The Signal, 1891-3-27, Page 3SON tains Carpet, a: ns, Curtains lh• Of 1 -NS HESON. 0461\1'46.33i BULK PRI Iflg LIMICIP 8B TARik'TT from M4 to Ne, pee re entangle Mier, I work as a)1 bow 0 Y .bene.. mid to aowe Losee at GAIN RN'S c The Great Remedy CATARRH. BRUCIMANSIA Warranted A SURE CURET SOLD BYJALL DRUGGISTS. R. J. K. GORE. Sole Patentee tied 31 OOLIERICII. ONT. BEND f to tea, tad we fatC. Ivo flagrant watch wenn yoaT a.�_e. do .01 sAchll�t.d with it Watchmaker* we will mod frolialige it yee .0 tad erne mere than_ we elates ter titttetol7. tar Me limner Amble t *seem � . aeries nks aayy►► •0.. siag tee hemetlteLLrw. giaamost re W T1egraved sag sizzr tae tan+ u .. a lady et . wm either iwh.k .. . I.ATT & 00., SEND USeadvily 1=a= ANNAN MAIM RIM OLD RAD Theme Amp by lye me amid a the Use Yt have the a�a PATENT.S CAVEATS. 1UADEAMASS AIO COPYRIGHTS Obtals.•.1. and ell baste.ft a o.. t . ['neat O61ce atteudud to at AIUJI/ifdt our ot*i •e u opposite the I'. +. Potent (N- ilo& and we tar: oat ens 1'atrute .. ire, m. trine those rem° a train t1 .asNfA'UiuJ1'. Wag Sena .NUDP.L OR DRAWING. We &C- rime* to patentability free of charge - and ear make NO CH4/elg UA-LZBY li'li uH- DAIS P.1!RNT. We refer, here, to the Poe, master. the !Supt of tidos .y drder hen„ and w until. of the C. S. hams Office. Aar circular. .dal... term• and references to actual Aunts 10 roar owe State or Cosine. write to r a eaww t CO.. Opposite !'went Gem Waehtogt.e,D.0 77-tt NNA iQLANDS Patella i ,teat a threat ant $2 to $6 per .era. .a Baterprieing Sea � tsta. reeedde Ten rap enon LT TO Baty pq. 4 W mass. 2dI k 'ALCEB 71q-- 9 SUGARS 'we e weeks es- ,�lu�ysl •ad tines. Connection. see: w'u. r:;m•/ELY cum • SlitEd titrt`a Ct:tpfdialt tea. Ciay.'c * -•Ml SiUEIXE.RZ.OINQLMTS } ELP A COT l..E SN THE HOUSE. ¶OLnAI_ER5- aoderich Steam Boiler Works &mehlWed lea abarritel at Black. 3BCQMD HIND lkCHIBBBI !n Stock For Sale: 1 80 -horse -power upright boiler, all complete. 1 6 -horse -pourer upright boiler and engine. 1 8 -horse -power engine. 1 48 -horse -power horizontal holler, complete. 1 60-ho»e-power slide valve engine, all complete. The &bone bane been the 17 overhauled and Ws rrsnl.1* nrat clams o immediate, ery and Will bs sold cheap 11.11 enters ens receive *oleo.* etearra., wawa I ha eL T. R. Miaow. IL heaths ...,o, Merudai a. • f'e/Yrlo ;Cog .:air:. • -• ammeallirguissiale= ,awn OF INTENT TO W0l1 6..... .r w+''.i.;ai�i► kite • a{tw.l 1,tter J• Ie'e •ease lar • : -lultssshas Wadlecrdrra. Aaae.s e. • Thuradey, for Cid •611.68.41111141"1„ neswtie east f.teeu.tis.gaad .*riling Manus a • Friday, you'lleases' farcairfan;1/4'1'1 "a1% 7t' ()afw,a at.4 is Coe - Saes.' ea a tletwnLy, yu•r sweetheart to, PS1$ ttas.)rji. • tall elho-okr•ai giei, r marrow ; slender se the traditional bailee prisma EN. TVZ nuns OOBNEL lames The devil will have your safety ~r' � weighed °v7 ane rose is•l. clothed Y rentor*. .coke le bar wove drum Lal antra pale mum is.