HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-4-3, Page 7MUM iii.. THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONT.. SAY APRIL 3, 1881. W. ACHESON&SON.w-»ALECK SAUNDERS DRE SS C -DOLE 04.0 r,kdo our assortment of Dress Goods for spring is complete in the newest materials and most desirable shades for this season., ,. JACKET CLOTHS. Entirely new in diagonal effects, Venetian and English Leges. We invite early inspection and comparisons with our goods. Our prices are the lowest in Goderich. W. ACHESON & SON. SCIENCE ANI) PROORESS. INTERESTING PARAGRAPHS CULLED FROM VARIOUS FIELDS. Neu Kentish Hereeho. That Caa be Taken ..W Zanily awl Needs N.. Nails -- The .treestk aid Esrey of (-emporia- ed .ue me of the latest inventions in P.ng;Innd i. nor.rahe, one of the adv =tares of which • w dee fact that it precludes ally I.re•kttlg in the 'boring. Nur, as it is claimned ie the growth of the bird biud- ered by this stooe to the place r4 nails the inn k fariened to the rte. 1. boor by mans .4 clamps The she 1. provided with • hinge, and cat* t. veva.' *part to all.w, it to he fltt..1 t* the hoof. The clamps mark little boles around the goof -bone into which they are burn..) with the hot iron. This or, the lower iron to manly adjusted and t.ghteurd by means of a screw. Figures 1 and : show how the tower item must be set. F figure:l %bows how it looks whet* it batted., and figure 4 gives an idea how it flta owing hoof. Through the growing of ter hoof the ton becomes more firm all tee time As the wrens b only tigbteoed against the lower Ira. the boot is subjected gicep .• no pressure wsatever. lu order to do away with any .tolh heavy mond a idst 11 layer .4 rubber ixIe•teer�� >YY ,n pact between the oboe and the lower iron, and Flo .:1 this gives • very elastic gait to thr horse. The weight o4 the oboe an he kuorme.d by •+.u&K alunnwum with the inn For the I„mer iron band rubber can also be ised and this. is o1 particular advantage where borate too) a greet dee) of arlohalt pavement to travel The . and manipulation of the new shoe are w* ilmple that every oat—Imam dirtier. holler. etc can replace an inn witb- wt the slightest di1ktrhy. Laboring horses derive great kk,tsent from having the 'crus Taken off at night and readjusted in the 'It going, whtrh can be done w itbout tr etble .r loin of time. As the lower iron only wears vt in the .nurse .4 time. the oh. a remaining to good .v.nlitinu for many years. the beer 'at is no anal factor to be taken into (Q - orderattun. ouch at Meat ars the clshns -et forth ..n the outer side .4 T be wa, for, as the BL Lona het-i)bpatcb (trim which to. article is copied) says, •h• shoe bels not yet r'e•rbed kinetic& The test on the •tier aide, nays the Poet -Dia - etch. will be watched with , critic's eye. SCIENCE NOTES. Flo 4 A .-amara which le said to take fifty photo- n -side per second pea Pren.•h novelty To dig • 50 -foot rut in California W.) pounds of dynamke were exploded at a single bleu. 17rotric motors are now need by many of this saalir printing offloee alt over the country. Aluminum hennas is emptily cup erwrling manganese se broom for anew propellers in high.psed verels. A rivet, in the form .4 a tube, to be need Loth as • rivet and as • drainage way, irtbe latest wrinkle in iron -ship building. indicators for steam engine. err new mode of aluminium. since its light weight maims it very for this par - WW1. At lawreare, Masa , the State Bawd of Health hem for years bens atgaleri upon as 1 farm for the purification at garage by nitration. It Ins maid that If exhaust steam is allowed to errr,p* into •'Wmn.y it will dierntegrate the mortar in • shout time, and that the chimney will become urate. A new dsetrieal fan is so arranger) that to mint* the speed all that is neemery is to tern a .witch, the Oneida being "mend In such • manner that so external resistance hared - et tle.d- It Is said that If dry ropes are immoral for four days a • bath ooetainMg twenty grains of sippe& of molar to a (cart e4 water they ere for erne time proof whet rot end animal parasites An Mieetrtesl ane. it hem bees Donned that plating, .etas Oared 1a spa electrical current, is WOW to • dull redeem This fact is We beds of the invention den aisetrierh ewe which will) Est (Pkat, and stately the itred.m west. 11e 1.