HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-3-20, Page 2MILLINERY OPENING.
- Mrs. R. B. Smith
Will have her Millinery Opening on
When the novelties of the season will be on view
eveu thine at school : their laughter, too. »egos to Lula, washing agile sapper dish
They were all laughing at some surds that es in the close, but buttery.''
came distinctly to Leola hkreis• in. their Mother had done enough. She would
clear chtldl.L Sable- clear up And she was just as good as they,
"Ole, mamma, mamma Moller, the mains if she didn't know aoythiu,, shout "darning
made the fence out o' old 'mistaking : stitch" and "couching" said her idea. of
it was unatgntly, true enough. the wire art work were steal/mil to crochet and rick
tenor, suggeatm . s of the ekeh'toai of a lir- rack and • i i.rl Bias our Hunts'"
gime real truce. lade had begged her It was the same idea dominating nett
father that spring, when she had seen it for murutug, when, breakfast over, the three
the first time, to plant 1'.l.!.. mai creeper girls Mrs. Roberts was tamely more than
user it, hut her petition had Irmo tt1 vas. that appeared in Lig shade hats sad their
es hail leen her trouble tit getting these pretty it:O wellar. reedy for • stroll about
slips of Japanese ivy for the house. the place.
"It 'u.t hurt the house, idol how d we "Li.lall go with you,- said Mr.. Austin,
ever get It painted of this ,tuff wa. all over rattly from hospitality and the wish to do
it' • the honors of the place. partly to ha • her
"Rut let me plant the .-reeler, at least : I daughter enjoy hers.If fur a while with the
wont truuide you ala nit it other young people. Rut the girI sale no
".1 pretty piece o' stork we'd heir' mat ,.•mower, not even when Mrs. R..lwrtt said,
fall. gestin the vines orf them barbs." ••We should s.• much like to ha, e her. It
"lot theta stay. .111 nature ie Imams seems too, Ind nut t.. enjoy s siert of this
then." lovely sir :us 11,4.911111e, and perhaps she
''They'd l edi well, wouldn't they a sight .would spar.' tints t.. spend su • of the worn- -
u..earl vines''. Mr. Austin tiring one .1 the- fan with us in the wa.s1e over there. -
many who think they argue when • they re• you ". We always seem to lose
peat an already expressed flea with more nisi .way,- added Anent, whit.' Ethel joined
emphasis. •• I like to ks-ep the eremite lett: 4
twat. and I .•adkeriate to. I won't het''eau '�iat, do, )fLe Alain,. We trust our
littered up with i.t.t truck. l'woul'gowell selves • blindly to Mrs. Robert.. gublen.'e,
with tin• house, wouldn't it :" ant Irdeur"ey- us. epite-of frequent bete ns. that she always
A CORDIAL IS I:ugq, rjiuYr buiWieg, olesaliag i* its leers her say, and wt ottartahly w ing up
INVITATION EXTENDED TO ALL. a s.. a.ati.fietim•e 4,r a firm ri.,..te,l wi,h twenty
moos sprung coat sit print. w a warp
uo ar.lut..ct of a rower gseerariiin could row. sad a built Her own southku.e is
MRS. R. B. S M i T H.ha., shekels fTh ere' had berm a lanir.•iii ummaltual, white we ha%e.gr.w,i .a. f..ohah
Li.la's heart an she Wrae h away.' that was 1y to rely ujii.ti her in all things that we
not All the dkrppointeneut of her girlish shall our hay pay ' for ottr uonfidssoe w it li
wisher T wHtitTi�>*a"" repniwobrt-i his: . .---- -------
the text minute. He was her Lather. Hr ••I'll blow the,'inner-hums at a quarter of
gave he; more ech o•ling. too, than -roost t-celve.. suggested Mrs. Awaits. "Too ou can
tithers in town gave their .latil;btrns. and boo that a milt 0A ".
.he Was ungrateful and wicket that many ••iNut it at intervals (k; whale it
oso umosmfertal kis Aays. it ttyl'.tM 'tmade
h er 1 fr i the thtirwayl k Hop -o -my T u Ifs
tie rami aner.wta.
iA utkor of •'tbrrnt detract i et anc. r.
•• (roto' to hey boarders!
