The Signal, 1891-4-3, Page 3ON gins. Lrpet, u rtai ns, ENS SON. E PZITVMl�. ISM TA.IILT1'. � pR oz. BCit(PT1ON at all hosts. see nor. Lowest GOODE n-. enugtt s M: n attre dinner on him in the f yf 0011. Think I.wt converted, k4 me take my In' besides, ill • pmt, sweet po it like a ole- in view of yo t down his rifle. lamed it I ain't THE SIGNAL: GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, APRIL 3, 101. The Great Remedy CATARRH. $RUGXANSIA --1. Warranted A SURE GURE 1 SOLO !MALL DRUGGISTS. K J K. GORE. Sete Patentee sad GOUkP t. ONT SEND It Ise stamp, Ia=ei%/ataj b.s. sad we at �selaam the elegant watt* pan ran eassaasteeed nd yde siteswe dalmsfor IMT T11(tEeR, ger the year 01111 tradi 12E each a absaee to emeay. a as= bear mice b if weer be. ..d1. met The are with 'combosk e. wo wares if t aa amental.time• .tapable ter either a Loy sr . • w. a ansa, Ins da• SEND U8 =1e tes=1=:t nese will send you 8.111111111111 NMI, MD MB RU DMTbs.* rinds _ wars hy peau btu ace sty. and have the ielaat M �. w. mitt tri. Jew•11.rn A PATENTS! CAVEATS, TF.AOE SINS AND CIPTAII1TS obtained. and .11 business in the C. S. Patent there attended to at MO1,RR4TZ PSLkS. Our o10ce ,s ..p.;r.wlle it.' C. P1. Parrot Of• Iles, and we .ear "boon 1',.Ients in leer time than those ern.., a frond 11 ASHIM; TOA. +end MOI.KI. uR DR.l WI ATI. We at vn.e u to pateui.b.letss free of charge ; and ser make NO I lIARG8 U.SLROO IFIL ult. T.I,.v PA rx.vr. We refer,here. to the Poe. master. for Rept. of Mondryn1-- D..„ and to obrlals of tlse *'. P1. Patent d,dIoe. Pur circular. advt. e terms and Wert -eons to actual clients it. Yout ow• !Nate or County. write to If A axew A ('e.. I etp.;lte Palest Ones. W a.b n ugtoo. D. C st 1,s Jr .ANDS MILO : t Alpine PI per awe. line �wln era.l1h .t.:,-- SUMME CO MP1.AiNTS KIT.EPABOTTLE IN THE HOUSE. a -.;late .-.. � `�,!"_'la! i ..• t SOLD BY ALL r,Lm'.E/1S. The PeeelNea .1 dl.d..Iea 1. allied4.600, sad we rubedo ay at boil ensbtl ore L ted with seas age** as the Threat sad Laap, as them o aaphimle aha, scooting to statistics, rare' awroas them ethers. We west advise all ear r. i. ant to ati1.I* the oppartatit to van es their druggist mad get • of K.mp's Dolmas far the Throat and Ls.p Trial pia. Pea large Bettie 6e sod �1. Sold by all druggi.l.. 2 -.taw ANTICS OF THE RED ANT. eke Lassie treasure. basaaSr te Wider she [tweet rw. us saws_1 The followtag .tory, told by Lal eye alt. us, is entitled to • place among the in - .t. ncee of intelligence fume% the tower animals_ A cook was much annoyed to tind her pantry shelves attacked by .m1. By care fu1 watching it was diswveTed they came out twice • day in search of food, at about 7 in the morning and 4 in the afternoon. How were the pies to 1.e protected against the invaders' A feasible plan weaned to be to put a circle of niobium mm around • pre. At 6.50 o'clock she noticed that off in the lett handl caber of the pantry was • !toe of ants slowly maims their way in the direction of the pies : they gamed like • vast army mating forth to attack the mercy. In front was • leader, who was larger than any of the others, ant who always kept • little ahead of his troo 'rimy were of the .0,1 known as tue liu,.- s.aesl rad ant, which is regards :as the nho.t intelligent of its kind, whose scientific name is fermium tuba. About forty auts out alive hundred step- pe.) out and joined the leader. The general .in. his aids held a council anal then pr• - ceeoted to examine the circle of 'messes. 