HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-3-20, Page 7S EATS, 'EA DS NE. ES. )lic by ad but this I t are made it by any S r you buy MN. mum Jo. styles in t shades -een tbs is p memmaggampogigingelmflooP'"""--"--"•••""-- THE SIGNAL: GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY- MARCH 20, W. ACHESON & SON,'THEHOUSEH01,11CORNER. a.. lb. Boars co sleep. 1891 -FOR SING -1891. Our stock of Dry Goods ih now nearly con plete in all lines. Spe- ial attention drawn to the following, just received JACKET CLOTHS; EMBROIDERED COSTUMES ; DRESS GOODS, new evening shades ; FANCY DRESS TRIMMINGS, in gilt and silver ; DRESS MATERIALS, in Tweed effects and Epauline Cord ; FRENCH FLANNELS, all complete, in handsome designs and new colors. CORSITS All sizes, in French Wove, Langtry. Beauty, e. 1'. Prinees.4, Hy- ;4eian.eggel Childrens' Hygeian Waists. We invite early inspection. W. ACHESON & SON. THE -POW .-VORN-ER-!OF .1NTERDT TO glv amid Paisel/Imeastb Ireland? titom Vita suefrot. ;The first thr(4,•taaaate al the failovaug • mi idol poem were written a nureher of ...art ago by Ileum niStillivaii,of New liork. he- other 'stanza. att.'( heel. which form a ealogur between the priest and -ti. old who is dying, are hill .1h/triples" it, And are in no sea) intended to be pm. ,ele or diaresrectfill to the ministry .1' tie preitithmel .13 the eta/teary. they tem Ma a moral that will be perveiverl by the hought f eel reador.1 0011Prth mega ! gage laniew life is asgtiagg, fit is thefallWallohnit lay.Poorillose • I have said my blot prayer sad toettived mylaid laissignt: .tad it the I.ved's willing. nitrate', to die. nut. winrarth aroon. can I never amain see The welley• and hills of my dear nit, i•• lawn "; hen my 'out takes its flight front this dark world of Sorrow. Will it pass tbrouth old Ireland to oio the blest hand! soiggarth *roue nu. • I keret net ; n beeves The loved owners waltiag and watching tot tor, And the Lord knows how anz.ous I am to be with those. In those realms of Joy. mid nook pure and iree: Yet.. ensgartb. I pray. ere y ou lease me feerf tr. I, heir the lent doubt of • poor dy fag wool. Whose hope.nesi to Ood.;• to t.now that when leaving Twill pawl through old Ireland on It. its goal. eogaarth aroon • I have kept through all - changes The thriee-blemed shamrock to lay o'er my clay : nod oh' it has minded me. oftes and often. Of that %Malt smiline, valley so far. far away. Then toll me. I pray you. will I ever again see The pace where it grew on my own saline sod t rhea sny body lies cold in the land of the st ranger. Will my soul pass through Erin or. its way to our Goat" t math ' bless you. my child'. .0?' %honest it v•a.. bean en Yu wanted to go to the nuttiest you died . -And each is the place on the ticket Cm ail tag. Hut •eoupon for Ireland I'll stick to its side. Your soul shall be tree as the wind aer the retries. tad I'll land ou ( ork.on the banks of the hue: ,dtwo little angels I'll give yon.like fairies. To guide you all right over mountain and lea." tenth. nougarth aroon can't you do any better I know that toy feelings may peril your grace. Hut. If you allowed me • voice In the matter. won't make • landing at any each place. Th. spot that I long for Is sweet County Derry Amoeg Its fair people I was born and bred The Corklea I sever much fended while 1'. lag. tad I don't want to visit them after Tat deal. Let an'fly to the hills. where my soul eau make merry. In the North. whore the shamrock more plentiful (rows- Itt the Canaille of Cavan. Fermanagh. and Derry ill linter till mind to • better repose. and the angels you Irif • ine will Sad it invia Inv To visit the shrines Is Om Island of Sainte If they Wag from Rt. Patrick • small bit sr writing They'll sever have reason for asy men plaints." told, my dear child, that hart Melons Mien It venal not he confined to a provisee gasman 'through Ulmer and lleneter and ie and Oannasight, In Ion than s MO you're over It all„ Tau visit tweet Cork. where you erantsrlh woe bees ; '10 doubt mast new thing, have come isle enigma rot me 'hiss you'll fled Ibis Vieth night. soon, and mom is few centuries back, there's so &Image la the brogan.' 