+ke is mode of deed ee, epos which b dereftd mNaWe pisMsan► My rrrsn rst6la this meshed wire with tietm• minor of .tau tlemseneMe lsatil.�Me� ae hated to height d t vsdiesee, a�• caw le ready tor am aabenee d Nola It scarier. Aa I-gldoes game d rept , fee bask- • :.acV per ma, sal sit the seem sauna e► VMMte.. Mt/WNW itt baehta the lembas •L-p'rs.I..s ;•e tnventlen to an fngltannlan. 71*e apperatue ceturista of a tank filed with water. and in it are arranged the buckets, which are all under water. In an eutergen- ey it is imp sable to withdraw • bucket ra- ker it contains water Compreeeed Air. When you have iodated a paper Fag by lamina into it and then eryshr.l it between your harsh to produce en explosion, lave yew ever considered bow much force there is a your breath 1 You know this force can • EAST MIL 1891 -WALL PAPERS -1891 1 Opening Announcement I NEW DESIGNS AND NEW PAPERS, Sanitary �.cm�r'ART1�,cCEZ�TTS. HOUSE Plumbing.FURNISHING HEATING I FOLLOW GAIT REGULA- GOODS. New lines TIONS; TAKING THE LEAD- kitchen. ING SANITARY PUBLIOA- TI ONS I KEEP UP TO THE TIMES. of novelties for the Granite Ironware. = CLEANLY, HEALTHFUL, DURABLE. CLOSETS, MARBLE SLABS, BVIHS LEAD PIPE and S,likihi. WRINGERS, SWEEPERS, BRUSHES, BROOMS, MADE '1 . gis' " HOT WATER, WARM AIR, STEAM. sou& AGENT. 1 IR E. & C. GURNEY CO'P'S STOVES, RANGES, FURNACES and BOILERS. be m.asurrd by '-niotrnmests such as you ufteu we at • fair. I simply tropre to substitute for this in- struawnt it {aper Fag. The bag mw.t be long. narrow and mak of strong paler !Tarr it eat un the edge of the tab!", the opining turned toward you. put heavy brook* on it. then blow into the bag. and you will be surprised at the weight which you will be able to mire In this wey: to up*et two lar'e dictionaries will los a trifle W sect. MEN WHO ARE 1 ALKED ABOUT. A fashionable young tnrwwpapsr man in Philadelphia bas rooms that have been fur- niebeii at the extortive of t4,000. Richard Cooker. who years ago was a fa - swim boy soprano and sang "Hear Ye Israel" beautifully. is now a tenor in Paris. iawr nee Barrett put down his nets Inc $.500 for the Sherman monument fund. George M. Pullman wtb,cribed $1.000. The rise netts • house in Holland, and is having it thoroughly nverbankd and made sound. 1t was Peter the (great'+ house in 7eueviant Both the parents .d Cnngreamen SdclEino ley are living at the old hares in Canton, 0., aged '44 and r2 . The Ccsngress- seen is the baby .4 the badly, at the age c4 los. It is estimated that to complete young George Van.derbilt's .castle in Korth Cam- Msa (twill require Is. tears of labor and the ... ... nt from fse,000.000 to $10,- 000,000. Spencer Pratt, U. S. Minister to Pard•, sow depleted, ed, is a bachelor of Si. He is tall and •dim with regular features and a Van- dyck beard His salary was 113,500, bat his opportunities great. Henry Irving h.s been elected to the Marl- borough Club. This is *high honor, as the Prince of Wales does not allow any one to join whom be does not wish to number among hit intimates O. Booth's pian .d ast Ragland,” which he proposal to Intro- doom ntrodoer in New York, insludea the giving of nipper. led. and breakfast to a fratnp at a cost of eight week 1n return for which the tramp b expe•td to give at least eight Doose' worth of work. It will require great atrat- e y to gst Ws teach work out of an Atari - sin tramp. ABOUT WILL KNOWN WOMEN. Mrs la gtry, having met with heavy losses In her tasatrieal ventures in England. threatens to devastate this (-country again the .riming seam. Mm Frances Hodgson B•rnettt M about to return from England to bar home In Washington. it is senesced that she who termone work ca two new stories and • play that has been Wet sate owing to the (lines and death of her ern. Mine Bernhardt Is said to bed Honied - Jewish engin, and to have baso barn a As- derdam areas forty -els years ago. Lem is known to the penile of tise of this triplant Poach settees than d alnsost am other artist who has gained like cele- brity. at .brity. lady Sydney Wst rtow, the wife el %be dVflni nhtbrd Imelda Baronet, is as Art marc girl Rhe was formerly Marmara Remdi- tnn of Nape, c'al. She is a woes= of dight and almost girlish pgora with s pals* deli eats fare. and is very popahw Ir Landon