1'ertam portions of it_ seemed to be est": to the ,idferent ants, anal each elected un erringly the point in the section under his .•Aur};•• ernere the stream of molasses was nen one-•.. Then his tout of inspection. The order a mal c•1 was given, and the arta all nide their way to a hole in the wall at which the ptutering WAS Here they broke rank, and wet about carrying pieces of plater to the pla..-es in the molasses whit haft been agreed ups as the narrowest. T.. and pro they went from the tail Lola to the molasses, until at 11.30 o'clock they had thr..Wo a bridge ser M. They hal formed themselves in line again and narehe.t over, and by 11.46 every ant was a a: n; pie. Uoderich Steam Boiler Werke ,Ltahlished 1150. Chrystal & Black. SECOND HIND IICHINERY n Stock For Sale: 1 50 -horse -power u p r i g ht boiler, all complete. 1 6 -horse -power upright boiler and engine. 1 6 -horse -power engine. 1 48 -horse -power horisontal boiler, complete. 1 50 -horse -power slide valve engine, all oomplete. The above Eames bssn thorough- ly overhauled sod irerrented iD inriiSoondicion. Reedy tor &MIsr, and Will be Skil WIWI wO rseelve prisms •tlssee . +L,ane. IlL again pailline r demle4 a P.O. SOX Nil. THE FARMER'S CORNER OSM:RVATI0N8 WORTHY OV NOTE IPI CANADIAN AAIMCULTU S?s. A lae.eripttea.1 That Meer 2•6••w••.1 • Reese'. Meek Ammo es !acme Sp• - vim tu.•ar•t.d. wish Addeo Weems rgarr.at Authorities Ablest its 0..-.. A must serious diesels of the bane% bock a sputa, of whirls the. are ••0i•al vari- eties. knows as hog rlrvbt, hose envie and emelt •pawls. The latter is .o aimed be- ams these e se pereeptibie ealarsenn•st on or abut Sheba*. A bats upside b a swelling or busy tumor titrated upon the lower and lamer part of the hock joist, as .town by Fig. 1 In the Seat cut Fig. m represents the laser side at the boos of the hock italicised with • movie of long standing. 7h• shirk portion represiste the 01111000•1115 deposit, which bas become as bud and Mm as the shirr bone !Wil Fig. 3 represents • skin bane baring err a.m.urs deposit upon its heed sed us the bear side. Whoa the busy adargement le high aLn uph ohm It om produces incur- ensia In the second but P. 1 represents the natural politico of a mound hock whin the animal b In motion. Fig. 2 shows the politics of the hock and foot when the atter is brought to the ground in VARIOUS MILS= 00 DONS mr►t10. . action. Hparan is .uppused to be one of the hereditary diseases banded down from mire or duo to offering. This may not W strictly trim. writes • veterinary surgeon in American Cultivator. Yet in hoe teals it is doubtless correct. fur while the diseased bock itself may not he transmitted, yet the form of bock now liable to be affected by .pavan, if p ommed by either mire or dam, is liable to reappear in the pr..- geny. Shalt narrow hocks are much tom liable to suffer from level thea kung. aide wedge shaped ones. a fact which young breed.s dap remsetber to their advantage when selesibil their stork. The a mill! t advised by Stonehedge a nae* em limb to .tete the inAanuna- pita_ .baurp ion of the new growth. Prior the adoption of any plan the joint should be tasted. *e outer heel of the shoe should 1e lowered, the corn should be taken away, and the system cooled by treatment After these precautions are taken, the next thing SW decide upon the remedies which will be spited to the der. They consist in: (It Blisters, wbk.h have a temdeocy to dense ab.usption; I2) firing; t:%1 aetooa, with or wttb- out eubcut.oerts scarification; NI division of the nerve. WolffsACMEBlacking _EATS the World. It 1s the Best HARNESS DRESSING The BEST for Men's Boots " " Ladies' " - Children's " 411501.rrrrY WATERPROOF. SOFTSNS Leather 0.... • •» r•" •. trods end after ... J for ro+r.