HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-4-10, Page 241.014414 MILLINERY OPENING. - Mrs: R. B. Smith - Will have her Millinery Opening on SATURDAY, MARCH 28th, -- .1N!, 0N - EASTER MONDAY, Wbsn the novelties of the season will be on view 1 CDRDIIL INVITATION IS EXTENDED TO ALL. MRS. R. B. SMITH. "Mat rare kate emit atseastsd A 4-;i•Iareed boy, whom we will add As WY. lived ntli long ape with his parents on ens of the nuseesue east end streets, "kb we will Ie.1 aq by the name o1 Mud. Multitudes of eeie enders will recognise their town avenue under this name- tbat is, if they dig deepansogb to mach it. Later Jimmy's pltpnb morel to a paved street, and bis sslMgagime him this little lecture: Now, Jimmy, you says not get your self all muddied up as you used to We live on an asphaltsap now. and yoc have no excuse for*at dug clean." Soon after this Jlaiy was playing neat his new home with gene bad boys, and he picked up a profane word or two. On making use of these words in the presence of his mamma be was severely . rd, whereupon he inquired: "Can't a fellow even talk on au asphalt (Areett"-Pitt.burg Chronicle. Where. Indeed! Very Rude Boy -Say, you beginner ought to have a peed for resells. Wbeee'd ver be it one old skaters ruined ham vert -Lite. tthe =sew. "Now, ma'am." said the liveryman. se he handed herr the lines, "you know how to drive. of conrse?" "Certainly." "Keep to the right" "Ya, sir." "Don't Hoene$ to crone In frost of s street car." "No. sir." "In cane of Are the engines the right of way." "Of course." "Dont drive in street . ar creel." "No, sir." •'In ccs you a runaway horse coin leg" - "Oh, I know j what to do. 1 ellen drop the lines, in p out and run :aid a storm!" -Detroit, Fres Pres. what !e Weide De. A good story is told on the Rialto about • manager here who • short tier ago had a very"queer" play running at his theatre He was . . l by an actor. "Will you oblige tea with four Neater N aked the latter. "More epplieatioes for free seats grumbled the emaesgar, who be not re Downed for his a srbany "1 say. 3oune man, if D give yon MIs sesta what will you do for met" The other we a glanosof withering row tempt nn the manager. "I'll go," be said ..blow York Loiter is Dstra/t Fee P.+.• Dews •n IWnd. Twod Shark.. were Linking It • fur store w4adow Ale! w ilh Arline down goods. 'That W ape there is just like 1 am.' said one. "How's that!" taquited his companion, "Reduced to alk"-wtlrbinetein :;tar. •!stilt posses. She -lent that a stew scarf pM .egg have! i don't resliessber to have ever gSln it before Her -No. Hy bxstbsr best never toned upon you.. -Clothier sad Fern ober. A Mamie Or Nes.. Beggar -Ilia yen jelp se, sir' rye sat M northing for two days. Simeral-Make your fast 1hirtyw•ight days longer, and yew Mildew a leg salary se a dime rws 111011k.--Jndgr 0111 •..Nall. obis my you ,paled eta Carter when h. "Yes, 1 waited era hale elz months, and Tan still welting. Re daddrets wedding trek eif ata." -Dare& !Iles_ w. spew Mese. Bretwefl-That we a wesderfnl Inllaby h Hatreas Hew ropers wDeaseee-Yes. my aka► to bone balerssting eel the yg `asn4a for 1sta.+Ma taro. 1e..s.a ser read tat, ea reale ei err de eel or ems., gelleertemse -.....a ,.e nate WOWSFesar.... -.. �winaara 1Messss lea ha est of aria .i. las alOrld arm go +t THE SINAL: OODKRICH, ONT., FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 1891. T141 IM Ii.L J • .sore& «•r• h11b1tM. Ire=filetigIlea be Red ha se Ibm I woe glee OD aide Oil bp Webb lesseali beer. Mak es ksa legume as taw Or ralstbetwa re be eytttD And se t arta l woos r Wenid go with sac oslegkig. lb m1 mem jug ds seseea* And •abbaesy W we sines War • OA.p.tig Wang wham oder Chimed wadi the anlslgkbsae' Pyre. Air. jfsde. Thee Dwt. nein. Urea IBMs, Single, Jame. IraOa yegIs. bele Tagtoast rag' Her eyes shore bagel, seeag bar bow Dome try H�aag�l(.er sheltered, And. esweIna the ray, 1 E nough of lb To my, with wildly throbbing heart, "Today Love I'm ob.ytag; Be sent tae to your der to ask Tor doer. to go • sleighing And new be lads tae tell you that I m sued of being single." "Air so ens 1." she archly said. And how the bens did Jingle Jingle. Jingle, Jtogk.. Ji.