14.0.1 wither. melee me in this my lasshear : engsarth moos, lay your hand cm lei "o. moire eiggarth for all, anti ha all you have pewee. end I take It foe parmate for what I hays said. sil new, slues you tell two through Ireland tin paealag. k ad finding the inhere en remarkably'I never let no Ifs the angels Is mewing Taal we know • distlastlea in sweetie et all." abowlell Immeosed. 1 rough should be loosened at nose Ned Awe veils illwat4b Rotors) Bahasa. notagOs yield at ones to and baanag pregm•Ma. whirl; amid allay leshatiom. 2 . Pan dulness ha Them :iv a curious prejudice among many &gannet the to ershoetand yet tile despieeti rillaser is an essential ftritteetion against the nielteug +now and shard' of Mar -h. The thickest sole of the heaviest walking hoot absorbs igh moisture to dampen and chill the feet, and yet nothing is inere peril- ous than tot ttag in a warne room with rub kers on. exec -lento: going about the ordniary hmese in elippers. Draughts hug the emir and lie in watt for the unwary. The cling mg of wet „pkirtis rigatoni the ankle'. M fruitful.mune of ache. and pains. Leg- gings of leather. water • proof or tubber will obviate this trouble in degree,ewhile a .kin of flannel faced uith• robber baud A maters who has as average "1 fifty habits liernere every year advises rubbing as a mean. '.1 quoting a restless child and getting a Retinas one to steep. Her plan is Co strip the morsel of humanity, "pouffe et ed with tepid, soapy water, dry it thorough ly with a soft towel and, beginning at the little pink soles, rub it all over. At first there may he Mellows. but gradual!) it willsubside, subside, t lie youngster will begin to purr and 'goo will. enjoyment. and under the ...th- eft uithience tat magnetism it will.lrop off tat sleep, rent well anti wake up in the ming refresh...1 mai cheerful The %aloe .1 this operation can be •arierl by rubbing the little hush. said body up awl .lowu until the flesh wenn arid pink inn.' time and the next day having the inotinu rotatory that es, take the delitate tinkle one hand, wrap pingh the fingers as closet about it as pomilde anti not hunt the chilli. In this way work up and 'town the legs anal antis until the child becomes quiet. 'the body may behile ritel itt stroked in the smite way. Thue nuissage t mat- tneut of the i..11.1161, throat and chest with the haud moistened with oamphomted nil.or vaselinc will ward off the throat trouble or relieve cold. Tb.Iluele that is true fa said of the necessity of m stem and order in domeetie work ; Ion the meat helpful system anti the most beautiful "'dee-lite may be .41 rigidly exacted by the anibitious houeleerife as to render the cainfort helopincos of her family sub• • sidiary it.a.n.lte imperil her own real wel• fare Think of this. and begin the twit ye•I.': by hems/ a little mere lenient with youreeff as well as with "then!, Stud, the highs:tit good of three dependent upon you and yew-- 'melt. and see that you put the things that comities. to it in tin'foregrounil. If uriesettel company conies ion any .lay, whirl, necoseitates increased hiber and an added nervous strain, in. that youtswaken tacit miming with a dull pain in your head and general seem of "Lrednerso- !weer mind if the wiled clothe:mare prepared and waiting U. be washed: do not tax youreelf further by rising an hour earlier than u -nal. and doing an exceptionally hard day s work. No possible harm will ceme to any thing but that overeemeitive ornisciento .1 yours if the washing is deferred until anode er day, and you wisely let down the tension and recuperate to the interval. lVluit is true washingite o,ivally true of all other prearranged untie That dm- -agomahle upheaval, the meekly swes-ping. day. is as ofteaet