squire is left so helpless and
onfortinit with them six children of his, that
1 don't know. i hope the Lord will show
aero my duty, and give me strength to take
the squire for better or for worse, if it's right
and best' I don't never want to shirk my
duty, rearm. \when did your first husband
die. mann !"
" Parkersburg !" screamed the conductor.
" Stop five minutes for refreshments'
Change cars for Wallingford, Amsterdam,
ami Myrtle Ridge !"
The woman with the baby areae .quickly.
A thrill of joy went through Mr. I: rime.
He thought she was at her journey's end.
He, too, arose with alacrity.
" ('aa I assist you any way, madam •" be
asked gallantly.
"Thank you. i will just trouble you to
hold baby whik I go and get a cup of coffee.
I breakfasted early, ani need something
warm. Be careful and hold bis had ; he is
subject to the croup.
And before ('orlon conk" utter one wont
by way of refusal, she hal pot the baby in
his arms and less rushing off with the
Our unfortunate hero felt himself grow-
ing hot and cold alternately. He bad served
two year' with credit in the war and had
been in • score of battles, but, through it
all, he had Lever , 1
hshawl and a poke bonnet had edged into it,
and cut off all }Jr. ('orban's hopes.
IN course, she turned around and be
' gen at met to talk to the Irby.
'Dear little chicken ! How old i
1 tell you seep ! I shall go aea•y ! Aad
uk, Lord what shall 1 du with the baby•
Say, 111 give you five dollars tea dollars -
twennty yes, fifty dollars. if you'll put
back mad let nue off at Parkersburg !"
" I should have au objection to the snemeJ,
sit : but I eouldiu't ebbe yes if you were
used the Roth.chikda"
And the conductor peened co his way.
' • lilies my soul, sir'" said the old lady
m the best seat, giving babas a nudge
with her parasol, "you'll auffoustr that
• baby ! Don't you see, you're holding bun
with his feet where his head had orter be!
He's wrung sole up."
)_'urban hastily reamed the youngster,
which uttered • shrill yell at his treatment.
" You'd ort to be sahamed of yreelf !"
went on the old lady indignantly, "to toes
that blamed child around in each an (*hu-
lanan way ' A nab never ort to have no
children tsar don't have uo net'ral feelings
toward 'em, mir ; you was • baby once yer-
self ! '
Just then a yellow -facet woman *lipped
into the seat in front of Mr. ('urban. She
was muddle -aged, but her dress had all the
rushingneee of sixteen.
'• loudly child'" she exclaimed, inin-
eatngl) .
The baby began to squu■zle up its face.
and ttourisln its herds ant dela.
•• Dear me, how forward at is ! How old
is it, sir !" inquired the spinster, fur such
she was.
" I dcn't know," growled Corban.
" Bern a widower long, sit!" queried tar
"No. I've ower had a wife '
"Bless Ina ' cried the lady ; '• then she's
nm away and left you! blear ! dear ! how
could she leave such • nice mean, and such a
dear, darling, little baby
" What" that,' inquired a middle-aged
gentlenuus near by, who was evidently a
d htt4e deaf, •'your wife gone and left you,
slr • Imat my case, sir, exactly. My
of pour Jane departed this life May. 1
en gut the handsomest grave that Money could
r buy. There's au angel on it, ith all her
en wings spread and this Latin description -
md "Requires her eat in peace." The grave-
• stone maker said that it would be a good
en epigrams : and 1 consented, as she w -aa fund
of a cat."
By this time the baby began to cry lusti-
'• I and the whole car svnu_rathized---so•-
tially the female passengers.
d, It's gut the cholery morbes !" raid the
•'Id lady previously mentioned. '•1111 die
for martin -if something hain't done'"
t " DM? 1"ou don't think so!" cried ('or -
" Dear one !"
r " what an inhun
was ! '
" Take it, my
what te this ro
nosed) little man,
hand. ••A child, e
y men ; and et me
" How! )what
said the thin faced -lady,
art woman it's mother
garb lady, do :" cried Cor-
r ban, .