•.•.. ••••••••• rim p. al r+..h. 0 .,1.. lie imd•0w.a mad seal .mail team re. ever rm.Taw 1..o. 1.. ewes a•d ..is milk a dest- ine tr.••b M. ewe nee ter 11 3s-.••• r•rr Oardl.IL..r .•1.d hard as .of.... ..r1 .1.wnd .et .pear* foo.0L�pt0n�e..n.�lhp,,a. .,r •••• �.L r It deddrea Weide k r Ornade. lw Kira mt W« TerenteeOes B. B. B. Burdock Blood Bitters Is a purely vegefahle eompoond. wasseslsg perfect regulating pawersover all the orgasm ohe f tsystem, and aootrollwg their mow them- It mo purifies the blood that it CURES An Woad hansom and dismiss. flea . am - mos patrio to the worst .in1.I assusS bad e Meed andweabinedpi 1b e nssdieas of *10.11 . Mims, bowie sed , reader it aNgmsiel ss s ewe Ise O d the Si SKIN rens am to two bottles will este bees. sad ell lis es** Immo of .kL PAM two* War benne will ewe ealtrlam lineseem�tE.rebem+m' all •.lein ai. Ain - DISEASES is .onsiabl- DWI ..loam m fro DISEASES fire nearly alway.vaW by latearabIS but this [abetter on Ib rem.val of the disease by B.B.B. Paesl0 is b pave yet egt, bo tLawersJsad sash ss owelli SCROFULA We bare wdosbad peed that fres Saes to els betties awl later. llyseed wisea41 Nn .1 It the skis a ld e M -Mud parte, will sleet a emm p� meow of B. B. B. is to rspLM bb. low. Whiny.. bowels and Wood. to need walk and mese alien et the eiemaa4 td to epee the ways of the system to ear= •n sagged tad event .ems . seem tale b aid Ndrvmy sad noon Id BAD BLOOD Liver amplest. boissISISIltiMilikAsk Iyh"tn �ewd.r= Um, Idioms. rw wary ens B. B. B. ramtirsipmen dlsm4Yfid akar wing r m wadi wris.11le Nbb.f Sq • 1es11mwials meiWs i M 1wraaeNlem err, •..GCarole i the sheet diees is slint to T. WOMB II OD. Tomills. Ole SHOWINo rOmrtoss 01 SOt*D d Russell says *het bone spavin may be removed by an early application of the pro- per remedies. in its incipient state it may be discovered by an unusual beat or tender- ness on the inner side of the bock joint, ac- companied with a touch of lanieneas. At this period Russell s-uggesll a blister, but whim of long standing its rurall, to apply actual cautery. This l.41.e opera- tku, however, must not be performed while any inflammation remains. The horse must Ile turned loose and given ted fora consider- able time. t 51 -..awl a tis sea the soma we mw Sada aad drew ..phisiamboald ram be .sial .d.. they •ninny and it. 716 OM ►a aseertala- fear the hid with the super. If 1t l sabot so water a w•sbd, bet If dry than water will help Iy pieala the avary. aims thee lowers .sed wearing is three tree • walk 1a aaaama tied ebbe% and every day a spring and tttanussr, giveg Ply (eery time. and alluvia( N to res away entirely (ren the polar, so that the pots may .ever nand in ft. Th. water used .b,uld be either rain or river water It it must come tram the .plug us pump s• abould stand is the air a day or tw., blue. limas h the ,tests need to be .mamboed ,.vwstear1y to s if the pots are tuil of ruo(m. It this as the cam and the plants are worth it, some udw .UB sbuskl be obtained, ad the plants flitted beta Pule a des larges. It not eluted tory will squire more water b. this tate and it should In gives to them efts Three are gleaml take which apply to unsay and the plants kept in the window gardeu, but mps•tfie ruin are required for u w 1a1 plants. Mentes! nal !rein. dtmotherisg • plant is not protecting it. Boapeu ds is . good wash for the steely item tl in the timber lot and cut Only such Ven as will be no bretter. lettuce will grow in the open air at this arm L' sheltered by a fence on the north. and the pant fate the south. How sheik* crop..