"Boetiu ('ity folks"
That was only by way of cots%rnwtion.. newel Lida at Mair, in view el -ell the adult -
No one lett city folks had nailsneSu
r,.:tgktu,. tient() work. more thou ever.. IliArdin•_ry.
board out, routine was lianl enungh, heaven lino t.•
„ l-�. Ins
wear any ordinary woman out. . No' wan
Bustin!" An all roads led to Mame. so
• well wvnnan is as unknuwty in New Heinle
in the geography of the people about en' shire as the ,i,aloor the Bong -tree, No
reads led from Boston. " Bost in . folks" 1 `'wand wad awned: only the Plain farts
might mean New lurk or PMala.lelpina eir I Were before her anal she was free t.. make
sacrament° finks, -'Rostitn- standing simply i her ..er9 choio.•, itetw(sea the thought of
for "city " in the rural New England mind. i mother ` working herself - to death in the
hen hot suntrher- days and her own enjoy•
Lida gave a final scrub to the table and , le
came out on the piazza to take in the light
big milk can. •lohn Winn haul just depount
--by the inept. He had been standing in the
doorway as he spoke. hut it had never once
occurred to him to set the cans inside. A
kinder hearted man it would have beet. lard
to find iu the whole town, but where kind •
mess eade,l and small courtesies began. then'
.lohn Winn might have been oeigli.s1 and
found wanting.
Lida was not very sociable. Softie of the
people said she hail had ..too much srhtolin'; appointment and weariness and even the skirts awl ekis t air, She showed it, • it
mebhe than was right, bat it matte her think truant hand and r,rchel cheeks were r.• welds 1 yes: not so. viii. 0ty her smileless greeting
she was a p*g above comma toles.- with unto, oto• m.1.1 mass of resell-intenttowardsand stiff ••How do you i1o'' that might
which thou_ht Mr, wenn mounted hi. wagon thew strangers. girls who woad.' he sure to have passel for cutout bsahitt rirss as by
the intangible something Milt one is so apt
rum :eel, which tells ua.h•hether fifths or i put
p•num is kindly disposed toward us. and
which i. thin secret of 'one half of what makes
some people lovable and others the reverse.
She.howed it more openly through sup-
pler. ton, in making no effort to join nu the
so brief as t
r yr " ion is her replies.
a m rsi+l
•be *Intent rode., to one ..r two pleasant little
nothing. fnm, Mrs. Koberts, aireete(t to
her personally. ' In this smileless way she
a hie of Iutter flushing au.l passed the pie and offered the ddighauts.
'' " __- Tr: Atte-tilt bawl helped to the head by
of s,a.king awl waahiut , .crubl.ing and four• spearing a slits with his fork and passing
toc with her only outing the weekly drive the plate to the guests. Vet more openly
to church and her only uqw. ,( esnrnuuli.m in the aitch :due gave her chair as Mat.
imps, petty "alp' alai evt�sting doss : drinking too fast, spilt a little of the milk
But one thing wee certain. She would toot on the table rout. Mrs. Roberts. took no
try to make foie rhe with their girls only to apparent notice. hut at Lre.(kfaet neat mon-
end at the same time too little et'tssd,
be snubbed 'hewandheaapranl i the little fellow was la.ealat her right
Such its it was, the establishment st.s.l h' in her way as they were in theirs She ' P
high hand mettaml. The elder of Ow two sisters
in the estimation of the farming clew. awl
would maintain •• proper self'mespeet. made at. • small, kindly speech likewise,
roost of its sons and daughters were stent Are the .lashes washed, I.io1a •s••
.oneerning the !s.wtuty of the country
Vett ; and the cats." through whi.•h they had dnven,jjut that,too,
there for the finishing touches after they Mrs. Amain had brought out with her a
had outgrown the district school. Thr big• g e:.•t with, no more outward response than
bio• milk pan sof peas. with which she sate) ••,.•rt pretty," though the omental was tng-
a forlornoalnte.f. forlorn looking buildingwwas in herself on the ss.. 1%ithouit work she
a larking town, a few miles up the parka i rr.
oruntey ; the instruction was en a par with would not hate .oma out. Could she hest She thinks all I ran talk shout is the
• low terms and the instructor testor taken the time for rest and idlent+s she weather, and I gorse she ste.ln't patronise
for eceen would have been in the hairrlotli rocking the country if she did e.sne fmm Morton.
Cherry with a greater reputation
chair in the sunlen sitting -mom. -
tleieity than for learning. Attention wee Let ane do that, treat ;'youjust sit on .,pint it mast he loner•me in the w inter.
It Kao the yunngmu, phase Ethel, that ap,ke,
the virtue above all others he insisted upon.
"You don't keep your eyes on your Iss.ks,' the steps their sad leak at the lovely sunset,• not particularly to Lola She Kao rt.trcuie-
he complained one day. "Yost keep looking How healthful those trees are, standing rut pyo pretty and peewees! amore dutepnken,
atonal, I want you to look in front of agaitrt, the sky : 'Ililett roe the su narb always nprtlsive nay
than slid the othe•rs.pss and nowhere rise." The scholars tried ee beautiful, I winder. or She seesnrt to pet more heel to dress. too,
a - eitsdhatly to keep their heeds as in A photo. . The *enterer was not finished, perhaps. and some obi. dainty jewelry she wore had
se's vice- Professor Cherry wen even to herself : perhaps she did not under- sttractel last.',, eye. Very quiet. very
pyaesafly to the back of the room. stawi or realise the added , , „ •, ,'. those subdued it wee, but offended'ada somehow.
