HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-4-3, Page 6THE SIGNAT.: GODERICH, ONT., F$IDAY, APRIL 3, 1891. FEVER AND AGUE. COOI+BORNE BROS. 189I -SPRING -1891 1 We wish to intimate to our customers that our spring stock of Dry Goods is now about complete. We are now showing all the new shades in Dress Goods such as Heliotropes, lful • , berries and Cornflowers, in Henriettas, Brocades, Lustre., and Alpacas, which are the correct things for spring dresses. As usual we take the lead in Print' and Sateen.. N'e have a splendid assortment in new patterns anti colors. We are showing6sets of Lace Curtains, in create and white, 17 from 50c. to $3.00 a set Also Madras Curtains, Curtain Lace, Scrims and Art Muslin& We want yen to examine our Carpettr, in Brussels, Wilton, Tapestry, Union and Ail -wool. We keep Groceries and Hats and Cap.. We buy butter and eggs. COLBORNE BROS.$ 111 111 SENSE OF $MELL. HAVE TOC BEEN .tT McLean's Block TO SEE JAS. SAUNDERS' WAIL PAPERS ? They are cheaper than the Cheapest. 20c. papers for 5cts. New designs in borders c inti es and corners. 'Sills name "'rept, Are Temp_ mrira/. The eye is earl "tidy for seeing, ani the fur heating, lout the twee is one of the organs that serve a double purpoee, says • Ift.utl.'e Companion. It iy not only the seat .4 the settee of anil, hitt was intended to be the principal organ through which man should breathe. its circuitous piss sager, were. and moist. protc. t tlte' luuge le taking the dull fr the inspired air and *resting irritating dust. The whole way is not cutc.rnel ut the •-set-ef- ee.rfiing. • - -Teseteelfsetereeetesesee, which &lent, take cognisance of odor., are situated in the upper aunt of the nasal chamber*, out of the litre .d ordinary- in, lalat it'.. 1•'..r t hi. teas..n our do not nasally notice ..furs to. less they are m enewlcu .strong. lett elan our snot dunes the air into the upper pert of the n.tril. and bold it there fur a few moment. we 1•t -one Gold *ware of the faintest. sena.. The nerves of smell exterel (rein the great .dfact..ry tele or [entre, in the brant, through ...elle twenty opening* no .the Islay Melt,d theft It e o an b y tut hest a•r e� o 1't fat rtrtw ,rk their extremities' re.t•'king almost to the very wrfIce f the moist, pulp)' nnuevuu. I.rM• Treataaese smear M Head of Tess (sour.•r 4]u .Taa.ir. J Alter a week or tee days the fever suet, whet slated an.l Peter, taking my douMe- barrrlled ntle by way of art au.ent sad half a dotes hard biscuit by way of grub, gess. w.ltue of two days alrepet'. aa.1 but•kits% hu blanket *lout hint wast off up Ib. trail. leer in the *venue: of the ..u.m l .lay. white 1 was lying uli Lite bearskin with ....mg brain au'i fevered levet. he .eater Zack. but not alone. Two strong, atileete spsuws, each iiingelarge posel ,were hiecompenid.s. He utroedndxd then. as 'vOki BlackMnl stuns end he gal : pity young squaw greet medicine. 'The elder of the two wai about as tough, leathery looking • specimen of aboriginal ugliness as 1 hats . t.. tallest in with, and uukinr due allowance for differeue a to age the daughter wa.the perfect omelet of her. They both east their loads . aside ..,l the elder proceeded at ooze to lousiness. 11'.tching ole closet) as she did so she pilled • large handful of leaves in her hen.' lentil they were partially pulverised, then parsed them over to the younger apaw, hu encu made a pint of very bitter ter from thein, which 1 was told to drink. l uut.aguel to gulp tt down, hot and bitter as it was, ami the ol.1 squaw then silted Iter wtth.at ceremony, packed me snugly in bearskin and blankets, after which .h.' and her .laughter, wrapping their own I4.utkets about them, lay down ell e••tlter aide .d me. crowding rue in a uannrt more close thee -pleasant. My leathery belles, Ie.st-ever, auswere.l to help get up a copious p•iaperation, which w:a just what they ill• tended, and when 1 awoke from the first sand and refrr,hung sleep 1 had enjoyed fie:' weeks, it was with a Beed, Clear neat. end jlntbe frog: from nils. \Wiest the nee ,.f the tun the confounded -NM began to thieeten. me, and Uri. 13bteIt- btrd, with the help of her interesting .laughter, proceeded to take measures for .