HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-4-3, Page 5M CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE 111TaaLJ.areaD IMT. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. .Al igTM. til tooth MK INSAIsw SOLLMIS 0. E WALKER, ChMMAL M*,iAal[R, 004000.000., 0 GIODERICH BRANCH. A CliwaRAL SANItp] Otfanilag TR'.NMCT[o. FARMEHIS NOTfia Dta00tuNTtta ORAFTO 11111P0 PAYAOLE AT AL. POINT( IN CANADA, ANO Tota PRINCIPAL Wall IN TNa °NITER STAIRS, GMAT Mat Am, FRANC,, B,RMUaA, M NAVIN** SANK DtPARTME1fT. UEPG31T6 OF •I.00 ANO UPWARDO RECEIVED, AND CURRENT RATES OF INTERt•T stLUwtU. INTERpT Ammo TO TN( PRINCIPAL AT TUE IND OF MAY AND IN MAIN YEAR. erWaal Affiliation given to the OoIleotion of C Lal Pepor. and Fertuow' Salo* Motes. TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of changes trust Iii left at this (Mice not later than Mon* lay !Katt. The Copy for changes toilet he left not later than Tues- day 'noon. Casual A to accepted up to noon Thursday o each week. BORN. t:14:ItT- le itru..sl. oa the 2(t h uit. . the wire of Mr. John Wright, of a daughter. ,ut4'H1HAL11-le tir.sforth, ea the &el ult.. the w.f. el Mr. Jas. Archibald. of a mint. J At'K*032 - In elbows on the flat alt., the sit. of Mr. Janes Jackson,. of a dummies • )1N'wifeel W. ))i.la LMtl cDor.ld dratst l.. theof a daughter, \I1(H A NI. -1. H allet u,oa the !!id d t .. t be etre of Mr. James G. McMichael. of • daughter. CIIA5l11K1ts -la Grey. on Aaeirdat. March the wife of Ilamnel Chambers, of • (laughter. (•&MERIN la Ethel. on Mends), March Rah. the wife of Alex. Cameron. of • daughter. MARRIED. Vet !Nett ADA SIS- At the residence of the !vide'. Whet...3715 Lettere acr.. ('hl'•ago, 11L. un Wednesday. the ilth March. James O. Trainer to Hannah. Moisture of Uro, W. Adams. CAI,, 5 1 R- DAVIS--At the tveldeoee of the bride'sfatbarl'listoa,nn tete `S -h ult.. by the Rev. J W. MIittroa. Mr Janes Harvey ;�\•. ef-lftfftad. Maattlubs rl4a t soli of the late Rote. Callander, to Hattie 'i• second dsu•hter of Mr. ti. Davis. DIAMOND -TAYLOR At the residence of the blide'aparents, Sts■ier. en the 2(331 alt„ ty the Rev. J. It. Shavena W. \ . Diamond. M. D.. of (osteal. to Mir Rachet Taylor. of St• ilei• PAItTLGN-RtVIM; --At Toeato. on the events( est Match 19, by the Rev. J. M. Walks, Mr.Howaud P•rtten, ot Toronto. to 33i.31 Asafe Rayaow, fourth daughter of Mix John Ragmen. Merton. CLARK-McDONALU- Ga Marsh 31st. at the !ride's !tome. by Rev. Jae. A. Alderson. R. A.. Witham F.Clari:, V etrtaary mantes*, me of Jsnsee Clark. (Whore. township, to ieeselk lielbaall. daughter .f A. C. 31,1 tonal, of Dunlop village. DIEM IvF L':bl In Keeler. on the 72nd a11.. Richard Wendt. aged 71 Tears 2'months and tide's. 4 1LRJ('E At New Wastminlster, It C, on Marek 12. W. A. Oalbtek, late of Hressela. third son of Mr. John ('albick, Clinton, aged 30 ones and 7 days RF,ITH-la Moodyvylle, )t.1' , on the 22nd n( March. Zimmer, wife of Mr. James tteith, We of Clinton. Aattgkter of )Ir. John Cal- , hick. aged TO years. 10 mobil and 1a days 31.Q1'RCN- In Stanley. as the Y2nd sit., Wm, equate. aged int years. N iest►N -la !reatortlt. on Saturday, ]larch Mat, IRS. Alexander Wilson. sr., aged 82 ream r h Roes 9a n )(arc rat t r rola t. >s la aaahel y R Jennie Duvrssee, beloved wile .J Sir. R G. Rms. aired % year'. (.RU'NDY- in Lucknow, on the :post rots Andrew R. Grundy. aged :9 yeah. Fi)i(Bg4-In Grey. on Math Vad. Jokn Forbes, aged 44 years. 6 months and 15 days, 1 -01'N0 --In Clinton. on the 25th ult.. henry Young, aged :e1 years CUMMING.' - In k'Inetham. on eat order. March 22ed, Jame* Cummings, aged 01 rota•, • NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. The It, k ('. ('orris Ps. S P,,tators Win. Burrows S Un Goode ---w m. Acheoos .... .. ... 7 For Sale or Rent Wm. Acheson 1 I wr or stolen Thos Stewart. sr.. .. 1 For sate at Bargain Frank Pretty 4 I. en.0 Commission W J. P aisle,. 9 SPnad Announrr.nent Mir Cameras i opening A - Aleek esadaee....7 THE TALK OF THE TOWN. A ehiels oniony tor, hiis' notes. Ani !oak MU priest it. Now is the time sad now the hoar to call up nn peewee Stewart at his studio and get your picture well taken. A ((nun 1'9L.urT. The most useful gift ton res mare is to give a Wirt Pen. Apply toll. McGillicuddy. anew. Goderieh. tf The Woman's Christian 'temptera 'temperance 1. sloe meets In the Tea peranoe Hall, North strata. business mention at 9 o'c ads afternoon. meet/ar at Don't wnrlast wlatar's old duds when you an net • wanking new tWt at prices never before mooed. and of styles sever before seen at V. J. leidhanes, the peoples ctotker. ThM la the season of the Ivor for R ng and while yon are about t eall neon R.R- I1.