HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-3-20, Page 55
°AMA& (MS OP) SR IMILLJOR DOLLARS . • $41.01110,000.
S. E. WALKER, GENERAL. Flthamide.
*8 00.000.
isogametes IN EACH YEAR.
Speolal Attention $ires§ to tho Oeller5tion of r'emothrolal Papers
Farrners' Salen Notes.
R. S. WILLIAMS, Manager.
• rocery Department
otice of t•lianges tituet ie. left at thia
rifler not inter 1115111 oti.
1,tion. The Cojty for elistingin
must be left not tater thou. TUNS-
hty noon. ('ad Ail% ortisettients
neeeptesi up to \ DOOR 'floridly of
eneh _
NEW aovEirrisrawesTar.
Nene* M. it Ilseehler . ...... 4
Harrows - I). K. eltrachan . . 3
Farm for tale Jaw Teereley
epring townie', Mines Vane .
servant Wanted %In W. T wiese -----4
Mortimer. Mile -Herron Preadheet
el (Mary Opening-- Mat II Smith
:second Hand Nachiten It Midi. 3
'meter. Plunibieff-alt Hea Aleth
riiE T1LK OF THE Tim N.
0i.krs noiang letA,ie notes.
elm' naafi kill prise N.
nearly finalist the tug whielt ha% been in
ewirse einetruet um during the eviler. eaxapkuiatpk........rinyg .rei•sniseirmk 1;2,4 it.khf e,:hesil;intgor,t,iniiedoael
who et icialetl.
As [seem:efts.. KiirEltr SOINT. The
young people of linos church purpose hold-
ing one- .1 thr hem entertainmente of lite
MCA0011 4.11 the 4th oi April, vonitioeueing
.tt 8 p.m. sharp. di good wogran• I.een
at -Fanged. eenip:istim mho. .Itiets, euar.
t et*. re/oilmen iseitationn etc. They are
enuring the hest trilent lit town. I hay a
*dyer collect ion at the dna. 11.1WIle ell iii1.1
nujiry- t .s.uniot _
Tut: M asap EXAM: • 'Ak‘ I% -The ra
•Itts Itch' their there' tretivel of tle, ninon
tit..and. !die the pleading iinos. lets a
their rink on Neleothet.010 Walden vven-
si Vatted& prize's were ..1
fertel, and t
hawing is t
4,1,11 haft 4
.1into *ern. : 2tril. • .A
eeldiero. Lady's costume -1st.
Mies latacey (Stars and Strth,b, 211.1,
Spenve (Vaults,. floy's e•turtie let.
Harry d'ellitienn (gentlemen of th..• emart of
l'har . 1X.; : Ilea Martin istudent
4 ,4ri's bast onetuiiii:- -Pe. Ethel 'therms
• Ilme•er gir11: 2nd. Gine Robert -ea :milk-
maid.. 1.1. T. Rtlrroge fuegrf •
owelli I aml. Arthur Rolierteon iiloelor n
Wee,. i Senn greet. let. .1..liti
iiridget, C. Sharntan and T. lierron-,
-tuRNErala.:. 2tul Thos. . aad
after Hay. (barber . demi. WM.
illitrithOr mailuteireil pet-sieu. in esistunie,
aiol spectators aim tune,' nut ti. gond num-
bers mei tee* .1e.ely Interest in the pre
en...dingle the ..-••niiegrettpe espeseally taking Judge M.-.4-bint. of New Yerk. has derld-
the.r attention. Alagether the Cadets and et that FAith I. Ins. Heber motet wear tights
their lea.ler. Mr. 1..o. Stewart, have es ery saconding Pone e nitrate with Mr. Hnefel.
tenon te feel eatiefied with their tessen s the theatrieal manager.
work. A leeeien timpani) gay, the einglidi
Libretti platform lbw the next election
Itch, mange end wretches of ..very kin.1,
on human ••r ennui's. wired in 30 minutes Nivell'"th' as"3'' Eh' PrnatiPal Plankn
twit with teen. riedifivatiens.
le Wm4foiel's Sanitary Lotion. This never
S01.1 F. .1ordati.
90- le A. Miner Get -weld, knee. .-Th•
Fat 4 e.ntributor.- •iitor of the Tca,'„, Sat-
in:pi. died ...tidally •,( areplexy at shel..y.
gain Falle. Wie. en Saturday.
In the Home .4 Conetnete 'al Thursday
( hanceller Gose -lien admitted that th.• ra-
inier: as to :10 agreement r rn the !;eu
laud quest a leen of truth.
(hi Illareh 1 the debt. of flaring Heethen
„Sat -
elected by welistsett ion • V ice-pre/U.1cm ,M I their abode in Manitoba. 4e-
•eti twit It it. eallevi• ram fie stfadt sv.th
reeitatkon, Mr. Gesage ard ; dna. Muses
McKenzie and Crabb ; quartette, Mews.
Thounion Mellemal.1, Mullin and Mur;
.tub swinging, Mies Jennie Haul ; sole, Mr.
lieleher recitation, Miss Mall. eau,
"Speak to Me," Mule Humber reeitatem,
1dr Voung. 'The audienve showed their
apprectation of the venom maw by se
pasted encores, ahwh were kindly
to Di most caeca. Aln.gether the enter-
tainment is eeknowledged oue of the must
eucensful of the season. We understand
that the R. T.'s, et their meeting Tuve
.147 et routs last, pawed a tonsainioue vote
el thanks to all eh. had se kindly helped
them In their pregroun.
