The Signal, 1891-4-10, Page 4•yam f ff 4 r 0 THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 18(1. ."r" .F"7",' ,..t ..n of evil Mang asd dMinat q•w go stub• bar hrply uatased darling that porioda the oh m d a sheen oimim' ash rvisw, "A Too for amil1 L )!'11Wte i�egMeA. _ ( '1l�arellfglt �. h ' lag. Rat every bottle yw a■o dowt't s m- do former has blies w the po■itiva d wile w buil lana, i■ n aig" to make Ty �� icicle tar w0■ewd =Uk is � -= gbue N del Rs �s taint wh{akey.aod it is wnuag to j=V at hbsty a joarnshow, '•bnefsi and a byword," the grant (aaadiam beaver gap bis tail with qty it=K. A wdl polWed VL B VMAIID TI1LUUZ >tA11/�AT, The wmrtat ttewragt■Ow ggaf `� t� -. coa umima (ln the abuse prms{ple b &r albeit, V the bwg%W d Toe !Har, "a live bdi"mi"L _ ting ratlle M dIII I toxo a dap sand ve *a■tipmeai'wwk is I�iwlr�►i+ ��.� �K GiA- sh um rwwtra=m Sued every amtmwmt woo amt woseewdy nowspopw tlevoled to local intorwmto, sad d loilb and Ilalawdiatdy withdrmws i• 's esu Mad, adJeialq awl bice. �' nerve EVERY K R I D A Y e.iL He vino the cbaeebes for chane is iv naamAl team " A Adman ttaTua Tory editor n "ming tb D� l� anti tam 1 air % to a r" as ahs lett. ad Y O R N I N G, bfa� try smisfanas ultlarial of ( wool baa&w aha ria aright U the nam Is bran wMh a lineae sy ` �M.... ....... • ...... , t o M O.e.riei �: lltA ■■ w SMT. long w row wits the world esti wmpey Aad wvr for ann.thor phew erf Tae +tar's pole LOoe of the Held trill hang Lo aha naNy. F�wM. A gA ... latter wtili«1 t►a man a( the pm cert • wick tie tkrwtrwS u astr.a:tioo.. It M,nra to Tris !SriNaL llewdle. tact tf wMsr hba baso added W .:..:: •:...::::.::: •:......... V O91oe of 1•abliatien-j tlltd t(ertbetrwM. m panni awaited h{m with five cents duty w �TOTICL-ALL PNR&)Nli FSOUND :: 7>gNal, oodrtab, D ftew. ik. PaawcpR41, l'rsabyterlan, left no tb 'obedient sory&nt d lar IssMMter bad the milk even fp aaluall ploposTloos tb L M t.wMa� ea oar hada �� doalK as to the aide he was un. He con owner, the Ill savored victr of the late b past opus it And the package sons a Quid will not adhar , b the Doedle.- booth,, mustang, a'amphw. Il 1shigg rh s".& as 7irna .................. terms w s ue : The Tor variable shake turn bin whe will be preaeors`ed aeeeedias to law. M lf.e. P .. . .................. AmSctcsu 1lariet and (litioal ........�.............. Ov.e month, int V a drwuaeal dance and the theatres In the elaNstluu a%xet.ast." The Star knew when it Y Buyer. IttaOh lanes aro IL bad Hart terulr la tet vn� •••••• •.••••......g Is scolding upon the d)ttawa Ihovernment, -- ----- tae ywutAlD of lblbrmae and Ibe - Three ameabs, " stnmgest terms. The ,harp theatres puWrhel that statement that it vaculated property --. -. _ _. Six .. ..........• ..... 30 whose petty Insanes In tariff tuaurn u The 6arab•s Aq itMown w the nbtle Rawrve la tae towasbiM HOW Aeeomm wauon. One rev '-''-''' ......•• tits apareiohy Ike mol were donP■g the abort an ab«.lutr falselN W. Neither Mr. ('Ar of SWrb► •ad Calb.. __ _ T-_._ If credo is exceed, oke . .. .' ; I M rspmuble fax stab, h land feeling awl an The age of the earth = emjmiew from M. R C. BARCHLRR - - - - - - win br........ bs■It..... a/ . uctau m(au+ala noyaaae. Rut a thin who supporta hy(b pini ►rHE HURON HOfE bl>; ih•bg Dr yuiae bx Y N°h the ilmeremnot fa tow tem true ng we t CAMPION,{J, ( Plw.rlrta m j L+ -- T .. (>• into U c tae mgt a work c i Y h:N+t. during the to its CrOmt The nolicltec t well -Mows, tad Ipte, sea d, t e ow Ica om nauraer vs at era.. nor an w •r t� tag Y g trig laeree enol int intarart In line - uta and tt exactnms should not rum Pwwtwz rata at which -------- ,�q�a� %as awoM t to son their radm formaeom ••tier- ten tars W the extent of smr ua - Y K =b seemed _' e pewved rt,,' .ria � >' bee when hr Seta iuw teen clutrhe of the theSlartb cOOlecap only be dmbrmiped ►j�U WHUN lT pMwAY eONCERN.- adlswow aeee.md y n... to gwalh) tr<w.�r d�eer line fur arwt ~a ~~ M0 lurrnaAaw now -a .[aye, he su.l, arc rw.t TN► �I .SAI. u a purely .rrunen ial itutitu greedy castaoar We have always hranl It by loaktn; am of data twofematrdly im- prod Wkwvm anew tL 1� tai a etytba l �opa� d6u � t~fit Vis. � bruso\tw►eewaent IaeesLha d by apaxtaular, .tlikuLtAsl toontir up the sec tan, ,lwlNd awJ «lit«I by its pn.lxirtor said huwrvrr,thatetioCsbQsAer%&so%rsyuonla Prrfcct; Dut frOpa thele S{r William u going towow*be"next Jtae, whawoy %A('R lei, lwuww'roprww. ale Mtalum oedema' Bs pa+ell onsallobjeuf . al= eureka uI hula nature. and Intcu,tod to and In all these veers w/ owtaklar, great or rttore law.11 than the I:rit then tba tariff Thompam Ands that iW,o00.OQp or 9No,- �W Irv. Oona Rldanlrrt leaves 1 bet 4 year. Maaaaad alder ps per rwo.h the licestaoua filth that u in mankind small, leas ever .bctated ata iralicy or out Y 000,000 years ago {t A1et ", tbetate=mt aaata11mboad• Nr'oalayd -- td) has to t. paid by him. began to be wit\ the intestina of tidy injury yap - - -- �� b ed I0 rbaad. Strayed, t hrough h s ryas. 14.ok al the cards on �tbe Intel an «bt.m•ial line, .x to any other way crusted over by a atloid AItA oil rooks DMU• omim •tim in able town and beeline, AwdiO�>� BIi�NIIISM scoot. orssasr4M Wwted and __ _ _ I ►ave Deme ru M• :and 1 tab kis eptor. ....�. _ -- - -- _ ollas ago M Isrnl* aiuuwl the city awl e«• the •hagur!