1'11 give you a bun•
' deed dollars to take
w about !" said a sharp
with a newspaper in his
it ` Fall back, gentle -
hook at it. It it should
• prove to be the one. -
do you mean queried
• doyen voices at ogee.
It is ! It is S It can be no other ! ' ex -
✓ chinned the l man, excitedly.
"How strange that I should chance upon
it ! Luton to this, gentlemen," and be read
from the paper in his hand the notice:
"Stolen ---supposed to have been stolen
from its carriage in Central Park, on the
morning of the eighteenth int., a male
child about nine months old. Said child
has blue ayes, and rather dark hair ; and is
a remarkably forward and interesting child.
Any person who will return hint to his
afflicted parents, at No. —Forty-ninth
Street, or give information that will lead to
his recovery, shall receive a reward of three
hundred dollars." Louis Roscoe
"Wall, I never "' exclaimed the old lady.
"it must be the eery mine baby ! This
child has got blue eye and .dark hair, and
pears remarkably forw'd !"
Tea, ma'am, ly the very
same," remarked the 1 man, eon.
'Wendy ; "consider it my duty to take pos-
ession.""Oh ' take it, do !" cried (orlon, im
ploringly ; "Ill give you • hundred dollars
to get it off my hands '"
"No doubt you would, my man : but I
ain't took in that way. My name is Smith-
ers---Peter Smithers, sir; and I live in
Albany. I'm a magistrate, lar ; and 1 ar-
rest you for child -stealing."
"I tell you 1 didn't steal it. She went
off for a cup of coffee — "
"Ikos't trouble yourself to repeat the
story again. i 1 the ease fully,'
said Mr. Smithers, promytly. " Con
ductor, is there any ekes on the train
where this rascal would be safer than
"We don't run prison -tans," reuputded
that worthy, sulkily.
1 such a sink-
ing at the loomed' as ware oyer him now.
Most of the p•miesgsrs left the can ; and
Corban would hays done likewise, but. he
feared he might lose sight of the baby's
mother and the train would start without
No, in an agony of terrr lest something
dreadful should happen, he stood there in
the aisle, bolding the baby at arm's length,
and Axing he frantic gate on the ,Mor
through which he deliverer would dome. (
" All aboard "' called the stentorian voice
of • new nonductor and the people rushed •
in. Rut the passengrra were, moat of them,
new rues, for there was a junction at
: and worst of all, the baby '• '
mother cows rend anwmng them ' mins
The bell rang; the ears were moving : the
door was shat with a lung, and the tmin
was off. d
Cnrlaa warned desperate. of the
" Hallo, there " he called to the ore. tic'.
doctor. "Stop' thie train raa't go on : No
there's • woman left behind ' Rhe west to
get a cap of coffee. Stop ' 1 tell you, this
instant, sir'"
" What's op '" asked the no.dudter.
" Rtes'/ left the baby-
" Year wife 1 Oh, never mind. Seel
hest Mr. amithsswencipditat hie elbow He
had as ration of dtwi eg ibas esmpting re-
ward to slipthrosgh bie lag.re, and • temple
et otksrgeatlwasn kept guard with hint. And
than stood poor C.rbaa, beading the whim
ten•g baby, and expostulating. mireanag
sad West nng it s way that role al the
Wise decide that he was • maser-
they gave bun and the baby a very wide
Sa ideely the whistle of the asst trans
from Parkersburg was heard- A bright hope
sprang up IA ('orbaa's breast. It was pos-
sible the baby's mother might be on board.
He rushed forward, but lir. Suutbere
seized be arm and held him back.
" Us quiet, air ' said he. "Remember,
you are trader arrest !"
The train had bees warned of the dean
tion of the first express. sad came to a bolt
at a little distanor behind : and, themes/eat
it did so, the door of one of the carriages
was buret open, and out leaped the baby'.
A ery of joy came from (irbnn ; and with
one bound he broke the grasp of Mr. Sinith-
ere upon his arm, am! rushed toward her.
