HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-4-3, Page 1Tem NO/MOM and N.wslMt. oruiemesee ADWI RTIDi11ICNTS Ila, been made • last.,', ..d het % Pep'r=y Brow& triad t1aS ph.heakd late any peri' tied r the FOURTH PAON eatah the aps el resters he • far pester s ate•t than _ teseaNe the sty prem. . MI1 SIGNAL leads the {meal pr.. 0 VOL. XLIII. No. 2302. BUENOS AIRES LETTER. tog. school a itmai. ' H�7 OFFIOI A T, awes aro gee a.: /11.'�'ZR VOX% HURON v✓e.J i�• + a -BE SURE YOU ARE RIGHT, THEN GO AHEAD." CODER ICH, ONTARIO, CANADA, FRIDAY, APRIL 3;, 1891. aria veag0111 44 11111111 ie alL $ 1.7'04 4ti1464 n Huns (hemline ag��i 1 pr.grese daring b.peateen e. OM DOLLAR win ph Teo - igf�plM s 14116 year if you ,. Pa'a�4s otbsAW pair* the price. Save 60e. •, ' by paying for me Paper IN ADV*Hq$ ase 1 ( WAWANOSH. PERSONAL AND POLITIOAL he is the Campo Kanto (..int.d Geld►. bet , E COU \ TRY 1 .° A IIt.re the wealth �r I'mu° to .n IS IT A FRE • ree corners to " oldest inhal - -- or the president sitting in his .hair of office. Pamine to be traaeplated to all its beauty - -WHERE THEY LIVE HIGH ON LIGHT Tunes or place is no consideration. The and freshness. This necropolis is literally INCOMES. senators in debate, the bank clerk over h. A ,rev air TOR Dasa tet-._._ the visitor in his haste= sac, It is laid out in streets and shaded walks (drawing room), all are at liberty to lithe el builth ordert their c retie or No churches an upon tot a sante as• ct yy. Each Tamil Ito striven to out -do eats °eigh- lett tsrw•sl este a lama Arisen'.-�verrIp• tg.Lagar.place 'chum Y 1 sets.. of grace.I. sod Apneas' perfume{ Habana. The Fagluh sometimes marld, mausoleums air tombs built side by tts.er at the makers. -Tae Murisets elf erae.tI.a. Argentin. e/ side along the narrow streets. The beald- • NATM% Or u.tt.tLU •\I. ('Nl AatrTr Ings are nearly of a uniform heiggh1ot, about .1•x. l.o. . . O► ria el.:N•LI • r AtrrA(rIU Is$. fifteen feet, but all varying in are Tb. ntv of Bene. Aires is the largest while the Argentin= in turn despise the style. The interiors are uad u chapels ,ty in South America awl digwte with English as a nation of money grabbers and and contain beautiful, richly fur {did ,ydnry and alelb.ouraa the foremen rank in Jew bankers tort of "shunt per shent" altars, many of then{ having continuously h • hemisphere. It has within pwnahop pwple who dress very badly and burning lamps. The walls are bedecked tea a iM .. reIm mad peels belldtawr, prmba y exueptd) . sailed .past the bon In the beauty and oast new' of their the rat ern emsp pursue their bsiur h all nay long without with sacred pictures and imutortells. In lea I•at three years outstripped the. cities the Argentine four hour, i ,u populatusn,ago piit did aye= ago so strictly by the natives to the het around which are shelves filled with rows ,,lout half • million toMelbourne's clove of summer. It is • stunting joke among of cotdna, so that when a person "shuffles „pan f,ur hundred thousand and Sydney's the Argentines that no one but "los Iugleies off" los pers" (the Fengglsh ap.l dog,' go out Ht Di LITIRAU.Y LAID ON TH■ 4na1? HERR.: lit.., hu a.irei and sereaty five thousand, to rothe sou in the nud.lie of the da lout lit the late revolution and the present while the dnanagen of the state banks aro The living visitor to this dead city may in rise have• driven the people away in tens having their ' 1 -day sleep troubled with a ten minutes' walk along the streets aunt five or six hundred of the .afro'.{ cit++g�pn�++ ,•1 thtanuelt. so that today the population dal dreams of aa improbable London Ica, wetly reposing in their "narrow oelle,- uuy not show room than four huudr•d the manager of the Lindon &wt River Plato los the doors u( most of the are n aday ret ob the door as a trap-door to the vault.beneath, Beak as declaring() a dividend to his board open, except for an iron gl�tiax. and tM per ins ,ITT Is rt.AT AND 1 NINTEa1'ITr..: peal up, notwithstanding the very tmfor- a app.•arence. The dreMs are all at right Lunate year the country has passedpassedthrough. isgl.. w'th chess -bairn precisiwm , and the Spine of 1„uses show little or no variation in arch' iecturr. In the central business portion Ile =uuldings run up two, three anal even our stories, but with the exception of thew tesporessreshousese houses are all low, one - .t dao - roofed structures. 