HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-3-20, Page 3The Great Remedy
I: J K. (SORE,
Sole Patentee and V
LO:okitri ll, OXT.
SEND OC.1n.tm oiro:l!..•
i(tanatee.t{o.w1 taitkj
W e.. and 'week! .end)(al b) expo -s*. (.U, II
tkiselrtaet • etch wtuthyoucaaexam tse,aal
tt yon de our sat
It Weeders. mom
than we clam fur
it KM TAKE iT,
but perfectly ma
legactory. pay the
"Ulm* Aim% OS
e watch. Such a
chance to snare a
reliable timepiece
st such a Hdlat-
totW) hew pries la
.eWu if ever be
fore. offered Thin
Y a nom
Pla(ee lint/
ft:over ammo
asetaL It has
solid bow, cap and
Grown, bustle[
eya.e.beautifalls ea -
pend and is duct -
pool The week.
are Waltham Mile,
E.jewelled, with mambabalance. is
and we !tItan anaccurate time.
.7kt le suitable Ise either a lady ee
featt.raa A Eap .1 les sent with eadk
WMc mwatchAukcr�s. f" r.. i • T Met.
L 00.e
SENO US $LOSa:vfd�lepmrer' r
we wilt send you postpaid this squat
These ris
wan byIodise and
gentlemen la the hest
.oast). and bare the
rin.lase •ppe.nDoe u a
1111.011. We
guarantee perfect Ot
sad eat Wart ion.
�N. W. wym a at
t►btain.d. slid all business .r. the U. e. Pater.e
°dee sttendad to a' 1:11.1 TX FE EN.
Our oat., w oppsit. the 1'. r. P 'e ni ii
See. 111114 wr rat obtain Is; eel., in l..• tom
thea thew ren.n'r free lid A!Of/A (Tree.
steno .UI)l(ha. e)k NA•.I It \t'e air.
rime as to pat eposbilit) free of claret : en..
we sale AI) c'HAI1)K UNLRISN B -k (,f.
PAi.\- i'.I TEST.
Wr ref. -r. lore, .0 i he Poo inset. r, she •opt
of Money Order Dia'.. and I,. Mil. ml, of tar
1 -went nater. Per . Iroalar, tie. we
teems and r.ferrnuee 10 seta.; e'1.eal. II, )Oar
oma State or ('oiie.ty, warn. Ti.
t a aeew A t e..
Oopo..ite Patent tiae-e tranhinaiw.lt.('
e: if
SO ritie iN
1-1 :1.1. 1 t o u S E.
SC•f- e L^' it t h
derich Steam Boiler Works
stetshlishee teen.
Chrystal 8t Black.
in Stock For Sale:
60 -horse -power upright
boiler, all complete:
13-horse-pwer upright boiler
and engine.
8 -horse -power engine.
48 -horse -power horizontal
boiler, complete.
50 -horse -power slide valve
engine, all complete.
The above Dave been thorough-
overhanded sod warranted in
Aries condition. Reedy for
mediate delivery and will be
id champ
Mame will heel's present atteshe&
• see. s. II. It. amuses.
*Haft nmrslb a (seeded
rn, a P.O. sox
- -••••••••••••••••11
so F ED ii .LE OF -6401V V ..Lc ,ai.• O1VS_
Returned by Justice. of the Peace in and for the County of Heron for the quarter endiag March 10th, 1891, pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Outwit), Chaptor 76, Section 1.
Tune w when To whom paid over ley!
Amount. to be paid. paid . said J u .tae. and when general ubeervetu,a, dewy.
Nave of Prosecutor Name of Defeadast
1 Julia Yule
2 ,.
3 •,
4 .,
• John (:dl
7 D. C. McKay
8 Margaret Job.e,w
9 W J. Paisley
12 John ltobertana
13 H. t:. Hopkirk
14 4ks. Orr
16.1au,uel Beattie
16:Johnst,n Crooks
17 L Wigle
1$'Jolu, R Miller
20John sharpest
21 Lewis ieeod
2 I.aruuel oe Beatty
23 Wm. lardy
D. McIntosh
A. McKay
, D. Illeltinuon
1. Allan
1 Hefferusn
r. kubin.ou
Thea Lyon.
