HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-4-10, Page 7• THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY APRIL lit, 1891. W. ACHESON & SON. WWI•*•i* ALECK SAUNDERS EAST SIDE DRESS G -ODDS_ Our assortment of Dress Goods for spring is complete in the newest materials and most desirable shades for this season. JACKET CLOTHS. Entirely new in diagonal effects, Venetian and English serges, We invite early inspection and comparisons with Our I FOLLOW CITY REGULA- New lines of novelties tor the goods. TIONS; TAKING THE LEAD- kitchen. Our prices are the lowest in Goderich. I.NG SANITARY PUBLIOA- TIONS I KEEP UP TO THE • W. ACHESON & SON. TIMES. Granite Ironware. 1891-161.1. PAPERS -1894 Openlng Announcemeflt ! NEW DESIGNS AND NEW PAPERS, 111 at a price that any one can purchase, Good papers at 5 cts. per roll ; better at 10 cts., t2 cts. and 15 cts. Sanitary S. HOUSE Plumbing.FURNISHING HEATING GOODS. I'H E POETS' CORN ER. serest stem. ou can lead a burse to water, Hut you taunt make him drink ; can send a feel to eollege, Hut you cannot make him think : 1 ou may keep your daughter strumming Fr•m mora i ill afterno0m trot you can't make her a play er If abs hasn't any time. Vol can ne who levee the agamake • r toayoy ono pleat Thoutl- you may ^�• him plow And elves and haw sedges, it's w use to swear and Warm Hecau+e your o•ly son Pieter* the girl be met in the oar T .t one oe H .witch off that a .ck. For lose is lord of pelf, ♦un'. besides, it's more than likely. That you know bow 'tis yourself. lou orate make acitizen. Let him be black or white, of the man who doesn't know enough To cipher. read and write. ou cannot et urge a rooster's strut Nur make the layers crow. Though you may honestly believe It would be better so. \ ou cannot make • Fuson ')f the stage struck. Rome) Lad: And if you ever do s..ceeed You'll wish yea never bad. There is poly one thing meaner. And that's to have to see tl•e name of your neighbor's numbskull F.nisb.l with M. b. Hui .11 these things. and more beside. We may expect to bear. uta the numbskull kills us. .\rad the Romeo says the poorer- Erlcanur Kirk in fuck. 1 Common ewer About tilt Cigarette. 1 A torsoo dealer says: There has been a great deal said *bunt the harmfulness of cigarettes, and certainly they are in- jurious to yoasg boys or to men if smoked in ezcese; but most of thetas who • attack the cigarette habit have very lit - . it. tle idea of what they are talking about. It should be 1 that the great- est smokers iu the world—the Spaniards, the Cubans. Spanixb-Americans and the Russians—use cigarettes tar more freely than cigars, and none of these nations tam be called unhealthy. People talk shoat the injnriotuoemof the paper, but any physician will tell you that it has no effect worth If you take a piece of rine paper and aim It scarcely soy reaanup wit& rio main, and s man might nob that pa- ter indefinitely without experiencing the smallst bad result_ What makes cigar- ette ernoking injurious is the fact that the smoke is not retained in the mouth and throat, but is taken into the lungs. It is became; the cigar smoker does not i this that be denounces cig- arette smoking as insipid. Su it is if the cigarette is smoked like a cigar, but when the smoke is swallowed the effect is far more delicate than can be obtained i from any cigar. and you will find that a i confined cigarette smoker seldom en- •)joys either s doe or • pipe. —St. Logia Globe -Democrat. wily Peep,. Dile 'Mete Lips. If you surprise the flakier of a family stretched out at full length and trying rLtur .%E sw•tiniseT till he is red in the face to raise his legs without lifting his Ludy. you may know twase sp ea smart. he is , to work off his sinter - .t stranger mace walked into a Masaschu abundance of . which inter- -, tts court aril spent sono time watching fetus periotuly with his cutting a grace- in td,r waltz, which his l,ett.z CLOSETS, CLEANLY, HEALTHFUL, DURABLE. HOT WATER, WARM AIR, STEAM A HOUGH WELL PAPERED I8 HALF FURNISHED AND COSTS BUT A TRIFLE. a 1 )ur satnples of Wall Papers, Lions are now complete, and we think it only a pleasure to show samples at.d give prices. Borders, Friez.