'flare are tan • ninety .obi Telles," or streets, rang - in • w length from two sol • half to tour 'man, for Oltt meat part !ally paved with heavy, rough start.. : • few, however, in :he principal =sine= portion of the city air being 1=1 with wood blocks The monotony impression of uwotony is heighten - 's! by the uniform width of the streets, all leap forty feet wide only, and the absence o w f parks or large squares for the res:reati, f the people. A few all out pretty p ;aur : •,rn.rnrental spars' here and there afford a breathing space to the citirrt.s. There a n . city in tate world henna, the city of uurhir palaces, excepted where e, mush marble a uae.l in the finish of the houses. " rata►{;'.NT' r ALL THr SETTtli uN.:: . of dir.etexw of • VNou.ano cent. on the capital „r purr. of =miner are ..sad with highly polished mer=les, suuetimes with • ntunber of prettil, blended colors that give wi at - tractive and at the sane tuna rich mind ele- cgs1nt appearance to the otherwise monoton- ous streets. And, undoubtedly, there is no city outside those of Europe, not even excepting the rich North American cities, where the houses of the wealthy show so much Incurious furnishing and adornment. For some years past there has been a drain on the. factories and loom* of France to supply elegent costly furniture, =Tic -a l.rac and tapretnes, while Italy has contributed largely in the way of statuary anti picture*. Alas ' for rite unfortunate dealers who were caught m the crus embrace with a heavy inventory of this stock : there is now no demand for it. The eagle-eyed "Mr. imacs" aid his brethren are reaping rich lin vests by buying up at auction sales these art treasures et half their oripnal cost, and .hipping to Rio de Janeiro. where the bum 1. now at its height and where in all THE rwN(1P•L rH(.rM.kAl•H .:.ILLrl:tts are on Calle Florida and make displays al- most equal to those of New York or `tin Francisco. Four of theme are owned by Americans, all of whom have made little (=tunes. One firm, Mere. Chute & Brooks, it is said, are worth over a million dollars, the result, however, of nearly twen- ty years prosperous business at g20 to 130 per damn for cabinets, which is eiough w make North American green with envy. We have thus far been describ- ing Calle Floriola, but almost the same re• HOW THE NORTHWEST ELECTIONS WERE CARRIED. The 4'. IF. L prsrtirallr ewat Use resat,' - raalk epi.les Miard air (Tari'. T.pprr =gas =rive Teter apnea the pelltiral aesisas et s1111. - triton T•I TOk4NT. r.tIl_ 1 Leper altar latter comes from \\"inuipeg d the outrages upon electoral right perpetrated by the president and officers of tbe 1'. P. R. in that city, awl not in the city only, but in the whole province mad throughout the \urth- Vt. at. One „who is perfect=, trustworthy, mays: "The 1'. P. R. took w by the threat in earnest. awl force.! the 1.o.ernunent can.li.ates upon ua. it is doubtful if his- tory affords a parallel to the outrageous con- duct of the corporation in exerting the power it pnsa.ses. There was, 1 believe, not • single employe upon whom pressure (Pros .rasa% N ,'t utxrutro' Da' T.1 ('ol.ls are sa1:1 prevalent In this vicinity. James Moubray has rented his farm to his ',nab= John. Mrs. Henry Cook has left Etat \\"awanush with her family to resale near Elora Mr. Conn, who has rented the place, has novel into the house male vacant by her depart- ure. Jas. Laidlaw, er., met with a painful se cttlsat owe slay lset week. While untying' a cow she threw up her head and litre k him a little over the eye with her horn, making a .seep , and also inflicting • severe bruise. It is now, we are glad toco state, on the road to revery. pereeley. [Tn Tilt IDl70a or THY. nNiNAL Su, -1f you can •Qonl space I should like to meution to your readers that the new forestry report fur Ontario is now ready, and will be sent to all wise send raw their addaddresses.It u sent free of all charges, being distribute" by the Outario Government in the interest of forst preser- vation. (Address: 2511 Richmond -.t., To - metal It will be found to contain much =gins are exposes to view. Tais beautiful was not brought to bear to intlurnce his interest w all who ,ere for trees awl who city u now nearly as co populate i u it vow for the (' . candidate. and wish to see a proper proportion of woodland on be consistent with comfort, asst aims many, employs gave up their work for the retained to the country. "['here is also are old families to who have sheer mausoleums ung Company and devoted their entire time for much of value with reference to planting are "hole to bury herr. The "Ch5lcarita," weeks t.. eletioneering, .ome even taking . and shelter in fruit -gnawing. (the "little farm- the Amor in g in this the stump." The Company also brought The literature thus distributed with the naned a raw new gruesome hand in giving this absentee oters from all parts of the Cuite d use of the press, for which I have to thank we • 1 ,.,n 1., waver,d •few mitis to States. and was probably in that ea • yourself and many other editors, is, I ant the est of the is, Resoluta. not so fashion- lad to.v. bei productive of valuable re - able a city as the Rea.kta. ll. K. aid'. practically a party to personation, of whic g ring pr' there is believed to have been not a little. It would be strange at least if all the return - HOLMESVILLE.o. LAM[TeLAMrola .a I.'T wttl.l Wm. Lobb is now on the sick list. Thomas Lobb has returned from his trip alta trees more trrs are yearly being m beetowe.I in care the mai' uncia of t he planted, greater