The "loyal Templar* of Tempt -raise, will
hold en open meeting Ant ueelay e% enuig
mit, to wineli the public are %medially tit.
% tied. A gmel prograni will le preeentnl,
uniuding a niiniber of instrumerstal eche
time. %I.,4411145(11011. ikui't heart the date.
Tilt LIMO: 1.10.4IT EXIIIKITIos. A goodly
Humber availed t *wont yen 01 t he (pisoetunt -
ty ef seems "lumina on tenet's- •t North
st. %jrthn.111t ehure-h on Tuesday evening.
Te %iews exhibited by Mr. D. W. Catnip.
hell itreaented a great variety of se•enes of
the old inettopolis ten/ether w•itit the
Me *Alain .4 %het itg Jone% is being, length -
peel mod other ....et -hauling awl repairtag is
being dean in preparation for the approach.
Mr. 31•1i. Ealph, .j 'tennis C..lumloia. is
vieitiag et the perental residence.
Ren .1 A. .1n.1.-rmii persehei.1 ail able
sermon tor sailers end tishennen Knox
ehureli last •sionday
Mr. dohn engineer et the
waterwor•ks and elearie etatina, irft
last week for % atuelever, 1. 4
The Maitland ei% er again froren
Mr. Ride. NfeLeout returned last week
from hie tripe.. Ileitieh
Bete G. W. litaine, of Myth. einetnipented
Ly his siater-indaw, Misa ot Slier-
beneke. Mue.. were visiting in town this
Rev. Joesopli Velem, of Clinton will ail -
drew ILI; 4 :lappet temperance needing in th4.
1.011prIWP.-1: 11a11 Suede.: aftern.e.ii next. to
onitnienee eitort ly utter 4 loek. No col
Seidel. All Welcome
Ft -ewe l'orter ten:piemed ever this
week that they had a new advert.sement
drawing apee•ial att. ntion te their remit
import:eine oi %%an paper. hut as the tinit
n'llinaluttaLadtv".v&rni"La ‘444Veleteril‘ AIR were linable ta. make the auneuneement in
0510 1*'
U4 .0 Pionnerr. -The mem awful
•,..nt• to ow, te advisataire atter tbe bard
o inter owes 04_01111e*M11111n.---e
The Meths V ...ill halt' their atirhid
„,tiks..ty °petting • teeir Nand ow the Spare
:est neck. eommeneing on Thursday. tbr
itele of TIM % NO, g414110 to prows W4`
needier oulunin.
In a L. ..lvertieetuent en our same'
. -ignittentiinitareete
mem lier regular *pit millinery open -
Ing. thie demureus
h. *tate that Mies lermegli ham met returued
eseedieen are over: now lei heeleeste F.Perial from the eines itto the Janie and hest
Imre ia wen vanes... window shade.. • ur•sen
Tonere. cheerer than el er, at eseneeree enter." in spring ajries of ladies' headwear,
31,1 11111's Mock. anti has M stock ,siatothIng pleaft. et. ry•
The Wonsen's ttentinen a emprearier t Moo bode.
tripes in it -e Ten peran.e Ran. North street. -1 r i
, T. .... E'. -i. -.'.'....i-. Thc 1.oyaL
every Tuesday afternoon. Ptaier meeting at -et, . ...._
I ipertutee Legion held then tflotithly en-
•.•.' ln ; bus II. 441/ meriting at 3 nemek.
ice, to the farming conintueltv. but wUl in ao There woe a motel ottentianee of th.• chil-
na prerent them from hm tog tive ehearent •Iren. hitt we are *eery to say there were
terteinntent Friday afternoon, Mareli 6th.
The Meliinley itel will be very incenver.
a beet meson or cot, reest la no. county only two tthers present. SFr. Toni, 1. feel
from ?fact' arnuoc. •
ntereet and Mot ructi ve
Tn. blizzard We ereek woe a be one. and the 411'1' v'TY
zrzemend themselves upon haring • rcourt tOation. They gave Mr. am a • hearti
• binge for nee sweatier. toe.
it.efer other fellows wise dense- in enter., onieers for the next .kuarter. all lout the
:ern who wore r. J. Pridhame. amerces's, cote drew. te which the. ..hildrenipaul good at •
-1 eltrr to r lime of storm. Am, he can Its 01.„ thank.. atoi hope to itare him tat
them soon again. ey have elected new
Nee • Mt of it : WO. 00151 bit of it. Nene
I raming can furnish the moulding or make the president . NI iss Minme Idea. whi. '.‚.asr, Mr. mei Mt s. 1 tougal 1111..e gen(' to take tre I had rt.lu to #1...
competition was kern. Fulled of tha prise wiener* :
itme let. Geo. Nairn I In
t Johnston
rt Graaville le seriously •
(1 1. rumored that Hattniseeda, the Prat
dent of Chili. has been murdered.
A WOW,111110011 tO MWRIA14140, 41/1U. hes u.isse
mated Mawr Venue bir the perideary
1dr. Parnell bee owned • manifesto appeal-
ing to Iris/mien ux America for easistence.