•ypefliug it it. a Manner quite as novel aril rigieul ee her treatment of fever. First, dor undid .. Wattle of dirty blue cloth, and ti..k therefrom several "kindles of neatly IKellt•. minute twig*. 1 had heard some hard -tone. of '•whil.pin' out the agree," :uel smelt pretty extensive mice inmie.li- ateh- : but on the whole concluded to go through, .e 1 suffered them to divest tar of my clothing end seise ice firmly by the wrieteetend uta le n.. object :..0 event When M re Hleckbird beau to apply the swathes . __i... :1 i1 and bronze papers, in room and ceiling- Window shade and curtain rollers.� James Saunders, McLEAN'S BLOCK. WHY EVERY FARMER .could get mad e Armstrong's Improved PAT D._ GRAIN & SRBD CLEANERS. BEOA'LTBse get -it allows oo foul the chaff,which Of great be blown into which of es Importance to t° every fanner who wlebez W keep his farm clean. t led, -It eaves and clean, all Tinto h7 sera from any kind of grain while cleaning the grain. tied. For Market (droning It removes i vesc oa khr ,'hest aand shrunken �fl, wen for his the area:est to'o't grain with no Wit 1t will sample g in shove ■nd iced Purposes equalto for Yb. Cleaning seed Wisest removes all l orkle. M seal. Peas. Wald Flaxand other foal and shrunken and broken grate. a•4 gives the fernier pure clean. seed grain. Ni. -II will clean Data. Barley . thor- oughly without waste of grata. Tt►,-IL:leanine Pease : it era) separate the mad. gaartered. balms, that* and whole Pees from each ether. earreme each to a different t. pe Marmite. r alb. -It is a titgall (test, Wilkes and dead •'ede wed Other Breda termer or smaller then the Clover seed. steed 1lfarh.ne, gee. s _ Orals no seeds away. 141eb. -It i* • good Flax asad Machine, Mb. -It is • first clam n 111416. -It can be fitted art fashtetna d / Fuming Mill) that le Nile aetde as Late* and make it do the week of • new Mill. a new Mill with out -it icanwi w it, sass d Ie • removed at any oast luras ea il. wed one be combined. It time et owed e ai three nee of the re- gularset interfere with the sieve+ of the MIL all Perforated lab. - Its sieves are emit, alma *it d May bushels of Ile. -it has •raps• 1 grain per hour. Mb. --It sae cheap as the erdinaryl Fanning UI sieves. Every leaches* is t ft this No,ran Read your order at 0.00 u Ts: Man t it his sene0e. if you bare sot WNW•ad that you to test have one for taap.cdsS take it on ooadltion Itlp and ode width of 1e ordering ohm of 'wining MI ARMSTRONG BROS., G.oderioh, Ont. NEW ARRIVAL -ef -- WI1TTR GI -0 O D EL LAT1:S11 LJES. 7141 i1211111111101 te he Hemmed oak Harte •t ate sad showy tafrr0• H. DUNLOP, r ..r etre.as . Ti11e i. for, alitentlrane. - .. The simile of eaten is tat urally (tetter Mee -heed in some persons than in tether*, Inst like the other items taste. t.uch,sight and hearing .it may be tn.ine.l 1'..tttickttess :mei acenrae•y. (Nfae:fory sensations are pndeally reeeived ir..ttt entwine P..* fro.. the ,al.rtferors aub stance, the ern.enati... being •I.urle.l la- the ttuid ill w ho. h the eliCrelleOpie en.ls of ulfaetiory nerves ale coustamtly bathed. This moisture is •. essential to the proper ncitm of the nerves that its aleseuee, as to tercem ,tags of a told, nay' for the time quite destroy the *ruse .1 smell. - ' Fur the same re.,,..0 •s lora ,ere les. rattai- l) per.eived in et. uucomnnuly dry a(mn..- phere. ('.