The Signal, 1891-3-27, Page 7W. ACHESON &SON.
1891 -FOR SPBI1;-1891.
Our stock of Dry Goods is now nearly eon pieta in all lines. Spe-
cial attention drawn to the following, just received
DRESS GOODS, new evening shades ;
FANCY DRESS TRIMMINGS, in gilt and silver ;
DRESS MATERIALS, in Tweed effects and Epauline
Cord ;
FRENCH FLANNELS, all complete, in handsome designs
and new colors.
Ad sizes, in French Wove, Langtry, Beauty, C. P. Princess, Hy -
eian, and Children,' Hygeian Waists. 11 'e invite early inspection.
At Ambers Mase.
o Ire time when we's at suet v'. house
We, to the country -where
net bet woods sad pigs 'ma wow.,
Ai.• ,110 outdoors and air!
A. orchurd .WISE and churl" trees.
An' cherries in 'em ! Yes. ea these
Here redhead bird steal all they please.
An's tete'. 'em of you dare !
W'y *nest one time when we wdu there.
We et out on tie porch !
Wite whore the cellar door was shut
The table wax ;at; 1
Let aunty get by ase cut
My willies up. &' pie.
'Tuz awful funny ! 1 could sae
The red beads do the Mary tree
hre ht vete when yes gat. to be
nn keerfel golni by-
e n' comp's, t hen an' alb am' we -
We et out on the porek
An' 1 ist et p'survee sad things
'At ma duu'tlow lee to
n' chicken gizzards !don't like wimp'
Like Parente does, du you h
Ate all the t MC the wind bk. w ed there
An' 1 could feel it In m" hair.
An rat smell clover ever' where !
Ar' • old red bead flew
Pun' nigh wile over my hlgb chair.
When we et out on the porch C
-.fames Whitcomb Riley.
As Ofd tamp lbr SrkMy.
If you "tick • stick across a stick
Or stick a cross across • .tick
Or cross a stick aroma slick
Or stick a cross across a cross
Or cross a cross across • st ick
Or cross a cream arrow a cross
Or stick • cross stick acmes a siok
Or stick • crossed stick acreas& mooed stick
Or cross • crossed stick across & crone
)r cross a crossed stick across a stick
Or cross a crossed stick arrows ermsed Mick
Would teat be & acrostic t
-l'r•risti•* Union.
Thor M hump.
"You say that you are not a vagrant,`
judicially declared Uncle Baxter, that
time is stoney and that you having plenty
cannot be accused of having uo visible
merino of support.-
•• that
upport..'••that is it exactly," gently murmured
the trump from Bullock's (Corners.
••1 agree with you, .If&bly continued the
court,"and as you have been most illegally
deprived of your liberty, snnething dear to
every freeborn British subject, you are
certainly entitled to compensation and 1
shall make it my business to tee that you
get its "MI n� .•�
•'1 thank you."' gratefully responded the
Hamilton Inca, as uncle paused for breath.
"Yee," continual the Bench, .you are
entitled to cotnpenretio n, &nil as time u
money 111 give you a month's worth at hard
And then during the rear of the court
tuw:he couldn't understand why all the pris-
oners pleaded guilty off hand. Toronto
T. lake 5:..d Tea.
Finley Acker, the well-known Philadel-
phian, claims that a pound of to will fur-
nish 300 cups of lumpier if it is stale proper-
ly. If this is a fact --and Mr. Acker ought
to know if any one does --tea te the cheap-
est beverage except water within the reach
of the poor inane He gives the following surplus to Aly publicans' bermes at their
directions for preparing tea s, es to give the uwn perces.