The test .4 the LatuuJii piteumatle gun at
killi..ebur mouse hos rangted very satisfae-
'Tbe Denman iteiebooteg has rejected the
petition to admit women to the learned ;tn.
The ietinnie .4 Spain on the neapneity
question is raid to he giving Seereeary Iftaliis
%ouch ems -am
The (*nth .4 Ttitsidon. Emellain de Sete
vine, tin Emmet writer. announeed He
was tie year% .44.
Maj. w %V headmen is returning from
eta. Njare expeditkm reach 'Saga -
'men on Maitintay
Pleven at Monte • ce Thursday t•sok
1101.(mi out of the husk. the larged. ankeint
e%•er inn' out in one erty.
It is &nommend that tbr Germain gm-ern-
/isnot e ill not reeeind the
mai Amerman bog pr•sluete.
A New York teem:itch give-. a ruiner that
the (e. P. It may a'eerit the leene. %Voter
town anti 4 IgdetibLiii-;
Jame. Joy., • aged 11, himself witb
• revolver the other • tete in Philad -Iphia to
neap.- it Begging freLi hie
Preadettt 'ante; ens th • IIZN•Callent
by whieh England a:1.1 Frame submit the
Nenfetinilaiel .11n.ute t.. arbitre t
Dlitrien 140* been adja.lteei a
bankrupt on the pestithei 1.onl Se:dishes-,
for t:1.7.11 ....et% Ill the late aett•et fee libel.
Tue u...'.e ef en Thu/Whey rotddl
a ensile a LS:teen aelsd ter by Stereitaly
liele•ur to ...trey tat relief wee keens. Indeed
C. et m. uf Neter. an eleettie lient
Henenian, w-hile fixite,... a light in Philadelphia
eluteleel hve wire and %vat. itistantly
The l'houteellor f tbe Enelieh Feteheett.r
has promised under .entain couditiesix•
pernu ael Melding a reillWay in.Nenfound-
It is stated en tesel mithority that Prince
Bienarek rennet,. te re-enter pelitk.al
awl is weemt the uonlinatiou tor Heete.
t eat anise niorning the Tennenee i'en •
tral 'mew- le-rO• NM:by ilk. was dee
aroyed I.v Rivals! Tomer of tile inmates. were
burned 1...leath.
f rnm Ilene. sate thine
pirate, ani robbers were len-nee I in linen -
twig previner dining the hare fee days oef
01.1 Chinn* resin
After Celltitlag %ha Twe freer tank la Me
Day- aim Mod et. Dean* TOO Lialgtnate
• 1teute te Row York Yaws %names
and ebil.tren Drowned.
Ma s March 1: -The Reit ash ststal•-
ship l'topia, from Delete ports hound to
New York e hief Italia:. emigrants aboard,
collideJ tied*y ith tbe Braid' ironclad
Hoeney. anchored iu (Mealier bey. and
snot soots aftersoull off Lagged staff. A
southweet gale was bk.'s ing at th• time of
the eelhs on. Slimy wouleu and cbtUrson
scree drewued. A large insulter etinging to
the riegine have been reeeued by boat. from
the Cbaniiel Nquedrou.
on eie erin the bay the ; • yen
,ollnling ono the ltoduey,
ran tufo tee lir:test. ir• mead Ansa.
The I 1. %auk %ohm • tew
ns nist• were itemesliately lowered
teen the British (roe -nets an•1 also Iron
Seelet: men-of-war E era. - Tbese
uow uei •ard toe vari-ius 'new
diets rescued ns) ladant a art G
itanl r.. were reamed are it.
Goverieneut builddigr on shore. .It res
putt,' tun: 11 tqe Cline& went
eared. 1,ut toat ever ne• IniesIni,rfere were.
131 neltiet. Peer. Oslo 1.4* Plaellet Wb
Limier 1. litseecoed.
--lattststiN,..111arett. 1=.". blue boat-insael
by tee Usiveristinut•dieclows tee feet -teal
13d peas id tbe reedits are fillenrwaere-
Meenein winch iiitoxieeting. deink is ma I.
The number of drink alai* await! y them
peers -a 1-132. The hit is headed by tee Elerl
ot Derby, who Is Ow owner of 72 drinking
plane Next Nana the Dek.. ef Bedford
Ali le drink shops to his ereett. Thiel tbe
Enke Ihnonenini with •47.1fferl .4 Candor
tie, nuke .4 &Wilma :47, Ihnlev
Bake of Nerteneiberiarin aril Irina .ot
Portlanitten luefuel. te the Pet ho the !peel
Rev. nand' Levin. )lb.. *Swipe) .Llint-
daff. who owlet Inn" paws deveted tha
A Saving Department
ne(tion with this branch.
Interest allowed at current rates.
EO. DR( :11.110ND
Manager Goderich Bramch.
*I 2,000,000.
has been opened in cow -
111 1E3 A 'I' F.] S
That tie has °woad out •
In eosin -Hen with his
1-1 n -A.Ft3E.3 STORE,
Where w LU be Lept a fell stock of 0110ICE P.t1111..V 01104
Vander.' prtelme 4alLt.,1 it%
Isatdwure rim k II as •ormerly he entelele la all ita diver metes.