•neon .urtttcal op•rettone, t•* lave been found to blunt the sense of smell by inducing • drvmx.s of tGe mesal mucous membrane. Catarrhal inflammation may produce a similar result by closing the liar - row paa.,eyle» that Ictal to the •.Ifeetnry'rr ggnm \ w.tt❑ of qua•kneen to the sense of smell must be by Anything which *Lots off the air tram the "'factory nerves .• pd%• pus, for example. or facial paralysis, which interferes with ousel dilation and the ne- n-essay n.0«•alar .'Hort in smelling. if • elms. catarrh la* been brought on It) working in ;e dusty .oitn.pherr, the dna .es•nt el of -.tees•e.' r) is x eluuty,n• of .aeuppt • tau. After that at expo -it -nerd physician •hould 1..emetiltt.1 ter the wending of suit ,hie tre..tment. And, tf '.. r.aary, of a stir L e al operattow - • lmrmlent •r Trim No letter evidence of the fact that Hair, dock BI.*a1 Bitters is a certain reme.ly for All hIun.I disorders can be asked than that of Mr. ( ie'o. V. Thomas, druggist, .4 Hull, 1', ll., whose wife was cured of cancer ley 11114. R. The family doe'tor is u el -e- litist that the disease was cancer and that it is now carpel. 2 (1n Tuesday this week .1. Noreen, Wroxet • cr, shipped a carload of fine horses to the 'ramie province. Howard had • loael ata to go, but wee die•ppointed in getting& ear. - Na lard'• !'eel.ral MMam, Hagyanl's Pectoral Balsam gives prompt relief to .oughs, ,ills, benne-vis., whoop talc rough, croup, as'hma or bronchitis. It the roost plea..it :nal perfa.•t threat and bink healer In the world for children er elults. Price 25e•. 2 .lobo I;re.'n. 11'r..xcter, who recently re turne.I fr New Zealand has settled down ut car vllav-. Mr. fever. 1•sokn as if the Antipodes agreed with hint. %.tum r...tire* aid sit eerneting trregu. l..nt!e. :et this sear.., and for both tsps W,111 loll '•• "the!' r.•me•ly equal. 41r. 11't!Ita11,e leek I'tlls se a spring blood elate. Flay supply all the c•en.titaeats necessary to em-n•h the Weal and hsIM up the nye tem. Bald by all dealers, or asst prat paid on receipt of price --ifs. par lox, our five Ilexes for 1111 nldnmihp Ute. William* Merl. Cts., vilk, (M. H. l.n.Mvwdte. Baster, wills Mktnagg a MIA of wend of a pile last flask mother stick fell ..n his font anal brats MN of his SOW He mels • t'r•wtch. •101'e 11- •,arae N a• d W Vl abesam, Th. re ...ant in Nhidet, qua, left 11r t.educ, t.tl.erai, with • majority .f .tee. IIflhEY ,.sod ..ar.mase"«"-a ►, .Ir •1 w. •.matt ...mans iw w a',.0. lice 1* eon el... ,mw r- s I pow s: '. 0. w TeeM_a aw ,awl+, M .mm ..�as as...A` •r...� ••••• W••• m111a.• • sem amlda 1.. to prom* at1eT...`e""ia7i� r. increased in rapidity and severity; old Peter, Who luaal stood by as spectator at first, step- ped forever.' anal seize.i a writ thinly in each hand, at, .uddrrly eat 1 hues no time to ole ject : and the whipping cn mediately betaine etwrwetic and general. Each of the squaws with A switch ut each haul vied with the other in rapidity of hitting, all, as the eltiggiult: torpid bk.od *trove to dash with +uuwering speed through the tingling veins the pain let•-wnte unendurable, f had re- solves! to bear aU that was a.keel of m►e in o...heal cure, but t1* torture was 6 of at,h ort I en,� -veer t sod 1 •rdeereel. titer' to desist. %ryin at an• come time to wrench gyve -a hr.e Eels Peter. They only laughed .eel lai.1 en the Kanter. 1 became oral with pain mai went In on any muscle, biting and hutting furiously at old Peter, and giving the leathery females ungallant kicks ars,. t the ridw and abdomen a proceeeling that made them laugh alp the more, and brought down the sentare with 'meowedvivigor. I entreated and cueee.'meowedI by turn.. tried bribery and Battery, beg;ed for a resting spell, and threatened death to the party of e'.nspiraawn iuunesltately 1 got loose. but all in Vain. They flogged nor for a time that seemed an age, and only let me off when I was too ex• lauateel to *trail al.ue. Then 1 was again enveloped in skins and blankets, when, atran_e ra it rut). *rano,• 1 almost imuttsliat.