HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-4-10, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY APRIL l0, Nil.
OE pp61TS Os
IN EACrt ram'.
Spools) Aftenfl.R given h the O.Nectlon of rosaiNorelsl
a -d arrows' *Mee Metes.
R. S. WILLIAMS, Manager.
NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. l'haa 1\laolder is t iatiug relative in
plow M IMM 8o: 43 ... - 1'L•.t town_
•owtM Jehn Acheson 2 A. ycU. Allan u spending the week w
Leas faw fer sale Jeffersonj town.
.1 1/aawi
Coe.o John A. Doyle, of Sudbury, was in town
Heuer to Hest - Mie. 8. Pollock 4
during the work.
J. A. Reid k giro 5
/ karit`r eats i Mr. K. P. Wilkinson has returned frau
Teeters eased -Peter Adat�oaw w 4 w tnp 1'hicago.
!►wise to 1 ontrectew--C. F. Irwr
g Roubles' Not for 31, 0. J.bados... 1 Wn.. ale Leen has been seriously ill ("UT.
Cheap Hums sad Shoes-Joaaste0 Carey 3 tug ll.e pain two wools.
Auduon'rtutemeat--T$W oI Oodertch•... 'Si Open meeting of High School literary
I/aitla•d 1'Iwe for Sats-_!/esti R. hails.- .l'ucirty this ' Fri.Ly, evening.
iack.m•' Pale-. n ate.„ e. Halt C 1'•mm•• 4 1'a t A. l'hanihers and familyleft for
Crease offth • ttbop Reopened - Was, AJbarf 7 Port 1Huron Tuesday of last week.
Crease Witch Basel r JMia..... ...... 7
cow Wanted This Ogles .... ••- ... 1 John McNeil left no Thursday last for
ghbgMe Wanted Clime. hies. .. .. .. 1 Windeor to take the position of tint mate
Be,, wailed flax two ti0deh ri... -. .... 1 on the or Pity ..f Windsor.
Ladies, clean your kid gloves with
THE TALK OF THE TOWN. MatbrraI:b11 rakIrr, OnessaleTdy by."1
.lrhew,m. Agro atoll hue of dreared nasi
A ameid ■Mnblibm wt.GOT 1N HM 110001111. lireat clearing rale d Tweeds
'4111 the pest menel Ire." esY /M stens anal Men's Furnishing Goods. We
ztV tie SMr whit. kook- 1%. 711. lass it 11ad M M PgemglF. V
ansa tr w 1al.ea� ak>�alt tae le Was Iro o.. have cloned our branch store in
�p eiaMri dsgaetlgtttak of a wen know. no wawa • ky law/ mwartlatfl pas.
b pad. roes► "kY b aa looms Mao, be est le the wtsWa4 rem el w gang* VI ingharts, lately carried on by K J.
-la*. Simply .tapsadoea" goals lepa1 «ram the rigor .bat all °lbw loos
and lnoveil the stock to God -
"Oho yea. oe etre," said to
d o dart kept .Mar et Ma AA hat ger ,
obligingly. he win a tell, Olin man, with • lea erich. This stock, c minting of
"Time Boo-Marohsim't aoemparkma No. voice and asst eyebrows. sad he
earrMd TN Cede, Coatings. Hats. Caps, Ties,
sir; mot • oo ap.riecs. dr. Bow iamb al is W amid a oda. aada,.raaa gall ,. Re �•
• rock do you carry?" id tae big Inas apo teaalar. and then Shirt.. Collars, Cutis. Gloves, start
"About 000,000 worth." Mold m walked over sed rood straigbt up before ponders, Hosiery, Ste., we want t�
"Good -Area rate -and furnitare -bow W end 'AAA,
about turnitur.1 "Cao 700 ezplat■ edit the moos .bald clear out iii three weeks. To do
~Over p00,000." tniaence Me tides in tie way it does?"we will c•fler it at e.. trso[dltwry
Admirable. Take a boor and go right Wb ere Ton talkie* wore demanded
undreamed kid gloves in all the must .lestrable
- lekiw' infra shades. 02Int
rases sasssp le . 1'hr afwual elutnu.wosl seruu us will Doe IT soon g,•saee away. our
Ali lank Ae'U peers, .t. prrwche.l in Victoria street Methodist sister is in bee last year at the college to thin °a°, as he dodged and retreated
church nett Kurlay, morning and et•isamgwhich i wish to send you, and you will not around • bench. "I did hope w find in
Ladies r
underrate. sad battery at L IMI 1.y Kea. K A. Few, of Nile, Res. ft. f.� be alone, at least for nearly a year, and at you a kindred spirit, but I am disappoint-
