The Signal, 1891-3-27, Page 6TRE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY. MARCH 27, 1891, OO1...2101tN1E1 161408. 1891 -SPRING -1891 We wish to intimate to our costumers that our *spring stock of Dry Goods is now *boort complete. We are now showing all the new shades in Dress such as Heliotr 's, Mul- berries and Cornflowers, in Henriettas, Brocades, Lustres and Alpacas, which are the correct things for spring dresses. As usual we take the lead in Prints and Sateens. Wilbur. a splendid assortment in new patterns and color` Wears showing :sets of Lace Curtains, in cream and white, J �/ from 3Oc. to $3.00 a set. Also Madras Curtains, Curtain [.ace, Scrims and Art Muslin, We want you to examine our Carpets: in Brussels, Wilton, Tapestry, Union anal All -wool. We keep Groceries and Hatt and Caps. We boy butter and eggs. COLBORNE BROS. HAV$ YOU HE=N AT McLean'a Block TO SCE JAS. SAUNDES WALL PAPERS? They are cheaper than the Cheapest. 20c. papers for 5cts. New designs in borders centres and corners. Gold and bronze papers, in room and ceiling. Window shade and curtain rollers. James Saunders, MCLEAN'8 BLOCK. 111 'hells am feat til tihasdesee. ♦ Masi •-'�s ai ae.iM • pre•* h ohmmeter h too teeth tette the sip- per front tooth. They are a true *admit o1 the nature ut a urea or • wuatau. Hese," he used, " is the tooth of • yotiag Lady who las • lovely dispWtieu and a uulv.rsally be. hoed : ss, iow retrular and dainty the thew - atioa u, and yet p ..-.esiag all the roomette -points /or a perfect tooth. Here you w the tooth of it nae who is cruel, although his cruelt y b of the reined haul : tsetse that the teeth u white and rather sharp and l g. 'rheas. t hu tooth, stumpy sad coarse on arm, • demotes brutality ; it i. (nom the jaw of a - man of brutal nature. Here u a curious Smith from the mouth of a peevish, fretful wonwt : the crown has a short, fretful turn to It. Now we have the tooth .1 asetatanu nonan ; you ser it is square, aith sigb of good .Lupe, awl doprered in the oeatre ; its wearer has mused a greet nkat of .listrua is the hearts of s•glexteol wives. how we tone t, tate that Ishmael l "nor in the anush of a lady who u tooted for her retirement and intellectual It to slender - and perfect in shape one of the kind of teeth gong with long, slender linger. Agave. this tooth le from the mouth ..f • much groomer future : this woman is *elfish. but has, .ail the whole. • kindly nature and would not willingly hurt another's feelings, lett it is her nature tole regar.11e°s of others. New York Ledger. $. . De•N•1am. )tae in. Patrick, ash lake a dt rop I.f „l ahi*g,' snit uatr ('hitago Ire*hnan o another. "No. Mike ; I'm afraid of drops ever since Tins Flaherty dirt" -Well, what eh.11, Tun' "He way one of the likeliest fellows to these parts. But lie bogs the dnrp business iu Homey ahuaeu ow's saloon. It was a drop of something ort of A bottle at tiro. But in a little while Tun took a few door,* too much, and then he dropped into the gutter. He Lot hie pLaer. he hat his otwt .n.1 hat, he Let his money. he het ever;thing hut his thirst for strong drink. Poor ?'int ' but the wteret is to Irene 11. got crazy with drink Ione day,anl killed a nun. And the last time I saw him. he was just taking his last .trop with a slip- ; ping neiee around his neck. 1 have quit the dropping lankiness, Mike. i have seen Wu nary ted fallow alien whisker 1 drop on then.. They took just .1 drop from -the 1..ttlr•. then they dropped into the gutter, then they dropped into the grave. Ni rwuscllcr tan get the drop on me any more : and if you .don't drop him, Mike, he will drop you. The whisky business is a lawless desperado. It tries to t the drupe on boys and girls,ou mot and wont* o ;edit it -tans and othrer.. The train -it d.htr presents his pistol with the demand, "lour money or your life." Rum sores two .nch alternative ; its demand is, ••Your hostas and your life." woo rsellah nesse .allow e. r.ogh to non utltil it gets beyond the reach of metlicuhe. They often eq., ••4 )h. it will wear away,- but in moat canes it. wean thouu away. I'ould they b• induced to try . hr .urcarful medicine celled Kemp's Balsam, which is mitt on a positive glaran axe to cure, they would lhunadiately eve the fsacellent effect after Laing the first dose. Price 511.:. and $1. Trial sire free. At all d rug gist *. 