P. Melhmuugb
Wm. Latham
'H. 1. Martin
lien. I:unlra
'Thos. Woodcock
W. J. Paisley
1.. S. Shea;
Alfred Hasten,
•Profk. Morgan
'John H. Campbell
Laugh,. t'ampbell
'Albert Kaaike
(eaaceint Beatty
lewis Wiegand
W 4111111
Nature of ('barge.
Wolog with
sk latest
Escape front Coesteble
Assault and Battery
Selling liquor oft elattion day
Larceny (led postage start
Prepayment of a letter aith osac.1
Selling liquor no p,wng day
lufornatem for search warrant
Assault and *lottery
Assault and Battery
Violettuu of Liquor..emise Act
The. of Name .t Cl smee ag Jamie, ee
Coavietiss Justices-
ustic s -
Using abusive language and asaault l
Using abusive and insulting Ian-
guege•and assault
Using alone language
7 John Antler, mayor of Godertch
24 .,
23.1. Beatty and F. Holaeateed. J. P
20J. Md:arva and H. Steep, J. P.'s
30 John Mel larva, J. P.
26 Win Clegg, mayor of Wingbam
2 A Hunter, J. i'.
Robert Annstroag, J.
96 Geo. ('ox, J. P
31 R. Ross, .1. I'.
31 R. Roes, J. P.
7 J. B. Soared, J. P
I hereby certify the above to be a correct and true copy to the beet of my knowledge and belief.
a.:clerk of the Per Ogee, Obiter ich, March 16th, 1$91.
i:.. i IS the author, a.. inn• only the play.
era. These grand piece, which are played
op..", earth have !c "n comp.sw.l in beton-
11' ning
eaven.11'n.ug woman, and tear is the greatest
"offerer. The lest men err It. and have
foot all desire to *meadow or suppress the
other half ..f haunt:nty. Sarah oil. Sever
11 r deep, but the loony of life never !
stops; and the pattern edinh was weaving'
when the *tin went .k.w-u a wu•viug when
it coup.% up tomrxr or. Henry Ward
There area gnat ninny people who seem
think that religion means not doing
aneg. As if a knitting ',iridium that ever
knit any .to.•kinyts wouhl Le, on.idrre,l go..l
lea-aus.• it never turkmt• 11 -hat a RAO gond
'..r ah.. simply-diiii tut deli the tinge! -
W.eltf'sA�'M Blacking
•'Act.ler b to
of 'She old
fastened Say
d blactlng
oke Sbueo` tory
the at. way
ham Ifackkn`
amid Ike ahoy
cask leceassea
dewily. ,+e•h
tit8hi VO Bit I rill.
a la•b •rear .
u.,. arsomlo. a New Weeksweas amt
w.aa Segos CLaee as. un.a.ast I.ea4A
w.., It... Tower. at Ike
C,.. a.... rows eta snares I •'•••Le
Vt.., t -L.. ••••-•0111•0“ Iawr4
A..L ANDela W1''lseral areas
toe Canada, lt���awsswwo.. °eh
B. B. B.
Burdock Blood Bitters
Is a purely vegetable compound, possessing
perfect regulating powers over all the organs
of the system, and controlling their wore -
lions. It so purifies the blood that it
All blood humors and diseases. from a eom-
mom pimple to the wotst.crotaoos son, and
this enmbined with its unrivalled regulating.
steensing and purifying influence on the
secretions of the liver. kidneys, bowel. and
akin. render it unequalled as a mire for all
Sesaaes of the
From one to two bottles will curs boils,
pimples, blotches, nettle raah, .cart tetter,
and all the simple forms of skin diose.
From twoto four bottles will sure salt rhes
or schema, shingles, erysipelas' ulcers, ab-
srssea, canning snr.a.aad all skin eruptions.
