The Signal, 1891-3-27, Page 4flu J3ignal,
sW D. aaDethemm g,T.
tomos at Paha ttat,.g � North wren.
Venn Of sat•er`tt..a
(month, in admen.?.......
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If credit le aged, the Wee
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M =rriied an ad
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eeadtag type two
Oar Ines than 501.
religious and
Comer re$at OeMemee Adveritwes,.ts,
A limited nsmbar of�atro�d advertise
mteeats will be In. ,t.d at a fuhuwing rates •
Per inch. one =lea. pfd to
. tort. taa.e ln...... _,. 1 11D
tines month............... . 2 w
six sesths 300
No advoneyear. Sod
length will ealstws�.atiar maty inches in
per mat. dismount tin above basis s
on three asoothe far cash payments
sit nths', and lj 11 per re's, on Sia
conditions will be ss a ed. s• These
oaf rood.
Alone '• Tim 011ean." Stens et r.
esltecribers who ago torendre Tote t;o.vAl.
regularly. either bt newtse or by moil. will
emler a favor by amtpntatbis w of the tact et
ma early a detests possible.
!ent M Went Label.
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rebIMber'a istlee,
J. C. Le Toomey. of Oadmilsk, has heen an
painted Loral Travelling Agin for the town-
ships of Gedericb• Cdkeras Aenfield and Wa-
Local postmaster* erne tra.distri.t are also
empowered to receive ions to 'rue
All oommu.lcattoas must be addressed to
• Tut Sumas -
Telephone Call 3. Ooderieh. rant.
The stunning blow given "Lb; r -
tttrictionista hy the farmers of Canada,
but more especially by the tern of the
megniticent ('DUntiee of Western Ito.
tario, has Itrought the Tory leader to his
senses. He is evidently in a dl.•t.p c stk
funk, judging from the following spec-
ial despatch to The Toronto World, tit•
organ of the than whom the \ iocran
MACKENZte defeated in East York :
Lon authority considered high amongst
friends of the (.overhtsmt I am enabled to
disclose some of the feature. of Sir .John
Mach.nald's pdrev d the life of the
new Parliatnent, in allabihity the cletw-
ing years of Sir Johns life in Canadian
politics. It is known to those mow: inti -
nude with the Premier and on the newt
confidential terns with him that he he. been
for months antecedent to the elections en-
gaged in the consideration of elaborate
plats looking to the unproved coedit' of
the fanners of Canada. Alibaugh Sir .lohn
maintains with a good shosicei reason and
demonstration by fact that the farmer, of
Canada have been till wild as well off as
the fanners of the United !!fates, yet the
Premier has sins the ktigi.aing Amirled.
that the hostile ngkllatiolt Of the American
Government aimed at Ck..'ikan farmers and
through then( at the tory ilia of the Ihenin-
ion has had in oertain plasma pinching
effect upon oar farmers, although it is felt
that the blow directed at s has hit the
American consumer nosily hand and most
eventually result in a ralaxati.n, yet Sir
John feels that it is due the farmers of Can-
ada to .lo for them in their peculiar cir-
eunstancs more than would ordinarily be
necessary. Mir John has been for many
weeks sagapd elaborating s policy framed
eepsttially with a view fn an encourage
ment of the Canadian farmer. These ef-
forts will look to the&doptim of improved
methods of work, improved Mimes of dock,
the raising of specially pleslmiag kinds of
produce and securing ism inaritsts. When-
ever industrial prot cis is found to he
oppressive in its operation without te
cern n•
eating benefits to the general public amebior
.tion is to he applied. Retrenchment in all
the public departmenta is to be rigorously
insisted upon, whereby it Is believed cu-
•iderable some will be platen at the thermal
of the (.ovsrtunent for the now purposes in-
dicated. Sir John was urged by supporters
to foreshadow some of his plat before the
elect.ou. but repelled the idea on the ground
that tbe annouaoenemt wadi be asiiter-
pret.d as as *scrims alrassrrw, and swrw-
over his beads would Ars frier by refraining
frown an nate-aleetktn statenont d the kind.
Now that be is safsy innea"ea in power he
is raid to he tesolats ik WdW/afstiatbe•n to
consider more and Haare the brfsisg inter -
este as he has the m emitetlmsr end the
workingman. Mir John is Mtlwltgir and gets
throsgh • great deal of work evert day.
• The despatch is a politica/ ouriosit
Such a sharp turning of the curve,
and so frank an ackeowledgment of
the " pinching effect " of the McKinley
Rill upon Canadian agriculture is sur-
pricing. A month or two ago the
tgsry wee otherwise. The American
7IIhFIret was of no amount to ue, and
ear fanners were Aontieleing• Now
the «peculiar circumstances " of the
idiFpless require nnuestt±:; done for
Mem "store than woiIM eidhenrily he
neoenory." The plate* eaggested to
Wesel the pie* It ..ream, are not
likely to satimbr the tanners. who are
now iron and. The "new
ta old one and it
it er vases as cid. Tea eonMeainn
that-iA[11111 M.. 'phos d• I was
pertmente will be vigorotely insisted
on " sounds like • p!ea of " guilty " to
the charges of torruptw►n and eutra-
vags.noe made by the Liberals during
the campaign. In fact, the whole do
pitch fully supporta the position taken
by the ltdorut leader' in their appesJ
to the country. The chant that Sir
don't has kept back his good intro
timeregarding the fanners until after
the ,lay of polling Mut his now policy
should be considered au " elction
tnatt,1U%'re" Is one d the nciteut
things in political lore. The (tear old
Man is so awfully sensitive regarding
political utitn.ruvrs, you know.