(Ie 'ltngle, bogie. taogk. tingle, Jlagi.•. eagle. J•ogk•, jiagr. Ti.gung, tang' Margaret (rage In Detroit Fra. Puna A Sorrowful Senates. The bullfrogs wept by the over bank, And the water toad combed bar bar; The araeserpent sighed as hewn he mask, Lal the tadpole shrieked in deepen.. "Ob. why did you mune! why are you awe l',itld the uuerrishl, In accents; ,4 woe. The oyster allied through the twilight drew. "Say, wby in the world don't you got" Glum grew the chime, gk ou r and glummer The fish wnthed a:..und on their heads. _._ ..-_ ....--_-. receive !»maned, -' •Tis chilly for summer; 1 wish we were hone to our beds." --._..Palm b urn'J the gem, , clear. Supplied by dee meat nes. Ppr,eup.irin D+h clung a.gether in fear; tits sea bu s.•e ki.r'.ed up their herh Ike Rim Then. "Madame -if -said the judge sternly."us stoat answer the question. What ie yeas air,,'" "I was born the same year your hone was. That would make me about" - "It isn't l e••aeary- to go into poetic elate," interposed tate judge stiffly. "Gen tlemei,, have you any further use for the wit rise! You may stand aside, madam." -Chuazo Tribune. Didn't Wooer 1t 6irolved. Mn Hayseed -Say, J,wehua, what's that light out there+ Farmer Umpired (at Boston) -That's the Boston Tight. Mrs Hayseed -IN -all, those emilon muse be party patient. I'vesewt it go out morel twenty timet, and they light it up ow'', Ilse-llttrvard Lampoon. Paeoeeeey Is. luaus. Great Editor's Wife (laying down a copy of hie Suoday edition) -Why do you print tech a lot of treahf Great Editor -My dear, 1 do not print s paper to phase cultured r•>lrtere like you and 1. I try to please the general public. Bridget (in the kitebent-Any good read in' in tb' master's noue.paper th' day Mary! Mary frhief dish washer) --Nn. Middy: aawthln' but trash. -New York Weekly. l'nsightly pimples, blotches. tan. ;end all itchin • humors of the skiu are- removed by using lir. Low's Sulphur Sinip. Int %earl a (•.alaper. Rev. Ik. Clinton Locke, the popular Epic pet! clergyman or( I'hieago, node a hal break the other .Ly, but was helped eat by the quick wit of his wife. On the day in question hems- a ludy'%bwt to eaIl Munn he was anxious not to meet. So he said to his woe : "Now, I'm off, my dear. .1'11 run up- stairs and mar till she gore away." After about an hour be quietly tiptoed to the stair -hemline. and listensI. All was quiet 'slew. Reassured, he began to de- scend, and while doing e. he. thoughtlessly Mit ru.platieally entire! out over the ban- nister : "Well; my dear. has that o1.1 Imre gone at last Y' Tit neat instant a voice from below caus- ed the add perspiration to bedew his minis- terial Now and rooted him to the spot. There eylme a response which sounded in- expressibly sweet to him just then. It was the voice id his wife. who, with true w..manly tact. replied : "Yes., darling, she went away over an hour.ago; taut here is margo..! friend, Mrs. Meek, whon, I'm sure you want to meet :" 4'nnstipatinn claims many victims. Ward oto the dre,.l dimes' try the use of Mardi Sugar-t'..at.,I Burdock Pill. when need- ed. Int nesse Curies. Weed.. "Varlet'' is the mune word as'•valet," and each r a. offah..,t of the feuds! •'vaaeal." "Rotten Row," the fannoo. I.omdore street, molls • la conte .1u riu- rthe King's passage- way 1 "Ifutdelinn" is "dent de lion" (the lions to nit), and "vinegar" was once "vin- aign•_ (tuner wine). "Madame" is "my lady," snit "sir" has been extracted fnrn the Latin "sewer" through the French. "Biscuit" kee talive the Latin "Ins coctus" (twice evoko e!!, and a verdict is simply a "verum dioon" (true saying). An "earl' waa an "elder" in the primitive a.s•:etj., while "pipe' is the same as "pap' and kaiser" is a "ca•ear." "Horsy" was over a respectable table "housewife" : a "k ave" war simply a "boy" the German "knish." .,f today and a "caitiff" wee in the first plan merely • ,cappNtive... "Jimmy" is • reminsc'Dee of the cla.sical adjuration, "0 :..mini,' used by the Reiman' when they called ups the twins ('actor and }Whin, te help them. The 4'br1IMs's Five Pa. A lir Christian takes ahundance of exercise. "If the stars did not move," said Horace- Bushnell, "they might rot in the