11 -cow t aims u*' *swag loyalty. Lie at Haudringhatn is very simple, says 'say E:lizaheth Hilary. The Prints break• fasts with lois .ms and any male members of the royal family woo may be there ; the Princes. breakfasts in her private apart went, while the young princesses break their fast in an odd -fashioned room still known as the schoolroom. %When this meal is over they come *town to say gond-morning to their father, and are usually accompanied by • group of pet dogs. The gentlemen go out sh.ening or riding, while the ladies in the lionise amuse themselves with books and papers and. later in the day, are joined I.y the Primes*. l;uncha on brings all t'get her, end this informal meal is, when the smarm will permit, served in a tent put up tit the howls near where the mighty hunters are. The Priucews leads the procession going to this an a .hurt yellow cart drawn by the plumpest of pontes, driving herself and or, of her lady guests. She is, by -the -by. an extremely good whip. Luncheon over, the ladies return to rian.lringham House, every - l.ody meeting ag&in .t hue o'obwk tea, and dinner being served in the dimeg•room at al.uut half-p•mt eight 4.clock. The Prince and the Prin mss dine with their guests : the Princess sitting in the centre of one side of the table, while the Prince is exactly op - posit.. When dessert u served a piper plsye 1 h bagpipes in the comdor outside, in ventalde Highland style, that is, panting backwards and forwards. WHY EVERY FARMER' should get one of Armstrong's improved -ear h. - GRAIN W BID OLOL ERS. 13 CAU•S tel � no foul seeds to be blown lido the which is of greet importance to every farmer who wishes 4 keep bis fare into it clews and cle• .11 imlethyngseed holo nay kind of grata while the grain. deed. -Per Market cleaning it removes cockle. ChM and .hruukes grafietand gives the farmer the greatest itssd weight fur hi. arab with no nameahmary loss. wand Bred flap -It will sample grain lse- Purposes equal to -lead pie[laR 1th._Ckrniag seed What it removes an Cockle. Mustard seed. Wild Pray. Wild Flex sad other foul sad shrunken mod broke. grain. aha gives the tanner pure dean, seed grata. 01$.-lt will ekes, Oats, Derisy. It;c . thor- ou*b17 *oddment mete n. Mme- ('peau_ it well separate the Pry ham *Mk fes. Oat* and whole , aerTum each to • dIRbreat estea•i L Mb. -It b• whist Meer seed Machine. re- moving all dost. broken sad dead seeds m*Uwe s ass, larger or smaller than tae Clover asst MS -it U • first else, tire* seed Machine, Memo so seeds sway. 11th. -it is • good Paas seed Machine, t.ti.-1t Is a dr1t class ethsbr. urea. -heats be fitted nos lbs eldest faakie.ed and Taman( it dthat o thestworrk otlaid � H useless SSab.-it tan be *Heeled to a mew Mill with - .t Batwing It. and esu be eam.ved at any item as easily as a three oi&)I 'd. It lees not interfere with thew of the re- Rtayr stereo of ale 1111E Perforated its sieves are fes tai Mae.htt•heb of i UU5.-tper • r+pndt7 of ,pets SOUL -It M as cheep as shit ardt at'mm Phasing Mill revs. Mb. -itvey Machina r ti ' west n this Seed roar order at ones [ yes Machine x ask It lyse leve ..t tensa • mid that You to .N it oda le take It ordering mad Wed Lords width of shoe of reusing 111• ARMSTRONG BROS., Ci'oderioh, Ont. f14f NEW ARRIVAL -of - "V7*I2.7''T=R 4UOIDl9. LATE;'T STYLI.S. Mombassa to :.: lllareediftw. perfe -t 14 DUN LO ',, Some symptoms of worms are : Fever, colic, variable appeti..r, , weak. nes* and convulsions. The unfailing reme- dy u Ur. Low's Worm Syrup. lm CHANGE OF BUSINESS 1 THE 0123 AND RELIABLE 6 A+T-AT. FLOUR OD FEED STORE HAS CHANGSB H tIDA. The pubo lc are hereby notified tett the flout tia.a.d o reef. awl 'red hilliness formerly carried* b7 A. S. W been eureh*ied