• Iv fell tate a sleep slumber, from whirl. 1 (int tt•,i awake until evening. When 1 did awake it u a* with a general .enae of sore - ne*s all over the ,meter mat : but where was the ape! t owe. ('•w detely cured, ea well as the fever, although 1 heel sate *light re- tur..e, of the latter occasionally. which al- ways yield t.. Indianatreatment, however. l'here•s a paten; medicine which is twit - patent medicine - paradoxical sa that may so 1. It's • dm.eoveery' the fa nill..Iisrov• cry tt( medical acienec ' It's the ute•licine for you tend, runelown, exhausted. nerve - wasted men and women ; for you sufferers fns ,lie -aces of akin or scalp, liver or lungs its dunce is with every .rte, uta *mann always. be.eetiee tt aim* to portly the foie -- trim of life the bi...d up.et which all :melt diseases de tend. The medicine i. Ire. Here's Medical Medlical Itiaeovcr). Thr makers of it have enough ••onfitlence ni It to sell it' ..it trial. That f» yon can get it front year drmggint, and if at doesn't .1.. what it's t•laimt'd to .in. yotf can ger tenor money hack, every cent .4 it. That's what its makers call taking the risk nftheir words. -- Tint-. hale, sugar •vtate.l granules. are what lir. Piece'* Pleasant Pellets are. The lest 1.i.-er Tilt ever mot etur•t : active, yet mild in "tarsi Imo : cure .ick and hilioua headache.. the. a 1 h not rub It de on a bard. The train thing Is quick drying. and that they 1te washers and ramie., in water of the sante temperature very .t.uckk• mei not allowed to cowl between. A timet (µ•••fag• Yet:.. 1 have taken three hottle'*t( Bar• *lock Blom Raters and rind it • good in.di - einefor.onstspatmuand poor appetite. i will ,vltlntie taking it as it is • greet Wesson.: and i Gel a great change in my health since taking it. Mks. .1. V. l:tteev, 2 5 Sydenham et., Toronto, Ore. In r...ktig lamb's liver cut it in dices half AN mph thick ; heat the yolks of two eggs. .hp the slices of liver in the egg, then in crumbs seasoned with pepper and salt, and fro in het dripproga. The ■easellest Man Ie Ceelen ch. A• w, II .. the , and others sr* one iir.l to call on any dotgg..t and get fret. a trial bottle of Kempf o Balsam for the Thmat ate' Lungs, • remedy that is selling entirely upon its merits a'.1 is guaranteed t.' releeve and acre all Chronic and Acute I •enghs, Asthma, Bronchitis and 4 em.ump t loo. large hot ties 50 rents and $l. 11.uw The cereus shows a population u. I :reit Britain and Ireland of 39,000.000. We Claim the Muth. We Helm the• earth u round, and we knew it's true 11'e also chemo that Hagyar.le Vetlow (hl cures sprat ne,bra lees. hurns,eoids, croup, more throat, , neuralgia, and all painful or inflammatory disuses, and we know this t• true s.lklw (til is • true founds remedy for lameness or unreal= on man •t- iwa.t 2 THE�HOGS 1 HO SUNDRY AIDS TO CONVERT THE FORMER INTO THE UTTER. A rause, (Never neatienarte are maw 1t M M. Me.. Ltb .ad Mow tt =ay M sol to t►.'L•y et MIg► Valeo wtt►- ail Wealth er Latrase.sa lutea..,. TAKE • bit of water tetter paper about elabt inches Meg by three wide; double it at the ter, then ekde•b east- dainty bit of flower or tiny Aida figure. When you have out- ilmed it, cut it out care- fully around the left side and paint in water rola*, working in a faint tint of tackgrosed. Aden a qu otatioa suitable, such as -Read, stark, mil iuwardJv digest:" "lifted books are g..o.d friends;" "Bookie like friends, should be few and well Hess " "To m•rke ye place in ye hu oke." Then punch half a dines boles down the right side, lace with a bit of silk ...umlaut mar- row ribbon, and you have • very ruts, book- mark, and dip on the e,ruer of a page. HOME LIRE. Mow tb. test May b. Made .t 1t With- out Wealth. Tb toms of a home that is sea to the tory of blgbsr value. that. those .