" Oh! my baby ! my precious baby
screamed she, snatching the child frum Cor -
ban. " My darling ! My little angel darl-
ing !" and she fell to kissing it in • way that
set all the ladies round about to pulling out
their handkerchiefs, land exclaiming, "Did
you ever'"
' • I ]cal bless you '" cried Conan, enthue-
astically. '• I never was so glad to see any
mortal being before '
•' Oh, you dear, delightful num ;" cried
she, shaking hails with hit. " 1 am so
much oblige) to you fur taking care of my
little lamb ! You see i got belated a mo-
ment- the coffee was so dreadful hot.-
lir. Rmither's face had grown very long.
•' Then it is not Mr. Louis R04'OO'S ehiln !
And it has not bee stolen •" he Liked dubi-
" 1 should rather think not," replied the
mother indignantly. "It is my child, sir.
All I have left of the dear husband who
gave up his life at Cold Harbor, two months
after baby's birth.-
irth."•• I most lieertiiy beg your pardon, air,"
said Mr. Smithers, addressing Mr. Corbett.
"1 -I -this is, 1 didn't think --You see '
"Mind your own business, sir," said Mr.
l'orbao, shortly ; "Ind continue miming it
for the rest of your life that's my ad '
sir." Mr. Codas and ]fro. Brent, for time
WAS the young widow's name, got very
friendly and familiar by the time the train
was ready to go on ; and .Mr. Corban took
the next seat by her shade with a teal feeling
of delight now.
She was going on a visit to some friends
in the very city where his buains called ;
and he obtained permission to call on her
and inquire about the baby. •
And in due time i cannot tell how it
carne about, for there is no accounting for
things of this kin.' \Ir. Uorban concluded
that he was tired of laar.ling - Mr. Gregg
had become so neglectful of her boarders'
comfort : so he led Mrs. Brent to the altar,
and set up a home of his own with a wife
sod baby.
u:o to him now, anal utter one word
against women and babies, and you would
get thowu to the door without ceremony.
it w•aa Ben Johnson, we believe, who,
when asked lfallock'■ question, "is lie
worth living •" replied, "That depends on
the liver And ]Ren Johnson labile'.
SAW the double point to the pun. The liter
active -quick --life many, everything bright,
mountains of trouble melt like mountains of
snow. The liver sluggish --life dull, every
thing blue, molehillsof worry rise into
mountains of anxiety, and as a result
sick headache, du -rifles*, constipation Two
way■ are open. lure .Iv, or re
Neve tenipor•arily. Take a pill and suffer,
or take a pill and get well Rhock the ■ -
tem by an overdose, or coax it by a mild,
pleasant way.
Dr. Pierce's Pea■ent PeUeta are the mild
means. They work effectively, withoet
pain, and leave the system strong, One,
little, 1 pellet i■ enough, al-
though • whole vial costa but 25 cents.
Mild, gentle, soothing and healing is Ile.
Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Only 50 (rots : by
eirtnassne et •ushers.
Emerson The Sphinx.
Schiller --The Republkae Poet.
Goethe—The Poet of Pantheism.
Shelley—The Eternal Child.
Keane --The R 1 Greek.
Byron -The Poet of Passion.
Moore The Butterly.
t eremy Taylor - The Wukespeare of iH-
Coeridge-- The insulated Son of Here-
' rim.
Bunyan Spencer of the People.
Shakespeare The Myriad -blinded.
Igen .loose The Divine Bully of the
Old baglish Parnassus.
(*pewee The Poet'. Poet.
Cb racer -The Well of Raglish Undefiled,
or the Morning Star of Fieh poetry.
Cwdunon --The Milton of the FINS -
"Wail, gentlemen," rid NI r. Smithery,
"you are all men of honor, and have all wives
and children, or ought to have; and you
.11 have feelings of sympathy, douhtless,for
the parents of this unfortunate babe ; and
I depend upon you, gentlemen, to assist me
in gnu -ding him until we reach a station,
where 1 ran place him in charve of the
pmper officials. At the next station 1 will
telegraph to Bridewell, and have constables
ready to take pasession of him the moment
we arrive...