beet remits in point of quantity u well as
quality : "Put the leaves into an earthen Alluding to the Irish . . . part",
. r •g+te ware pot (never use metal), and Mr. Gladstone remarked that it could not D,
wandt on hack of stove until the leaves get disputed that the members of this party
thorough! warmed. Then pour on water were bound to stud- their individual opiutoo
N 1 Or•alt te levee .t laird
meths rd .y. hes cameo'
she Cb..-" Cheneeneeof (d" fa lbetear M fw.emienas
LONDON!, Mamel. 17. -Mr. Olaiatr re-
ceived • and .vee
Marr toela,. H. was leaving basing Cress
Mabe for Haselelp wean an imams* creed
gWer.d at she dispel he witness his depart-
u re. The crowd cheered Melt hoarse atter
Mr. measles. appaan4. broke Iowa the
benign and made a rush for the "thud
Old M&," cheerio' and weer( h,es aid
handkerchiefs as U sad with )e7 to as the
velar& statesman The railroad @taboo
fairly Moult with chews se the train bearing
am moved oat. Previous te the departure
of the train the E recutiv. Committee of the
Radical Association prew.t.d & addr+ss ts
Mr. Giaddoom
When Mr Ula os.'. train stopped at
TntitOKfdge, Kant. • large crowd • (_
Mr. Uladstooe replied to ea address pre,-
rowonted to him and saki be hoped to shake
hands with a Liberal twmber from Tun-
ao-bridge atter the next parliamentary election.
H. aswr.d them that whatever measure of
Home Rule wee proposed, Its spirit and bash
wuukI be unchanged from those of the for-
ormer ole-(ebsn}-that it would be compel.
Ibis with iosluh honor and would briug
peace arid . to Ireland and life
to the natio,. The
sures of hiss were of Moat to the whole
country. It was uow of iabbc interest teat
.very householder should enjoy equal voter■
Upon his arrival at Hastings Mr. Glad -
stop. received • perfect ovati/a. The streets
were decorated in his bane.
In reply to an &dares. pluewted to -
bies at Hastings, lir. Uladatosa said be
found setae to blame in Lord Salisbury's
foreign policy during recent years, but he
oondewned Ms policy of Mr. Goeche°,
Chancellor of the Exchequer In coucocting
fictitious e.urplua•s and ooncraliug the
real expenditures 1rutn parliament is
order to manufacture . satisfactory
budpt. The finances of the country were
intensities connected with Iia liberties and
he prodnt.d against insidious attempts to
.ndmnilite *a power of the Hain d Com-
es.* M sward the . n i . Mr.
(llama■-- skis that is-1ait-tte,060,00l
ware set apart for amid expendi-
tutes, the payments extending over
seven years. This was an objsc
tioeabl. t of granting money.
Nadides the fashions of ship clanged.
What, be asked, would be tbonght of a lady
ordering and paying for bonnets fur the next
seven years based on the preeot fashions
(Haar, bear.) Let year's exchequer balance.
ltd lir.
Gladsome, was -fictitious, and it
was actually proposed to devote part of the
that has ldoen freshly boiled. and boding
thoroughly at the time. Let stand cit hack
of .rove for ten minutes, where it will keep
bot, but not boil. At the expiration of
that time the tea will be perfect, and if you
desire it to remain s, pour .4 the liquor
into another vessel s, as to separate it from
the leaves. The common allowance is owe
teaspnoeful to each cup. but as some prefer
more strength than others it is evident
P555555 Mire. that each tea -maker must decide for herself
Among the novelties in ststiomery is an whether the tesuporrt shall h. 'slack, even
li:nglsh visiting wed with the centre in- er heaping.' in serving have the cups and
dented se that the outer run forms a raised cream warm, and pour the cream into the
tram:, with a very pretty effect. It u even cup before putting in the tea."
prettier in law square "at-home" cards
incl will more likelyy be adopted for these, A silted Authoress.