',y "Fire !„ he tailed. Piot two Yeovil Roil given bet'. ilea Austin "pin tit
sure I should he like the an in 'Poor
had that the elnuds were "hand Mir Finch,'' she was runningon, with the
}y "There, I knew you wouldn't keep your
S, rine withe. whoisin t g,- habit t e or
• •yM uta your books '" said he, complacently. not osier than half w glwuce ser f one 6 t s i f saying
Tt saes ander tit is gentisesn that Lida toward them.and then the reflection, "liners doing anything that .ami into the min.{
Tend studied for the past two yeare. It was it'll he a good spell for the pertaters. Your with p erfe•t cnntiden,' that it c,ueml, not
a free and easy kind of school: toe some of father woe feared they'd be spoilt on hint if fail te, 1•e well mrivet. She Kae of l,ds's
the scholars boarding with the establishwe heel es nlnrh wet weather this year as we Awn age. "The one who took frnmething
this was somewhat unpopular
i did last.- Then she got out the huge mend- to cure him of tits, :end it turned hint lark
^test' thoughhin basket and lir patchingapair ..f fad blue. That would he nn im lexiim
owing to the p,o(esedrr's ;mut of allowing , K began )' " P by
to etch itrfividssl. am min el overalls. with a pair of snkleee, nigh kg- spring. My feeling would have .truck
feat-Vdflees, filo in the iao•kgn,nnd. thnn,yh."
dry others mall economies of a like nat nee ; ,
• o• thers providing few themselves in the eubby 1 Lida sighed again. Everything wait a They all laughe.l. all but one. that is. and
- 'soles Hwy called retains, and still othevsgiv queer medley to her jut then, awl she her she rade emir stiff little reply about not
their services dish washing. sweeping. sell dad not understand the wherefore of the finding it .Ireary- - without the shadow of a
• o• dd shires at wane neighboring house merit. sigh. snob' She hal never edea. \1".kir 1'o.11os,
tag sod night in meters for beard, and yet Is was at about five o clr.k next day that either• and that, two, she resented. Perhaps
*Uwe getting their meals at the big board- , the hoarders were to arrive, and almost to Mr. Roberts vetoed part of her turfing, for
61g -Eons serous the °Aenmos for what they_ the boor she was busy sweeping, dusting, sh.• haatened to add something shoat the
00as1d an at odd times. it was wonde'rfnl ped nuking, and then in gathering a huge ben•mt)' of the try in the softer and
' how much they did accomplish at throe odd le.i•inet of daisies and ferns Ther she put I els, in.. •01 never being lonesome a rth a
„inema•ta, towable Few Eaglets.' girls that in an nM fashuoneh brown jig for a ,entre taste for reading. "The more particularly
Uwe► avis". peat no Batting an education, pare, om the table, till by some afterthought if it is for a more waist kind than Loring en
sad to bard work, and thinking it no lard- the jug was snatched from the table and the courage* u■ to indulge in
I k s stet on nn other terms was it poeeihle. Osiers thrown out the buttery "'inane hut et en that had its sting for who was
ior da bad graduated at the head el her They should not fa mo,nentf thm(.
nk she .ring • es ale, heel the a.lmrs
,tiu , of their
e 1 iii
though to he sure the elms had res- Was trying to welcome them. And then guests after supper, as they stood in the
a at Qtly swiss. iike most if her she as. ashamed of her own childishness doorway enj,ymg the faint Armor and look
l i tln.� see hd int;ended to spssd the and unge•ntle spirit, and • god deal hung meg orlf serosa the fields to the pine
world, and she would gladly late made one.
of the bright. eager summer throng, erne It
lit were only in the humblest of charatsen-
A gun.' n.iny of the Furls were going to
'the Profile, ;and Lida was on the point of
sending in her "en appdic,atien wleti the
, kites .ague fans her mother telling of the
Lome plane for the summer , hits -the two
• big front rooms wen' to he t uniesl to rue--
.'omni leu taking Is. a Iwariers two girls.
sitters, the elder an olid, and a lady, a
widow, and her little. Ie, They would
she had worked over -the .sowing. and how "vogue awwlitigr aren't you, Miss Aus
a'naoinuplsinifgly she had gone do uuai.led tui-•." `��
'silt!' her heavy work that Lida might get it Wu re. Rehert• signitt. Mat. with a
all the "look bandit.- she wanted. limit the big iron spine. was :m ggeng at her dress,
roots of it ell trent down sleeper tlinii she 'hoot nag her. Ni,,,„„,,, mop„,,. Rhe
had any blest of, and the childish wools rhe dnt't-like me ! And I dont like her. And
haul junta Mari brought it all hack with a that's fy :••
sickening fent': and the result wiw,thtt aWhereby Ma.toneosiseiouslyuttered tuaeh
innilekess. wr-these, ids Aastins state/ tulle-- -philosophy.