The restrictionist fat is in the tire.
Sir JOHN is at his wits' end to hold his
slender hu.jority together. Hr dare
not face I ►ntario bye -elections on the
tow dliwwrliteil "01.1 Policy." The
••I Aldi Flag" is out of the field forever
as a party cry in Canada ; the I ANI
Policy is bring relegated to the back
gronnd, and as for the Old Leader
well, he is ready' to follow his 111.1
IT IS BVII1NNTLY ( 1J.14:1:I.1i FJ).
The Star is in a tate of mind. so to
speak, sumo the recent election, n, ,tmrl is nun
rung amuck at all and sundry.
Last week editorially it devoted a column
to pulverizing a (..Hoer' who dad
dined t.. ask to have his oriole erased from
its .uls.ripon. h.: ; III its Leal column rt
!..mono.1 a resident clergynuti for attending
n Imliti,al meeting and afterwards having
t he hardili.s.l tr. vote ; and its cwnn,unica
tom o.duinn bear. testiui.ny to the fact
that 1h, -re is ie. waste basket in the office.
Now. urighl..r. that is not the way to act
after you hair lint an wheelie majority
piled up agituut \..u. mainly because you
had it ps.or ,1n:M•, Lot also attributubh• to
A psr.r ad\'..,-lu•v ..f a poor cause. That
1'..,,t Huteu went sbnnrmelly against re-
striction is not t.. 1.r wondered at when
the evil results of such a policy are so
apparent to all Sides: but the .arid man:
tier in which our contemporary undertook
to :weevil its side of the tale intensitit.i
th.• putdi.• feeling against it, and did much
to immense `.Ic ('A w nisi % . splendid majority
un llarrh 5
The day for abuse it. the diacuesion of
public questions is gone, and the peo-
ple want intelligent reason. steamed
by the newspaper' which they take.
/t is not sutheiemt to yell "Treaso.n.- and
paw the air wheit the question at issue is,
how is an impo.rer•iahe.l condition of tb e
•ountry to be bettered ' It does not .In
aerely to wave an old dog when a man
les, bow are these dependent upon nos to
supp.rte.l when work is muss.muss.anti times
hand' And it is the height of folly to
•aerate that times are prosperous when
know that mn
',ern who unfortunately carry
rtisgra .n nal estate or chattels ran pay
neither principal ipal nor interest to the ere
1'11e people of West Huron were :(ware
that Thr !star was doing violence to its com-
a sole* when it made auch abatements, and
a large majority of the electors of March
5 showed) that they disapproved o>f is pol
icy and its of presenting it: Kut
The Stier should nut *lop over with bile
again& the entire neighborhood merely be-
came- a number of its readers did not ap-
prod.• of its canteen -1i methoula.
It should not devote a column of billings-
gate t'. a man who simply desired to atop
his subscription. and 144...n. in doing so hof
been en hoast as In give straight reasons
for doing so .1t regular a.lyertising rates
that column was worth creme that a dozen
years subscriptions would be, and should
not have been wantonly thrown away on •
delinquent who hal paid his arrears and hal
intimated a desire to have his ranentricken
from the list. Such a course by The Star
is not .!.sign d to encourage men to tell t h e
truth to an editor over their own signatures,
and -we h.epe our enntemporary will not repeat
lima if other gent lenmen should feel like eras •
ism to contribute their subseriptious. "Tell
the truth, and shame the devil- is an old
adage, but The Stu evidently disapproves
of its application to itself.
Rut apart from every other emaider:.tion
the terrible wails of The Star during the
past six or eight mouths whenever it lone. a
subscriber are almdet enough to make tt s
readers believe that paying .ulucriltars are
getting mighty scarce 00 is list, and its
ohjurgations end berating,. savor more of
The Anions Kicter than of • respectable
newspaper published in 1:uderich, Huron
.aunty. Ontario.
The besetting sin of our oentemn.rary
appears to be that the editor is et the beck
and nod of our local Mafia -the men who
ash men in the dark through correspond
nice columns over begin signature& 1:o.le-
rieb and vicinity is cursed with a number of
them., and the editor of The Star, after an
experience• of ten years. has not learnt to
recognise there at sight and give them the
back of the hand, as he ought to
the mousey, meat rel the man bummer
hat has to he handled is confided to
the •amymnua "rrespmients, and as
accte rare is taken. hy the editor in ,t
.mining into the truth or falsity of the
taten.ens male by the literary Thugs as
would be the ease if his crreepnn.lene,
!assns were the .,Tewson. dumping-ground
,very bet d malevolent refuse. and bre
he legend, "Rubbish shot Hen ,.,
1. of the meanest of three petty out
breaks, alleged be ise from a reirrvspewlent,
is captained in the last nun of The Star,
where a wen- attack is made .n • cgy
man d the town because he Awl the temer-
ity to annul • political meeting held in
town, and he is accused of haying done in
ury to his calling bT es dein. For the in
on d
formatiour cc.telrpalary we might
say that the mean geotlertea had as much
right te he present q as reother reapsssakb
a se
iw Ii `Il ea Os clew
sial. As is well knower, On tateetistg was
Ise joint political discrossioa, and the result
was a crowded harts. Nature 8 r. s. the
hall was so packed that oatmeal by the
bait door was salt to ispseble. The
rev. gsatleseen In question, 6n. Iiag it dif-
ficult to ethics entrance in the oi d teary
way, decided to go m by the side entrant.•,
and fro- thence W 111s body of the hall, but
when he reached the ri4.-wing he found the
hall in front so crowded that no seat was
available. The chairman, Mr. 11. Latakia,
under the ettataataooee courteously offered
hint $ seat wble& was available os the plat-
form ; the rev: gaidunan acceded to the
wish d the chairman, and, w e'uounon with
Mr. Biwa, Pnoident of the Conservative
Auo•iation of West Huron, and Mr. K. 1'.