►lsw••, and let him show you his magnifieeat display of laouldfegs for parlor pictures. At prices that caseet be bailee. Mies *blend's sprls( mitliaery Is now open for Inspctios sad she cordially invitee the ladies to glee bar a Bali. They wilt find the latest novelties 1s MtaMnwetassd trlmmlints Om a full nee of Wiser rammer undertone and hooter,. yNtl.tf A, FORTt-1NATtt fhwroYIIV.-A very short time ham been ow(acie,l to !trove l 1AtM• dee k W lI.wn% Soya/ G of Ile le • mealtime of more oetabli g� mei• it for the cure of ewghs. a�r+s tar'asi hnarsenera end Insipient _ -- name Indicates it oornblnes wring bad rrts seething pe.ttee of glycerine wkk tot weR- knnwe virtues et Fir Reliant and Y aldoeM MI? witM,nt an equal ter reefer these troub- les reahles for whit h alone It le led. The tale has evtcnd.d from one end of the Prey. Me. to the other it is sow for mate by druggists in God.rleh. Price Sar. per ho(t1.. Nim H. Rothwell was in town this week. Ade*. Dememy visited herr last week. Rennet ( Vie spent I :noel Friday in Clinton. A. Norris is .i.iting friends in Harriman. Mea (Dr.l Mamie, of Ember), was in town this week. Wm. Holman, of Seaferth, was in town last week. Mr /:en. R. Morra,nf (.ueIph,w.a in town this amok. Harry Pollock, of Tomato, vatted in town t31is week Mise D. HnP'hereme left last week for i)ewrer, Coley ado. M re T Define, of iwncknnw, was visiting in town this week. N r ,John Elliott, S. A., of Walkerton, spent the Ramer vaealion ie town. Mills Bello McLeod. of Ripley, who her R. S. WILLIAMS, Manager. John Kelly, of Blyth, visited his r,o be this week. \\',u. Attworll, of 14y -field, was in to this week. %V. Kelly u stinting at his house in Klyt this week. r Carrie Parson, of Detroit, span Easter in town. A. Robertson has taken a position a F. J. N'idham'.. THE SIGNALS GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY AI'RII.:l, 1891. 5 Appalallowed. A'al allowed with raeM. Cross- appeal dismissedwith coma, if it oucsas iued any ousts to the apoal!•nta that would not es lo have beincome( ►s the appeal ane. ti. H. Maks, lj,('., and (harrow, -Q. ('.,fur the h dnadaata 11.('., and M. l:. thaw= for t tiff. door. Bert $horsing, of Detroit, is m town. • MUMS Mww spent the Fwstet holidays la m mderich. Mir %% hasty, of Clinton, is visiting rola- tive in town. Mian Bell hes returned froma lengthy visit to (Iacono,wt Mr. J. Elwood, .4 Turto, was u town for Easter. Mr. Alf. (:reed and family, of Brantford, have taken up their modem:*iu town. • Jae an Reid, of Ikon, Lambton «runty, has arrived 1n town to take a position o4* the tug Seibold. Mr. and Mrs. Itrayley resumed onSatur- day to Tontine atter a visit to the hitter's parents, Mr. and Mrs %Wilkinson. Lashes, cleanyour kid gloves with Mello rs lilomay I'leaner, for sale ly b) John ,)chewdrafted,a. Ala., a full line of drafted an.l mein -sae 1 kid gloves in allthe aunt desirable re Blades. 02 -In wen Mr. \falter Hick, (:oderieh township, .4* %..Int slay brought to us a large butterfly, which h*.{ every . of being as h fully developed as it the 'session had toren two months later. Mr. Hick ev-ideutly t lives in the "Sunny South." Navigation is now open at this port. t The tugs Seibold, ('apt..Jas. Inkster, and 1 James Sillib, of Saltford, left Inst week for ' British Columbia. J. McIntosh and 1'. Jenkins bis for Detroit .n Wednesday. N'ddaas, of %Singhal», rialto.' his parents here theta week. Miss Atutir MCKitchie, of lhttroit, visiting frl.oIs 311 turn. Miss Se.phie Williams has returneiIssusas estetudel top to New York. John Naftel has purchased %Vine Asides house on the International farm. Percy H'ahon, Lindell, spent the faster holidays with hos parents :n town. .Kohn \'stutter, of THE SD; NAL stall. visit • c.) lu.. preutr, in Stratford, on 4.0.11 Friths). S Maloomsem, Ontario Rank, Aurora spent Faster holidays at his home in town. Harry Parsons, thank of tunimeree, Strat tori, spout the Faster holidays at his home in town. Ur. I:f.,. Nolle farewelied At tom Salve - tion Army tThr onto week, and lett for Thato qtr Tdmlay-. ('apt. Frame, of Wiartou, arivcl in town on Tuesday to month hu position as captain of the tug Joe's. Mr. V. A. Hosie .arrived h from (:eederieh for the Poster holidays last night. -Sarnia Observer. .Ise, ('oroper, wbo was .pending the winter in the Orkney Islands, Scotland, arrived her- on Wednesday. lh',•adia, ‘apt. John l raigie, were the first to move out, tin Wedneday they steamed out to the lake and set their nets. The tug ('Lucas, which hail been re- port, see launched from the island 00 Wednesday. E.yRTE.e tr-KS-les .1T ST. (: Low :E'.. The u Easter aerv-ice at St. I:s.,rge's church was such as to reflect credit uµ34* all vont-erlle.I. Rev. W. A. Young, the rector, delivered a, aIle senora Loth morning and evening. The cthO•nr, under the ltstderahip of Mr. I.towrling. 'e surpasses) i11 previous efforts as regards first - elute singing, anti deserves the highest praise. The church was appropriately detonated for the mention. Tilt (•..se:iy; .ATlo.5 see mirth.. Knox church coagregetion is n°w separated fnrm those of Inelnrrn and Union c ureh, .:ole rich township, the official announcement having lien mute M the rospective pulpits • last Sabbath. Rev, J. A. Anderson remains as the sok pastor of Knox church, and Mr. Andrew Neilly, who has jut timeliest his course w Knox College, Toronto, will 'apply inebarn rind C,1io1 church for the Mr. Hugh Dunlop, merchant tailor, was in Toronto this week getting the very latest pointers as to styles. Vm. McLaren, of \Garton, arrived in town on Tuewday to till the position of engineer of the trig Sea :ult. Mr. and Mrs Mi.nthnrne, of Toomntq, were in town this week visiting the litters par- ental. Mr. and Mrs C. Pretty. !. very enjoyable special musical service was rendered by the choir of North -m. Methodist church on Sunday evening. R Golden, of golden Valley, arrived in town bet Monday, haring secured a sittta- time with Mr. John ('raigie as boat -runner. it wore arnnnlg 10 see a Humber of shall boys quarreling over a copper that was fas- tened to the .i.iewalk .n \Gest -at. r4* .lot Fool's I lay. R. A. \Iat!teson 1.1t for Detroit last week, where he has secure) a situation till navigs. Don opens, when he will resume his peahen PA nate of the large SEL. Dr. M. Nicholson, the Westat. dentist, makes the of the natural teeth a specialty. (:as administered from 9 a. m. for the painless extraction of teeth. Messrs. .\. Seeger, C. toe, G. Allan, E. and 4,1 Gamow, A. Seaoorl, and J. Tattle returned to Woodstock College this week. 0. Problems, also left to take a course at the college. Mutein Chisholm, of TIIE !4n5 %I. staff. spent last Friday hunting in the forests of I oolhorne, he secured a gossl bag of cense, so much so that he had some difficulty in bringing it home. Rev. Geo. Richardson will deliver a ser- mon for sailors and fishermen in North -m. Methodist church .4* Sunday evening next. The pastor extends a cordial invitation to all seamen t., attend. On Thursday evening of Int week a tire bloke out in the residence of John Bunts, Arthur -stn, which was parsed by the Wallen over of a move. it was soon 1 and little damage was dose. As "ORA sex Asn 0 TEA." -Next Thurs- day the Lashes Aid of Victoria -at. Method- ist church intend giving an "Orange and 0 Tee.- This will be an interestiog occasion. All invited. For particulars sae ill... Mr. Wilmer %mith, of this town, hes se- cured a half intent in the ceiebrstel Millar Rro.drast Seed Sower, ,ranufarturel et Marion. Ind. ,which promises to be • useful article among our farming core sunity. tour nr Ar tor. -The board of audit, which is composed this year of Judge Tamm and Mr. H. Either, of C e.litas, onsets tallay office, at the Clerk of the Peace's oce, at 11 .clock, to audit the county and I:ontes- mrnt accounts Lteuere.r. -A meeting of the Junior Hu- ron lacrosse dub will be held is the Albion Hotel this (Friday) evening at eight o'clock for the purpose 0( or inning. As business costne•t.