( peas early if you want them before the medium varieties creme in. The dwarfs are tie earliest. The standard runners. which require sticking, are the higb- o. t -savored. Fara FI IIid Mere*. Hoa W. R genions, .rmtary of the Maiacba stts Board of Agriculture. in a re- test estest address before an institute said that among farm ktmdra/ices, which are many. are We decline in the p roductiveoesa of *he nal, the Lek of adaptation or the individu- ality of meq and want of faith sad energy nu the part of tha farmer. Farmer. are not today in a warns condition than their fath- ers. Those outside of the farming clam ham set the stye of living. alt the farmer's family d the preset wants more than that of the past, while the returns of the farm bare not cewrs•poodingly increased. Much of the present depressing coodkMn d agri- culture is doe to the overwhelming competi- dom at the West We have wasted oar patrimony to our own detriment Only rail- roads and speculators have bean benefited. W. Mall mon have so surplus products to send abroad; we do not now export (net 10 per cent In aft intimate it at Ave years--answumptlos win equal pr - durtios. Henceforward we ball have • home market for eveytWng, and may be �to mrd the n.cmerry espplle. Or i a( ss4•.upport Sem fa the hneassd p oisotlesems d the moil. harem in the •sID draped mach span the individuality of thebrmas. Dairying is the most promis- ing stores of manure far the improvement a the moil The manure of the animal Is worth os►W1 the eat albs food bd. 71s shots .m in the best madam far pant feet The sib assess Is as an aid In my- =6"rth* were and reducing the colt at itoeem.e dews& more upon the soma robe Spon the baadmin /Im e is no mei road to samosa 11 ttomm largely Ono♦ pith sad psswrersaee, gelded by good Jedgme tit Tha man who seamen must Omwughly baa W bminmm and sarictly =dab 11 lhemlag b we sweetie. to the srmsbal filo. Tis amaa1ry must urea& the vireos which mat burial■ the nodes. Farm Notes. It is tet tweeters t, have your barn en located that you will catch the drainage of it The needs of thi. country are throe: First, education; the ...nod Is more ednda- tiou. the third is like unto the first acid second. Clean culture doss not apply to the time ellen the crops are growing only. but in- peded n:.;. Not only should the ground be plowed early, but the work - held be thorough, the harrow bang lira '.utnl the soil is very. floe Dr. Collier of :few York Erper.ment Sta- tion is authority for the etatemeut that a saving of one tent . day- item the dairy claws of New York 1. over 1n,asi,I1ld • year. Tht. .:Nfw. the (if a.vn.rmy in feeding. The waste on farms is the beeriest bei in agriculture. Liv. -Stork Nota. Fesd the hewn cora at night. It is with animals as with planta, crowding; t hem 1.11J1111311 beuth and production. A spirited borne may ens be mak skew ..1 spiritless by constant nagging, twitch - „ fi(i; the lines, peevish urging. and ninny- ber wearing pro elms that fretful driven I:. vent and practSce- A Bock will never have it I 1 by hap -hazard breeding. When men can make money without tier slightest expem.L- tors. except in thought and care -as they mu by judicious breeding -and don't do it. tl is that they don't want to make utousy. 