I4iand's. ntf Button will take Rev. lir. Fear's place on the end of that time you ought to be able ed. Your last observation is conclusive
A l:.wu. PRMNorr. The trent useful gift the Yi. circuit. to get ►1001; nicely by yoartself." proof that you are not up on even natural
sow Pas,mee►e b to glue s Wirt fon. Apply Penelope tapped the floor impatiently philosophy. Fired from • certain diatom*,
telt. Nellttliceddy•easel. Oederich. tf R.ananalr_ --.1t a meeting held last Friday with her toot with an extra charge of powder, a tallow
yowl ell coon- at once, but (IP•,. Kirwan will .•t erring a baseball club,called the 1►rtnonds, "1 ,t pe " �e Wd "TEere'e candle may be driven through an wk
Med to gee ,ow all Iadiv id wally
M hie photo studio year in mid )
.►rough it, 1 s'poertarnW 11 complete, as blit DWI 40 • 1ot0e eo dm" that it low prices for cash. )land' lines
could you -from top to bottom -.h t" aasmed to have come out at the trrment •oar may hate at half price. The
Yee; everything from carpets to brb-a• sere roar. of noun+ --
ter' -welt, you dews alangl I want goosing tiwr•m a'e have
oiler at ice. price
"And lace =MMus aid tapestries -you be de with you!" r n price
Keep everything." always been looked upon as • companion- N e W iii ,c11 at l0 pet cent bt {✓w
"Awl you know what style 1s, too --re ski portent by everybody. Have you eves
A Saving De/aviment has
uection with this ranch.
Interest allowed at current rales.
Manager Galerich Branch.
- 6,000,000.
been opened in con -
"You don't? That' dwg°lar. I acv and cut them out free of &mow, Sal RY OFRECK(1'TS AND EXPENDITURES OF 'FRE CUKI't)RATION
of Tows of God ,rich for the year mdlag Irrueaaber 3114. INe.
aabtosme Pompadour Henry IL aid aha figured on what quantity of water u wrap- cost 81►•d hilt cut out. RECEZYTB_
each yenrP. arl
Lotus?'' ...tad from the Atlantic ocean If you want .► bargain cal e J ,
"No one better pored than "Didn't I tell you lit gar" growled the
• •t 1.111 at
P'r'op you'd better nes him. Mr. 1-. Egg man. ''I don't want anybody to talk g, the goods .\ 111 not last here one moment," and Oke manager cams M tae!" Olio (rices W.` lutv,• t houh anti ked.
apo with a.mile on him like • halt moon. 'lire, don't? 1 wouldn't hawe believed 1 J• A• IiElO 4(n_ BRO•
"No idea of it," mused the ulster. "No it Periwig you have met with a last -
Mem Had an impression you had to go to death of some dear friend? if so, you have Jordan's ills. ►, Gu,herieb. 2251 -
for such things. Good taste- my heart felt sympathy. Speaking.fdeath AptelO.h.le11.
everything correct, surprising. really." reminds we of the heavens and satrunomy.
"If you could gine me an Idea." ventured Do you know bow long 1t would take a
the manager, "of what you required, you Gannon ball, speeding at the raw of thirty -
Owes yards 111'es yards a second, to reach the moon?"
"Ab, yes, I forgot. Want two and a halt "Look -a -hear. old man, I'll break you
yards of green shade fringe. MagniHosnt in two if you don't move mar' shouted tato
establishment,"-Upholater'er. Mg man se .e eat up atraighL
I dec:tarel But you are the most touchy
Her Plana moon I've met in ten years. You don't
"Penelope, have you any plans for the sewn to want to get acquainted. 1 ain't
mad, however, and 1 wanted to inquire U
The father. • distinguished south aid. you had any Idea of the strength of an .111-
pbydetan, looked sternly at his lbyear-old •tors jaws? Recent mads
daughter as he asked this question. by a reliable naturalist have shown' --
Yes sir," 044 answered.