•l with the C. L. A. will he trans acted, a full attendance is requested. John C. Stewart was in inungannon hat week for the ppuarpnrr r4 secunng a purse which wr lost by Mise K. McDonald while going f.,m here to Lscknow on the stage. The purse was found) by Mr Dnrnin, of Dungannon. (ion. rtmve to Ripley rob Fri clay and handed over the purse to she owner. Tot Asstz*L--A heavy docket of crim Mesal mows will he brought in at the Spring Assize., ....impelling a caw of murder, one of rape. four of forgery of promissory notes, and each owe of cattle stealing and escape from custody. T mngh • typographical error TRE flies al. last week aennouncel that the Arises would April 1N. Mon- day. A rid 13th. is the correct data. P i-trr v. If T. R C.' The following in referenes to ahs ease appeared is the report of the pent - ending of the ( iiv-isioon, before Form sru, J., at (=Division, re- cently .Indgmrnt on appeal by the defendants and erns -appeal by the plaintiff from the report .4 the toaster at I:oaderich. The plaintiff claimed damages for breaches of covenant for tits and quiet en' t, and Prondfnot, J., who triol the mow, directed • rafaiwes to saeMa the ilanisemi for breach est the mrsimmaat ler title 312 0.R. at p. i56i. The emitter msaaatwd oke tiEts�• e at $17.666 O6. The learned judge �siia that the plaintiff is sal miNNIK M hat weak. (W' Sumo MOO, twilitessit Mite ' e• mem allowed by tbe revert A tires -earn. A`wt*,Lv. - The last asemldy) of the season was held in the town hall on Tuesday, and was beyond question the most sucoesstul of the series. Over tifty couple* were present, ani there war a repee entation front I'baton, Seatorth, Hen• mall, Loudon, Toronto, Lucknow, Myth, Port Elgin and other poison Everything went our weU, and the toilunittee of man- agement is to 1e• congratulated upon the answer/id close of the reason's "hops," RI',.RI!.e: THE SEA.n,o. -On Sunday last as A. Seager and P. Walton were crossing the ice between the piers it gave way around them and left then standing on a small Nock of the saute. Seeing that it would not hold both, A. Stanger, who is an excel- lent swimmer, jumped into the water and swam ashore, while i'ercy waited until • boat was launched from the pier to take him of last week we re.ortled a .Similar inci- dent, and it is our impression that the young anon are anxious t, see the swimming sea- son ernve. P)t.atRAtl or M&rnio,::. -_-The Sunday School Teachers' and Young People's Aliso- elation of Knot church has had printed at THE Su:.Il. job department's program of ith weekly meetings for the nine months of the year ending December 27th. The lu- ternatinnal Sunday nchoei tenons are taken _ up in their regular course at there meetings, which are held every Tuesday evening in the lecture room of the church at 7:30 00 - clock, and to which all are heartily wel- comed. Hoxoa Paths. --Following u the honor roll at the Separate School for the month of March : Sen. IV. - Loretto furry, Jae. Payne, John Tiygphe : jun. 1Y. Maggie i'ayne, Ellen Webb, ('has. 14110u -iv : sen. i11. -. Elkn Melkinald, Andrew Lynn, Maggie Lynn ; jun. III. - Edw. Tighe, : last Chisholm, Rosa t:allaggher, iklia Burns ; second -John McDonald, ll. I% ebb, Frank McBride, Kate Mclknagai : part sec. and Annie McDonald, Moon.. McBride, \f. Tighe. \eUie %Vidliamson. TRA AND E.TEATAttst.T. The Cadets of Temperance will give a supper and enter- tainment in the Temperance Halt On Fri- day, April 10th. A reel program of musi- cal and literary selections has been arrang ed. 'supper wall be served from 5:30 to 7:30 .'.Lock, and the eat will com- mence at 8 Admission, 25cta.: children under 12, 15cte. The proceeds will be de- voted to the purchasing of uniforms for the Cadets, and it is hope) that a large number will make it a point to be present. 0EPA•Ttn not BMMTI I( ('°I.r it RIA. -- Mr. Wm. McCallum left on Thursday for Britiak Columbia, where he will 'pin his father, who went thither a few weeks ago and who now holds a good position in the Vamoouver electric light and street rwiiway works The corporation in now advertising for an en ,neer for the waterworks anal electric light plant herr, while they might have mar the expense by hiring Mr. NV. !,•Callum. who was both willing sod com- petent to fill the position had his salary been slightly increased. A EoTERTAt.)IEoT. -_ The Epworth League of Victoria -et Methodat church held their first openmusi.al and liter - sty entertainment since their recent organise - taco on Monday evening. They ha.l afine audi• ence, the body of the church heinv well filled. To ns:ne those worthy of praise we would be compelled to reprint the entire pengram. Rev. Mr. Hutt.n remarked, in moving a rote of thanks, that they had o1.1 favorites se well as new, and it was hoped the new would frequently be heard at en- . 