by 'llir reticent formation of t 1)00.'01'1c 'see (u111. tarpiS..U*l sg Is lash, The shar is *sat carpets of India have long been fatuous for their odor. Their popular- ity opularicy is partly due to the brilliancy and per, mamrn•e of the dyed employed. and partly t, the harnsoaiews tuts into which the colors are Vi,eii, e,l. The figures, except when they are geometrival, are apt t.. be rudely drawn. it is a natter of surprise to Inion that work so artistic As the weaving of the wonderful fabrics which eat,n't be equalled in our mills u every part oboe on the rudest of looms and I.y ittk l.ws of leo than twelve year. of •.Ir. )Ira. liar; describes the work as .Le Leas' it .lone 111 one of the hill town. near the brderw •.f Kaehutir. %Ye pawed tufo.}*: an isrehway into a large, de.n•rted l..•►uig enclosure full of ru:,- buh heaps, 34.'1_ba mg u. )y]d .u1 *tele of utuirbrieks rt:uuiug all round. Under this were erected nide boons. of wlodi there inns' have be4ZiT..er fifty. Int 111 the present tam only st'. are lye lig work p owing h. t trade i.r•iab slack. " The corpses were most beautiful nn t..lor •le.igtt : ail intended for the Leaden market . 'We •aw.wr, tuwuartng t twelve feet I.y ten. which cam nearly finished. Si* little boys, • crying iu Age loon eight to elven year,. were wor:u.g 1t, while one of therm reel out the pattern front a slip of paper. Their small lorow-u flugers woe a d... nimbly. ..I. .i;i .,i' taii(u.t colored wools .11d cutting off the ends with a knife, that one could hardly se what thea- Wert. 'Wing. It reel se.l amazing that such young boys could hate attained smell dexterity. Their pay is front eight to twelve shillings a utoa' tNlt.e Were to:iithat t c nuke carpet of the size they were then working in one noshes, ro that the actual cost of the making would be abort three point -is, and as the carpet would sell here for thirteen potinla there intuit be a handsome pn.tit ever and above the r.e.t of the wool and the interest on '.spite' sunk.' -- Youth's l'ornf.uti•m. Oh, this harlot in theists On. this humming in the bead' Hawking. blow intr. .nuffle". moping. Watering eyes ata throat •-rasp* Health impaired and counters 11.4. Till 1 would that I were dead What folly to suffer a., rah catarrhal tr ubks, when the wont .urea of ebrnnic catarrh in the head are relieved and cured by the mild, cleansing and healing proper- ties roperties 01 Ik. Sage's I'atarrli Remedy. it pan- ties the fool breath. by removing the raise of offence. heals the sore and inflammed passages, and perfects a lasting cure. t IS reattlbed l,v.Wles. Marek 19. -- Mrs. Quigley. .deter of Arthur Hoyt I say, who was hangeil at 11'ell.ud, (hit., 11ec. 18, 1890. f.r wife murder, and who was with him at Niagara Falls Sunday, •doily 27, ,-hem he pushes' his wife ov'r the precipicat near the whirlpool, and w.v a witness agents hint o1 his trial, dict here today at 2 o,4ock. On her death that she bet( :die -.teemed t, her mother had *writ..' Arthur to the murder and had helped hon to commit it by aiding him in pushing hie wife over. She held ?airs. Day's dress skirt neer her face and pushed on one shoulder while 1key. pushed on the other. The mother told the story to a special pm terse.• officer here, lett tltc• evening pot- tieely denied laving done it t.. an associa- ted! press reporter. It oval he remennlere.l that just before his execution ihiy wrote a letter to lois sister, in which he vehemently upl.r•cded her, telling Ger : "Yong ought to he here tnstewh of me. you bar. l hope you won't haves friend in Rochester; they ought to tar ,aid feather you sad ride you nut of town on a rail." The letter in question closest thus : •'You are tate cause of i ieseriah's death, and yon were the means of killing her, for you gate her some stuff to drink, and then you were the cause of her going over the cliff. ()h, how i wish it hal been you instead of her, and then you were not atisled with her death, but you hong me ton.