•nrerente.l by wealth awl material thing. is the lune that cultivator the best life. Mousy. ui.taf solely as a means to an end. u .f govt rerun.: but diet -used and bell In eight as tan end, as the ideal .4 attainment, is more utterly tiettoral- king to eharaeur than the dims poverty. The undue emphasis nu wealth and luxury is by w/ means nein stn In luxurious homes. It is aka present as an irritating and cor- rosive in the hems of the struggling, middle -clams people, an at- m.a.pbete that stifles spiritual life, that dwarfs nobly and kitty purposes, that Uf with material things. It is cut of eel .ur'h boot,. as there that the beet and newt useful sten and women .ons• t, the world It i4 nut of no such atmtwpberc that the Is .t en- deavors a.,me far general life and pn gees. For children, nothing is sl valuable a. the Nene where high ideals are kept in sight as the standard t..which lift. isamenable And. in the way of indulgence and luxury. there is often opp.rtuuttyetc a ch. .1..• leetwren nn•• or twothings, particularly tu ,•r near a large city. For ia.L.n'e, there may be a •h occ between the expenditure f, r expa•n-.t.• nal taste( ul et ebing fora .111.1...r I set wale u •u, g the sans• money this w..ul.l ....t for the menet al stimulus .4 ...•a iottal matinees at a g• • .1 play .r .cera, a til. t.. New Vert. .r the pueha.e• of cooky t►f.vi;ously. both canu••t la. aff,,nded, but it is a scatter of .enol► lea when the dry goods attraction gain.. the tee .en.kmey o- .en.k•nry over the intele• tteai ..r artt..-tt• plea.un• that would be a etimulus and a joy for later life, and a .pt. ial ai.1 is .e,veltpt- u.ent and culture. Life may he .o rich, even witbut much money, for ehildreu w .r near a city. The art galleries, where so much of the lest ede- •ation is offered, are free. the interum .4 tiue are. „pelts its heeptabledoors free to all, uu .certain dare of the w.. -k ,•ewalles. where the beauty and dignity .4 architecture can be painted .'ut and unpleased en tltr .sold, or strolls where an enchanting .unset view' can be rem. are all tole• had for the •eking. Public libraries and free seb.rtls Baer their invaluable std, and there is no p sable reasons why the children .1 the poor sbaukl net grew tut iutd-hli. sot and cultivates' mem and ;semen. if o'uly the boom seta Its stand- ard high instead of low, bolds to its g and Heals..f intellectual and artistic anti spiritual life. rather than to thous of mere material a.vtutrvnteni. It i an unfailing law of Ute that we have that which we demand. Holding in view ti" higher standards and pressing forward te thee, we are enabled to approach and realise them Unseen forret. bear us along. till we oan say with the poet: My bark is wafted to the strand Hy breath divine: But on the prow there ream it hand, Other than min.'. The fast use of life is not in • mere a, - cumulation of material things. however lux- un•u..r beautiful. A nam way 1a, worth milli•,n , and yet, in every e•auential .eft.. of the term. he may die poor, or bs may die, leaving nothing of material pasead..s, but keying to the world • heritage of character, of high standards. of "dreams made good," that shall make it forever richer and more abendent --American Cultivator Women as Ito,-►cepa». Bee -keeping offers to women an agreeable, healthful, and lucrative , ,aye The ladies' Hoa. Journal While there may be no fortunes in beekeeping, except to the few, yet to all there is. usually, aati•- faetory reward for labor and money ex- pended. women ought to be tetter bee- keepers than men for they have, usually, a gentler. finer touch than mem. The qua_ Micationa of a bet.ke•per are g,etymes patience, ahrae of fear and por•fw'- rnmmand of telt. Fear mud be over nine or emu-maled. 