'You shall pay dearly for this'', roared
'orlon, now fairly infuriated."Yes, sir'
111 take the law on yon the moment eh get
nowhere where there is any law!
me a ramie!, indeed
Just at that moment the sharp signal to
'down hakes" sounded ; sad in a few
bas there was a sight block, and the
train came to a sudden stoop.
Rvsrybady rushed out to ascertain the
ilrrculty, and it was fouled that the wheel
engine had broker, nod the lorrssi.-
was partly off lb* track.
one aces Mimed : hat it would roomy
some time to get thi.gs so that the next
ttaia could run : and, in the meaatim e, Mr.
Carbon thought with rapture he cold make
Rs toned the phut of doggie( the u.
ertemes fishy and fiestas to the weeds l la
basis mil eelea it meld tidy be an-
e le plrh-A Bathe hail helmeted withal° be
things wear frequently. Hko'R come nest .lbs
Why go shut hawking and spitting whims
Naaal Balm will removed every vestige of
your catarrh, and thus relieve you of this
rlirsseable habit ! in cases of exddin the
Nasal Rahn gives instant relief, and
there is no case of catarrh it will not cure
if used aoonrdiny to directio nor A single
bottle will ooneinoe you of ow merit
lir . Springer, the newly appointed regis-
trar for Hamilton and Wentworth, me-
tered uponhis duties Wednesday.
The at a,adrvlrh
Is aba.nt 4,600, and we would my at least
one half are troubled with some afction en
the Threat and Lung., a. these complaints
are, ace riling to statistics, nes namerces
than others. We would advise all nor
readers not to nsgl.et the nppewtsnit to i
call on their d add get • bottle of
Ksbp's Rsjmsn n, the Throat and Longa
Trail nine fres, largo Bottle 50e end RI.
Rudd by all druggists 2-eow
Tobias Nash and ('harks Wright, of the
Sail one., McKillop, were eafortu.aa
meugh to have several lae sheep killed by
Sr. Wright tws fro Wash lead ore
('onetipatima chime many victim Ward
off this &NW Memo by the tae el nail
Ruswr-Coned Hardee! Pelle when seed -
I d.
S 0
The boat. that la la Deet -Mew W.
Draw 1. Total ibises wit. tb• Atir
Wo e..albr rnreatiw Thr..g% r..1 -Our stock for Spring is now almost
It is not surprWng that laymen are large-
ly ignorant of the event resutatkwts is
barterfok y, seeing that few
physicians sae able to hasp pans . r in pro-
fwimoal touch with the intmresuug re-
searches that are being mare in this Major -
Mat branch of eedkel edema with the
(Waite kw.wedge which W beau acquired
of some ,d the Nubile agents (bacteria) e Itnch
sills dimasea, W must impenetrable of the
mysteries cambering about the Infectious
dimness here passel away. Milk indeed,
the =net form or spectre „r
rortcereed in producing all the (bootlace of
the miss a not yet known, it i. no kmgr
disputable that aU are cetera by some
minute Wring thing. plant or animal.
etrrieg uwttneu. Amor awunxo.
Although in Mona through which tor pur-
pose of veutilatiogr large volumes of dusty
out ofdoors air are pumped, day mad night,
there will be in the aggregate • considerable
aecumutatket of um= or less bacteria -laden
dust: it is, after all, the ground -up dirt which
is brought in from the strewth upon shows and
gannets, and the aetenulatio a of wants
material, which in dwelling -houses and
pieces of amenably are it abundant, which
furnish the larger proportion of the bacterial
ingredients of in -door, air. The average
amount of air which a healthy grown persue
takes in at each breath bas been estimated to
be M a litre )about all cable inch -
SS. 1t has bas found from vartan analyser
of the air of different planes in and about any
large city, under ordinarily favorable con-
ditions, that the number of living germs in
10 litres of air varies from 1l to 311. Basing
an estimate upon the studies of the air made
in New York city, with every twenty breathe
nue may take into his body. depending upon
where be is, all the way from i1 tone living
together with • variable
amount (4 iiorga•k dust- "The number of
living scrims which the New York citizen is
liable to be toned to take into his body,"
says Dr. Predate, "when abs streets ars dry
and the wind blowing. or when the dry 111th
is being stirred up by the 1-
tires of the present streeteleaming fiends, it
would be a thankless task to tea" It her
been learned, not only from common ai-
PAUL AT Tat nrltwwTs
wino', but trim long series or careful sx-
p.Aesne., that the solid particass which we
breaths in with the air either through the
now or meek do not comae out with the ex-
pired air, but are retained no the .moist ear-
upon wit the air impinges going in
catalog foreign particles
floating in the *spired air are caught large-
ly in the sow or mouth or upper throat,
while • certain number pees down into the
air tubs and Immo.