interest t taken amore ed ,niers were the genuine men. ludnpen despatch the of 1'arlia- dence of the Americans was the great cry of small forests, yet left standing in our farm -b calling the I:overnntent party in the bate elections tag districts.mend mayor, 'a short saran u expected,' but But here we have a railway president int- It is to be hoped that still greater prog• certain events tray t any case there one be ng its .furan n. In In ported but ysterday from the Unite.! roma will shortly be mad,. The great injury Y prorogation 1 • which farming countries w North America the end of June." The L.n.luu A.I. rrtiner prophesies that "rasion' eighteen maths • Liberal Govern- ment will be in power at Ottawa with • strong majority at its lock." Hon. John Dryden has announced that bulletins issued by the Department of Agri- culwre mad all reports of interest to fanners will hereafter be mailed free to all member of Farmer{ Institutes throughout Ontario ea (,lour "CIL xatrua collsoirolPBXT. 1 aprpolicatNo. WaelanOSON, U. C., March 30, 1891. The Toronto Telegram pnta • chaplet up- 1 Somebody is going to be disappointed about on the brow of James Cowries, M. PP., as this busman betwese Osnada sad • -- D. McG I LLICUDDY. WASHINGTON LETTER. LATE NEWS FROM UNCLE SAM'S CAPITAL. N Leas aa bale J.a.'s ierlprer4SJ a Imo .. Legs Tbe gdaradIsssI gesseitalid .f 'arra.,'• A/Hems' lembowis•-ab/otag l'.talas all ver Salaam -Abeat Molt. follows :- Hail to Hon. Jim ('annum, M. 1'. P ' First in war, first w peace and tint in legal scuffles. The wddwoal mtatsm•n, to use his own language, teen like his coestit• urate did when "strong men wept for joy, ant women hugger their babes closer to their bosons." He still retains the $300,000 errata which Hon. Edward Blake was hire) to snatch from him. And the nam who ten hold on to anything that the e. 1'. R. wants in this country a a =smirch among men. "If I was W. R. Meredith," maid one of his greatest admirers the other .lay, as he eyed up kis followers on the budget debate, "I would go through the Province • year or so before the general election, and i would insist nn the party running capable young men, and ready debaters, who would show to good advantage in the House. He night lose • seat here or there, but in the long run he would gain in the Province at large... Mr. Tarte. !a L Cana.lien, says :-"The te Bo►naavilk_ Ktates, and sell high y re.lolent o. ... marks may apply to ('all. Victoria, Pune- -- k. Elsie pick.,,, who Ito bees . for wafer when urenle•rirng has, taken, plane is airsGarfield. widow of the munieHed ties M14--haaupling with for insolence of a in the , arsines. ('urea ar be (Aber streets_severaly ng. save -owner on the tical rights of the beginning 10 lee well understan. When president, � been solicited by a publisher in the 0 twentys centre of the city. There .to'l'd'. t a new teeoa'rri rods are some very fine Catholic churches \\'plliam Stanley, who ham been somewhat which, 11 people. comp•oy, cash a nor the w-, are mostly guar, the soil u al-- indisposed l• to write •kook, ant is mai.! 10 liar' replied and indisposed for • few rays, is wound again. which, having receival enormous subsidies ways dried up too quickly by the unchecked .I .:,AND 0Ln' ATHIDILtI. A number of the pupils in our public out of the common treasury on the ground rapIdatl of the wind. and t a also tontine- as follows: "1 am very busy in my family, capable of hohiing 1(1,000 persons --nearly school are candidates at the promotion ex• that its undertaking hada national dowse - as large as Notre Ilam, in paris which hob. amination this week. ter, was manifestly bound to the strictest 21,000. Besides there are three Protestant J. R. Holmes left here res Tuesday last neutrality between political parties. churches, the English, Scotch and Amer{- with • carload of horns for Manitoba. R. Weste people t themselves Maaitaoba b f er'l from bane - the North - can. But churches are little attended ex- IA.eking and family left on the sane day for %V oars not tlimu which had any spirit xpt Ly the women : religion with the Ar- the'•earse destination. would tamely bear such contumely. Any genuine men u comparatively a thing of the There are two setthat engage the lot • which had n so past_ Sun.ay u N .lay of Imam= or reeve- attention of our burg rs at present. The „man by the thrwt' by •tyrannical lor- •tNn. A man may take .lawn his shuttersone is the shooting stair by llrtrom near tion would assuredly have made itself or go to the races, Int not one in a hundred Kincardine. The other is the deplorable at the bar of the House of lbmmuss. goes to nmasa All. however, ahead the tae of rape by W. Dempsey on the .deutan- 1a Canada generally, lake!, there is an mil theatre in the evening. There is trio nation ten wife of S. Ilan. The friends of both beppy. tonuwt between for violen. a of our of people who dress Fetter than the Argen- the ■ 1 mantis her is this party rine' anal our supineness