sit) ' .assuredly, ton leery members in our churches are dry rotted with utter ,needy its like some of the old frigate. chained up le the dole in yonder navy yard. One omen t.alt. a good working ('hrietian is staying jeerer We have plenty who are ready to hustle shout while thw novelty Tars, or wi,l ing to do what they are twilledto ; but "well doing" Cranes to nothing unless there he "patient continuance" in it though all weathers. Too much of ths so called Ian work in neer land ends in a npaondic spirt of enthusiasm An able -bud, d, rhe hearted, longwinded worker, who labors .n. year in and year out, from sheer lore of t, is • p•iwrlees tnaemre in my church lis inner life is had with Owing ; his out wars life s as irreeimtiblst for 'limit witty. and • reserver efs a to the erwnm..ity. He i psggggt�l p M ire ; M hi- t n _ 1• 1 * <hrtM M Y_ �i�aaeld met Thaw fee los lwlt+wlt- eta ■daslj assessor •'dh. why are you hen•• why did you come? ow long ore• you going to stay? Why don't you speak' You dent be dumb Say, 0..en are you going away*" Oh, w by did they weep. why did they crier* Oh. why were they downeaM and blue! Ob. who.,, what del they beg to Mare! I'm sun. 1 can't answer --can you, -Helen Granberry in Harper's Tuuag Peopta Ills Light Pat Out. Behr] worn a colored blamer on the aloe; He bad sported spats in Persia, just for style: With • necktie quite too utter, in the sorts d odd Calcutta, be had stirred up quite a gat ter for a whir. The mall of Java thronged before by door, -. Attracted Ly the trousers that be wore - And his vest -a Woo= venter --shook Torsose se its center. And they haired him as it mentor by the score. An bis own ground, as a 'masher" nn tbe street - Be outdid a Turkish psalm- who stood treat Be Imre Shanghai girls the jumps, and tbeb checks stuck out like mumps, at the patent leather pumps on hs feet, But he called i:poa a Boston girl one night; With • necktie ready made -which wasn't right: Aad she lr.ot-.d at hum, this maid did, and he faded area he faded. and he faded and he fah.!, out of night. -Tom Masson w Clothier and Furnisher. The Typewriter Tone. Though its coming be slow. we can all feel we know Tbat the "popular son:" hes Its e• .: and the hand ortan lay cannot la_ all the day; Ila h.,rr,.n ., est eeeaae to ascend. Put tui• tyyen rn.•r tune. with its terrible twin Iaxesant responds to the rubber bung wrist With ha "pwi•k, pluck, clunkety, clang' Plucke ty, plucket} . hang • Tour heart may be light, and the future Hae bright Fie you come within range of ita sound, But your a;..res will sink t•. your .hors in • what From the mei..,'. that 1.,...•r around. When the aln4al.t p;•.•,lina ao crooked and weak Are tortured tilt pain makes them shiver and ernieak With a Mick. plack, clinkety, clang' 1'luckety, pluckety, hang: -WaWingtoo fast •molt lee. •. . Younger Sister -Well, how did you m joy the tall lest night? Elder Sister -0h, pretty well; bot i was afraid that every minute that odious Capt. Cropper ws.a going to propose to me. My hart was in my mouth all the time. Younger Sister (who didn't get invited) -No doubt there was plenty of room for ItI- Judy. As t dverelght. "Now, sir," said the lenior partner, "if we decide to engage yon as a traveling stun It will be me scary for you to take out twelve wimple trunks. Do you think the work of packing them would be too great for you +" "Possibly you forget, dr," replied the modest applicant, drawing himself tip to his full height. "that I always travel vette my wife."-Clotbier and Furoiab.r. tvl.l.we. In Twin. "Yon claim that you wee. IMAMS when yea proposed to her*" Yes, sir." "Can you prove it?" "Yes, sir." "How" ) "By producing the plaintiff in evert and betting the jury look at her." F.crhange. A Limited Knowledge. Daalt•way-St range shier b•ppen. The other night at the Academy they had • prise fight. and the neat night a Wagner concert. Cev,rtnn-Wl.at 1 1 1 Hap pose iliey were both crowded. tont D.biaway 1 don't know 1 didn't g•e to the monoert -New York Sin Dbym.r•s nelall..sOlp .. ate maw. "Mettler its a wonderful pat H. slam• • brother to the mares." 'Yes. He km wooed them all, and they ham apparently agreed to he raters t. 111111."