- 11h, you hag, you hag, you hell hound." Day also wrote a statement of hu case, some eight or ten foolscap pages in length, and handed it to a reporter of a Intal paper for publicatiom it gave some facts regarding his lite, and blamed his eater for twinging hint to the gallows. Probably there are more cases of cold in haul and catarrh during March than any other month in the year. As a precaution - cry measure keep Nowt B►Ini in the home. It toe. er (ails. THOS. J. VIDEAN, vents' Unites in Australia has already be gun to hear front in the shape of 'omit moo oo wwill carry It on t. ell Its branches et the eing,front deferential of mu d stand. bra et, near the Suture. tresses in the Here is • lovely Under the t of termer propos- reel that reel in a apellenu•ne journal re Ibis business has been the most ,wooer / I In its line or any in town and as the new the other y : girl, useful. tidy. wanted oroprletor has been *teats with It fr by marred couple ; no children ; condor over eight ylear°.there *111 he sant eR la tante hone, car ewe side tai, rte tar energy homer ly exhibited b tiagtatwR It is eery Y place, !tis M basis ,halo Chicago (aviation American Deeds delivered to all parts et the tow., The West and Mei lie/sot dew mad feed Nasal Balm is ousel for ,.old in heed and alw•7s ern han. and 'h°1". •••46 1111.11".• . catarrh from the Atlatto to the Pacific, and TH(►S J. Vib[AN. Riven the best tut ial .tion. it 1 tate the■ nppewtunIty of thanktnit my con has cubed others it will cure you. Try it. 4meretfor their liberal p°tmn°ae tering . if of the Itam-.t Floor and reed �- A *dao toots. pleasure t• ntemd- 1sst sir u oreser. 1. Thee J. cReamos o is isKewe Maass. wombd fs.nd so hr • thermosets reliable as.. A. t C1'1.14$. fits CONEY ~ .i 4, .�` �;r..r .aa ., oe._ .i _•, •I la yM .w..•. �, as mqr caw • ar.erW we ash asd.h tea .es4..w ,.carp aiwoew...arite..I:.ww.woe. site*.. �+ad!sentoesee b.e.°..nM wise. ft.*. *we*. as, rime. 1... MA wIg• prow&..• T...., „ h j▪ ar Serve .ton Milhone of men .nl women are 1n the •lark gown .1( 'leash The way out u by ruing Burdock RL.1n.t Bitters. • tried •est sore timely Inc dyspspria. blicweemsa, coa- stipetno, armfuls, led hlnrwl and all dis- eases of the stone'h, direr, bowels. and hl.,owl 2 For nettle rah, Summer hems and gen - real toilet per+po.es, war le.w's !telpher snap 1. _ I THE Houma eru aoxE 1 SUNDRY AIDS TO CONVERT THE FORMER INTO THE LATTER. The I.a....e. of ,. rsstl7 Utwae - A tush sad Chew Session tebtoet-nese** Ger tevatkie-Mi to- pte Trestle/me to Coto of Aeetdewta. *'BETTY dew will drive away the '•hihtr" like a buret .4 tttoshirte. If you doubt it, try my plan. Whets the workd scams lark and .lfaroatrwgiugmod the wry utlerhtef Menta W poses everything your band tooth. stop wart. Take a bath, bate w tame mese becoming meaner, put ow your pret- tier& duos, with ,etre fi ribbon or lata. •nl • btntb of h.wrt.. and my word fur it, the whole clot ”1 tr.whbs will be grime You feel yourself queme d the little home, and your husband will maw back at night: std san you his -precious dict). wife," instead of wondering as ha did hist night .,how you ever canoe to change into such a dowdy old w.atten." Item wppret'ate peony dressing if they .i. not always my r., and if they did tart, who doe, not feel bettor in dainty dow- el than in homely .we& If there is anything ca the world angularly* W the health, comfort and goad spirit..4 a woman. it is a pretty, twat dress.. No mat- ter what lbw character or surroundings, no .rte can be rtnerful. self-rrspeeting,.rhappy in untidy, ill-fitting and soiled garments There is nue clays of souse elm treed them word.. and tory are the farmers' wive, Mawr • bright, well animated. handsome girl has earned a farmer. .only t, find ber- self, in after years, a discouraged aged timme•-worn ►latter,, w bo may have nue. u.'w dais's• a year. and that a calico, whits a white Spam or dainty Int of lace, it utterly unknown tuber She has no „tie to blame but hone.(', if .be makes u.. claim for her own nerds. It .is emery •.