- shapnl ata c.n,rr. I'ru I'he Kau a.y ss Tots FSt.a!viler K«order mrkes the id Lha< IO,OW,OW yearn afterward it Was ttlouaty to wan oil�ndsronirt JUBF ENOX, Or►sRdL ACC• mMd, am exceed ins t t�vlus ors Ilaer aolsgwr{tol, i1 par mw Ing spectacular ouraetio ne that are offered. much' lows rractical observation, : "Au excel- stili so hot that the temperature in- doom so the toaster nt�ort ohne Ndrrtwd to boner bad Land Vahmtar. Ho,1pN w and n>,ruw� w Sole. sot so seg 1 tttaseal 3 J Fahrenittdt for ev [ !< RtCHA klNlUl►, 1. U. al, rl■ad pp�,�t ON. Hang bad considerable ex e at n br int "Mak tic per sus 1 tell you, lintblen, alar ter, d I. running True, Tota: Sri.% u. has, mitwia hrtawlnsg Irut aklkjrrt la asem iu free creole u offerrtl by � ery oot isbok, Oolerio►, p-t►e the aaetloeseriag trade. ns Is in a Pan&'via b lastme vie int lxop"riiow those enol* to stir up the filth of humanity the great buoainews stagnati.rn of the past the fall of the Orrice of sugar in the United Terucally drilovepdetd below the sone of _�, disclaim s with tbon,trgn wtfeOsMyM •11 qw UOMjd erten ,ba it wnlen a to Ylnntant tewperature. The proirnt tato --- . _ - - . mMmwar awt►trttd ao nim. Orders left ■sw peotmltry of auto iadi• through the eye." Then the doctor turnwl ten years, been p•rhalr snore suc esonful Stats, all salol boa that article was pla'«I -- waited Martini Hotel, r was by amid to Itis ad n v W bus •1. M ha an rid to dadcnng, anti devoted himself tint to the fitla sewily than ninety reins- oma of ever) upon the fret, list. I;raedlatsiJ subar,which of inCLllLae at'terslgu41 abort 1.31 oft de - Oodwich P. O-, carrfasly attended to. Jut ane abarwM glvefiteve" foot -3t I.on{a Rroablia CZDAR WANTED -- VOR KIND- KNOX. (loweli,AftatbMwr. tmr,,t s::::la no tpps ane cent per rand dawns. "Then is mol a deent matt hundred Canadi.uk newspapers. loot that has retails in Rr.•kVillC At 8 crnU a pound or Bag. Apply to E- M-, shit cline. Octal _._� .. w wtfae Ise yarn Zia. or womaLn in thin city,' hr naive, who would nd lhvii owing to r;overument Assistance thirteru Iona is f.x A dollar, is now selling - -- --- setons in ordinary Pendinlr t pe two -- TXTANTED.-A leAi(f)E UANTiTI' _ _ omustPp. _ pr surd. No amtlea leas t� son, Allow a young man to .vote to their or al.l (runt Pdi:Icl&IIr, but to push. Nuck. an the �tataw as 55 crtita a I.Rtud tar twenty BORN. 11 - ---- - farohaeokes an/_ _ & roe ions and hour anal take their titer on u knee ew•r ente rise•. ru honest Jain to sent c ads GK a dollar. Y elow e n are sell- 11114 OSLEY In T.woa to eued otiaf,r, moo r �b°k Inmber, A `. 11108 1 LAON' I. RL bwevolem imoutotbw .0. s1swK h gy. pew tot wife of Harr u. m► d" Maass for term work. burr tuba w 1,/j . U.)i -DE\T and loodlr nail hu her the wt, they do in the ubhc.aud an acktwwlet ret ity In in in the Scatew at 3j to 4 cents a odd r y. of oa apple barrels Address CHAS- H♦TOW soca= I:e the wow Inas /tiq Camna*et&wg K Y 1 `!� a NeU 4&utkrer. Oo 11. G&II w'estat., OMMM. >�ly ftuV mea Adveng.emrosa tha•se damn. wltiMult kicking him dNit. 1 et stealing with costumes anti employe+. The ditfrrence In pncr i. sufficient to rloate WALLWIN In Itls"wale, on the 31st uIt , the ---- A uimitee ua=bw K tttyrd adrenin- a Ilvody uric lin truer aloin for (rrAt►er, wife of Kev. 1. H. Wwllwu, of a drearier, ` A�iTED T1a RKNT-A SHALL �R. L RiCHARDtION, 4 1), meets will be tbe_,Idlo they allow their danghterr G. go to the«• In All tfleryran sea• hatc•a•�rntsavlu.xrr gg g K tlllwqud&I wins rates WALKKR--In Bast Wawaw ob. oathe 7lth fanimhedhoatws, for July and Auguat, sPrewon dentist- Or and vltaharq� Per Inch.fon' insfortica..........-.. . an M tlance,t u uh �ircrses the tole of wlaich are fill crn,r,nhip aster our corn-%PNNhonc'e such a% the alifferenev in the price of coal oil uIL, the wile int t Waskw. of r sun. Writs Hut lits , t:oAencb. Ql It admmWerd ft, paaalarw onxtract vat of Ibrwnaaa!t��sme 7 3 oo Juan t.. th.•Ir w'atslr6�alad allow %,lung earn eolurnna, &list fuvc liter allowed the putt ted luau alrra:Jy .-rrate,l as that line BAYLEY- In Battle Creek, Mich , on Marco tlpachal atiewtion tiles to the pronaery 9 •• Miwla. ••••.... - 7109, the wife of Mr. It D. N•rkr. forme ch or the Mturel south, O ace.fu mi: ees"L. 3 M t r fonder six! hug them'tai their sane-rah«l maL.r over w Inagua shu:.tore to Attack the _ _.- - of tooter t Rat ley. of a son. I•oet OD FOulnd. O,ntj2m (loam Hbok• raw"" No adt'eri yam' 'two laches nn ties% int a manner which if It occurml in reputauoc int any trail : ami ou ac%utta of VANVALKtiNBKRU Ise Oofarichtowoq►1 stn length will b Dbposly of w l ea theater. ma the Y9th Morok tae wife of Mr. py ( 08T OR srt)LEN, AT OR NEAR -- �h above ►aaea o their owe human lhry wowldrall in r p.6tr swtaaa•m where criticiun, of the nleth.xl* tR. ■ J Po -t Albert, a nate drawn in favor d - -- -- - Ilec rest. dbooaut Ibr near paymwu The art of pnttinR the right mine 10 l'anvalkenberR. orf a eeq at ill Dora. r , w threc ooetb'emtrgm ; N per cent. on six tualt. 1)anciP►g, hr claittle%1, I1A1 Irl to of the enlip,r of 'rhe sur have t%wo to tar roams Sresoan (,. the t F. -Is t . shy f oo _ Le�L imnthe'. and IS the right lilac -.1.," Tullcyrand 000e aaid. XcKAY- nil erre, wA March 3ptn. unr niton of ~fee. nand ha ae Ito P Flia �, urpro AH "-2� Dereset. ole • Fan's, Thew. tr"uhk iu high life and lrw life, and nuAy we have ua•d the waste Irwkrt >v its re Mr. hanfet McKay, of •eon- van in an• f..rhwldrs io pun•Mror n late ` eanditnons will be elrWoU enforced• "is first in the srierlc,• of government; HegOd ll, JUH NxTt IN, tARRiaJTER r a family 0tamepsee%1 r akrleutM in Ota dob*t cr ta.