It is Detainable Umlaut/were from skin
ire seedy alwaysvated by intoletaMN
Asiing. but this quickly subsides os the
removal of the disease by B B B Patois'
isto graver yet prevalent diseases. Melt as
earefuleas swellings, humors and
We have undoubted proof that from three
to sir bottles used internally and by outward
'pp/Motion (dilated if the skin is brokento
the afforded parts, will ant a eare. The
Taal mission of B. A. B. M to regulate the
teen, kidneys. bowel sod blood, to merest
taidity andsties of the strnaak.
tad to open the miss -ways of the system
to tarry rift all (slogged and impure mere
dons, allowing nature thus to ad recovery
ted ninon. without tan
Liver magtaiat, biliousness, dyspepsuaish
- dropsy. rheumatism, :dor=
IFss, kid..ys, seb, arising
rabowels .ad Mont
V. 'smashes every beetle et B. B B.
Should nay be disest ailed after using
the rant Iwittion personallywe will mend the money on
app• s~ W.and is by letter We will
be g to teetimoniale and is
rrmsatlm peering the .Sweat. of B B
lbw Nee.• ......w. _.._,.,... A Ampf......aladaidaa
1sT MILBUi N • OD.. Tawata. Qn
rip- I'.1hu1R1S'
- - •
Tae White Lang.kan Fowl: it. Itiolle-
gue_hiex Mark. fur 1 ..lulu... sad
Iteaat� Lien,, Ibe Her.- N 14..e Mame
sad Tail Itepreseut a 'Curtains,
HK lau:;•iint: .-p joy*
/ t ii.tt.i.'tinu
of ttaltug ••quina* a
phwlari:y in thio ,''uu•
try ohi, la is. never
twr•u .qualea l.-. any
other black plumage.(
fowl. it duet, at tb.•
"Wee, eel' tierce owe-
legation. and ass gen-
entity regarded as an
ill-bred Bla••k Coehia. An it was, like the:
Coebine a t'hine.. fou 1. and tow...seed many
of the o•hararteristi.-• the e'Atilt family,
rap.. tally of lb.., earls' Cabot. which fore
the nose .4 :then.gba n•. Use belief in the
iieutity id the two tee.sl. vote wit a strange
.saw its adv°mtee. however. prt.ta..l in the
amerti.a, that it.wa,- '.f a distinct criaiu-
Wrred for its upbuikling ant sea..h and ,rot of
ra.00, and florally won a .l,tiutl'v,t triumph
iu aetually. to a Very large .•:trot, driving
the Blaek Corbin (nen tie field. and serum-
ing all the repute that the latter variety
pw.esae,l, as well a- n'quitme mewl' that it
D rt•er hal obtained
The Iau;;shan haw been a.lu,,f l,ly man-
aged, from ite first entrrslu,ti.'u t.. the pr`
rent rinse, with the result that its merits
bate 04 been allowed to be forgotten by the
p itl.& But II.' foe l really ,l).1 *.caws. great
merit.. The nowt earnevt advocacy c.add
11.4 make a breed p.ieulsr union. the tweed
bad inertia. It might..udoM, erred fur re
*care or twee I.ut in the ere( the fowl 14,41441
era.• to take with the p:ihlh', and it meats
D et lar to 1. eager e..ottnur to. write it up. The
Iangtttan was a better lever than the
rrkz-paXn clot,: LA'. YUAN ►OWIJa.
('o hie. it was broil with Is, feather de-
velopment. and it. rig.r..1 w•hi•'h it had a
good oapiplr, went to the pro'11nti.N1 .1 eggs.