We Imre retieiret1,-/ pOr-
tiott of °lir stsick et spring goods,
and • yi r special.
attention to our stock of Prints and . __
10 --
1491 inteshetisig [iv as; • gateens. Theme *Kris we are show- AIR,
...._...r..._ mg isi thk. newest patterns ar.d . . STEAM, or
REAL1N. MAWS 1: -- In intone -twig di* eneintinge. GOosi tires* potternit la .._ HOT WATS&
Aa lotewestisso Arlie roweet
eatery is rewrted fro.0 tn. Iowa a Bruns -
wen. Germany. The lithium. iudmuswbos
la which Inquisitor Tame. is end to have
fUl.go-lEterWJPettlTh.r. trat.--ants
nein+ he wae robbed by Ritter Hazen in Use
Harz Moteintms. hae len tome' in the
Brunewe.k Teem Hall. It nits this tome ef
Toted that '.,a4 Ty have paved Me way tor
Luther's AUCIVA,. tuterest le
fen in t nob.'
[rittrd C. OWN .1.11.1tElOsCt
Mrs. shipley,of is venting at the
parental kerne.
'qr. It Dunbar.' of Grey. -a es visiting
friends hen. Ltet %%irk.
he lest in the user every time. Onn• and there wee apparently a surplus
Canipbell nev , Mine Tem mimes. : Mr. *to' Mr.. W. Elliot and P. D. Scott
Mee Wavelet seri% milnnery .unn opee sumeient protis-t the guararnors.
or teepeolon and e medially unites the
luetue le i.e her a call. They will fled the
novelti. in yam onnnets and r nineteen
elm full law of ladies' rummer evident...is
and heetery. Mae f
.4. Mai ATIK Ine• ns•FlaS.- A scrY
I !tile has been sunk -tent t.1 pro'..- that
& Itoyal Olyerraimd Relents ef
rir" is a medicine of mese then °Eden r.,
ter the . urr of ...mete'. colds. Imre threat,
huarseisess •nd tnciptent eianumetion As the
,naine intl'est•••• it cemhines the heetinif and
soot bine toots:riles cif .fly.,'tine w it h t
n erne, of l'ir 44.1.101 and I, ,1114d0UtA•
4.411,• 44144.1It an e1111110 for ,uring I hos, troub-
le* fur oho h slow it Is nem mend ed The
.1. 1... reseeded from one ead of 11 - into
tem, le I other. It ls now for sale by
•• wisest% in thelertch. PI tee 7de. per bottle
asst. res -y.. Mee Maud 4 'awe : treaeurer.
Mies 1.11.7ie firhiget : ehapiains, I itarli.•
hlacketons. end Chad er Itelmetron maces.
Tom Bridget/an! Ihirry Robertson. There
are 4...0 link' more tesehers whiled to the
list to help wi the 'stork of eulture.
Emma .4...hewn lugs a dams ...lub-..relginit;
•-,12,0, ealistheuice;
anti Mr. styles a claw of boys for drill.
'Flo re are.ltow 133 ILAIIIWA en the rell.
%lures)left for 4).t net ti.,. week.
An. 11. Rothwell was intown this week.
Ir . .1. Ferguson...f ilayfiela, was in toita
-on 'week.
Nellie itonai,.11 has retterned fr.an a
tp to 1h-treet.
%Ir. .1. .1. R. late tone, relented te Ilani
'oft JAM Wrek
.lis. .4. II. Corbel' left on 'fnerelay on it
•sit to remand
Mee 4'. McFarlaio, ot Ripley, hi visiting
lat tete inst.'s% n.
Mies Martha Payne has recovered from
r reeent illtiews.
4 'apt. 4 'has. McIntosh. of I/tenni.
ermling • ...mph. of weeks in town.
Norman 4 'ampliell left this week fee lit..
. fen where he hes went -ell a attention.
Slime Kate Meleteel. hae, we are pleand
•• , recovercrl from her revere illness
Den. Murt-ay. wise luso been away for the
. sad five menthe, returned hems late natty -
Colin Pattervion. who has heen working
Weetern Virginia, returned Mime last
Mn. D. Morrimon. itlw. te spending a few
'eye in town visiting his marmite, returns
o .11peina, Mich., next week.
The Cadet Templarshand went to Shep•
• neltnn on Tuesday evening last awl took
. art in an entertaiument there.
Mr.. Macdonald. of Ripley, who has leen
- pending the past two, weeks vatting her
.eit her, John Mori,.nn, ret tit lied nine !hie
ST. l'ArkliA'r. 4 ',iscr.t.:T %ND -rt-
Th.. St. Pat fie.k.A emiet•rt ami leettire, whit+
rWtpc411411 fr put the 17th net. to this
• Friday. evening. so as to :tevottintteinte the
friends el the Nertheit. Nletteelist ehurch,
premises le be 4414..1 the drawing earls of
lite semon. The plait of the Opera House
is now open ,t1 Erase Perter book -eerie
Following se the progriun :
runtenta I I Net • n. ight
1 'erten- ... A. P. Sehenennann. Miss Aggie Beattie returned h.%nte after
\leases •losie Shannon and %gale.' Met :minx. apiniling a fe„. n.....ekv in Li,niirin.
Snug Th« Sluinirock of Ireland
-"inn Keiser. tine enterprising 1.1inkainith.
M . Reynolds.
h-sts see•urel the tweeter.% of R. Fisher, of
Song •• 0 Erin. My Country deffeet• • • for it Kippen. or a ew MOM IA.