HAt. aaxber well-known ('ottaereatire,
took a seat on the platform. If it was e
crime for the rev. pastrami to aauept the
courteous otter of the chairman when
no other seat was available, what hall
The Stara correspondent to say .t the con
duet of Moms. 11*. t, and H./tn in occupy
fug seats on the pletforut on the sante oe•
Beetles, there is a precedent for clergy-
men taking seats on the platform at politi-
cal meetings in this town, and the prece-
dent was set by the friends of The Star.
When the Jannica car conte to (.oalench
and a meeting was hell under Conservative:
auspices where joint discussion was neither
invited nor allowed, and everything was
.attic.1 on in the mist partisan manner, a
number of elergymen of various denouuna
tics were muted to .eats o11 the platform
at the rink, and sat there for four loug
b is. On that o-taaion neither Tilt Sic -
al. nor any Liberal in the section ques-
tioned the right of any of these rev. gentle-
men 1. Iw present and to occupy the hest
seat available. 11i,)- hail an inalietahlr
right to be presaut just as the rev. gentle-
man who has incurred the wrath of The
Star's correspondent had a right to lo• pres-
ent at the meeting on March 3. and n..
reapectalde man or Iew.paper gucstiunr,l
their right.
But The Star amd its narrow-minded ...r
respondents are now in a :arping, yuerule s
mood. and must of necessity get rid of their
bile or "bust." Hentm* these tears on their
part over the terrible enorniitis that were
committed by a marcl stopping his subscrip-
tion, and another sitting on a platform dur-
ueing a political discemisn.
Now let'. wave the old flag, and have
Tut Star doesn't shine much nowadays.
Ti,,: election of s Sem. en in Hunt
ingd.n on Monday by a majority of 276
shows how bye -elections will go now that
the people have their eyes operon the trate
IT is alleged that 300 mantes which had
been struck off by the revising barrister in
Kent appeared or the voters' )ieron eh.: -
tion day. Was it a part of tF• ntrnpaign
prolgrsn. .
THE lite fence has often been the cause
of many a dewily quarrel between neighbors,
but two fanners on the town -line .4 Camelot
and Jletc•Ife clubfnel each other terribly -
noe dying -mer a I:overntrent drain diffi-
culty. -
Trey. general opinion now is that the
Franchise Act must go. it snits neither
Brit nor Tory, is bound to he inaccurate
and outside of these facts its frightful ex•
pens- without commensurate returns ought
to kill it.
Tilt I:rovers' 4:uild, one of the fruits of
protection, is boycotting tome of its mend:
hers who think the nioonpolid screws see
being too tightly applied. The (:uiid abnuld
receive the attentions of a Parliamentary
committee. The cronihinee must go.
I.N'T it about tinie t hiablat haring, swagger-
ing fellow Tr rem' - who has grown wealthy
at the expense of the Canadian taxpayer -
started for England W make a pretence of
earning his salaryThat treaty with
Spain is getting mildewed during his ab-
sence from the Court of St. .hetes
I t., . the developments of tueealities per
pet rated by deputy•returning -of}icersin
stitminim where recounts have been had.
we are Minuet inclined to wander that any
Liberals were .declared elected on March 5.
Hither the officials were too ignorant to
held such positions or they should b• in
lit -CO%utrJetilA!t Bet McK1'.t.t:t, father
of the McKinley hill, says that iniquitous
piece of legislation cannot be revoked inside
of ten years. Mr. M.•Krem.ty is the Repub.
brag counterpart of our own Sir ('HARI.,.
Ttr r;R, and when using his mouth never
takes the opinions of the people into con-
:1 ass ter youth of Washington got
ahriekingly drank and nn around in the
White House with an uglyInoking knife in
his hand. Washington whisky wrathfully
wakening the 1Vhite House reminds ns that
Rideau Hall rum is relentlessly Honing
those royateting representatives who rashly
rink it at myalty'a receptions.
Fon • town with 66 of a "rebel" majority
tintlerich is not running with gore lust now.
I rue, the Stars anti strips Mat in fret of
the American Consulate, as of yore, but
ntherwu, the ..entry is still eat of the
hands of the enemy. The "lnyel' men do
nM feel uneasy, and are not losing any
sleep though firer of annexationist nprs-
nags. The ire has gene in the ricer, and we
shall seem he int. the peaceful planting d
our pntatrs. Ami the old and ..riginal
(:awl 1111 Flag still proudly neat. when
hoisted over the court -hoes.
A, . v o to The Landes Adele -110W,
&MI we ha ye reason to know that the editor
has get a •'.ttwight tip," the Fennp.sph
let was stolen from the oiler of ffrvysa,
Rn,w A Co. by a pater from the United
state& a Teaks, and not • "loyal" • an,
as the Premier tttmtiwewtslly but falsely
state& The Adverts. gnat bather tad
al HMIs tlinslllp dtller Teillkf oft on.
A precious tool *fa primates party. "Iipal
arae, all d thaws, thief and receivers.
Tits Toronto World is 01 *Woe
His. Out Le Mower might 14new koro
d the rat hala:h of colonial knight; if
had not taken aa actin• part M the room
Dsmimion election. Tru Kww•t.
Ihsven Mutt Ar r to be uongrntdatad
his supe d snob aosociats as Mir
Gensvt, Kir Sratsu Htet.Trr-
eta, and possibly Sir t'uicato. hvoacs
Forma It isn't ouch of an honor to be a
Canadian knight, with the ('rows of St.