- uroidered with gold, with its ..wale draped Illneer. C. C. Ru'aesa. t Co., over ler head like • veil ted ehadnwtrtg her taslrnses., - About three years ego I s.toatabisytlY bulls and brill/nut .ym. ahs w takke. very ill with what the doctormikes erWL kes • strange Maitre means the rosy .iffy 1 apiald get df._•� ,* "'ha 1 WoodW4 women u then tailor gown. Obeought that death w..M sow sal my at(. M eighteen, mad Profaner d IJI 1hure is *.rens, het • frigid dvM.d w to try yo.r the university .t opportunities, the ,till 'honed her lichee*. Atter **oxen ase bottle 1 was 4°1° wayr broader order opll*, and at •.d total her 10 go out the *ran as war. Again this r brilliant t M..1 ion pep nuancerhe winter 1 hod mother attack of the aurae ht bar brilliant e:•minhuo porus for the suntplaro t, but akar using your MINAR1)'cs nlswry ar.d I. hone sea, 17. The mourn (.INIMBNT a few timet 1 was On, dise:i.leo, however, that •enema with ct cared. 1 ore•ider It the hest remedy for knowledge of law was .weld w soli•, sore throat ever offered to the pubbc. .Heim*. a tet the ZewnsM, dud she immolate • Yours,Jua t A ToasT. ly entered upon • legal comm. After tea AMigaa as, N. 8. les mouths' stately her papers on Ronna law were held by the monomers to be the most remarkable and able ever promoted by any student .d either ex in the university. Prince l)buleep Susgh's two &lighten are also members of Somerville, and on its rolls stead very mux of the most anted tai noble .nae of England. The uutdde world hears lee of the work done by women at Oxford Shea of time at (arebrtdste, be noise of a different system a tonternng honors ; but here is reolly found the best example of women freely sharing u noires, any hie, and the beet proof Must neither young mea a r young women are the worse or that community oaf study. Elisabeth fital•nd, in Harper's Essar. Regales News : Lecturer tots ▪ Art--Mefon 1 sit down 1 shall be !appy to answer any questions that any of you may wish to ask. ;entlentan in Audience- I have enjoyed the lecture very touch, and have understood it .11 except • few- technics/ terms. 1Vil1 you please tell me what you mean by the words ' fresco' and "mkkk- an). (o ••. •. Lecturer site down discouraged. As • *'ick -me -up after exceaetre exertion or exposure, Milburn's Reef, Iron anti Wine is grateful and oonlforttng. 1 m A. and.' 1 anima mer,. *,net Ie Cows, �� pp���g���e�r�r+ SPONGE I e yourlinseel with WOLTT's ACME SLACKING ONCE A WEEK! Ott •• okra terfn t�11 NATER ✓ housewife V Y Counting Roorrl VERY Carriage Owher VERY Thrifty Mechanic VERY Body able to hold a brush moot.» 17511 AS DID nee t.yal ',remorse. To be .tilled Her Rove/ Highness is the destiny of every woman bets to wear a crown, wrists Lady Elisabeth Hilary in The Ladies' Hoene Journal, for March : but it remains fax one woman among all the ro •1 families to have the endeann title of Her Royal Sweetness given to her, and that honor belong* to Alexandra, Prancers of Wale. She has that marvelous art of mak- tug goodness' scent attractive : of Working the right act the pleasant one and of rm pre.aing upon .11 who know her the knowl- edge that to do yol is to have a phaseout tine, and not to do it u 10 mica aurae of the pleasure of life. Many pinnies have been written shout as haviug been beautiful, as having mused great wars, er having dune great deeds of valor, ..f having nude men die for theta and kingdoms quarrel over them, but of none of them can it be said. se it is of this gracious lady, that the whole _Maid bows down before sweetness and ew.urr goodness, that peke has been the watch - Word of her life- ..nc1 not only does she value peace. but those loving sisteni. Faith, Hope and Charity, abide with her. anneal Leeerarm ea, "One rainy morning a hew days ago, it happened to n1e to surprise *:race Green - wo.l sawing 'Do you,' eh. asked, use the needle " Truth forced me to confess that I had little knowledge of iia gentle mysteries. •You are fortunate,she said ; .