-- New York Sea. HAPPY END OF A i IIBL PLOW A DEADLY INMALT IMM PAID 1 WITHOUT LOSS Or 10000. - IM oaesat-e erg tae twos •eglaaaa M• hemp& w salmi a asps Sas Zargen ad Dram !role w.N raw Oags- f hires a Indy War the rmw Art whisma&o beth. of the Loyd Lerida &dossed the lapel of a altnbt coat worn by Maj. Nair Ball at the Albany. "A story, alto' laughed tate ea -array omcer, as he detached 1 has be bridge of his eons and looked in good natured way at the expectant re- porter seated beside him • •Well, !anew ere. The smoke ot Shiloh is a chestnut now, and the battle of the Wilderness probably has been smothered from further interest by a pec fuse growth of weeds. By Jove! I can give you a tittle incident that has never been in type. It happened in 11163, when our regiment was in camp at a little Mi/.uuri town called Lexington. I wore a captain's straps at that time and did the shouting for Company B. "Tbecaptain of Company D was named Henry Poor. Unknown tome he detested Me. and all became I ono, made a pun on his name while at West Point. Being a young man of stringent means he was mortally offended, but later seemed to have overlooked an unintentional sally of wit thnt I got off at his expense among a group of fellow cadets. •Well, when we got oar , . the )loaded dice -of fate threw as both: in the name regiment, and when the war broke out we went to the front ander the same colonel. As I said before, our regi- ment tamped at Lexington, Mo., near Kansas City, or Westport, a; it was known in those days. Among the event' that transpired during the two weeks of our sojourn was a grand ball, given at the residence of a loyal northern woman, for Lexington, although a Missouri town, had great revere for the Confederate colors. and a great many of its citizens heartily sympathized with the southern cane. At the ball several of the officers of our regiment were invited -Poor and myself included.. r18Q LI es rt. `eDuring the iveatag • .. , my name on the programme of one of the Lexing- ton belles, but wive I kilo(' f..r the dance I was horrified at the discovery that my name had been deliberately erased and that of Poor substituted, evi- dently by himself. When Poor awl the young lady started off amid the seductive strains of the orchestra my blood fairly boiled with indignation. Later in the evening 1 caught Capt. Poor in the gen- tlemen's dressing rem alone. I shipped him roughly in the face, and told him just what 1 though: o: him. He did not recent it there but the next day 1 re- ceiver' a challenge from him to fight a duel. "I had never fought aduel, and I he i- tated some time, but rather than be ac- cused of cowardice I consented. The matter was placed in the hands of friends, and one bright moonlight night five dark rev sneaked out of the camp and into a neighl.oriug wood. The fifth figure WAS that of a doctor of Lexington, who had hen let into the se'n't and con- sented to act. in consideration of a big fee for his eemvicrs. To every appear- ance the duel was to be a tragic one. al- thongh I thought at one time I detected A slight smirk in the feat:: • •s of the eec- ond , who, were mutual friends of the determined principals. "'Measure off ten paces' commanded the doctor as he wiped a tiny stream of Missouri nigotini' from his chin whiskers. The doctor ora+ to act as master of cere- monies. The spar wait measurer". •'Bring on the weapons,' was the next command. The sitcom's brought froth an ominous looking bundle care- fully. wrapped c;. in oilcloth. Capt. Poor shndde•r••1. I waa equally nervous. Ugh! the weapons were evidently wicked sa- bers, and it would be a duel from which neither principal weal,' emerge alive. We took our places ten paces apart and stowod glaring at eac4: other, patiently welting fur the supposed swords to be placed in our hands ready to pierce each other's heart. THE 11erC-LT. " 'Geutlemen, here are the weapons, exclaimed the doctor as two large bese- ball bats rolled out of the oilcloth. He adeemed and placed one hi the hands et each principal. 