*.181 a outs to snake herself jun as beauti- ful as peeible. A welldre.uw.1 women is s elf - r sprotatg. tole is sin• , d her power. It is easy to be grant fut. polite• pleasant and kindly. She is not I.oking for slights, and fearing ill -nature.; remark.. Pretty dressing( d..ns not always uw.an dremin;;, for a light, mat- )y-iittuq giug1rip may site Inure bes'-inm- iMg than a fogey .ilk. Beautiful patterns ran IK hal, now, in very .'heap fabrics. so one tea haelly have the excuse of poverty for their in looks. 1 one dollar will buy ■ dress 11 rimy re neatly male. and ,erre for an afternoon" h'ne.ln.a. for eon.. time After washing. it may be used t.r morning wear until worn out. 1'nble'•che.1 cheese -cloth makes* beautiful, ,.ft. wanner drew. for home wear. and i..wly flue .'nut. a yard. Who could not afford that' .snail every wo- man until old can wear white I wonder bow many i • have (corniest the habit .d changing W- .ir.•x* after dinner' It would a'mrpri.o in, to sea• bow many have not. "Why," earl a girl, glanc- ing at my fresh draw one afternoon. '-1 41 d.w't ray that y.w take all that (Ur. r:ery- aftertesm Well. we have °tilt •ns,. life t•. live, and surely one-half ..f year day may leo *seat iu clean. pretty gartnmts, U ..tor morn- ings must be 1111..1 with .huit ani t.1i1. -.Mar- io Washburn w the Hoteektvper. elf-C°otM1* Children. No other human . , fi, is .o valuable as holt-eaotml, and yet dais fit the owe part of • chikl'aerlurati.m newt engtswttly ntglectnI. Thee who are suturally unemotional, of not 11.4t141. *nay tai• regarded as in a.wo• .WRnp fortunate. in that they are not swept abort in the enure of fife by every aurWbu .•ttreent M joy .w grief Children are taught to names their tem- pera but bow few arc. (horn the cradle uta, school -el to tsar pain ani . t with calnusee and fortitude While the ills of Chile W.o..t .blind not be nude light .(. or sympathy withheld from the tender heart that grieves or suR.•rn, the team •>( leering quietly and bravely the info" .4 life should he. gin at a time wh-u the hews, are rs.n.',.t knelled We allow our children to ,tram with every baits and weep and wail (or noir• over 111 unay.i.lable d . . t often parents encourage ouch a disposition in their dollatr % and call a turbulent ,q.irit a tender hytrt .or a .ewt.ltiv.• nature. Thi.. i.kr, n1 provalewtamong uurulti%aoal pasgde, that heart emotion is to be measured by .nttward is the Kr "moot :.t..urility an -1 an nnjts•tt.t• to the bray...rnative.nth. ,let bear their pain awl grief quietly and with win. un.rlflshn.+.t If three imams ,dself-coat rod and rvgreo don are .e1 desirable, if not absolutely lutely .,*runt i - a1 ..,ratan'n in life, why .besot u..t mothers begin them in infancy and .n.l their children from then ,yuippe.d for the mental and phy- ti••l straights •d lifelet thorn Intro t, bar their trials brerely. Tesehing Children 11L..1Mne.. It U h•rily t, be supposed that env m'Klm- .r purperly teach. a child to disobey her; yet it ie romtimee hand to are how she could nwee effectively do .0 if hell were her object A ,ur.asful and teacher was calling on ■ friend whose little son oft years WWI ata. present. The turned upon the-4.hlldren in school, and the lady diked. "But du you really sho- wed no-owed in making little bits of chillrt., 4b Harry here, mind" • 'M.,et e..r'tainly i din," was the reply. ..Well then," rejoined the mother, "1 *dill I shall have to Sent Harry to yds, for I can dei nothing with him," and she looked fondly .Worn upon the lfdtiiag boy. Again. • lily and her lits, buy of about * yah were visiting from home. Little Fred, though ala tant1y 14.1 not to touch the pretty tbtnge. s* comatatttly persisted in trying to appropriate everything within hos reach. At tat his mother drawing him to- went, owent her, with a look of (wide Mach must bare rejoiced his little heart, said to hair h.tan: "Can you 411 ams what i am to 4., with ?red, H. will tax mind. Do you . iptrme be will outgrow lt, nr will hr lees to have a little trMninrgr And them were both numbers of chureiaw Christian mothers, with boyrt and