•le inatrlul u( leanun•hin •cur o%dumna FEAR -In Murrir, me Mars h Iltb. the wife of !aid nota. u at bin Dere crwrlteA. TIIO]I AS •' ! N but that of find{ lrr-so, for the diiseon. Mr. Samuel M. Fear, of a d ,- .M • +dfeltelr. a emminioww, te. 1 Abort "Tb orsaal•' IlheHveav as a result of the amusement. Mance houses with it, notwithatandin the fact flat fur P na he 2 `TIiN'ART, S)t. (laird Mlenh!^, u111. R_3t �I�•tlosna androw Mate srnAsecthons csweKe- g tentted is the illttat Illffie nit.' T01.4 -In l sst ,Vawanneb, me she Sr%1 alt-, eller attended to 000* -(:r, HamNioe yt 8wtaaevibera who fall to rteetye TNK kt et NAP. weer immtxal lacca, and went there nun cars the elle el Jrfnmator rttacka oNi the wife of Jt r. Frederick Tull, of a sun nL Andrew's-olL, Godenob, Out. IrJ6l rerulo el either h P People y Y Y It would mem from this that the din A1KiNM �' M It 7. y carder or by nail. will TA1' WK- In 6xetrr, oA the Iv inwL, the N"Ice __ _ _ _ confer a favor b with Ira,! intentions. 1f irls euw f n u I the rsaal chane. ter of the editor of TN r- ---- _ -- as early a ,:.teal v anew Mat(sRw cit the tact al N Pr' po Fr' t{nqu{erne F�enrh stataem:u wan ng o[ lir. James ri)br, of a dsalahter. VOR SALE -')NE NAND LOOM. �OHN DAVi$ON, BARRiST6IL _ :wrnit they wen ovwtamiootexi by the sur S,,;NAi. won t%muuuossly publi.hel in the muc h a porey to office seekers eat are the EVANS --At Vancouv.•r. H, C•., on TuewAay, I • Msifeltr, Cwv nape, to. ; Mone Apr117th. to Na as s Mrs, W • H. Evens. • in toed coaditbo. Abe a quantic of 4 y to Leask at Tsar Label. anciaurms. He told of a lady who went out c%xrespmd<-n,• .-.dutnns of our 1%mtciupx- public mea of our own time. alis man- po bouarnaild furnilun. Apply to GVA). JFF'. �• �_s ovr* Nbst4jdk , Uederich. t1,.q Your label is a standing remfgat of the date to teach a rhaso ie the Wercer, [int the girls ary, when the a•.iit.x desired to shirk the per of disposing of them is amaxingly MARRIED. I'LUSON, Nast *I., Goderkch. OSI, to which row an paid up• Baa that It is tad - ---- ----- - - - - - -- --- F O A K i' I O N , B A R R1 -TM allowed to fall into arttnr, wouldn't listen to tier because the)' and she rtspin.11,ility. The leratuality of The illustrated in the following ranecdote: LA"GT )N- BROWN At Noleswor•th. on rhe -LX)R SALE -A CSMA LL rS`UARE Je MWMor. Noyry Public• eta When a chaste of ad4rw Is Aeaimd. both halt ,gone to Lite same datta•ing school tit Star. e.litor if he l.em own .uch has One day one of these troublesome per- "Orb nIL, by Row. A. stevear,.■n. Mr yam. h made by Dunham. int Nr n Yrk. �e-Over Jo•laN's ITng Stow, the neum the old and the new address obov,ld lie neves. art Oe.srgr Lngwn w MW hWe Brows. fb: ()o rich. 14tf f•�ty occupied oy Judie I�yia ire liteJeeted tn.nuscripu oanaat t1e nturn«t. get hr. r. -hr was a. Iroi as they weer, they nacre loeru deemo,l ,lf any impxUun.t : w'r eons pnwrnteol htmeelt to ILL. de Talley both of Or_y. ------ - _- ----- - - ilmd, only she have a haute awl they hal have always dealt with the utterauca of ranee and reminded him that he hadb0ea M,'KAY-CLAItK-At the M.K. church, cion �� HITE L134Z FUR S:aLli A R. C. HAYS. SOLICITOR, k of ppape one eaax mast b wsltten on owe side none. the sheet itself. which w•as fair game. promised a place. orxdia Kansas, os March Into. by It". H. apply of white line will always be Oem. corner of Square and Wen y- ••Very welt." tai,- Tulle rand. "but T. Staofler, Lr. C3.V McKayi tormrelr ,rpt no tat.A by unr nttderN¢na.1. at t.fr nevi. 09 fieri. h. over ta{esrwpb adloe. Ri " 1 here is iso politic ,lanae, either in this in The -tar's article reference (s al*o ' y' of Brsewl., o lut., to Iliac Kmma )., lough dente un Fest oat., fur mia. Porticos building vine Rinds to lend at 6 pr Peat. Tref. 1'mhsfiske�+,a IlmsLee, a tdl gumetlting that edits and which coo err of t. f •loan!. of C000xtda. will boo -at b)y nus or any other oily,-' said Ik. t +icK►N, Urtht cycle b) THr. `;N:�.+t, re-puhlir img a orifi- s t6 ss ianake+ oar r J- (`. Le Tnusel, of Oedvrleb. hue been sup be given. You dom'L know o[ snytAing? MAIR-BALL In Manchester, ase the 31st or work than tl.e ordirtarh Itw. RDtk�D tr ARROW d8 PROUDM)T, liAR. pehntad Local Travelling Agent for tike town- 'hut, '•even in the highest socirty, in which ciarl fr=a The Clinton- Ne.-Reenni Marsh, by the (rev. A. McMillant�M�r. N',1- SHARMAN. GuArri -h, arch 7tah. lel!. N-tf vi rlNeen• At.aewrJ�, 1b11c{tat•s, tis.• GoMr. ships of Ooderich. Collis si►.AaMeld and We the ladies praarnt are not duc•ussaal by the sCon.) ikderich e,wre•lsmJrnt. Shir n . Well. Qnd at metric". You must admit tee ]lair to Mew Melts +. nail, ahr rich. J. T. Ogrrow, N , I,roodloot• waneh, that I haven't the time tooeaat:h for )roe." daughter of the late N'. M. BAIL toter v�a� _ E,e�y� pPbtmw09ees osvertM dhgrfet are AIM n ---T---- wl'•a+H"Y iC= s'+g"thor bJ t}Nm- �tauc w" asrictl)-legili Ph! appticAllt tt as tht3s dippc>eed of for CLOW Mel%T0411-On March tab. at the _ % IAMER�:Ii, HULT at CA1�ERt =8 1w.ered to receive subscriptions to Tae aa•Iveil in the Poser, licentious way, 1 wait mato, although as a rule wt, find plenty of residence of Inc bride',. mwbr. b7 the lJ i�� nape Al. - the time being, but a day or two later he Rev. W. If. Geddes, .redrew Clow, of East j A11' ��T w' A\TEU, - A �� C �e �V „�!!4la_el.. AU commuAlcatbtr must baddrewed to know i(acourertool sled attend«I thew .Orn rte smitabde matter 1.. All up with, acid we run• Wawasoboh, to Mary, eldest Aaughterof the J food . • npaale yosaut mea. - ,- Isar• again peen nte•d himself, his fax radiant V Rv Hetra D. McfliLWCUI►UV, an.LJ know- what the !ijen talk about and I ly r•apublish anything reflecting oAt tine w7th hops, and raid: late Jams )lclstude. hey., KfAluse Apt to lir CA \, -pet. - I?7wt - -� e SIONAI- way the whole tendency of the ueodern olanNe .talte•InlpMni' front outaidr ora. uotwith DIED - Telepbow Call Ooderich, ant. ltorF /9tr, such and arch a place is vncapL" IR11elOay. MedfNL I. u.war'ls liee•ntiouan mos, I -lir't care standing'the fact that for test vain Thr ( "Vacant," . Gel Talk d. "Well• SHiN . a el :u hlxw. ('abrade, on tow 'J•tb _ _.