'A in the future. Somehow Ren. Mr. Hutto has a happy ferret of making all gatherings in his church • success. Lour 1. THE oarsT, We imagined the day for getting lost in the woods of Huron county hal become a thing of the past, lint, nevertheless, such an occurrence happened Colborne township on (nn4 Fridaa. la (' young two from near town went hunting, and succeeded in getting • fine keg of game. He was in the heart of ole hush, and day light was on the wane before he thought of returning hone. A. the night ad'-auwl the darkness heaths* interne and the maid young man plodded nu, as he imagined, toward hone, hot when • waning was meekest and Pertain landnuteks came to view he diarov enol that he had been going the wring way. It was threw ,,'eloek Satonlay morning be- fore he reached hewn, and we premume it will he mom* tinge before he gore hunting rypd•. Oam-sev. Thaw departed this lifene Lbw hook of .AHI' i 811101• of two we.ka,u the 1aps of *Ur Quail Col Mott awEri�, t1Mq . _ ti.i mad Rhyme, .ad sham of our towaarsaa Wm. Mynas, ('apt- 'Robert Rhythm, of Detroit aro Mrs. savage, d `eruia oohs was mar Tied to Mr. Morns some Iwisely-nine years age and 3..vr • family .4 three suns and our daughter, the eldest anus, nor of Hudak., being 27 years of age, the youngest 13, and her daughter 1b. Her death u the second brink in the Meng bas of the family reunion which mei un Colborne township on the 23rd of August lam year to celebrate the 80th .nuivereary of John Morris, the pioneer of the Lown ship. The other death was that of the lamented Mrs. Haney Howell..( Radii. N. Y., formerly of 1 :uslecich. The 1utters! of Mrs Kenneth Morrie took pkwy Irma the family resideri.•e to Colborne cemetery, and the rites were performed by Rev. E. A. Fear, of Nile church. ('apt. Kobt, Rhynaa, of Detroit, and Mrs. Savage, e4 Sanas, were up to .ttteud the funeral. An exemplary *003013 and detoteal wife and mother las leaved to her reward. A. (Its Est mels+01:11 BI- s3Ior t'.1.1,8 NEN M.'A.:113E.T. This week while T... S 1,0 11. was moving around looking for craw feature. W present to our read ere, we dropped into the busins establish- ment of .licck Sounders, and 1 i that the retire premises had been re ate, from mein to stern, as the say)ing is. The rain- ing And painting were 'l'.ne by E. K. Cat. eon, and it isn't oreoweary to state that an A 1 job ie the result, the codon in each de- partment being suited to the suck carried. Stained glass windows have been added to the office, which has been enlarged, 0114 a telephone h.a been put in for quicker communir•ation with the many cus- tomers of the house. Established original- ly by ,1... Saunders In 1863, the Lusitiess continued to grow, 011.1 when, enure ten years ago. "Aleck" was taken into partner ship and the large edifice op West-st. was ppuur.,haeol the improvement 111 'nisi thee became even more apparent. Io fact, so extensive had the business become that this year it was found neeee•.ry to diode 0, anal tht senior p.trtner went out of the fine. taking with Ilii fancy gosis, jewels)', etc.. leaving Aleck w-i.iomiuct 01.e old business of the firm, where plum.ling, heating and .beet -iron work are tie keeling lines, and where u.lr, a hill stock of doves, tinware and honae furnishings such as ix ear- ned by metropolitan houses in the sans linea The military plumbing and heating department is under the management 01 Jame. Church, S. K. a registered !member of the New fork and Toronto PlumberPlumbers'so Association, and for a number of years a member of of the Toronto Board of Examiner. of the Plumbers; Association. The ihewt metal department is to charge of Jane. Price, an old I:oderich boy, who Peale to these alio have ha•d experience in his handiwork. Wee. \% bite!). is clerk sod book keeper. The regular staff is seven, 'the are employed all the year round, and when occasion requires the staff is augment- ed W snit the conditions. The whole is personalunder the personal . 'i , .. .. of the proprietor, "Aleck" Sounders, also a (:ode - rich boy, who has erected nearly all the heating and plumbing plants in town, nota- bly that of the new government building, both plumbing and heating baying been done under his - . He believes in doing first cont work, and engage, only the heat workmen. In addi:inn to lifting pro- ve in his own business, he long ago discovered the benefits of advertising Ito that "his light would shine," end his ex- penence has ions -meal him so clearly of the benefits of printers' ink as an auxiliary of good work that on the 2nd inst. he closed a contract with THE Swt:s.