kitehem,, She would root insets an 1.1f't1!'e- ': Mit, Mat', Ihwt. Ethr! : you msefa't
orirasthe boar.ler••ianle' in. leaked/laud an eniuur•te him hyo laughing s,•.'•
en ade.edl lay, iii haat, not like the rusty. They were just outside the doer, but Lida
tiled, • it that haul acednpaniesl her an her heard every word. Tike king can do no
ititrequenfstaits hotter, c.rvhnaus'• umbrellas wrong. Thekr people could .10 no right.
instual more a ". i l i -serge. 'handsome as silk. Mrs- Roberti pretty way of :asking her was
and would last thiSset tins an. long," which only imyp..erisy. 'File Others were openly
she had carried for w..i ssity years that its sneering at her, part tnulsr!y that disagreeable
durability hail become an They router -
meat there ...mid he nos hesitation, als•l the- el with an air of taking p,est•nne i "in the •- I can't go.' I've 41'4 torn mutit vi do to
dee'isteu was made" (k1.1 da it weysld have aa'te,ef lit. on and time great otttl trat fool realm. and her own woa.Is were masse
looked to the city girls -she scoopd have ran retort. The whole was hateful to the pest', and hand to her. even mu their virtuous pro
as gvc.ts, it www every hit ne hard for her to -tired, invuws, urrrrnurek, prod. citttntry t against the hypocrisy that veils its real
give up her sojourn then- in the kitchen and girl, sad, taking thew in at that first gases. flesh nailer - gentle. manners in servile fear
"hired help quarters- nom it would have been spar was t m8rna,1 in her belief that eke of sofas ' • _ another's feeliagts.
for thesis to have resigned their prospect. of shne,ulsl hate them all. Tall y..sin Mrs. ,the th �out together. )pat, run
frewolutntsnd netry'ouakiag. Roberts. in her; black gannetits, and the two ping after every 1 . erfly that came in sight.
But all the same her heart w -as s.tre, 111ad girls how pr.•ity the younger was. she at'- and every mow and n bringing to. Lis
just non "...es" oyer an.l the u'zperteol-knerwledge., ie.vol,mstari}yr,but hew delicate mother a gram.. ppr•e or wonderful mew bug
harder.. ioming un the tnorrtw all her lis.
-,the elder am Slat in 'hie' let owllereith 'jour',-sib)•t leu h.. hound.
again instead of stopping for half an hour's
chat :ani gossip, an.' ao he would has.' dome
with but small .. - . , • . t. it wa,• wetly
a night or two lichee that Lids had got
home, and •• seein' he hadn't .e.r, murk of
her t.. ap•ak on these two years. seems as
though she needn't lie so offish. Toe touch
" Jobe achor.l, that was thethetas,
decided in hie honest heart, as he- logged)
aotng. apparently, from hie attitude. allows
on knees and chin on hands, deep in motile
hem, really forced thereto by the peculiar
construction of his milk cart, of which the
roof was a foot too low, necessitating a Isom
tion that recalled the intro casuist Louis XI..
in which the victim could neither sit. stand.
n or lie down.
There may have been a germ of truth in
his self -explanation. Too much school
' hop. themselves high above her, and, tMiag b
her own Age Anil n,.'better than she. leek
down tire. her irrnua'.'die had to bake and
stew and Lees and wait upd them. To tie
esmn,I up here when she might have bests
I irarning and awing s.. mu. h sit the Profile
What was the use of trying to rise• it she
were eudentued nus live the nater humdrum
life that was all about her Where she was so
utterly out of the way of ..ppirtu pity that
doe might just as well give up first as loot awl
resign herself. without a thought lityoue : t..
•' They go es. and with hie he
iark. eyes chord and little gestures.
shah. mimickel the ins,•t's voice or iseseut
ed omnis• elitir•ly nen round. F
•'T•tey're sayin'. 'Mat. Mat t`" he ,;.toe
the irraslest low' a horn little li.,.touun
could, "How do you .o, little Mat with
mid inflections mei much emphasis, at the•
same time opening Ian ryes and gm ing his
audience a nest SedlIciti'e smile.
likely child. Rut tin leered they
,.'won't be able t.. raw• him.- eh,stcvel, Mrs.