�_`- ' -- - - --- -_-1 -_-_ o wi Iran ul1..l4uhel =bow-,aga••luyarn. - - IbHANNUN t triAANU�t SIDDINOM. FUMAY. APRIL 10 lint. whether It is pnldlc rx private. -ter her.ystematiAliy empluysol a a. isann what do yon wish me to da' Yon ought KERSLAKE-In Exeter, on the 3kb air,• `l TH0 LiN in p epared 8$ AGOIE 8a Henry KeMake. axed 7'- yeam 3 mouths THOMys)N is pnpand to arty* ttttamiS n°"os ..--_-_-- _. -- - - _ N'e ha, t• yuot+.) larbely frxn the womb final w Lroll the met obj« tiomlilr refrren b !mow that when a phaco is vacant it kamm,s sew ,b , Us. sbnawr's toa� ____ __ ..--- end Zg days D a410 or a�sw. For ool>k M � w -of the. Tor onto preae hers- The physicians Derr fnxn outeiale psp'n against T"i: Sti; N +i_ baa already been promised,'-BosROn culler. ingaire tat Oce. W. T'haaoesay 6. C. tlsssafMpnr R LL1MAs THB DI9.ZY DA1VCS. FEHRIKR- In Kest Wa,� w71N nit. Healer. wM. list d Ike )a.ly tet Owru Suntu d aebvocateol the We merely state this fact to show that the I TratlecrilaL lienj. terrier. aged O yaws, nswtha and " Afew moths ago Tits IiMNAs, hAlaw olancrar•healthful exercise 'usdrrixuper aetemthnsalwa)slimn tem the .other sail.•, !days --- -'-------`--- article on the mAsy d�M which command- 'restriction' 'a rather ,a •ue savin clause. But a worst al.oat The-taran,l thet:oaletwh tibee opera Goon ought t,4 Eat. CROOKS -1a Of fl lm 3ianb ilei. sum. ills. 1?Iaopelrty TOP Hale Ola %bP Rent. IsAirM -- Ili/I1tPiilMe-- 6 K snmeaA eon of flr,ergfe end Nasslet lhvuks, ell much wttentiw At bona bad abroad• awl But even with then[ the merry jig ami the torrewpmdent of The News -Record. It A musical director now in the city Aged 21 years. a me..the aad tide", "OUSE TI I RE\T.-THE Cr DER. `ti ONEY TO LEND. -A LARGIR led a number of oar load Sarrom mo coir to has another idea besides music. WF ILAND-Is F:l m ville, w eblth nit" L1 1 1 amount of Fx 1 niu.ing rel heal the wall over the whieh mall is noµ of moment to Tor. Sp.N.O- onagaec nten nor reel ,test comfa0 table prig ase ■ted oiler frees alt ng ) t;owrtm Wetland. egad tg !Olen bow r oororr Hr&cr sled Victoria +ere to bweat rainy me w•tive town sed Ona promise to take part is a controversy oo waltz ani the other round doncees. The other than to show that when Coin.ercasivw (kampLint iv made," nays he, '•that SwIWingN: aplenmruu: toed aelhr. Hard Spry trrm,of nploNnt taw( the benefits r hartfalnewof the tt, clew- people who rotor to the opera are nett- - "-+' ens ante veneer: owe cerin acre bt. AppI NN wv*-N000mma}.ioa -CW r .tis phyelcaus o(tbe soul err dtrol against the tall .•int l lbarnl* ,•et w, the Innes irsxkinKa ( i " y ( M. U. JOHNtrrON, OMMI A$ s or can art. Rut aotb' has benne written oto sad fiJSety and do not r stprand to Z�e w� V to 34 RS. S. POL1=Z UodeMcb- 03- t _ DY prunnu•wus ,Ianee, although the old -ouch of the "machine" tinder the rav- ••f a bright the etIurts to lease. Lit env wonder? - -. • - -- _-_ _ - � ---- , -- them• reel might gel a ••hermit" favors the Preiab li ht. .and, further, we must coodr•we that P , - UR B+LE.-MAiTLAND I L%Cg. W R. ROBERII;ON. AOCOCliT. g The 6 and i o'clock dinners are the caose. `E A LED TEN DEPUS W ILL BE RE unr. Fire. Life Aad Aatil ae Itestr tYhile our {seal gsailris have been trrian IsiAprs. There int fool few thought the cxr Iorob-dent Ina proove,l that he las as ,..ired by the undersigned an behalf of the A beautiful residence and splandW term save Agent• sNioe_l'pataln, halting between tww/gi tins, however, the Uta Leat people who gin to IDake rip the counir eouscil unite Moeda tare °nth Instant, °< lb nano -i0 rkarrd Aad retrtainder 1a baa, N eNeaite sot awl' .liNntwi.m in rho opinicmr yn..te l the inside track un the able editor up to 1 colorin of this andierlce din" late• and for aeon! Aad court house supplies ftx one) ear, �W' pebciprht) hardwood• ahttated t miles - ort- Oo�ieL 71 tL ministers of tha gsp11 m Toronto lave I alxivr. ,lair. r' ecmvtendns nn the cath day of April. etar M Ike OeAerriycch port calve. Apply to - -- f as argil" they All iu regardleaS of the >UML dR ZAWLEY. Eurotr.x. snit jJ• N. LElIn18, BARRISTER, PROC• v a.: Head. pert, si meal, hark _ been taking aha 9M+isp ap. Ret'. Mr, ----�'- tYhilr•.albisline.al.,,•The -tareude%e% y. polaoer. _ _. twinMnrtirpeCnut;Mone toiosn.i Nc+sAt, a 1'realryteeian read a er IT STILL Ff'IIi g"I ,(.