HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-3-20, Page 6-II w sr ' is,. tt.;ctj tia ooLBOP.ivE aR.013. TH= MONAL : GODERICH, ONT., flWAT, lA 1tR 20, 1491. III I HIti a' ANOVT HEAL1 I. 1891 -SPRING -1891 We wish to intimate to our customers that our spring stock of Dry Goods is now about complete. We are now showing all the new shades in Dress Goods, gIru•srThir.a. anIlalhiutnpulw. erM., i it► Henriettas, Brocade. Lustre. and Alpacas, which aro the correct things for .print; dressy,. At. usual we take the lead in Prints and Sateen-. We have a splendid na,ortltent in new patterns and color. Vi i' are showin;.; / sets Of Lace Curtains, in create and white, ! v/ from itte. to $5.00 a set. Also Madras Curtains, Curtain ince Scrims awl Art Muslin*. We want you to l-uuuife our Carpet. in Brussel, v:Iton, Tapestry, Union and All -wool. We keep Groceries and Hat- tutu Cap, We buy butter tun. COLBORNE BROS !LH, 'II a,. CARD OF TIIAMKSI .TAMES SAt'ND1Eis, in re- turning thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on the late finis for the last ten years, has now dissolve(. A. Saunders will conduct the business of the old stand, collect accounts and pay all debts of the late firm. Jas. Saunders lin: re- moved to McLean's block with a full stock, which will be sold cheap, consisting of Sheffield goods, in knives, forks, peen and pocket knives, razors, tea and table spoons ; Birmingham ggot,oad1sa nn Japanned ware : W of verhaalpton goods, in spec- tacle•, of all description : and mil ver -plated ware from' tbs. best manufacturers, and jewel- ry in gold. silver and plated ware : specialty in wedding rings : combs and brushes, of Edinburgh and Aberdeen Mak- ers: fancy goods in the new styles ; wall papers front the best makers ; 2,000 roils at Live cent., per roll. Cone awl see' for yourselves before buy- ing. Country produce taken in exchange. JAMES SAUNDtRS. WHY EVERY FAR1'tI?R Mould tet onset Armstrong's Improved 1 481'1.. OREIN k SEED CLEANERS. Women are not slow • to eampr.he,wd. They're quirk._ They're *lite, and yet it waa a ,Ilea a ho iilae'ot creel the one remedy for their peculiar ailments. The man ea. Dr. Pierse. The d sewer was ha " Fas of ite Pre.ert lies'" the- Hine to .delicate women. Why go nwn,1 -eat le eget fala in the geese. ' rutferiug ill silence 'Matthaei ste.ml shot there's a remeely at hand that iris t au experiment, but which is ald.1 under the guarantee that if yet arc disappointed its any way In it, you can get your nnucy black l.y applying to its makers: We can 'madly imagine, a woman.* not trying it. ..,111IIInl 1 ' It a) he true of one or two --tut I• lee d„ I it. 11•oinenare ripe for it. They neat have te Think of a prescription and idle• amt of ten S Iltitig for it. ((arty the I. swim to them i • I The ower of -net-- heartaithe Me -mit ill- ' kinin. Begulme the at.lurrh and you cure ,t In 1'ieree's Pellets are the Little- liege• Bow r IlIr•.•r/M's• mode Kat t a.. me a day Never eat a morsel of any tort b.tr aee meek Never eat wl.en sexy tired, whether ea handed Item tweeted or physical labor. Never eat when the mind is worried srthe templet , Ale.' if it a peeihde to awtii 'ieaug Kat w. at ,.k.a ly . t,iutsnel te the ( stay thee+ ..e Whl)) ..-sou ions a., ii possible, thaw la re- quired Fquired in health Assod dnukmg et newts at met take • iew uiam sips of warn ulaielating drink at the elope of the meal, if the heel a soy .dry usthan than., ter. 111 general swim iv •touaciu eneuagr 1. d1', ..1 tette. thanthat c.wrtauring much dull : soa%ut.! light soups. Mit neither i,r'e Lot ter .mid focal. The hest temp•rai me is alssit that of the holy As e%11wute it. roll .401•11 Abel rating. Mit only feed that a e's.y ..1 dige•sns'a, as uldlug ,1411141.1111/41 .111.1 indigestible *Shea, and tithe lout t two or threekinds at r meat lie exert -fill t..a,.,fl rows. Its eating. fiat no nos-, than the ante. of the system Is ywee. 