It was alai tool longer in the bale. and with
greater a.t.v.ty of disprsiti ,m. an.! therefore
was lea. in"Iin.Ll to accumulate internal fat.
and ye was better able to produce a goodly
apply of emir While the Ltreder..4 Black
o.. Livia were weking ea.rrn.xt..-ishions on
the fens• and beeide feathered Idaauk. ani
meddle tor.,, the breeder. of Iang.haa. were
engage.! in iwatrring the mots mend quali-
ties It was also a more lrsrdsseuely plumag.
ed fowl. The black of the ('..-•bin was often
tainted with oil: particularly in the beetles
and aool'kw .of the cock.. end the bow were
frequently of • doll nasty black color. but
the langshans were id edit% Meek h:e with a
nieti green .r purple teen. Fan•iaro were
n ot slow to w this differ.n'.•, and wise
I'nehtn breeder% nought to improve the .ol.w
of their fowl. by the .4 lung
%hen Mood. Thaw rsspans. guest manage
merit, earnw.t "dowser, better laying and
richer ,!nonage, secured for the l.angwhan •
greater airmen than the Black (',whin or any
other solid black fond ever pme•wif in this
country. And they did this. ton, handicap.
pd by the color of the tampf',han'e din,
which is white Instead .4 the ever popular
yellow. and which has sad duce militate
against the fowl as • table breed
Within a very few years White Lang -
nano have appean.d. It is a peculiarity of
Mock f.owlout produce pow and then • white
thicken. The Mark Spanish. the Mark
alkanets. the Hark Bogdan, the Beek
Cruvs....r. the Black Java, and other black
breeds bare android white "*porta." The
I.aphan "nala not reeerreably Ian exported
to be an e.rrlptice Knee White langehans
have nad.atkteslly hon, wo priturwl re
Claim. and have been imported into this
mwatry and tat. England Rat while
✓ un have been produced in thio way,
.Aha.. have My hem mark
by crowing with white bowels It
is known that some White l angehan.
are them -Owl of • crow with the White
Toshio. sad others with the White Ply-
ly-m uth Rork Whether other white breeds
hay.. been used in this way is not knows.
Tom eon.- heed Mets few ■,r time will die -
flees their origin by penile -ins , hick.,..
with yefinw feet, sad with other character -
Mire derived fermi their non Tangshan par-
ent, pmt eve tnally. by earefnl selertiooa,
than etedmeirab s will Meade
leer. anti wren en export will be unable to
tell the ever Prsde from the per* "srstle."
It is also kigbry prNaM. that White lasg-
then bowersr pwda*d, will be teed to
ratio", wa Met ae hent'' 10t, r.'lel.•el
ilk. Mir be haiieid.
s, Sea
.• eco. ,t.• at site 1.4444`Man are appeared,
it .lid uo.t WWII likely that it would attain
any great pg.ulariti With the yellow -leg-
ged White Cochin in the thell. a ton I which
ha,. equal beauty suo1 is superior a. a market
fowl .sa a.r..unt .'f the color of its shanks
sal .kin. it w.iulJ ie enieoil the White Lang -
than would ,.taxi a .'e,y 'hares
mug anything like meows. But it at
se'eu'. t, be repeating the leid.ry '1 it.
anientnr The wh•, Int a the variety have
hero able toell all the eggs they .could ohtaia
at five dollar, pet• sitting. far 'fii.•krnsare in
arise demand at high I.ril•'•'., aid it his.
oscura "wsalerabl.• eupr,iorit■Ir.ady.
The wane own who uanaged t o keep the
black varists well t.. the fr. nit an- handling
this urs tariety. and if they aro as as ie• is
priemeing its interest a. they Lorre proved
thc.nnelvea in umua t ig tlr Iola. k, there is
good n•wvni for presieenug roneeleral.l.• rp-
tamers for the White tallg'taan. Tbey will
undoubtedly breed it to One figure whist,
ha.. proved so ,ear iceabl to the black
fowl. and thus swum better laying gdtslitiew
than the White (*.whin pewee, In the
White Laneihau we have a large, feather -
footed. white foal, handsome. • gesd winter
later of !ere,. tinted *,lyses, handy as .\.sties
are, *hen *..*rely Lined, and pi.weine.l of
num, qualities. mead an.! eiruana•utal, that
make it eatrmN+Mmtrt. The White Leng-
then is nave to who papular favor.