girls to train for eternity Ae.tdewta, For ..light cwt, prem the sigma unpther, and hind with *).kis. phone Air choking, glee . smart smack with oke open hand between the lhnuu.0 To mopWeeding from t e tors, stand op might and maw beta arms &hots the head Cover slight barns and scebb with a little mommas wbitenhst antiriot 4441► wale ?hash • child est Le to We clothes, en .wdlatdy lay it ea the floor and roll n in the litems hug or say oder heavy wewtiv a article To prevent swelling after a blow, rah the „ei lt•rsmdlsM.ly w/th looser, er Alp • hard - b e� mass. reOaims. thi•k pad, M In (ills pert, sad tie It as walk . IMO Mbar rehabs@ eaa be obtd► stti o•. w• • r ....ate.... „m.......,.. A NEAT HANESIfq CAlINET. b M., be base tar M ti Aar *1 - Deeded rwmr.ee Ove d tie she,,' - and *.dost Mfg halon -,h that mea la sands, sett els the air Vas 4.1.7 asaymmsiw r •aveitMM. Y hs, Shmarsld. It maybe any dnegth teem two r Ohms feet, and Amid he sheet themMaimhigh imam the tap to tote bottom ✓ " Aide The tower ends s� of the two aide plans ' r ' 41 t foelw.ag the hraderte .hems! *Mead about 1. Iris, Oslo, this bottom shelfit). not neowary to have • wood back to thus robin, ae the wail will easwer this purp.w. If It le Maud to lets the wall mow pretty timber, Sgmr.d or plain. *my be mated a•nm the Lack. amass sedan f* dosie eooagh fur the wood work, asd, an mosses of there mot being any wood back, the top and bottom shelve* will he nthe sods high. quite dap eooegb to take any or:hears hears book. The moll!e shelf eleould nut Is brought out iDA with the side pietas or lower skein, but should ed hick from one to tore look., 4, A ant graining t k*t'* tai. r illtmtrated in Fig 1 The top kooks bat finished with • drip of molding run nomad Moeda, to (nnu • .,room,. This should b. fastened securely with stead wire .aila Any of the native wand* wurk t• advantage, whither anal with • natural fintoa ..r stained. Hovered good .sats of hard •rt Meas. rubbed dimwit when dry with pulverised pumice - mine suave and water, 4111 cite a aatisfactry ■..tits. Ilia VOA of tesetraetl n should not meted t re.'r tow dollar. -Art Amateur I reeeete ter .moths . A very .Iain thing of beauty that will bs a januant .int for an invalid's erre while it lasts is a .•erntt ..r sweet potato hollowed out w the inside to have a well about three- quarters .4 an Loeb thick. The vege•tabie ntsp ende%i by core!. pus through holes turned in the take. and the cavity 1111..1 with water In a few day. upturning %prays of green wall ape.'ut (nail the bottom and rover time outside, and if • small bunwh of • violets is pit in the little quaint banging basket, it will have a charming appearance. A pretty little thing tot Wave os a sick friend's tabor t, • plant naa•er, with three pine .saes "ta.atgf upright In the centre' The t of .tw'k..r hairpins. by which you compel them to awatroe and main• fain an .-not position, ntay to con•alel by a nut i•( real anal. there should tam he • layer,.( sand in for bottom. .4 the dish. finial or grata seri •h•'nl.l be arettered ono the ....nes. anti if the sewer is kept full of water the sw.M will smut and slow a beautiful wader green, in tine emtra*t to rich i,,..wn of the .•ores. It 1., .utb • plwaure to watch green Mingo gritting that either .,' then simple gifts is an ,u-1 to pew the weary hours. £von a finger -howl with a thin laver of cotton yonnkid with flax wed. which gruwsand live. for a white ,aim such nourishment a► it drums from the water (*.swath. i. • cheerful, pretty decoration fir a sick -room .t llou.ehuld Trr►.ur.. • our Margaret kn• own ate to do everything Y.tther couldn't keel, h..uar eith•mt her," whi.psred the .mall boy .1f the (anode. en- tertaining me, as we sat at the hrmkf°st table one wintry morning. enjo Ing our visit. ani flodint Margaret Beck a alarm- ing young lady. ")largaret s Ila•mdin' the hot water faucet," ply Nobly. an:ins to •tactors her absence from the breakfast table Mrs Boeck smiled ea my .4..41.r1,- 14. lancet'" mono yo., our Margaret is • handy