'Mind, genUemen, you are not to violate the rule to keep ten paces apart. Are you ready? "Capt. Poor and I gazed at each other. The seconds were doubled up on the ground in convulsions of laughter. Even the doctor smiled, and to cap the climax a silvery laugh from a woman's lips broke the stillness of the air as the fair catue of the duel strode on to the duel- ing ground with eyes sparkling with mirth. „'Do be sensible, gentlemen, and shake haoda,' said :she. 'There is going to be another party next Tneeday even- ing, and I will divide my of t waltzes with you both if you do.' "i looked at Poor, and we met half way and shook hands. the ludicrous. of a dram with baseball bats at a distance of tan paces was too much for tss. We laughed heartily after casting a reproachful glance at the mis- chievous seconds who put the job up dm At this puncture then was a rustle or Win near the hotel elevator, and the major sown in response to a signal from a wail preserved lady. As he left the reporter he said, with a dy wink of his eft eye. •'I got that young lady for lite, though, and Poor is up in the Neel , and still a bachelor." With those parting words be disepp lered iNo the dining mom with the wife of bis leo seance. -Denver Repnblieaa Spider p+laon appears to have spatial effects on certain hisser, and the largest item are amt always the Lest aOgMd by t. Im a is ewer whtob Midge Owe hes but tittle ittdleasee si ed +s the retiNilterVn before the spider dlelmple le dj Wm tbaL Tee tLp .t..M«.. The overseer of the has d • 1vp oily retail store ws much pissed wile the appe•res°, of the sew wb had has emigre! to he tMpsrtmlHt, "She is healthy, moat, end quick i. her ," be said to ea amat, t, "lite has the face of an intelligent, hews sad ambitious girl 1 h... put her at the towel water, but if she does well, as I think she will, it will not be bag before she will be pfomote l to the lace water." "Yee are inlined to favor her,- was the 001.1001. "holy because I thank .he is an excep- tionally clever girl, end will deserve it," was the reply. I kaow that .he is poor, sad seeds steady work badly." Miss Scott, the gv1 u yawed, Woe im premed all the other ; with the osvietio n of her cleverness. She talkel well and much upon every subject but ham. She had thought mare than any of her comrades upon the question of suitable oienpativas for women, and startled them by her fluency. "Why should not wows, educated in the law, .it in the judge'. seat Y' she said so her "Ate they not gots as likely to he as henget as toes 1 Del you owl that .ieciarun In the railway teras today' Any. 4Inledt mere unjust " •'Hate you huckabsok towels asked a e•Istcrner. She turned, ,ipparently irritated at the Interruption, dung down the paaa•kage, and went on whieprring. "If I had been flw ju.lget iu that case'h . .r the pnr.a.•tttlug ap- toroey. _ '!'hat.• an• not huckalock." "Then we ha%r mew." •114 customer turned away. A more atrs•ioua injustice " continued Mies Scott. The nver.eer happened to 1u near, and u. erheanl what had been sari. "We Kava a 1st�w, line of huckaback.'" he eaclaitnc.l, sharply. "Show theta •'. The mot .duo stir was explaining what she would 'lo d she were an artist. •'1 have no petieuce• with wpnru Who are ..stent to print ;tneteusand china plates. If dee. time evert/Mies when 1 can drrute myself to art, - noble figures - "Doubt, damask fringed.- said • busy matron, memorandum in Ileal. Mw N vett placed a.uae gook hef..re her. No, the.. are Scotch. I want frisk.' Miss "rott l.w.ke.t hol.dreslp aloft the shelves. The overseer, w In. had grew} •ax. hues with regarei to her• st...l .seri Had motional t.. another woman to take the ell' tomer. ••V. Iiy do you not learn the shelves when you ars not waiting on customer's!" aela.4. 14e eaa_Iet .fight of a pamphlet- hid amphlethid under the counter, •Higher En►ploy_ unlit tot It -.anal., - and wuleratoat ,jg cause. ung •lay. two or three weeks later, her muni rtes w, full of the opportunities for rouses to hold political salons in thew come • try, ere eh. ha.i },card they do in Franc, that she made a gnistake as to the price of a Russian 'crash, •n.i sobd it at half it. value. "I really have not learned the meaning of all the tags on the goods," she said score- I•111)- to the overseer. "'Then you malt go elsewhere to tical other work,• he said. ••You are discharg- ed But remember, the woman who a not faithful in selling a yard of towelling will 1.