("riming t:raln es, tbs. Farm.
There i. u'tImid re -seen why newts of the
expe•il.e eel ln.s in grinding grain Mould
nut he .a\..1 by the farmer getting euginew
and mills and .ling the work at home Itis
one of the complaints .1 farmer. that mu win-
ter they hare no profitable work to,lo. white
manufacturer. work the entire year If the
Mill is eight or ten mdse distsa:;-'sa it is is
many pisco, these is more labor involved it,
taking the grist t.' the mill and returning
than it would req..ire to grind it at bone.
Buren mending idle lis the barn could fur-
alab the power ah•1 be all the better for the
d irtier If the farmer thinks the miller
takes two much toll, what bi to hinder him
from incoming milker him,elf I k. what
is still better, let eecb heighls.rbood own a
mill. to be operated I.v any naie who ha.
noutributwl to it. porus.•, and kept in
order at the common expense
Methed. or Appllo-stlow Dtueutwd by Ike
\ineriran Cultivator.
In a re ent isw. lb. American I'ultivatur
my. truly that so much of soccer. in farming
depends one the ln•tbood• of usinX ntu, ure that
the dia•uss*on of this subject ran hardly be
overdone. Undoubtedly ,sena. fanners get
more profit out of the mune amount of manure
than others, and in thin their superiority
mainly condo.. knowing how to make the
beet use of manure, they can purchase it when
other. muted. The pan• ipde is shown in the
conuncsly-knows fact that where wmdwmen
and • ., ars g.eund near cities and
villages, farmers growing ordinary farm
crops cannot parebsee stable manure. All
that is inside in the city or village is taken on
contract em melon as made, and at butter
grief* than neutrino farm crops will afford.
In other placer market gardens instead of
farmers takes city stable manure, Of course
the farmers secure a certain amount on the
farm from stock kept, but it is neverenomgk.
They do tent buy, not became they do not
recognise the need of the fertllivr, but be-
came they cannot compete in the price.
It is a significant fart that meet .A this
manure is pre haiad for land that the major-
ity of farmers would consider rich enough,
which has, indeed. all the fertility required
for any orep lave Indian corn that a majori-
ty of farmers grow This indkats that se •
rule it pays best to draw awed of the manure
oa rich land, even if as a result some of the
poorer Portions of the farm are* to slow-
ly ibe•rssae I. fertility by growing gram and
glover. On the heavily -manure,' land most
of the labor will he applied. The poor land
gate lees att.ntio s, but probably all that It
will pay for This u net the method often
adopted, mod farmers actuating year altar
year their pooireet land for cultivation and
applying all lbw manure they make, thus
raising the whole to a cneeperativ.ly low
average. and no part mart better than the
other. if they . , 1 labor and nm -
sure on fewer merle they would make more
profit They would -at lead make rrlr4hing
on the tea land and not lose no the 'ether.
By their premie method they work over a
wider area, and do oat make • profit any
where. If fermiers prateie'ed this plan "f me
miring only their beet hod they would moo
find 'hat they had i..o much, This would is
most canes be a great advantage
The time for applying manors, like the
time for doing any good work, is always the
prw_rut titin.. The old ides that manurs
spread on the airfare leach or wrapwate, to
any wasteful degree baa Inas sine, been ex-
x-pl dd. Noma of the more wihdd• o•hneennl of
fertilisers. ars hest applied jest .pnt the
time ernes are planted or worn Rut viable
tsanare,even the beet, l. ennaparatively dew
be Its e"tiren if soma p ortkpu .'.1 it are
imbed down tato the end. they are not lee(,
hat are rather in etartly the hest position
Me doing mom goo,: when warm weather
starts In thein the neeewsary fermentation
if manure is belt spread on the A.bi thratgh
wearer and spring. It use put W sell for two
or three inch.** at least la the beet email..
that this saner, ereekl p.dhty do. n.
ankh hes proseeda the �weltans. ad If thin
V powmbd rsr B "r sod 11. gists
Zr...Jati9l=�'�-'.. ,--e-w..•ae, a•:::ihi6'.idlfw
lady r Awe. falcon wtmt Ise
It not paid, wb acct, and
1 00 Forthwith
1 00 Forthwith Not paid.