Miss Tenon K
•• Sn,...t Song Ivingbau,. Mrs. Templeton. of White AA emir, has
Mr. E.I. .1. Welsh. 11114)Ved int.. the house lately vacated by A.
J „ 44„„„ii. ede„iiiee Fortryt he. jr., Queen at. N't est.
Min Manx. w E. 11eQuaile. The % illegers turne.I nut en manor t.• see
istuartette • • Moenlight on the ',eke" the itlanitoba, people olf. Ftve earloashi
Mestere Belcher, Hodgkin, thintroek and kit' tins station, all first...Ism farmers.
le• :en Simpson. leaven for Exeter
" 'Theme a I/ear Spot in Ireland NIntehty, when. he taken a position
have returne.1 111.1toti.
Great mixkity is expressed arweg the
4 in Tueeday last %Yet. Stonehouse's wife coutpa.a )littmat, a. 10 her htioth.
•Al -
presented him with e hennaing boy.
though not seriemely ill, she exhibits : %wipe
Ill %Fri EA !..st. We414litl; belle pealed • rem a agglg wria.l. Sire intone.; alarm.
merrily live 144.1neelav at the resitieser of Mrs. Elizabeth Smith. of Mintenpolir. ran
John Campbell, a h4•111 bit slaughter Apish a 04,..iiie in,„ bar 1.1„1., fintz„ ei-, year.... aa„.
M. was tialt....1 in marriage with Peter • %V.,
I the needle broke in tiro Th.. half left
elate, son of I /avid Seet t, of this plies.. The
, in the nitzer hns _Let been extraeted from
beele was afeired in inarimit sateed tritnnieet mr,, staithei thin„at.
wit li white silk !a --r and orange hilesetmeatell The 1.anie..ni,.. 44• 1
... ..$14nt....i. Meeem. J. ,.l.
WW1 *Henkel 1.?: her steer, -while the tno 1ir ,I.Koth.. 3,411, (11...maot. vi. 14. K. \ 11,4_
was supported tLy ./. Fah. Th, l•ri. e was
the re.:iptent of many ...molly and nedulpre• nsat tor.CAlt
rrustto.I New York 00
OWIltn, hid] .h.*. the Inuit esteem in which Tr".i.y.'.",.‘";t7.
the couple arehelth The youno
gcupleleft a".be.1.Ran
the afteneotin train for a feu- ks among threw tee port al
friends in then:as!. steno that durine the peut four mouths In,-
ono peon& prepared opium ha. tees
BRUCEFIELD. legalIvimporust into that eity. This TAW.
ri-Rom 05 Ris vans' 91.4110.003.
• Tbe triineta of ?be coal rt'wion. • -f Zane*.
4 'ha.. are in ,flch distre-, that they AM
raiding the prov nein Moen ImIdly exeusing
their he lea promealings by anneuming that
tbey must deal or dare°.
Signor Rtelini. the Italian Premier. do-
mande tem the I:niter' Mtates Federal 4 :we-
ernment prompt saddened) for the IWASOW-
ere .4 Italian whines which emit place in
New Deleeuw en gat untay.
The Louden Standard think'. the ilehring
Inei controversy ha,. DOW narn nicest .i.twn 10
• point that Merretary eat] seareely
refuse lewd Miliebury's offer of submitting
the depute ti. arbitratiffn.
Cape Markluim. chief a ne• 4. -tin reserve
ott Pert:mouth Fem.. woo we% a companion
of Sir George Nares ei the latter's .4istie ex-
pedition. has applied for leave to wesimpany
poorly for wane time. hut had been able to thenoNaiReettmaani ivimoriard ibm
ge 141 thP station shout once A day for a
publiclition of a new Russian trandation
shirt time. On going 'O.'t yeatenisy his the Koran. without excieing the laMegiges
SOU ilia Caine ill from handing on mane ex whieh „env tirin,i0„jv iiiaparatta
press to the train going 11011th A1141 found his ow Ra.ilan oiroa.v4„,,
hither hail .fied in lin chin in the -Winn
A diners...tut own aid place in the Ita-
othee. He leaves a wife and six small
..hildren to mourn his km. The .mtire gym. Ilan Channer Peentiee Wednemay
pat hy ..f the ("immunity is extended to Mn'.. 1,,4,1611. "„ilf7 14ign. ..wiblma‘risPitata.' 73::"r8viadtf'il,attle
sArinal.o. regain ine.natu.
himself by • react to the revolver.
Row and family.
f rezew Due owe ...maracas ‘DEST.1 hiveannild Inn were binned tn death in
At Ellawerth, Wis.. Thema,. Eckert nue
their bonen which eanght fire in the absentee
weetke:tVa.Mse(tinit'ull'allther "r° .4 Mrs. Eckert. Mr Reline way ten to
The Meet liren held meetings tn the town The other chiMren ensiled.
m°vAelielierne- is on to-vt in the State. to bald
hall SunasY afier""^" and 1%."1"""I"Y 44"4 eight feat Atlantic mail awl pew -rider
Friday evenings this week.
Ulm MeAnleY • wh^l'a" fwm vfai1 New Week. rind Milford HAseal, thl. difstanele
altealtnees ts. run between Menteee
ing for "tome nme here. refereed to her tr. he aroranplisbret In lem than fire Wave.