*L for the largest rlyadvertisingcontract ever entered into .y• a Waimea* !man with any newspaper in nt Huron(ouy. Afew more Aleck Saunders, nr men of his past. and . nrrg} would nuke the old town "hsrose," lnenm as the e," front • business standpoint. Thoma, Bissett and James \Cestcot.t, who have l.eenspemling the winter at Exeter, left on Monday morning last for their te- spe tive farms in Manitoba. the former for Clearwater and the latter for Douglas. Mr. Westcott took with him a number of house- hold utensils' His fancily will follow about the 2nd of this month. MASSACRE OF MANIPUR. CONFIRMATION OF THE NEWS WITH DETAILS OF THE FIGHT. !bit»h smelters ttlanthter.d-Iam,aat As clow on the Part et the ((.roes.,. Geo•ral to Punish the Tribesman - some t"nets( oncoming Mawlpwr. NEW SPRING (HODS. We have received a large por- tion of oar stock of spring goods, and respectfully call your special attention to our stock of Pring and Satl•ens. These goals we are show- ing in the newest patterns ar..l coloring*. Good dress patterns as low as he. per yard ; better goods at 10, 123, 13, 20 and lie, if you want a print or sateen dress buy where you can get the best assort- ment and the best value, and buy early before the choicest patterns an.! colorings are sold. We shall be pleased to ,how you our stock. J. A. REID & SRO. Jordan's Moot. Goelerich, March 12th, 13123. Tent resultto result uu a funnier additloa to tis • ms,, H British lu lis, bringing tri Hnti.h 1; uptre is closer Kouta, t with the ('hineve fronti.'r. Mannose, although a.ljsceot to Asses, in loo !.ort of ,bat province: it is .an audepen tent t tate, ruled by a Rajah, who pays uc trii,u10 V. the liritt.b and who exercises at - solute power wildtht his borders, ex •'pt tare privilege of making war. The state a as independent aa the great native kingdom. of Plydersbetd, liwalior and Inlora. It is situ- ated ou :he corner betwesu nue two tea pm- - - duc:mg,l..tri aofA.aatnaud (lastl".r. The gr•at••r part is tableland -no riehor soli in tb.-wurbl. as the tea -planters know emit Ther i, no .1 .ubt that this disturbance wi4 give the t'ieero.; of India the oppor- tunity to murex Mau:pur, repeating the pro. omeliugs of Lord U,li,ouui(' in nude and Lod Du.Toriu iu Rutin/tit The tribe, who attacked :be yrommissibnrr s ramp Wee probably Nagai, who g.t)o a. much trowWe on that fro:atier wow year* ago. It is altogether improbable that the llaairons ttelmsclvo,. were 31uotb,. Tbey hire ou the veins of the i,.Me laud. have al- _ on:', been friend', of the planter., grow their own cotton and indigo, and nn'wl the floes' pouter in the world. Slanlpur is the blrthplaee of pyi2.and their players !1al.1 al- ways lento the ruck Calcutta tennis *be• - ever they have met. The Hlebl sndere ear lana. The 17i) tioorkbas probably died bird. The tnx.rkha is tot Highlander o4 India. His home is in the mountatn*. of N••pau1, and his trate and only joy are lighting- Yeah ago the English troops bed a bard fl,rit with Nepali!, and the worth of the foe was recognized and. (loorkba regiments were Pais d as soon as the produce had submitted. At no titer has there been any lack of re - crofts,. tilt amen being only too gtn•I to enlist; and quite lately five new regim tuts were rased. a Lee 'y of the recital/tits arts at A11:1oral, N.,rt rn Retired, trod mit bag ago there was a curious meeting between the 1'_nd fiigb1-..,dor.Itbe lEocl. Watch) tun; the bl..eker watch of the Himalayan passes No fell --we got on better together. Tne often are short averaging -'. feet 3 incbw, thick set, of a 4-.•p hn.wI completion, bet with merry (aIem that., ah0 w tsapdetermina- tion when the natter in consideration is a Debt. Their uniforms er blue serge with rvl' pipitrg for the coat and trousers a:.,1 a small round cap vita a 404 ber..l and the 6umber of the rezimeht They are armed with .bort rifles and carry the '.•r,k.rie."(! curved sword pe•'u5ar to the trues, wt.:ch H always kept as sharp as a raz •r and with which at close quer:co l they .10 tsrr1L:. work. The (iontei is regitu..3t• have ninny, done good service. To _ id Re$nn'ut, that was with Geneatl Sir Fral•r,.'k }b'barts' tor: a that hc..1 the 3hen.ur lines outside Cabal to 1.7:1, .area t...