•lake good care you don't learn ; if uno be- comes • business woman it behooves her to know that she can't succeed if eke fritters away her energies on too inany small econ- omise $be mustn't work to as once .1l day and then sit up half the night to crake her own dreams: if a man earns only $6 a week he doesn't try to ave by stitching up the mains of his own coat and trousers 1f Le dud he would never earn arty wore than s1b ; he puts his head into his businese and schemes to make himself more valuable ; then he buys cow and trousers with his increased salary. A woman saves at the spigot and breaks down. I've wseted hall my life sewing but' -this with • reminis- cent wail. -'Ewer brought up to sew and I like it.'" i K -R ON n...e... wok ens... Ow r New ►.•..rawar earl w.0 *V •••• a....• er. c..owa.. Mormon w.0 ens... Y,.w.es It tA* "NM . a...ft e.a oil *a..c.w waw w4 Nr .a,• a -a C••••Nma. e A ANDMOWN a eO., gmerel ogees' ter0eami. 1!e Kau. HL O.. Toronto. (het ROMOTES 7YGl 1 MI. ACTS BOWELS. 7�1HEE BORL.I.S. MATES TN WEI . DILATES TIE MONEYS, PIMA TIE Ilei. CURES DYSPEPSIA. CURES DYSPEPSIA. CURES DYSPEPSIA. Yr. Teed ](.$.t1, of Lith, Out, writes: Dean seas. -Yo, years sal Lanisani.fritterssf fr,s dysise 70 tiros all maws in nt) power p nh�bperpo.1 ea��r__llso.er.su del met 1 diol and .o.. when 3 bonne I ease Saspt.Wy ewr•.L Cures CONSTIPATION Cures CONSTIPATION Cures CONSTIPATION staid Res eves7. .heel* tf. toteeeast. A cough should be boomed at ooh and all irritation allayed. To do this nothing excels Hagyard's Pectoral Aals•mt. Obsti- nate coughs yield at once to its soothing and healing properties, whiei► loosen phlegm* and allay irritation. 2 nix Tiamg.. Six thilnWggss which • boy ought to know : First. -Tot a quiet voile. courtesy and kind acts ere s ...ostial to the part in the world of • gentleman as of • gentlewoman. Daami es.a bane *tied -I Second. -That haw AIustering and even foolhardiness are not manliness. The pow 8.6.B. with gam sneers ma.t Arm aid tar tets.Itp►t►w end pun in niers have usually my iu.i The sesta ,lass Assn moat gentle. sneerso.ar7 hnlr Third.the -11 m* 0ueculer strength u not aurid hes sew neve bean health. left am isMteeetryhyywMj Fourth. -That • Amin er rnrr.a1 only with i ▪ Mlwwaase I recess•../ facts ie tot necessarily a wis e. Y *t'rt.Limeit Fifth. -That the laMoimpossible to the au Bios, se 1UWNo. boy of fourte.m will twenty. Sixth. -That the beet capital for a boy is Cured BIUOUSNESS not money, but the love of work, simple -tastes and heart Lpy l to his treads and Cures BILIOUSNESS bl e l ied. Fiee Outage which • girl ought to know : Canes BILAOUSNESS First. - tome, drawling toe, leageiehiwg see, or en affected meaner will never de- ceive any tis into the belief that .h. has • patio **utero. Beco.d.-T'h•t while the bet magmata, depilatories and ooem.tiea say fail in effect - mg her beauty, *very soma thought •a1 Mold.. emotion will leave an indelible mark upon kw fees which be that rano may read. net the tree gestiewamas, airy ether jewel ofmint ShwaWaif view ' hes •ver Wane, her voice nor how maser teenage pebble sons.. Foertfi. -That the girl with whose young mei ewmp ad airs le sol tis ow whose they ehotre wile. Filth. -Th sI . rlaa 7.. ppeeRpyired wtr.an and seat filer into the world, io be • .ife tad mother, she .hand look forward to Wee ea.dit1ons of life, sot with silly sad vul'w. jleleis, bat .ie1 1.