its ofeert- tines. The French, Italians anti Brazilians locality. ing puright! If the annras i, hal half may equal them, hutdonot display' morrgoo 1 the political sanhro1 1 which is bring shown taste in their snake up. Compared with the BLUEVALE. by the poor fishermen in Newbetlanl, no Argentines, the F.nglirnh'anl Americans dress [rases 01-1( AID N o..Raltirottutvi.l insolent alien would dare to trample hint badly, especially the former, winos, gar- John Giimple hes sold h. farm to Mr. under foot. The Manitobans, let them re - menu are generally badly made, miditting McNaughton. member, would never by any, exertion of their anti =pleasing in color. Of course a fur- own have even shaken off rola. monopoly. ther contrast may be drawn between the The wife of Rev. I. B. Wallw-in presentedY F,nglish Ansi Argentines : the former as hint with a slaughter on Tuesday morning. They had helplessly succumbed to it when • general rule pay their tailor's bill, while Where du the boys and girls gra who by mesas awaken chance tors the existence e British ver a the atter-but I forget it u a question ptherat the house of Mr.W Sansber.on near loial wrong anal interposed eti arra their of taste, not of domestic economy, we are lye every night ` behalf. ' dealing with. tint to return to the deserip- La grippe has laid his hotel on many per- 1 what will now follow ' The payment of tion of the city. About there mils from tows here. It is to be hoped he will not : ihe L, P. R pry 1:overtttnent out of the pub - the business centre is grip theai tan •severelj.• I -ic chest for its nefarious services w the PALLOR. 1•ARK, Alex. McEwen, principal of the public elections, perhaps under cover of the re-pur- spnt abounding in shade{ walks school here, has MON to the house a beautiful (elections, of lands, the value of which has tram prolabtity they will again be put under and pretty winding drives. Hereon Thur. - {lie hammer inside a year or two to be re- says and sends a dapay of hem,. car. rages, well-dressed n,en and pretty ladies shipped to Bens Aires. is to be seen tit -ailing in numbers anti mag - a WALK ♦IAOil; CAUL. YUnarr,A, nifkence the fashionable turnout ni the the most fashionable street of the city, even Bois de Boulogne, Paris, or Hyde Park, in these thirty•cear-to-the•dollar tines im• London. the horses, for the moot ppaart s presses one with the idthat the Argen- are im ed fronn Ramis or Fagland, s t tinare an art -Erving anshow-loving peo although the Republic raises hundreds of pie. Jewelers *hops are counted in saran thousands of horses yearly, and a good hack The ONutp.e with plate glass windows guarding treasure can be purchased for ids to 160. which a where their many friers.' wars them pita. fortunes e( a prosy of mdhonarr whose stores of ,►iamow. and pnowue stones. equal to *7 to IRS So plentiful are t y . banners centre a Montreal, but who spend toilet sets complete in slid silver, include horses that only males are made to work, lam amort of their time in London d mg haling and ewers, and • rich profusion nares are shot for their skins or kept for GREY, and care Do more about the people from of priceless geegawry thatsiaads as • laugh- breeding, and here that rasa aria, (rams ora ow= n ,'. i 1 . o ',.,I ,, whom their wealth is drawn than the British ing reproach to a country that d•inot her- A " *51.015 .r HoIMSRAt•E." i is (i8 West India of former days cared row in London to pay the interest oa IM is literally time sod often 1 in the staple �r teaki� awing - row the regrow who toiled on their plan - ally obligations. T1s sway theaters ten .espy trvv to \Yeast WO are quite fashionable' just now. talions. Such are the oppression anal the formerly occupied by Adam Reid. kept down by the evil policy of the Govern - John Patterson, sr., is going to move into , went itself. combined with the tyranny of our village again It seems our village holo. • the C. P. R. Once more the Ontario fernier erne attractions for the old as well as the , will be celled npn to contribute out of his young, as they return sooner or later. • shrunken earnings to an object in which be The folk of Bluevale were visibly surpria- has not the slightest interest, and which, if el on the 18th ult. by thea of a it does anything, tens to his depression n by bridal party at the M a parsonage bringingPart down uponla m the .. , of requiring the services of our worthy pastor. the .North-West. of his pittance will iutenl settling in Michb'n, once more go to swell the already bloated own this and neighboring streeta•re all thrix- th i� ( tp student of KIWI College, robbery which may he paetieed pro� r to ride f��Isvn• ing, for, like the Peristalses, the Argiatine precede x11,1 with little fent of „welting Te enw Y Woe' .ter cover of free institutions the Unita could not exist without hie theater, some of the ranks of his Satanic majesty. St •1I the The beautiful Spring weather turned into behind the are set (truly free T la iia .ural a serious make bow far the ally losing its best constituents by the washing away of the soil, which world be prevented were there sufficient ("mate to hold the moisture which falls from the clouds. Without them it pares over the ground in torrents to the great injury of the toil. Next. awl it is no slight evil, the stock of timber u being alarmingly reduced. Yours, etc., R. W. l'HIPPS. Toronto, Math 26. 