\'I) LiES Lws governing health, and come to the Pabons, turialm earr,ls, ppaanncpa cabb- �" f H raaolaeww, er1L peppnr. caodla. ria pt�R SA LR OR RE\T - A DE+.iIR. I Oar Dear.. prince fur.dt Strsigbt herr. u )rWs'r• PAI oxo to aake capital out of the fact that at olpera--whall I wpeak plainly? -with km D anal oil. 1 Mhle and comfortable houx sit mated tenses Trarlr. Casts very mwlrrur. poor en Montlay last •t a usgtiwg of uhf Toxomt„ ps. Russe and lamp wicks. two size pain riff Thar coutempnsary last week hAl a sickly. smr time the cawr spamstent M WI -tion wan enough rich food int them to make them briovu. scrubbing brushes wad an stove bar tae Uo dericn #fish yeh..u, containi ng I arik A call peraLmWly or write. V WAkinnand bru,hea. Sieuruy witl� uir- six r."ms, pantry and cellar, with two lop, oo' - Minioterwl Association. in w-hi•h ''he strait• hy'strri•af:utA k tem the a,litRrr of 'Omni: Su. ,tut highly rateernkr l by 'roe SL:�.O-, ami I stupid and unapprnciative. My advice reit w►kA sin •arse bad I - _ - 1 ,xl for the cromplMloa of the coneract. rho whoa A(e a*ffttwt, OPdrrkA.wcba�u-apply to; ted • G. (YARD. CONVErYANUEti. e3,iefly with card playing, claw lug lent the %,I-, which wait Poorly a t%rlumn long, enol I gives .•ertaiu phraw% im quotation, notaries i would be to eat sparingly Just before lowest or any tenoerw not necessarily itsoxpted ac.• and commbriorier for taking and re. theatre. Mr. Nsus o madentn-3 tai the wa, lsmde.l with pile• leavene.l with false- I whicli it Alleges are front Tnt: Sie.N %I- In I the opera. The good effects f>bm the' unless aatwfactory. All articles must be of --- aria Ing re•e4.anlxatr(Ya of ball, &Aweaaei r Bond quality and subject to the approval of FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. -ONE, alaraatieaS depoonatiome" or solemn des-Wa severest terms all three. Private das,•e. I ho odd anti cloth it in that choi e and ornate reply We world sutr that we lave no re- i music worold assist in the dige,tion of a � the "W Inspector and Mr. Dickson. governor of she own comLarfabi a beam in time in or concerning an) set ion, suit or peon among a few friewls, acid as an 061 fiver hillingsq,•ate which is the editar i by hereof ..Ille••twn of any referent" of the• kind 1 �L dinner taken as late as midnight of the sa•.L PF_TER ADAMSOX, County ("der*1 . trw stories, sono taasw. bAr win• 40diuN in fair Hiah Court of Justice, ane 18 notion will Irobalal not ,ri Clerk. tlodericl•, April -Ih, Hat. 037t dew• sawed,. blaoa P htlafL Cour of A al for Ontario, r in any t coney !used Sdritch reel, he did stet colander very ity. eco when he is nmaluerad Ing referred to, and :t diligent search of our i Y p Y agree th -_ _ -- I s le dld stable anti dM w■rtiaw tike DM TNt 1 --- y o ,a�g��� r Division (assort, All transections carefnlay hurtful, but the round 4&aaos, such a4 the upajrr alar Scam nt w';oxtliy•gtxdy. taloa. hr+ faience d. show an% such references: floc of your physician. Be it Ito. I am I Inn for four horde ; alw�eaWaSaad ya hese, Mrd poo ly rxe•rc:ef. Residence sed 1% The grounds well l.ir oat; slot _;reit and addeeas I))wasannoa. Owl. tts6-,f tenet=. which originated {o ties "diver of In the natal it is charged that a previo u' also that our firm belief is that amid yes- ' ta]iinq from a point which iptllvatA >nQ I ornamental Irem. cedar beda., soom m[ bousa. - -- -- - Maria, othould hot• talsxted by every ne,pe.•t articlr in Task. Swam. hall been '•,Ievutasal talions were the outcome of Thr -tar writ- O,nmandiating and music don't go to- and sax,d trace. Fr ►:tither pertioubm �y 1W J. T. NAFTiL, LIFE. FIRE AND nether." -Chic to HANK PRYTTY m the -1L `' AaeaL Ropreonest. note person.. A+ Tex tb theatres, hr ha[ toemtaawg the tronat of The War." Tie er's imagination, although we don't' ^ ago Tribune• PaulekNrsat INm�gi a A ddmt ismanaee eat Britirh t M tile; UverponN. e to them errs • beton his c.xirrr tu:N u. ea:lr -not wilt to the c alta that we leer nadir refrnmr to the I - - - -- ! UbDe; raxwbb Uaaoa; .oral Bus Y g° M B Y h++Kr'• Y AH Hepar w►aodew. OTICE TU CUNTRACTOliB P�PERTY rUR RENT. -THAT ]Atqmo�r��lma Life :..d Aaerlens [...ranee r mien, &nil they wen piretty had thrix. and There is no reaaaon why we showla murler crrrrealsmdent of the Clinton paper in the , port (meekly) --I should like to leave this ` valuable property known as month part ilei /bwMa LowM Rays• Lsmee an. sae diddt think tiNy won spy bettor now, an inafitnNtNn which is c,mnmittiug .uici.k hat of .ilea carillon in irygttie yuan. Kut 1 little ppem fur your iuspectissn. I supple! Iva 4 4nroe Fined al)aggnn's old aagodi i metas Osampt 1. Memey ta Loan a• plum at,, Re belie, ed then were innocent gams of u fast as income tenc • anti lack d business I men and journal* arc lia►de to make wrors I • Y POa ! frune Ooderech. ecoaf09ing of sinr aervwof= Tswn y. Conve due. Pas Scrod man me are left Earn• �. � vPtaamyg w Pr' ) ) g cpm which are a brick house. Dank Itaet recreation which awuld Ir uldulVA in with. tact in the nuuaagement .d the cmcern d an tel ratimata under c+Frtaiu a%molitiuPaa ' water IgruAly/-Yale. add eo err the fel wade, teas in Iron nisaw (ilea tinea, oadryb, 7l lows who want to to buy them. -Lite- Sealed leaden, addressed to the under- iw1 to ben b Yuri Maap MIC IewLag to harm, but surd playing acs ,lin it. sh, t18 o%mtrsrv, TN►:SWNALuvery Why, at one time w•e thos),ght theelittrr of I -_-_- signs f, andsadursed in the form sad mateser N•• w Premises- cxus IoAasM W. Mer �tWOW ileo LOAN. ' APPLY TO tent open of tiaaml. mw•h pleased with the rnsxnitlal o idem Thr -tar (when he wan rine uereulin set funh in the specW specifiations in that Ds"k*bMMPPly tc JAMES JKWKLL !lett- t/ - PPO11l I RI Atl the Rome to Hr. tsarbalf, note be nxeived as ,Lha 1 swtllerP.O. Olut KRON•Hot.rt CA3LKRU)I,Gede Rev. W. H. ('uIsa,Baptut.toldof a young which it has, and hopes The -tar will long all " Dr..ILssv4-I. ') was:& respectable man. 1 At the grocer's. "Give me half a pound maul noun of Wednesday. the repartawnt _ ------- - �• et30 woman who wanted to join his church. Sire routimue unlet iia present management, tx although he moved in peculiar surroun-hugs, i of tea, N able." �: va SALE. vi THE FOI.LOWI:iG "OLS 10 �D.