1t may he present at fleet. but usually gives plate to confidence after a little experience. Th. theory that best welsh some persona as natural enemies, has no foundation In fact in an ordinary worm, • oniony tt( heat*; by thedomhle-hive ayatens, will peelers not pees than fifty pounds of honey. .often seventy -fire and • hundred pnus& Thia hooey, if properly marketed, will bring the ptoetu•.r twraty tests a pound. One prtmtn, with omesional help, may attend to one hundred rot miss if comb -bones be the product. If e.ttacted hey be the objet, assistance will be required in extracting the honey Though milliner of podmda of annoy •rw pro dutwi every year. yet hooey is practical- ly unknown t, the real body of the. people There are abandoned east, south sad wed_ and there are toes of homey .n these fanss running to waste. and at the seine tine there ars thee:rands of wanton pinched by want, wearied by toll. who could sarin en them farms with the help of the bees, more than they earn new, and be com- fortable and •'oeMsted hat what wa tree w11Wrg to dorm wrus elvto ▪ mother uther planate A Smog as may t suuf say IIP with you hsnt or thimble's.* ,f the pharisee d your entity Ha may gesseslb speed hie tru.ey in explodes gifts ler yon, from a MOM emjuymtast to Mmsslf. Misdealt mot prove hie affection Tie tett is, How ease* is he welding to give up id what be idose to please yogi dew Lauth sen- ate wl1 be mala gar steels plsmmrei Heads you lo give up your name ler his frame. To leave your lease for hes home, to go with hire wherever Ms interests ,may call. He a.. you t.. be 10.-t» give yusar lite to Ms joy and belplulmes. Now, how much will he give up to phase prat That's the geese not Aa Aereetle. Maple eery l,eU is every It Peal ea pial Its utmmonr Mem.Atl the bsni'to all the beaches Trill oil tete their anthems singing. watt/mart, whmart, rice. and tat your wires with AA77 Balla and births the song retest. Fido the churches fair with Whit their ` Happy feetJameyuy taking yen( eveheart to Joy and rapturew With the Joyous earth saklug. tae rwee'theart, and with your ``ladaa Lb Make the glad .lay more caaq,ista.w What 1. a tea.►. When Dr. T. 1'. Minor, of ('lntinnati, was Asked just what a bluah was and hew it was caused Ily. He laid adds his egpu•, wailers' deeply for a moment, and spoke these wise word.: ••A Mush i. • temporary erythema sad calorific effulgence of tJM pi . • setiuiogieed by the .f ties ane *tum when w • predicament ' of uu- equfbbrity freer a Nsse of shame. anger .r other rause, , fs a paresis of the vas.nrWr osrv.us filaments of the facial capillaries, whereby, being divested of their .bdioity, they are vtti'used with radiant, aerated amigo t t nutritive circulating liquid, emanating (pens an intimidated peace *ilia' Kb.'u t: e.loetor t'ieb.d a sigh at FIRM vas beard from ht.. mate -tee �..me l •.tell aa***. I hind an old boatman to wag is baying. and he gave me • few pointers on acing and repairing nee which I faun.' useful: To fnaten the Wraetre lee teed the ••buwliter knot," Fig. 1. ,\fterpaauug the rope through the rye or Herta he put the rape in the shape JUST ARRIVED, Aly TU DOYILTllfa IN W. ACHI �211��I[P111S�llllo S. O Our assortment of i b the newest mated this season. 1 have this season seemed all the latest mylm la ENGLISE & 1LVERICSt1AN 31.9T0, For eerier sad easa.er wear, O The stock manse be surpassed la the ,hies. and the prices are the pesple•s, HATS FOR A L L SORTS OF HEADS And styles tomtit all tastes, JACKE Entirely new in dial r ,roes. We invite early in goods. Our prices are the 1 PT. a BOW LINK 6110 -1111n. -i. ,Liar Sit A an. a" ...