HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-4-10, Page 1RFUL WINCHAI
Is mit ea resets .
aW Aesa rains no e�v��
M ne.sewn~ lessee es
.w7 thassesquabiej
tx,-"Ilbee Trtlk Dist' is la
whets he my* low ittlede
swede;: mm r
of the x A. jest et pellet
taw Wsaay.---Uel W
y ' erhes tatverseal ems
7 lewd, Mfellwtaand ear gram t
there are a few
meet teem
F(. -Did not the little
hoya teal on Wed..ilny
6s. some camas three wee
wahines .ad gaaeyhN d teak
HIM to know the engin , f
day of the year.
Winter pare es a parties
y kst. We have fall apps.
hheim his ram � t °m
y as Queen ,• o�
retinae to ta.urp the throne
Mr. Alexandria, of (linty,
town for the past few dare
tont bees he has
Weac.b. He says
aw]s he/
lull in Minton tb.t he has de
up hu trade and turn farmer.
Next year will be lear.
p yea
the yttestiou, which wij(
t -w cgs. ;et=mand sew
.. al•
wot1Y mar
apathies beer the /ere-
Tthe Nontmeit nod Blowsiest.
cooroonoso ADVIRTI111sisli' 111
beim been teens • Mhre, rad hors 11t4110047
-Begs, end ..e ptiehlr.ad loch say per
ties) am the FOURTH PSOs mesh the
01 .vadat• fe a W pester mat than
nay advertiaam-t• enemies the easy pea
Tis SIGNAL Math the local prem.
For a aaaeiderable time Ire
for The Clinton New Nee and
area a third mote natter to
in Tea t4Suotes, than in the
However The New Era is of
character, and toms next u
to The SI,.NAL_
Our. Woav -We said, sir,
e a column this waek,rad here
blast. Might send mete, bet
hat charitable depositor" sail
to monopolize your valuable
it known, our good friend, Mr.
, we have not this week drawn
ination, either.
-On Sunday last both the
apt. of the Salvation .Andy
other quarters. The above
II during the two
r sojourn in our midst, said
have reni.ined longer bet
disooutent whieb seems to
two of the members. Hones
Hemmen- On Saturday
wn hall woo .old by pubes
purchasers heial the Good
ho intend moving it t0 a
reties -4 from J. Wilson. It
in of our aldermen to move the
and the old council chamber
therewith on to the awe
by the pound.
.i You are periectly tom,
, we thoroughly un
ter of which you made seek,
thwe would also add hoes
y appellations ascribed p
of Tec SIGNAL and flint*
Advance calls us 'ban,'
"fifiletberk" but The slues
title •gentithea."
aw....-_Ilia week Mr. Toilet
teem of horse. to his worth
toemit it
follow thenw stn 1fik
a long resident of Wing
nal, pleasant face will 1.
is aur midst. However,
of Wingham'a burgher, go
this his new enterprise, .s.1
1.1. return to live in this em
A•:o;rx 1:. Shaw bee moved
op : also 4r. Martin. When
mNovtnghis l hopp block,
on him. and wat
raking a pretty led
fitting rep his now moth=
tyle, and will mere timed
t .month. --Mr. Clarke, ore
will move his eatablisbuest
ly vacated by Mr. Reid.. .
k of Hamilton novas into
tag, which will be built dur-
spring, the bunkers, Hal -
1 take puseemion of the one
by them. Thus you see a
of changes are already taking
Ot, in other words, it is
ng into cityhood. Now,
of our burg, or it will
hitious theinever. Another
required in Wingham donng
inner is the erection of a
'demos, as houses are meet
, Quite a number of funi-
move into our oorporatioo if
could be procured.
Oen Friday last there de-
et the sly age oe thirty
Fairfield. He was formerly
cted resident of Wmgbss
amigo he mmarried&Wingham
mightenvie v'nmglp p thew
rhich, until quite lately,
he M
r seecemfelly, when, owing to
seethe he was obliged tosell
decided to take up his reei-
Fountain, Oat, lest week
-niture thither, and, ia same
• Fairfield and two of hie etiR
inahaoi to pay • short vieit b.-
rit in *tweak! village When
ddealy worse, which tante-
Friday last, leaving a will
m to learn hie lona _
'prettiest sad great Oil e
Me -
i friends, whad gathered o him
nrylmypIatb.rI...drabs, antdbabo e
little bildtta okiW evi
cur, 4b.t our Ina may be his
but wlieh neither slum-
s guide, protaoe lied
who are left behind. TM.
es ea Sunday afternoon ail
seddielatag at the
� the bauthr.m 1 the
y =114 flr'atly
d .watches ef every kind.
ask oared h 1p aayetes
oitary Latina. The aver
ptibis sneaks visited the
larreate, hsrge.abl, ,sus
oarte:yup Erg,
rish.- tbt woad oath
any w sound sok it's
11111tweaills d • taw sit
• MI
me dose sip* the geol
▪ so/ he • .haws el the
OL. XLIII. No. 2303.
asdsre s • eseelecuea1Aar*Rre tanl.r
tar taekeea eats • ailed The l'. r. a.
will tea M Mew cert ever see irealesl
a.ed ata asset v I*N - sew Ire deal
el III anew wereem Manes, Sele«wa.