•. an.1 ('sailing Deeors- FRASER & PORTER, Central Telephone Exchange• Court House Square. 1LRt jNT MARBLE SLABS, rata WRINGERS, LEAD PIPE and BATHS SWEEPERS, BRUSHES, I BROOMS,�STOVES, RANGES, SHEET LEAD. HAND MADE TINWARE I FURNACES and BOILERS. E.hc.6uR�Frco'rs ALL KINDS - CARD OF THANKS. The The undersigned wishes to return thanks to the people of Goderich and surrounding country for the very . ... patronage which: has for so many years leen accorded the RHYNAS ESTATE DR CG STORE The business has now been purchased by �. GEO. A. FEAR, of Petrolia, and we take pleasure in ......, . ,''' , him to our pat- rons and the public generally as in every way worthy their confidence and well qualified to continue the business at the sante high standard of excellence which has admittedly characterized it in the past. F. F. LAW1 ENQE Godeeieh, March 20. 1"91. WiTH ENLARGED PREMISES, BETTER FACILITIES AND A STAFF OF FIRST-CLASS WORKMEN, T CAN UNDERTAKE -MRS ()F ANY SIZE. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FURNISHED AT CORRESPONDENCE the ,.rocee.iings. sty ami Try a not was ful figure t•naght up for .unkempt of .Dort ami fined : half insists ou dancing every chance she w Ilerenptn the stranger roe and said : "How ranch was the fine:' gets. If you consult Mr. Russell on "Five dollars," replied the clerk. what changes will make yon better look- -Well." said the so -eager, hying down Mg. you will find him very blunt. He : he nn.ney, "if that's a11, i'.) like to 3110 in. may tell you you do not wash your face Ito 1 *.) a fru hour*' experience of this I clean. and when you ask how he knows ,tntrt. and no one can feel a greater con- 1 he will tell yon if you did your skin tempt for it than 1 do, and I am willing to would not be disfigured with those black pay for it.- pimples, or lie may tell you. as he told a Herr is what so Itaban woman is doing woman who recently appealed to him "In His Name." She is poor, earns her for advice. that she dii not est enough, living as goverment, in English families come which fact he had reached because be mg to spend the winter at Rome, and in had observed how much ebe chewed ber summer doing whatever she inn find to do lipa that . will pay her board. Her heart was So von ser yon need not be on your p5111011 10 see the lalarers crowd the beer gel behavior when you peas under his saloons every rainy day, for Italians; do not eagle eye. But did you ever sit in the work is •the ram. She thought long over ferry bust of ear nal watch the women, the sin and misery ctiforesulting from guidance, hese who make the most Macchia. wry faces leigth a prayed much for entad its sal k poane noarish- length a plan for relief presented itself. It I in their attempts to get ••.a• to provide • house where they couldment or crumb of comfort from their have hot coffee iwtaa.l of bore ami cognac. I lips! Not only the women but the men with geowhiesding matter •ccasenbk. In three; aj„o have tibia fiendish habit.—Brttokly weeks time she had the means 4, -em her. , Eagle. and bow the building is near completion. • vr. x� Zealand *ted. Many have pwosaraeil to help furnish and send hooka —Union Signal. Dr. Frtstedt has brought a moat inter- --- — esting and valuable oollecta on of birds, Keenest Advereste--Now, sir, what lel to etc.. from Australia. where he (tail many this assault ! an outing, and from where PI•ntilf (dsfi—Ys, sir. he proceeded to New Zealand. There he Advocate llooder►--What caused the de- . ,ticceeded in obtaining a apedmon of the fondant to assault you' quaint and almost extinct kibi bird. You , ind only the wine of Planing (still dealt- Har! •]'ilia bird is somewhat like as ostrich. Advocate (rtaringf -What made him hit * crow. It has no with Plaintiff _Wd,yw see.squire, it wit this wino at all. and is coveted or ways: I called kiwi • dadd-chardAnother don'tliar. Sr*Sex he: like short striped feathers.pe- "If you take that lac I'll knock a caliarity about the kibi is the fact that hale o hay nut of you.