!f they prove popular, as most people are
list oHex Amelia f lion, who new divides
mite ce tve clews visits.' -.ands her talents between The (.edger and the
In the lint of jackets, the three-quarter l ,l ire, is said to make ore
heeled which u cut in nae length commit Lary agar (.
tar below e waist, then cut in tads and money than does the Chief Justice of teehe
neatly corded is more gesovally becoming United States. She o the daughter of a
p meets the emir_ cut lee rte 14, the Ir.bce. all married acmes the era. C[wo first ceni-
Thr hat-rnetttirre.t jacket is generality in t, America, the family settled in Texas.
dowblebne.sted. ltd huttos frim rbc 'There yellow fever carried off the husband and
cHint orf the shoulder in • slightly Iia effective saris. Mrs. Barr came mouth and got a place
ine to below the waist. Another ss teacher. One clay at a dinner party •
cat looks as i( tn•aldet on the figure,ns•it
beside her said : "If you could write
fastening in double-breasted fashion over as yon talk you might snake • living he it"
the chest alone, with the cloth cut away The result wase short 51457 in the ('hnsttsn
entirely below this, and showing a natty
Union. 111. Texas experience furnished d heige cloth, braided in drown the keel color for "Remember the Alamo,"
wd gnG1. tin snot a farm of which, however, is tar for
being Mrs.
military hrni.l croi the bres•t The fiat Barry ?lest book. Indeed, the story is so
.Let, starting from the ahonkder-aecm near burdened with history that it drags througb-
the collar-bsml, rarefies 10 the armhole M out. ltd la spots u distinctly tires,ne.
slanting form ; the second strap and the one "Hot; ever, it neIL, &d the jingling of the
following are graduate.l, but from the mss helps all hurt that art may feel•
third dart they so rapidly decline in length 8u
that only eke arrowhesd orf drai.l forming A branch of the standard careered Bank
► Ito ppe.r' to he raped
than the shape which a straight .earn Church, of England ckrgymaa, &d grew rap
he 'rat a e tae use steams. in Brtessels, ue a &host
Franca modistes have sent over same A 1 let. It u said the aoeth.rty eters m
gramme and attractive spring toilets erase prI Stab& i nes k ,wilt be ahead rap
Henriof )le of the lie x fashion,withest oauhigh collar and a e for it Inspector London then
week staking prelmbt&r7 rt&ge
• Mise of richest lace around the neck and la -t'
.town the treat. The sleeves are full, and Inept. -
the skirts gored sad slashed in places with
an ookl drapery on the hips that is too vol.
amino* for &y but a very willowy figure.
New redingotes from the sense sou ape
ppre+arr.� with .apes thrusted corsages, lace
imams, all Long XIV. draperies nu the
hips. There are high pa** as the shoal
.lea, diagmal folds of crepe di, Chine cur•
ing the waist below the heat, and Tory
ruffles of Venation elm at the wrist.
A beautiful Parer violet cigarette among
leramesses lirplesies sad
Auotume, Ps., March 17.-A premature
exppslas of powder occurred at the heeds
wllisry at Oirardvtw stab morelag. *Wag
aid Mewing to pieces Williams Mulers .ad
Richard Craddock sad seriously injuring tee*
aaad bow to the°ptwout of the majority. 1bat
uphiva had been generally used in the
interests .4 the empire. As to Parnell'✓
speech in which be ,aid he had opposed tbt
claims of the labor candidates in England u
. of an obligatlou be was under tc
the Lite ral gadder., Mr. Ul•drtoue said.
"There is not me word of truth it
this .tatense.t as far as 1 am cm
cerned. [Has:, hear.) Far from op
poring the claims of the labor
candidates I have always been ready to sap
port them" tcbeers.) Toucuiug upon the
di•ekellees of the Divorce Court, Mr. (Mad-
ame said it was not bs place to judge the
amount of for delinquency, but it was the
part of kiss Liberals to consider upon
what priucides they would he grated
in the dt•pas•l of tour votes. The Liberals
knew that the cause of Home. Rule depended
upon them. The Liberals had arrived at a
Mande conclusion in regard to Mr. Parnell.
He IUladstosel was inefely • reporter of the
general conviction that the party was against
Mr. Parnell. This oonvic1ou was arrived at
in December. 1t held geed now. [Chanel
The Liberals were redly to fad defeat, .z -
elusion, natatorium, but they were not per
pared W create • oosutituto•al le•dersbie
for Ireland under such gddauce as Mr. Per
null's. No consideration would make them
do so." [Chews.)
M,r. Died *hat Irishmen cow
humid to be deprived d merry liberties
e ach ea Englishmen enjoyed. It wee for the
Irish people themed vas to solve the sweeties
by • prompt sed unanimous d•curate=
s♦eiast the emoting administration.