*ss b tat Meal( for *blew-yo,tfi's temp s- 1 flaw.* ... - s es -1 wtaoab7l ter la MAwith Liver Ossaimist somas dealefeesdleine IAMB AQ ae so endo mall 1 Nam ow• l Mid IBa Mir aim i .m !se semis M e ems et bboie. Oak Cures HEADACHE Curs HEADACHE Cures HEADACHE • 8umst ens. Dane hra-1,rhat with bedrehe add pea' Y beak; my bands .M silivheit ale* seaml.AaisIemWdsse tryy trial in** me bah I IW se mush beater WN we ens sew 1.m sew mix and ea• west se wen s ear. Ansa T. on, Cu,.. BAD BLOM Come BAD BLOOM. Curse RAD BLOOD. template! a• Bleed erg of Mss•r Ow � ' � „� "` ate""" MHIME spews ik�igprows lis a .. !.d"-•-,.'-�»__.. _-.epee f..... ,. epee«. �` '.ardor This eras.. Ththe et *7M we am b owed by a •c nitt.,., w t. the r...d. Bow - dock Blood width re_saovta all i.- pantsds town the sot onl7 poimmoseumoas rheumatic humors but even obstinate we - Maus and . ,,,,. Wits Jost se the 66th ewes! parade of the ere mss of its. Roup, La., was about to steel the saner day are Wks oat h the Webb sbe Use end ruhed be the s g eed were e ed w. the bee a .Y* w asfi sp. Aft leacthe et liver wet be mewed .I bad Mr sad. Ila deep Par w beta 4 the er yeast fl. NOW TO O0111STRUCT A C:MNA/ ARO USSPUL NOreusor wlwOMIL(,. • Oeeew•a •Olel 1 ism Canadian Lave Meet amertea1 alae. Meese ..d dies - Mem Insammta.n., wits tee name Owe et tw.eries. 1 shall eadenver to .:pith te yo.r readers how to build • cheap homemade wtrwlaolp. For • turn table 1 use • ',mos hob sod era TIM hub le tetotal secure W solid In the dentin The arm i1e emu arta. hub On the vee 1 band the wt.deil1 A two -toot hoard twenty -fear %elm long and ethicists beim waw web, -.s.ad the arm by ammo of di Oa ed d et h eweaw r dine. a te dead maple N.ctaare bola esti, 1. hrn Meth end live aches Ids Th, boater are Mind ea *7....aes. the maintb The wheel rantb bra", h thirty -Mr �kstes Wog aim on. and • quarter ♦ tlMak.ft ghee • ave Inch arola TM)wheel-It tYrdj ILotes in disonee ., tenth. made of tee eanteob bards pot eras ways and sewed nand. The arms that the bolo tors, d a this are t Ilse lung, and nia a of 9 :2 lief - herb reek Max d m tide u "chamfered" so as to sealee. I diagonal .to the wind. The aver pieces are bolted on the arms, ass elgbtwnsh tache, and cos nine aches beg. 1 weather -boards ars tailed oe IussS16 haat, fer boltfag the anus am tbe disk. ad 0(00. fur t www havetic d that ipieees n tow wagon arms there h • small bole through them. This I get drilled out to 1S inches se that 7 gives ta. pitman plenty of room ep and dews I get s large an sum and hubs h7 pom(D1., a••say a or 4.4. The arms cos` $1.00. T1e hubs cut out of read when. tbe There Y 11 fed ref he Inch pine in the tans and M feet r the am: altogether 109 feet, �g el.st Thirty-tw. 1116 b•Ia, 4M Ike loop,, and tafrey-twat 'd inch both, P'S fig, were ted besidre, four other bolts, y tach sad A rocsm tong, for bulling the ample Watson phiak; and four ){ Melt, three aloha, long, ler bathing the disk on tie brume of thesiees--altog,aher the bolts can 11.20. The blecbmithing work came to about e1. Yiir basing I used maple on one at the stills and