'tra•ngth arternds not on what is rani.. but Oil what I. digoata.L Kriel tak, violent .sere e- of rut +urn, either uo-ntal ..r Ishyural, haat before or after .1 meal It is mut 1404.1411404.1411 to &.&esti m1. 1110.11411110.1141a1 •1) after eating. If it is thought nen rosary to rat three bourn .. day nuke tar last meal very light For most d%egeptics tool urale am tette. than more. Moet pileus a iii be d*•natitt"l by the use of oatmeal. wheat meal, or graham idiom. 'rack.' i *heat, and ,,t hei a Lula grain preprraWues, though Iran% to ill tin.) it neces- sary ecrs-sary is .A% OW rogrt4L(.., t.laraaihy *hen frier.ft• are taken YtN/e As Mr Levet McIver. Mn Nature ip &hays . the /Wit' the right and thesee', whether in Morals or in ph' • .i.s. &M1;ehl health aid physical had./1i are. in the higher and the lower sphere memo - Inch). perfect wall' I.•rog, and where there is an abeen'e of ebbs&. ver physical health nature pros hies i,.! it• reatar*ti.w. A lar.. nein. not utterly Last, may Become gusel., A daea*e.l man, nut too far gone, may le - cisme sorrel again. The sill 10111141f forl10111141f pbyalcal n.-u�(w''•raLso is the he'altnt; of a w'munl. Bring the parts together :aid keep them e. and 4.10444.1044 the 'Ii.- severed muscle.' anerve...h ad blood s .marls COMP• again each to his fellow' atm. all the life preemies Iju 1141 to before... U it is ml Lk to unite lllelAt ts,_Wure, taking t le HMr trate fur it, fills up the gap With nem flesh mid leaver nothing hut ii scar, • 1!ven Arta of internal organs, brats. ORCHARD AND GAtDIN. A SEASONABLE ARTICLE ON GROWING MIGNONETTE me enema W kkb are really Ur/*. awn ht. h are Tb legs sof wawlt IS. abate Pisa..• Laws NI■le freed Uanl.nnwg Test., This isindar fr.(rwat lower r now obit of the .ovist u upaa-taut ape albs. Wuhan the past tow years a narked I i■ eta -&eggs itJOSbSgTTY. Ns growing has been manifested. lio great has been the "hang. that the improved forme hare lawn teniaet new varieties, many of which has been end heating iia grower's eaum That there are ware. dietuiet Vari- etiero4 lnign•wnette n.. sew at all familiar with the plant will questi•o: awl that the Issue varied y i. saki under different liaim is a fat equally well known It i- al-. koowu that any given variety when grown under different elreumstamcw. will appear under as roam) different Dorm. Few plant. show such a narked cha,lg.-1.v cultivation castors the mignonette. Froom the ..ams .train of lewd may be grown thew mmarv..hu. Ipikes..4 bl...tu noticeable in the florist, ain.Iows. own.• of whish are six in. he. in length and one awl a half inches in dutneter. as well as miserable. ..•rru ny duff not worthy of re - owlet The great difference w the blooms ie wh .Ily alit.' to 'cultivation and the .'nl in which they are grown The ,ulUs stem of uugn•,uette u rem- .im- ple, but the simplicity t ba' resonate'. Strictly first-class _migawratte. eaaaot he grown in a light, fibrous. ,r peaty ,oil, on the nee miry. it delights in a very rich and h eavy loam each as is best witted t•. now. In IwDrs. stowach,ytee, , int est iues, etc.. in..