srtelty Mn. Lamed Raeford le an rich that she deem not hookas he wear drams that are rout of fdrhinn for sward yea* Never1he less sir b always allk'ad and loss magnierent jest A.. entsrlishis a groat deed anti b 1 1n her aerie anew te women who itallilslia lets fortunate 1e life than herself ix-Rmpss Predrtae r short, plain. ad stoat There is web in her to wonted rise of t,'la.em Vi.4ria fiephy el,wry ghee the .. I... r. l.of gne strength of Wadi earl b(gh tbnugbt ]fever Odes tie has • reanimates chin suet • psnrly Oersted tsodk 71e mei is WITH ENLARGED PRI,IES, BETTER FAC1LiTiEK AND WORK - A STAFF OF FIRS -CLASS WORKMEN, I CAN UNDERTAKE B$ OF ANY SIZE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS CYFRRE•"P4IND£NCE SOLICITEI) FROSUR ItoUNDING T'OWNS. TtIRrf.IF tit%%IA tie% ir AT MODERATE CHARGE. ant turned up. *there ger streu h lie- . u, .. a ,ta u,:.•,r 11.,,., ,tLh go. in the coatp•ct, weldeveio.pcti forehead lino, I with a determtnattutt to conquer, brow. IN "A. MINER" KEY. A rising •rti.'..—;.h • sterol" planter A potato social is when the young folks go to pair. Lost at C—tbe school boy who got stuck there in the alphabet. it Terms to be the burglaries and cot the bnrgtar, that are hwumtttel nowadays. Drees like a tramp and your friends will overlook you. but a polkeenan will look you over There are men who think ism of seats in the legislature than they do stubs portable receipts. Deaf mutes may speak with signs, but gothey around shaking hands with poke.barber "You have my hsarteleft thanlu." as the patient mid when 9* doctor had finished sounding that onen. One may pity the i, , ii, r from the bottom of the wins and yet sot have even the top of the wallet affected. When the humane chill sees in • cage A barmier.' little linnet, His tender thoughts in thanks engage, Because be isn't in it. Men are drawn ant quartered even in this enlightened age They are drawn up from the railroad station and quartered at some hotel. It b remarkable how many a. -tars cling to that old form of •.Ivnrtiaing---•getting an ac- commodating rcommodating reporter to scut • false story ahout t them in order to follow it with a card cif denial. The flasb of (be t.otllghte has a farina - tion for a young man, except when pursued by the indignant husband .4 the actress he has attempted to fascinate. and the fiaah of the footlights against toe embonpoint of hid pants—Texas Whinge THREADS OF THOUGH r. It would be hard to find • grater flatterer theta NKr To Nye means to be. to da to arrompli.k; n ot simply to Piet, to rat inert, melees. The deeper and Inverter a nature is, the far likely ft is to be by elle SYS It is • cheery heart that in Beer ropy to Bgbfen some weary way with helpful ten- derness. Anger is tib the unruly text In the dusty road, it clouds this mind and obstruct* the right of way it M mu•h Bader to dewed that others seal rasa a high standard, teas to compel ourselves to deo the same. Our opinions are • good .deal like the Ilene of oar 'leeks and int hos, no two jest alike, yet we 411 follow aril keep oar eiR MS is hard to fnrgIve an enemy an in- ima1baW injury, bow mnrb sere delimit sheet It be to peed... • friend fro the same aroma ah. He who eaves h dine of w,d, tboogb ssa0 the gift, has done ss goat gems, as If M had been se " brad as the earth. and me rich as Henvta " Thera 1• no tarrying in the swift enrrast of W..: it ewerys all tooting partitive rodent Maly an, and to be stranded err the moun- tain aids mases Cady to wither ussleaty away. The nem who qday W mad and s raeith to a -ore ha its own mho, dots not mead SSW sWidtH: awl though dost badged THE HOUSEHOLD CORNER. TO MAKI A HOME (0T Or A N.