"Hang it, but I'll knock Tou through
**You any it makes you borneoick to stay that wall:" savagely roared the lig man,
away from home, Penelope. That is a nun- as he hauled off to deliver a blow.
eideration hardly worth mentioning. "Oh, well, if you don't want to be friend -
1 I shan't bumble, myself " replied the
nes is Keo°Pie war organic"' and the G.Uowing oNicen won't Bo. P• lank, but wont you come to talk of
year out. no use talking about tL I'd rather die." p
were elected : (Apt.. Chas, !tharrhamt : soca pe,, knocking a human body through a brick
s mUline-y **You are growing up, Peoelo ' sighed g give
Mies Holiiid waft o0 tetrayour ignorance an ai
tbe good doctor, "apparently without any 7 y g
d"el. not The osest style la Pirie a tlCs idea of the value of time or the yourself away. I should" -
hots and bo Christian
Litt et Aar Co,n�sT terse) ,n lfe. You don't care for Oise The big man rushed at him with uplifted
Have TTear visited it trees., l ea,. (rea.naatt. The club i.olsen
esrahlishwee.t, Reel -at. t Hunt dont dr Is
ad Xew for chiller from all junior clubs.
OSIf .1 6 , test
Woman's terotas 'lempen.ce 1 nim 44. born arranged far between the 11- (' T and reality of t n and
in 4477. Tin pwssee ITR1); North street.
fol books, you d nothing to improv your Asa, but the thin man dodged again . we"1 tlw Y,'s, uurLit:h will La-he4l in the ! our hours in frivolity, T node, afternoon. P � Tuesday, April 21. �
made •meatal tompmtatlon of toe nam
o n voI went outside and stood by the door and
gb. business meeting .13o'ctock. Temperance Hall, on y, -you seem to float idly along as U thorn Rates ................
Y. J. or .end . es people's cJuthbr, b .gain The •,must will begin at 8 r. s, Silver col- were no serious end or aim In living ex- of snowflakes which fell on the soil of New Atte! . _ .... ........ •, .. o 1133_ tow:
no the tore sad hes the oewast aaA tabbies) 1tl I�tiau at the door. All an invited, w pleasures Jersey in tbe course of tbe three winter me tut
to u Is
o! t merely to get bat selfish pNay ; 00 to 7 OD
Cordwood ............. 3 Ip to 1 ,e
Dss1 .....f.... 0 M0 10 000
-- the Pl.tg..�. ............
w.M................:s sto p 8D
We had an hour to wait ata railroad Pref w to S ro
function in Louisiana, and four or five of
us sat down in the shade on the edge of the _
platform and hong our legs over. It was
very comfortable, and we were •tnokiog
and talking, when a man with • rope in
his hand, evidently looking for a stray
mule. came out of the bashes opposite us
and stood looking up and down the track.
By and by he directed his gaze toward our
feet, but we didn't mind him until be
drawled out:
"You all, there:"
"Well?" queried 000.
"Hist up ser feet!"
We "bistel" without waiting to ask
why, and then looked over to see a rattle
snake about seven feet long just coiling
himself for a strike atter baring crawled
out from under the platform. A handy
grindstone was dropped down on him, and
when some one thanked the native he
called back:
"Some men who hey lost • mule and
hunted fer him three days would hey bin
onery about it, but that's notbin- dog gone
mean about me." -Detroit Free Press.
ti.derlrh triers.
4,Vo10Kt tit. .\ L -t: .. I'01.
gall %V heat- ... ......• 1.1 t3 tot 4,
s riaK \\'L. ..t r...... 1 tr to 1 In
!lour ...: d:.... ...• • • S In we tel
1 totol e0
Shorts, l•wt 5t rwr0 '0100 fO
item. . Wt •ico• -s,,,.,.,<se_sn•: �•.x�•
�,�rr: niuc+, t R.. � 0 wl toe'•..
chopped Feed tYhret i cwt-. 4 tI to 1 26
oats. bush A 50 :o 0 S3
Peas. a bush. 75 to e,0
Barley. Ill bush. ..... .._.. 0301.0.',1
May. Vlen GROOS 50
I'utatoes, V b,ob 10 1• to 0 55
A peter. II busts - .- 0 In to 1 hi
Putter, in_• .. 0 15tu0 *
Fits. fresh unpoeked. :t dem . . u It to 0 13
0D1o4 tai
'L..... 0 001/5011111
5 0110 100
1 n tot 10
S to to 5 .A
0 .0 top 00
Chose .