Michael and Sr George, os breast, sow
adays wheu tams tnuch rseembie what they
were when it was written,
I dots of old - 'leas no treat lem-
kangsd the thief upon the cross.
Wain. alas ! we w with erne(
They bass theorem spa the thief.
" I Bs thaand than for the mttgniSsant �ih,
lba • �d Mt asplsyar iaad ld
use 1 aiming kook Wpm this apls.did peesselabibastint. Hs.1
ani relented to the groat harmony that
M s a j1" --i esssnbrwaoe, would
it dawn wit14 Aide to his children Bo
thinks ails,immidnn. gl s es a Good haling would always
ape j� �ly�,e�
Mc -
s west .r tee abase %rw Publlr&rleas nee
kave reler se brad,
011 . d.i.t SIMIAN t't.'1AerIp1A.
Thr t'o! loan Cyclopedia is the new
(tame an.t new form of what has heretofore
teen knout' .is Alders Manifodd('yolopeda,
and which has won crest popularity by its
high mcrit,combineil with its amazingly low
price. The('olumbi.ri Cyclopedia will eoln-
pr1se32 toluntes, of *bouit800pagesem+ (the
Manifold was 40:v.As., of 640 pages each),
being abut eo,ual iu size to :tppleton's
Cyclopedia .al about 50 iter rent. larger
than Johnson's The entire set will contain
abut 7,0011 illustrations : it is .cry hand
s.mtely printed andGuntl. anmd, like the
Manifold, is almost fabulously cheap the
entire set being fu:uiodted in cloth binding
for 425.00, w ith easy miatall.ent terms to
thine who want them. Of ev.wr,e, su serip-
titres to the Manifold will be completed w
uniform style with the early volumes deliv•
erect Whoever is interested in cyclopedia.
will db well to secure (free( apemen pegs
of the Columbian, which may Its hail by
addressing The Columbian. P.*bliahing
Co. , 31F3 Pearl St., New York, or 242 Wabash
Ave.. Chicago.
t-t1TFJ.l: r uvrtic AIIC.
The number,. of The Living .% r fir March
14th and 21st cr.ntain The Paintingsof Pilm-
peii. Edinburgh : Wit and Pathos in `fuo-
timius, Xatirned : Three Finnish Scholar,
Scottish Turneries Landscape an Arrested
Art. Nineteenth Centum•; .t Ride in Kalbr•
land, and Alexander William h:' lake,
Blackwood ; Illustrations on. Animal Life in
Tennyson. awl Ischia and its Earth sake,
t'ornliill : Life in Lotiduu !(!lieu, Temple
liar : Statesmen of Eur..ppw•e, Leisure Hour ;
Social Nath in the last Century, Mnrray's :
Our Wittiest Suilge, Belgravia; Wild linnets
and Their Ways, Lngnan's ; Our First
Cousins. anti Some Savidre ('ontributio n,' to
1'iviliratinn, 4'harnbers • At the Regent
Street Tus and's,Punch : The South .%(neon
Doctrine of Soule, Nature : Robert Louis
Steverson on Realism and Idealism. Mel-
bourne Argus. For fifty-two numbeili of
sixty-four large pages each (or more than
3.300 pages a year lt a subscription price(d6)
is low : while for #10.50 the publishers offer
to send any one of the American M.00
monthlies or weeklies with The Living Age
for a year, bock pprrretpaid. 1411.11 k Co.,
Boston. are the pabliabera
element t:rttbrMsg et the aero elgII. r e tis•
ern. uawtrrai.
The following from The )lontreall:aiette
refers to hee.L. of the firm ()ghee. k Hutchi-
en, of Go dcrich, on the occasion of opening
the nee- ottiee. in Montreal :
The formal opening on Saturday nf Mes-
srs A. W. (1gtivie & Co'..palatial tiew
offices on Foundling street was the cause ..f
e gathering of the representative. d Mont-
real's commercial wealth and enterprise
such as is rarely aces even on pita* ,tee.
*ion.. Mr. W. W. Ogilvie. the heal of the
firm, had invited t.. a luncheon, which was
the prnminent feature of the rrrenoe s, a
gtos 11 y number of representative members
of the ('ort Exclange, the Heard .f Trade,
ani railway and (*wart and inland transpire.
ration interests, as well as the employes of
the establishment. The tables wer,• spread
ul the large hall over the ofiee, which hall
been neatly and appropriately decorated tor
the occasion. and about a hundred gentle-
men ort down at them. Mr. Ogilvie was
in the chair, with Mesta .1. I►elWitt fuel S.
A. McMurtry in the vire chain, among the
others seated being Messrs. R M. Fylaile.
C. H. could, R. Archer. 1:.' McLennan, R.
Refried, A. MrNider, H. Molten. Richard
White, Elgar •Inde. lame* Thous, Adanm
Thompson, George Robrrtaom, R. Meighen,
A. 4;. McBean, R. Pebdie, Alil. \'erre!, J.
Magor,R. Bickerdike, Coughlin, Rogers,
Goldsmith and Sullivan.
\ ve111.1: i'KF-eE'T.tTt..'i.
The plenteous repast having been done
entice to. Mr. Ogilvie proposed the usual
yal toasts, which were heartily received.