it .tear a de very mei For the d_rriek POWYS Of/ A 11x000 006. awe s. nab /.a the nes -• tilN.arp of Weems. S"s'7*•y who owns a Oa *lake *r aernf b the a.s i the worth. std tit the Mips sol n Math tfla. wake Maly wake, err ..e weber to sword N. 14a pries we he placed es sahibetLoa. Kahans they weld, hen tis. yaks they mild a.t Fur tis biomes of *am wbe owls teas palet dere the Ihhowtog sable of punts of aa- eeilseres hs blas prepared, and ae swine ♦Dada dogs is io l40* they may sae why everybody ole dose tot ta11 Mr sed wor- ship ar skip thea areata 7h. following Y • conaiss glossary of the arms mad by hese...' when speaking a Its pais, ef a not: Aran Raaaem.-This tens Implies that the aka le round Wised of feat era the tsp. Barts. -A whale sear* ea tea free. $romans T New A spotted nue. Bertha Lea. -An ear Ihet falls ever te from and emonah Mee lands of the ev. es in fax terriers CAT Parra A short totted fort, with halt aid developed kmmokla altar. - The .Mt of a dog b set the ansa., hot that parties a his body the* extends treee the halm b Ns belly. Oessy.- Weil ribbed up, short and sem pare, wally applOt is amnia Corpulent -Th Magee or spies bet Arm the tom a the .huoidorbhw..ad the tops of W hip Johne er hsakia.bo.e. This term la need late speaking a the lsagek of a dug, which is Wag w short hi the smplines, ast eowe my be. Cow floats,- Roth that tune toward. Piercer.- ids taw hanging .ala undrr- aaetk the **neat Dew Ct.Aw.- And emire clew found /n► qusutly is ail *lab et dogs, but more am - Mon uncap p the Pt. Oareard *8.n other ihq FAcsh.-A dew's farce that hep the nasal bene higher u the mien than a2 the stop. TIM femur* iscommon *new poihtars- - Iarnndt Noes -A 5roth-colored n.wis. ELrow --Th joint at the top of taw fors arm Euow. IPCT.-"Ell owe eat" in a dog in- dicates the ease attitude as "elbows ows out" in • teas although Nis 1. regarded s • weak- ness or a' fault le MIXT breeds, it is • deur- ahle deformity is derhkuals end bulldogs. Faseaaa.-This term r applied to the fringed heir on the boobs et the legs. of opening, .viiiee amid, la fact, all kola - red dogs, Ft -swot -71e bps of the ap- ppmierr }w. The earn a. u ealy applied to hsoade and ether deep-routh.d dogs. Tomes. s that portion of a dog's limb that *stood' hem Lha elbow W the pairs. Fan -L. -The long hour that b nen en the chew of .mens varied. w dogs, more espe- cially the .elle. Hann PnoT.-♦ leog, marrow foot. 17Aw.-T1e rid inside eyelid cotwomly sea is blordbeumid..ad its Bavaria Rinser. -Tho high eta dog is a.oertatawl bonding the bead .itghtiy dews .ad meneuriag at Ss shoulders Te martian carnal height, stand the dog on level ground near • wall, 4y a Act rule across his shoulder_ epinst the watt, sod measure to the point h is impoenble to amrtain the correct height el s dog by af.g a tape or by mef antjoists. linty. Iic*&. A .-The tape of the hip joints. The spas between these is called the coupling'. wee. -The joint eteohing the forearm and the forepoat.r.,. Liantea.-m.lata of the nor. lk.'ctn'T.-The promheat bo..lt the buck or top of the Mall. It h mere noticeable in the bloodhound Mae in any other variety. Ovsw.cx.-The upper tenth projecting bsyeod the lower. Pannone. -That part of a doge leg !moor diately below the thea sad ahoy* the tom. P ic.rawso.-T1s upper jaw Mo badly over- shot ven.hot that the upper and IoM beth are r advance of the lower. PU.v.