Wool .
Dressed film/pokIN
.,p it cwt
t -. SelMate ma.
April 7. UOI.
�I03 to106
.Spr40t05 in
ing \'Cs'6trat W t1/d aid 1 W to 1 03
- 0 41 tu0 S5
sky....... ......
oats ........... 0 53 to 0 73
750 " to r 'S
it ---- 'i•to.tSSqq
ltalaave fres. I1* 1 SS71 b
deposit - •fit 73
Public Schools 71.13 Market 10 00
Justin.' goes .. .
11•itl•ad cemetery
Von roiliest lands
Take, ..... . •• • 1 TeoImo OD
Xeres dbeeested. . .• .
Pumping Nati*
Waterworks oonsensoYIN ••
Flectric light rates-...
.Vater rates
A;;ricultural park. new
J. Hays, poundkeeper
Sprite and Summer good. for as ions D
wear. A front place lei or nose Wingb.tn .1dranee: Mr. S. J. Reid you can out of it. Yat you my you have taonths -\ew Tort Sun
u all b wast he wIlibave. loves town this week for his old borne. your plans for the future. What are
It is claimed that the aittieg gives by Mr. .:o,lerich, where he will so into the .Dry they,"
131.1.1 to the Canadian commsb.oaen was wsl„ Iwa,nss. Mr. Kod mrle many ••1 am going to be a society lady," said
trry Mi•f. Wo If K. 14.:Lllsen wM three he p Penelope. --Chicago Tribune.
woo* Irve bees alae to 1,1••001 s full picture rwn.le while herr, who will fie leased to
elite whole 1,5es•etlam. w batter how •bdt. Isar of his success in tate circular town.
You do the sitting. be dose the row. i We are in receipt of a lengthy .•.unmtml
The onrc of Mr. Aleck Saundra, Nest -d.. a 11011 in reference to a four -line sum that
w.a v.•ided durtrme week by ...brew of
bis friends who are loud in their praises of its reel in Tut. ` II:NAI. last week about the
twat • MeekWhile inside eek took a legesi bre at air. liur'ti s house. It seems
ter m to show tbethe h.Eaina he the information received
at this Ake was
is elf, ag. dem ant -class plumbing sad
'beet seta) weest s.4. priers are Ogle.gle. see i
we* ncorrect. but are always at the
ht. adveKMemsat ss pave 05100. merry of fake -vendors.
(:. tr0 Away. -00c41 mop of Manitoba, , Ev*i' .' r' or 4;rw.1-w111. About icrty
latest survey. free toeverybudy. Call and pro- ' or Lift memlars of T. Mdlillic5cld ''a Bible
rut? nnu, or.end your address sad n•ceive •Y
copy by mail from H. Armstrong town ticket class, l'ollc'ge-at. Baptist church, 'ornnto,
ser.. Grand Truak itallw*T ed .t.. (iode. met n_1 his residence recently and presented
P. I.. T4leets .04.1 IO all point 0 at ('000da and him with a bawls nwily carved oak chair, up -
United Melee : threagb tickets w Manitoba
and Pacific Coast Sleeping car bolstered in olive plush. Mrs. lid:illnmd y
nonAcme also re.•ettecl a pretty antique vase. This
AIIm.I ,i* in ■• elan by telegraph. p s4
Allan, I.,.nitsio0. (ltamsre ane Aeehor line ,s WI cvi.kn.x• that our former townsman
ocean steamers. holds the good will of those with wham his
A i•oaTvNala lino oa rxr. - .1 eery ahoy 41,t to cast.
time has been soMciewt to prose that • Lums-
den R Wilson's ltoyal Olycerated Salaam 01 -Alt ietere'tuu' case was tried in the
ries is a mrdtrine of more than ordinary MAT- I tiviniota I *curt here to SatunLy. It senna
1 ter ,he cure of on0Eh., .,olds, ere
last fall . aalwalic belongingdeg to
hoerwenese .rod tncipiret Al the
name andnatee it combines lo. .sling and \t.!!. Kutson wan shot hy Mr. C. Na I, a
...di, Ins protw•,lhr, of g1 eirioe witb the well. I.,wlersch township, w he supplied it had
known itrrties of rte Harm and is ondnubt n
edly without an equal for coring t troud ism killing sheep.