2000 '•
20 00
15 00110 day.
20 00' At •mor
1 00 Forthwith
20 00' Feb 211.1
20 00,Feb. gni
5 00 Forthwith
Net paid yet
Licenwr Ity pecti
Haat for trial
1'ommttted to jail for bnnrtths
Sent fur trial
tat hard labor.
Iieft cont'd to county jail for 10days ,
'Seat for trial
yet collected for want distrs
To Liquor Inspector 'Pad
,No nue appearing . oar diagnosed
',Case withdrawn
(leek of the Year and foots.
John It Miller, Limns. Inspector
John It \fillet.Iwcen..laspecun
I hi/mimed
No one
Illsft never appeared for judgment
Clerk of the Peace and County Crown Attorney, County of Huron.
Inc, the aortas sou trout tree tuul'h. l
The her in the winter thi. application is
ma.ie\,the better will .me the remit '!
After laud had len thus mule d.Nubly rich
ttr, ow r nowt un.l.•rrtatrl the rrspe.uaihihty i
it i,up ae. t, give It I.n.l..rti.ivate .are and
labor , He cadent aff.,nl W beeatiaA.•I with
voile. that farmer" na port. nil eau grow .si
well. or early a. well, se he T61. i. pre -
hap. lir m .wt inip.rtarit advantage .4 the
tb.,nmg manuring +sole.! ntak • a farm
Moo a ga 1rn It inv.elv... equal 21, 'eolith-
* in rel et" ,-•.pest., When farmer+ .'ore
thin n th..l and learn ha... •h they
tan make reel a little late( they will al.an-
.haa thatny. ern .d spreading their e? .rt.'veer
a ra<t Ke. By the .iii Woo .,f farms
ilii. ,• stint will I era; a intim)* to maintain
the prep n.•' of farmers in it. i..pnla-
the. which . t` late year. ta. hs•n diminish -
tag It iia Mistake to •,.,.i.'•..• that there
are t..o many f There are to.. few,
and t'.. little . Meal. for the ei
trot of land nailer uniting. It is not
teee.ille nri.-h longer end sew farts
hue( Now for better t cf what
is already under .'ulttva'
Yb Mane and Tall ate Woad
tteprfawal s Vertere.
Me asoma w eaeatr.
Mrs M,t'reckk "I've gut a recipe for a
puddieg that will keep a week."
Mrs. Mc/ ..rklw "My p/dilage LeeP two
lung sow I'd like a recipe hie a padding
that my Iltul.u,l a Ill at at ease.'
---(Mice la Me Issas'_-•
-Oepo•lte the MIarBe ,-
'Money to Lend
Cheap Rates,
Fuser's Iota Cashed. '
ars►M•.merbbrla..r•b )saw S.re.r yser,a. T.,.wira aeas stases.
a ser M wan. es aur►, sat N rawr y.aearaty saw e.w aa.se•ear at er ween. .osam eayaw se
area waw. as Yea Is aurtartw
•roan,r•a ma rawr.w r Ian .ar-
eves .44 Iiio.. to• rt A ret hrr w,.aueILv•r554M1.rlesS • /� ow owe,
1891. 1891.
Winter aridt. Spring_
Fine Display of New Goods.
Fine Worsteds,
Fine English and Scotch Tweeds.
Fine Canadian Tweeds.
Fine Overcoatings.
Fine Workmanship and Trimmings.
OW M the5tl�e to ssasse the keit Harrow in the Market. The teeth are
fond mewl .ate teatpered. lorery tooth stamped STEEL and war-
neeted. T. and quantity are limited, so those that with to be
�met call early.
t.lit'n. Tai LAIN.: MANED
Here's a hors. to .-neer ole• heir": of those
who weep -and guae.h their sympathy--fou
-sminielsteeth when a hor,w's tail in docked.