Austin, with the ilea prevalent einem;
iouutry folk. that the. tineet human plant+
are likes%ie• throe• sides -test by the -potash,
Sure enough. taon .ane and w ith it did
not .'unit' tineTKrsadrn, rsrn after'npeateol
touting' oil the horn.
••1* end Netter AM up to the grove and
call ren. Ltsiy," said Mr.. AMitla "I'll
dish the pertatorn.
(avow's-1'14M firs' 5% IRA. ;
Nodmwehe.r instrument is re,lu,red to
• fly Nasal Halal. It Is easy to use, plea•.
a and agreeable in its effects, l's.• mnoth
lug else for catarrh awl m'u'll its heat!,
hawser ewe a Ray.
, I recently visited Eli Rider in ,on iron
barn•ul basement room of St. Anthony's
Hospital at Effingham, Ill. It was gust
7.38 p. m., and the door of the m'e,m was
suddenly closed with a bang. and firmly
bolted from,, the outside. leaving the Minato-.
aloin•. Rider became a frantic aeras at
exactly 7.40. He gourd his teeth, glared
like an enraged bast, battered the walk
taw' door with his clinched fists. slapped
his Imsssily nanaelel hands at intervals and
hurled{ the pillows and bedclothes als,ut the
apartment with awful fury, hut not a word
e,eap,l ha. laps. This continued for ten
minute.. %hen he suddenly and deliberately
.e.tet himself o, the floor. and remained in
thst !motion, ffreathing heavily. for a spate
of tts-e minutes. Then he aluupt,v arise,
and f.•r ten minutes mere ensiled the name
mammal' es-une. Finally, being attracted
by the NUM which we bele' at the a,i,low, he
can homely apersachiel, his ey.s blaring end
his teeth grating with a sound hkr that
mads by castanet.. tine of the patty called
him 1.v name. No reply "Show tn.' your
teel h.• -aid mite. Instantly he opened his
month. •'An• %oil all night now. Eli'"
anrth er milted. "Nee.- in a i..11 whisper,
half hiss. "Can we come
The nun's pulse was nrmal There was no
symptom of stutor : no sign of exhaustion
nothing tnln.lerste a dseasod ,vmobti.sn of
Hind ur ieu.ly Ho• is forty there years old :
tae a faintly of fit,• children : no hereditary
taints. no malformation, ne bail halnts, but
he s illiterate I'h•,14m, Tribune.
Mswots I C Rnnaat.A('o
s:e,ti rw►t, %breit three year. ago I
was taken very .11 with what th..Mrtor
called diphtheria. After trying every re
rely I •„old gel and finding ns relief I
thought that death wool.' Mom end my sof
fenngw. Mu a friend aolsnused me to try your
liniment After using one bottle I was Mlle
to go oil the sane a. ever. Again the
winter I had aims her attack of the same
rmplwint, leer after using your MIN.4RIES
LINIMENT a few times I was prefer-tlY
int on the Valance noels wFmere they weep pir•.md•ung them ured I oerrni'er it the best remedy for
gK either i• district srheiol toscbiag--_ ifors throat Peer offered to the hii-
at at sus
The wagonrancor in aught mit the smith melees r. inert, eenjryment with their ham oars,
Jnttww. Tries;.
MK torr w berm -h.4 she had her fiat mew of the mock• amt the mushiness , the pine needle t Lariss.P, ` V
trot, ..' ."1 w hired driveway. ►nd,.,u i„ g,A lffthH 7flai' 11f ,c,, 'sbue 5 r1'
1 W sassed pr'derahls to Ur. fYlf” '1ftPiM owe titin a ttsear ff9d1 t titlttk"fiikltn imp i ifi
M /M b u harms who gs~e
parasols -
&k red sad bine and a large dueler : they were off in • talk about them For n,.ttk rash, Swtnmer Adel u.. gen
d. tie » re •w twerp hod blsek, thea vest-7hat a different sound abort, the respective merit. of Itter•erwtive enl ',mkt purr..... ar Lou's Midplane
. i 111604'_� w sissy had tt 'the voie•es bereshreats, or Art Bonuss and Mims Right' It was all rep.
'i •
\ Yrtr.leu., Motor Tri. wile -Glue (fango&
.t Oil to ruralist. rawer Enough to
heel,. it ''ort, Ntlee- Intereatl.a \ate.
as %.'I.ur. and i'rwgr. v.