concessem. to video' and er as a aeceenty. - A earpeeswoeper, which any child 5 jrears old tan be taught to handle etepertly. IA one of the wise economies in household expenditure. Theo "ugh %titillation. ve ith a free entrance for -surishineo. awl the daily use of a sweeper and a dusting cloth. will render it monthly sweeping -day sufficient for the rooms in daily use be an ortlimiry family. If you tried in vain during the morning home to finish, the wet kly ironing, with its array of 'over -trimmed under- garmente, der, not goad yourself bt commenee again after dinner. Cover the leaket up with • damp cloth, and let it stewl until next .lay. and rest yourself be using some other set s.f murales. In short. min to .1. your housework so as to live healthfully, nappily, arid long ,mad me so as to lead an over-hurdened, hurried life for a few years in order to be I. -Others homekeeper. "Is tiethe life mere than moat. and the body than raiment If I were a heti...v.-keeper who had at. ens', rot -king -cheer in the kitchen, I would take that pretty one out ..f the guest chamber, that is not used once a month, arel bring it down in the and toke one of the old 1.11C4 from there out int.. the kitchen. tin the wall near it I would plan some sort of a reeeptaele for holding newspapers and magazine a, UM when an tatasional moment came as it does in the busiest life I would sit tiown anti read a few words and so take myself out of the tretAmill round of my ilatiel.'„ an.l get a glimpse of the great outside world. - Housekeeper.* Weekly. The UsrI If it wife wants a peaceful atmosphere and the "lame unlimited adoration that she had from the individual is lin was her lover in her earlier days, one of her first must he ttretain it by in sonic measure de- serving it tine of the first things for her to attend to in that line is that of keeping the household and «they expenses entirely within the sum that she and her husband have decided to be tit and proper: and a system that will ensure that having been established. to let her husleauts pockets rest in peace, to ask for no more money, and to have mine of those trifling. teasing expenses of which each single amount te small, hut the 'rum is coniparatively enormous. (hue of the next things for her to do is to remember that • wellfed man is easily better and more amiable, healthier and happier than one poorly nourished, and to govern her table and her ceokery: and if the effort causes dithculty with 6:er servants, to let hint know nothing of it ; and if she has Ito servant* to husband her strength in other ways and to ineke the work easy for herself by a systematic procedure a day for this duty and a day for that ; a place for every thing anal everything in its place. It would be • poor sort of husband that would not appreciate this effort and meet it more than half way. That business attended to a wise wife will try and keep up her husband's tone of thought and with his reading, and will bring forward subjects for conversation and discussion not altogether personal, omitting scandals and fashions, making herself so ble and agreeable to him intellect tinily that he will not need to go elsewhere for such 'society. Still another point for her to consider ur that of the exercise of as much courtesy to leer husband as she was wont to me towards him in the days when it pleased her to think she attracted him. Anti then, Ea her hualand is mortal, she is to remember that fact, and not he sur -prisma and manifest. her surprise at his want of perfection, remernliering also her own want of it, and the possibility that she, too, may hues fallen short of an ideal. It is a good pian to remember that she pleases not en mach Iny brilliancy as by charm While the feet are kept warm. the heat Amnia be oink The haelitet nations in the world are those wha.h er the throat 11!1.1 head lightly. Reserve the fur hat and muffleri.'- th.