Am! here, aim. is a 11..r.” that will gratify
the who believe teat beauty t. na.•niksel
when a horses mann in trentnwel.
Thin very fine mime' now in New York is
name! bursa He i', owned ler l` H. and
H. W. Eaton of f.c•xingt .n. Mans if we
may believe enthuMeitic .I.s'ription.. his
mane is 9 feet, his foretop .Get 'i inch..n and
hie tact 1: feet :i inchew long.
At all eventa, hie hair is long in propor-
tion t., 1114 besiy, as shown by the picture,
which is a faitbt ul reprrin•ti et of a ph',to
graph. /Anus is a stallion of a beautiful
(-hi-stout ..dor. When wising be was first
intended for a trotter. Toro his mooing
naive and tail marked tum fir a fancy high
priced .addle brine.
At the ag.e .4 :i it was plain that be had
too mle•b mane ant tail even for while
horse purpewe, and it was evident that na-
ture meant him t.. he a wonder and noth-
ing .•Ise Thereupon spirited Lidding liegan
fur hi. p ese rice. A museum man has got
Get Them All.
The .w.iemie •R now wading oat their
annual. for the spring trade. We advise all
our readers to get a* mane a. peoible, and
to patronise the ooveltiei which they orgies--
A s '•Ban's..',
linear allow the broom to stand on the
bush end when not in nee : hang it no a
nail by means of a ring in the top of the
Dont neglect that a broom will last much
longer if, after raring, it is dipped in broiling
water for a few minutes.
Don't fill the beat wiradnws in the family
living room with plants.
Don't neglect to air the homer thoroughly
every morning. Open opp site doors and
'meioses five or ten minutes, even if the
weather be stormy.
Don't undertake extra work to give plea.
are when you know that you have neither
time nor strength for it, and that, mermen,
sane one will he sure to be overtired and
Don't forget, if you are a tall woman, to
have your work table and ironing hoard a
few niches higher than they are usually
same. This little precaution will prevent
many a backache.
lion t forget to have your name plainly
painted ea all jugs or bottles that are mat
to the store for riamiar, molimees, etc.
Then you will he sure to get back your
Iku't think, when you sit down to net,
Mut .t is as,c..mary to pick up that unfin-
ished mending. Ten minutes' shoaled* rest is
is worth much to the tired muscles.
Don't allow soled cloths to female in
the bedrooms. They taint the air sail make
it impure.
A boy who is frequently chastised both
boy has mother and grandmother speaks of
titan as " a spanking team." Texas Sift
Heware ,d ileep•irtng about yourself ; you
are evrwmanded to pet your trust in (head
mei net .n yonreelf Aerietine
When trying tan °etch the ear at al'kiesgo
girl yea etwwMl me both hands - - Rteinmead
$14.00_ \ $14.00.
Them. celebrated STEEL TEETHcan be Iitteet into old Narrows for
$5.00. This is a special ofi'r, anti will be open for a short time only.
Who would not have ohl Harrows made better than when new
I have now received a large aaseetseent of
For men, women ant children, trete the smallest to the largest daM rinds,
Fran the best known makers-
HO_ yl n tet. white axed cream FLAWMRIB, and leading shads I. French Opera
B large and varied deck. as semi
Black and adored
also sad with kid tips, kid palms. Other departments equally well averted- Strictly
Drape* and Haberdasher.
Goderich Foundry sad Machine Works,
RUNCIMAN BAOS.. - Proprietors.
T RS, PLOWS. &c.
We are Manufacturing Improved New Model Mowers
which are equal to the beet. Give them a trial and ercour-
age home manufhcture,
it Will Pay you to use our new Steal Mouldboard Moira Doty
/nsinee and Bodoni for Bala -
mak a:r a....7/aarrIr101111