Kr. Wadstose expressed the opinion ►bat
It was Use duty of the Liberals to prosecute
this great and patriotic purpose and to ob-
tain jsaUce for Ireland, mowing &sat by •
courageous applioatso. of Literal principles
they could encore the &salon of We classes the
i)osausos of tee law and W stannic, of the
(bows (Uhee a l
Maw Tars P1mN
Raw You. March 17. -H. a. e.laa■ t
the spring f+l*ka s bordered with & &r• tps Wrebois0 was damaged $190.WJ 57
rat pattern that shows • ice isterming•
an reg nsor.taE•
tern n awl bronze Inas a per- tea lad budo•
'lie i has bream old ✓nee �� Tk si
d aar-drt one in soft peach age
lingo the tints tit violet. pale mac rustdet of
/heather Cts' ti ogkls;
tern m ppperu greens' • • weB•nud• 111.i1ea.011 • wow
a 1n5vier in white and silver. that 3.•einpl.,). s. ire -Indere il(t girls .. t.•• p
mull 1.e easily mistaken far the finest loot% e.req..1 safely
y woven
hand embroidery. .Raoaflh t5Pl
in the dt.tieam fabric. Moue elairettee
sbesatiful summer dreams for women,
e fair or dark. Vandyke brown.
inn( sed. dove -gray. strawberry magaolia �•prh.s 01 marle amens the attractive dyes of thee
A ran named learner, a bores trader.
Lina near the gaol, at lit Oaths/Mee, was a bores wither! .41 to remove sense
vermin. and during the pewees he sapped
in bibs his pips, fnrgwti-f •b at the cord
_ oil .r bb h s& The mate"% •.t anile the
.41 and 1 to the hews standleg
by, which knmsadMhdV lay down la the
water and put out the blas. Korner was
eat en foremeats, end had kb face badly
burned by the Mmes.
The practical bens* of ratan,
tie= heed nttie for mutat was *owe A �`
day on the Owes aueed .mets .. when twe
twee, year-old steers from the sleek torte rat
Mr, Wm. Lough. Wt -bees& by a pare
asllo aty hd hoe ssnb Cammila& sages,
tipped the heal blew M If hadrod Ra
This mera
feediit ng.
7 thed en w f the Oat -
so1n50 .tr&In The heal kurhhswa elks 1551
beef. the product et (*noway. and esemrr
o.,.,r.,.tsww ..raw" M smelter to may ether le
the marks(.
remw.n •sails.
H. was ram of them the who panne al-
most .very gift .aeept the gift cif the power
to rim them - -C K ipley.
l:i.nwwrn swum is the kaiak el ameba
thing. es they are, and lobs' thfep es they
..eight to he .ire.. --C. R. Stews
If a era can ,fly knee ear khd of eons,
et kiss haw ea mms soma If helm thele
and unerwew mese, kin, he is set far from
gosh. H. W. Rodtw.
Own= mane.. is of all kindly 1t.hed. �mal
n coo mums t N noels* Pr"""y
ead dbs.Mea and Mont while i lre°sam.'
Immo vow w, wwi easyVAIIMINAL
",..rp.r" negMs 1. the [wad.
Naw Yoga, Mance le` - Score la the
waking mace at 1 s..:
Mdse. Laps.
nudes l 5
,HMiasa ill 0
Omar d- 111 t
Mauro tan t
sansei to t
V„raa :. am i
arodW's Uebwwe IM
terse 1.. 5
hennas* 111 1
Meaty et r.■ekee ?Me Tear.
rule •ant.rnlati• March 17.-DeMware
farmers sad fruit growers say teat then .re
prospects of TAMA 1p beekele of peaches tab
year. 1a all the orceards th. trees are load -
.d wile bads 1• a good healthy eosditios.