-A term mei la conee,ties with the oast cf • dog. Its dog is aid to have a pity east it mans that he hs a .ort, woolly cent, meted Of • hard or natural cwt Rows ILs-Au ear of which the tip is se turned s to Mew the braids burr d the est. *01,rt-r-71e spew between the tw.trite Beoi u).sa -'The top d the shoulder Nada. Brt.Ar roar -Tao tea spread oat awk- wardly. Sirs.. Jour. -T1. hip Mat. fluor. -The indentation Newsom the .kap amid the awl bone -a lesson Nat Is more arcrogb developed in holiday, pup and boy opening than h any , thea vaieties u, BAs, -An upright or pricked Op VInamaal.-'The lower incisor tone pee. *Wag beyond the upper, as M bdldoga 1 used . cedar pease but I fhtak four wo.Id be hatter. tin11. ter turning it out of the wad is as follows: la tke .Macho the latter A re. rooms tris arm or lover, used for puflhs fb vena. B around. 1t b 000n.ead wti N. rem by a street frwu rod C of the pro- per /wig& Ate n placed ia the of Me Ma aright .et in a mortice et the hears, tan the bolt Not tatter the are ` en threesi 0 and bookie h Artily. A e i placed he the top, orae. Wait a disks ram t*et Maw the ort. up. The theta 1r cossesa,d with wire that near to the wawa arm std thew* `. u.-_ of the drnirdt. wham it darn lie Aaiineid so r A heal the e01 out et de whit The pared windmill le wetly the true i it1B1 sampan( that it has ver- bs and 1 would Ted reso..wd 11 es the wit le We twill ode to ever be a seel/I.o. Owy power M .e Ar dninag =••limy. I shell as le aha ember card -wad and stmens- Ia. le will tins he simpler sad will be an- ar ups b nem ceder. Les me sepasrsfne ihe We la beilding wiehleg bet the wrey leahreet ere Assad be mod fen the awe --J. B. Wens. Oassillso Cara. The Waage 1a .wend 1,caUriss ere gN. ms thew ft .mea Resew the hela wie� W., hiepl`i.,,,'""' ;; � Wally of weals a they have a ides thiiey ism he�• it y, to•, des Mae 1lhtar hind te Mems asps. This may le with end pmehly k we b. War- sambaelne. If the rapidly sad ned geode l.a.. too ft r prte ihe a+ woWawa fee the uld at bee•. OwWoghrpiy ef a p.'�bt.~es .role de en g.tior wt ww7 be loot We that the supply M mob geode is pretty well up to the dowel, aid done advise times gee - wally .nary th +tare tree the mega! mastse of eetnpply. M. Tetk e. new IOwn le soothing se the fro that balm or bandanna much as the thole ase& To bad • light slip of • boy with • heavy, mehend7 teal, ie make ks a shirk et Yat ' the Marl (its. hies • tad that 1s Net vial* and he wi11 W . pride is la r; be will pa N i kis piee what dose with it; tee IS with Om; de hersw were, Weber. mrd rd Mat be b dna f geed }h. All led yease re done away .{a. ad the boy wow weal pod hmh as hinwe kinhe /tans good while i at mot Sr ' `••••• ..•.q.,..+..,•• 161•11,06:.•••• 1. R... 11. flow. or *hope Il. Rama bona & Bkuu. l Onrlput T. Drawls* *wha*rash .idea. R. (0157 t. it I'm of shoulder bade or .*.alit. W. dehip jedat. 11 AAra.. h. 14Mew.la. E 1* Fawn* 17. rtlrn 'rasa I* Seiki 1e. Toll, sera, brush n tag The tenw III Chest depend, epos the bead. n1. Pasters. Farm Ie.tes. The quantity mid price a mil prettheth seen so wall athisaniwpm.the bold. When the pwoduelio_d�d fns dna sad she _ dlbe1.eater ime heel' ..monad Na eB.. ell be A apseead twit isham I jweatityw ,awa swan Urelb .►• dome .t end rte. mama FINE TAl'LORING 1891. 1891. xrt ter o -r . 