*t "EHOLI,. Mr. F,di.on's belief that food makes a determining difference in the quality of al mental action is one that experiment and experience go to sustain. A successful 1ter- ary man writes to the Budget, speaking of what he terms "a working menu for the entire day, which he formulates something after this fashion: On rising he takesagles of hot water. For breakfast, stek cracked wheat (taken as a vegetable, not with sugar and cream), dry town, with very moderste allowance of coffee. For luncheon and dinner he confines himself strictly to good meats, one or two vegetables, bread, fruit, and tea or coffee (still in very shall quanti- ties) if desired. He insists on reasonably early hours of deep, and cultivates an in- timate acquaintance with fr -h air. There 'I no doubt but that this regimen, or some- thing not very unlike it, generates* clearness and vigor of both body and mind that is eminently calculated to promote energy. Between the vegetarian, who insists that no meat should le eaten, and the " Salis- bury diet," which insists that nothing ex- cept meat should be eaten, then is • wide gulf fixed, and one that is, after all, indi- vidual, and that cannot be altogether de- termined by arbitrary rales, nor always by the same rule even for the same individual. Rev. Lk. Bartel, writing of health, says : -- " 1 hold that the chief blessing of mankind, the supreme good, a health ; health of body and health of the heat. The out- ward must reflect the inward, and if a man is vindictive, lustful, mean, it will show in his face, just as 9 will if he is at pesos with himself and all the world. Sickness is de- plorable as a symptom and effect of sin. The phv*ici*n mut he a philosopher, a metaphysician; he must have a stock of apeci&y that is larger than that .wmprined by all the drug* in the world. What goad indeed can pills, lotions anti salve do for mental ilk' It is your relation with those about you that ails you ; let the relation be sweet and harmonious and the condition becomes like it. Bodily disease is caused by the shutting in the poison of evil habits and spirits within .rte's own breast : only by patting these out and get- ting good tenants in their places can Dae be haled." Illness, or that indsprstticm or lack of energy that is &Im.rt as feta in its results as is positive inner, is unques- tionably mustiorably the remelt of erne broken low. Dr. Bartel *aka : " What is . drunkard but a sick man, over«ime by appetite for what • is killing him ! Anil how is he to be cured, but by withholding by force that whit* spheno him ! Temperate metro not tats - perste through self denial : it is became . they have healthy appetite* bad healthy 1 bodies that do net seek the evil .allele Si than. ' The true Yid universal reform will begin wheat good cooking becomes the role rather than the exception in every ho rehnld. The extra ekkMratinss of peaty should giro plawe too excellence in Na. pre- paration of simple foods ; of steak well brothel, perfect bread vegetables well mewed. The teaching of goal ensooinic cooking with simple materials, among t.ht prior, womb! be the one mart effectual redemption from, the evils of and all that folsowe in ifs train. - American Cultivator. Home to find room for the following 1. from 1 he Union Signal : The meg.- and now-a•oIays are e, clogg- ed up with „advice to women," that expert readers learn to skip all such paragraphs with t.be same agility developed in ekipieng the advertisements of patent meli. .nes. In taking note of the needs' of humanity, how- ever, I have discovered one little plot of d hitherto uncult•vated by the moral riser. We hear enough about the tmin- to that ought to be given our girls so that they nay be prep•rad for wifehood and motherhood. I would like to suggest to those having charge of children that they train up the boys for husban,lhood and fa hrbosp,l. have I 1 parents without number talk over the ture of their boys as doctors, lawyers and merchants, but 1 have hoard very few devote much time or thought to the question of what kind of a husband or father their boy would be likely to snake. It is certainly strange that there are so many bud husbands when the mother is sup posed to have the training of the children, at least during the early and most impres- ihle years. It is strange that monies, wb*o know often by sad experience just how nary and great trials come to every home circle, and know, also, how the gentle forbearance and gentle loving sympathy of the hod of the household would tide over the difficulty, should not teach their eons, as a very first lesson, the principles of gored husandship. Some people seem to think that good husbands, like blackberries down South, grow wild and " 'thous any raisin'," but 1 tell you, it takes a good deal of '•main' to bring up • husband in the way be should go, and too often the bloom and sweetness of married life u lost in Some