.4u which w.. oompbted
I.e 6 28th between the l anadiaa Pacific
1 New York 'astral Railways may have as
,,,portant *aria % upon the future of Cana-
hun rathay intermits in this country and
leo upon the regulations which the Trea-
ty isepartuient may setabliah, or the leg -
:anon which Coheres may to induced
,erea(ter to enact, relative to the an,enabil
o of foreign roads to the interstate cum
eery law. Presidamt Van Horne of the
aoa.lian Pacific tp.d at last los achieved
I- ,abject which be has haat in view for
snore an entry :rite the heart of New York
over the New York Central tracks.
Ihv agreement was signed by President Van
t!'.rne awl President (►spew. The agree.
.,,rat ill substance is the' :--The 1'enadiar,
1'sclLc will tonne to New York city from
I::":krisk over the new bridge which is W
1.• built et that t, l yl way of the Ra,
\1 atertowo 1 l to Vries. No
1 melon Pacific trains • ts.1 acme Boer the
awkrt. It lines by way of Kaiak ar Sea.
t" °sloe Bridge et present, at
..y follow if the Ca•sdien Poao-
i ecus tta line to Buffalo or to the Bridge.
ler details of the agreement ere to be work
ebb out by the traffic otters of the two cone
fiances amd they are to go into effect im-
h e'l ately.
Presided 1)epew says : -"This arrange-
t..eut will give the Vanderbilt. the impala -
uaental line front Nova Scotia to Vancouver,
sol the foreign roads will bring a great
mount of Maines to the metropolis. Along
350 males of the Canadian Pacific the trains
are never out of sight of a sawmill. The
Central wall get from the north trvoduct■
wh.ch ie.') another way at .resent, }'r, nu
will saable the Central to
reach any point in the Itntuli pornaions at
tier, lowest practsc•hle rate, and New York
merchants will get theibenetit of correspond.
ingly lows. w. Freights will go through in
loth dirrctiont without breaking hulk, sed
fast through trains will he a feature.
Thew is a good dal of discussion as to
ism Hamilton interest. will be affected by
the rumored t between the New
York Central anti Camelia Pacific railways,
whereby the latter have secured an entrenoe
into New York over the Rome, Watertown,
and Ogdeabarg sed West Shore, the Cao
Asa Pacific' railway to build a bridge at
Brockville to obtain the connection. The
Canadian Pacific railway survey -ors have
Leel working in the vicinity of Hamilton,
eying mut the nein line from Brantford to
the False some mils south of there. The
Times ways :- -It looks as if the bargain be-
etwecn President Van Horne, of the Canadian
1's., cti, . ani President Depew, of the New
York Central, would have for one of ita ia-
r ident.l effects the indefinite
J t he construction of the Caiaadian Pacific
through the Ramifies district. Dopey
ag�rang to let V.aHoa, nee the rails .on
by the New York Central from
Brockville to New York. This means tort
e11 the freight the C. P. R. can get in St.
Paul awl Minneapolis for Neer \'ork will
.. carried via Brockville. lkprw isnot in
the habit of giving aomethiag for nothing.
*me it must be inferred that VanHorne
ban agreed to lave Chicago traffic alone.
He a iTl not lurid from It oodatock to the
Niagara river. He will abandon hie at-
tempt to tap Chicago by the Wabash, cad
to reach New York by the Delaware 1
Lackawanna. It i a division of territory.
Drapes can have Chicago anal Van Horne
ton lave St. Pant
The deposits in the (:overnntent *Wive
lank for February amounted to $163,679.
and the withdrawals to 11188,962. The large
excess of withdrawal. over deposits domini
indicate any high degree of prosperity.
Judge Mangrove has delivered judgment
in the Carleton redowt awe. He decided
in favor of Mr. Hodgiee, who wins by 43
votes, He courted out 89 rotes which lied
leen numbered by the retuning Geer.
"Ye can be Mead who are willing to go
to Africa as mieionease, who are not will •
mg to take are d a woo baby for half an
hoar." Yee; aed a makerity of the women
assn to have made aboutthe
rest cloths.
The Tomato Telegraan rises to remark
that "there will never be *nest elections
:0 this Canada of mini until the jail yawns
wide for retertieg althea who, bungle the
;'turas or who err in favor rot they own
party." The Herniates elation is the only
'MS that develops oetrags of this kind.
thief Justice Rows in his address sin the
'band jury N X en referring to ease
niftiest faidley, ib. (irad Trak operator
whose mistake eared this anrabep near
Ha1L.tyne's, .id it down as law that
"teen eta be se eee-mhl charge made of
r nmiaal seethe melees somewhere there
was a wilful act, and that if a mar it thug
hu duty nod forgets seaetbiag off his
.memory hula to nisi- it the powers d hia
mad for dente resam or other are tarot ander
e,Atrol, then le is net guilty of criminal
aegi .,
sones ref TAINS. we eerie *Mr.
Ha.ibe ilposfaeor t The imam ahem
will lo
fellows who make tht•� semen aloe
nus sr.�sr
moo warns te gnus thus
Meech', to shim ler the deniers needn't
be afraid el the...... em.merMrea tt
neseh* MTema , 1s,
de't be dead one week.
tined MINI@ .Ate trade rdomt 11111ws.
n4 -w!*'►' ,rte. .-.Jars .e►
THE FPI ....&L N ti w 8P11P EIR POR HURON (,..,
u a gesedery, end their brother .waopo.
her nor glee them very little comfort. On
the fleet el April sneer will be inputted in-
to the United states free, cad can be laid
down hen at a a lower pperwto.s tbaa wow pre.
voila. The Canadian working working in •
b community, anent compete,
eM t y6• are faced with the untamed task
of dem•nd
an iscr.asa in tis duties on
the im article. They have not mew
the temper of the cannery, end they
wl tint the task mach lam congenial than
holding secret cowboys with western men
bins. If the additional tai is secured it
will be ant object lesson to the country, and
will show that •iter all the Conservative
party is deriving its legislation frau Wash
relators not a4t aci"x rl"kruenn 051.1.