1t is the bale( of many farmer's that peri -cis of severe cold pmokag the period of votatiou 10 all animals, and especially if the c4.loccurs towards tot latter part of the tints the tette is Icing carried. The present mild winter would be a good time to verify this idea. All careful farmers have some record of the time their stock is mated, and it the theory M true. the young should this sermon be farrowed somewhat earlier than ural. Perhaps as much or more may de- pend ups Nehru succulent. relaxin;; fords o. upon the weather iu shortening 'he time and in making the labor in farrowing more ••a,re and sate. If foci and drink were warm - for sows and mUcti caws before deliver- ing their young, fewer babe would result ore .f Nees. rIrmo. Thee tee two r three raise which nee should leo le mid a keeping pants Is tis waste grin et this time of the year. it b dmiraiM b bop this panes healthy to- ad after the Imam essam, when ems begins to ami 11r wliaft4as mlag peas, and Oa Weer gimbal* MeMsMd to m aratasy. One shade hemp 1M teem wee the pans are hi tatm unilbrusateepaaarsaspai lea, ..d the pleb m aner tis .boom .s p eando, inept In aware WINOS,. 'Then they Mould b salved nae tis UMW of the ream airing the slgll r theft a( a..a- ppr pet hadwsa tole. pmt t*u eine., ppm, They theM shwa see the elr bosh an pmol who the weather s mW awns* to Irmo rho endowr the penis seas le d Tr 5.- Tela warm Iw,tabar � L dew fie Oils ts0 leoe oe *OWL ser tkm em a Ile dike ed t1e pelt ell rem sweet to neryearg meow sew ell raft Wow the pld. epi If te Wee a Slew rork 1. ('at Fp. The accompanying diagram will .bow how pork is cat up by western packers. Fig. A illustrates the hind k.iu; B, fore ken: spat -rib: 9, Moulder: E. leg: F. belly -piece: 0, psttitnr: 11, heart: I. tongue: .1, fry; lin beer; L. kidneys; if, bead. BOW TO GFRX BACON. After killing the bogs, allow them to stood intil all the animal bat is out of them, then cut up. Split first through the spite; eut oft each half of the head behind the ears: remove the pieces in fent of the 'shoulder for sausage: take out the leaf which lies .nand the kidney for lard: out out the Iran meat and rib.. then the ham and Moulder. and remove the loose pieces directly in front of the ham for lard. Cut off a harrow strip of that tide for ..usage, and lave the remain - TALI OF THE HAY. J A M E 8 "3r it k. T M PICTUREBOf UFE Al 1T !3 IN BLACK AND WHITE. The .t A11 S.rte .f People I'ad.r the Rtr sellae wed the rem ens A rt lets es/ ■aa.rWte-Th. Leta* .M th. *Nwsp•p.r wits. "Wby dost you get a wig, Earthier "I would, but my hair Is err bard to match" When you want • ban[ masker, work for a bsgpr who. has just become rich. ('h1Rey- -'-What's that I hear about young C -- Chaney -"His clothes, pro- bably nrbably " Man taken with he right band and giver with his left lentil he considers it more pn /lt able t., take with both. There wouldn't ben many tired people In the world if men would Mop climbing tune before they get to them. Teacher-"Frehl , bow is the earth divid- ed' Freddy -"Between them that's got 11 and them that wants it" Wby, good gracious. Coolly, wbat's the matter'' "I'm the victim .1 a decline, aid boyshe wouldn't have me." Many preen admire the bouquet of Ane wine., but almost any kind of liquor will make a nes gay it you use c nou„,"h of It. Nothuag More to be Do ire --He-"Will are their in your income'" He -"It is .1l ciphers." Maid -"Ob, madam, your husband IMAs talon in a Bt on the parlor floor." Madam -"Dear me' Dil he break say of the Mic- a -brae r Auntie ---Johnny, you never hear your papa tier such language... Johnny-" No; and 1 take mighty good care that he doesn't hear me..' If a man is neither very good nor very bad it is very goal evidence that he has :ever at any time been greatly influenced by ANNOUNCES THIS WEEK a he has waned eat • grocery Department 1a os.