1891. THF. COKE MINERS STRIKE. Thin Mln-ulea tern lkrsve-Aa Ostbreal stsecetel at Ary Mese-Wiest a Oay Boy tin■r Forth. ?ITT ns: tic, April 1. -Tile attrition in tis. cu..e rations continues grave. No lawless new ita-t occurred for i I h•murs, but tis •.ueraLrs still lout for an outbreak at an! tiros It is claitnd that word bas been passe, around for a general movement at 9 o clam; t, -morrow morniag. The striking leaden •1r it is not true twat the time for tuautura tow rat the MOB -hour movement bas beet climaxed from May 1 t.o April L The situ& bon u deep -rat, in toe coke regions. am leaders rro;.Inng this have detenuis.rl t pit ta.ir m-moey in Ube ook.striki an,l make tars 01 _ht -hour m velment eltewo.re an alter oonstderatioa No general strike of minion, they sty, will W ordered until after tis inter -.{tate inference od mine owners mad worken helm next 1'ued5y. SIX MON t H3 FDR BIGAMY' Jane es►astia Valeta to ltignmiet Breit to the But. Ha711LTON, Aurid l. -(homes H. lavas. the torous, printer. who yesterday pleader guilty to having twain woven, was this mors tog smear.,i to al mouths in rte Cootie Priam. Before the court opened there was an =reedit; •crow Iwtw.es Davis and Jam tiutMtstiea, wife No. 9. Tb• woman threw her arms around blur end wept. Altbougl a(1- he dit .as her she still loves Mo. which are subsidised by Government. wealthy Argentines must have the im .ort- TH1 Will/10TH DIT 410011 IawrA•I.t'Hrrrrn, el artick. The carriages sire elegant peau the "('ity of Lode.," the 'YSty of Paris," of ip, finished in silver and gold the "('ityy of Mexico," the "Prdgre.so," and mounting' and trimmed in gay colored alks the hundred and one other kindred ..tab- and plushest The ladies - well, i fail die labmenta show as varied and as rich tis- m•lly when I try to describe thw plays in silks, millinery and general finery Dreams in mountain, detainee, soft of ruts he seen any place in the world ; and silks, organdie muslin,: poems of wind, the picture shops or art galleries, filled to lustros, laughing eyes, peach blomrned the do n,'s with elegantly Modelled and cheeks, sherry red lip' awl raven hair, and richly gilded vases and urns, choice sped- forms that plunge the beholder into as MOW of brie--brnc, statuary =amp at delight. --but I forget my wife may the perfe'ticm of Italy's mwdern art, paint- red this and it's too dr•tuglty even in this and pictures of all class. and schools mild climate to slay out In the perk. But ancient ant mods, well abrin awl well Tres Aao•RTIM■ t.IIL$ ARE main ; lupa et, .11 go aro 'how. t1. Arg+ Un. s in form &little inclind to embompoint, prrtity for the besutifwl. A little tures• bat jest ameewgh to cede away from tltern er along Florida the airy pp+s attrilut.d W LM Nrwth sea Dior MO A CARL American girl and give the. • more s sub - owe of the easy hahiosakis I•etitntions at steroid and interesting \\•hs this kind . the city, mast to •'ebvee-pie. that is said anthing fnrt iew outbe added carpeted roam at a .arbe table we are in favor of Argentina's daughters. They marred rte on • silver onr with • glean of are not intellectual, they are sot due "grosillse," • matt of at.rb.t, • sweet drink they are not acciwniclaked, and they know with a dash of old port, which, if we wish little or nothing of the domestic duties of we limy drink through • hombiba, • small which everyly train. el girl should wirer tabs doing the fluty of the bombe have .men. ken 'Nevem (sweet - straw. Fox ell this and the privilege of hearta) are their ad y subjects of converse - sitting in the Name rams with young bucks tios, "lam," fa for whic of the best Argentine Mond we aro taxed English equivalent, but it means • oombt- awn .e fares Harem in ooitei'*d. Thomas Riddle was home on his Faster the nuod.L .e. d 70 cents, but we wit matron of finery. elegance mad display) is present winter is i • d.- holidays from Leedom. where be has been every oars' eat paying the tree � and their subject of M.ogkt, $ "nov frac- astareaseweforbinhaapare, =idly atteedive the bueia.. collage. Tom looks we duet mind ; we only ttest•I y resolve crap- (French novel) and the "testi." •mature. We tin orb le mating tad well and we think it ,sod .mit him Miter to keep nen thirst. f �' �ba ' 5514.5 (thrtrew thin owl pastlae. Ba we hate �e tbM am... b of 0*....monies. „mad tk•. "ooseter-hnppme. esbj.ction it }.tore (laW i(t@rid•'s •t- a�!