Woodstock Sentinel -Review : The Hsm-
ilto, Spectator has got a soma grievance
us hand. It hes discovered that the Imre
d one of the Il at Toronto has
used the euoctrws amount of $25 in postage
stamps in one year, and it makes venous
about this gots
to we if then is any way to prelude the
asual theory of "fraud, lying asel swindling"
on thr of Mr. Mowat. When it Bet.
t with its important investigations
it will probably turn its attention to tale
hire at Ottawa. And while it u wander.
ing how the same official could spend $24
on it might look over the fol-
lowing items from the lntercolonial Rel.
way accounts : Halifax Evening Mail, ad.
vertising time -table tenmonths mons et1.36, 1,360:
other adver:ng 8327: total, $687. Hall-
en Morning Herald, time tables. ten
mantle, $480:other advertising, 1,380: total,
060. The Herald also got $10,738 for
printing and 1222 for snkscriptions, nuking
a+ all T 11,821. The Moncton Times gee
$10,742 for printing and 11,287 for never•
tieing and subscription*. The St. John
Sun s bill for - , awl printing was
$13,370. These figures are enough to make
the smaller fry of subsidised journab turn
green They demand interested and imine.
di•tc attention.
Th. 1Nte .i est sacra•►
The bible of We son is set without&
beauty and high moral ea we as poeW
conceptions. There 1a musk i. it of this
nature of mythology and reysticima,
which Buddhists do nell ponied to un-
derstand theamelvas, yet there is mach
to admire. From a book of stetsons and
translations trots tis Bedrlbist bible I
give a few exempts:
"The perfect man is like the lily, nn -
. ailed by the used is vbich it grows."
Another: "The perfect man will not eta
angry with him wbo brings hint evil re
ports of himself, lent be be sot able to
judge truthfully of the /setter whereof
be is accused." Its moral eode contains
such roles as "Do net steal:" -Lb net
lie:" "Do met kill:` "Do not be s drunk-
ard" "Do not to another what you
would not wish done to yourself.'
From tl it may be observed
how nearly their moral kw runs parallel
with our own: and that this has exerted
a potent influence in farming floe Chi-
nese character is evident. Alas, that
they cover the cardinal ranee of right
living in good society nose will question.
The system offers motives in the way
of rewarde for tight living end punish-
ments of evil doing. 1t develops symp-
athy, the soiree of many virtues. It
teaches the equality of all men. One
than is batter or these than another
only as he observes the laws of good so-
ciety or breaks Sheen. -W. G. Benton is
Popular Science.
All Kelt master le Coasted.
Persoms who read the reports of the
number of piens of teatl marker handled
at the New York poslo®ce laity have
wondered bow the figures were obeamed.
The explanation is simple: Beery pence
was actually taunted. livery employer
wbo stamp titan meteor meet beep an
atcarate account et the number of pieces
he handles and tenet makes daily report
of the amount of work be the dome. He
must net only give the gravid total, oat
tell what part the fa wash et LIR four
claws of mail sees, sad ane low the
pieces reached the peetelBes.
The letters. e4o.. am urged at the
postoltw. in which are they are hewn
as "drops." collected by array* arrive
by trainee, or. in tb ease d foreign
matter, nor btsagbt by se sumeaa A
report meat be made d every p/ece
that comes in by any o0..1 these ways.
Whom the oesibwa that an average
of about 000,1180 keglers ales' non the
geared priboacs hese easy day, it will
be sere this the Ma of coasting them
is a big one Ise a poems morat 1.00e
and them try to get mss ides of the
labor involved fa ksyistg a reword et
1.000 times that tummy, and leis heel wiU
swim at the thought he IM a'anMng
is done by a number of arse, and the
tatters are subdivided hes loatebe , the peso Company tot tow slsm•ses it ba. JUNI, W. J. Meguillea, A. Asthma,r.,
labor is net es esoromem as might et armed foe it saes Jail' 1811, bet he isn't (i. (brew, J. Arabes, J. lsgly, W. Webb,
bet be smppas.1 -Meir York TIrIkema - willing to aaespt the pries net for the work J. Forster, W. Thant, jr., H- Rialto's!. .1.
the P,s4ew.ter (1esersl, elder the law P. Brows. J. Melo, 0. Wth, S. Mothers,
n We' tee iteu0. ?ring him that .stkoritf. Ill,. cams Wd J. Whyard. i r. Cos. (%wine •djnsrred
"Why dM you arrant N. molar' wow' einiss galore Mr. iiarrias ..well s le' masts •mart of nrM'm ms Ma96th.
of • prisoner U meth the polies ent Obi Meareaker, haws laming for St. R. K. Mti i , Tp. &Irk.