A nwaor outside for poen-rang a it fit
road vehi•e, to carry a ring'. I.n,r.•em;e,' or
tau or more 1r•'eug•.1.. a:..l u:;.e(u .bn.i I•
light lu wed, I,t, Ito•.p-usveio c..u,rtr.a• a•d
gyrate. an.t not huble to tet .out of or Ire to
the hao.ls .•t unskilled I.en.ra., ha• I mei.;'seen
...nicht for Che leu cope es of thw. .,.n ,nI u v
es well a. tease of Praia', Giamatti. Eng-
land. awl other nati'.i u, hair !oe tuglit f 'r-
warliriany plans and comh(t.atiatr of the
.% SLICE ap'roe Trt.'TC'i.F-
ro7r4 'hrsagn.t to satiefthe above is.1aies-
neute, but mu '1-. caw ha. a sufficient Ii.'R+wtt'e
of .11,.•n0 hero at:notel to load ted any
general adopt: so et such altar,... of looms..
tutu. With tin' mr ere extesdrl use oil inev-
eles and trieyelr.:, .whi'•t have berozc'» ro
popular within the hurt t tt•t.ut"i "years. efforts
have lie.•n yr.•jt1Us.�bttxcirtl I •,tbe._srkatmla-
u u •e a motor to the peue it.ruof* seld.•les
of thi. ikettript ion, the iltsi4rel iAw herrwltjt
reprr.imting the late.t stork:4 .me Bit iMh
usett.•r its thi- diwt•a'n, Mr. E!wiall H tt.
ler..•f Urw,wtn•h. EtuzLittal.
I n t lest. raaettls.' one gather of 1"r.•lentt, 'n'
betmzoktse M de.ig;peal to furni.ltt'�uM. iwtt
p.wee to aroanpoi.t• a run nt forty tribe•, it
a onied of ft'oom the+• to ten utile-, ger hiezr.
At t,am•h aide his motor ey haul. r abet Isis.
halm .mes'tet in it.» fur .tr eels that t•,
our an,ke draw. in the air oil vat•or,
another stroke nonpersons the Autry;. whirl'
bexploded at tl:e third .trok.•, anl eabso.t-'
el on the fourth. Ta • pwwuts uprate a
crank shaft curried by the. rear tar driving
wheel heat it ,p., this hub of this wheel et ,•n.
side inche ng • .p.rlally "levies* ep •a-elic
:parley Whicri-fE, triotus of tie m aft u.
ewniaiduiiak'd to the •lrtrilag wheel aul • mu
thereil,..4six t, mc. The shaft also earring
• fly w bump, aro amt.,' to be as eharm pt+ -felts
to the spokes of lk.' drivii:; sheeft Tire
motor cylinders are orb a •utn'k,l I•y a
tialsaowwj r otatiag•talre. anti tooth u Lon
are rup.phir l with rs1,..sis a ',canine hy''Inw-
ilg air through an tinier-it.r .itnate"l %.sr .
au oil reservoir e,..itaituag a.agipty .f her,
:iia aysh t. A
zule•es•, ora ...igniterpmetnsle p
%nice regulates time, it fired, enol the muixtiee
odair wit,rt'stray 1.witted to the stu•m.,er
u vuatiliasl before drtrtbntee us the cy
lu ckn The •, to . a f..trtr,tr• are
u :elvJ;wa,i by i bet e,,4•4 s--
tri'itv'missing acro,.. t.Ytuuml. flteui :n the
cylinder .-o iota. -.the .'rent-b•ani; gene-
.'turated hr a wusll si.gl-ti•ii•l Irt7rry under tiro
seat- Sto,ppsug and - 'tarting tr. effected by
rasing seal h.wennr tar t e%lug wheel farm
the gnomes! byr< f.••; lever. th• wei,fut of
this portion of - the ma,•'.ia,• is•im•.- do n
Carpets & Curtains.
Our stock of house -furnishing gooks in
Wool and Union Carpets,
Tapestry and Brussels Carpet,
a\\ ith haunters to match',
Lace Curtains,
Tapestry Curtains,
Chenille Curtains,
I4 now complete. We tnnkt' a specialty of
Either Lt' the Farm! of by the set.
Inspection of our spring struck ittv'itis!
TEE --_.,___ OF CANADA
•••V enroll by securing
the health of the p.•oplr.
There/ere uee
ttin- it rtAMtdAF'It.A
hilon'l and ism onset
flatters, ''in.: thee.' Inflow
mouths. 'Vic.
0 F:I ('tit (!H
Jl ('an. for children
111.1K PEUFt MEs.
a y-tifte+F: ANT) TATTLE
f7 rted:cites a ape..alty •.
for chaps. rte.
000$ AND KNOWr -
from Ills to de, per u:,
Slaws exquisite .doors.
,s itKSt'rtIPTI01(
I wsmk at all holm <M
.end to none Ipso.
tteet.rried''"" a» 4.tgebe; A R G A I
ti'gely. Yashiro waesil oss. Q
r RnSeel Sire s.
slilhons of riteo enol Kon,eu .ore in tl s
shire gla.it, of 'lisra.e•. Thr c;uy out a 1•y
ruing iturdoo-k Biessl Ritter., a tried taut
sure n rely for dy.j.•1ata, bthuu.rnss, ,.a,
etiprtim, s, mhmla, lad 1.1...1 runt all di•.-
cams of the stones. Is. list',. l..w•,'ls, aa.!