% le cut ttegaMde.n there is but little ••M.i,,•a.towel, away. aril perfect healing take phases, In tb..b•ske is asto location as regards ehrfe Clew we a b•aSP. ' the ,age of w la or ulcer, t... large to he and moisture. full sunlight and a nerd sitar - People wle, '•change their minds" rust alto -wise healedhits ofakinmat lee trans tion are ,h',-kL-hlv to be preterreel Insin- ter anal in the gnruhane only can mignu- Mte he grown predltnl.iy. To tat,. it suo.•ew•- fully it should to greewu in toads without hot- foot heat. The ,red ,h•ntkl to ..own atswt the brut .4 September. lifteew i.eehn. apart owls way where it is t•ogrow: two or three .reds in i planeImiittg but the tenet sager- 1 nus plants to grow. When they are two Inches high the tap. should 1., nice .l .41. in order to snake the planta branch out, wht'•h they worn will do, with from four to six string shuts. There will grow vigoroueJy and strong in plropo Linn to the temperate,. which Mowll be kept- at all tunas as 1•'w as visible. but above the freezing point. To keep the bones cool sad with all the light podble is about the 'M y secret there is la g rowing straw migneeefte. 1y.ler stead he applied with caution: never let the mil get dry': neither let it get .!.dew: whoa water it given let k lie given liberally. thea withhold until it is needed again. • Tthe' let sad the nret impltaut part •.1 tbeworie it do-buduhiug As *son a. the ting flowengapearall the lateral branebe..Msdkl be removed by paneling them off wheh throws all the strength .4 the plant Int" the kidney**. fatal is the fact of their Inst :itil ' flowering (leads, ant Kaduna .pike, .d ins ity to eliminate this effete matter, which lateen,• size. New -b a des wwl le.l stem w oro thus aaw;pmulate. -t•. poison And tsar:dyer to tb. figura, r• e. of the braid. a r e some of the teat nerve tgrutre f . t, the ml n. n rte ha- ttcc Like all ether plat[ g N.. cid in the world has a rwaye ..)•stem its tnsc.•t enemies These are green: sues e, elaborate and eoatplete as that ,.f the ,•at,•rpill are, very similar to the e'aldag • Intoning lard). worm. and pert.tent in their attack- They must Ieehw'1y watched 'w the wb.'1.• house e" plant• will *OM be destroyed. This work rewire. n careful eve. as the worm i..4 the rani, '.olor as the plant. eating at night and meting .l'IrelIv on the stem by day t:,,.l magu.wuette Reit. at s high pence, reality, at al tune, 'luring the .waw of Sinew. and it is a pnifital4.' erop, if well gr eau It ie fully to attempt to grow it in • mane house ae it is sure to be long -drawn. weak. and worthless_ When rutting for market it should to out close to the main d .. i. amt a es ria ant, mai 'eon appear, to fa. -t !berm will he d'c ,ntlnu.na su.,.euuoa '4 fkrwent. tam �uaufy their apparent ittcotauiten•tes on the authont) ./ a t:eruaa histoleq;wt. a u s. has ,ah•lalata.I dad the human heal. 1,01114:111a 300.000.000 111r%c tells, 5.000,000 ..t whish .lie, and are sm.:aeerk.l by new out* ever)•,.lay. Au this nate we get an entirely meat Imus even sixty Clays, BECAUf3E Sal It allows no foal seeds to be blown into the chaff. which is of great import/ilea to every farmer who wishes to keep les fart, clean. Sad, It saves and cleans all Timothy send from any kind of grain while cleaning the g rain. sed i'or Market cleaning It removes Cockle, Chews and shrunken grain, awl Kiser the farmer the erasion possible weight for his Wain with no IoM- pes. - It will sample grain for show and wad purpose. equal to hand pie Mau. 7tm --('.earl seed Wheat it ren:o, or all Cockle. Mustard seed. Wild Peas sytld ►las aa�d ether foul and shrunk, n and broken grain. an't gives the farmer purr eleaa,seed grain.It will Barley. thor- oughly withoutwaste of Aral in. A. V,a,-('leaning Pease - It