"H. Wirt wi hollbet, }eft'LS ." To 1lotett CiMmitl will easter ken rvia'ly TedetarM.teM
First the bud, thea tow s, thea the
hie meekest" this week. the esishieMes lest isaiSa est slays. rear, fruit Tum w tbe several stars
"Well, I Wad panted my evorese i aria The ettendt a Mat est d /1lbe city will
sad sr/mm5irt lot gee messy es gat sue ♦ 11abwMy bs mere ARI Nshhed Her owner- eft tib. *a�moosure ranianent �oaar. -
tows, sod b wase tap end dated nit -en Pitmma'a Ninth. Clem txta.etsr. 11e
with pinkies him p.ebs& est w8(,Bl 1.el. Itch, mage stnm
seedem of every kind. jamMons rb grgreatlye.o
tly e_M.nsd sad
er1d rile„ ama hewn or Wools. m
. ed i. 30 minutes periled. geese and habeas in bonnie tease
Well!• by W.dordi li.iMey Lathe. This .ever utmisa. .1 eombinnd Ore the peed rash&
"1'blek of it, *AVM 1 steed Owst h*O bey Sod by 1. Jorge.. Obey PMmasa initiator make se sore spot.
ay and .Wt.url.g, odd le exceeded 1. Jus ant laths .o • wash, let
00,000 hark, Teo shwas* eserine WWy, T. T. Watra., Wisg(tnwl, and Mho lima unlit a per
tb mast 1 eves lad s& say e.. tow este T., his eldest soil 1Ner,iateasd spssdits tis tests 1<iwsos efb teeth enbai-
071 I suppose I w hiss` tuts how amid 1 --
help ret Yoe Wemw.d dein Wasted
me to go dawn lees say paha rad pall asp
Mae la gwwhasba theist inn 5. 1
haM t the ever the haus ,iter
iteee•tt es a tetemiel--f.1.1mIeIN ills paeet
The Rest lei the Cessoseet.
Tits •IO1fAL r beyond all q.mllltl
Ides lose aew,*gsr i. H urns (uaNy, sae bar
made piseemsaal propos dunes t egtstreena
$erselter Offs DOLLAR era gee the
Semen far • weals year if you ply pr'asp4?(/s
etherwi a 11.110 is tae prw.e. Rare dos a yew
by Plias lur rete paler. IN ADVAwOR.
.unu.ateit too moor.
Uoancil wet at Holnterville on Aped 6th,
LATE NEWS FROM UNCLE SAM'S 1811, pursuant to adjournment. Members
all pressor- Minutes of last meeting read
a d paired. Wm. Weir was appointed
ppaNcbttmster PMoom rof Donald Julian,Tbeesas Jenbtrr in room of H. 8 Evans
cad Job. Kirkpatrick an room a Joh:.
McAvoy. 175 was granted to repair cut
lune sear Holmesvil e. Councillors net
apart 1300 to each sub-din/eon (4 and 6
making one S. D.) for repair of roads. Five
were pus -dimmed from Mr. Wm.
for township use, one for each
nab -division. Mr. James McLeod appeared
before coon l asking payfor a colt whoe
1st; was broken when on the s
e public highway.
After examining the bylaws relating to the
case the following manta was put : Moved
by John Beacom, seouaded by Jams Con -
wily, that the claim of Junes McLeod as
regards damage to colt running on public
highway be not entertained by this euuncil
as we do not confider it reepinsilde for
ouch damages. Parried. The following
accounts' were paid vie.: Mr. Tremblay.
indigence, 16 ; euditore, 16 each : W nt.
Yeo, for use of scraper, 50 cents : Wal.
('oleins, indigent, per Mew Collins, three
detail the incident may be summed up thee: quarters' allowance $56.25: Mrs. McRae,
A new Prime Minister brecall p relaced indigence, and
115 : •ser . 42 a ; Mry. 166 : do.,
Crisp, who was for years to Italy ,months board. $12.1('omncit ladjourneddl to
what Bismarck was to /:.mommy, and meet again on Tuesday, the 26th day of
he saw in the lyuchiug a the Italians May, at 10 o'clock A. r.. as court of re -
at New Orleans an oppertusity of mak - •inions and for any ordinary businer rree'qquir-
ing himself popular at Mone by claim- ed. JArx YArn.c, l'lerk.
hug indemnity and the of the .oc ww�e.
lynchers front the United States Gov-
ernment. His first protest did give
him a popularity tent he bad never
had before with his Mopes, bat Itke
0 a o1 lint Is well
enough alone. ' .'.egged et Baron Favre,
the Italian Minster here, until that indivi-
dual completely lost his head and asked Mr.
Blaine for his passports, on the ground that
ha Government was not satisfied with the
action of the United States in regarel to
Italy's demands.
That ors Mr. Blaine
he wrote a letter that conipletely knocked
the wooden legs from ander the high horse
that Italy had mounted. and let the new
Prime Minister down with a "dull thud"
that was heard around the world. The re-
sult, as was expected, was a cablegram
firstly modifying the demands of Italy, in
fat, only eking what we were from the be-
ginning ready to grant, and had started to
do before any demands were trek. The
is ell over, and the public has already
ti of the subject, though of cure it will
be some time before it is hnall • settled.
Sir ,saline Pauttoefote, the finally
ter, has several distinguished Canadians, in-
cluding Sir Charles Tupper, under hie
watchful care today. These gentlemen have
cone here to learn upon what, ti any, basis
Mr. Blaine is willing to open negotiations
looking to trade reciprocity between this
country and ('aoada: and Sir Julian, s
Her Majesty's keeps in hear-
ing all the time fest the talk should shift
from reciprocity to annexation. if Mr.
Blaine'. ideas are not too much for the ('an-
adians, it is expected that Sir Charles Tup-
per will go from here direct to Imdur for
the purpose of to persuade the,
British Government to appoint plenipoten-
tiaries to begotiete with this Government.
Whatever may be done then are few people
here who believe that there is any prob-
ability of reciprocity with Canada in the
near future.