• sleigh ride, and banish them front the promenade. tatierrli and throat trItIthire are often caused ley the entrodue • non of foreign particles into the nasal pas- sages. so wear a thick reil as a safe -guard against the lust which March winds bear ort their whip : anti, lastly, avoid injudic- ious tire -sing for social events. Eventug multiuse, for torn awl women art: much thinner than those habitually worn during the day : and tare should be taken to in- crease 1...ffellp011.iiegly the outer and under garment,. It is A trifle itre•uttiptuons to discard flannele, and then, after hours in a hot ball -room. to put on a t•resttion of lace and ribbon for .1 .lrive or walk in !tor eight air ..f Mar.h. -Mina a Ilvinse. It 0. e pity that. (lit -young Wont in who is about t.. eetalslish a le we moil has is s of motley le spend for its garnishing cannot le persuaded from laying it out all at once. eh.- role lit -Nell of so much future enio)-- mein. The spick and spelt sets of furniture which are carelessly ordered from an uphol- start r, and carried home and stood arouuti her parlors by hie nien, will never afford her half the satisfaction she tan get in a room for which today- she buys a "hair, and next week, seem,: there must be a table to aceone party the chair. elm starts on a fresh shopping exeuraism. and finds & table which is exactly went she wan looking for; and in another /math; .Inkv,vering the need of a bookcase or a screcn, she has again the delight tef the hunt. and the gratification of obtaining the prettiest *creels anti hookeasse in the city. Such a ream is a growth. a gatheniig to- gether, of ls.usehoi,I (mamma little Inylittle, and piece by piece. Each art ick,bought only when the meet rinses, or when something is happily found to just meet the need. will have a faintly history which makes it an entertaining as well as a valuable poetemeion. Each couch and footstool is an achievement: each rug and curtain represents a triumph. Such a home. built up gradually. with care- ful planning in -each part, with thought and Ito- mg consideration in all its details. acquires a "leaning far deeper than maid he perchers ed toy the longest purse from the most fashionablecabinet-maker. Harper's Barer. Thetak She ellIdres. They run on our errands, upstairs for our honks or slippere. our thimble', our new magaeines; downstairs to tell the lien ants this thing or that: over the way to carry our messages; to the post office with our letters and panels. They leave their play or their work a down tunes in a morning, endo something to oblige us who are grown up, bigger. apt strong, and to is. isosai•orhingly nrespie.i than they. Nogarne of politic -4,w Austere. in later life, will ever he so important to the man as hall and tat p to the little lad; anti en future enjoy Teel of the little girl will ever he greater in degree and in kind than her present interest in her dolls and her play house: yea. Johnnie and lenniefly at our bidding, arresting them velem in mitl-career of the play which is their present work, and alas' halt the time we ,1uite overlook our own obligation to he grateful. Ws an not say "I thank you And he rause we do not say it, we inake it rliffieult for our children to be as polite, and simply efinrterins, as otherwise they would he by nature, and the imitation which is second nature to all children. Tb. Judge's Inesee. A lawyer having weaned the ennui by a long and doll argument, the judge migrated the ..f his Iteinginxiilitur a close. "I *Ishii speak aa long se I was the angry retort -Vet have already spoken longer than you please,' replied the judge. Roston Tray eller Harked down the young man • mustache when it levies to he visible. Pittahare I %menet& Her ('eethfl (4einows Mclennan. I :nest "What do yam think of Prof. Koch'. great -q. 4 in .4r ••• • kmama who is not much n4 a neeepaper reader) "Well, t 'tail ye thtruth, I habit meek fent- in any it them ors pitons attediggoa- Street b Smith's fiend News r., The Vest Maar elf Aeglemasis, A