will acl'arsee the halms. Oata and P▪ ens fro m each other. carrying ,'o h to la different eompenesent. moachine. re ving aa all dew. .broken eadperfect Clover mod Mdead a ods aid seeds Ismer or smaller than the ('lover need. eels. tl- It le a seeds cc.Jass Gran seed Machine, Nib. It is • good rias seed ]Lchinr. lgp. - It is a lint cls chaflbr. eget - itean he fitted into the oblese faah,onrd sing Mill that is laid aside as melee. sad snake it do the work of • new /Mill, Sales. It can he attached to • new at withill out Injuring It, and caa be removedhereat It am time. as easily es a three eau does not interfere with the tae of the re ✓ uler sieves of the Mill. i'e .tier Thi. Tart. 1'G• fact that rheumatism is esu,rtl Ig ati acid ui ton- 1.1,■01 points t» the renedy Bur. d.. -k 1;1...1 !Alter., alla•It Ohms es all int. punt ies from the blood wet only plaarwta 11.•nm:ttt, hum's hitt even eliminate ern, fnlania ainl .:a.' Brom taints. 2 nasal 1l a Mures. .••ilo+d.irl erns'" earlaitu.,laraptaimtn MO tnsop ill a r,1c.• intended to ress•n.lda• th ler. But the exa-u2.ot of the ot.ler was anything but sineultueweuus : and tan• nali,. a Se..t,11111an, it Wet mdau'rve.l, sea • • &banding at .•asr. 11.8.1 lasing challenged by the captain and aake,l why he hail not shoul.ler..i along with the reel, '• What th'• dr'nl'+ a the hurry ,!Huth Its : "mune :s.• wait till a lesly tak's a sunt'''. In. %%Altana' l'tuk Pills are the greaten ,poetic of the Age for the cure of bleed die - eases, suppnart.la, irregularities, . female iseekne'Im, et'. I:In• thou a trial. :hisser fail. ferried to theta frost, oilier parts of the body. or front the laxly of sane udder perww, er even foot *onto young antral. and each bit will lwnune the centre of a tow gr./will. and with little of no dufiguren.ent.- .Aad this power of Irrceapeealttw1 a lout arwtilaarl no the deed. Not only d„ broken boom readily grow tae/ether, out even it large portions are'rtawive.l new lime may. fill up the space l,etweeu:4he revered part, and thoroughly reunite threat. If one kidney loses', its fit- ti n.11 paver the other it ill enlarge and .10. the murk of both. If both are more Or It•.. atf, etas! the vessel+ of the skill nuty visite to their affil, and per out mm the furfur what would other% We ...sum fatal i,l,..l iotaontng. the the other land, when the pores are stepped by a chill, the kidneys ,.me to the: rescue, sad do ,. large• part ter the skin's wash. 'nus explains w by at is ar. dangerous for the sufferee from 'diseased kidney-. to take' .e4_.1. 1 ieare miasma at t ur.,•liounrtiag el -edits ) work berrying away from the syatetli waste mutter. alaielt aoul.l otherwae fat'iiy psi ace it. What r'iitIe •s some diseases of the • a. aeeidest Manny. The rola?. keep The heal p ler.-•elnrt e.li.'y t is .keepH:y • The Wool is in a state of •..natalrt s'in's• lati.w thr:et:gthe eyati, ll stsen eli..1 by �•:ahre Yeller* 1►il tw .enol. Asa pain Clan'1 it re unrivalled, while for croup. sore thrust. the heart through the arteries, awln•tnrmed gmtiwiy ibraenwtiaM, neuralgia, et.., its n to the situ organ through tl. veins The arterial eau -resit snlu an "foal Armed magical. 1'wil eateeau-resit auwvey, material for nwtr' h'Iul and Internal!). . Price 25. 2 • Weld. heal and font' to all the tisanes : the sewage current reaeuvrd the demi waste t'f the name*. and emaveyt it to didersett di• 1Mu't keep foe notpan i• the h the hest dishes, amid eapes•ialIy the Mtn �Ilie. as tag organs.---- - •1'he preupndrise artisan of the heart is due .e.1 +utile a11.1 the newt entertaining cealver• to its stnr,w•r ive erest.ra4timr. These roar sae..n. Itudal.. 