Senator Maadrsen'e comnmittce is pre(sr
ing, under a joint reao!ation of the est
Csugreee, to tackle the abuser, known and
unknown,ia the printing end distribution of
public do:umsta, with the intention of re-
porting • bill. reducing tbe cost of this ser-
•ioe, to tine fifty-second t ongreee. 1f the
aunamittee has the nerve it can may show
how hundreds of theusens of dollars ata
be saved without detriment to the public
interest, but I wouldn't het •a cracker that
it does anything of the .ort.
The postolba has adopted the
sew designs for the two sizes of postal cans,
sad from an artiste point of view they are
about se hideous ooald posible have been
selected. There are two sires, one larger
than the present postal toed lid one stroller.
The large one is manilla and the printing on
t), address rdc, incl•a vignette of
u:,m. (;rant in the upper t hand corner,
r brown, while the 1 one, which is
white and is intendedespecially for tis
.dies, hs almost the manse deign on int .d-
dres side, printed in blue.
There is a strike ia the N shingto n job
printing offices The Union ares walked
out beano the *ease woad not agree to
raise the schedule pries front 40 to 424 mote
per thousand ems, sad allow extra pay per
thousand for all week done after 6 roe.
One of the largos* Atom in the city now
las a women for foreman, and she says she'll
stick notwithstanding the efforts of the
Cern man to persuade her off
Gerald iso. t�mgowl atga�aiin ettuurrdda�dy
n, and
hog slough too reach out for scow 01User.
The beeaiewa es tic part et the Nett•■
The •taw et Ne 1'em.dlae
theses Is . edam -dew res-
eal wads- Jar Seelig wanes "sere."
Imola one names
W ea.iaiuToc, April 6th, 1891.
Mr. Harrison nod hie adniiniatratios are
glad that the Italian episode has ended so
quietly, but it is certain that too member of
She administration ever thought that !t
would end otherwise. They all knew
that however anxious Italy might be
to tight Dia, or how just • cause she
might have to go to war with aa,
two things would alike ie tmtwtsible-
lack ml money and her membership in th.
celebrated triple alliance, c,mpouel of Ger-
many, Austria and Italy. Divested of •11
The council met in the tow.Wtip hall on
Friday, April 3n1. Members .11 present.
Miuuw of last meetinrngg read and approved.
Thomas Good requested Ilennoller road and
I, which the board pre-
viously intended to do. The following ae-
counta were passed vu.: A. E. ('ullis, for
flour per the late ]fro. Webster (charity pur-
pose). 1'.66; L. E. Munro, merchandise,
per the late Mn. Webster. $2.36: Sm:*AL
printing office, 120.40. Resolution moved
by A. Young, seconded by James Taylor,
that the error on lot returned per sec. 143,
chap. 193, R. S. 0., as the south half he
changed to west half anti that the county
temaurer be notified to this effect. Car-
ried. The board adjourned to meet ea a
court of reviaion on May 27th, at 10 o'-
clock. J. W Rv ttilame, Clerk.
Was? w►KAM.0m.
West Wawaaah council net on Saturn
day, March 28th, members all present
Minutes of last meeting were read and ap-
proved. The treasurer's statement for
February shownd balance end. rocxapt. of
$10261 and expenditure 193.77. leaving
fla84 on hand. Report filed. A list of
those wishing to be •messed as `separate
School .n was rad and filed by the
clerk. Moved by Bailie, seamde.i by Gib -
mom, that $10 be granted towards the sup -
of Mrs. Craig. Parried. Moved by
Bailie, aecooded by Todd, that as a largely
signed petition has heeu promoted to the
council asking for a of the
polling sub -divisions, and as the low requires
such to be mule, the next insetun[igg of coun-
cil a redistribution of polling rule-diviaiona
be node. Carried. The reeve reported
that the Kinloss council refused to take an •
action regarding L1-rri. Tbont's claim, said
claim having already- been nettled. Moved
by Bowers, seconded by Bailie. that upon
the report of the reeve respecting the inves-
tn'gation a the matter in connection with
Mr. Thom', Chaim on the N. boundary, it
was four! that the land in question was
arbitrated upon and paid for, mud as in-
fornmetion is on head showing that uo claim
is tenable this council take no further
action in the matter. Carried. The reeves
also reported having diet the Anbfteld reeve.
respecting the claim of Jas. Mullin for dam-
age. done to his stage, .ad wooed that the
municipalities were not responsible for the
eminent. The report was received On
motion of Messrs. Bailie and Bowen the
roadwork on the Saratoga and Rose's divis-
ions undonelest year was ordered to he put
on this year's lite The following were ap-
pointed f : Jas. Plunkett, A.
McCabe, Jos. Smith, ,1. McLean, %V. iumk-
eld, A. Pentland, 0. Smith, J. Tlwompson,
W. Cameron, J. It Rutherford, R. Murray
and .1. Gordon. Pousdkeepera : H. More-
l.nd,.t. W. Jadttaaa. P. McCann. J. ('lark,
T. Alexander, K. Hama., J. Campbell and
J. Archer. P•thmaaten : A. Mcilwaan, J.
(burin, IL Rat J. Hamill, T. Law-
ler, A. Pentland, .. T- Campbell, H. More-
lia, A. Kirk, A. McCabe, S Johnston, A.
Flukes., J. Will., T. Nicholson, S. K *e-
demas, J. Modulad, W. Y P. McCann,
W. Smith, W. Andrew., J�unkett, W.
Ladd , H. Taylor. A. Roeinswa, J. Woods,
W. Peathod, C. Derain, W. Campbell, J.
Ferguson, H. Jew, J. Thamp. n,
.4myyttk6,� W. McAIIisos , E. plowman, J.