�n w•srl.re4 �rom tM d.orbption of away in ism n win survive e wnter. Some youths concluded to have • taffy - tractus. are increased Palermo Park. It is said that the her at Cewahr.rnk have PflaW O1f°augsamtly rep•bnd to • tr i add the "Knights d °arm aapr-hash and proe•dd te boil • big sheep last use y. ) q Henry Scott and Wm. Menary are hewn amine ran he henna hereafter)* guarantees from Parry Sou°.1 lumber wood. of Inns for the Canadian Pacific railway, or Ellie McNeil was bairn' from (:oderich stipulations of any kind in ite favour, when High School during Baster holidays. voted by a Parliament which has been elect - left last Mata for et in part throuand w h the corrupt agency of the Arch. Mammon y t'om y, and which grants the guarantee M„rri., where M secured a.itnatioe ea farm in fu filmset of a corrupt Seguin between hand. the Company and the Government. pas Will tite jetted railroad from Guelph good thing,however, at all events, has hap - to Goierich toads Crwnlwook 1 . now • live passed The Canadian Pacific railway and question - D. president have hoisted their true colours. D. Robertson, Reba. Bowan and Chea. Their pagan character and objects ate now Gonia. have bees appointed census 'lune- pay avowed. . them atclsrof all loyal ('an• erten for (.ray. John Harris, 16th don., Ito the material LONDESSOROUGH. no the greyed for a large barn, which lee (IMGs ora owe ooataneetneve j will pat up 1155.4 seaads. H. Bradford, cif lnnpnnom, . u th. If use who boiled down sock • lot bol. place th ask H k use Ix'7m of r d map the other eight an oaarht they will �n tuned up when he is their midst. Tse eawn1i11 at Crash' ok la running fell ing ell their effort• tell a have a ooac.rt tine Thera is a lig stock of Ing" in the which they intend to hold on the evening d yard Chas. Mini.. i. Phe right man in the District Lodge to be held in May. the right pleas. One of our respected neighboring termer Many are taking advantage el the 11ig who called at • certain pro@ on h. way he rim in prier asst w owning ent their sur- to the row. the other day heard ten ei plus produce It looks se if (7.nasla's some .hoe leather downing i• close proximity get weenhsng nen what.° ' than taffy. The members of the I. O. G. T. are mak. ' (drawl Old Mae " was returning god for to h. perwwn. and that is the end of my ambition. In no way anm 1 personally fanious. The nape 1 bear is honorable and honored, but my own life has been only that of an ordinary woman devoted to husband and children. i have no desire to write and always prefer that noth- ing Ise written concerning me." Mrs. Gar- field is deserving of congratulations as a lady of rare goal senor. the united States, and it will not be Mr. Blaine. The Canadian otbeials have not h elped their cause any by getting the British Government to briag the negotia- tions between this country and Newfound- land to an abrupt close, by declining to al- low that oob°y to negotiate • separate treaty. M r, BI hat lichee the whip hand of C'anada.and he has intimated very plainly, 1 understand, to the British minister, who has been trying to pave the way for the it Canadian C to negetiate • re- ciprocity treaty, that unless they can Dome here prepared to negotiate from an Airmen{.- e can standpoint they aught as well not crane. "That is just the point exactly," said • Wstere Senator, "Canada wants our market a good deal wore the we do hers, and she must calculate to take that fact into cronaderation, or there can be • no dickering If Mr- Medan demon's gin tot oe best of the bargain he will simply decline tom' Hake it at all, and then what will Mies Canada do'. Commercially working (ai.d& is in our power, and she aunt accept such terms as we may be disposed to offer." It is $ tsill$keu ides. tbat many people have b ei-i Ted bite keen • lack of trait - worthy iegminatkoe, to suppose that all of the men elected to the Fifty -.snood Con- gress, by the Fanners' Alliance, are unedu- cated. Just the reverse is true. Senator Peffer, of Kansas, while not well up m the dead languages and classical lore, s never- theless an ducatel''alan,and as an authority upon matters relating to the United States Government and its domestic affairs, he haa few superiors. Representative John. Davis, from the same State, will he one of the best educated men tout will sit in either house of of the Fifty-second Congress. Indeed he is eo close • student that he has earned the title of "crank." But he is the kind of "crank" that the country can always find room for. He is the originator of Lbs idea of State agricultural colleges, and the author of the bill passed by the Illinois legislature establishing the first one of those collages in that State. He will he heard from in the House and any member that tackles him ander the impression that he doesn't "know beans" will get badly left. Nearly all the Stats entitled to payments under the direct tax act lave applied for and received their checks from the Treasury CURRENT OPINION. tar's H.t't runt sreH rtI.L.'