1:v et g News. It -as -time .s-s-eir ,.nut rveutt times .. min- _ isle m .r healthy ttusk •'•iult. more frequent• The ela.dsesfsrM lady In Lederteb ' It in w'.men. and much mere frequently in Ilet,uarLol t.. a friend the other lay) that infants :mid children, Leong at birth from she knelt Kenai,. Balsam fee the Threat 130 to 140, and gradual!). sinking t.. ala.nt Awl Lungs was a snpennr remedy. aa It 100 at the sixth year, anal to ninety or 1 ugh a st 1 toy when other n hh- lite at the trot! .tart lag 1w (.era.. g. There will he many new beginners this spring in yar.lrnitig The general amp o4 remnant vegetable, pay ae..r,lingly as they stopped el to I r i e• . arc p.r•.lut' l early and are well grows I.•ngh re this a had ns, e.,. -t rfit.whatever. W, share arteries het eating the veins ut that Aad for a begin er. they are Ile I.imt to to pros[• that and sus ener sou of nes ntfrit they tin in the heating the heart, Lot spend m•aev and labor ogee'. but nevertbe- anyFre druLaIg will give y'.0 a .atuplr B.ettl.. the onlyheartis where an artery (n ?to a inr a Isar finer kind., and will pay if .only in getting near the amts• or when «.mer mfiamna e:prrienn• an'i retaining ni,•e "'seater' ter use of pert ssts.e. an Mllargrtnetlf ..f an Nee lick mer up after rycevusivr exertion t rip sure, Minors'. Be.•f, .non ai.l 'Witte I, fol and comfort mg lm Nocard. I laioaea ewes Lfitsi Se I ewe, all perforated sae M ewer el .wag a..ew..e.. lees. Ifs sieves are nearly twee. see •sa.n.ly. a0 abs sine. MOVE .. is l.::atop.,wWV,Ila One ne lata. Ie has a capacity of sixty bushels of ,N a,o„•w.,s ' i.... Alto g rain per hour. w• •aeon w..t•1ar wt. sow. •.. • A i." ..•• &//4 gw. beep M the erdlnaryl Fanning r""+ " '• "-tie". ie w ISM. tl ie us c .&arch low w all r••e vee•.. 'a. o...a tub r ...d 141.0• •tn•rI-.r., .r 04.0.•••••• ••••, wage Mill Werra. =we. w ......w s,.. an I.• e:. re, ..New •awes. UMW Every Mecham M Or • n•ertntm, .8144 . mw .. w ee ower r« e' sw .w 'Moot and Iseta . urs ,.,�W,. Veli newt your order at awn If yaw want It this Ln w..e rasa tT r s: „kis *alu [taw. If yon here rot serve • Machine oak I . tohare one met for InspeNkin, and that you [aha .;:entsg by a It rsee CHANGE OF BUSINESS 1 1r onlrriuR by meld sewA inside width of hos of taming Mill. THE OLD AND RELIABLE k.1s.T .T. ARMSTRONG BROS., G-oderioh, Ont. NEW ARRIVAL acCr GOODS. LATEST QTY LES. n.M M Nowt Ike oriels M•oei; •LreJ• s:+t41a=• ., . . FLOUR AND FEED STORE t s- CHANGED II %NI's. The pule,. are hereby notified that the nom sad feed be,, new formerly earned on by ,1, It. Cnlll. ha. Ir , n pnire•burd by THOS. J. VIDEAN, who will earn it on In all Its bran, M. at the' d stand. Mia.[ at. near the t4l.arr. Under the massa., mint of former proper'. rsthla hn.inr me Mae been the moot nn.•.Y 1 In ito line of any in town, sad a. Ib. new weprietor has hart identiied with it Ion over right 'ear. !herd sill bean falling est .n the enenot former It rthahete l In bespatter It h he (rose rank. .heels delis -end to all parts of the town. The later. anti Mor lines of flour and feed always as Mand and rho.'