Edward Smith Tin you know, in',, dash bny, it may soon he rosatilerea awfully &Wish to he awfully Irish • Clarence Arnesdale Rrnwn Vote don't say A Edward Smith Ya as. Seholare my that the Irish }engem is the purest awl most correct of Englitah Peek When the pr.ao waft Now red over a Mewl of cards laow. iii. a royal Rush. New Orleagg‘,,,.4i4; The flying thief may not be a pripnier man, hot Int generally has • large foaming. Mt. Joseph News • Mist1§4**1 STEAM Prilding HOUR', NORTH -ST., GODERIGH. utieurpatievil facilities for the eat. cation of sorry de,erirtion of Printing kiiowii to typographiviil art . The fssl 10% ing is Ina 3 partial list of the %:ir ions vla.ses if work a, turn out Business Envelopes, Official Envelopes, Counter Envelopes, Pence Envelopes, Drug Envelopes, Comb Bags, Seed Bags, Etc. Letter Heads, Note Heads, Memo. Heads, Bill Heads, Statements, Business Cards, Shipping Tags. Circulars, Price Lists, Catalogues, Pamphlets, Voters' Lists, By Laws, Book Work, &c. Bills -of -Fare, Program Work, Folders, Admission Tickets, Coupon Tickets, Meal Tickets, Milk Tickets, Posters, Hangers, Streamers, Flyers, Daters, Dodgers, Sale Bills, Etc. 1891. Invitations, Wedding Invitations, Wedding Envelopes, Wedding Cake Boxes, Wedding Notices, Wedding Cards, Calling Cards. Legal Work, Municipal Printing, Loan Company Work, Insurance Printing, Blank Forms, Bonds, Deeds, Debentures, &c. Receipts, Notes, Cheques, Drafts, Orders, Requisitions, Deposit Slips, Drug Labels, Prescription Labels, Prescription Blanks, Carton Wrappers, Patent M. Isabela, Inside Circulars, Testimonials. *MD IL , COC:131. IIThER KINDS OF WORK. PflGES COHEN Samples, Prices and other information promptly tar- nished by calling at or writ- ing to "Tlife_SIGNAI . soma= SCHOOL OPENINC. RIADQU.kitTiffill AT FRASER & PORTER'S LL eUPPLI KA Or • U. The Latest and Best Educational Works! AUTHORIZED AND RECOMMENDVD High, aid Sp1)1111P S(ehook See our Daisy, Star and Rosebud Scribbling Books ; also our Majestic, Mystic and Artistic Exercise Books; biggest Ix: 3ks for the money ever shown, ONLY 5 CENTS. FRASER & PORTER', Central Telephone Exchange. Gain House Squarer HOLIDAY DECORATIONS ! Wf 4. 11014 a e line of M:E"r.AL5LIC PAINTS, l'ONS1:-,TING OF Gold, Silver, Copper, Lilac and 8 other Beautiful Colors for 1,rnallicrit ;115 ) Work. elf% Mi vent ready for •19e. BOTTLE AND BRUSH, ONLY 15c. Al,. a 1,.1,1 of Plush Goods, Perkins, Sachet Powder.), %lel Toilet Water, tc., t.beinist and Druggist. llohility Presents. 3 (DRGI-m RI -I Y/NT A S, Goderia. Ont. .;ex, Geo. Acheson's dry goods store, P U BLIC NOTICE ! Another large consignment of Fresh Teas of superior quality. In order to counteract the dis- honest practices perpetrated on the public by peddlers and others, we are offering Special Inducements in Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat- ronage. REES PRICE & SON. Kay's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square. Orders by Telephone promptly attended to. Cattle Chains—New Patterns. Crosscut SawE --All Makes. Cutlery ---Table and Pocket—In Endless Variety. Chopping Axes ---At Your Own Price, General Winter Goods—Stock/Complete. ALL AT SPECIAL PRICES! R. P. WILKINSON & Co.. Hardware. The Furniture Dealer, is selling all kinds of turnitaeo at the lowest possible prices. It is well-known fact that he Sellc Cida.cap Ter cash. He is also the leading Undertaker of the town. Kothalminst Fluid always kept es head. He also wakes • speeisjty of Picture rramles, give him • call before purehoPina rampart, elsewhere, aad yea will flad out that ha does as he says fells cheap Zqor Cas1. la thanking Gee find all for their past patronage he hopes to receive • ; ed tan Sine GEO. BARRY, —FOR— Hamilton-at. • Choice Perfumes, Fancy Toilet Articles and Holiday Novelties -112111/111101' TU BTOfZ 11111M)WII BY II .1 SI Rik .11 1111,,,,,01.4wwiti.a•twarmiii iiiktbhiIih11 I I Ai 11 I I ill h eat, F. JORDAN, MEDICAL HALL MI"