Redmdisd, 1'. McGuire. F. O'Connor, J. C.
lamely, A. Stewart, J. Kdwarda, T.
White, T. McRoberts, W. Steed). 1'. Wee-
ver, P. Welsh, J. Poreber, W. Brophy, R.
Alto., H. Rntberlord, jr., T. 14 $o servil.,
0. Hes ry L Morton, A. McDonald, R.
S.Durbin. T. Rnedrs, J.
Sans s assay. He sesta .rear d the postallam(M[e. J. Farrier,
moody money ter bin raailk Madswwaw,s, J. Barbour, W. Wellwood, B. Haines, T.
of coarse .ad h. wear more money for Mothers. W. A. Winn, P.R
arryimngg the ..air on nosed kis reesetly Geist, 3. (hordes, W. ThantW
, W. l'. ►h•
•tgaired raiho.ds; sod b. wase tis Gov. J. McPherson. R. Punka, A hearses, .1.
eminent to pay the Weekes Union Tele- Laidlaw, P. eel -Wien, D. lokilio, F.
(dairy .red the later is They ex- Saha-
vets: laKai this weak, .s Watson will Om. W Tbam.on'e is the beset hese le
sevens bee rima to totheing a..re, berthas (lodriee te pins, helms am -
wheel she has tee empaged s agnate' is i int eireMaa. lestr.e...t
ens el the eberdes whoosh' gem. d try Lien
enamel ■eeaa.g sir obis wetheisews cad re.
psi.blr LW* Tsetse) -e stew lag less
evil/ewes res dead r lspaaa bNweea
e'eaeMas •ad it r•:easysl re MN -•yeas
of reeereriy MN are eerels mut wish.
The Manual Meeting of the North Ameri
esti life Assurance Company was held at
the Head OIftce of the Company, Toronto,
on Tuesday, January 27th, 1891. The meet-
ing was largely attended by Pokey Holden,
Directors, Gearamtore and the principal re -
of the Company.
Hun. Alexander Mackenae, M. 1'., Prean•
dent. was appointed Cbatrman, aol Wm.
Me('abe, secretary, slim the following re-
port was submitted
The 1 hrrctors of the North American Lilt
Assumecr Company present their Tenth
Annual Report with great satisfaction, ow•
ing to the solid progress which has attended
the operations of the Company, which now
ranks as one of the leading iastitutMaloof the
i lomi.ion.
Durin • the peat emir 1687appliations for
42,470.450 were reoslkw1, upon which were
issued 1585 po licirr for 12,362,100.
Inviem.(tl that exuded inbusi-
ness and financial circles during the greater
part of last year, th is i of newbusi-
new evinces the popularity of the Company
and iia plans of lovestmeut Imuranoe, amid
is also ecideter of the energy and activity
of its excellent agency stall.
At this, the steered 1 period in
the Company's history, it u interesting to
note the narked success achieved during
the pea five years, as shown by the follow•
nog treble :
Tots) Inounw •
As will Is seen fermi the above table, the
total inenraax now an for u over Ten
Millio.s ol hollers.
The large addition to the assets of the
Compaq yr is almost entirely in interest-
ioeariag� , and the aewunt of over-
do. interest heu1oigg les thesi me- fourth of
one per cent. isdtcats the high quality ol
the securities heti by the Company, inset -
celled, it is believed, by any other financial
institution on this continent.
The increase in the ss.rplu over that of
the prodding year is 156,878.54, a gain of
eighty�p.r cent., and that fund now stands
et $18,718.58. This 1•rge addition must
be extremely gratifying to all interested in
the Company and especially to these who
hold its Investment policies.
The Cash Interest iaeoomse reached $50
518.81, an increase in the year of forty-three
pet cent., end was more than *ulicie't to
pay the death less of the year. ama�ing
On the tB won of �, ant the sad
Director, the
s Ncard thought
of its sewed quinquenniam, to still farther
strengthen the Company's claims to public
support, by baying a valuation of all its
obligations by • distinguished consulting
actuary of eminence and experience, whose
indepeodent examination and valuation
would eemsa.d iecreosed confidence.
Wm. T. 8tarden, of New York, whose
name is well knows to (beads, and who is
0e0 of the executive otoare of the Actnerist
Society of America. Mao male each exemia
,tine, and hie report was planed before
the meeting
D urlmg the present year the first series of
the ('rnppany s Ten Year Investment policies
matures. The Consulting Actuary kms allo-
cated to these policies, prolate in este of
the Company's Semen -Tontine estimates,
white will be paid on the anniversary o f
each policy, and which have been very
satisfactory to these whose paha.. have
already metered. Thi. (5.t y wan the
fret (bridle. institution to adopt this form
d Inman,,., and it has becomes popular
that nearly all the other Canadian- (nm
of than after deems ting it
far recce-r.w Saw pnlicis spin it in new
form er another.
An aroyl of the plait owning peau.
d She wase •fel Caasdi.n (ienpsnis, e.
esw.u.sd with theae of the America.
W dethentestaei the pest
e sego n dor re.peet im favor of mer
berm (nitetieer, mteo.g which this Com
piny meeds eat promiscuity.
Aa .early the whole of the laureate
bake= i now dans en the "With Prates
• lavesesom Mae, the
the .d
i1 the am*y avatars to Itheadieg
kisses it pattering a home Camay 1.
proforma to a foreign institution.
The full cad complete repo•ta of the l'os-
pany s beams. for the year were mailed to
t he 1 iover.m enI, as heretofore, promptly N
the close of the year.