- its egg is larger than see -third of its Advocate --Whet seabed' body. Plaintiff - liar ! He also sloaeded in bringing Items Adv. este (atstorianallyl What follow some Maori skulls, which are difficult to edobtain on account of the manner in PlsintiR (okeerttill-- .. ht done is which this natives bury their dead_ wt a,4 s L$.lere.1 rotes Nase..pee. When the bodies have been so long in Archbishop Cleary may low the sight of the ground that all the flesh has ranee .ane of his eyes form an operatio* tenni the skeleton they unearth toes and carry them into the interior of the tomtit, where they are depoaiited in nat- ural caves, which are very difficult to find. The attempt to obtain these skulls is attended with the greaten: danger, as any one discovered with one is certain of being instantly killed.—GaltpllaFs Mae- rlekl.g a Manse. llacle Rastus—Rye, hyo: I knowed dat betse'd win' 1 knowed it ter such' Tom Bookie—Hare anything on him' 1'ncle Vastus—No, saki: but 1 seen he had a cinch. Tom Bookie—Why didn't you bet oo him then' Uncle Rastas—Didn't hob no time, soh. But I knowed he'd win. I knowed 1t jus an soon as cher 1 assn him Dome kerilukin under de wire. sah.—Week's Sport. A It.ad.4. "What do yon hear from your Salim* friend?" "He has jmum asked me to go ap to his place said speed the night with him. I don't know whether he wants me to stay mdse rnnntbaor six hours."—New York sal The Art .f Uncle Josh—How's your father? Mies Bello—Very well. thank you. Uncle Josh—How's your mother! Mies Bello—She's well, ton. Uncle Josh (after $ theta edentate passe) --How'rs your pareabsy—Yale Record. • Ct.w. Patewlmas--Thq've fiat took • Goats Mt d this ewer with • eros marked ea Me that 1 a able senger. Tose is no depatmentd British seer - enable industry which has developed with inch marveltns rapidity to the ps- tmlenm trade. Ninos Ha Deeming in 12E0. when the to4a: t p W taetssere about 9.000,000 gallons, by leaps and bounds until. to 11 111. the amount brought tato the Milted King- dom reached the total of 10e.S47.411 gallons. At Last. Mrs. Cobwtggrr—Did you ever find • man under the bed? Mrs. Merritt—Ys, the night we thought t» re were burglars in the house. I found my husband there.—Lila MODERATE CHARGE. HIt►LICITEI► FROM SI-RRI)I'N 1.1 NI: Ti WN$. s -411011 troll) remartang upon herstrioing appearance, and as she sailed acmes the room one of Wase persons said to her neighbor: "Do look at Mr.. X.; isn't she astonishing to -night!' "Yes," was the rept!-: "she looks exactly like an escaped sofa. '—Boston Courier. goaet1aes Happens. Anxious Caller—la this the police sta- tion' Chief—Yes, ma'am. What can 1 do for roe' "I have lost some valaalie jewelry. 1 suspect • former servant of having taken it. I want to employ s detectiva to find Mr whereabouts." "All right. ma'am. Tour Hanle•'" "I am Mme. de Wise, the—er—fortune teller."—Chicago Tribune. • r/tgbty Ye.. Tale*. A 6 -year-old child with • large appetite and • special fondness for pancakes and maple sirup arrived at the breakfast table the other morning and forthwith demand- ed oaks. "Nat your oatmeal first," said her father "How many cakes can I have?" said the greedy young lady. The father, who 1s give to practical jokes, cogitated for • moment and then said: "1f you eat one plateful of oatmeal you can have three raker, but if yon eat two Osmanli you can have four cakes, and If yon sa three Oatmeal you can have six eaten." The child .ecepted the promptly. and one plateful of oatmeal dis- appeared in a twinkling; then another plateful