'emu. in Southaniptim this week. The SoeletP Ihstene de 4 'omptes, •
During the past few days %evens' yming part, tanking institrithm, mpg in eprioes
people have leh for Manitole. end I /ohm& fimneial straits. knit the Bank of Franey
Among them are T. Poll.wk and Mile Martha
nollnek, el. Hanna, T. Pat tern -met I las i son ajzandaelheonr ""T17:tarwriaYv'das.411411"hi.Z.I.nitt* ..""ver t Mein
and H. Peek
Mrs. Stalker left nn Tuesday for a fen eljubReivi. John M. elnallwond. tbe noting n^gro
mnothi visit to her daughte. in Cleveland orator of Boston. has &time.' a euntreet to
Walter Stalker areempanied her and in weenie te Einem.. on -Th.. Rare ddien iw
tends remaining till next winter. H.. will America" and nn "The Negro In Amore -an
Ise greatly missed ivy his many friends Polities The prim for id: months ie 01,-
14. F. Filwartia leis re...sired • end por WO, erpenere paid.
tine of his erring meets and in %hewing an A iwan named tarry Pedersen Is saki to
eve...liens geared etre-k He has beautiful nave masted a a Theron& paymician that
new ernekery *n.1 gleaner, an.1 s finer me in Pale killed a marl naineet laymen Han
as'''vf"'""f "'l Prints and derma rm. was styling. employed with him at Milrerth.ira's
Intense epee in hayfield. More new perking bowie at Moat 'its. and to hide time
printa were misused this week, sateen*, mintier. cut the Isndy up. saltni it and ran It
drillettes • mist a splendid asaortment sn the fertilising rooms among pike ot pork
of hats, incleding stiff and soft felts for wet tbere for the. menth
1hr. M. Niehohnve the Wept pt. dentist,
-.wk..% the preservation of the natural teeth
sperielty. Gam wiminiatered from 9*. m.
•or the panicle extre.•t ion of teeth_
Rev %lex. RAM, M. A., Clinton, will
pnie-h in Knee ehureh next lewd'. I/ay
oorning and will conduct the I:Arlie laver,
n St. A;w1reee'e church in the es -ening.
Mr. 1 :en A. Evan formerly nf Petro's.,
has pinewood the drug baseline of the
estate of the late 4..o Rhyne& Mn. Feat
• a former Itenseelite, and manes to 1'.l'.
eieh well necommemlei an a, goad ante:gist
F411411041415 man.
Poser let...lost °unrest% In The Em
iere's rvport 01 Ilse 4 •ttatlian Shorthand
encietyS. lenniert. held et Toronte Mon
•ley the following referemw enatle to •
Min Mary !dee( 'ormae. with Riehard Pickard. dry goods merchant.
Episodes of Irish History. 4 ;co. is an of the Imre and will he badly
• Jeseph Williams, Kieq. mbar!.
Song e" True Till tenth 4 ;IttIY. 1%,. .re pained lo r.. ".,4 the death of T.
51r. R. 4:. Reynold', litter, 4 T. It. station agent here. ten% died
'• The Last Raw euminer 161""fe- suddenly Tuesday. Mr. llow had been
Miss Tommie Kieid.
•• Three Leaves of Shameck"..T..1 Farroa.
Mr. Ed. .1. Wald".
song • • 4 ;ales of the West "..
Mime Maggie F:. McQuade.
Recitatton "The Demme and 4 :reen
..Ileral.I 1:ri10&
Mae 14114. Ma.-('oresac.
Illmirtette " I Think of Thee- . ,
Menne Heicher. HmIgk not, Ilintinock tut.1
Le Tousel.
Inatrnmental "Si. Pstrick's
• • i;oil Stare the giteen.-
01-P1N MIETIN.:. The entertainment
held in the Temperanee Hall on Thursday
evening. 1211i. under the anspicee .4 Eureka
Council. No. 103. R. T. .4 T.. waa well ate
ten's'. the normion being the priblw veil-
ing of their handle -Kew new organ. recently
nianufact urn' 17 ib. I eelerich I *gun ('o.
There was • noticeable lark of instrumental
eel...tinny, such an the ne4WAWAI 411O11/4114011,
hilt owing to the combination of the Metre -
meet not being thormichly understmei hy
some of our loot local musical talent there
was not sufficient time 10 practise. It
might he well tit my just here, however.
that the nr.trument is • sir nctave oneoritli
sixteen stops and "even area of nada, octave
roomier., vox humerus and sub haw It has
a beast. ifolls• finiehed rosewood Mann owe.
with handeene fretwork and hand earveyi
1 russes. awl is wit hoet tingle the finest
real organ in Godertch If nap, an eleellellt
%etch he • fernier nowitlent of 4 totleriek to
: wthe %Artois . oninhinatione of Die elope
et. y terl% .4 Tee 55.5141411444.' in • have ever had the pleasure of hateming to,
.. emelt liengeegh, i Wrnett and Mel ;4h pectoring amnia or the orweetere masa we
taw..., nf t he ahnetharelers. tin fine comicelly. which %maks well en the ahility of the
' lw ""'''''"I ProeheAllY ana ff4*.' fhifd ('.wnpsny's tuner, Mr. E. limigkitme. The
• nellent nembinatims .4 lweh - Mood will r.noraivi ovvvimeiej .as the ,,,,,,e.,„ mei an
toll' ennllent rase and thew whet look jitart to it
II a k WM NOM. Il• allrelfrittg III *15.4 nf ere • creglit W. the. Magical and liteglary
flve .seraise who will have ebarge .4 14*.'