• uo more trustworthy in dealing with the attaint of nations. Companion. • Adele, we 1111e0MMa Here is the advice ea dietetics that an E,i, i,.h specialist gives a young norther. • • 1 our little girl of two years does not get nearly enough variety in her diet. Ifive her feel her breakfast alternately Feral -and - mil:., oatmeal porridge male of fine oatmeal and a little cream, hominy, and bread-atel• lieu ter. with the yolk' of an egg lOthtly) boiled, or a little apple sense ani firma and butter. After the child is a year old, it is a great mistake to give the Name thing for breakfast every day, and no wonder that with such sameness of diet she is getting• weak, pale and thin. For dinner give al- ternately beet tea, veal broth, or chicken Moth, thickened with sago or tapioca : boil - .d whitefish. such as haidock, cad or whit- ing. picket over with the fingers to free it trent Innes, shredded up tine and mixed with potato and a little batter, served on a hot plate ; potato mixed with gravy, or a little piece of aweethxead or breast of chicken shredded. fine : or the yolk of an clog with bread and butter. For young children potatoc, should he boded our baked in their skins till quite floury. As • second course for dinner a sp enful of milk pudding or a few grapes may be given. At 5 o'clock give milk pudding, Farela, hominy or breed and milk, and at 9 prepared food, or milk diluted with Irrey water if constipated ted. %%'hen thirsty give her a drink of fresh water, and et her have plenty of milk." 4'soee Fee Rot hanare. Chirpily ('holna.sdeley--"Hal tewwibe down kat night •' Herold Harrington -"D weaan your twow• sere were two pweespd'" (Ionlly (1a,hnoteleley -Worse. 1)wem t of my ancestors. .evah like to dweim of my aneestore ; they sere all twade men. Jew . ellcrs' ('ircoiar. emeses Peevenrty. "How len g have young Swackharnrner and Miss Peeekinpaugh been engaged "For about five years." "Fond of each other "Been sweethearts from. chddhorrel." "in gond . . "The ono chi "Health gne.f • d "!loth sono! la ollar. "Then why don't they marry'" "Why, the old folks have got it Blown in their wills that they're to marry: there'. $20,000 in hank that they'll get whenever bey .M : the plans are drawn for the house hey're to live in, and the 4wackhammer ▪ Peekinpaagh farms joie. There h.a't been any opposition. That's all' What 4111141111•44Testable...she Testable. nn Blooh. re 1 though you sal Mc Macth kin, e aldern.n a, were great tomda n Peile - fan editor) -We were until Me Macken got married. Itlnedumper Roth loved the tame wo man, eh? No. that wsan't it When he was married 1 wrote an account of it for my paper, and wrote the caption, "An Alder- man man Takes • Bride. Well, the compositor put • "h" in placeof a "dWW1" in the WW1 bride, thnemht he knew ewnngh shut aldermen to eel sow McMackin is ring war damages. ink, the wsl) know, joule! for advertiser", says . "When yes want to know stout my heaiseme hafts eutside thof e large cities, write to the Ise!esrt • If the fins is of say seem* will find its in the hams A man to he pabroadbe pipalar abroad must does sa s atheribms his hassleareug hie Midi' h . S sot to receive meth seed- y ldren of wealthy parents. " • Broken iysg a.St. "what Y the ammo of the wadies Boot M Where Tar Jaw sad brie "leer old how hither a bef,a"-'fl>s 1�at The wallas selsonar Lay leseiereil Owe, 1.CG hat the wen snivel JNO. ACHESO Our stock for Spring is now almost complete, and is largest, best assorted and the cheapest in 0oderich. We give is•:ow 't "Teas of t'.e lines we lead in: Black and Colored Henrittas, 46 inches wide. Ladies' Rubber Circulars, in great variety. Linen Goods, comprising Table Linens, Table Napk' Towels and Toweling, &c., die. Lace Curtains and Art Mullins. We import the above lint•, direct, anal invite inrgretion soli cntiipariw,, of priers. A DISC[IINT OF 5 PER CENT. ALWAI3 ALLOWED FOR CASs. JOHN ACHESON. TEE PROSPERIir eti CANADA 'ADA 'ILL BE AS - "11 *turd by securing the health of the propia. Therefore ane "fBrad ori A rjlteara•et Bluer*. 