Mr. Human asked for
45. for who h alone it is i. The emir , and on Mr. Neftel de -
sale hu rxirnded from nee end of • l'001- .lining the twee we, taken to IivosNn
,nese to the ab"r. It is 0" for s°1° by • Court, but the jury failed to agree and the
drug guts m (}odrrlch. Price Sac. per le sine will "me dp again.
1+ .uul A. McKay left for 11.indoorbast ltxauata.. To TheTso,T. -E. Hodgkies,
Nate toner for r Bargain.
f the Goderich Organ ('0 luta
AN OPESI00 311011T.
secured A situan tiowith the firm of Clough A Had
\Itou Le Towzel a visiting (meek in Mythh 11 toren, organ manufacturers of Detroit, "i say. Coolly," said Gus de Jay, "1 wish
t!, O. week• and will leave on Monday next to assume yon'd tell Jack Cbinklugton that i--aw-
Mr. and Mrs. H. Arnold left this week for the duties of his position. Mr. Hodgkins and eavrn't gototl • . I have changed
t .dhngwood. his estimable wife made many frteedsduring my mind. don't ye knave."
Mr. A. M. Rom mid tan.dy, of Toronto. their say in I:ederich, who will be sorry to "1 remarked to Jack only last night that
.,r.• to town. Mee Own', and whose Lest wishes will follow you changed your mind quite often."
11 McLeod, of Lindsay. is visiting friends them to their sew home "Wbawt did he say?"
n town this week. AT T11r. HAEtta.f . - Navigation is now "He said he'd het that the other fellow*
In the always got tbe worst of
Miss Annie Graham u visiting friends in .pees, and Bob Campbell he, commenced his
h isrd this eek annual artistic work on the math pier with it." - Washington Post.
n.': Ing . w
Mr Will. Ramon, of Barrie, is 6isiting his whitewash brash .. . The twigs ()rcaalia How It U Done f.retta..s
,.o.IPr the parental rod. and Seibold lifted their nets en Wednesday
1\ hat . the natter with the electric for Me ant time. Both secured good hank Waiter Giri (at Benevolent Brotherhood%
lights ! Klan we all the Ii(c:'allmns hack `
1►readia, 1.300 lbw : Seibold, 3,000 144. sating bouwel-I can't live 00 the wages 1
me tags Sea (:011, Capt. Dan. McKay, get bete. Caa you afford to give me 83 e
isedgar. H•t► d Iwto 'Pew, apwidiag and Clams, Capt. M. Mclynealdft , leon week motet
a few dayo M ybsretows /felting friebe ""Wednesday for Tol ernorwy....('apt. Leo- Manager -.Sorry, but we can't. You see
relatives. son loss commenced painting his schooner, we have to support an Orphans' home with
Mn. A. Hopper, who hail been spen.ling the 0. N. Tedium.. The engine for the Abe prolate of this business.
the winter is Kincardine, returned to town new tug has arrived. Walter Girl -Then please tell me bow 1
cat Saturday gnat. Orvieto' E*.arntn. --At the annual meet- -an he admitted to the Orphans' home. -
1'. Mcl7arthy left last Ma*day for Huffalo. ing of the Junior Huron lacrosse cloh the Chkago Tribune.
where he has °neared a ateation 0n the following officers were elected : Hon. pert How 11 Happe..
large J. B. Norm as wbeebnan. .lent, M. C. Cameron, Q•('., M.P.: lion.tasty00r
T. (:arrow, ('.. M. PI'. ; Neighbor -How does it happen
Engineers 01 n SorHoh• a d W'iart(n, and president,
Joh •t Q
�losw, d ?Se.torth, w in town to take pprrP�eaident, .lohn Roder :vice-preaideot, Geo. olden daughter has oonsumptiom, whre sle
woodlarks es the tug J. H. .Ione. lyrummand ; apt. a. Win. Blackford : your other daughter k the pact
treasurer. I>asaid Johnawa; secretary, health? Tbey appear to be of exactly tbe
Mr. VA. Byett, who has been in to
for 1.