•eclba with his HARDWAR. STORE, Where eon he kepi • full meek .f1 CHOICK reamY e11DCENEIR'. Hb bard waars u ooh will mesa rutins t, he eassebt.la all UIS Phot bac'yclat-"How does this read strike your' Secood bicyclist (taking a header, from the wreck of the machirwi-"Quite forcibly-. Fred." The atpitadop; has a bushy tail, And the coach doge runs to sputa. The pugdng's looks like a pretzel - But the enema love him lots. C.-lebrating the Day. -"To-clay's papa's won.leu wedding." mid 1itt:e Willis. "Did he celebrate(' "Yee -•n me, with • shingle. 1t wasn't very much fun. - Joos. tat dinner -"What's the matter with Mr. Clancy! He hasn't touched his dinar." Brown -"Sb -b' He's Pro been put down to remold to • toast_" • • I ten command my salary," mid the Thespian in reply to the remarks of an en. viols rival. "No doubt," was the reply. "It's so small it would be afraid to disobey you." Norah-"c)f 'w sorry to my,.smr. thou Mt.. Giddy isn't at tome." Mr. Colds (facetious- ly. -"Why are you sorry, Norah r !torah - "Because, sor. it's the biggest shtory tH ever towld in me life." M v Boggs -"Yes, I .am a wi.low for the second time in my life." Mir Jagg-"And will you tarry again r Mrs. Hogg. -"Well. I'm c,nxldering whether it would be wise for me to be so foolish." Retribution. -Plumber -••You're one of these chaps that are always writing smart things about the dee of pluumbera bills. ain't your tiquibbler-"Who. 1-" Number- "! tbwight so. The bill for this job, sir, will be K:24 tYi. SymboBo Satellites.--fib.-"What a fit- ting hting token of married love, is the wadding ring!" Be -..It Is. A ring has no end: and it also has no beginning. It is abs,lrrtedy without variety ; and is much oder put on than taken off." Would Take No Iti.dts.-"Well, sir, I have every c,,nAdsnce in you, but can your part- ing. be hosted in so important • trimmer - dos " "My dear sir, he's that cautious he wouldn't act fire to • rum omektts without first having it insured " "Dol Philpot marry weur"Yea, indeed. IIo made 110,000 by the transaction." "Was his bride so rich 1 I begird she was poor but pretty." •'True, but she had susd him for $10,1100 for a branch of promise and he onm- promised on marriage. ROW POKE IS et'T CT dr few salting down. The Moulder end mitts should b evenly trtmwred and thin altedmeet rib the shin ire wen with mit, and than the soky ids. A bushel of alts sufhiset for a thousand pounds 01 meat. Whoa wiled, the rest tonil he packed with the .kla down The time few annwi s meat to rerara Is ma varies with the weather, from rix to sight walks. e very mild weather fear maks will nuffic . Wises ready to mobs, hong the meat with the small .d dow.wars and build a tiesw of gram hickory near it every day tate N Ingham to Zook yellow. warm It el oald M When doves. raided with ppper, pet 1e bean ameba end rebsag. Pest thus erred 1r will heap mesad an masseur. toms bnen- keepers prefer peados amt *a pickle in- stead at dry sail For snit the following win be toad an axaeseM recipe: Tabs .Ido pounds of mk, eve el brews smart. taw Sannn d alikk, ear Wase d salvor mrd Cow peens d wow: hell rad • rah the pias with mitt be Ire light Ianil ed per the brae mar. ?kb imilleinst far .rte irs,atieidnie hi:tee, r nmamary to emit 1 lidera sioeblae. A bid wlater ••• n. 1 HARJJiVS, HARIO%VS 1 111W id. the time to secure the best Harrow in the market. The teeth are 11 solid steel arra temperer!. Every tooth stamped STEEL and war- ranted-' Time and quantity are limited, so those that wish to be supplied must call earl. $14.00_ $14.00_ gr jr. 411/Wilkilk %II� SIM I Milk ararar Aar ydrrl, .:l i e• ... ..