• day in tb•, princip,l fi4bt that took pia- in the hinter month*. The whits troops were vise* with an unat•Mr')tilde' p:.n.e nett attetuptiue to drivC tae: the enemy, whitey had becwn, un•,ro s;y'rwaive that wns eluant. The tioorkb:fi stood aro: .e ul cbergral the e..erar, che..iag the advance, and with the aid of the mei& w'h., b.ol t •t. eate4, Iutta dvaueerl again °wick; to the ..1 ex.:u3ae of the 2nd It ,im 01, .tx*n soot l'at!w:'. •baa. anti Dervish scuttling Renee the anowcovcred plain. The G••. rlh:s had Laken uo prisoner, but every orads keekerie had re - its .clpti.m of blend. No kooY"ria s tlee yh1 m.:c:1 .4 until it bas leen whetted with ube 1.31++1 of an enemy. Later accounts w►11 prntnbly allow that the fhoorknas sold their lone dearly. At Manipur they were fI .t,ng rigouts: the htgblauderttot Amain and were ,wetly outnunthered, SIYL.t. April I. -A torero( O)J (ioorkbs., and Cowley's miring detachmeut have ar- rived at Lakhipur n the direct route from _ Sllchor to Manipur. 1t is believed all the members of Chief C. oluinton's staff are safe with the exception of Mr. 7 The ViceroyJ1 , 111. Marquis of Lansdowne, is hurrying troops into Assam to punish the bostils Reinforcemeelta are also being sent into the state located In proximity to Assam, in outer to prevent any possible dis- order or warlike outbreak which it a thought .night follow the spoon ling of the - news of the msrare of the British troop at Manipur. only Themselves to atom.. l.nxoret, April 1. -The mar, referring to the alaugbtnr of the (ioorkha troops in As sem, sets the Rrltfnh l'. have only tbeteeders to blame for this deplorable catastrophe. Trey should not have meddled with the nuesti-*s of the deposition of the Rajah of Manipur, which was the result of a quarrel between tribal chiefs Lord Lansdowne, Viceroy of India, has eat/4d to the Government that the Indian fortes are •ttundantly able to ,teal with obs rebellion at Manipur without the aid of ad- ditional troops. During the program of the mutiny. despite the utmost desperation of the fighting, haw bands invariably kept a loadwf pht,3 111 re- serve to mars their wives f-om'Wllnor at tbe hands of Asir Sendah simulants. The disaster is rsoogniaed by illi"ary au - Warlike bene as the result of • plunder. Tarn mistakes of vital rbarer Smiled the expedition The fart that the ammunition ran out after a couple of day. fighting only shows that proper pro- vfdon had not been Woade for possible *xi- gmce The as000d blunder wee the advance of such • small fore* without support. t'AIA-Urte. April I. -It is officially an- nounced that Mn. (Irinne004, with of F. R. Grimwood, the British polities! egret at Manipur, the somas of tbm naiad mama.rrs of the British troops, la eaenpaay with Leot*s- mota (birdies, Bo(1114 Rne.b, B•teber, gard and Calvert, has arrival safety at Mani- pur Crowley's detachment, a another of other British olsoars who wars insular - Gusty raptured by the rebels .r. held as yeomen iso Maniere 11 .ttlaughstr et sae OMB, C ., . ate, eetti 118 000$ f. pallor H alma Irenring the soft Iwp.atehwaeets. \Ci'ttttrs:. kueil 1. --Thor' wen an excite meg .on., m ton Insislature to -4 iy during en..-3..ttt..rney-Geo•'ra1 %irtln an I Pn•mier lir..•nwny ,3.:,.•.l they had. as teetitlwl in 111,4 -hut, .-..31x..1 MC'I othor "man without (At-- ,.• h.•art" and "colonel liar." THE MARKETS. BREADSTUFFS AND PROVISIONS. s:.derree Priers. 000z*IwH, April 2, 1881. Fall Wheat.. .. .. 91 XI to 1 03 "print Wheat ......... ' .... 1 6. 10 1 01 Flour .. S10 10 R 00 13borta,1 ewt 1 en to I O) Hewn. 11 ' wt.. ... .......... •*Ito • SO Screeal g• .1icwt_ a N to a 90 Chopped need Wheat V Cwi1 !S fo 12. Oats. 1 bulk 0 SO to U st Pea., wbeim_ . . ..........• :s to all Barley. F bush « - 0 M l0 a .VI Hay. lr non • N to R 50 Potato's, w hot 9 4 $too St Apples10utter. 9 bash. a• ote; le fresh eapaehei, l ilea • 1! u 012 ( N Weed Nerd • ii toMO N *Mies -,. 3 N to 3 00 Sheepskins0'.........,.. J , S to 1 NI Dressed Reflt, 1 out . $ fa to S 30 Pella ..... ....... ,. 0 W to 0 on April 31, INN. riser•run w.It toms Is ?Iris( (Haatr►sy 00 to mete sa N1 to 0 An • t$ *00 53 twines*.(seesal »sean,.sees 1S0ro330 atoll 30 13 to 0 1A .... 13 to • SS wwp�............ ::.: 1p107 M Mtn/ N ••••••• •• •••••• ..... ••NInON atICA '11.1111 BANK OF MONTREAL. CAPITAL, REST, - A Saving Department Inas been necliou with this branch. Interest allowed at current rates. G EO• DR UMMOND, Manager Galeria Brauch. POTATOES ! } POTATOES ! POTATOES t t 2,000,000. 6,0oo,000. (t('/Md 1Il con- A Tri. .t *fres. POW DALaut'aOg, April 1. -?.re eariy this uwa'arttg totally J wtroy.1 a t .Vo -story train. bw1Jwj 04 eel by J. J. 1),al.».t, m••r cbsat iaau, , and u yup:et by hi.ase.i awl it r tui t1SC131 story by :i -, iu sur 1.. 