. Hamilton Time.: The Toronto F.mpire, the day after the election, declared that the election of Mr. Scriver w Huntingdon was the bitterest pill the I trite had had to swallow in many • day. The Huntingdon Gleaner, published arm the spot, mays his election is an emphatic declaration in favor of foe trade, art only with the Stats, but with treat Britain, as far as a tariff for revenue purples permits. Not very bitter certainly. A .•Ow1LY OLD WAN. New York \\'oral: 'ir John comes high, but the people of ('ansa must have him. The debt of the lkominioa . now *290,000. 000, and ten or • 'leen millions arebeing added each year. The population has o, .ed to grow and taxation increase's year by year. It will probably not be long until Sir John will be kissing his hand across the border and begging to be annexed. A %Cala orronmoe. Toronto Telegram : The fact is as the season progresses the debating we•knees of the Opposition becomes mews pain. One marl, Mr. Meredith himself, out speak bell - bandy, Sol White talks well, H. K Clarke and NIr. Clancy passably, Mr. Wood and Mr. Marter sn fill • gap, end the majority of the rest know moagh to art and vote. Mr. Wylie didn't on eke budget debate, and his exhibition of oratory was only remarkable from the fact that he told two chstnuty stories tastily, awl then got so mudded up and took so long between sentences that the House forgot the tenor ail hos argument. meted War Vents Y'e'ws► H•aal+st•at, Pa., April 1. -Two Ms sacred the boots of Michael lltro.n:ngrr al Lewisberrv. York ouunty, last night, ant cmompellel the aged fanner to hand over i;aOA, with which be int nd.d'p•ying a d.bu on Ws farts to-cMy. They bound and gagger Mra ltrosuag.r, the aged wife of the far s er, and when this cloth was removed from her fes it was disd.,v.rsd mho had bean suffocated. ear Jeaa's Cede Demi Four 8n1Tn. Ark.. April 1. -John Malt. and Macdonald. cotton of Sir John Mac si amid, MN Canadian Pr.mkr, mad cis of the mess remarkable characters 1a the eons - try, did ye5.rfsy. ii. was a geologist. and mining expert and ep.ou' apmr. He squandered tare a lour Gorton. lu England, Australia and tai. country. Hs inherited the title of Lord Maitland from We mother, Indy Mankind, which h. newer sa en.oL Hayti, the black republic, according to private advice• received here,wants to get under Uncle San's protective wings, if the old gentleman barn any such In return for coaling station upon the n, - land, which the United Stats has long been desirous of pr�rnsessing, the Haytiane want the Uniteel ,'State. to assume a . . over the Wand. The impression here a that the price is ton high. ' Ye have quite en- ough trouble with the blacks we already heve without at.temmptmg to tare for any more," ie the way a gentleman from the South pats it. No more silver dollars will be coined after July 1, owing to the fact that the silver aw enacted by the het ('.migrate authorized the Secretary of the Treasury to discontinue the coinage art that time, with discretionary power to resume whenever it becomes neces- sary to redeem the silver certificate. The 4,600,000 ounces of silver bullion per - chased each month thereafter will be paid for in Treasury totes. The mint will put in • big part of its time for quite • while of - ter the first of July m recoining the mutil- ated sod abraded fractional currency. now in the Treasury, which amounts to several millions of dollars. The total nu.b.r of sil- ver dollars NOW in existence is 397,000,000, of which 67,000,000 are in actual circulation, 306,000.000 are represented by s� o iff- cat.. in circulation, and 24,000 by tate Treasury for which no certificates have ever been issue{. The return of the Hearst special train feast San Francisco has started anew all the goonippy ,terries of the enormous expense of C 1 halitosis, amt of the outrage cies action• of throe who attend them. Th. expense part . sufficient for a change, and if public opinion counts for anything, and it unrally does,one will be made The accounts est drinktn ,card playing and other disgrace. fad things in connection with these funerals appear to be either entire) without found. •donor grossly etaggera�. Senator Faulk- ner, who was one of the c.Hnmittee, mise{ m assw.r to the tele.ggrra�plest stories of drink- ing, etc., OR the Hearst train: "I earl may without reservation that the demeanor and oondee t of every member of the party, •n of Mwisteri•1 policy. A Hies compliment far as it cense node,- my AT i .. ... -santani Ottawa Free Pow : In Mr. Searge.ut's notes of his now historical interview with Sir Charles Tupper -quoted by Sir Henry Tyler - occurs an interesting passage which throws some light oo the trickery resorteet to by the Tory leaden during the recent election campaign. M-. Keargeant own - Gamed the tax upon cal as a senous hordes upon the Grand Trunk compao s business, as 5t involved • payment of 5300,000 to 1400,000 • year, an .,mount which, if tak- en off, would enable Nue cnmmpsny te hand- somely increase iM dividends. Sir Charles mated that he knew Sir John Macdonald was in favor d the removal of the oealdaty, but was obliged to dmtt that h. mina (th. Minister of Marine) had differed front Sir John on that point, and added: "Val met remember that he wan at that Minn. adore..