A full report of the l'ompany'. .nurtality
eeperieooe for the peat tea years haw base
p�r,r,•.a-,,g,�,-.^r,,e-.,d{ by our able rat I Medi-
. -al Lector, 1k. Jamas Th.xburn, •md it
affurb the highest evi Ieocc *1 the skill .ad
careful overserbt that hare been uierceedin
that department.
The ikrrctore raonl with regret the
death of Mr. W. 1 Cassels, who had faith-
fully served the Company as Auditor
the past nine years.
A mutt thorough and complete audit of
the Company's books was mate by the
Auditor, as heretofore, that gentleman
made a personaltnspecta.,n 01everrmurtptge
and security held by the Company.
The Ihrectore recommend that a dividend
at the rate of ten per cot. per annum to
June 30th next, payable on .luly 2114, be
paid to the 4Suarantors as interest for the use
of the portion atheilearantee Feud gaol up
by then.
Of thin dividend, over six per cent. has
been earned by the Guarantee Fund Itself,
thus withthethe profits from
policies that fund a noring the minal oat. the benefit
The services of the Company a staff of
4 )$tic ers,1 1 Agents again deserve
favorable re ognition.
The heal agent of the North American
in t.odenc-h is F. J. T. Nafte!, whom office
is at 4 North-st., orf the Square.
A Weird sr ewe ab.el Are rablkatteaa /he
bear rawer te hand.
LIVING .a.:r
Thr numbers of The Living Age for the
ling Match 28th and Apt71_4t►
aromt•tn ,Forged Literature, Nineteenth Cen-
tury : The C of an ( )101 Scotch
Factor, Scottish ; The Early Diary of
Frances Burney, Church tluertea'ly ; Lord
New sir Tees' rlmeuree waw- ire snesn e
assess An In5rerlbg areees tree Ike
reuse Meets
ime reverarmle
Tram, Rscsldisa
./- aarist
The tows council met last Friday eas-
ing, all the members being present ase•!►
e uaocillor. Compton, t'ndham and McKee.
na. The minutes of the last regular mese-
mg were reed, approved and egad.
The treasurer's .tet rent for the month
of ]larch was referred to the finance cam-
t'. harass s. t
from lebraary
i the payob1, reeewale
llattleed eatittseaer7 - .
1: os.-rnemlast lands
Weser rates
=scale light raw
Ta ire
Ball payees. rewwes
Interest ...
Pumping sudor
Special dreete .
g�rriteeentures Park
MIctlenWaterworks .
semwat ,.
flee department
cbamber and
`1hntl�Mlyeaextremes .
!�s works
sin rictus, Ilse.
eta MSS it
Balance os hand. - 1t, Me Dm
Thr report of the .oretaker of Maitland
John Russell, Contemporary • An island cemetery. stowing interments of three
Deer -Forst, Fortnightly ; the Castle of adults and two chielren during the month
Alnwick, Catskill : Crochets, Temple Bar ; of March, was real and tiled.
In the Mountains of Media, and Weighing
the Stan, Gentleman's : The Story of a
French Maid of Honor, Belgravia ; Tempera-
ture in the Glacial Epoch, Nature: with
of "The flight of the Shadow,"
end poetry. For fifty-two numbers of
sixty-four large pages each for more
than 3,300 pages a vow) the sub-
.criptiom prior 118) is low ; while for
210.50 the publishers offer to send any one
of the American $4.00 monthlies or weeklies
with The Living Age for a year, both post
paid. Littell & to, Boston, are the pub-
tett UETHonisT r.t.;\RIND row .a VIGIL, 1891.
Thu number is specially devoted to mem
nries of 100 years of Canadian Methodism.
Among other important features is an ad-
mirable sketch by the 14et. Dr. Johnston, in
kis teat vein, of the late Rev. DR. Rose,
almost the last of the pioneer preachers of
early Methodism in this land. An especially
article is one abridged from its.
Ryenon'e volume, now out of print, on
Canadian Methodism, giving an account of
the trials and triumph. of such ort as
lessee, Dunham, Asbury, Mori and Cas,
ams others of i the fathers ams v. lk. C of hnndrod tress r street ting and filling
Methodism in Canada. The Ker. ill-. Car-
d Methodsm. est •t. sad
A tenni J. C. Harrirw,
from water rate for year 18-1820
as- boas too high, was referred to the water-
wo rka committee.
J. Carey gave notice that he wished his
electric light discontinued forthwith.
The account of Wm. l'aatphell, postmas-
ter, for pottage. 1236, was ordered to be
The following accounts were referred to
the finance committee : Fraser 1 Porter,
stationery, $8.40; Tut Se.%A1., peistmg
57.62 ; Gutta l'ercha A Robber mfg. co-:,
Toronto, 300 feet hoose and attachments,
1258.50 ; .1. W. Thomas, relief, 17.75.
asro0T or rr stile emits o )W UflTa5L
GiViTtsrr:l,- -Your totnmittee have de•
aided in the ,matter of Robert McLeae'a to
await the opinion of the town solititer. We
have accepted the tender of George Nieber-
gall for the delivery of cedar for the side-
walks at 24 ct.. per lines foot. In the ap-
pointment o(a caretaker for the Square we
have advertised for applicants fax the founderspsi-
tion. We recommend thePurchaseof two
can writes an article of characteristic rigor in- N e also rimming layytug of new
on "The omentum of „ Time sidewalks
os. llancilton-stn Y.
editor s des:rib. v-isit- to the grave of liar- won eectis of the "I Owing to the
bare Heck, tbe mother of Methudian both ave -trough on the town hall being out of
r we mr.tmssnarnd that e- it be uomediatwly
engraving of her grave and of the "old Klee
Church" neer Maitland, from • water -color
drawing male especially for this Magazine.