•u in the solid part of Lha engraving. and then the short end as in Via dMted Ilnee. ill,- yani+ was .smaller thea the other, au.l to take up the sltrk or the rope between U.•• 0,4 pulley and whiffle tree les put the •auk." Fig. 2, wtu,'h will not slip. .n..•1 i• ••talc meteor. '.fte•r w•'reintt a few days we Mule* the nee, and. terve nee a trip to town and the expn..e of a paw rope, .he.,anl be would pit to a long .pike. It worked all right, and it w. „ell 1.. dlM alt te end where the nek.• was Hrtot� a tax f of each uo u three test ••iel at the• break and interlocked the strands ,- stow in rig. 3. He theft untwisted one randy elf the rope B. and in the vacancy mu.l•- pineal strand :i ul nope A, twisted hard, until be had it all ill but about e feet He then untwistsd this fee .tt strand aol .ut away about a den' .1 it, and then twisted the renaw•Ier beet :testa. H e then cut oft ail tot about • et( the lag strand ythat lee Z bad first 3 taken out. nee. 3. tow: set.e x He thew 'untwisted this font ..f strand and mit sway a thinl turd twisted it hard as he bat just dune on strand :1. He then tied them in a ..m.nvu single knot. as seen in Fig. 4. Ile then reduced theme about owe -third more and pined Armed over y and under z and x, then aver the next strand and under the teat two strands. Tben put y over :: sol under 1 and 2, then repeat. Then be changed the nee mel took out strand 2 of rope A and plae.d 1' strand t of rope h, and cut and fastened a. he had just done with strand :t end y. H.' now bad two straw!. left, l and x. a lith be eat and fastened the lane as the others. Ily map pe not being yuito 1'.enwigh, he (sate»edno.tun • +bet nope by g the abet epic-, He untwisted about a foot of one end .1 each rope thia time and interlocked them as mor the long splice .Fig. :d. He interwoven them veno hing like this : x neer 1 and under 2 y over 2 and ureter :; s over :: and under I. He rut away about half of each, x, y and z and in- terwove them again. Then put say 1 over y surd under s; 2 over s and under z::lover z 7 2 BOOS & SHOES. I will not insult the intelligence of the public by ad vE rtising first-class goods for almost nothing, but this I will do : I will give you the very best goods that are made in Canada at lower prices than they are sold at by any other firm. N±i w SPRING GOODS arriving daily. Call and see them and whether you buy or not you will receive courteous attention. I wish it be to plainly understood WILL \IIT BE IJDERSOLD RI ANYONEI SCIENCE AND PROF INTERESTING PARAGRAPHS FROM VARIOUS FIELD: A New .:aall•► Morsels.* The Take. on Gamily anal Maeda Thr fit r.•asth sad Conn of t ."1 Air. one , •r the latest Imeetims in • horseshoe, ems d the adventure+ Mei in the fa gsgdude• an in Chi rbnetes it is louse. growth of the ORDERED:WORK:ANDIREPAIRING A SPECIALTY E. DOWNING. Mew mammies May 11. he ,swat. Marry a man who hes the spirit .f sell - denial Tb .rensh manliness Reif -denial, neo, is /b. [watts of dnme.tie joy The most of what we Wail is love, is on tonna- minus mlashaae Thu Mt of I it e►ftdre4fit;. ,Lf-+., Rt, .4111^a!aty:sagl, <-t rd. 4. aivout &fore no. :,. era snare and under y : cut •wee and repeat. He few teem the nope to the fork by the eye epees leve pig. tr The gad u interwoven In the body of the rope, the same as for the short splice. THE SPRING SHOPPER SEES Jet makes for bat ornaments Bedford cording for earriege *Mak•. Crepe and velvet far the same toque Brooches reprwrutln g Egyptian heads Milk muslin fiches printed in floral pat- terns Chevron -striped cheviots In white and • enbw. C . ties having patent -leather rapt. Cloth gowns trimmed with Jet and black lace. A new shaded gresslsh hon tot tna o'* gloves (1amntee gamotl•t In