* areuia In seamen. Tiling .1 vIngAy. anter)•, and an nose&l sendtivenerr of the next aerie Rut tine ve'gettbMs fiat [more a...e nprn) ing Met e.. - Tniis normal too 'hir„m. the pulse et most consenientlt felt at the wrist. The blond is the natural sumuha of the heart. and when the poison of dlw•aur changes the shara.tet of the Idocwl, the A, - (inn of the heart a r.rrucp,ndiugl) affecte.l. It Is ale. alh,•tel let organs, d.wr.lerr,f the heart and arteries, ,y general Weakness. Ls nervous excitement.. by the state- of the st.wnaa•h. and by .stimulants or 'le•pres manta of rarious kinds Nene, es the heart heat,, and of arterial heat. a,onr•I, the character e.f the !lire is of great rt Vier n. arterinintng the pat tent 'a i,hyse•sl ,.welt tinfl It will he two that in feelin:; the miler age awl see an• always to Ise liken Int.. the ae•rnunt F'nrthrr. M,r's miler when Iy Ing dean is about Ilse herds +Inver• than when standing up The pular a doe. r at nigh! also, an.t dnnng sleep \ tall person has a sl,wel pulse than .s sh,r : la r..11 An increased pules- :eta indicates a fryer rah .vwdit ion, as ,t 11ter a•thi .err) In'n•are ..f teneperetun There a .41.., ar or newton of a hot S,wloe(inure this to at ten -elm Intervals. say the tenth or Is,ntt•th : al other limes the nenunsuwe se Irr•gnler In este.. peewee' such nmlaaaaes girt habitual and with..lit •Ign,Ruanv, mot' g.•n.•rall) they lowliest* sell,• det'aoe, net. .r otherwise \1 hen the poles• i• nnier sixty it a re q t'ie,I as son% 1, not a tea peruses this I, natural Th. pule a dost alms in per sous racer et from • fes.rish mndeiow, 'he heart Iron weak and •xhanat«I like the teal elf In d ie rales. ars mere amity hat by ueghect, nes want of knowing how to grow them, and moray o *hand if not roll the day they are peke. still. all this mot be risked In a mall wits, and if the venture rerulb in a small I'.w it mutt emote out of the mamma stuff whoosh does wecceed. Nn gn in tightly, learn as vnu go. earl be thus prepared for met tear Improved Gardens Trowel. tiornetinwes a alight rhenge by the form of an implement or tool will make it mew* en nveviiewt and better adapted to the work for which it was intended This is very prominently proves by simply grinding or filing away the rind of • ovwmnon garden trowel All who have had .iprtaews In that lima know how extremely I,flkvtk it M to rut oar with tb. -' tmme n garden trowel a weed that has a dr'u'g taproot By using a trowel twiddled ae thrwn in the Mgrs, asg, the work V readily acesenplished (pried ,hewn seal it is threw iwnrts-rn quartets of &e loth from toilet Tlw'wml.. to pointe Wavleg the edge ,..w cave It is plain that h preemilig into the sail any root "awing in matnl•t with the trowel between the two points, is readily astered This dna. &•4 In the least detr.ot from the'.wmmm on. .4 the im ,le,rnae,t lett greatly adds t, it. ,ssfulne.. ah. esti the esarave aortas he kept sharp it will prove I was this ssartu • more elrel•tIve la every way �rl t11 sir ew �ti• Ii wt sad eoed en t h remrwmerd ds nn oanditum is rorramlee, r J. V Meow. who r • td Intl (.e•6le be • t erllrbM aaa. P Pre A. L cULIda. ward• sarswal r needs ti rap -iia ..islet a ruept.rty• i, • germs, *Wm"' scat: a' A Stow Pratt, 1s el (hr bowies, WM* dherw ,purr e'n it Tb. Tha Japers* windrny ha. ere oaf .lair. More tied •am I h • ny out ) • een.•tinw by bring intern/tie/el .'it.. Iron :lithe Mead r and ornamental pianos It ...se eller re. mer ft 'R/re tlFa.: #t .'tx� fel s4 •,., power, attars about the bight of the reap berry, sad is prfs.-t I y bandy m all prttors without pn.tse'Uua It will stand the aw.ld Nurtaera winter. and but teoutlasru mow mere The leaves are silvery white under- n eath and (lark great &love. and tbs young ♦,utamwevrsrwl with rwl.luh brown hair or mush The fruit le torn, in large e'lltw tars and chem me vest y -fire to • hundred in • hawk The barrier are eu.