- ing an audience interested is the r'ead's of the duty." So, aocceding to the high com- missioner, his awe's e( . in favor d maintaining the duty .pon coal intena0.l to humbug the electors of Platen, and should net he a.eeptsd as an evidence , was nab toss M Tone lbws Feb.7th,ast for • .than a p.7 to the of • markt the utmost dignity, courtesy, B•roenx, eb1861. .ow whom he . as to have trained up and good behavior. As our the betties that J. M. Mi-Ler,n, Gant alaH. in the way is which 0..hnuld go. • so much has hem said about, they were Thor Air, -Fifteen years ; 1 est \ore.- mainly A Il inane Or ('.ogre. water her i started a 'iceman first; I was treated ford but they never helped me any. t times 1 suffered greatly brain my stomach i °e ntinesd but I grew worse MORRIS. bottles. We drank this bottled water les (mon ora OWN 1 preteeseee to the alkali water sof the The framers. lies. Haney and gang, Plalaa•' 1 turned drnp.isl; limb and body swelled have stance k on Jnut bb s KINGSBRIDGE. badly. Yon know the .ate 1 was a wham obs paaaarawn of (show ors OWN CORP i wen to (:oderieh, a mere wreck, could Mn. a masa A orecs.nful coneewt war b•gd 0.re arrived nn union day, ffi3th alt., b very handl walk, sufferingfree Bright's diose. all Merda eeerom 1lalwln 30th, i• tM Toa al Aimvrt, rtt_uts�r mraraaw.wm.T* . MILITARY Mien lest ere year last fall I your Dane time unapt the parental sive( on t►. �ol:home behove g to emetics N... 2 The aid their risibly dressed Ger moths heroes tie' two peat days, Thomas, ,1, d ore provision. hail_ dao.*, asst when they had point it pSrUy Renovatorsod Specific Cure. I to iK oemoessintm. l I marl s, ploy. build the casae 'Cm with a sed in • few da ; oertiend Mem for On t\'odn.+da, of last wet& Thee. Kernel buddieswas crew, e.. and L were t t Wise religioe.ly Dopy the P Wises Sad Airesy, frau M le Mm at night, and to b of, attempt, of w and Miss .lor5 l rm owe wen nail b- rt.d •t rat 1»inq ago= , mwlag to .fed now have thea fest''auto' beel5fs ole s a irinisat *twitch, "dog Sed • -barrelled gun. Germ. ttaree mouths y. iltb.. wh 1 was told t 5trsll capacity meta. ,'tars. The 'hair Park and magnificent go hate say farmer's heat tiering the night serail tie tet, the bola got was orf •very 1 meld not be oared, N you maw me now, getter fur iettsr, Mr wets.. b, R.v. I. at (tea 130 to gm. rtes theagh tae, named* hem, gay emmregss. h h. dlwiu, es( I:/"'' ., m the mina. M. Dalton. mi ftisdaeed Rm., Father pay their tares er thglr heteaer's 11. A dresses t any ass time on • Sons, t pe �d w prrpose of t ~7 thin kind well and Mmrty,,5at .verythang that nose. Par enge Nixon, vow gave an ad.lrs cauls{' for the Inntlanawl see! sin 11 Mr. AAaaa* el am Rageeiam, on Tem in my way. 1 do you use prams of m eiig AUCTION SALE.. Ommast '• Tie number d "bene wee" sheered 'mi was lore floo rwtd I• tae citf may he errorsA.000 ASrn t e perk er pain for ta.et5elves tK aa1 eft their eases'{• sat with • fel Ile wase . life. i was in • canthi{', weer{ that the audience wee well with the 'mil thio msmii to floor Ue mutt . b d room, M 'ramrod in the Pork er elerg the ase Mala I harshen tatoI on seen nese bendred of the bent bmmkvud leading te and frons this held Is the art d rwovlstg t. cartridgehem the went b ,es, ii lass no amt thought i would au ypaern a a„,,,,,,---0..„---ma, Mt15 ptNed r� iile as sod the main= in which the, tamibes w►e were eel" to pay their array Not �tara efere �us Palermo Perk is the dumber et his meeker when by mom get better. 1 sarnest nook Mo highly of tai..Ao. w*H Imes a the bice iaswiatl wen give. Special mesio{.{ .hs,slrl be rnaaicipel rasa& Partes loot and k.. Reedeta (eSmMery). when, agate, tie Mr. arid Ulm' N.tt114.rYi. lir. and Mgrs. moms k d eehvpd, the 0.1 emteeieg fret eve and your aselkinee, for it was them la tdts H5t top tis the ism of esM. made eZ Jr C. Le Tarsal, of (lyderie6, and stores are ef next impat.oaa, sod than we =Me ler the Neel of the Italica and David (]lime. end w. C. 1=.0111. es by el ah in eAr/w ani 1 him that cured me Wade snot express my Rale of farm meek and f el d the Mimes Fiend. of i rckaow. The par. have .clone et pest 11, cl.e essd tabHMes• W .vae hemi{ wsA b observable. In mage, are M present Iii 1ey hand. breaking Pin .y name a Petrick Nepal es lei f� s MIL, wart ler men d tide place gab thew tlw...n per - isles, .w&.1..... _..-- ..ot!e.+w yt�ep� ,�«� t await ,eo..'..t out tie was4rnrfml skean fare es be std missies le IMRt1 the whi & is a 'Mal ens, will lop saran. l e Ra tri '11�U1ri1 Yob. MIL atm Whit' dlnr lme math{', &saw America e.ah.t frail the �year•.ii �i jwpd l)r`aMany .fest OiMrtw'W s1.MtttHp 1lntww at tWtw'sats.,{ uiiMs�Elw+i'iit.'ibtgin",^ iaw "ewWrtiJL�i•tin:.:m::L1a�a 41hoaeel. The a u �i 11111111111 m`iu il. .+ht VIVaYt MO g ' eta 11 l