Ll..ol. 2 t
tkr.•wrs n;als stash 'sober whrt'et,s- lo sone orf }
the sieves the driving whr•1 r. shown naiad its w I ti n i n e 1 '
ready for .tartisg. alien this crank shrift is l n'n ag-
mu ii, ''i•m be a handle before the driver
to to his sett. The steal s f the error The ►es•IlnUos of e'a•erieli
miregu. si by atllr'the valve lever, .l: •gy is about 4,500, sad -w'• aouh1 :ay at lee.•
at -rte mile. over -heating is ptevroted one half are troubled w nth some affect len oil
by inner sire, iii though a raelia:iug the Throat .cul lunge, as these complaints
to : •-ver the drives wheel The tank is of .dre, amror.hn,; to stati.tles. Darr, uuumrrnt.
gab's. •s•kpamitt. bit with a than others Ne would*aml:iso all .nr
very large proprti sate ldIseas. Steer- trifle r+not t.. neglect the opprtunity to
tag a effected 'hr a noir r r•lisg tall un their druggi.t and get :t ham
handles actuating the fruit wheels, irk Kemp. Balsam for the Throat and Lung.:
mo%e.n soptrate. puv,raa toil th! bfeke Trial aur ftee. large Bottle Y'+: and tl.
apLpini to t.s4h i4 tins; whirl, by a tuft Ly alarirtaggistw. 2 e,w
lever. •- .._
The diamn.•ternf tint• a-bae4 b•C isr•bri sinal Mistrs\+rs Bri.lgtet. ha„ you sprrktu to. Per
the w�s4e.4 the fratgi'•g std abs engin, r'alr m Mistru t. 11 tl.r Ern. m-
are menu off oval steel .tnhag. The might,
milk rte ifs. I. its
o/ the sand bine N �wa,puttds That' arrnrsgts leaving um lately • Bridget treeently itimprteris
mens Of the parts is each thin the tni,lur a No, ma am. I never .phaken u• ehtrsngers
very eaittert, and it mm said e, be rea.lily until 1 am well asyusatnteul aid(thi-
aod easily started, the akctric igniting' not •ago 7'nlsw
Intnrluciug any difficulty. —Nriestif ,' Atasr-
Ih.peptiea may he rbterr.te,l m learnutif�g
t w• to too •tl d• f v list, ('Icseliinmf
TM MM rrwaeetMa., \i
A steam phaeton hew appeared in Yaps w
semllin;' the orris:usrr phaeton It semina
unmbrthe Indy of the carriage a boiler whirl
nun'o.t ezpl..lr, with is funnel Lent nI'rwn
and di.s•iiarging +n:.ski under tis• hawk
The great darn sena.. the American river,
I'almf-onus. ha. been ezti.b•l. The murk
es. done hs the ...nine'. of I-', dvnu prism
sal greet i.eorflu coil s.,•rue t'. 1(ai•ramentn
the sigh the eurupletiu:s of the work and the
•anal, whi-h will be cdztnetetion at a later
The a erb,n Iron .•rnpans' of Pittsburgh
haa awn rwng a 'tire.-' pr'ws'i.. of tnaking
steal arid ha• surerol sery witisfe'tory m-
eths ',avid Simpson., a blacksmith ern -
played by the rsnipany, claiml that be has
diaeorered a now promo by whirl, he ran
convert sire into steel of any '$.sirwl grade
in an h'ur't. time He say. that ha uses
Ths latest , s of the automate -
fiend is a railway Ilber'y. which tarsus a
care of hooks fitted fate railway oarnagtew.
vii purser are tobe . s
pr(.eglr.ltl.rr h ;vol
to the rasa at the wtA of the j misery. but
whet h Ie prevent one jawruger banditti
his psnneyworth to a evenpan ion who, is go-
ing on further! N ,r, irrieied, smull it be
d'flicult for a tnvelsr, with nm.wrtain ideas
on the atmbje-t o/ h•'nadt, w earns ■way
under his rug any sspr•ially thrilling tale
that he had mit tions to finish is the train
A tee nettd of producing artificial fuel
roomette in the uniting of ground morn stalks
and'iadiews with sonars peewee grew Tim
mixture is nude Into a ,,,arms slough by
mean. of water sal vigorously enrol tie_
The'lrigh is then tett Into pr,.per rn.nihba•
and exposed to an eves drying tinware infer
high pnseure Hereby Meow are prodiucel
in the form and are of briquettes, ho• ehi-h
look tress gra, The.. 'donee when tar --
meetly Ars, ar. sold as fuel They glee
greater and i•beaper heat thou 1•itnmia,ewts
Mal. and are boils. from !) to re pr own:
new neatest of harhing the blind to
write has town In"entwl by a F're.elm lady,
residing in tng•re For owns roars VIM
Ynlot bas been doing all in her power to
alleviate thea .'Thongs if thole. who have
hose ;deprived .4 eyesight MY Hoofs hoe
trawl throe rear. In bringing her new not hod
M parre•twm The srstem M a very simple
was ( email albino of Ave is -her by four,
h aving two bassi grating. at the comers.