followed slowly, and • third was consumed with evident difficulty. The cakes and sirup were then prepared. The youngster had been growing more solemn every moment, and when one mouthful of cake had been disgwswl of soddenly roared out In anguish: "My tummy's Lull of oatmeal avid 1 can't eat any cakes at all—boo-boo""—CblesmO Ledger. Nee • Dentist—Now. bee here. what's the use of making so much fuss about a little mis- erable root like that' Let me pull it. Patient—You'll Burt. Dentist—You're a coward. Why. there was a woman in here this morning who had seven good teeth pulled. Pat lent —I know, Doc, but this isn't . good tooth.—Rochester post -Express Messes*. She wee • pl.sp woman. and b smell sot have been s violent atretcbing of the lows - truth to call bee • corpulent one With • • I h•veaotieel in several of 11 imams the fatality whirls sometimes seises epos • ei 70111 vwleed paper seise methnla Of treat - ber r= is the way of deciding to wear the event of ilsgmv►ing toenails. As i have heel Iwwksd with • kslfe lop *lima dsf Ttps. most eneeplawese *treks, els had 'sleeted a "mbar orf mins to nmwse enols my works Cb1ef—Ptart right out Iliad arrant even A t is • rias d epeeist or valuable le- se the .MMW et Mr mor* a i ewes. seek to write his gams— wsk •s this. that, U . ..1'. Ysl as of nN tst111 ragas by the •-It-Mow. sh• m .1Np.as•ry practice, probably the oneesr Delicate. Proprietor (of furnishing store/—What are you doing with those everlasting neck- The sort of courtship that goes on for ties' bourn behind eloped floors, that insists upon Clerk —I was just t them In seclusion and rsents a thin) peeper, that the dlowtase. thinks first of the belover) object and not at p Well. that's all right, but h you can't be too careful about handling all of anyone else thin may do for a pix them.—Clothier and Furnisher. weeks' lw toter and inarriage : but long should a.sa.asbt. b. .ondnet..l on radically different lines. "Yon are discontented with the wogs 1 11-a, there ever a dearer sweetheart than pay you, and yet at Mrs. Brown's you didn't have any more." lone !bone, whose maidenly reserve allow- didn't so, and I dib all the work there ed .lohn Kidd One kis a day, ami no swam ton. Bit yon ase You want me to love ing whatever ` .\ml do you remember Maryy your children. and I must hsv. extra pay Garth so true to her tat any-too-elygib.k for that."-1Riegende Matter Fred, nal yet ao straight and strict with n. Was a cement. herself : Engaged err not, she must surely Mr. Gargoyle—I bear leer daughter is hate been a welcome companion is any house, Fred or no Fredl. And again that dame in silver gray who .harried John Hali fax be sure that her het miles] wain modest and unselfish one. LIM yourself straitly, afistreas Lucy, buil eIxounage Wolin to understand that while yon stay tinier the paternal roof the obliga- tions of that shelter an• on you, and forbid rush 10 all 3 o„rr courtesy net a sin 4uset. Flown "The Point of View. in April Scribner. -r. the simple method of pocking the ingrowing portion of the nail with cotton. Atter the nail has Leen well packed a few drops of the tincture of chloride of item ve allowed to soak into the squeals. The iron acts as an astringent', hardening the Usually very tender and sensitive granulations. It also deadens pain to • great extent, and by its stimulating action muses healthy tisane. to forst rapidly. The packing is re- peated three times weekly. ami the end of one 01 two weeks the use of the iron may is• dirs•onthtued. - Thr trail, however, is to Ire well sacked witb cotton until the ingrow- ing pnrt1011 has grown out and is able to be properly trimmed. In trimming the nils one should be careful to , ut them straight across, and ' not t.. carry the scissors deep .100-11 into the corners of the nail. i have seen some of the worst cries of ingrowing toenails cured by following the above plan of treatment.