Then the employes of the firm, formed in
pnxrseion, with a piper at their heap, made
their appearance and pteeented Mr. Ogilvie
with a inagnifieent punch howl, manufac-
tured at the establishment of Messrs. Henry
Birks k Co. The howl, which is of solid
silver, i. 18 inches high by 141 in diameter,
and weighs 175 ounces. On one side is •
repreeentaticn of the new office buildisg,
the inseription and Mr Ogilvie's crest. On
the reverse is an engraving of the old mill,
built iiy Senator Ogilvie in 1882, and the
the mills now operated by Mr. W. W.
Ogilvie, at Winnipeg, Giocferich, Seaforth
and the Royal end (.tenor. in Monts!.
(►n the border of the howl are engraved the
ares of the Dominion, the different peseta
cera amt Newfoundland. The handles are
shrove. of wheat and what ears fors the
en,helli.hment of the base. The handle of
the ladel is tapered off with • moat of
wheat. The whole forms a very handsome
and appnpriate piers of workmanship and
.own credit .pike to the manufattnrer and
the donors. The ironing of the address is
as fnIIo .:-
-To W. W. OurLvts, Fill., Mostrsl.
1►aut Ste, --The completion of these
magnificent premises gives your employs
the opportunity to express to you in some-
thing more M.gibie titan words our appre
cation of the may acts of kindness and
generosity whir+ we have lino been the
recipients of at your hasda The drain on
mind and body mnserjuent on managing • hosi •
new which has semen to such an extent that
your name hasbaeewss a howshold word
imen the Atlantic to the Pacific oceans, does
not. it n gratifying to is to know, prevent,
yew from taking • Neely interest in t s
..rnf,.rt and welfare of your employes As
• token, therefore, of our and
respect we ask you to aeeopt this piece d
plate !agonise with Lite- Ja-saresee that it
will be oar s.AW .at sedesvttr to preform
the duties amiumed to um w Wash a eraser
se will inset yeurl, and,.. far as we
tray he M the hu.vy hurries
W tri mirth yen 0d your family
1^011 be gored Peery hleimitor
to subscribe
+�,eao�rO�eglts . ow ^letter t
Mlvie, who wee eneliesety tams
by mrefthe. vela very ledkie is ropy.
Teethe wan thus pn�pu..d by Mr. Ogil-
vle : The Board of 'lt ie, whin► wan re -
to y Masers Archer, Masao had
vdgs l the (e.. Eachaoae, by Messes.
Badaik and John Mager ; the Harbor Com
miasionse, by Marrs. Gould and W kM. •
004111111 Transportation, y Messrs. Raford
and Ton ; Inland Transportation, by Mr.
and the Railway Interests by
Mr. ant. AU the speakers paid their
tribute to Mr. O0dvte.1nt�� enterprise
and sagacity, which had brought the firm
to occupy a first potion astoci the green
milling oonoerns of the ceetisent, and aided
materially in the tn.lustrial develapetsat ul
(heads. Mr. Ogilvie's pioosr work in tee
milling basisss iu the Northwest was akm
spoken of, and Marty webs were exprea..d
that the deserved success of the past would
only be the prelude to greater success in the
"Our Host" was then given by Mr. Arch
er, president of the Board of Trak, and
supported in the warmest manner by 51r.
R M. Rafale, Mr. K McLeasaa and lir.
,tants Williamson, the whole company
heartily drinking lir. Ogilvie's health soul
caning in singing "For He's a Joll • I :o..1
Fellow." 11r. (bgiivie r.epoadoIy in a
happy and appropriate manner. The
health of Mn. Ogilvie having been duly
honored, the company broke up after sing-
ing Auld Lang Syne and God save the
T111: 'tw 11111.01!tt:,
The new others occupy a three storey
buildinpr, situated on the corner of I'rt and
Foundling street. They are built of Can-
adian lime mime and are 90 feet in front by
70 fret in depth. The interior is fitted up
in oak. The second story is divided into
compartments for doting the employes, to-
gether with culinary department and dor
minify for the caretaker. In the rear of
the premises 1. storage capacity for about
10,000 lags of flour. The whole is hotted
up by two magnificent hot water furnaces,
furnished by Messrs. Robert Mitchell & Co.
The offices are al.o fitted up with fixtures
for gas asp incandescent light. It is no ex •
aggeratio n to say the °fliers may be classed
as superior to anything hitherto erected in
the Ibminion.
Ando- ire is s Mem.
'chili ter g•'odaesti" Braid 4-) eller
Tolliver, '.dab fun' no use er %Tin' fob ter
hab n.. a...hal..lity when folks i. so berry
thin-skinned aro:dfemittie.^
'•Whus dr nnattah'' inquired Engine's
mother "Dian. cl..leader pantlemines
dat yob woo tri 1111' :.. night come ..R all
"ileo .tahte.l spiendwt 1 wen( Juno, and
ebrvt..4. did say dm it woe graze'. But
Susie Jenkins tied for 1.. go walk out iu front
ob dr sheet front ob .ie .x,tinrr. She wus so
black dot ebrybdy took 'err fob ber .awn
shedder are she Let mel au' bus' up de 1i°b-
A not of Evers.:s• !•r..u...t.-lu•y.
.1boron-T.wth-••/1.4.l .m a Ittinute•. 1 want
Um tett you follow, the late..: story -beat
thing you ever heard. -
(At Home -"OI i'tn to . busy 1.:,11 you a
dory -run away. and d . t but:t.•r me."
Look at the label date na this paper.
--Lost or Found. -_ -
J: McDermott's bank. a vslaable box of
Ylwg tackle. The owner may obtain same at
ray residence om Preying property and call•.
espsnaaa P. LYNN. M-lt
Lime lar /ale.
s oft welt. Ins will dways M
kept on y the haite. at lets net
dance sn will Innen y �fsor oak, As�sa laWlsr
work thee the nod* tit y It IIQWA1RD
SHARMAN. GedsrIrh, M.ruk 14.1.1. 111-tf
Situations Vaoaat.