14., N.J. 21:, 4.r. 0'31 4.M.. an 1 also an a tjotuing two-story grease iud.ling owned an 1 uccs- p.i d by 0.707 .harp as a r.., !ince anal rata.' 1ra5ry. lltMC)C, Aril 1.-11*-ly tits .n )'ata; 14 rens ease of Jamie Tn.szops n1 was entire y dc,:royed by 3315, top:leer ado ell its c 1.1r tau:... del }$JO; irt'sre l i, Yeo ri •4 730311! for •Jl1 C5*.', iloriet'ire en do1 r. luta,: RIvirtt. Agra l. -rue tnrta ase• cola. Slops sad foundry °wtl_rd. by It »florin Jt emapaay were burue 1 tad night. Then ',an iMtronr, of $7) s) oa the boletu & ' Venule E.abe.t to 1 to title orate, :tie nt-i': u, %'t., .t,iri1 1.- :':.-..:r ill (hewn ig won wore low 4vats gee, bis ,Miami r 'rbu:nus WHliatus of h:uruuav •d. Vt.. whc w-airaanx.d:e1 by three law is Albany • few Sights •4 ., dir.l last night ut Lisseipi'-iwt An nutvsy rovetl:'3 a tit .uferraL• lasir.,1•ktd fu the brsh' for ab nut tine ::rz..0a. 1) it. o: bit 1btIt*tTnT Olio' hay 300. ttor *Tar"(. I . •Ii'17i- td tont \ub a•. u•ni,rale at ibo ti:an of toe atu.rt-s imI alel a: his h.ea.e the nor brmla wan mesal wit LIli i ferrule ,using. I took Cold. I took Sick, I TOOK RFSUL1 . I take toke lit3r Rivals, AND 1 AV VIGOROUS ENOUGH BTOeTAKE ANYTHING I CAN LAY YY HANDS ON; Saw Sat too, FOR Scott's Emulsion of Pu Cod Iver Oil and HypophosphhtesofLimeand Soda NOT ONLY CURED MY 1Inlrlpr sent Consumption HUT 1U1LT lit UP, AND IS NOW PUTTING FLESH ON MY BONES AT THE RATE Or A POUND A DAY. 1 TAKE IT JUST AS EASILY AS !DO 1111.9." aoott'. Emulsion le pat up Only In Salmon calor wrappers. Bold by all Druggists at Seeand el.N. SCOTT 8' BOWNE, Belleville. IJRWILLIAM r If�K ILLS E PLE RE NOT • Pur- ,Lamuve Medi- cine. They are • Stooptoon helixes, T.,.ic and Hrcon- eranrTna... they supply in a condensed form the substances welly ueedeal toen- 3cb the Ithied, ruriug diseases coming 1001 Poen and WILT - RT Rue,n, or from rna'RD Hennas In 1*woo, and also non/orate and BUMP the Storm and Stares, when broken down by overwork. meatal worry. disease, excesses and indiscre- tions. They have a Srxrtno Aceloe on Srxi•At. RTA: res of men 0nil women, toring ,.ose vtooa and correcting all r1111rO LAaTraa arid EyEaj N wise !dbis trentnl !seor ulties Ao1nll or railing, bis leis powers flawing. should take the.. MA Pmts. They win restore his lost energies, both Physical and mental. EVERY WOMAN should take them. They rare al) sup- pressions uppressions and Irregularities. which Inevitably entail sickness when neglected. should take three Pitts.They will cure tbe eco- system ..3 yuuthful lead habit., and strengthen the system YOUNe melte em WOMEN° :moi For male by .11 druggists. er will be sent upon s,0eipt of pries (50e per box). by addressing TSS Da. WILLIAxi• JItKA. CO. Brockvil3, Ont OUNe MEN - P1So'S _: ,, R E FOR THE BEST COUGH MEDICINE. MILD IT nouns tvuTwittia Nc iMPT10N it covers the ground -the B. & C. corset. It is perfect in shape and fit, is boned with Kabo, which will not break nor roll up, and if you are not satisfied, after wearing it two or three weeks, return it and get your money. ASK YOUR 1)Rl' (00194 DEALER Ft)R THRSiE (OR41:T,. a• seeots�k. he Aa•w r V!s•► bt .e• AM. •Ai,., .sr. a.air. r r«' 11..4.3). CNaae s win. :w ••• .11..1.11 H.M•t nee skiONay anon w.ri..e wMo rtea.w NEW YORK RURAL, No. 2, BADGER STATE, EARLY PURITAN, F.Jtrllcst sod heat grown, at BURROWS', Tho �r.•.lsln.,n,' iLc.uaton +t. 01.91 MISS CAMERON Wishes to announce to her many customers and the ladies generally that she has completed her spring pur- chases, and as a result has the most elegant display of all the newest things in the Millinery line, amongst which are the handsome new shades, Corn Flower Blue, Steel and Pearl besides an unequalled dis- play of Flowers, Feathers, etc., etc. All are cordially invited to call and see the display of novelties for this season. MISS CAMERON. Z112 -2m -ENTit.t V.ILIIN- TEAS AU SUGARS ---For tis. • '- -..o Necks at -- ED. CAMPAIGNE'S, ('or. Slu::t:. a: -et. and square, Telephone Connection. The TORONTO IIOUSE LE AI) Ii''•T DRI GOODS E1PORIUI. Latest and Best SPRING C000SI •,.a On air w. P. O'DEA, Manager. PLANING MILL ES 1-131131110 1D56. Buchanan & Son, ,' .. T1' MINA BASH, DOOR and BLIND, los '• • 11 all kinds of LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES And IaYlder'. ,.,ao,•r;at of every dsserfpslow hiniture a Svecialt!. 1