41/4,; then is arra better. I) IcoA�R � ItY FOP UtiNES COUGH Cure. for children Li OMR AND CATTLE LI rdedlctnry a specialty The Marriage D/11. Mr. Mowat 'a Kill ronferrwg eat staff Ai- - cent ffi--cent of the Salvation Army authority to solemnize marriage passel its around retaining in the (Intario Assembly without a dement- ing voice. This was not so much a re•r.eni- tiom of a new sett as it was a praeti.•al mew, - - urs in line with the Liberal pili -y which places all religious bodies on the same foot• mg in the sister province. As the cavil t..aig karate, in Ontario have the seine authority, there ..ould be little nbjjeecstun to go ing it to the Salvation Army olleers, registration of all marriages being required by law. In mixed e.mmnnittes, where there is a total separation between Church and State. tuer- r•isge as a civil contract is all that the .tate can take ... of. (K course, the parties rencernel are always free to sanctify their union by such religious sanctions as a Tbe.r err matters e . the may desire. eaedencr, with which the civil it has seething to do. The great utility it the civil contract a that it pe.re.:t the wawa. memos the rare of offspring, !&fee& the right of heritage in property. and preserves pnhlic melds. Kut the Ontario low, hl.eral as it is, does not go anything like so far ale the law in New Vera State for Instatnce. where, if a man and woli,au eelab,t for ever so lunit eel a period as man and write, the fact ea lid.! to legally '.00.1111,1 • .e nurria};.•. Ilex as this law may seem, it has been found • powerful safeguard for young a;,.l inexpei ,weed women. MI.utreal Star hew iA hare Para tf'b.sagrap a. If you are short and stout .fon'; mak the poor artist to make a picture of you full length. He will ifyouu insist, out lie knows he is doing a great wrong thereby. Not ing Is so graceful ;and pleasing in a picture of a stout lily as a sitting at half length. the figure so turned as 14, hide the tern toe. stoutness. Again, if you are dim and angel lar. do net for an instant forget that a full length figure will make you appear more slim and angels. Then the pretty bust picture is your only hone, awl you sh.uhl insist nn having none other. 1f a gentleman has a very long neck, no tatter how nicely he 1. woks in • high collar, his picture if taken in such a high affair would hook grote.qur. A short neck and high collar, and long neck and a low turned down collar, f'y all mean*. No lent stripes, no great cheeks, nostriking figures should be worn in a photograph. One thing tear in mind when you err the studio bring along your hon.r expression. Don't speml two days before you go to the studio practising poe.m and different ex- pressions before your mirror and, lastly, give theh�g�pher the benefit of exer- cising hispaetM and professional ability. Tag 00114*T. Respiration is maintained by two sets of muscles ; one set called the intercostals lie between every pair of rile.: in the other set are comprised the diaphragm and the ah doxntal muscles which moist it. There es an old and widespread belief that while maks breathe chiefly with the diaphragm, - welnen for obvious 1 reasons breathe almost entirely with the raw. leave ing the diaphragm nearly gniesent : in in mneh that to the ele(eetive eye a heaving chest is supposed to reveal a wo 'Mil under all thermos. This fart seems t. .r e'tab belted by a series of •' atether tin., or re * ration carves, taken over t ari.wa areas - of the chest. which were reently evhitdted at Birmingham. The casae, however, of Ow different,' be- tween rale mea female move meats wee shown to he, not as Ira been suppled, • Dates' and Moe.firent verbs. then iw the meehanaln, hat simply and solely the rise of corsets The . ayseata a< respiration are freely ooem- reenieatad to the whole .olid mess of the liver ; sod the effect of *him mistral and Famous! liver ersage must he to ineiatain tie onward lbw of File • matter of the mater importasee to hen/th while, res abs otherthe hiliary me bream aWat eabd wee to ora p who a preset se eespr_sms her llwt with a carer as to arra the rmm�st�er� in oriental wears, •sd irlei •lneim•n li lltilwaw.say ortianai ear0at, sire mere ease are ar ler h.a sad ions week are