en e/
,,,�„Qggtaim, !lea tl^ sy+ �Im•o-
- willing {'s AM.. h• • hard pawn ININIMI
paper mu wt.. taught sit Naim la
irhers.ter end ser, angular and OWN. r
antis is mom s wash leaser Y sipliftillb
w1M•k soaks' it very easy Wiled
As prrtte.tmun from the results of .olds, ,
sprains, Imams, hunt., scald., sore throat, ,
and all painful diseases, H►►ggyanl'a 1 rlksw
Ihl holds first place. Its e•ttitsry has been
prssvel thousands et tinned. it .horild he
none' tin rosy hou•rhold. 2
.% good story is told of Ritgen. the pent,.
A lady %cry fond of her husband, not with•
standing his ugliness of person. anew said to
thert : ''What .l.. you think ' My hoe- -
hand has jlat.I out fifty Vilma/Vilma/ lar a
baboon. Just t.. please me. "The dear :
little man,'' said Itogrn, " it's just like
him." London World.
eisaea's tuslnemil � • riles.•
Me 1 e cannot kindle roach eta fire wi th poker
chips. Roston (iaaette.
An inactive of horpid !suer must lie
arousarousedarousedsad all hush bile ',moved. ltordimek
Pills are hest for obi or young. lm
FOR S-1 LE --
Good Farm L
A man will receive more sympathy from
the neighbor' for his wife's ire little fault
than she wall receive for her hiubaetd's ten
lug ones. Atchison l4.,lue
Merry vs. tossilnei.
Misery is one result of biliousness er liver
complaint. Comfort is the hat result of
using Rurdor•k Blood Bitters as a remedy.
Pure is the final result always obtained.
We lark this with the strangest proof by
t est ronin Ws from reliable Canadian people. 2
There is s grrrl deal of about
aatrnnwnital stwliea, but the
sepia gets rush nut of it. Binghamton
■Iowa's Leases sea* ewes Mse. ager.
'The devil never sidis anybody to go all
the way house with him. Ram's Horn.
Some symptoms d worm. are Fewer,
colic, variable appetite, restle.asees, weak -
nem and rrmvnlaslne The unfailing nine -
sly is In. Iwaw's Worm Syrup I
'halts sties alba Rise.
St 17Harrow as ,rite orf the
He ..its•o IVMr �lece 1 oma%i m.. "
bought his coal
un eh'7Rt.w
3 On • •RAst t..r.wss•
ser », sus, isr��w e
.e. ►.... rinse •ie aid
.w........a«, was ..us.
wears. ; µWiese
+s eem.. .ofd -,--or errs row 44110 !SIMS
s.�»w�4.r«..w ...s..«.n.. seller
fwd t Marr• suer .Arw e,.e, M
ares••orae W s.»•td sea
mL[ rhtensiT.
Oa Tubages 1'e.lnl. Miran a elpes
and Laos Lake Railroad..
At pekes ranging from $1 to $ per acre.
'Mese taunts are close to E Nes
Towns. ('herc hes, Schools, etc., and will
he Sold sei Most Favorable Terms-
•rrm-y 7b
It. H. PIERCle. West nay City.
Or to J. W. CCR'j1S. Walttesra, Ml b
The Ciro
R J K. (IO
Sole Patent
SEND we wfel
t., a ant watch w
• hueselegant
jesad wit
It is soft
•w atchmakees
8E1111 $I
...fu Mad You M
Itetaised. and all 1
laic. attended to a
oar dile is me
tier, sad we At u
IAMB those renew e
send MIPI',K1. o
Timm to pa" -ria'
a t' /
we make e //.
We refer. here,
of Maury Order I
t'. S. I -s ent lien
teras and referee.
owe State or ('own
Ir t
Oemestte Pates
—Furth* seat two works at
ED. C11 'eICNE'S
OK. Meatraaiat. and R♦sa►e•
Telejshone Connection.
Es Cu.,
r.L 'n
Sc' [y
Doderich 31
in St
13 -horse -p
and en
6 -horse-'
48 -hors)
b0 -horse
The above
t elites r
d cheap
sirs wI
r MN-