• : ... ..��.. ••!..s These celebrated STEEL TEETH can be fitted into oki Harrows for 88.00• This is a special offer, and will be open for at ..bort time only. Who would not have obi Harrows made better than when new Oreadm. 'Rene, Mooch' Glad ter me yens. Dew tab yens things right of." Ifasork. " tight --edit ne -Renee. Bane. (2300-tf) D. K. STRACHAN, Manufacturer. INFORMATION FOR THE PUBLIC. I have now receiveda large assortment of CANAflI&N AND ORTED UM1JllEA6, For men, women an children. fear the smallest to the lamest sire. mode. CANADIAN & SCOTCH YARNS From she best known makers. Orey. navy. mallet. white mod cream FLANN RI y, sad leading shades in French Opera hares. HOSIERY -A large and varied stock. as usual, Blackand colored CASHMERE GLOVES, Plain and with kid tips, also kid palma Other d.paehreatj equally well esaurt.d. Subtly nae trice. Welt 1 A. MTJNR.O, Draper and Haberdasher. Goierich Foundry and Machine Works, RI NOIMAN BROS., - Proprietors. FLOUR SILLS BUILT ON ITHE UTEST IMPROVED SYSTEM. WS HATS ON HAND FOR SALK IMPROVED LAND ROLLERS HORSE POWERS, GRAIN CRUSHERS, STRAW CUT- TERS, PLOWS, IMC. We are Manufacturing Improved New Model Mowers which are equal to the best. Give them a trial and encour- age home manufacture. It Will Pay you to use our new Steel Mouldboard Plows. Doty Engines and Boilers for sale. R>CFAZRB .A.24, 33 O41.STI1 'Oat 07' ALL IICI2Q71,11- CHANGE OF BUSINESS 1 THE OLD AND RELIABLE !LOU M !BBD MU HAS CHAXOZD H.U(D&. The pubis am hoed, neri1d that the Imes bad feed bualeme1. earned A. I. inset rnedes by CCanis ban boss THOS. uel . • IDEA1T, bir a11rf It es 1e dl n. Wasehee r< the w4 l 51. hese the sgwerw the..mreuemeat et eraser prs 1s- te !bums Ass ewes .00s mob wean• iweveileter 1 ee whseo V Y► h1d i*10 1* far se the sea eves elskt leer. 1h hh sBag aR a pba �gbkrm.r y a keee(hR It la �Mllvwed to an parts of the taws_ %Nam sed bit Ida of Soar sad teed always ea bhad and Whaler wade le mama. TWOS. J. VIDIAN. linin• sae vietima Weed e1 dims. by rens of Meal Sseehtlls.d Dlmde a wise. sed - ed. Lm ItMaeeM.11imetsmli ewes swgsl Meows. •yeerh bereuelegre Aria 111, ....T_, t.. -awes 16,41.••••••• .. _..w, ••• ws 7••••••1• 41y Y. r.••.s pep Mb • ay =Meal" .M bene seem ti. Doh OMNI, W alma- r pa a•.1.•. roe .. ••••••••••••r 1r•►sA- SW ✓ I raw tre..a spade Ise. ..w. Aa ...1w 0" . ewes" wes" .• Ml. 00 .:i: guess • ea. .ar.taa iro.... saltyelf tbsa,~p wij:i N . Bbtre'10 gda7 stihkrilitifir A. L OULu1. palled ranee be the L • The melt ti reiteratMk ad m mew ar .alis hew sloe mea oat d w�. it et*wm a old f nes Dmf. tree sed ma 'mho the same sabres d a ward an - W amine t iNeil MoDwsid, d 1$arrb, bag ye ebaae1 • Win yea 'AMID glue me my I_._417? from W. J. m. llmlbaeat CYe- I wind • hand atraagr at the IMAMiwt Wale I toe, the hal�7rm abrlbe._ .N j�ygbd wr.�.veld "W. leetTeges a •fri.ale ranked, lupe!. tsemerwny. islesiMeme, flue {/ha" tresigineygwafiletetwe we, www me hwadlai_ lea • beadle. hewers the tilde me mewby welsh DIr. LW% se41Nt sap 1a 4•16.1•••••••.al 0. SEAGER, -Ode. 1■ McL.ean's -- EW BLOCK -Opposite the WdmM,- Money to Lend Obosp P ntsf a I� f