The lungs of nearly all adults who live
untder what are called "civilised condi-
tions," instead of being of • delicate spot -
hes pink color, are dotted all over with
Meeks and patches of inhaled dust particles,
which the body Ms are been aha to cast off.
The I do imbed filter omit of
W foreign substance foot the lunge, but
they are not always able to take care of the
filth that is inhaled The body fords the
male safeguards, It b tree, against living
- germ me against other dost particles, and
nems of the germs which /rest in she air do
sot grow in the human body in my appre-
ciable degree; the soil is not good for thea
Irma* the through your now
t!ltetrle Lights assd ETestg►t.
Dr. John A. Payne, ambit, ram- "Host
persons who its the t electric
light Wb a now lamp because the light is
whiter and more brWUaat thea altar the
imp has been ho use for two or throe wenn.
Thin Y wrong. his this drnIag whits light
that harm the he. An odd lamp ie
the bent, for in these the light has bemuse
changed to a pale yellow, which is the Ideal
oalor. Jest ss la noonday
Imam night le act so Bear and far-
as at the yellow sc-
ant, an a now 1 burner is not es
good tor the eye as an old neo An old
burner no adjusted and shaded that tis light
trim It doss ant skims in the fad, he the ideal
ortlgcisl hgbt An erased gam -burs
boom asst. The nen of the are light should
be emise4 to street lamps Rome store-
keepers stltl nee them, but they are terribly ITI E
hurtful to the eye 71e r hareems the In-
ssa.lty Abid light r ecantaatly ehenpgfeg.
and tads /raping of the blase V muni worth
Gia theA .
ccmplete, and is tits
largest, best assorted and the cheapest in Goderich.
We give below a few of the lines we lead in:
Black and Colored Henrittas, 46 inches wide.
Ladies' Rubber Circulars, in great variety.
Linen Goods, comprising Table Linens, Table Napkin,
Towels and Toweling, &c,, &c.
Lace Curtains and ArtMuslins.
We import the above lines direct, and in%it.• inspection anti cin limrin*
of prices.
sung by securing
the health of the people.
T'beestore tree
Blood a•d 8'oetaet
Hitters, 'tic.; there is nose
��oe•ghs, rtio. CK CHERRY FOP
1I Cure• for eklldres
medicines a .prelalty
tT� hap:c, ALMONDS
A aabetttate iter Liquor,
A New fork paper says : "Mrs Hayes
always declared that a perfectly adequate -
substitute for liquor, when weeded as a stim
ulama, meld be found in hot sulk, and after
any coli or wetting she gave the in piece
of wine or whiskey, which others would
have considered necessary. This is, by the
way, a custom of Mrs. Cleteaasets also,who
discovered after the fatigues anal many hong
sed wearisome receptions which she was
obligee' to pass through, standing for hours
on her feet and shaking hands with hun-
dreds of people, that nothing would restore
her so quickly as a cupful of beilin, milk
brought to her by her maid, and which she
drank in little sirppaa as but u it could be
taken. The Washington rte caught the
ids from her, and finning how quickly it
helped) them after a hand day of calls and
social duties, they began to substitute it
for various malt which they
had been in the habit of taking, or the hot
wine -and -water which their maids nasally
administered when they dame in too tired
out to dress for the next
English Speen liniment renuovrs al
hard, soft or calloused lumps and blernishere
from, horses, blood spay in, curie, splints, ring
bone, sweeney, .tiles, sprains, sore std
swollen thrat, coughs, etc. Save 960 I.y
use oil one butte. Warranted the moat
wonderful blemish core ever known. Bald
by F. Jordan. It6-ly
Send 75 csta for Tws SIGNAL from now
until Jan. 1st, Ina
Thr most agreeable, tonic and
mild stimulant is Milburn's Beef, iron and
Rine. Int
■tsar's esasme.t ee used by Pbysirtan••
NA1 RN'$
dye than the lee kev of the gitellglt_
i have had nares to treat a great many
pampas for fdsssiaatissi of the retina meed
bye of are lamps. "—Rt. Louis Globe
Now Noe Current O.