- t A areal SMaaleg. Stk..' 1 have takcu thaw tattles of line do rk Blow) Bitters and find it a good medi- cine for consttfatnm an.I Taos appetite. 1 will continue taking it as it is a great blessing and i feel a great change in my health since taking it. Mee. .1. V. /:aiE', 2 5 Sydenham Rt., Toronto, (hit. t Timely Word as Lana . ti Trii-t.- Estate Geo. Rhynaa. P u ±LIC NOTIGE! Another Targe consignment of Fresh Teas of superior quality. In order to counteract the dis- honest practices perpetrated on the public by peddlers and others, we are offering Special Inducements in Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat- ronage. engaged, Mrs. Gummey. Ms. Gnmmey—Yes; 1S Keatacky geo- tlemen. Mr.. Gargoyle—What) And yen were 'away, opposed to Amegfga girls marry- ing titles'—Jodie. ' We Claim the las 1$. We claim the earth is routed, and we know it's true. We aka claim that Hagyrd's Yellow (til ,brui.ss,lnrna,00l.ls, •mop, pore throat. , nenralgia, and all painful or inflammatory dismiss, and we know this is trne. 1'e110w Oil is • true family remedy for 'amens or sowxmese in urn or bast. 2 amm rewtai >�a• • 1'Itarls 13. Williams, resident physician at Psa•ytvsaia Hospital, Philadelphia, writs to the Sciewtiflr American s foil gab. l e IndlaeapoW Journal Iw 011 ls a pwspt .rad effector' more for was &.00.d wpb Oars so Mew that, lead 0t taysilest tilt we perwad may he b rasa* asM Salm*. The bora sed the Wart la A. stn at law Isar eeV r 12.20•s ` "IAtllhir.a. r iya.uuiva, a. 11. 4 - M 5 IffIlmr,00.asessidift Ohs Wit .4,11Inksigkib glum cs1 , bearsa.ans, awe throat, Ara - satin., vel algia, wales or sstwas of say kiss. Kaesa es Malik over thirty yeses. Illkiagf, iYaement as mord by sMsaSems. she hes* smaller, loot se treed er • dud• serest tri min el rose rsadara le all eases, ewe eowN bays bleb _. ..L 1 *Po. bar. �a eve. 1a severe forts of ibgrewiag te.- s atoe- to *oak tars hie Oat that a it* gnat wbowers dad to improve her hesh•ed'a IowaQ I at t tai ttMS551IIMPIIM les d'J' 220 *sterane ed rai1Y'POOP e a Eastern at sea ar cos tali!, we moo* rr+.t'a +ww w, .ws w, „„.„44,,,,,,:*tot lttsuyis,d a reeta..l ULs.rle. Hsgyarsd'. Pectoral Bahrain giros prompt relief in imagism. ...dila, hoersees, whoop „_._..._ ing o•sgh. croup, asthma or bronchitis. it u the most pleasant and perfect threat and inng healer in the world for cbillren or •Anita. Price 2(w. 2 T1s loos Dsater r ssalag all blade of f*rslture sr the lowest poaittl. pries* 1. Y het tbbt lM M Ws. II..eM ray. "in our roar,"•aiA • 7 0 0ng wife, "1 habits." gat my 1 to gpive wp all hi. had habits. He era. •.psswthrift, bet he is now se mre. fel as 1 am. He newt to weer, but he bee Tw s.k. Me *wisp ise U �Ij1 given n all the that I d',o e> rYse►� 11111f1 Ikatt•ws. Rmtslmiagou way R tip lsige* 1a:ft.' oh, him •s.g. Re indulged in lige* •t theme, het ] sea sa b,• .ora here got huhu to step dusting. H. kept late Arun at nigh, pmt ttow he retiree eat- Iy, He Fuel 4 salty. that 1 hair. Winer' yes *Wish sin iiui as tallywail., where eats amwid be mamma Idle an than , and hs is • model httsis.4. 1* tunable aloe esd as for tttefr sdaNlslos Mlor�g ttttwY haw do.a t� � � premiere we.M Ir to rents. � ws s. ie • Q � �/ � 1aM'we. he 1M'• • - •^,Nve • tm•♦ns^sr�.et.. of Os Thin REES PRICE Sr, SON. Kay's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square. Orders by Telephone promptly attended to. Cattle Chains ---New Patterns. Crolssent Saws-- All Makes. Cutlery---Tabl eand Pocet---In Endless Variety. Chopping Axes ---At Your Own Price. Genual Winter Goods ---Stock Complete. ALL AT SPECIAL PRICES! R. P. WILKINSON & Co., Hardware. B'AYINO'S 1CII IILZL !IN Est perfect lotion Wu for the moot of SUNBURN, FRECKLES, ROUGHNESS, AND ALL IRRITATION OF THE SKIN. F. JORDAP i MEDICAL HALL, GE O_ BARRY Sells Cheap IOC Cmc waw h the aeaspaay t• tttttiee the ofaadhmR ttat4 aarrtbsr p^' isd3 D j y jay wjggr sir �htiiWtzit,