I •orienclitivgriciitrer ituriaigt4.47001 sr*
Ilean : Inmate,' ...I "NI% : Terbium, Gin
lawn*, : Varier. 1/ Midwest ; Kolfage, .1
Mellenaki The tap will he ensivinamiwi
ea feline's Jeans, A Fran'.. (treadle,
.litins (nage.; ena Gall, Dan McKay . ea
had, Jae -Inifit.r :1 ',mu,. M 1‘441mulad ;
Myrtie. P Wylie. Mr Marlene ka•
awn awl boys. Straw het. for men hoys,
fraternity nf oar town. Felkernim is • het nein. ehildreee yea
of three who kerib_pert : Chairman's arl
Meth. Mr 4#!-10'. '.14 ewe • 7,74.7V-I'L litlietEbt It'ire••••11
• TlinalWaral 11111 ilbbb "Valley hsnl- "41 "t "InwPs'awl Lietw`aiwo
of 4 hammini Miss rank : reading. Mr fmm Immm, fdywalInf's'i". mram•''Pli"/•• "
Blair: nolo. " 'War Old Farm.- Mies Me
Lis; recitation. Mr. Young; dine, "The
Rises of Mei,- 31444WW.1 NICIAMMI AMA %an :
eel°, Mr. le Teasel media& Mr S. 1'.
WliI.ams; aeon, Mrs. 9 J. Predate t
brew erreeiten. stifles, apt -atm. sore
swollen throat, oneghs, Bag. SAO hy
gee of nne tenth. Warranted the moot
wounierful blemish mire ever kentra. Mnid
hy 9 lerden. ly
altakespearean Rehr. te be rret•rved.
Lost. Iltu,oh I:. --A *WI NIX natesel Par-
hament vestepg the i-irporation .1 St :intent
County of Iltseke.ae trecres of Shaheen eire's
lirtbpbtee and other memorial einem with
power to purehan Anne Hathawayat'ottage
and Wileote Cottage te
Sbakelpeare's mother. Tbe James
layette congest:Ilene the oiuntry upon the
passage a the bill. which says ie a timely
preeaut Hell and will lweveut the removal of
then preperties to America.
A terrible scene nee'lreeel in "Sew ()Heath
nia Nettardan oporatiog. /be WIN&
Mkt for trial Far NM-usnM.. of (lag 01
Mann inaismaneliabliteinenensCe41. .%Wow
A through tampering with the jail. Ota
Nateiniay • lynching party. numbering three
aboil.and, Mean hy some of th. lating
Ottawa broke WM ths poi sad Mt* Etralls
sieves oi the primates Vire se EMI
Me yard et Om prima
Tit. Newfoundland Arbitration.
Penis. Marc+ I7. -The preamble of the
Newfountltend hill. tt heel wee law na
tattle in the Semite te- tar, says Eranee hes
prnteeted eremite EY neatest Eng:idi
Inteler (Leone, on lille.Freneh ehore at ens -
teary to Pending twatee. .4Mo:teatime It is
ackte•!. ought to res. tie in lasting coaditiolle
which w..I satisfy N -,1 el!an.h.
renege 1:re5itle...
T T. O'Connor. " /111410.31144,4 that tie ilaten.1.
to actively oppose l'aracrdren oy a11 t :etre :mar •
means hi hiellower.
Fusern1 servWes over the remains of 1,r, %too
Morse were Imid neon yestettlav. The re
tow as 14c. per yard ; better .goods
at 10, *41 15, 20 d 25e. If you •
where you can get the -Wt ASSOFfr: 1LECK
t and the best value, and boy
early before tile citoies_.st patterns
andeolorings ore saki. Are you dissatisked
We tic pleasteti to show yoti ; zei
your firesent sys-
ow stock.
4. A. REID & BRO.
lorestes Rtn. e, floderich.
Ilarth 11111. 1091.
tem of hPaYing or sani-
tary arrang-entais
I If so, call and see me
and I will 1Pla you
First cliss zvork only
neeerbrb WrIrre.
66,01 ittc11. March 19. MK.
.it 'Wheat:. 91 011., t 00
',foie": Wheat 0 Ott to 0 .4e.
Flour 3011to3 till
Shorts., cwt ..... ., ON0100 Al
Bran. !cert. ..... . . , . 0 73 to 0 79
Serneniallw. V cwt 0 75 to 0 73
eheeterd Feed Wheiat V cwt-- . i 3310 1 25
Oats, 'bush . 030to0111/
mains :tyre taken to Hanover.
A t now.. ef Beints bleu fermi --'51 totillortze
yap:oiled reaterlay Tiro ni.-1, sere'roafeed
dtetla ard ritn. ntheis fatally won -h..4
•velereme valentine 1:. bens. . tit Noon.
. .
will the l'areeinte cnolidate for the .eer fn.