Here. • polster far as alas who oeetsm
puss grw.pleg • ds gllsg s rnt*ke Nike
win. When • pair of .oadweemrs le grasped
with both bash he pith for Its carr ee i
from neo• hand up that arm Innes the week,
whore K remlies la all dtreeslems throe.
the aims revs poem epee to Ke theme by
Try of he other arm •ad heed to the esker
When a oras gimps a abgb wife leer
with only ems hand ail regimes dna, the
phi d ef he servant b. m MOM, ap fora
nem to the bob. oma ham by wee very et
re kelt■, the wining end the Inge to the
pee end t e the pas/ ss eemphes tie is
Orem 14, to 14, per .R
Must religiose iasis
i, sok at an hearken
mut to Auer lower
I on'• i b !y p:ngl.a, blotches, tea, and ei
itchmi 'Minors of the skin are removed by
using Itr. (wow's Sulphur Snap. 1a
Mlb*r'•Ltatte.►wt rites Carts la COMM
B. B. B.
Burdock Blood Bitters
purely a'g`l.rg.imera
ed the dem�r
purifies the
Al blood horrors and dburnbdse aaa�
sea pimple to the woe*wsidtdsatoe.
thiseombiaed with its aeballdssgeleliag,
de•'shlg and purifying laEatate oo the
weretione of the liver, kidneys, bewale mad
ebia. maw of the oaequa lei as a care forilloseese til
Free than to two beide will tare Who
nd all
tdolebee. adds rash, scurf, how.
e nd ample l5itao al Aim divas.
Pram two to
oo esteem= m�tRrhit�tgg
mem ininting esesheidall Akio
It le natissaW drat arl�rtora Eos i!a
Are nearly always sgfrevated lo iKielsable
bat this rosovel es do
of the diadem by gnWbi . !Ian
=Vat Imam
ill qtr bath al
We have nadenblad pool that Stoma three
laatth1ilesnod ii‘annift and ttattsd
(paled Ill a NI i awe. lit
tirtMd parts, will s/swl awe.
ptsi i shim til B. B. B. is to violate W
ode 1 and e. wi'boongwuh and bleed. la hoed
am at oho otosalh.
ted to epee the .laiea wryw and the myelin
w, the thae Maid roma
and hews 11•Ire.
W. Mdaep� slesai. inside sgd i.
e whey beide et B. B Il.
ihs �ewas. cow will redlsad ib teaasy an
hI . win A
M.or..( rho arias Ea D. s..
haw r
la T. MILBIIIII.00.. •
11,000Acca Geed Falb Lab
TSTsa F'uass.T,
e. M
sad end '. ..s t Alves.
Lora naieeeer,
At pricier resides Nem M is M tier oma
Ther lands are cines to Ea {sig Prev
Towne, 1 lhare►ry li.benle, .ie, will
he Mehl ea Mad psrer•be 11
R. N. Parnas, www b oar.
Or se.1. W. OURTIS. Whittemore, MI 1
••••••••••••••••••awool . •. b11�y/
i... scow
Re Om ow, Amin
Iwo rs.. .w. am.. 4.•
webt ,lie sa••s•-a sen •Naawase•
to us. sad t
b u
outs s mine
(phfl Balt
bona or
nee, sad
than tins.
tow 11144 d,
ve mak.
T.t/.v 1'
%v.• ref.
f money
1-. us. Po
terms aur
.ora Drat
1 41,1401
P r•
1 5C
1 8 -la
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1 4E
1 50