Li vast wanted. Good tires. Apple to
Ii, Salt Wawanost. kaldIa$ seamed err
third elmicertilloate. !Duties tsomrssesm
April 1K tial for • terns oe alas mowtba
♦ ppliestiows to he In by sib March. Mah. JOHN
T. CURRIE, see.. Wlnst, Om. rapt
and ope.lag far a espa0e os.
Aptly tot CAMPION. ■Btt
MUSiC LE88ON8.-M1$B Af>t01s
THOII80N Is prepared ls give asesk
new se tN Olen or emir. For pard-
oners isgmlre tat Oce, W. ewes
More. east
Anoaea Isis
CATTLS AND 1801118111111.
sefpMrrr..mrosNotee,•Mr.M wen
•hi rano smelt had Ms
rootI.bred roma .wm mai
• Ise let d young rattle tied
tar w� w srartwet Ow
• {ea se gs
tt.t.►"trom�. "k' 'F bethe mak', "
Peddle )!iodise. Travelling edge.
111t`mwitrsiw.tbiltf 111tSeet as t8dsla►
• sf tbe Dean
�{ H� 1lrr t
anEri.. .................
440.5.1*4-114.lana mr♦r. LS
PAI� err.
111 -It
uwgrs in on our lands by ohoot�a�
Winbuntwili . rwaglrtg. aamp�tttt`M� arbor
Back nide be
the Piper bras to ls
the tetwe.klp of Whore. Gad t ptege ty
knows as the nye Reserve la *be tewwktps
of 0oderiek had Oo1b•,.,.
ToW Holt �NCEKN.-
Whereas UMW perms wafdowlr di►
pad has 1i..s simulating the report that I
net going tokens here next Jose, wises my
amber 11tev. Oen Rlcb•rd.osi Awes 1 lseg to
.tamp the sta*m nt se • bJsehood, circulated
with the humans of doing Injury to ley
Iasi.e.s cosaectloo In nil. tows and ascii...
I have home to stay ' nod 1 take this omen
toasty to were 4* fronda asthma Ovule ac
demos to the
w a ew refers d to
IL 1tIC11ARDSON, >�• L. 4,, aswta
Black. Gonna.
Property for Halo is tor Rent.
i valuable 1Nwa as wroth part
lot e, vuron 1toad 'sclefctsath, tmuss
from Uodench, s an
of alas acres of ld,
upon whirls are a brie bows bask kern,
stable. &c., la good condition. Water from
pinup to barn by iron pipes. Blacksmith
ale on premwea iTerms tcasosait lfe. shop mine uularr..pply tc JAII1lt1 J.K`KI.L, Bos
rest. -The undersigned has • ctntnto-
dious.tore at Pleasant HI11, for rent oil easy
terms TMes M • dwelling above the .tare
and • No. I better -boos, attached. It is sit-
uated In • tbd ee.U.u, on the 10th con -
omens of West Ww• ndies west
pts ot Wisdom - Address JOHN PHILLIPS.
hte farm town as let ll. mon.:. Colborne,
Ell.. ando.stptlelug 1110.d.M. 01 wIncu 73 are
cleare& sal the remalndse '1..14 ash and
binlwusd. Good bare. frame home awl toad
orchard on the premiere • *au Rood well. Soil
good clay loam1t is eight otos from Goal.
rice sad muss from Itiyth marsets.
4' boot bow ing and post oaten whirl*
two miles. Tutus easy. Address JOSEPH
TIG W 91.11'. Carlow P.O. !spat
That neat, comfortabl. and wen situated
e Made Immediately adjoining Estes rb..b,
Rau -.t.. and owned by Mrs, torte ere, 1s es
'-sate at a bargain. For tends. etc -,t 10
tide once. t
l rateable properties :
Part of lots 7 and e. eowesmion 1. S.D. Ash-
field. IeS a res.
The North ii of lot 31, Ind eonos.doa, Sa.t
Wawansb, Manes
Part of Mock F. ('ulboi*e, 35 acres• knows
as the Arthur Ilaughen !arm.
The above properties will be sold o• terns
to suit purchasers. Apply to
Mal Oederlob.
-About two intimate's walk from the Square.
Two storks high, addition in the rear
n stories high, ag covered with slats
Main building has 3 large roots es gest Ani,
rtain there are Slangs reams. lathe rear
ition there are kitethes. pastel. washrwttm.
Upstairs. girl's room and bathroom, Ant rood
to the undersiigne, who w(11
dve OH necessary interm•ttes DANIEL
GORDON. felt.
wodiows dwelling on lbeeket., at
present occupied by the advertiser, is fur sale
ebeap. There are eight rooms• with none
and pantries. Town waster os the pteueissa
Rooms Lane sad high. and combinable 1s
every respect. A gaud fruit Plies is cos -
section sad exoelt stalling accommoda-
tion. address It. W. McKENZ1E. oodak1•
•:.:e farm owned by the undersigned
and known as part block O. township of ('d•
borne W.D. it comprise. 100 acres, cleared,
and tree of stumps Oa the premiss are •
frame dwelling house. • barn 100 t M, In toed
co•dition,aod a rood young orchard. A never
tailing spring creek is also oon tis. pset.uea.
Witbio two miles and a half of Godwin, on
• good gravel road. As the ower V ant a
practical farmer and !s board to ee�ek,, 1144.
Win will be .ol4 cheap. R. W. Melt B,
Mortgage Bale.