the (aur gra returned to tnwn, Alex. McVicar : committee d asme
and is visiting Mr Charles Bike. W. Sharkey J. Hall, D. Marro, (leo. Price Hostas-My oldest daughter got het
Some r youths wee, Mating sod W. Biaehfrd. If enough interest is winter lambkins from Paris; tae abet
taken in the club by the town, they will en- got here from Canada -New York Weakly
.m the neer res, rtsrl•y. Better Doe where ter the junior genes d the Western lliatric...
they were sent to Kwaday school. S lt,.ot. Ratan. The regal.? monthly A /3..ela. Sensations.
The Royal T etisg d I:cwlerich have meeting of the public school heard we, held First Dramatic Reporter -Bay. did you
hanged their a,eettsg 5,ght frim Tenni on Monday evening gaol. Present Messrs. )tear that sensation about Ikea. Prima
t" Malay, the latter hemg rex, °envatient S. Malcom. n (chairman), W Acheson, H. donna's diamonds.
for the majority 0f the manlier*. W. ILiI, ('. (y+4E. R. W. McKeeosie and G. Second Dramatic Reporter-Wbatl ere
Dr M. Nicholson, the West at. dent at, Swansts. The minnts of prev,oros west. the stoles ammo
BM Occupation.
Tax C Coleman lost a hand-
some umbrella last Thursday, and Friday
morning a younpater called at his once
with the property.
"Here'sa dollar for you, my little man."
said the commissioner.
"Thanks; I expected 1t,"
"What i"
"Oh, that's all right. I steals ambrellaa
and returns 'em for a living." and then be
..ped. -New York Morning Journal.
"ekes the lwewee atin5 of the natural toeth ing were confirmed. The pm-lp►I a report Tint Dramatic Reporter` -No; they're
ist(ted from 9 a. m • of b33 989 teal!--JudR
a specialty. lies •drainshowing an „mice
for the painter d meth. eth. toys and 244 giro -- we, read and fled. -
1Ce are pleased to learn that D. 4:ordne. Home petalled Gd
ram for the want school A r.om4tb mew.
who we, ondl.ed to his roan with *even were on motion ordered to be precured. An Jagwsy-1 don't tar what you put you
.Nine.. for *nine lies weeks, has reonvered account, 14 20, from A. Sounders was or money on that hors for. He is board te
and IS DOW able to attend to 44514000. dared to be paid. A motion to purchase bring np 1he re.r.
•lohaston Carey. the hoot lad Oke* man, fifty trees Mr plaiting at ward schools Rea T4ave.' (glonmily)~•Wbat womld Toa
dot Bet on some Oita., hoes sad
...moels n our iisird page with a sew aa- 1750 is (.'t.O. 1t a not yet ton late to es thew sthis ons win? -Wast'* Sport,.
The (teat Reached.
"Al last my genius b recdgnizedr' ex
claimed the artist exultingly, as be waved
a letter aloft
"Oh. tell me about ft," said his delighted
little wife in reply.
"Tbk letter b from a prominent soap
Arm, asking me to paint a plct•re to be
used as an advertisement."-Lrpoch-
,itor ani
d Ave walks bele •
np caret ham me
0f a Ane in footwear. enter nee Dmminios Illustrated pries WW1-
/Quite a number et mailers and i0hensea petition. in 1tlhela b Afghan Lunt -
dayis North -*L Methodist church as Sim -six months prises to the vales ei neer 13,000 Stye Manager
,Ly rvesiag to beer their unseal sumam, will he distributed. The first prise is 1'Ibo base. the tattooed Zulu?
whteh was preached by Rev. Mr. Ricard in gold and 11e net Ineladew a Hdat.taaan Property Boy -He got caught In the ash
eon. Memo. Ln. Rare Not (•0ruwall °rges,I waning from supper. and he b downetalrr
Mims Robertson, d Nova ?lent'., orlon hod "Idiom and other "aim",artidar 1 in laving the semis artist tomb kiwi sta-
nch atwl ele.rw►cru is the mw.Rty during the mai peellstinn tar Cw1e..wo Weider,..
pest six w,eba, left on Tuesday fur Ror4m, numl.e.. .1f the jnarnsl tae aswer+ t" Jo Toe an charged with awiaaltly
.a thirty-six qeI . F, ar i momareandpuofol D1� by malls* his I0(r. Wast tai
ed mob Ieritth- Poor sample ropy and toll Maj.