9. 610113:10., Fine Display of New Goods. Fine Worsteds, Fine Tweeds. e Scotch Tweeds. F Fine La Overcoa gs. Fine Workmanship and Trimmings. CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST.I Tn IIARRO'VSJ HAI]TVS jOW is the time to secure the beat Harrow in the market. The teeth ate solid steel and tempered. Every tooth .tampers STEEL and woe - ranted. Time and quantity are limited, so those that wiah to be supplied must tall early. tl INA lakilt .411111, r ; u mak mai; Arariir azir .. $14.00_ • .1 1, .t' , • i �..' • $14.00_ These celebrated STEEL TEETH can be fitted into old Harrows toe tasi.huss. This is a special offer, and will be open for it short time only. Who would not have old Harrows made better than when new 1 D. K. $TRACHAN, (3300-tf) Manufacturer. INFORMATION FOR THE PUBLIC. • I bare sow received a large assortment of CMIAIII4N AND IMPORPEII IINIIERNEAR, For teen, worms linI children. from the smallest to the largest shwa made. a• CA NADIA N & SCOTCH YARNS . From the ben known maker'. Grey. %airvyy, scarlet. white � tet NNi*Lti, and leading shades h been* Ones naasela H0111(11Y-A tante and varied mask as usual Meth and colored CASHMERE GLOVES, Plata and with lid tilm also kid 0.100 Other d email' well teemed. Mrica, A. MUNRO, ' Drawer and Haberdasher. *tae price. Goderich Foundry and Machine Works, RUNCIMAN BRQB.. - Proprietors. FLOUR DILLS BUILT ON ITNE LATEST IMPROVED SYSTEP. Wt SAVE ON SAND FOR 8AL0: UNPROVED LAND ROLLERS HORSE POWERS, GRAIN CRUSHERS STRAW CUT- TERS, PLO3/4VS, &c. We are Manufacturing Improved New Model Mowers which are equal to the bent. Give them a trial and encour- age home manufacture. It Will Pay you to use our new Steel Mouldboard Plows Doty anginas and Boner's far sale. may' a x (0 r,'>!!FD O N.aTT.20f 01111 o r A 7CIIQDA Assiegs M alts AAMw. GtA-pt. Mash 111.• -At the A..7. to- day Mrs ,utile. ar the tate W'.. who was Med es the Greed Truk leci1 Hoar the Oamiss adroit ce the s • of As+- es.d $ Bee., ars, for 10, Imlay r far the injury which she wed hal _may austei.ed tyyk satooam of his de.tit. that a_ f.udaate supplied the j.etiaasel with Ulmer .s the sight os *Idol he was killed at be this city **soh ea e:ksat that wifee lett their brewery be we IaMti- ratsd sad wade to hake ease of Massa damnTindall SoHthe gave the M. sed doted r b the ease 7ssi.g he said theehe y leave Ste ane two wide. _tags60 d•map. est beer. �• jury A*~ the Iliemdeseseet Saw ReassMked to t'o17. Toy "thellereab she taw arid Leap'. Relentm for the superior rowdy, es it °°ego pea le. � 1, w hin idiom to prove this •.d 50ti.eee yes echewhatever. lis drawl* trill .��"'W yam sof its mom ttie �• Lan. NM Oa aid a Sampie (Llil.rmle R.R.etar., H lew wrung • u::�a� Weer bi As AeseerM Meas', The best oasis 'slier to keep 164- yard's Yellow aeO 1 r.ad rAs a pole are 1t ie w erWalle , while A uwrpr ,w,u spirytalk ek , a��wt�a, eta t eecve- lama ..d laf *zit. Used datgn • >: Wawa were p•rticul•riy ew.easdalWANAtal i Ate British Roy.1..aceto ail ydsd the 23 who were is VIM .enol sod 10 stem Illtsaw-s r masa. Ia a *gt11�g, • NI0. ver M Wake Al dunks. ns am r••!d••4 M ...r. A fair . qtr r .M.M W.l wen ea rho re.ell ' spa'• • '• e.:..0 :.': ...""M...t ren Ir w.as...aw. w. ren r ryetlr eras C. SEAGER, --Oso. is Releases - NEW BLOCK --Orison. the k*.at.a,- honey to Lend Cheap Raters, Fviter's i Obi,