Nelst1y mese that heat BULK PERF Mei. 1Mslionie t•AitIgy1 front pea ttpp Wr. tier et Mose esqui•ife .der, iItFSC.1IPTIOp work at all bun, as and to aerie hero 4 barges. - w.c.coou sent Hence er nay circled, that is no natural difference in the rsepiretn mechanism of the seam ; and w .liffervnce aloes exist is due to sham aid se to nature. If a girl mesa to be well trained that de may nobly fulfil 'Orr .iuty as anneelesly s snit s este day. dote. mot a bury nerd yet ,nun Ik be mined amui disciplined that be worthly fulfil the responsible deltas w ata11 one .ay devolve upon hits ae sear- lrav s husband ' Union 4ignaL Riseea'. LNlme•, mores elarget to taxa Nora Scute mid sine owners repose heavy sales for the demon just annul cased BARGAIN NAI RN'S •tea..a..e_ The OTMlt ItgaigtiP ✓ ale* ✓ ma OMNI all Id wit. Tlati Mound anal tl ly .up treats k hanean, r W ight reel u"nt. nal a. tars .I CATARRH. 13114GMANSIA 1 Warranted A SURE CURE 1 SOLO BY&ALL DRUGGISTS. .111..w lir re •'e Ih. 11 w of to try Holum tee 1 . excel! Pnev drugs The day It .1 K. (:ORE. total drink so'e Patentee aad Manatactoter, tater, "est 1:O1.Kit1('Ir, t,kT las s. wets, •cleat: V stamp Imampd7 ea • 'alma/ SEND :raNr4, udpsd.O. k1 Iu , p n. us, ami we w tar sagease,('.0.ittt lune, •b .rlrgaat 'nada ye�lle,pre) �aattamiaa,/laa '.Jell it an sadeva tame w p.sist end 1 than we ctai a ter lt etbut 4! pperfrctly sat lest-tory, pay the IT. Agent t( ' and tela ween. Such a akaaon to secure • e�dis�tael�eptimepiece Corte; Mies b haeme It t r be - This bi • eu e p�OiM t0�rhag willeiV..cap and wart, bunting sase.Fsautiful)y en. gs0v.d sad is dust - MOThe works Waltham style. P balas and we wrest a an a rate ume. 111t Y setter* for sitter a Indy or grafi en11map1 A b seat with each watch.Address rates s.� wt. eL CO., Watchmakers, (• SEND U8 $I 00 :La • •M.ofiIoaranger,red we will send you pimple this elegant 111118111118 KAMM MOIThese gPA F'>llig - aro sod were by lmho dlw and the bees ssoolsty..sodkawin d kay. aha al a 161110== We girwarssa - _ a pmrt!eot e ast Adders in. W. Wyatt &c' Jewellers g .Oat ( 70 w 01 !I •s PATENTS! CAVEATS, Islet NAM Ara tt F(11161115.n io..ned, and all business in the I'. 5. Paten• 1111;,, attended w at MO1)ER4TE FEES. our nrtlr.•.s opposite Itie (.e.I'eirot Of N.. at,.! we car obtain Patents In 'nes I,ar than t name renitee from il'ASIII. i yUA. pend MODKL OR DK.4 N'1 \foe. We ad .os, a. to pateutebility free of charge ' Hoo inane ane -\'r) MIARUN CALBha /1'A oil - Tr IX P./ rxxT. Pus we refer, here• r. the . master, the Sap. 01 4on,•y (Jrd••r h,r . woe to ofllciale of lbs 1'. tl. i'a•ent 14.54..( For „reeler. advice. n.- terms and refer os to actual clients Is 70511 M ( ow • ate or ono ty, tori is t' s $lew a Co.. familiaPatent uslx.Wash agto..D.0 r-tf 50c TEA! e TEAR r e..-..-.•e.w wt, . M ..s .eo.. e"e el.., .sl .a• i.ham .11er.t•r..raw. ,ateu..la• ..s tweet 10,M. ter - ...Aw ..w .50 .8 -w'..s1y� es/ It aps.••Iwaf�ew.w r..anssl� 11.Ifiw !.l btw, lel.. !M. ♦wes.fs►;�iei� MICHIGAN LANDS - FOR BALK -- 12,000 Acres G l Yarn( Lail TITLE rERFEtT. Hes ■led. as e'ratreil. Detroit a 11yrom avid lase lake Stallerrila. At prices rnnging from M to le pr Hera These hofs are elms. to Raterlirloieill Xs° Town, I harehe, Schools, eta., sod will le !bid dot Most Favorable Taw Healy To R. N. PiIZRCR. Welt Slay a/. Or to J. W. CURTIR, WNMeerers, IW 1 1-121 f OS.ThT.1•i Ll:f•f C►;.;:SPS, Mil i9 :ESThEI 3 skid l :4Wyi3 int*, OIAr Tice -for ere, - 1 SU6:{f:c'E C3IIt L ;iel'SJ I -1 ::ELP A ECTTLF IT: X' THE lelOft sF:• !N -a se "1-'! r'M 11 r`' :' 1. r At F}4-: God erich St m Boiler Works Established Ino. Chrystal & Blacks SECOND HAND MACHINERY In Stock For Sale : 1 50 -horse -power upright boiler, all complete. 1 0 -horse -power upright boiler and engine. 1 6 -horse -power engine. 1 48 -horse -power horizontal boiler, complete. 1 50 -horse -power slide valve engine, all complete. The above have been thorough- ly overhauled and warranted in forst class oondition. Ready for immediate delivery and will be sold cheap Mail esters well eeselw presort attsstha Weibel A!• s T. a. s.tlea. 00. swim ere res -eneelbdi ts P.O. BOX ado. 1 w w w. RO 161 1 0 10 f IEI tE II