Titre will he, no tas*tdng d Oho gonial s woad 12 omits in dam to the 7e,►
, t• /May ]lstee•I. aQ the gut deal ee5ehad ft.-Lowell
at the end d the Current Mevet... the rvwsaslMe-
RNs Downfall.
Firm Tradsma°-You know DeGr'ppe,
the chief drummer for Blankbouae A Co.?
Well, he owed me • large sum, and now 1
have had to charge It up ae profit sad loos
Second Salesman -Heaved! What has
happened to him?
Flat Tradesman -He has been taken into
w firm. -Clothier and Tarnisher.
4,.m vi14 relatives and iri*ds is Baste all. TM+
Oleg eatttsistx in And' ie eerr,u.t
Rad to Speak.
"I thought Bowline and Mand were
angry at each other?"
"Not now; they mot whore they couldn't
help �ekima"
"Wham was that?"
"In • boxes the theatre the other night."
-Pltdladielpbia Times.
11 thin
40, .reamg erose j to die the RabiU4n Ise, 8 Pwh Co Primmer -it's tabs, your homer- it tome
(k,amts (�l,T Oa Iowan (114
•1 )motgam asst. Aped 1701, wassitbly
w91 ive& hr.ect ..►ly snppawud resit °Nthe )*
At O.r fl.wu.g CTsb.
*las I/nian--1 feel very sorry for those
pear little fellows who have to est up the
pima they always seem so tired.
NM Cutting -1'm *re you're very con
considerate of them. All they have to do
when you roll 1a to send lack tbe balls --
Week's Sport.
No l iMb t Terrible.
Bermuda Bottled.
"Tow mat se to Rett+ •r
des Pe set l will set be
tMle steer ate ewrtmae ess.
I cam got m1 tbe �• �. U. It
COD e Ola.
e e eon 11Uee�a ]Tisa
UM. and et
Bronchitis, Cough
or Severe Cold
1 eve l wits 1t; sad tike
afvestase 1a fiat tie .seat sena-
sive Dish take !t. !t Is SSW5.111=et rite ■y"
X11 ee.ttalaa.
T by 1N Sabo= wrapper. Sad It tar sale at year
sere ye, Set tie gestates.-
ewte .
awry m 040WNIE. sene.ilts-
.1 to •i
It is • ...r1a n Sas •...A. cm. l.v
Cate ,a sag Ota•..au L,.r. a.n•t, to
SOOTH;MC, CiEAr:bhvtl.
Indent Pelee. PC:Ineltt'f
Cure, i•eli:re larpoeubI.
Wry .nae•.' 1:••e,• as. •vtyl•
moque.. of
C.tan... •u.a Y t.ait-
.0 .3 11 LNWfWws.051 04 4K
• a.rr, * Roo et 4..
• M.. It�.. re trWM.d .it.
say et tin. etc * t.,eea • wr.
year saw10a11►.1044.a14*5r n.
tins law rook/ a bane a s.1.r.
ae a res4 to .n'.
. �a yb�r,,.�.,4e',•• ib,� awl
Ewa 1.'.. W (r�L1. j
poewes be rat. Pre ea
re, orb d >A r ediebe.km.
ruLc 'Ul', Clef.
17 00
1116 3e
.51 .0
!1045 116
10 00
14 50
1441 es
11/6 10
10 Go
u 00
-W 61
$ OM 78
Agricultural park
Pistols• tlohaots
Note. redeemed
)1r• department
awaiting .
fust1y t/14Oliver Ami n.
It 04 e0meter)
Waterloo' Weems .
DederickOwen O.. i eaten.
Connell etteeber iced .lige
1'ub1lc teeeba.... .... ... .
PumplagMati* .