Ont pima growers Met tee ono au.. largess
crop teat there bee been o. the P.stswlu
for years.
t.e•txweal Oe1esere• Mabee./
W as.t*&vow. Marsh 17. -Tea Govern
meet d creedal. Deism has dachimed en °feu
frees the Caaadtsa acvsrnmest for the ad
sslres o1 warm .t • reduotMa of 26 per
seal e. Me pewee& duly ia Miura for like
teenessaet el Candles prat** sed era
Moo nroboelf.
sawn. It. t, Moen II. -A oe*-
onodikl ��
W. PI lkodlog.
Om -
/soy of 10Ma.i. eewadR■d wind* bare
ihls tending by ~Ma MINN to the
1;ki::1' �•••� • 'w•••Rw► la his realm al the
Printing Nouse,
Hua un.uriu. send facilities for the exe-
cution of every tleacriptron of Printing
known to typographical ark The fol-
lowing is but a partial list et the car-
ious dales of work we turf out :
Business Envelopes,
Official Envelopes,
Counter Envelopes,
Pence Envelopes,
Drug Envelopes,
Comb Bags,
Seed Bags, Etc.
Letter Heads,
Note Heads,
Memo. Heads,
Bill Heads,
Business Cards,
Shipping Tags.
Price Lists,
Voters' Lists,
By -Laws,
Book Work, dile.
BMs -of -Fare,
Program Work,
Admission Tickets,
Coupon Tickets,
Meal Tickets,
Milk Tickets.
Sale Bills, Etc.
Wedding Invitations,
Wedding Envelopes,
Wedding Cake Boxes,
Wedding Notices,
Wedding Cards,
Calling Cards.
Legal Work,
Municipal Printing,
Loan Company Work,
Insurance Printing,
Blank Forms,
Bonds, Deeds,
Debentures, &c.
Orders, .,
Deposit Slips,
Drug Labels,
Prescription Labels,
Prescription Blanks,
Carton Wrappers,
Patent M. Labels,
Inside Circulars,
, oCOim
Pnce )nsislenl
Samples, Prices and other
information promptly fur-
nished by calling at or writ-
ing to
1891 -WALL PAPERS -1891
El at a price that any one can purehaae.
Good papers at 5 cts. per roll ; better at 10 cts., 14; eta.
and 15 cts.
Our samples of Wall Paper's, Borders, Frieze,' and Ceiling Decora-
tions are now complete, and we think it only a pleasure to show
samples am' give prices.
Central Telephone Exchange. ('.wrt Howie Square.
The undersigned wishes to return thanks to the people of Goderich
and surrounding country for the very generous patronage which has
for so lnttny years been accorded the-RHYNAS ESTATE DRUG
The business has now been purchaser) by Mr. G$O. A, FEAR,
of Petrolia, anti we take pleasure in recommending him to our pat-
rons and the public generally as in every way worthy their confidence
and well qualified to continue the business at the same high standard of
excellence which has adniittedly characterized it in the past.
Trut.•e Estate Geo. Rhynes.
Goderich, March 20, 1891.
Another Targe consignment of
Fresh Teas of superior quality.
In order to counteract the dis-
honest practices perpetrated on the
public by peddlers and others, we
are offering Special Inducements in
Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat-
Hay's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square.
Orders by Telephone promptly attended to.
Cattle Chains ---New Patterns.
Crousaut Sam-- All Makes.
'Cutlery---Tab1 Band Poc et ---In Endless Variety.
Chopping Axes ---At Your Own Price.
General Winter Goods ---Stock Complete.
Tbe leernitere Dealer, is male/ an kis* et ?onMw
nat the lowest emelt*prima lY la
wslhkaowa het that he
Sella Cl'.cap
Fr mash. Re bale° the 11eeadle'gUndertaker idthe taws. arnbalmlap Fluid alwnre of
hand. H. ales rakes • .ep.siai..5taitr el Plenum ptamleery✓. Clive him a call Were
Feralture .knwhse, and you tai fed ma tint he does as Wry. -.ells cheap
F'or Cash_
In thaaklgs sae .ad a0 far their past patronage lee hepes to receive a .l tea
Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis,
Whooping Cough, Croup, &a.
Walt ewe JUNITits 1. y r A.