The Rev. Dr. Caves, Principal of Knox Col-
lege. contributes a scholarly and timely
storey of Messianic Prophecy. The Sympo-
sium of Methodism is continued, embracing
of Methoditan by the Rev.
1)r. Sheraton, Princip,,aelt" of Wickliffe Col-
lege ; the Hon It. Harcoe,t, Provincial
Treasurer of Ontario ; Jamie Cruil, editor
d 1' Record, and Rev. A. H.
Newman, 1).1). , LL l).. Profaner of History
in McMaster University. Three oopious•ta=
beautiful papers ea " Through i(ea�aty,
Strasburg to Heidelberg," and •'Round
About F.ngland " are also incl4deoI, as well
as chapters of Habberton's •' AB He Kaes,"
awl a scientific paper on " The Beep d
los." Centennial beck numbers can sell los
supplied. ('rips 12 a year ; $1 for six
months ; 20 cents per number. Toronto
William Briggs
rel*ignigned) Tuuu.a.. 4'. Nirrxt, Cheir'man.
April 3, 1891.
On motion of Holt ens Nicholson the re-
pott was taken up canoe by clause. The
clauses were all adopted except the fifth, re-
commeeding the laying mf new sidewalks,
which, on motion of 1 ate• end Nicholson,
WIN laid ower until next meeting.
azro117 or s.ixex.'. car tome
(Isirruns.x,--Having examined the fol-
lowing aaeoasts, we recommend their ppy-
mmst : Chrystal 1 Black, $12.75: W. TT
Mersey, 1116.97. We have examined the
auditors' report and had same correct. We
remansaad the publication thereof in we
knee d each local paper, together with
susmnmry of reoeiptsanl expenditures. We
reocamend that the collector be in.
atracted to collect at once .11 outstanding
taxa, water rates end electric light rates,
and to report fully at next meeting of ooaseiL
Also that the account held by the tows
Altamonte of Kese•a. asislast Storey ped ea ea our
settingtheir conont�accounhe t ryreceipted, We
Almost any liveryman
hone doctor.. $syman is. in itis way, another revelments' thate.
the thane light
practises om hie own omega with the Mechanics' Institute be
.tock, and w4H preeertbe simple remedies f editor
for • sick horse thee is brought to titian, (Aipasi) W. P511015.!?, Chairtera-
bet In any ears he dams artless will a On maim d Peowlfrs,t and Niehobera
ways advise calling nary surge h R made l i/ toot. seeo.ded by Nish-
tbe treatment biomed. sons et ser. oboe ehsb the public works committee
eta operations are uadertshan flog theIway.. ■tabes 4 the rtes to be purchased
relief of horses. and fisce ars ciao or two laden t51 ;Property given to the town
roes la the city whit ere skilled
in the treatment of diseased teeth
Hor is have the toothache just ills teed
b7 the Hoa A. M. Ito•. Parried.
CosaeHler Neftel give notice that he will
move at the text meeting of the onsneil es
amend maim one of bylaw No. 6 of 1111
in .aa riven tee same ensues..ad nil- (pevt►Mi11t leo the re noviJ ot iii act lab; by
ins a booth is now • com>aon stt3tlg ill th'sialil�ee d the wards Thi. sot is sr
newloary surgery. Of mune the haemefly to H. wowing of a building from cos
Wenfox by mid thra he to eat teeth bore long d � edroman gem lot.
roots. but the operation frequently saves
the life of a valuable sanest. -Interview DUNLOP.
in SL Louis Cilob►Demeierat. (s'aou torn owe ..oweareorter ,. j
meas Toes.
Among the latest rtttmpled eMel ees
id the cheep 1. the weithodl
of • Genius'avt°l br.wwho propene M
tnaaafhctnrw gee by draping a slew=
a mode pelirelonat through a bias*
cad air frau sa faros p • v.
thus obtained will be emeses he s regu-
lar cylinder open at este and. whore it
will be lighted. 1 producers as %-
tensely blot dame o estreral bet tet
le ertb. By manns of this fame to
vunlur p.opea *0 5.4 h, end la
mmialai se *hal the p
Miele e.a esue oro refs u r
until Jam ts4. tat
e mehly.-sew Taut Telagiura
Red 76 eons ler Tea flaaw.L hum M
•be hr
(isv Bt•r braes'? The W ia,gbsa /ribs
called on March to ggr*t, in wiediag ell his
Itevis for that month. and called for bright-
er weather. tint, anyhow, we think goals
April mese is rather .n angry awnd. aid
we think if the iorr..piada.t . s paw
familias he did not m1l the els ehoniot of
loldtwe ore w familiarly known loth Woo
dial leotherhdwd akeeg the=ieet p.eer-
,tadrs, .id if still, like tis ergo h»,
a awe te the charms of
might he diasppotctc d tow a *swop 5�
day at 5.ae.. leen t mold the weather y
Mrwwa, crests.ear of Walked Washer.
i1w ImNw ia lost wrwk'e Seeman, ea Per-
!Mrrr by R W. Philpe wee test with amp
usssew. aril we tusk several eases bear
Owed to writ. w Mi. ler the lokeela
Yes o hs e. ki.dt premirl as gist Asea
1551 enter addr.ra