Wat rweebeslo.lrnctKlectsiles-
Spcoial greats.. .
Railway charter........ ...
Statismfeeds. .. ,
, in Bank of Mon
1. witenrive-tenni. 6M 43
LLlan r
171 73
PAS is
MO el
130 EI
$ IrM/t 78
W. IL ROBERTSON. tAmditese•
A. J. MAUI:MR. ,
Marek Hath. 1(M.
To the Moyer orl Cos ala it nes 4 Se Totts .4' t.
OEOTLIttarN, -We hate examined year ret's books and accounts for the yearene-
ing Dec. 31st, taw, and having irefully thereceiplsand expenditures with vouchers
produced we Ind them correct. Imvise the •e of cash on hand 1,66!.41,
\t a herewith submit a statement 1s detail of receipts and expenditures, and In duplicate
n summary of for sante. a statement of meets and Ifab4Utle•. and th-• Public Mcho,1 Board
account. with our report to the Public ScLoot Hoard.
As it splicers to be the desire of the council to have t:.e enemata paid the various ledJ-
videab ander she o nen) accounts shown in tbe detailed ptateinent. we would reeemmeed
that pay rolls 4. trade to show to which account each penmen • pal meet Is to be charged, and
It to sere than one account then how touch to emit. This would lessen the labor and la -
Crease the certainty or :44. "worse, of Ibe statement.
Itespeclb.tIy yours,
A. J. IMA.-Ogit,
W. I:. 1twHPPRTg0N. . Auditors•
Notice of changes must be left at this
I woke not later than Monday
noon. The Copy for changes
must be left not. later than Tues-
day noon. Casual Advertisements
accepted up to noon Thursd'ty of
each week.
Earliest and beat grown, at
BreakiDs j
isn't needed with the Ball
corset. It's easy from the
start. Coil of tiny wire
springs in the sides make k
so. Try It, and you'll like It.
If you don't, titer • ism
woks' wear, Jose Mos It
and get your mosey.
Ee.R v. i.4 Kv W ACM r:111W t uf1U1
The Kee►la0100, Harniltom•st. 02 if
Wishes to announce to her
many customers and the
ladies generally that she has
completed her spring pur-
chases, and as a result has
the most elegant display of
all the newest things in the
Millinery line, amongst
which are the handsome
new shades, Corn Flower
Blue, Steel and Pearl Grey,
besides an unequalled dis-
play of Flowers, Feathers,
etc., etc.
All ire cordially invited
to call and see the display of
novelties for this season.
-In TRE-
-SXTR.1 CALCF.9 1)1 --
sttlEim..t et l..rle. sad : enttlrurth, 0e, i.11 tw*Mg • Pe...aws Hew b 1t that Dees. 1n_ oe pops
Cant) clerk Adamson eeetise0 M a low loll tar w11i 14s yssug nee? Roy. D.Oetby.
*Ms .f !wank, het the tediousness Ire that Wei h1. deti•s Wedn,Oday. "Be"sfbsdmsMr, I bye yea Rel web ; Icer
• belmithil tura has est M. Ile. Ak .-'e Ds art 1a11 to h Oen W li mmena tbia ■lM5 bay et efts essay es u be wore ' stns as homely as dui
•mow w D 1,01 Orath7--Tee. Orate 1s btN•aiy; tat yea
MINN las araaoi owl .ousts r ti with rammer t* htr*E w R. ee 1 year own w. "Oh, lm, m p I 1n� wow bas ar ISM bredhor.-
• •a • ...._ .. -4..... an r. snot C.we ads Ms • whiniest arty b
soh tAaa bole
i,t t tL ` seek •.d avoid •a readiest, M7
I M 111"4" ter srlrsse
0848.18.! •r the e.eav'
Latest and Best
now es view.
-For the next two week, •t --
Ell. CkI?AI&NE'S,
Oar. Mo.trr•al-•t. and % aare.
Tele hone Connection.
Buchanan & Son,
t 500 a*r.wt.w
,s„..1116 .law lllet
peen. Ow
• sgs► wr.rw10tM�r..
rttaaes Ie, seta
Dealers Is all kinds e1
Aad 10Oder's material et .gulf et eelOMae,
lebeww t r ,