the Biarrlts Kyle off gkove Printed bnade.Inth for dross alts: at.. tdleta pklws of gold ribbon for trimming bougie *lana► Satin for vests and revers on e woolen gowns fine aealegpa▪ n straw hats having lace edges in Tulle doreed with gold wieder for evening Domani Tartan plal.l Dumb lining in earners -We loaves ('areal•,-batr Jackals edged with tined and silk cord Gold bangles eovered with Egyptian In- scriptions. they elneh napes /dammed with Meek ford and seri g MdeOtslV ace trots lsix b tweedy prise and wet► th ad err d every kind, wash" Mk sad Alm velvet Iii esi-g stilt' wbgMWo .. .� s Ie •yb d i r it; sae Liu d me 3 l U G 67 • Wso elle 'y t► iX cc al M 4 d • 0 0 .O U O b 42 0 4 the ping of iron le tweet net. 1. hoof by mew The shoe i. provided with • hinge le Treat alert to allow it to to the bout. The clamp.. mark enenel th.' boa -bone into w •o. tetrad with the hot it dune. the lower iron is easily ad li;:btew•1 by means of a arrt'w. and 2 show bow the lower inn m Figure:3thews how it k.oks wham and figure 4 Wes an ids how tt the hoof Through the growing tee v u lemmas macre arm all t h the s'ree. .a poly tightened again 'net, the hod is subjected to no IKvssurxe wb•tswer. to . sitar to da away with any dull. heavy grant •M layer .f rubber or leather is put between the oboe and the lower ism, and 1 this gives • very elastic gait t. The weight ..1 tete sbw can be using alunttnum with the in' lower inn band rubber eau al.e the, twat particular advantage w hate a great deal of asphalt 1 travel 'Me . and n.anipxtl new .bee are so eimple that ever. Jre er. Es atter, etc , team replace s 'wt the slightest dilikvhy. lath Jamey great le,uent from basil talent off at night and r adjt n" siting. sehieh can he done wit ..r 1'.s of time. Aa the lower urn ,ort in the •entree, of time. the eh in good mn.Utiou for many year .mat u nn smell factor to be tab •rk'ratwa. Sorbet least are ole claims 'tet forth w o the other side of tb'sea, for, as the tit. Louis P. et- Dispatch thew whieh this article is copied) says, the shoe bis not yet reached enterica. The ted on the eh'r side, says the Pott-dKr patch. will be watched with . critse'e eve. SCIENCE NOTES MISS CAMERON Has received a large consignment of the latest styles in WINTER MILLINERY. Novelties in ladies' headwear, and the latest shades in trimmings a specialty. Remember the stand -Hamilton -ate, between the Square and Newgate-st, A earners which is said to Lal graphs per e.n..d is a French r To dig a 50 -foot cut in C i wands of dynamite were pipits blast. Electric motors aro now gee.' the smaller printing office* country. Aluminum bronze is TX h mismanage broomsas ar1w high+ -Nd Tamm. A rivet, In the f.wn of a tel both ae • rivet and as a drain' latest wrinkle in Iroaebip bail idicatnn for Mem engi made of aluminium. aloe* iL nukes it very Isere At Iawrwe., Masa, the S Health has for years been cog 1 (arm for the p s.wate by filtration. it M said that tt seisms ate t.. ease into • chimney it wi the mortar In a short time, chimney will become unsafe. A new Metrial tan Is so a redone the .peed all that is tnrn • .wlteb, the mils being . manner that mo external re "The Signal," Goderich, Ontario, Is the Best. ,1 1t le laid that H dry ropes for four days in • path coat grains of sulphate of temper sew they sew for teems time rot anti subset per0Mha An *Naerl.af ai It hue bates ndieed that planed Is ea tiesh'ta3 eerles a dap reams Thi. stet in 1 mvaanin d as uMelrieel,.w ,tnieldy sad seely tie birds The done Y made of re whish esMI m tielpk �,..esli,g medlesd wtr gleet• .�emr ieeala beater is heated to a brlps reams ready for balm. Ori yy $1.00 40141,4sIvispospaimetaissribsip. •isisa sr ed P1ve a An Imgandeue system .f d ab :u.ly fat twat, sad at the visatsa h. eismmite of has