girl, having Yarned to handle tools. and do vac ions little things. After bn+ktast we will honk uta her Map" Margaret's sh p ',*motet of one -halt the atter. in which a neat tool closet and carpen- ter's beach. and set of drawers were placed n ear the window. "In every house." aid Nn Bek, "there are many small things needing attention. Margaret's . are in frequent Hernendo and it is • comfort to have wane one in the house who will hop the tins in order. Our doors all elope peipetiy, 1.01.. - tog.. are all right, and there are no hereon steps about bhp premises. Margaret has • More M nails, screws and an saorLesat nt touts that enable her tc do .berms anything needed. I do not think she at ford girth -e- tas -1y liked the work of repairing brawn ar- tie•Ie., or mending leaky pipe's and vast.. She only did it to help her father had me. She saw how trying it wee Inc me to wort, when w many thing were 0.4 n( repair, and knew that father bad MU* tete to tend d hone to do the work. Though ebb to saw beards. and "Alm mob tethers. 1t sloes not make ba ler femind.s."-1371$ Ouersay in the Housekeeper. Koala manias "letea An dressmaker has Invented • spring for thins btgh-shouldered ostoses, which will keep the shoulder posers is ph•ss, tough the materiel he .ter so 11gbt sad gamy, nr ever at Davy. The slaves, rather than tieing gathered ie et the arm- hole, se fatherly, are shirred and plarwl high upon the *boulders, directly wpm ths dreg weial. This entree a prettier flt for broth shoulders and de..enn. As an offset to the nowise bndhom, • Aeep tam .4 loop, Use widget the wearer ran afford, ie gathered upon the itnttosn .4 the holytee The hid mart be .4 sorse soft snake, anti most he so disposed that is ant full, tow ret moat. Tits frequently forms the only trlmmk,g Inc the skirt, which ie pada down to the bottom o[ the deonl'etttln and is slight- ly relieved at front and dies by marrow braiding and ribbon or gilt tramming In Ragland it ti said that the bathe is g 'sung to hoof warty a. much (Shed..aals is, b China. Antique haloes .re had. In gnat varies sad to suit the period alb fa. shim elf whirl the drew revives. Reemeren- tain portraits of the beauties df the time, others ere a et around with pear* while more often th s not they are eneruded with goad. Theme 'sewed to haws a really One egret, ands* merit button wore is of • different d ude there is plenty ref variety. . ?foundation Adria are maile s* that the d ray tampon ewe nae gob of then are not melt as to offend the mesa if the foun- dation usdation *tet is of plain ifaasg ouiubrie., • Amble row of the drove inn& le laws .emmd k ea two bead teaneh sad • hes et the see b.ddd. A. the wearer Mabee Mrry la er•oig • Wrest or draws It amide b ..Moog hrwslf, the akart. es N M reveals&, seams M Y isles ed for popular goes and nit fm ea♦ emm4,_t like • saet•aam la Om aim& JUST ARRIVED, ALL THS 11OYIILLTI[11 i11 '�0 itinishin S. 0 I have the moos assured all the latest MOW la ENGLIS$ & *AMERICAN EATS, For goring sad The stock cannot be sarpseeed is the splits, and the pricer are the poop).'.. HATS FOR ALL SORTS F HEADS And Otis* to holt all tame. _A_ E_ "" OOTS & SHOES, I will not insult the intelligence of the public by ad v1: dieing first-class goods for almost nothing, but this I will do : I will give you the very best goods that are made in Canada at lower prices than they are sold at by any other firm. NEW SPRING e arriving daily. Call and see them and whether you buy or not you will receive courteous attention. ;.I wish it be to plainly understood NII SOT BE UDERSOLD BY AIM. ORDERED WORK AND REPAIRING A SPECIALTY E. DOWNING. CAN USE ANY WRITING INN. wiAts fvava au& ry .ek betters, as wA1n a (1.,. .ag, r ob. 3 i 14 MISS CAMERON Has received a large consignment of the latest styles in WIN 7ER M !LLI1V ERY. Novelties in ladies' headwear, and the latest shades In trimmings s specialty. Remember the stand -Hamilton -at., between the Square and 18ewEate-It "The Signal," Goderich, Ontario, is the Best. Only 5I.UV in Advance. Subscribe.