-A L A R G 11 played whist with her tattier, nave arms- minnatagvinrnl, atthe .ase ins )x•. Tha• bot when hr threw off tIM mask and came "Black tai or green. mime'" I TwsaTT-9■coNn Ua, tar Arxu_ rxbT., 1' valaAblr properties: j$ Y I Pact o f tote 7 and & concewhua 1. R.D. Ask• i 6Mu of Private Fuseda fr Invootmw times Lad • (esu friends at the l■swse to kmgrr the prereai olgxritisw tnntinua,. the out Hat fdxµoxl ra "\t r. Ftrti)" sur won ,,,s. ( "1 don't can which My mistress it for certain works in counrction with nem. 125 acre& ,tMAZZIw* on rstclawMarteslw. Appy oiaaox, and she did wi, think thaw wnm blind."-1?aris !Tf(;i►ro. the new liarlunN41t HrIMiW,s tersely : Tae North I ted lot 31, and ecus eeslme, Rantye t PROUI)nOOT. R. better 1t will Ise• for 'rim-h.NAI" anal then strutted to change our opinion. !So.likewnae. - ___-- _-_ _ IU fashion and pia"oring. tri floating bad Wawssosb, Imsones. _ - __ _, - - - - Now, he war not prepared to tell her she is Asµ a tent or"rory in the town who ,till we cannot but Admire tobolay the mainlines. An Indeeeewoss, ventilating, d is roof covering totaling, top• Port of black Y. Colborne• M acres, knows Rt, RADCLIVYE, GENERAL i!i• j ! not ead.its,• {jut etata•mrnt. n the ,mreb rodent in r uMisire, who has Y per wort, etc.s, and H) plumbing. u the Arthur Hasghen farm. i�r could not oin the church aim ply ,m that f menace, !teal ifreg- anti ]Ieaq P I I agnn. Ra»tt-1 don't want your paper I,retrd s 7'M' Above properke well br oaold on terms I.Paaiy anent. erre! flrWrlaes eompweM acooent. hot satisfied with makin the above undertaken to Assert his fnsNlml of ••ma Canvaaer--It you will snhacribe i'11, peciaartioue and the special form to snit umbleem Apply sin Rev, Mr. MtwRLk . Baptist• triol o[ his alrwnll (etas C have a goo ! obltwary S1 you written lA tM of tender u to escIt work ria he obtaitred at NS 1ML r1ed Mo&ay to Lead vw strafd y cbnrge Against Torr- Si..N bm, chine" control, lend refuss t.l Ire ft■gle•ntan this Department. AN blanks in the sprsiai 2lw4t !&O• ' 1' h CAMERON, lisawa at the bast eau• rr b ser. t shag. Y tloderch Aayd nal to wit taw atorrowonr• OAos-Sone efforts to convert a Lady who slewvod. He The -tar -owiw akse to abuse personally the to a would be political ''how,-' who en,lear l �� wkw yeti dIR-Aaberk+an 8tatboar form of tendr an to he �rroperty slued Pv : �- - -- ' door from Spew. wait atroll. GoM anted to hex )St Pwl'a declantiun tort r bad tesden abient. as to orm. sureties and iNaiRBT•CLA88 BRICK HOUSE AND rich. ofsrf y editelr of Tots SMY.ti. and attempts tit give on to ape the autocracy of aC.ac+R•althugh otbmwiw, eo=ply with the terms met forth in t.OT nt)R BALK ON ST. PATIUCK Dili. everything that was not d Grad was evil, a knta•k town bow by the following choice only in peooaessi,m of the esu eculiaeability of A t~�F' w specitl,3 w' -About two minute's walk from the square, `- -- --- - "I asked her•" =Lid lir. MlNst.L. "tan You )h, which we ve Y • ,men of a novice, the brain of a ninn • awl the s inal 1 An Axe book ob me, payable to the Two stasis k b, brick bswayea V ,hon ewer Pa►*�aF Kn 'Toa y p 11 rtrieon Aytb boiMly swvend w gyps, LEE'S /ArtLY IEEDI()TNi$, \ Srdonr d the vd�ir the Amouunt ]lain building W 31rse roo m m gat. tsterl in year cbosSt bad ink fox the Idea. the Po ulur style whieh our "clan" ,.in Column of ase eel. \ wSN�, b ft, a of�booe tispee� d In Iharw gn t Inge rooms b err of God u sub" are V"hg to Ido tem pnr amunees when ub lice d iscussin qt��ou� as,,a��io�� an piO 7w ss Y P 7 S' g i f11e a-- --- s0mattoasi Im ale-----sbor Ups ttAime1 there are khohew, pont,!, anti tjaep go off to • tierce!" "1'ss," she insane : 8!(7NAL S d P 8HI )TS. omits tsadSr. P nal n Stn's room nae bsthnwoa tinea /rhmsa Led, "1 can." •'What wan I to my to Yew, oa rove an. 1 f ('. Mi= Swat cbmmm mays Apply to the wtod*rshru d. iawalbsagaet. Boorllliea rmP r y ireacv I Snail felowwhip Tots dipkartatic gentry d«•fan ehlet Sir ' � tosatlaf warka, r�Ita �pw0 �e lel! neoeemry Information, D P%Pwaa Ilbe. ul nkat." said ]1t,. Mttnu. "I depndled ern awl all that, and br pnnnute it to your own 1 t ' �• for tie-�-sassmaasisnMlo RbUN. �� 7etJApAn, ,that wrRttment r • ciiaieher and her nonan liking von ha%r int .r t ap►rei neither 1 xARns, Tr►rr.R u non Pr^r"w gnu rte. } so ! aeatba0s' -; r tmsb aweb wSet+w� �� - -- - Ts new, In !eland Ma bNtlea f�� - - --- wi, Age, nor social Lon itio n In those who far as lYuhimgtoot is concerned. His rt, e, Llan. g1. 0 pear bottle. sl[NIttOPe' NoUoe ear. i°ioh . ma venture to diger with ysin, frsmi ower tut marks have )peen taken c um ' + Orr u� se fslimewt ofpaannyyS�eagraama - White Rason Rev. I)T. JnNNotos, 11eth."Inat, Ix•lievod rings of abuse, slander. and mbar.•1.rse" Rnwr' mlu m { MIs b begivense s ase aftA in bo - =: the charck should apply the life and 1ew- taation, uttere.b in the language of the hr ('&mad& fur cone time ` { r) C RCi�TORS' NOTICE. bey rhe / . ( 1J K'nita Cbvw, am Baas, �� te-= tie love" or •ay trader. la tb Matter of the of duct to these thitt■W )tad the salon w to asNNrt Aml street rnrnrr, sew[ with the swag Hov. .1o11N ( .t1 Wblu Retlmleta r ben to roe." be said, r of the bully and tine brfer. Von have An1/AY it erotic to asur►o � t'. r. FRASRR, hta of aha yea everything else. "lt 41elsmm the oflbrrof l.teatelaaat-Governor of (hitari,.. 