Under and by vie orof a power of tole con
tinned Is a certain mortgage, which will be
produced at the time n( rale, there will be
offered for tole by public .ceder, by Jobe
Knot auctioneer, at Marlin'. Hotel, In the
town of Ooderkh, on
at two o'clock fa the afternoon, the following
proper( vis.The north parts of los numbers
Menet : hundred and 0.. and eleven hundred
had aht, la the town of Go4erlch, is tttsconaty
of Huron, haring a frontage of NITmai
and a halt feet on Pelmerstoo street, 7'bese
k a story and -•-half ?nem bosea, is gNd
repair. on the premiss, which isesewpled M
present by J.H. Kdward, Esq.
Ten at tbe 0 hr of sale to thent. of the e read mina
ton, (ted the balance without I.tente wMktn
thirtydathereafter, wbea the purchaser
will ys entitled to • oonTeyanc► and sesoamloa.
There w111 be • reserved bid. leather respects
the coedit ions of tole w111 be the .laylag coe-
diting of tole of the High Court of Justine.
For further particular* apply to the auction
ser or the vendors anIrltor.
Dated March 17th 1n1.
JOHN KNOX, Vendors taneiasss.
Anettsaer. 1tlslL
Aaidesss's Mottos. -
of the Town etIaIle d11111,oflie
ton, debtor, mereb.nt,te tor.
Ta. above-named (tenor has trade es an
.!.nest to see, ender the preening at "Aa
Act rerpectitag A.dpmeslae per the bene( d
Credito"," be Chap. ill, R.8.0., M.
A ownwin oft creditors of the said d&Moe
will be hell at my o*Mue. In the Comet Hamm
la the town of Oodrrieh. at 11.30 o'clock k As
fersnooas Wednesday, the era doe sf April.
1111• fee the apron/ment rf io' cows had
the glving of dltMmos with t. , os to
the •tfaped of the state.
m Iftreotheesti eves klm 1 sw
to be en' sed to ab
le required le tarnish to ses
eaters ef eWmprevd by athie vkter4.eM we
Heat tat ad sash es+ake e as the
�e ewe admis et.
O baa 1lasek tad. SR1111. le afy HAssylmso.
M as es• tastllhlfs.
' OL
lMJCB 11(E4HANIlIi' 111811-
110 1111 e«f . of feat arms sad
Open holm 1 Is 0 pm., ••d tram 7 to 1e p.m.
Landing Deity, Weekly and IUvf.wid
Ple iwa, M.pesies , eds., es
graeths trie is f 1. hrery end R..ehop
it//IleWpa fro letde. p received by
Roth A,»ol•sodsf s.
►magi, HURON Horn. , 'rya
�.UArfewa sesslarbold MW
mow imposied mai
tar the Waved:. paths.
Ale. . the Mea its
slimiert. .5/ vlwter, Oa/arteh,
Having W oatsYderwkie ezppeerslayn r 1a
de� wMk � satio6etisn ay y
-Irma entrusted to hist. Orden Int at
Hetet, se swat by ran to his address,
P. 0., of ietaiafutTytg d to. JOHN
�'' lreftf
DNRtlstry. - -
M, 010N01LB01i,,-DENTAL
raps =slte the slew Peet Ogee
surweon deatW, Oas rod vitiating
administered far paha/am esteatiag M teeth.
W attmoral teeth to tea rrrerW
of the amoral teach. _•�e-�'-
Grwd(>at,sHouseHiock..Nebo es west
tit.. Ooi6M►
. �lett-tad s • a imaleta�teeser. lease
traumatises OUT
fulthetteadaed td► OSds-(or. and
8t. Atyirow'.-s., 0ad.d 1, that. Innlyl
fialhttar, 0os�rey�porr' !o. ; Man, t.
lead. Office sorer reengage. Galeria. matt
JJ. .reamer. Notary Punic, . t e.
Ossa -utter Judas's Larva Mote. the rooms
1.r..,tl occupied or Jadge Doyle. 11L11<
• Mike. .•onto.' of anon sad Weer
street. 0.derl.14, over lelog aph .tees Pri-
ma Antes to lead at 6 par mat. POM
rioters ♦tr.e e, Splinters. to., Oode-
rich. J. T. Ostrow. W. l'roudfoot.
Barristsst SMietters 1s Chaaeury die,
Ooderlch. M. C. (.asssros, Q.C. ; P. Heft
Owdley Holmra
it RS. 841IX110X i BHSDt2f0N,
11 Phy.bdaa
sot. at rte. 8 aha r� ri -
0Mc l;at Dr. a. laeeleA�gtsatrp
Loam aad Iaslrraboo.
atlssat of peltate .chef deer toads Y
kneel teras on. orodective town and !atm
Special terms of repay seat to suit
M. Q JOHNSTON. GodrWh. -Call 01 1f rets
• ant. Fin. Life sad Aoeidest 1�r
mar Agent. (lace -Upstairs, emee to as -
sal oaks North -at, 0oderi.14
ter in Maritime Cotte; Money to Ass .t ti
moen1. private tendo. etralg►1 loss. In
1-tOasts very moderate. For
pectic call pssaoaally or write. 21
. ta, had commissioner tertakfeg
sivtag reeognlxsncre of ball. allnavite or
asrmmtlean depositions or oaken *Wen
Claim lei sr ooncernlmc nay actias, seem matt-
medlae is tl.r High court of J
Calumet Appeal for Ontario, or M "
or Divide. Court, All traasactbs
and /rwstptll ezect;:dd. Itesidesee and
address-Usyaanee. U. !1116 -If
• Accident l.sersace Appal.