•krd in a burr •al when rile they mem anal show • large berry of the Ltlghta.t, glary. light .'aria n.kr. Tow burn and stemware covered with • netball eran like a oro rosebud The flavor .4 U. fruit is dieuu t from any otiose and is sprightly-, sweet and tui•y, delicate aryl ►wises, with nu sour a disagreeable taste It nuke. a fire quality of wise. It lupus to ripen in July and awtwu.w iu Morin( for a keg rim. It is the ural peer tick .4 all berry buabr, awl is pone:gated from the tit. FIVE OLD BUT POPULAR PLANTS. reaws,'etaL rause. Thi. plant ie 4, the berb:sne wt game what tip•'tentaiu'u Is to tae wfmliie vard.o -Sandy, fr».d.urrt,tg and of the easiest amlti:au.., It ,.uses int,, ldo,wu in July and Aug Last. and I.rmtinuns until the latter part ,4 r;, er slier. it grows to a [right of tine• fon, mei a fm,t ,4 the upper p..rt4+1 01 the s:l:l- alt be c•wuplatel toren,l aith fllwretrts.4 al.ut ta sew ala silver half- dfar. The• n'k rs rai:g., tion'. •ugh all shade. aired. &•vino m, pier. mauve awl purple to tt'e pt t: ' lniit-wtu:.'. Some varieties are st:la 1 with canna.tin,t es'lstit while ether varhetie. are nailed in ties fere tga, or oil the bare .4 web fetal. No Leaner gives a more brilliant ef,,t- More wbd have Sever gtt:rwn it sill lir surpries1 at th • molts to he,.blain-sl tram plaatin. it in timersor le Powe, with tit. is,k n. arranged to war a w.tur allalariag out titer t,'t lty of dint Its striUw_;.'.tetrad A oust Lesuu- tul lad is. mash- by plsetln,; r+• ...dared vara twe is the e -estate a kb white sere...:e tie- ,,ut.rte. The plants furor .ctr..u,; n..t- tun lee dos .debt, from time l.. luta' until ane ha, a+ :quay plinth, as she ,are. ter swam' wilt -thus Th.•'d l swot Wil::alars his.. a new leas' •4pgslantc .4 late TTec d•..r,. it anted -my.. bidet wb.:1 a 19e"at••: m n:. ?loner, „-h..•h I,,,. i, .- o -re :rel int. a c ,rn.-r t'. up- s :rt r:r•1•. n•.aus, .t,•riat,u .•n the a6.• -r• -u ..f the IMssrr-hoer. The `two 11'i!lemn I1..4 t • IL• in every garden. I,:t: la the mg, for "-cataethiu; nee a h4•le has pn•yail..l. 1t sea. n1'gle-ts.l .\tier trsia., the new kiwi. wha le cam-, 1.•:.•re 1u with a griot'Jo.urnal .sf trump'•!.. we liar.' 'a' -:i tlant ta'e.t ''t them. really bol n,. merit en thein. and we lave re- pented our de.t-ttun of old fragile flat +msii-- to atone fir .ear mtglect bborne trwadlier_.. I.• them than ever. Th4 -plant is sseeWot f.r fr- eat rows and furadgisxei. lt-e' suety 4, ✓ ich ootid ern, and a both single and ,tnuhdr- . - ritueTyw. is •^ Mists * very liesi iful fl seer. It grows ttoa height .4 three feet Its armee are tnim(r't'-baiesl, prudent an -I arranged in spoke& They are mostly (sink, beautifully stetted with white ler dark red. Not hardy enough tis ,stand our winters wathut good arverut . JUST ARRIVED, AW. Teti 110til.TI111 fel j11FjttPll14lll1s. I have this season .e.ured all the latest styles I. ENGLIS$ & AMEI; O A1'r HATS, Fur senile AL./summer wear. 0 Tb. Mesh osasot ha altrpaased la the cities aid the priors are the people s. HATS FOR 41i SORTS F HEADS And at les tosnit all testes. A_ E PRIDHAM. BOOTS & SHOES. I will not insult the intelligence of the public by ad vE rtisingfirst-classgoods for almost nothing, but this I will do I wilgive ou the very best goods that are made in Canada at lower prices than they are sold at by any other firm, • ac's. le nR FRE7-i:ROa'tiIl c LOS risks I auk -arc not grown as WWII &a the it ought le,. Whyf 1 e-uit say, for ever) one soh, itk.