1'emmisebaer, te. dated' ILe. pr.es-. at e in tbo "'nen An apt pupil H, indeed, yew no eJsd Pw*o t to the Revised ftlatwsaaaf •'there gn two clesssg ell pt•ttpl to he un ht and o1NNlient wrrvant of sNlr Thr Hort. .IoHN a an amuWe gentlerran, �' chapter 114 son. In. notice w s� ehnroh. Than act tM isleepuwS p&rtaaefs ) of Public Works for Ontario. bonlrlf at the ealwatoew en all asN x WTUNWV t'fmcntprom Dote aroma. master ase owner, the ill savored victor In and will he the Only sx• • upant of the upper •k April oil. g eihAr pse�sa� by ing alah=g eat the "we not am All the sleepers the teat election contest. ratorlal chair who prey anisly .xrupi«1 . Raw- Did Tm boar that Rggrty h0 aft!, the lata Tbma Stodare, to \M - and Jwd hese! evrbrrrd an' wait drowtredt esmoutem Jawee Trtmbw sew J CUT THIS OUT AND PITT iT n4 yr&et bus to take thing easy �Yr publish aha juicy prtagnph lieovaaltor est in the l.oal l'•)iinet. __ _ _ (�� v Uaewrelves sur hsvw. NSw i! yoi took a@ it yr{U !re news to the neaden d TR■ -b:- 1)norrry-Oi dM) idea tine owe if mace m Ave. oofbeflmwshoIth mor wMay� i IANO. tae tbsatre- grd dsrawo of the dem Tn■ Hull Liberals an• a hµ of hustler b dM it o p.prpsa to qlt bis Ilfe inane ��r toe asoma as oma bad leers N+L N Isrn that the journal which they ■nor, fur it win only tbooOmday betould == __ -, srfptiaw trnh faROvtMnbwwftbWcWma gvtgatlom •ei deotrwmd 1thSm p wt, sur have allowed tar enter their homes for over Not content with giving a Mg majority fox nee he wan Lbr n' to raise money to sfmMatwtSf nit ftnP and n moftf anomia P I A N O T U N I N 0. waouM Le nrr their dandidate .earl I key Ti Roy MURTOAGE BALE I (If sa I paid by too asefedly and Awacially y ten %ear, under the preens vrnagemenf age y ping him to Oinland.-Atippin coat's Magazines 101 or And Mmtlee m hither glv.a arae •her mlti RO•a ial atbwtiow Sita y iaknitlmR mrd great, tilt 41piritsally H would {x nothing It" 1x 1 botch a vehicle of &bone, elaneler, re hosom 1)ttawn county, &bey have just pn. -- -- - VALUABLE FARM PROPURTT. "mho etrmom will dMtribos. ,pe asesta notion rme lautam racy M eon rwand. - -- of rhe toomw `i be port fa eta r led there sm the church and „ther aFxm inatiorna, IN .•nurse• the rented the kxtunate fall.., c. ihvLly, "Wb don't Underaod by virtue of thepowt•eefmMeee to. byly; Nd=LotMrelwls,• ofwbleb trhii* no.t rte uslt M. P. , with a 7 yon marry, Mr Bsrhelor?" taloed to a mo teen listed the Sth the sbog h•g aMlron and awe •.a pd oxecuton �atorst rnten ter y.ar,y twist Rev. Mr. )lnyns•ln. P' c Is .t men and wriinen m evs•ry krcality nrr m•gniAsaat watch orale. "Well. Inv* boom trying ft, yarn to Acid day of JanaMry, +, I►, 1 y tb tundra• wilt nr be Rabb dor lbw mid &~a sr say Orates IeR ot Orpo pisssaey. at ml W the meow of the &bm&Lrm awl t11 .L. n. d%mvis anaitms to hire much a paper as onr They are proud of hitt a girl." sub s b as W tlme of Won, part ,heaaf b ooy Mason of whose claiaw ball, warned his brotbr' against drawing ,..,it,•mpdnry depicts areae weekly es a wee "Have yaw got any mowyto there will be bit �ubiiaattdlw "Mmis'l &cone ill" sat have hem received by them deoee WSstat" sr at O. W. 7Trmsp'\ Plana \MN. Ia the tows of Aedarob In the awsty At tb than of atrb distribution. Watrrwpms nip rwsaive OralmDt MMsYaa. Mgr torr chew m jaaoemnt recrealn.ua, "r , ,Noe gntewl-!e their hewn, ro that their TNr wrxn n enthuse IOtm /tar businese in "though. i RtHim " of Htrww. as If o'eleek sees, m SMtasiar. the Oederbb. AprBRb, hal atllpaid give a bad iopre-i- of `1110"nbo children will toe mentally Awl morale in fare. twit KR■tsxR, the blf bred nth se "Then you just hold chill awbiles and W titltth dal of Apr!:. A. U- oil. M Jo" Ksox. 14 O. �OHNt It. aalndedm-- sand bleolry. Then iorol lav retooling it : and the same rt, Property win bated by (:en. Faith. Minnie will Aad av"ia . the fdMtq vale farm prow most All werkgubsouatoog, /Irl �•..-W h,„ elmsbea mi OVIL That wlu, h sore w ta1.M Ir, lode lorotl mot awl certain I:mensaerat nfacial* u ta Roar aril. &annsely : Late wnmbwm two and eMhfNr Lhr RIIePneea FN Pe"I' I'nn' y of crave! tot A Thonowswem of iDMlly Oonewrswwea ieclsg" tweelsoae thlSokeldsw l.bbotth lin lows• Ireedilaw ii -w i -b: - and that v►bisi ams rte it fr,.o' it. pdittoal shnMxileth, nl.ay. oxclwle "clwbn" percent •claim to f'arlilemorot (nor ,16,000 ship of Ooderich. 44muialng Iso arras -- Fr igLLwssme, trr.nder w•e tsar Ions frim the pert tem hu Tti ch -Ifo -lent sena human holy ��' Irp n like Thr -tar..n,l .--men the a di PrMr•ri7 hY go wbtboat grey . a a W y Ilene b a mead truth G�=011 MECBANICIN' IliWn. �OMiire ere. Rad a fes t baro -- --- _.._._.... aoaraar g0ti elating teas stalling Ev,•ry tows• who are of entire@ not i• the greedy n(Gcals anti their military tamI. Dvit►t Roy�1= boon M r tea W wabM, TUTS LiRRART AND RRAMW,&- - - -- - - ----- -. - swatRervin," y pg ya ROOM, car. of Kae* o e s ail ams sup, ba4 knew Net "IL Y r led he and. "lNdlim" ox •'Meters," to a hand to mowtth For thieving, somber limit thieving. letter I Thaebvr'-Dear ape• bow l* that pomNblel N&awsof the load oro cleared and the owl- sestra a w.µl- �t . noes r Orasb. The land Is well lose". at, •'pa ogmMl • peas�y a • pram. slth.,Mgh in enntaA.. 