North !Inn .414. (Mary of Stunt .40 4.'ret
et by the el.tnelayite%
- •
Kneed br a Train
MA X VI W.F. March 7. Welter ethane,
reeve ef Peudleton. was duty ng n team of
bores. on a crisis road- Lear the statem and
juet .1 141 a in mels croseitt z the t reek
the tnsin fr 310:itn• e .1 -se e. nee. the,
plain at bed teituente flashy.' the nolo a•..'
threw Isa Isom on nue le. The .1Azti
drageed along with the engine ttil 11 vise
steadied to piwee. the nreve having no
tiny! to get out of the ideigh and rot -riving a
severe 44 .w on the head from the !root pnt.
of the engine, trim which be .111141* the
...lune of 1:: minute..
The Walla Promo.. Revenge.
NEW 0111.1t Ass, Karol' 1. -ParkerAitt has
received the following note, puroorting 50
corn. from a member of the Matta eciety:
"M. OA warniox.-11.04/1 Are • doinnee elan
and God Almielity cement teve yo.: ll'e
have it sworn. Our comrade. ye., mUr.ler.-11.
mid we will kill you and your family You
will be poisoned. The stiletto eel ,Io for the
Tale Elanyi 4.. Irlorage
11:1111.:AGO, Itlarch 17. Fratli T. lilindon.
S tOtl• oat the street t.e lay waiting fer • car
Term Ital. we %%ere mar him. Ilnesiorn
mileistleof tee Ni.. Del elite lynehing and mei
every member oil tow 345,4. ranehi to hung.
fee 'mimes at ouco dre • bores aud
Larked bins. He wei severely cut.
Ineserged Their Vote.
. :1110:Unh .
Potatane hue!.
A Wee. bush .
Rutter. S.
Kees. train %imparted. e doe
4 'beam 'II 10 tu 0 12 I
WocA • 3 ne 4 tat 1
6 rotott 30
te ton e3
0 eel to Ill
0 I2 W. 0 I:1 I
11 to 0 14 Th
SPRING )1111.1.1NEWY s)PEN I ,:f;
rumors tasstanaaL.
Mareh 17. Iffil.
nom- V. now., II
rat: M 1.!•AL !War awl WA 1 on to 1 in
Spring waned .......... o Ir. t ,r I 00
, 8 to toe 48
Oai• ..... ..... . ..... ,• Mint) IS
Apples twisted. ire MS ...... • • ... . . 1 id te 3 50
Potatoes .. . - -,,„ . BM toe 50
Rutter . . .. . ". ... 111 13 to 0 IS
Ewes ... ...... . .... 0 11 to 0 IS
41 00 to 0 1.141
3 00 to 4 00 And follow-tk .11).4 Or i Neel we shrill di.
0 75 tot ell play a tame itee --ritetere 1..-nt of
5 :0 to
°° to° "I) I Hats, Bonnets, Flowers,
orsday, 261
.. 5 e0 to 7 110
Catering ....... ...... ..... ...... 3 000' 4 (10
imet 0 tete 0 OS
0 ibtonla
Pori. 5 In to 5 23
Ribbons, Laces, etc.
Plethe call and ,er.
- • _
BB NOT a Puts
BRWILLIAMS. Fineon litumnan,
Tome and eacon-
ne. They are • i
Native Medi.
IrTftruTolt as they
eupply in a eondensed
form the substances
I NK 11 dlasames comas
eh the Mood, miring
ally needed to see
pi: mental worryeliamen
monads and lodlecrw
oats. They haw a
Smieurto Acmes on
rose Pons and Witt, DRY GOODS EMPORIUM.
.ar Himont. or from
I in Ls 1,:iTlarati 11C/110111.11 In
treigorate and Buten
Ittoon, and also
Use 1111-0o0 sod
Sterol', whetharokeu
down by oirenotei.
EOP I. E ..
restate( Low wean
anxtret Rewriter a
then and Weenie,
sad operating all
tananninarnaa and
blegRaTpowere :urging. elentild take
Pmts. They will restore tes leet epergne. botb
On 1 thillhori. falltnii: si,iii 1 Nc coops 1
Musical sad mental . .
. Bay !tip, should take than.
..., m They mire all mot -
pressing's sled Ilarities. orM inevitably
entoll Maumee wbOi noitleotad.
wirmut NEN mbniVagnil rare the ne
te of yout I til had babas, and ntreoethea me
LONDON, MI:eh 170. --Thal At. J•teneblexette
say, it la curious to Mut to* Owlet, of It sty
lamenting the death ..f11*. 1„ conspirer., is
at Nets ( Orleans They Were a. 'Menai NW,
bad been drone nut of tneir colour.. As
tione• a meaty. The grief of the. lenrquis
.14 'tweet for Um ran who were lynch. 1 will
nut be long or airy profound. If tin Maass
tied not emigrated they wouti nave res lcd
equally short shrift from lt.rsi ran vi,llant.
-Is TUE----
LIE AmIx443.
Latest and Best
• am MM. .
Far sale by all druggage. or win be rent imam
yeesipt 01 price (Mr per box), by sAdresstai
riut DR. WILLIAM"' M X b. CO.
Brockway. Oitt
should take theta.
Thom Petra win
we AAA. AA •all
a pr. &me soft aor ••••••
tee me 13 1*. ma* t
1010• ••••1•0 jai OS
Wr:"Art $1i.. W•164•40 cis arun
•••• ran sna. Mom
_ m.seattem er
row en view.
Buchanan & Son,
k T1 PM RA
Ant Isnilder's not..-sid of evert deserintle•
a -
school havtare a Specialtj.