- flowers has a t. aptness lot them Per- haps it is Ire•ua' need ter.,.. iesnshler them dif leak to grow well. but they are not at all 7 'titlkul' to grow, if a little attention in the natter of p re*ot' ic. in winter is given The Pi.otee, ars fantod equal to tn. t'armati,sea+ d thegp'u.enkonee in der- beauty and frlt- /Rauee, and are much freer bla.uers. I'kire or Spit. Pinks ate not n.ly bennuful and sweet. but are very useful for edging heir and t.r,ler- A tjl'1LII:IA. This 1, what our grandmothers used to fall t'„ lu:shine. or H.iseysuekle. It growaalotut two feet high, and Irudwew its pee ullarl, shaped flowers on slender, branching .alk,, lifted ate.... very pretty, dark green foliage. :adore yellow. orange, red, blue and white, with varieties haying two ter nwwt colors rs cotnbimel. Single and double Exeellemt for front moa io a bonier .4 beriw'e..eL. plants. A new niagtets-teleplpwe give, protein of being lamely used in England. The ill. ventioii ,s,otrista i4 an arrangelne nt for comm. hitting • telephone for domestic purposes with a crank bell -pull stab as is ordinarily met with in bnome: and the serial merit is it low in the tart that it may be tllte'1 with evert disturbing any of the existing arrange- ments or requiring a skilled workman to lee t ent to fix it Inks., env man ••! ordinary intelligence may fit it for hinteslf without trouble. A similar telephone, being fitted, say in the kitchen, • bell is used in the usual way to cal. the servant's attention- and upon her taking up the telephone the order is tram- mittsl without murdering it necessary for her to enter the room. The telephones. being magneto Instruments, no battery u rehired at all, and the p. ibility .4 future trouble sad colt of h. &seeded. Tame I. Plaint Seed,, if every gardener lived on my Vann. or within ten nide."( me. I meld tell him ex- actly to the day by telephone, Ly :1 ael..•k is the morning. what wells to plant that .lay if I knew who grew his teals The tradition al day for planting the mesons Melt •,on a tai. Intl[ etas •4 Mae, but I ha.. plentwl often an the _tab day of April and had a geed crop, It is the Ian. with minim veil. The elara'ter .4 the 'seed. ihr nature of the ground. the tbi,•kite..4 the loll, the depth planted and the man who plants, all have a newt imps'rtant infitsenee upon the sacs.. ,4 the crop The time to plant them is • nut - I., of experien.•• and emelt ganl'a.r will have his own etperi a re, draw his ow•a c on- .ludnfn and have his own 'lay. for pleating The only rl.i'e we Can give le to have the neon out .4 the gtisseko --ii Telegraph N I Sate., Todn is the, .earn, when the bowl. plants must rueave att. 'hen. It need not he re NEI PRING GOODS arriving daily. Call and see them and whether you or not you will receive courteous attention. I wish it be to plainly understood buy I \V!LL NOT BE U?DRSOLI1 IAV .1.110.1E ORDERED WORK AND REPAIRING A SPECIALTY kkt EVERY PEN GUARANTEED. DOWNING. W rAes Thin and `\ h,06. Letter*, a� m:16,01.‘ a ty,tvvvms von,. X30 No nine wasted dipping Into an Ink Viotti.. I V O ei • • 4. • MISS CAMERON Has received a large consignment of the latest styles in WIN7F.R M!LLIIVERY. Novelties in ladies' headwear, and the in trimmings a specialty. Remember the stand-Hamilton-st., Square and Newgate-st. latest shades between the ported that 'try will thrive in ale ranging trate visa Mums4. th. ft..aheg r l The Signal, G o d e r i c h, O n t a r g,, point-- Ti cal chrT .,aaa d u ue hot Jakob ltrev'M, • lemma Best. and i 'S the Be ono,..4 Psi it flit o t i . '.f bra week_ plhli.hed ta I.1-eu tell. le tint. the I hire+ rhryrantta- e an.Isbew:.rlomea.thj�Il�"logl'ir me enoths Only $1.00 in Advance. Subscribe. . ("'&, e" jyr .,..,Res .. e'4 " r S 't"e"ip +. w, yi"f • .'e' »ler 'eeeaoar v•tA Cllr _ � :[• � `f1S'i^.�, ria `: '1 A"�Lif