lag North Rrh le Mercantile; Ur 1,
Condos t Globe: Norwich ['mics; North
hosed... Life ; and Aooldeat lasaraaoe of
North America. Lowest Rates laden wet
*see p 0.5117. Mosey to lose as Farm had
Town Property. Caoaveyaaclag done. Pro
pert; valued. dee. OSma -Cor. teethes. had
$quare, (loderieh, 71-
x'600,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO
e(g�''rldCAMIRON, HOt.r t CAMISMON Melte
aseeeet a Private reads for lays 4-ust
at lowest rates on ezpt•cle.sMemoir,. Apeg
. onrsnoe, Real Karats W Money
Limiting Arrest. Only Bret -.•lass roommates
reentented. Money to Lend on. etesith
• y wa the lowest tyle of ht , ae
W way M dolt its eareereaaO�ja-..1r►
sad deer from Square. West firse,
Latest perfumes,
Mons Bouquet. Blue Lilies.
Persian I ''a-. lily orf Japan,
Tea Roar. la Sand lyes betels
Swiss Lilac. $1.00 per bottle.
white Rosa, Boras Lilac -
White (:brsr, `for Brecon,
White Heliotrope, In bulk
Se. per os, at
J. wimao9's Paiecownest ngit►s •TOA&
spacial ateentlas glees to nobodies mid
series reguadag•
Reduced guts tow /.sty ten&
Odes ell at O.ena raatery. et ler resi-
nous vasa_ se at G. W. TMason1 Has
wareseess oil repave prompt nuendem
All work susimMeA.
014411l11Ng OP
A 00101^1. UMW
Dearth IS*1J[D 5
c1Twp IN Eta Lk
DEP0117* W $1.00
. 1M11s
red Farmers' Seim
l Act• of changes 00
/thee Da late'
loan. The Gil
meat be left not
.any noon. Owen
:e.eepted up to t
each week. -T
It (March- AtIX Pin4r&
rt •THgItLAND-In Gov
the wife of J. Sutter
(1l'ytllt4JYR-Ia w
the wits of A. H, t
,!'AI:LING-In Afar
Hareb. tea alb et 1
s son-atlll bora
tIssetertk. ea
ett M
r Jews* Seat.
I..t 1. h 1001. the Ramer
of a neo
I:AIISAY-At the Mast
17th inn.. the wits o
of a cos. MARK
...MITI' HANNA -Is 1
test.. by Rev. Mr. L
to alis Annie, e'a.
Hanna both of 31101
hrid,a streets. on t
W. F. Campbell, M
.f The Iltytb Masa
Tamaq 'Mae dine
of Shill.
of the bride's fatbae
erierm towsabip. on
lmrph Edon. Mr. 0
Jeanie ibod.wer*. 1
bride;. father. Halle
Ker. Mr. Mu.Lr•re,
Tuckervntitb. to Ja
daughter of Robert
of the pride'. *area
Rev. J. H. &mtson.
of Walserton. to M
of George McUrego
N• 1.11.01) In (loderich
11.t, Uueeas Gorda
D. McLeod.
V. ('ARTIIY -In clod.
March ':ah. Ile(: J
The funeral will cal
dent, of Mr. P. Mees.
on Friday. March 27 u.
1'. cemetery.
AGNEW At Marcel
.he 13th tent.. Tea.
11.tV('ftOF f- la Bros
Blanche R., relict
roft, aged 31 yea"
F:Iiraheth An■, yol
flares lambrooke
Mont he.
Gt-ttN1:1' -In Hlytb.
Mary Gurney. aged
1.1:('KIK- At the re.!,
J. F. wewart. 3e6 1
.0 on the nth tae
erly of thetowash.
U . mu 1s 81st year.
Found- P. Lynn..
Atetinn Sale N. !fel
Wall Pspen- Jae Bat
Cherry Pnitsoalc- F.
Wall Payers- Fraser!
Property for Rent J.
White Lime -Kdw•rd
Honey to load- M. C
Cant of Thanks -F. F
Assignee. Nonose -cwt
License Ca-mhebF
' Business Stand *left
heart'.'. • MT.10(11 till dM amt.
T. WRATH OHO. I rJ RRiCH. Mouthy,' remise ep Tumid*
MIL rrwspappt. *seamen. creates. at T! la Temperance mathirerta
arthro asses
jd finith l
A G000 Ymaasxt
you can Mare s to
to D. McOUlicmddy. a
Now array yourself
betake yourself to
have your photo ten
Th. woman'. Chri
meets In the
rv.ry Tender often
2 30 ; badness ocean
The $e1[ IN
tents to teas
: tad treat whit e
from 11100simma
Yost esu ops Irl
he k��
Too Bas r�s
L eis nism.a pt" I
There le Ml 1
sect la every klMs�
01 for phM gigether. Aa
on band at
Mite Boner* evil
for Inspellos sad
ladles to Mee her t
latest env in M
sift • frill 11r of 1
and besfurf.
A Fo*TCra 1
time has Inacrass
eon &Whom'. IRA
Fir le asdlalas4
nth for
boarsetaho tal4idtm0l
telae ..iillelM�ass It
.0011445* preganse
known virtessef
eddy widow en Sgt
lee far width Weals
sale has .*tried I
ins to the etbe
drawees h Geese
r. Road. Met
t he Were( wick ant
Mr Jobs Aeon
meet in his atsre
glass front.
A mamas] wog I
.her of Nordin
smoky evening.
A large Newel
and killed by it
INN Harm
Mr. b.
Demo. Rhymes. 15 .
a'Sceilsdii� �^ T /t
ed am s r1sph4 e