11 The Mar's charge abler gcut«S thievbsg, hobsµ thieviAS wlamre wQl it lacy -He wont hilus leets ?orb b y arc • good -ohm orf over oo wan. Tae (� hem 1 m L p w„ anti from 7 b Mp m * I- ,, • r Af.., thin camp&ry i< is mn,Aimm not at,, Ir l to l,s dtxrvs t no other dehxtirw Darr be dn.w, t,"'1 • ! iatltan h a Pullman alar. -Lib skoeB Y Nay team. ABOUT 9000 VOLb IN LIBRARY. �, i►,- '�. , u sR } t far�esyaaynadglartrtee me LaiiM fir. R''cN!' aNmd ilJwtraMd �.!� v. r "' sA� r Nd �tjN (1M tri At) " Hr welal urn to Gx rverytxne m IMrderirh knows tot Thr Tots Ilttiwtle44 Thre trovedisd •haat ■!y moa tow of aha a orfMretoh P y cert dr , ow Pier. �Y ^ . �q ' ablp,p tbgk M nam s&sy gngRtgl' to clow the star .nth TNI Si.:s at. Ise neer ).aro nwlw way to mpLti a sh. ►t time in \VaahiwStwt ]tether-Jahwwy, i ale that yorar BfArTor■sa pt`saKeRIbNMadeMb 11` 7�NITryI)lt� p gt .�, e ot'il. 11d ` .oma e( rweeea ata a��� ` aaol FnsTR with s bnnLhmr W aha answsllSr rha bgtaya Rmdb i "^a analY 1'V.IY ` . ' '• •.. / s , . Mets b pre.entt r„asNsRmmrnt for ahnnt the oboe Tr Pts ref Obhv. Zlld int thaws, til" TSre eW M Ll ''Is eaaN -. length of time. and it is assn a well !mown pile d lrud o awl . whs.lon (i n d >� No lila elide►, m i told you f emr rM1M y tb aaMb&- ow , � - hom the fe.•t that whereas the lattr's circa beery deal• essay -Tama i told hres be should ilatai hrs� `rvonR b o til ..:. we. nr �r Vt=EA COVIf " f` tr+s"r s+ wMWbk linin%fMzt' akd hA° ` fru. M u w p=w. g'bL '.o w a !t ^ ?6;:.1t61a�ar" aa.� urs. im tar. goo- r j�j1, ...i .. w : a k i o aaNsulw ? AM IDa�p� gb1R� I 1 ��l Oad'rM` I�wti. tilt. " I;h,m at trill la Tillpssnmsn � dll"'� ANADIAN HEI rAL 01� titin" 60 a E I A GaileawAL d&MOO Biltr DRA 7S sanUwD PATADL C111Ea IH THa UNITRD •Arlt Dte03ITa Of 61.00 AND 1 µ WwtO iNT IIUIIT 'tf�1 ttOVtMa" IN tAD/t TwAIL spedsl ALhoUM and barriers' Hales IIeM NEW ADVE l,anu for Sale Box V •• .. !!pray, goods John Aob$m- .- 14aws for salt aP y ine Tit'lortaR - B Hoar• to heat Mn• i. Polio& vicarilig ',ak• J. A. Rem it Item Tender' a+'awled - Peter Adamle alien to t'urtrecttxP c. r. rr ); as Worbo .. lax V, O. Johns o trip lk.14, t�ra�e Town o�l AA1,0" - Naittsod I'laoe ft, Nal* -'Hirth manit•sa• ),ah•- o bawes. Holt I,,uksmith a Shop RaMswwd - t t'nrni of witch Hard -1 Jorl, t'edlar N-antad This ON" 0h,nadee wanted - -Clea Rates house W soled -Box m,Oderh THE TALK OF TH A chide 4144409 rt,. tali .sm' J41ith he'll Penni Lesliei underveNg brut by Weds. A (Ilxvl PRrxR-'tT. TTN le yN elen Make u ro sive a W'. Nf>L 14,a.11hcuddy. agent, ("do ib1a' all can' at nage. lint 0/ ke glad to re ) od all isadividua at h's photo studio year in and Hal,•)ov vWted !flus Hol velahii.bmwnr, Went-ot.1 Had doing so. Tbr roam 09yle U I Pork hita and bonnets. The wousan's Christmas 'lee 4 I&CIA bn Itic Tea ponsure Ili' every Tuesday afternoon. P!o 1) . busl&er Nmwiiug •t 3 o c r. J. Pridham. lM papl41 s d b the fore. and ha the oewaat Spring and Soman goods vicar. A front plain im aha pea a1 all tea what lie will have. I! i• rhimcd that the ,dttin il!a,ne ro th•- Canadian com v -r) Leine. hilt it R. R. LWWw v.ou;d hair been able to penal of the whole tr&rAwgNm. au m:' 1'o" 4.tire sitting, bedoton the The sirs" of Mr. Aleck Shu wM 1p"cd during she vice his friend. who an bad w it seat apt"•srance. While fail the ot"wisnioy to show these in rttcnng. He dos anttW bohe%•t metal work acrd Me Wo hit a,lvoniormn at me pace sew GI,eN AwAt.-Oglcial mi intra .urvey, free toeverybud erre tine or send your addrs dopy M nsailfrom H- Arwtr sl,et,t a;rand Trunk RealwwTT r�, l.. T4 stets eW4 b all pdsl 1 stolidyteiro: thrgttRb tick .nil Ibeitlr tinea, sleeping , 1;." rdtrvd in ■d easierby to Allan. IMIsMafow. Cunard s wean .teamem A F',lNTI'N1Tw I)oxo+'RP' t ante ha. been suAlcient to trot •Orn k W irons Royal Glyce rir' Is a mrdteitir of more it t for I he cure of magna, ,w Mrrr.-sa s and incipient con name indicates it con ihima ...rh Ina props,"Irs of Rl cera i, mi wn v l r, ices of rtr Ra�ri eddy without an eginsl fox cos 1.•e cur which since it is rest .air hu extended from one beer ,u oho! dhet, h is druggistsmUsiderc\. Prod Il .utd A. Mi•Kay left fo % -it NIM.. loan Toltxel is visitint thl. week. Mr. and Mn- H. Atoned d .,Ilingwood. M r. A. M. Rams p&ei fam .,r.- in town. 1). Mclaod,diJpdmy, r» town this week. Miss Amin (:rabm in I Kit■cardine thin wean. Mr. Will. Retaow, d i 'ander the porental roof. %%hat is the natter 11 light.. ! Shall we call t he FAIgar Hayhurst, of loam a few days in town vu 1-elati vs. Nn. A. H"ppr. who h the winter iA Kincardine, ,m Saturday last. 1'. Mclurthy lett last M where he has secured a Inge J. R. Maxus as woe Engineers Belverly. c -haw, of Saidorth, are poolIio= s the tug J. H. Mr. PA. Bye4t, who hal t be past four yenta, hu r anti is assailing Mr. C'hark `Ssrrae• 'romtorsomw yot ,m the river cm lianelay. they were sent to )Sundt The Royal Te open - hanged their saeet sj si t.. Monday, the lattor boil for the majority fail the m i)r. M. Nicholson, the nsakes the praeservation o a specialty. Ilse sduaini for the painless exttectb We arse plagued to Icor who was ondood to his illness fox set=a Aw• we And u now able to atteesd Johnetor ('gray. the 1 after an intrr*Sswm of rroroely on our third ps noun0olhent orf A Atte time Quite a number d m wen in North -M. Meth clay *vsing to hone tie whieh wait preaehod bay Musa Mim Rabwtem. of N, Ins vidling nladves 1 rich used dsmw�a int N pSm sh wSeI left es Mea► Tabs. will be no Mo C= lnitw Ab (rriuuy) 4 &mr b.iag t d wait wnm!• April 171 lw/atammt d UW twgk Ownt; dark !! oblaw Rhea d bmMh, bat tie e boulo@W toe has am a: dew itMt