the !be people, ►gain, coi air et r that all that is necessary to the makinngg of a good hus- band is that he shall be *ober and industri- ous. But there area good many little things besides which go to the making of a goof) husband, and the woman who gets hold of had one soon diacot-ers this fact. The greater part of dorneetic unhapptttees hinges an the small things of life. '(Trus i• not anew thought by any means, but it is more common to suppose that these little thing' are the stall omissions and commissions of the wife. Women are advised not fro scold, not to fret, not to sulk, not to forget to put on a clean collet in the morning, not to Por - rt to bang their hair, not to neglect the butts, and to be sure that the coffee is not muddy ; but how about the rto'e ami the don'ts on the other side! Wooldn•t it be just as well to may t, the husband, " Don't go horn with your brow twisted in IS Gord- ian knot and your voice like a rasping saw ; don't forget that a woman, even though she be your wife, doom not want an unkempt Woven hanging around the Isotac• at o.id Wars ; dor 1 forget that • woman, even 1Magh •he be a wife, does not like tin have Mr ears polluted by language which the dictates of polite society forbid a man to nee in public ; don't forget that • woman, eves, though the he a wife, does not admire atingi nee, gluttony, or vulgarity in the man whore .he has pro -mooed to honor and obey." Ton often poen forget that the inert sr semption of wifely duties .toes not don my a single wornanly trait. Webster -el enol mother hood develop all that is swell and anomaly, they .destroy nothing. Flow many white- er.ule.1 women, do yon supper", hide in their hearts the dead ideals which they Io owl, while day after Any the empty semblance of thaw ideals mocks their sight • Mecca__ fe Ovary aproat has sold his ferule 1f evemnith to is sera t , jr . An awsicral 1 t a.m. the has gone to ITgn+ HIM to to (III lei 1lli. 1011Y ,li 1.ildu 11111111111111111111111111111111XIr.1. ill at a price that any one can purchase, Good papers at 5 cts. per roll ; better at 10 cts., 12: cts. and 15 cts. A HOUSE WELL PAPERED IS HALF FURNISHED AND COSTS BOT A TRIFLE. Our samples of Wall Papers, Borders, Friezes and Ceiling Decora- tions are now comnlete, and we think it only a pleasure to show samples awl give prices. FRASER & PORTER„ Central Telephone Exchange, Court House Square. ARD OF THANKS. \The undersigned wishes to return thanks to the people of Ooderich --A surrounding country for the very patronage which; has for elany. yes been accorded the RHYNAS ESTATE DRUG STO$, ar The business has now been purchased by Mr. GEO. A. FEAR, of Petrolia, and We take pleasure in recommending him to our pat- rons and the public generally as in every way worthy their confidence and well qualified to continue the business at the same high standard of excellence which has admittedly ei,;iracterize.l it in the past. F. F. LAW HENCE, Trustee Estate Cleo. Rhyna•i. !0.1891. P u ttLIC NOTICE Another large consignment o Fresh Teas of superior quality. In order to counteract the dis- honest practices perpetrated on the public by peddlers and others, we are offering Special Inducements in Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat ro n age. REES PRICE ki SON. Kay's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square. Orders by Telephone promptly attended to. Cattle Chains ---New Patterns. Crosscut Saws-- All Makes. Cutlery - Tabl eand Poce t ---In Endless Variety. Chopping Axes ---At Your Own Price. ental Winter Goods ---Stock Complete. AT •Ti AT SPECIAL PRICES 1 R. P. WILKINSON & Co., Hardwe re. GE O_ 33.211_1R,RY TTte 1....i .ra [hater, is selling all kinds d furedthre at the lowest pomade plc... 11 i• well-known tact that he Suis C1Z6a.p For cash. He Mien the leading Undertaker. the town. 1Cmbalm hand. He else rakes • speeWty of Picture Framing. Give him Furniture sYhwbae, sad you will end out 1101 is den as he lays 1 -'or Cash._ ing Fluid always kept ea • call before purvharag Bells cheap Ts thigaggane and all for titer pot patronage hs hopes to receire a fcvatinuaace of the SSW. GEO. BARRY, Hamilton-st. CHERRYPULMON 1 C FOR -- Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Croup, &c. BUZZ TO GLITZ RELIEF. F. JORDAN, - NED1CAL HALL,